Pure Cane Sugar - 220 Reviews

Brownie Caramel Cream Root Beer

Brownie Caramel Cream Root Beer
Hey kid, come here. Do you like caramel? What? No, I'm not a creepy pervert. Oh man, I just realized how this probably looks; me rolling up in a white van calling a kid over and talking about candy. This is bad. I have no ill intent I swear! I'm just part of the marketing team for Brownie Root Beer. They wanted to start something like the “Red Bull Girls.” You know the ones that just drive around and hand out cans. The thing is that it is way easier to hand out cans of energy drinks from a car with a giant can on it, instead of soda from an all-white van. I told marketing that we needed to put a wrap on this thing to let people know what we were all about, but they said it wasn't in the budget. Now I look like a creep and will probably get put on a sex offenders list or something. I really don't want to go door to door and talk to my neighbors.

Anyway, if you still want some root beer you can have it. The reason I asked you is you liked caramel is that this is a caramel cream root beer. Personally I'm not a huge fan of it. I'm a big root beer guy, but I find the added flavor rather distracting as it's really strong. I'd go as far as to say that this is 70% caramel, 25% root beer and 5% cream. Those aren't great proportions if you ask me. The more I drink the more palatable it becomes, but it's a little rough at first, especially if you're not a big caramel fan. I find it hard to be able to describe how the root beer aspect of this soda tastes because it has been so overpowered.

I really should look for a new line of work, as I seemingly talked you out of accepting a free soda and it looks like you're on your cell phone calling the police. I'm outta here.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 5/16/15, 10:08 AM
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White Rose Root Beer

White Rose Root Beer
Sometimes putting a product in nicer packaging is just not enough. Giving a terrible record a really great looking album cover may be aesthetically pleasing, but it isn't going to help the music suck any less. Now there is nothing inherently bad about this root beer. It's perfectly average, and tastes like a store brand that you would find in a big plastic 2lt bottle. Sure it's sweetened with cane sugar, but that can only take it so far. I appreciate that they put forth the effort to have this in a glass bottle and use a clean, classic, simple look to the label, but again that doesn't make the contents taste like anything special. I would happily drink this if it was served to me, but I just wouldn't go out of my way to purchase some myself.

I read some other people's reviews of this soda, and it seems that they had a very different experience than I did and said that it was an unusual root beer because it had a fruity taste to it. I simply did not get that at all, so maybe I will get another bottle of this after all and see if I notice a difference.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
White Rose
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 4/11/15, 9:56 AM
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BodyArmor Super Drink Tropical Citrus

BodyArmor Super Drink Tropical Citrus
In my sick position, I think I need to sit back and evaluate the amount of citrus I have coming in and going out of my system. I've been really good this winter and now that it's coming to a close, I think that in the change of seasons, I seem to have contracted a bit of a cold. What better way to combat it than with a barrage of EmergenC, honey, green tea and other stuff. I think that this is doing a pretty good job. It's citric and tastes primarily of pineapple. It got a picture of a coconut, grapes, oranges and pineapple on the front although none of them are credited on the back of the bottle. That's strange. I'll keep that in the back of my mind for another time.

This is good, though. I enjoy the taste of it and I think that it might have a base of coconut water that is delightfully covered up by said taste. It's certainly citric but nothing specific. That rhymes. Hey Danny Brown, use that on your next record. "Citric" and "specific." Do with it what you want. Just come out with another record. I'm so anxious.

This is good, though. I enjoy the taste of it and I think that it might have a base of coconut water that is delightfully covered up by said taste. It's certainly citric but nothing specific. That rhymes. Hey Danny Brown. Use that on your next record. "Citric" and "specific." Do with it what you want. Just come out with another record. I'm so anxious.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 3/11/15, 3:33 PM
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Dry Ginger Soda

Dry Ginger Soda
Soda has existed since the 17th century. It's had a wild ride that started from flavoring naturally carbonated mineral waters, through infusing water with carbon dioxide bubbles to where we are today. It's an interesting history, but there is one part of it that I need explained to me; at what point did companies decide that people needed their sodas to be laden with so much sugar/sweeteners? They took a beverage that was once used for its health benefits (some probably imagined i.e. Moxie and soft brain) to a drink that has been linked to obesity and other health issues. Sure I enjoy a nice sweet soda, but if that wasn't what was fed to me as a kid I wouldn't miss the sugar and I think if I drank one now for the first time ever I would proclaim it to be far too sweet, and not be able to understand how people enjoyed it. All one needs is bubbles and flavor. Sure the sugar brings out the flavor a little more, but it only takes a little bit of it to do that. Dry knows this and used that practice in their soda making. This 12oz soda has 16g of sugar. A can of Coke of the same size has 39g. That is an insane difference. I would never say that this soda I'm drinking wasn't sweet; it's just not more sweetener than flavor. Also, the health difference is enormous.

The sugar content does make a big difference in the flavor as well. It has a real ginger flavor to it, and does not taste candied. The ginger flavor is actually fantastic, and this is what I want out of a ginger ale. It's not a ginger beer, but it's on that same road. Normally ginger ale always feels like it's on the access road that runs parallel to the highway that ginger beer travels. It's the highway of kings.
Ginger and Soda Pop
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 1/18/15, 2:35 PM
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Lotus Botanical Elixers Balance Mind & Body Raspberry Infused

Lotus Botanical Elixers Balance Mind & Body Raspberry Infused
I have never been to a spa. I feel like the intended relaxation would fail and I would be left feeling anxious. You know, now that I think about it I really don't know what exactly happens at a spa. I imagine massages are the norm, and that I'm okay with. It's the facials, mud baths (do those exist outside of movies?), and things like that which leave me uncomfortable. I feel like my version of relaxation is very different from the bulk of society. I don't even truly know what my relaxation is, but it's not just awkwardly sitting somewhere with goop on me, constantly wondering how much time I have left. Wow, I sound like turd dude there, but honestly is everything…€¦..right?

Why am I talking about spas? Well, to me this drink tastes like what I imagine you would be served at such a establishment. Now I doubt spas serve anything carbonated, and probably just give everyone cucumber infused water or something along those lines, but to me this is the taste of self-indulgence and relaxation. Actually it tastes like someone overly infused some water with raspberries and added a touch of sugar as well as a few botanicals. It's light but still fruity, just the way I like it. It's the taste of reflection, if you want to be arty about it. Even though it has natural caffeine in it it's the type of beverage I can sip and relax and go over my life without having a freak out. This company is all about balance, and I have to say that it comes across in the way their beverages affect me. It makes me want to sip on a can and then walk through a portion of the woods where I am sure to not encounter another human and just take it all in.

I'd like to stress that this is not a relaxation drink in the way Marley's Mellow Moods are. It's not going to put you to sleep. It's simply going to let you settle and reflect. You know what if this was involved with a spa maybe I would put up with people touching my face (which I hate). At least the anxiety would be turned down to a minimum.
Relaxation and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Lotus Botanical ElixersWebsite@LotusElixirs
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Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 1/17/15, 11:50 AM
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Dry Apple Soda

Dry Apple Soda
Dry Soda is known for their more “outsider” flavors. When they hit the market it was with flavors such as lavender, juniper berry and vanilla bean. Since then they have expanded their line to include their take on more traditional flavors, which are available only in cans and not glass bottles. At first I was unsure of this company, as like most Americans I was a soda junky. Over the years my palate has refined and I have grown to enjoy a light, dry soda. I don't need so much sugar in my life, and these sodas work perfectly to cover my need for bubbles that are flavorful.

If you are familiar with most apple sodas that are on the market, then you know that they tend to be some of the sweetest pops that you can find. Dry didn't fall into that trap. They kept their mission statement, which I can only assume is “Use sugar sparingly,” and made a lightly sweetened soda that is just great. I could drink this stuff all day. It's mostly sparkling water, but there is enough apple flavor in there to quench your longing, without being overpowering. It almost tastes unnatural for an apple flavor to be so light in a drink, but it's well worth your time and money, so I can only hope you are at the market looking up what we thought of this drink, and then you go and buy them out.
Soda Pop and Sparkling
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Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 11/2/14, 5:46 PM
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Phancy Soda Chanh Vietnamese Sparkling Limeade

Phancy Soda Chanh Vietnamese Sparkling Limeade
When I first read this companies website, I immediately thought to myself, “These people are either completely unaware of the market, or they are a bunch of dirty liars.” You see they claimed that in 2012 they released “the first packaged, shelf stable, ready-to-drink, & natural Vietnamese Sparkling Limeade beverage.” I thought to myself, I've had limeade before, this is nothing new, those liars!” Then I looked back at prior reviews on Thirsty Dudes and I realized that all of the limeades I have drunk in the past were either still beverages or they were mixed with cherry if they were carbonated. None of them would be considered classic sparkling limeade. I take back the thoughts I had in my head Phancy. Your statement may very well be correct, even if it blows my mind that this hasn't been marketed before.

The genius of this beverage is in its simplicity. The only ingredients are sparkling water, lime juice and cane sugar. It tastes authentic and homemade. It actually tastes like someone squeezed a lime into sweetened water, which is how it should taste, because that is what it is.

Obviously this leads me to think of lemonade with the primary ingredient swapped out for limes. That lead me to wonder if children in Vietnam set up limeade stands in front of their house, like kids sell lemonade in the states. I hope they do, because that sounds delicious.
Juice, Soda Pop and Sparkling
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 10/30/14, 11:42 AM
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Filbert's Ginger Beer

Filbert's Ginger Beer
What is wrong with me? Why do I do it? Why do I love sodas that cause me physical pain? Ginger beer is one of my favorites, yet it hurts. Oh how it hurts. I had an overnight drive and instead of downing an energy drink I decided to drink this bottle of ginger beer. Every time I felt a bit sleepy, I took a sip. What better way to stay awake then by giving your throat a nice liquid kick of fire?

Overall this is a pretty standard ginger beer. It's nice and sweet with a decent burn that you feel in your throat as well as your stomach. This is basically the non-alcoholic version of a shot of whiskey. It's not insanely intense, but it's enough and sometimes that is exactly what you're looking for.
Ginger and Soda Pop
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 10/22/14, 6:35 PM
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Zuberfizz Key Lime Cream Soda

Zuberfizz Key Lime Cream Soda
When you promise cream soda, you better deliver on some cream soda. Like root beer it is a special flavor, that when you want it, you're body seems to think it needs it to survive. You will feel weird and jittery until your need is satiated. Sadly this bottle of Zuberfizz will leave you with the shakes, as it doesn't taste like cream soda at all. It's a strange thing because the other two cream sodas we've had from this company were quite nice, but the base of this just tastes like generic sweetened soda water.

Do you want to talk about Key Lime? Well this soda has you covered there. It tastes like real key lime, without being overly, intensely sweet. If this were labeled a key lime soda with no mention of cream soda I would think that it was great, but man were my expectations not met. Like Sprecher, it also has that strange flavor that accompanies soda that has been fire brewed in a kettle. It's not unpleasant, but it something that takes a little acclimation.

Zuberfizz, you nailed it with the key lime, but you failed on the cream soda part of the exam. I think that means you have to go to summer school. Give Mark Harmon my love.
Soda Pop
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 9/28/14, 10:08 AM
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Dublin Cherry Limeade

Dublin Cherry Limeade
Dublin is famous for many things. Mostly all I care about are bands from there; U2, Thin Lizzy and My Bloody Valentine to name a few. I once played an insane house show in that very Irish city, where kids were literally spilling out of windows. Dublin is also the home of the first bottling of Dr. Pepper. Oh wait, that is a completely different city, in a completely different country. For years when people talked about Dublin Dr. Pepper I really thought that it was made in Ireland. As it turns out it was made in a little town in Texas, until the higher ups at Dr. Pepper shut down production due to breach of contract (I believe). It's a shame because I know a lot of people really loved the cane sugar version in the glass bottle. One such person is Cassandra Peterson (aka Elvira) who wrote a nice eulogy of the soda for us.

To be honest I didn't even know the plant was still in operation. I certainly had no idea that they had their own line of sodas. I figured they were a bottler for Snapple or something. I'm glad they kept going because I am one for tradition and my ladyfriend will sigh and vouch that I am not one for change. This company has been bottling soda since the late 1800s, and that is awesomely ridiculous.

As a nod to the old days this bottle has a nice retro look. I feel dirty for typing those words because most things that are described as retro end up being cheap and not worth anyone's time. This though, this is a nice look for a classic soda flavor. Actually I don't know if Cherry Limeade is in fact a classic flavor, but it always seemed like something that should be available at the soda shoppe. If you're not familiar with the flavor, the name says it all. It's like a sparkling lemonade (made with limes instead of lemons) with cherry syrup mixed in. It's like a Shirley Temple without the lemon in the lemon-lime base. This may not taste like real fruit, but I don't think I would even want it to. There are some flavors of soda that should be straight up sugary sweet and syrupy. This is one of them, and Dublin has done it right.
Soda Pop
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 8/4/14, 9:49 PM
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BodyArmor Super Drink Strawberry Banana

BodyArmor Super Drink Strawberry Banana
I'll tell you something and you're not going to like it, Carlos. I don't like bananas. I know you're crazy about them joints but me, man, I don't like them. You just handed me this drink and I don't know man, I don't think I can handle it. I'm not allergic or anything but I just don't like them. You don't have anything else to drink? Man. You know what, dude? I'll do it.

Carlos, I might owe you an apology. Maybe you know me better than I thought. Maybe you know me better than I know myself because this drink isn't bad and even though there is a hint of banana, I'm not about to spike it in your living room like you would a controller when I whoop you in Halo. This is mostly strawberry, which everyone loves and you can't taste the coconut too much and this has been sitting there for a while. That's when coconut blows is when it's warm. The banana, yeah, it's in there but I'm not eating a banana and this is accompanied by better, stronger fruits.

Dude, alright. That grief I gave you earlier, you didn't deserve it. I had a bad day. I ate a bad breakfast burrito and it disagreed with me. I'm alright now, man. Sorry. Now grab that controller. I'm'a whoop you!
Coconut and Juice
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 6/30/14, 2:42 PM
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Reading Draft Premium Reserve Soda Vanilla Cream

Reading Draft Premium Reserve Soda Vanilla Cream
Part of a good, quality cream soda is that it's smooth. It should taste like I'm drinking vanilla ice cream, right? Well this drink tastes like someone forgot to put ice cream in and put sparkling non-alcoholic champagne in instead. I mentioned to this to Jay and he told me that it's a shame because the blueberry birch beer was "sensational." This is much less than that. This is disappointing because I really want to sit and mellow out with a mellowed out pop but I got something I feel like I've got to quickly come with something to celebrate about in order to drink. This is nothing to celebrate about.
Soda Pop
Reading DraftWebsite
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 1/18/14, 11:59 PM
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Avery's SODAsdusting Zombie Brain Juice

Avery's SODAsdusting Zombie Brain Juice
Scientist Douglas Avery does not believe that the recent zombie attacks necessarily mean the end of human life as we know it. He believes that the world can not only survive, but also continue to thrive. The man with the beakers insists that the answer is simply to create a product that will trigger the neurotransmitters (yeah they still have those working…€¦weird I know) into thinking that they have just consumed human brains. Once that has happened they will become docile for a period of time, in a state of junked out bliss. You see way brains affect the walking corpses of the world is very similar to how a mixture of heroin and PCP affect humans. They need it, and they need it now, but once they get their fix they are content for hours.

Through his endless research Avery has created a compound that proves his claims. He calls it Zombie Brain Juice, or as it's more commonly referred ZBJ. Originally he had intended to create an aerosol spray to administer the “medicine” to the zombies, but the effects just did not last as long as they needed to. Injections were clearly not an option because of the danger to those providing the shots. The solution was to leave cases of ZBJ littered around cities. For some reason the dead who still shuffle still love the idea of soda pop. I mean who doesn't, but it's still weird to see them twist off a cap. They can't open doors, yet they remember how to open a bottle of soda. That's muscle memory for you.

The idea of ZBJ has become such a hit that Avery Laboratories has even created a version that is safe for human consumption. It's pretty much just a normal orange soda with a little bit of artificial strawberry flavoring in it to give it a little zazz. It's all the rage with the kids, and it comes with one of the best images on a soda label that I have ever seen. Science it great and it has once again paved the way for our salvation.
Soda Pop
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 1/13/14, 12:26 PM
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Argo Tea White Tea Acai Squeeze

Argo Tea White Tea Acai Squeeze
What we have here is a subject that is more than just a sweetened lemon tea, but at the same time it is not quite a half and half, or Arnold Palmer if you will. Argo walks the line, and they do it with the perfect grace of a Flying Grayson. While their balance is impeccable, the true majesty of this iced tea is the restraint they have showed. Up until this liquid hit my lips I had never tasted a beverage that was lightly flavored with acai. When they superfruit is involved it has always been all or nothing, and let me tell you it has one strong flavor. Argo held back with the acai. It's definitely in there, but it's more of a general flavor that let's everything else shine as well. As soon as you take a sip it is obvious that the base of this is white tea that has nicely been blended with lemon juice as previously mentioned. The treat for me is that you can taste the cane sugar in it, even though the drink is not overly laden with it (less than 25g in the bottle).

Acai is not a flavor that I normally reach for. I'm actually not a very large fan of it, but Argo Tea has found a way to use it in tandem with other ingredients and make it delicious. It has assumed a roll as part of a democratic team, instead of the vicious dictator that it normally rules as.
Iced Tea and Lemonade
Argo TeaWebsite@argotea
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Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 12/23/13, 11:09 AM
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Argo Tea Hibiscus Tea Squeeze

Argo Tea Hibiscus Tea Squeeze
Were there teas made to accompany a science fiction movie based in the desert? No one knows for sure, but I would like to start off those rumors that have not previously exists, right now. There it is. I am now claiming this tea was made as a marketing aid for a fake movie to get US soldiers out of Iran. No one told the tea company that the movie was a fake. They were just about to launch a line of teas and they didn't have a name, and tying it in with what would obviously be a popular movie seemed like a nice cash grab. Too bad for them it never came to be. Also, too bad for them that Ben Affleck decided to make a movie based on said fake movie and draw attention back to the name. Did any of this really happen? No one knows. The answers have all been lost in the sands of time. Maybe the truth will come out under a cowl with a gruff voice in the near future.

Whatever its origins may be Argo makes one heck of a tea. They have messed around with various incarnations, and I am pleased that they keep coming back to using hibiscus as their tea base. If you don't like hibiscus you are a fool, plain and simple. This beverage is simply hibiscus tea, cane sugar and lemon juice. The last ingredient is what makes it part of their “squeeze” line, which is their fancy versions of the half and half, or Arnold Palmer game. I am a fan. It tastes like real lemon and not some gross cleaner. I don't understand how so many companies get the lemon flavor wrong, but Argo is right on the money.

This is a “no way to lose” beverage. It's a quality lemonade mixed with hibiscus tea, with no extraneous ingredients. I love it and so should you, unless you want your taste buds to be wrong. I don't mean to be a jerk, but if you don't like this you should go see your physician, because something has gone wonky inside your mouth.
Iced Tea and Lemonade
Argo TeaWebsite@argotea
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Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 11/30/13, 6:58 PM
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Avery's SODAsdusting Bug Barf (Kiwi Pineapple)

Avery's SODAsdusting Bug Barf (Kiwi Pineapple)
The moth caterpillars may be the species on this planet that produces the most products in comparison to its size. Not only are these little guys gathered together to harvest the silk they spin out of their butts to make fancy dresses (yes your designer dress once came from a bug's butt, charming isn't it) and sheets that are far to slippery for anyone to get a good nights sleep, but they also produce a high quality product from the other side of their body. While these little fellas are busy popping out smooth fabric, they are also puking up a sweet carbonated substance.

Avery's Soda has decided there was a market for the liquid that moth caterpillars vom all over themselves, and have created a soda using it as the base. It has a general cane sugar sweetened soda flavor to it, with some hints of kiwi and pineapple to it. It most certainly tastes like candied fruit, and for that fact little kids eat it up. I will advise that parents tell their children that it's just a funny name for the soda, and not what it actually is: insect puke.
Soda Pop
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 11/3/13, 6:34 PM
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BodyArmor Super Drink Blueberry Pomegranate

BodyArmor Super Drink Blueberry Pomegranate
The beverage world, and the flavor world at large went crazy with pomegranate a few years back. It was everywhere. They started mixing it with other fruits and the results were largely positive. Then someone decided to throw acai in the mix because of the health benefits, and that's where I lost interest. Before long it seemed that everywhere you turned pom and acai were teamed up like the Justice League of antioxidants. The thing is acai doesn't taste all that great. Sure it's palatable, but it's nothing I would go out of my way for.

When I got this drink it brought a smile to my face that that dumb super fruit was nowhere to be found. I'm going to associate acai with Superman here. They both have powers, but they are overall dumb characters that always seem like they are cheating. I suppose that would make pomegranates Batman then. They are dark and mysterious with secrets hidden below their thick outer shell. I can get behind pomegranates. I was also glad to see that pom is working together with blueberries in this mix. We'll call them Nightwing because they are working together and not as a superhero/sidekick team.

This is a wonderful drink that fights antioxidants (crime) enough to keep them out of your body (Gotham) long enough for it to recuperate. They do it in a tasty and enjoyable way with a little bit of help from coconut water (Oracle…€¦see I told you Nightwing was more appropriate). This is actually more of a blueberry adventure with pomegranate backing it up. Speaking of which, why are there not more, if any, blueberry coconut waters. I would drink that up by the gallon.

This drink will leave you refreshed and rehydrated whilst leaving a sweet taste on your tongue. I'm going to assume that most of my references were lost on a majority of you, but just know that if I'm associating a beverage with Gotham's finest; I mean business.
Coconut and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 10/30/13, 4:07 PM
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Deer Park Nature's Blends Acai Grape

Deer Park Nature's Blends Acai Grape
You know the park down the street from where you live? You know how occasionally you'll see a deer on the side of the road near there at dusk, and it will quickly run away? Well, that is because it just remembered that it's going to be late for the nightly deer meeting. That's right after everyone heads home from the part, and before the local trouble makers show up, the deer gather in the clearing in the little patch of trees that the little kids call the forest and discuss the news of the day. You know, things like which houses have gardens that aren't fenced off and where the best areas to sleep during the day are. Seriously where do they go? I have been in the woods, and in suburban fields that are the only areas where deer could go to sleep, and I have never come across them. Are they like Einstein and only sleep 15 minutes at a time?

Recently a point of contention at these meetings has been about where they should get their antioxidants. You see one of them came across a health magazine that had been left in the park by some turd and read the benefits of antioxidants. The deer realized they had been missing out on a crucial part of their diet, but none of the fruits mentioned in the article could be found in their area.

Ultimately they decided to ransack a convenience store after it had closed. One of the elders with larger antlers smashed the window and they all stepped right in. They tried a bunch of different beverages, but the majority of them preferred the acai grape flavored one. They thought it was fairly similar to another company called Vitamin Water (yes deer can read when they are from space, oh didn't I mention that part?) The drink was sweet, but light. It mostly tasted like the grapes they found on vines in the fall, but it had a little extra (light) kick to it. The best part was that this beverage wasn't nearly as sweet as the others. It was like fruit and water mixed.

Content, they headed back to the “forest” to get ready for the day of secret, hidden sleep ahead of them. Maybe they just slept in a spaceship since they were space deer.
Juice and Water
Deer ParkWebsite@DeerParkWtr
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Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 10/18/13, 10:32 PM
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Jin + Ja Fresh Ginger - Cayenne - Mint - Green Tea - Lemon

Jin + Ja Fresh Ginger - Cayenne - Mint - Green Tea - Lemon
The tale of Jin and Ja is as timeless as Disney would like you to believe Beauty and the Beast is. Two star-crossed lovers doomed because of their families…€¦wait that's not it. Is it something about a monkey and a talking car? Hmm. Whatever the tale we here at Thirsty Dudes are constantly on the prowl for the perfect ginger beer. The kicker is that I think I now hold it in my hands, but it's not a soda at all, due to its lack of carbonation. The perfect version of ginger ended up being some sort of weird tea type drink. I say that because it doesn't taste like tea at all.

Jin + Ja is a healthy elixir that combines ginger, cayenne, mint, green tea and lemon. It has one of the craziest burns I have ever experienced with a beverage in my life. It burns as soon as it hits your mouth, and it has an incredibly strong cayenne/ginger after burn. It's so strong that I can only drink the tiniest of all glasses at one sitting. I've actually been sipping on about 8oz of liquid for the past hour. I'm savoring every sip, which is how this should be enjoyed.

In-between the initial and post burn you get a nice sweet lemon flavor, with a very light hint of mint. The “heat” overpowers most of the tea flavor, but I'm not complaining. I just poured myself a little more, and the little that I poured makes me feel like I'm sitting here pouring shots for myself. Speaking of which, this would probably be a great mixer for some liquors.

My warning is that this drink is not for everyone. I seek out spicy ginger drinks, and this is almost too much for me to handle. My ladyfriend had the tiniest of sips, under duress, and she was writhing in pain yelling about the burn afterwards. Perhaps it will become the new” Cinnamon Challenge” or the “100 Warhead Challenge.” How much Jin + Ja can you drink before your head explodes like in Scanners?
Ginger and Iced Tea
Jin + JaWebsite@JinJadrink
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 10/13/13, 9:01 PM
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Spikes Root Beer

Spikes Root Beer
How many hot dogs can you eat? Do you have the fervor it takes to take on the former world champion Takeru Kobayashi, or do you just like to take it easy and eat a whole mess of dogs at a leisurely pace? Either way if you can force down at least six dogs at Spike's Junkyard Dogs in New England you can get yourself a t-shirt and a picture on the wall. I wouldn't say it's an elite group that has achieved this as the walls are basically covered in said pictures, but there is a certain pride that comes with it.

If you still have room in your gullet after you have downed an unhealthy number of hot dogs (or veggie dogs) I would suggest ordering yourself a bottle of their store brand root beer. You would think that for a store brand it would be some average root beer that is normally made by a different company, but that has been rebranded. It seems that Spikes has had this specifically brewed for them. It's sweetened with cane sugar, which puts them ahead of the average game if you ask me. On top of that it's fairly heavy with the wintergreen, which makes it stand out as slightly different amongst its peers. It doesn't taste like it's just made from a mix, or with “root beer flavoring.” I suppose after you eat 23 hot dogs (the greatest number consumed at the location we were at) you're probably not going to notice the subtleties of the flavor though.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 10/2/13, 10:12 AM
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