Other/Weird - 154 Reviews

Chin Chin Grass Jelly Drink Lychee

Chin Chin Grass Jelly Drink Lychee
We've all licked an old woman before, right? Whether it be on a dare of for pleasure, we know what old women taste like. Whenever we, the Thirsty Dudes, drink anything lychee, it brings us to horrid nights where we used to spend time with old ladies. Dancing, swooning, and kissing on the cheek. Lucky for us, this drink was a little bit different.

Right off the bat, the cane sugar is apparent as can be and actually tastes very good. It's like it almost has a bite like it was freshly made with real cane. I do not doubt that it's real, but it's the freshness of it that took me off guard. The chunks are as lovable as always; multisized and incredibly prominent. You can't get a sip in without getting a mouthful of those little gummy buggers. If you were scared of them and you tried to skim through your teeth, you would be left with a mass of gummy chunks on your teeth, which might be worse for you.

The flavor was actually pretty good. It was strong and very floral but it wasn't too much like many of the other lychee drinks that we've done in the past. All together it was a pretty good mix of sweet, chunky, interesting, and fruity. It was surprising.

We drank this on air for the sixty-third installment of the Buffalo Eats podcast. They seemed to like it and we all agree that it was not as bad as we thought that it would be which made it more than acceptable. Listen to our other podcast and the rest of Donnie's podcasts. He's a great dude and easily gets sidetracked by talks of music, video games, and other odds and ends just like us.
Chunky and Other/Weird
Chin ChinWebsite
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 3/26/13, 10:07 AM
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Tumeric The Elixer of Life Vegan Elixer

Tumeric The Elixer of Life Vegan Elixer
I cannot stress enough how this is not for everyone. I mean I think it's pretty obvious from the name and the ingredients listed right on the front that Joe and Sara Hamburger stand would never buy this in a million years to try, but I still feel like I needed to give a disclaimer. While it is not as intense as the vanilla bean flavored one, this ton bottle packs quite a punch. It's an extreme anti-oxidant cleansing formula full of turmeric, ginger, cardamom, spearmint, agave, lemon, sea salt, cayenne and cinnamon. Think about all of that mixed together. Doesn't it sound more like some sort of fancy soup, than a health drink? Well, that's pretty much what it tastes like a cold fancy soup that tastes like it just has to be insanely good for you, which it is. I know Tumeric is going to a niche market with this drink, but if they wanted to reach a wider audience perhaps marketing it as a healthy cold soup would interest more people. Who knows though, I'd gather that a large majority of the people in this world wouldn't care regardless. At least people would know what they were getting into before trying it though. If I were told this was a soup, my body would have been more prepared. As it is now, it's telling me, “Are you sure we should be ingesting this?” The answer is yes, of course.

The sweetness of the agave takes away a lot of the harshness of the other ingredients. It still tastes the way a spice shop smells, but that is what it is essentially. If you think about each of the ingredients while you are dinking it, each are easily identifiable. The ginger and the cayenne give it a nice little burn that I enjoyed a great deal, but my ladyfriend thought was a bit too much. What does she know though? She's no professional.
Juice, Other/Weird and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Jason Draper on 3/24/13, 2:23 PM
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Tumeric The Elixer of Life Vanilla Bean

Tumeric The Elixer of Life Vanilla Bean
This is one of the craziest drinks I have ever tried. In true Thirsty Dudes fashion I tried it before looking at the ingredients list. I like to see if I can figure out what's in it on my own, instead of actively looking for flavors that I know to be in it. Now due to that I had expected this to have a juice base with everything else thrown in the mix for the health benefits (anti-oxidant, cleansing, increased metabolism, alkalize muscle tissues, boost your immune system, help with digestion and circulation, promote skin health, and help with detox). After one sip, I knew I was wrong. What we have here is a water based drink that has raw honey, lemon juice, turmeric, ginger, Celtic sea salt, spearmint, cayenne and whole vanilla bean added to it. Depending on who you are that could either be ridiculously enticing, or make you want to dump it into a landfill without so much as cracking the seal. For those of you who fall in the latter category, stop being such babies and give “weird” things a try.

I will be the first to admit that this is certainly not a drink for everyone, and I'm not even certain that it's for me, but I happily gave it a try. It basically tastes like someone took a bunch of spices and mixed it into a drink to be a jerk and give it to their friend. The thing is that it didn't work the way the jerk was hoping. His friend didn't throw up. The honey and the vanilla made the rest of the spices not seem too insane. They mellowed it all out a bit. The friend didn't blow chunks upon drinking it, and in fact he enjoyed it in some strange way.

While this is not something that I would ever drink for enjoyment, it's an interesting twist on a health-based beverage. If I think about them as I drink it I can taste each individual ingredient. When was the last time you had a drink that you could do that with? Tumeric calls this “Yoga in a bottle,” and I have no complaints to say otherwise.
Other/Weird, Sports/Dietary Supplement and Juice
United States
Raw Honey
Jason Draper on 3/12/13, 1:46 PM
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Crystal Beach Sparkling Loganberry

Crystal Beach Sparkling Loganberry
This ain't your grandma's loganberry. This, my friends, is the first carbonated loganberry drink. It was hard to avoid loganberry as a kid growing up in Western New York. It seemed like every corner store and restaurant had one of those continuously flowing glass loganberry dispensers next to the soda fountains. I know I would drink a tall glass of the insanely sugary drink easily as a kid, but I wouldn't even dare to do so now. I recently came across some in a fountain and found the flavor nostalgic, but the drink to be too thick with sweetener.

When I heard the news of a sparkling loganberry drink hitting the shelves at Tops this past weekend, I was expecting it to be a loganberry soda. To my surprise when I picked up the 4-pack, I noticed they used pure cane sugar as a sweetener instead of high fructose corn syrup that is usually in loganberry. I wanted to drink a bottle on the way home but I resisted so we could all try it together when we recorded a podcast with Buffalo Eats later that evening.

Was it worth the wait? Most definitely! While this is a sparkling drink, it's very lightly carbonated which is really nice. The cane sugar also makes it very light and lets the loganberry flavor shine through. All my life I've been drinking loganberry that was drowning in corn syrup, so it's nice to finally be able to taste loganberry for what it is. The light and fruity taste reminds me a lot of Izze drinks, or HotLips soda.

I think this drink has a little something for everyone. If you grew up on loganberry, you need to try this. If you've never liked loganberry because it was too sweet, pick up a bottle and see if you like this because it's much different that any loganberry you've ever tasted.
Other/Weird and Sparkling
Crystal BeachWebsite
United States
Cane Sugar
Derek Neuland on 3/12/13, 4:55 AM
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Chin Chin Grass Jelly Drink Pandan Leaf

Chin Chin Grass Jelly Drink Pandan Leaf
When we were at the Asian market, Jay asked if I wanted this pandan leaf drink. I heard "panda meat" and although I knew that wasn't true, I wanted it nonetheless. I'm not surprised they don't have meat-flavored drinks but they're close with Clamato and I had a Goya with clam in it that wasn't half bad. It was like a briny V8. This, on the other hand, was not as good as the other grass jelly drinks I have had. It smelled and tasted like corn cereal. I don't know what pandan leaf is. The crude illustration on the can makes me believe that it looks like an aloe leaf but this didn't taste like aloe at all. There is cornstarch in this drink, which seems odd to me. What business does cornstarch have in a drink? I can't think of one.

Flavor aside, I missed the chunks. This had aloe-esque chunks in it rather than the generous chunks that I wanted and expected and expected my intern to drink. He got off easy today. Better luck next time, malicious me.
Chunky and Other/Weird
Chin ChinWebsite
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 2/22/13, 2:46 PM
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Mayesa Cacao Original

Mayesa Cacao Original
Thirsty Dudes have a friend called "The Hammer." The Hammer is a great man who has affection for good, high quality chocolate. "Do you want to try a square?" he says to me. I never deny. Why? It's chocolate, number one, but it's always and definitely good chocolate because he only buys the good stuff. If he were with me right now, at my desk at work, I would have him drink this with me. This is chocolate milk for adults. It's bitterer than chocolate milk and has a natural taste to it. It's more woody and chalky than you would expect a generic chocolate milk to be so for that reason, you might not like it. I like it. The mint version is a bit more "entry level" if you ask me, but I think this one is good, too. The qualities of a good chocolate aren't always what make a good chocolate drink, though. Like I said, it's good, but it is going to be a bit more bitter than people might like. Still sweet but not as creamy as the kids would like. Hence chocolate milk for adults.
United States
Organic Evaporated Cane Juice
Mike Literman on 2/1/13, 11:31 AM
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Drink Chia Mango Tangerine

Drink Chia Mango Tangerine
If you're looking for bold flavors, then look elsewhere. If you're looking for something mild with some health benefits that will help curb your hunger then here you go. It has a light citrus flavor that if you concentrate enough does in fact taste kind of like mangos and tangerines.

I'd like to hire Dustin Hoffman's character from Rainman to count how many chia seeds are actually in this drink. I'm guessing at least three thousand, but it's hard to tell. I'd say this is 55% liquid and 45% seed. You get hundreds of seeds in your mouth with every sip, but if you try to chew them, they just slip right around your teeth. It's a fun little game.
Chunky and Other/Weird
Drink ChiaWebsite@DrinkChia
United States
Organic Evaporated Cane Juice
Jason Draper on 1/28/13, 9:55 PM
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Hung Fook Tong Grosvenor Momordica Fruit Drink

Hung Fook Tong Grosvenor Momordica Fruit Drink
What can I say about the grosvenor momordica that hasn't been said a million times before? I mean it is the most common foodstuff on this planet we call Earth. I can't remember a day when I didn't wake up in the morning and pour myself a large bowl of grosvenor for breakfast. Well I must have been but a wee child the last time I went without it.

For those of you who are visiting from other planets or galaxies I will do my best to describe this most familiar of foods. I mean how does one describe something that is as common as water? It is a fruit that grows on a vine that, and it is said to be 300 times sweeter than sugar, but it is naturally low in calories. You may also know it by it's more commonplace name: monk fruit. When it's made into a drink like this one it is typically mixed in with some liquorice root. The result is a beverage that is fairly sweet, but tastes like a watered down throat coat tea. I can't believe I actually typed all of that out since you all obviously know exactly what it tastes like. I'm sure the mental image I painted left your mouth watering and you made your way to the pantry to prepare yourself a nice little snack that will give you the comfort of your childhood blankie.
Juice and Other/Weird
Hung Fook TongWebsite
Extract of Grosvenor Momordica Fruit
Jason Draper on 1/6/13, 11:24 AM
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Mayesa Cacao Dark Chocolate Mint

Mayesa Cacao Dark Chocolate Mint
Today, on National Chocolate Day I have chosen to drink this delectable drink. I don't normally blow the review in the first sentence but why waste my time? This is wonderful. It's dark and naturally bitter and has a strong but inoffensive mint kick to it. It's properly thick and vegan so all can enjoy it. Note that this is expensive as far as drinks go clocking in at $2.50 but honestly, as a sweet treat, it's worth it. It tastes like hot chocolate cooled down and put in an adult juice box. Oh, what I wouldn't give to relive my childhood with rich parents who put this juice box in my lunch every day. Look, my parent's are great but we're admittedly "middle class" and to have this little buddy in my bag every day would cost $12.50 per week, $50 per month, or $500 per school year. That's too much to spend on a kid's dumb lunch bag. Added reason not to give this for lunch is that this is the top of the ladder when it comes to "trades," so you, a hard working parent, are having your luxury traded for another turkey sandwich and some gummy worms. I wasn't a big trader but some kids were. Pudding for this, Jell-O for that. This trumps all. You would be crowned king or queen of the lunchroom and your fame would get to your head, your grades would suffer and people would start doing your homework for you in order to get a taste of your drink, the teacher would find out you were cheating and you would get failed right out of fourth grade. You would be the oldest kid and people would call you a dummy all because of your drink. Parents don't let this happen to your kids. Give them juice like all the other parents. Save this for home when they get good grades on a math test or something. No one kid should have the power this drink would instantly grant them.
United States
Organic Evaporated Cane Juice
Mike Literman on 12/24/12, 12:44 PM
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Fuzhou Olive

Fuzhou Olive
I found this drink once before and did not buy it because it was two years expired. It sought me out and demanded I drink it. Now, I found this and my heart dropped because I thought this was going to be the drink to "do it." What do I mean by "do it?" Why, throw up, of course. I put this in the fridge today in anticipation of possibly doing it, but I'm a Thirsty Dude, I have to drink everything. This is part of everything, ergo I have to drink it.

First sip was a tiny sip. If this were going to make me sick, the sip I took would have warned my body that terror was about to strike. It was prefacing my body to prepare for the onslaught that was about to come. My poor body. It probably hates me. I throw absolute garbage at it every day and it does me pretty well.

I was surprised, though. It was not poison but an almost drinkable beverage. If you can imagine a green olive inside a lemonade, that would be this. A kid martini. It tasted a lot less like a green olive than I was expecting. I'm not drinking more than 10% of this as I still fear it but I conquered it nonetheless.

In closing I will tell you what it says on the front and you can determine for yourself if what I said matches the companies statement on said drink:
"A wonderful gift bestowed by nature with a distinctive flavor"
Juice and Other/Weird
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 12/19/12, 4:19 PM
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Grandpa Lundquist Scandinavian Julmust Christmas Soda

Grandpa Lundquist Scandinavian Julmust Christmas Soda
Dear Grandpa Lundquist,
I know we haven't seen each other in many, many years, but I needed to write you about something important. Despite being family, I think it's important that I am completely honest with you. I found a bottle of your "Christmas Soda" in the basement last night and drank it. Well, tried to drink it. Mom said it's called Julmust in Sweden and you used to trick her with it when she wanted a treat. I wish she had warned me before I took a big swig. If I knew it had barley and hops in it, I would have never taken it off the shelf. To quote a friend who I let try it, "it tastes like cough medicine, flat beer, and diet coke". While I've never tasted beer myself, I agree completely. My question to you is why would you make something so gross?

Thanks for the proverbial lump of coal.

Your disgusted grandson,
Other/Weird and Soda Pop
Grandpa Lundquist
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Derek Neuland on 12/4/12, 8:45 PM
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Chia Star Fusion Beverage Peach Green Tea

Chia Star Fusion Beverage Peach Green Tea
Let it be known that I am not a huge fan of NYC. It's dirty, a good majority of the people are rude, and I hate the idea of being a faceless identity in a sea of people. Two things the city does have going for it are a nice variety of veggie food and great drink selections sat all the corner stores. It's been awhile since I have been overwhelmed by what beverages store carry, but the bodega in which I found this chia tea did just that. I spent way too long making my selections, and this came out one of the victors.

If I had come across this s year ago my mind would have been blown, but since then a couple other companies have emerged that have used chia seeds in their beverages. I'm not talking down on this drink, because it is something I really enjoyed. It has a good semi sweetened peach green tea flavor. That alone would make it a drink that I would keep my eyes open before, but on top of that the chia seeds give it a nice unusual texture. They also make it more beneficial health wise as they boost omega 3 and 6, fiber and calcium.

On a side note you have to love that the seeds are the first item on the ingredients list. There are literally more seeds in here than beverage. Ridiculous.
Chunky, Iced Tea and Other/Weird
Chia StarWebsite@ChiaStarDrink
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 12/2/12, 11:59 AM
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Ohealth Groud

Ohealth Groud
Ahh, the "other/weird" category of Thirsty Dudes. Most of the stuff isn't domestic so we have to travel and discover this stuff. This was quite the unexpected discovery, I must say.

I had a handful of people try this and here are some of the one sentence reviews that have been provided to me:

  • It tastes like plastic.

  • It tastes like grass.

  • It tastes like pool water.

  • I can't get past the texture.

I don't know what the flavor/ingredient of a"groud" and if I had to guess, I would fail. This drink is semi-gelatinous and really tastes like a goopy brown sugar drink. It's not at all offensive and is very smooth both in flavor and texture. It's not completely gross but I can understand how it is off-putting. It's a chunky drink and that is hard for people to take. It's not particularly great or even good. It's not bad, either. It's just kind of...there. It doesn't taste like much. Between that and the fact that most people just can't accept the texture, I can't give this a high rating. The texture caught me by surprise and I usually like stuff like this.
Chunky and Other/Weird
Sugar and Brown Sugar
Mike Literman on 12/1/12, 7:33 PM
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Drink Chia Strawberry Citrus

Drink Chia Strawberry Citrus
You would think that a drink that has little slimy chia seeds in it would have a lot to say about itself, but when I put my ear to this bottle all I hear is faint murmurs. The flavors in this line are tame at best. I guess there is nothing wrong with that. Some people want something that is only lightly flavored and this is a drink for them. Hell, I love lightly flavored unsweetened tea; it's one of my favorites. I just can't seem to get behind this. It's like you got a glass of water at a restaurant and they squeezed lemon slices instead of one, but instead of lemon it was equal amounts of strawberry and orange juice. That's about the extent of the flavor. If you take that and dump in a couple hundred chia seeds (that are essentially flavorless) you get this drink.
Chunky and Other/Weird
Drink ChiaWebsite@DrinkChia
United States
Organic Evaporated Cane Juice
Jason Draper on 11/10/12, 4:30 PM
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Hung Fook Tong Xia Ku Cao Common Selfheal Fruit-spike Drink

Hung Fook Tong Xia Ku Cao Common Selfheal Fruit-spike Drink
We recently realized that a handful of our friends haven't really hung out in awhile. As a result Saturday afternoon was a dudes hang of gluttony. We started it off with the dirt mall aka flea market where we sifted through piles of people's garbage looking for a clock for Mike whilst eating soft pretzels, hot dogs, cinnamon rolls and a single cannoli. From there we went to look for a coat for Mike deep in the bowels of hell and come up empty handed. Then we went to another circle of hell that is more commonly known as Guitar Center so I could try out an amp that I thought (correctly) that I wanted. The important part came next. We hit up a few Asian markets for groceries and new drinks. I bought such a variety of weird tofu that I couldn't be happier. Our main market also got a new shipment of drinks and this was one of them.

I have no idea what “common selfheal fruit-spike drink” is, but it sounded more interesting than I could handle. As soon as we walked out I ripped this bad boy open and we all shared it. We all decided that it was okay, but that is had a decent licorice aftertaste, and I'm not talking about Twizzler. Along with never hearing of the fruit that is the namesake of this beverage it also contains grosvenor momordica fruit, that I'm sure 99.54% of American have never heard of as well. Along with that there are dates in here. When mixed together these ingredients have a taste that is something between a sweet tea and a flat herbal root beer (minus the wintergreen). At first I thought this was great, but with each sip my interest wanes. BY the end I really had lost all interest in it. From the name I'm assuming that there is some medicinal properties to this drink, but who knows since the label is in Chinese.

After our shopping spree we decided it was time for a yearly trip to the only sit down chain restaurant that is worth a damn: Chilis. Their real food is nothing to write home about, but they have incredible unsweetened blackberry and mango teas. Also the endless chips and salsa are enough for us to go gaga. You should have seen how many baskets of chips we housed. Mama would have been proud.
Other/Weird and Iced Tea
Hung Fook TongWebsite
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 11/5/12, 9:06 PM
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bidoJuice Passion Fruit

bidoJuice Passion Fruit
Passion fruit. The fruit of passion. Rumor has it, if you eat one right before...you know...rocking the sheets, you will have a better time than if you go in un-fruited. Now a passion fruit drink filled with vitamins and minerals specially formulated to help you get the job done is another story. Fresh out of the fridge, this drink is pretty good. It's got a strong passion fruit taste and a little diet taste but not terribly offensive. The longer you take to drink it though, buddy, it goes downhill.

Look, if I'm getting ready for a night in the sack, I would chug this until the can is empty or I ran out of breath so that's not a problem. If you are drinking it as a casual drink, which is strange since you aren't normally doin' it at 1:20pm on a workday, you are going to suffer the consequences. This drink gets more diet tasting and more cough syrupy the longer you take to drink it. If it tasted like it does now all the time, I would have rated this lower, but since I'm giving it the benefit of the doubt of you slamming this before a sweet night of love making, I'm upping the review.

Sometimes, and truckers I'm looking at you, all the horny goat weed in the world just doesn't do the trick. You need something else for those hungry lot lizards. That something else is this bido Juice. It's for your libido. That's your sexuals. It will help you put another notch on the ol' bedpost while in the (un)comforts of your own truck in that odd bed that probably doesn't have actual bedposts so you might just draw a little tick on the wall. Oh the wall in the cab of a truck. I imagine it looking like an old movie jail cell where there are just ticks everywhere. Truckers, you are men. Nabbin' skirts. That's your second job. Delivering packages and delivering packages. That's what you do.
Sports/Dietary Supplement and Other/Weird
United States
Mike Literman on 10/24/12, 1:26 PM
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Drink Chia "B Meyer" Lemon

Drink Chia B Meyer Lemon
Don't fear the chia. Embrace the chia. It's good for you. According to the label it's good for hydration, endurance, heart health, brainpower, and fun. The last is one of the most important ones because one bottle is not going to do much for the other ones. Having people try a drink with chunks in it is fun, I should know. I do it all the time.

If you don't know, no, you can't taste the seeds if you're just drinking it. If your mulling the drink around, you can taste it a little, but they're so small and slimy that it just makes the drink taste a little thicker. It's not at all gross, but it's enough to scare people away. Wimps.

It's not all good, though. This is "lemony," which is the point. Like if I squirted a lemon in your mouth flavor, not candied lemon. I didn't get a whole lot of blueberry, which is the "B Meyer" part of the flavor, whatever that is from. Even though it's not the number one sweetener, this drink has Stevia in it and, as Jay mentioned earlier, it's getting old. It's kind of overpowering because it mixes with the lemon leaving you with a kind of undesirable sour-tartness.

I do look forward to the other flavors. I just think that the lemon flavor melds poorly with everything else that's happening in this bottle.
Chunky and Other/Weird
Drink ChiaWebsite@DrinkChia
United States
Organic Evaporated Cane Juice
Mike Literman on 10/17/12, 5:20 PM
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Organic Thinkers Herbal Drink Real Jamaican Sorrel Roots

Organic Thinkers Herbal Drink Real Jamaican Sorrel Roots
One of Mike's boss' once proposed the idea of him doing a Thirsty Dudes spin off based on hot sauce. You know to join the great spin offs such as Joanie Love Chachi, The Ropers, Just the Ten of Us, A Different World, Empty Nest, Daria, and to bring it back to the beginning: Laverne and Shirley. Knowing how Mike stores his drinks all over the floor at work I can only assume Kevin would store his hot sauce the same way. One would think that there would be no way that the two would ever be confused, that is until this bottle of Organic Thinkers Sorrel Root drink would enter the mix. At that point either Kevin is going to get a floral, herbal splash on his hot dogs or Mike is going to get a mouthful of some crazy hot sauce. I really hope it would be Mike's mistake, but only if it was videotaped. Something like that is just too funny to not be immortalized in a digital format. Lucky for one of them that “Hot Sauce Dudes” or whatever it was going to be called never got off the ground, because seriously this bottle looks exactly like it should contain liquid fire.

This bottle expressly says there is no alcohol added. If it didn't have that statement there is no way in hell I would have tried this as it smells like some sort of cocktail a grandfather would drink. I took the world's tiniest sip, and I think there is no alcohol added because the drink itself is alcoholic. Actually it wasn't even a sip I dabbed some on my finger and tasted it. Good-bye edge. This has to be alcohol. It smells like it, it has a slight burn (that could be from the ginger, and it tastes what I remember vodka or something like that tasting like, but with added sweetness. A drop on my finger is all I'm going to try and it was no good in my book. I'm sure it's great for you health wise, but it's not a flavor I can get down with at all, especially if it really does contain a substantial amount of alcohol from fermentation. Seriously I would rather take a shot of hot sauce than dump this on my food any day.
Organic Thinkers
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 10/8/12, 11:39 PM
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Drink Chia Honeysuckle Pear

Drink Chia Honeysuckle Pear
Unlike most pear flavored drinks the taste of the fruit is not very strong in this drink. Actually the flavor is pretty mellow. I think it tastes more of honeysuckle than pear. By that I mean it tastes ever so slightly floral and sweet. The more I think about it the more mild and nondescript the flavor becomes. It's pleasant enough.

The seeds in this are smaller than those in the Mama Chia line. They still have that slimy coating that makes them go down smooth. They may be tinier, but they are very plentiful. This is a health conscious drink that has a bunch of benefits.
Chunky and Other/Weird
Drink ChiaWebsite@DrinkChia
United States
Organic Evaporated Cane Juice
Jason Draper on 9/29/12, 3:11 PM
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Victoria's Kitchen Almond Water

Victoria's Kitchen Almond Water
The quantity of almonds I have consumed in my life is fairly astronomical. I went through a period where I ate 3-5 pounds a week. I feel like I shouldn't be alive after that. It just seems like so many almonds. I t probably helps my state of living that I only ate raw unsalted ones. Now that I think of it, I probably could have doubled my intake and still been fine. I also have unsweetened almond milk on my cereal every morning. My point is, I know almonds. A lot of things that claim to be almond flavored don't really taste like the nuts at all. I can assure you readers that Victoria's Kitchen also knows almonds. As soon as you open this bottle it smells like almond concentrate. That was a bit frightening because I was afraid this might actually be as strong as almond extract, which would be absolute hell on ones taste buds. Before I took a sip I had decided that this was either going to taste like an extreme almond extract, or it was going to taste like watered down almond milk. Neither of those options particularly interested me, so luckily I was wrong. It tastes like you took a glass 99% full of water and mixed in that last 1% with almond extract, well we should probably lower those percents in the same ratio so this hypothetical mixture doesn't spill out of the nonexistent glass. I like it. It tastes exactly like almonds, but the sugar in it is a bit of a turn off. It's pretty sweet and it gives it a bit of a candied taste. As a result I couldn't drink more than half the bottle in one sitting, but I was happy to go back to it later. I think Vicky and her kitchen staff could have gone with perhaps 1/3 of the sugar they used and I would have liked it a lot more, but hey I like my almonds really plain. Now go get a rag, we have to wipe up all this ghost almond drink you spilled all over your counter.
Other/Weird and Water
Victoria's KitchenWebsite@VicsKitchen
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 8/8/12, 5:19 PM
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