Pepsi - 19 Reviews

Pepsi Fire

Pepsi Fire
When you see a beverage that is called Fire, you expect some heat behind it. The first thought in my head was that this was going to be Pepsi with capsaicin (aka what makes peppers burn your guts). Half of a second of reading told me that it was really just Pepsi with cinnamon in it. Why the masochist in me was hoping for a drink that would cause me to sweat and leak tears everywhere, I was actually intrigued by the idea of cinnamon cola. I mean sure, I'd rather have the option to have a drink on hand that I could use to play pranks on friends and watch their mouths burn off, but I mean I guess I'll take this.

To be honest, as I took my first sip, I thought that it really didn't taste all that different from regular Pepsi and I thought I had bought myself a one way ticket to bummer city. Then the after taste kicked in. Oh what a wonderful aftertaste it is. It's all cinnamon and spice and even a little heat. I can thankfully say that the soda lived up to its name.
With subsequent sips I learned that if you swished it around your mouth a bit, it opened up the flavor of the cinnamon. It makes you feel like a wine aficionado, except without all of the…€¦you know…€¦.taste of rot and decay.
I surprisingly really enjoyed this. I do have to mention that after drinking an entire bottle over about a half hour I did get quite the stomach ache and by ache I mean burn. I guess it really does meet its nomenclature. I would also like to point out that if this would have been part of the 1893 line and made with that base, it would have been through the roof fantastic. I'm talking like life changing good.

Soda Pop
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 5/26/17, 2:24 PM
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Pepsi 1893 Black Currant Cola

Pepsi 1893 Black Currant Cola
They cannot fail. The Pepsi-Cola company simply cannot fail with their 1893 line. The other flavors had me very excited, but I was skeptical about the black currant. We had a currant bush in my backyard growing up, and I enjoyed eating them, but I generally find their tartness rarely takes me where I want it to in beverage form. It is really great in this cola though. More than any other flavor in this line this reminds me of a cherry cola with a twist. I always think of currants as a form of grape, even though I know they are berries. I don't know if it's that thought process or an actuality, but this kind of tastes like a mixture of cherry/grape cola. I really enjoy it so much more than I ever would have anticipated. I wondered if they were going to release a cherry version of this, and now I think it's unnecessary. This fills that void and does it in a unique and enjoyable way.
Soda Pop
United States
Jason Draper on 4/3/17, 7:59 AM
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Pepsi 1893 Citrus Cola

Pepsi 1893 Citrus Cola
For how little I care about the Pepsi-Cola company, I really love their 1893 line. I'm talking probably 8 out of the last 10 sodas I have bought for pleasure have been them. That's probably spaced out over the past six months, but those are some pretty good numbers. While I find their regular, every day cola pretty boring and uninspiring this stuff is just great. It is dark. It is bold. If I had reviewed the original instead of Mike it would have gotten top marks. It is everything I could have ever wanted out of a cola.

Now they have gone and twisted things up a bit with this citrus flavor. When I heard this was going be released I thought it was going to be lemon or lime (perhaps a combo of the two), or possibly orange, which would have been fantastic. I never would have anticipated that the citrus fruit they used was going to be grapefruit. It was a bold move and I think it really pays off. While I do prefer the original, this is something unlike anything I have ever had before and it is really great. The thing is that it is like two sodas mixed into one. I don't know how they have kept the flavors separate, but that's how it goes down. When it's in your mouth and initially after you swallow it tastes like a fantastic grapefruit soda. Very quickly that fades and the 1893 cola taste replaces it.

At first I was unsure what to think about this. It most definitely was unusual. It took about half the can before I realized that I really loved it. I've generally moves away from sugary beverages in my older age. They tend to make me feel a little bit like garbage and they always seem to have too much sugar. This tastes incredibly sugary sweet, but it works in here. I find myself savoring the sweetness like I normally wouldn't in other sodas. When this line first came out I was sure that it would disappear from shelves within a few months. With the release of two new flavors it seems that it is here to stay and I'm excited to see where else they take it.
Soda Pop
United States
Jason Draper on 3/23/17, 7:15 PM
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Pepsi Crystal

Pepsi Crystal
So here we are. We have finally completely the trifecta of drinks. When we first started Thirsty Dudes we stated that there were three drinks that were no longer in production that we wished we could get our hands on to review; Orbits (which we found be sold in Canada 14 years expired), Ecto Cooler (which got a re-release with the new movie being out), and now Crystal Pepsi is in our hands. Nostalgia for the 90's is high right now. I mean I snuck into an En Vogue concert last week in Michigan and alternative bands are on the rise once again. Pepsi knew that if there was ever going to be a time to bring this back it was now, and let me tell you, people are talking. Well, there is a slight murmur on the internet about it.

We shot a video of us drinking a bottle and discussing our thoughts on it. The conclusion is that is tastes like re-carbonated flat Pepsi with a hint of 7Up mixed in. It's odd, but still enjoyable. Sure the video cuts off after 5 minutes, and sure we probably kept rambling nonsense for five more without realizing it, but do you really need to hear more of us pretending we aren't awkward by pretending to be awkward?

Soda Pop
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 8/15/16, 7:21 AM
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Pepsi Cherry Vanilla

Pepsi Cherry Vanilla
My last two reviews have been for Pepsi, that new/old/throwback stuff. This stuff came out before, though, right? This is more of a redo than something new or even throwback. It's just like they came in one day and decide that they are going to fulfill all of the comment cards and letters that have been asking for it back. I like it, though. I like cola and vanilla. Some might call that vanilla cola but you can also call it cola and vanilla.

This is good. I don't normally drink "regular" cola but this is decent. Corn syrup and all. I like cherry cola, too. It reminds me of a simpler time where I would go to punk shows and walk and get a taco and cherry Pepsi but this time with the soothing, calming flavor of vanilla to round it out.

2016 is shaping out to be the year of Pepsi for me. You're doing alright so far. If I stay away from the typical garbage, we might have a pretty good year together.
Soda Pop
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 3/31/16, 4:12 PM
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Pepsi 1893 Original

Pepsi 1893 Original
This is the model that all other cola should be based. It tastes like a Mexi-cola. I still think that cane sugar Coke is better but this is better than Pepsi and maybe better than corn syrup Coke. Hard to tell. This would be an interesting blind taste test. Pepsi, Pepsi 1893, Coke and Mexican Coke all together. I don't know if I could "pass" the test. I think it might humiliate me.

So how is it? Great. I really liked it. It didn't linger and had that lemon (?) taste that at least I think Pepsi has. It's in a tall, thin can so you think that it's better for you than a regular sized can but it's not. It's the same. You're the same person if you drink this or a regular can. It's good. If I had more, I would drink more. It worries me that it's not going to stay here for long.
Soda Pop
United States
Mike Literman on 3/29/16, 5:23 PM
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Pepsi 1893 Ginger Cola

Pepsi 1893 Ginger Cola
Our boy Marvo from The Impulsive Buy found something that we needed and it was this soda. I was at the store and thought I'd grace the shelves with my presence as I tend to do every time I got to a store and found it. I didn't know that it was going to be there. I thought Jay and I were going to have to take a twenty minute pilgrimage to Canada and buy it there but nope. We did not. I found it five minutes from my house which is convenience because it is absolutely incredible.

The cola tastes like Pepsi but it has cane sugar and yes, there is a noticeable difference. The ginger, oh the ginger. The ginger is sharp and hot. Dare I say too strong for some people which is right where Jay and I like it. We like our ginger to be dangerous and alienating. We like our ginger like a masochistic. This is right there. This is great because it tastes the way that it should. Nothing is held back and everything shines.

Find it. Drink it. Pepsi? I've probably said some terrible things about you in the past that I will not apologize for but this? You deserve a pat on the back because you nailed it. I can't wait to get more.
Ginger and Soda Pop
United States
Mike Literman on 3/25/16, 1:00 PM
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Pepsi Max Cherry Blast

Pepsi Max Cherry Blast
From the name I thought this was going to be a heavily caffeinated version of cherry Pepsi. Then I saw that it had zero calories and I thought that it was just a rebranding of Diet Pepsi, since the D-word is the new four letter word. Well, it turns out that both were right. This is Pepsi's new diet soda that has about 3x as much caffeine as the old Diet Pepsi. Diet caffeine to the Max bro.
Seriously though, this isn't that bad. I enjoyed it much more than the old version. I don't know how much of a difference there is to the actual formula, but it tastes more cherry than diet, and that is a very good thing. It's a less syrupy Cherry Pepsi with a slight diet aftertaste. It was a pleasant surprise that I might actually visit again.
Diet and Soda Pop
United States
Jason Draper on 3/20/15, 8:19 PM
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Pepsi Vanilla

Pepsi Vanilla
Welp, the Thirsty Dudes have sold out. Jay reviewed 7Up and I'm reviewing Pepsi. All that street cred that we once had is out the window. Out the window like a finished apple on a highway. Out the window like Axel Foley after getting too personal with one Victor Maitland, famed and loved art dealer.

Since we're cashing in our chips, we might as well go full bore and say the following; this is great. I really liked it. Classic cola taste, like from when you were a kid and pop was really good. It's that mixed with the calm, smooth taste of vanilla. I don't know why (the reason is probably money and greased palms) that they don't use real sugar as it is noticeably better. This is something you could share with your toothless grandpappy if you feel like sitting and talking about things like "malt shops" and "sock hops." The Fourties. Boring.
Soda Pop
United States
Mike Literman on 7/1/14, 11:19 PM
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Pepsi Diet Lime

Pepsi Diet Lime
A part of me really wanted to like this. I love cola, and I occasionally like lime flavored drinks. Ok, more than occasionally. I think if this weren't diet I'd love it. And normally I can ignore the gross diet flavor of soda, but this one is impossible. I think the diet and the lime have teamed up and just cut through the cola and into the back of your throat like a ninja in battle with other ninjas. There's a marketing campaign, rename this Diet Pepsi Ninja Battle Lime and then people will know what to expect.
Diet and Soda Pop
United States
Derek Neuland on 7/18/13, 8:16 PM
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Pepsi X Dragonfruit Cola

Pepsi X Dragonfruit Cola
I have never seen X Factor. I know what it's about. Do I need to watch that to review this? I hope not. I don't hate Simon Cowell. I think that his role in television in unnecessary because the people who aren't good enough to be on television shouldn't be on television. I think, yes, he tells people what they need to hear but his role was created to solve a problem that didn't exist. That man is a heck of a driver, though, brother. Skills. He's good. So, for the wheelman Mr. Cowell, I will review your drink.

Simon, this is a nice drink. It's the first I've seen a major corporation utilize such a unique product as dragonfruit. I couldn't drink this entire bottle because I enjoy my teeth, current weight, and don't have dental insurance to fix them. I know you always sit on television with the world's largest glasses of pop but you and I both know that it's not pop in there all the time and that it's merely an advertising piece. You are a true Englishman and are probably drinking tea. It's in your blood. That's not to say that you can't drink pop, but your body craves a nice Earl Gray. That's not me creepily telling you that "I know what you want, Simon." but it's just a broad, blanket assumption.

Simon, I don't know what role you played in the planning of this drink but you didn't a good job and should take credit for it if you did. It's better than lemon Pepsi was. Vanilla was pretty good but this is a completely separate animal as far as I am concerned. This is Pepsi with a fruity taste. I'm going to get in trouble for saying that it's good because companies that more properly utilize dragonfruit are very passionate about it and get upset when companies much smaller and less influential misuse their precious, favorite fruit. They've got their own market and you've got yours. "You" in that previous sentence was you, Mr. Cowell and Pepsi.

I hope/trust you have a good season on the X Factor this year. I hope that it allows you to buy wonderful new cars. That's sincere, from one gear head to another.
Soda Pop
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 10/15/12, 2:43 PM
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Pepsi Diet Wild Cherry

Pepsi Diet Wild Cherry
Want to make this at home? Here's what you need: two parts diet Pepsi, one part artificial cherry flavor. That will about do it. There's not much else to say about this soda. Luckily the cherry flavor cancels out some of the diet taste and it's semi-enjoyable.
Diet and Soda Pop
United States
Derek Neuland on 9/3/12, 10:52 PM
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Pepsi Next Paradise Mango

Pepsi Next Paradise Mango
Apparently Pepsi is using their 'Next' line to try out new flavors. First was the Cherry Vanilla that Mike reviewed last week. Now I've come across this 'Paradise Mango' flavor. This is definitely a first for me, as I've never seen mango in a cola before.

Upon opening the bottle, a waft of mouth-watering mango hit my nose. I'm not joking, my mouth literally started to water when I smelled it. I don't eat mango that often, but I love mango flavored drinks. As soon as I took my first sip, my skepticism went away. This is incredible! It's got that classic crisp Pepsi cola taste, with a wave of mango right after. I keep catching myself smelling the bottle before each sip because I don't know if I've had a drink that has smelled this good in a while.

I hope Pepsi decides to expand this flavor into its normal line. I would love to see what this tastes like without all the fake sugar in it.
Diet and Soda Pop
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Derek Neuland on 7/31/12, 7:27 PM
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Pepsi Next Cherry Vanilla

Pepsi Next Cherry Vanilla
Well if Dr. Pepper can create Ten, Pepsi can create their own beverage for men. Just for men. It's not so directly pointed towards men, but women love "diet" and they have it in their minds that “diet” is their drink. Men don't "diet." They eat less pizza and have one scoop of ice cream instead of three. Men are sensitive individuals who won't admit they have a weight problem until they start breaking chairs left and right. As soon as it happens, they head to the store to find manly, low calorie drinks. Pepsi Next is that. It's for the workingman. It's hard to work in an office full of men who love things like burgers, steak, potatoes, and the like and not put on a couple pounds. It comes with the territory. If you can change one thing, like your pop intake, you're on to something.

This is my maiden voyage into the Pepsi Next line and I believe Derek described it as something like regular Pepsi mixed with Diet Pepsi and although I can't argue with that, I will say that this new flavor line is pretty good. This cherry vanilla is right where I want it to be. Strong cherry and even stronger vanilla flavor easily mask the corn syrup, aspartame, and sucralose; all of which are in this drink which combined with real sugar, make up the most comprehensive list of sweeteners in one drink I think I have ever seen. That combination of sweeteners leaves you with a sweet, but not too sweet, 100 calorie bottle of a pretty decent flavored cola. The warmer it gets, the more the other sweeteners come out, but the first half of this bottle right out of the cooler were pretty good. If this came in a responsible eight-ounce can or something of that nature, I would love it. That is a not-so-subtle hint, Pepsi. Not everyone needs twelve plus ounces to satisfy themselves.
Soda Pop and Diet
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 7/24/12, 1:06 PM
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Pepsi Diet

Pepsi Diet
I saw this bottle in my mom's fridge and realized that we hadn't reviewed it yet. Even though I hate diet soda, I decided to give it a try in the name of Thirsty Dudes.

Battery acid. That's what it tastes like. It burns all the way down. No matter how much I try, I can't get used to the diet soda taste. I only had a couple sips and my stomach feels horrible.
Diet and Soda Pop
United States
Derek Neuland on 5/10/11, 8:42 PM
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Pepsi Wild Cherry

Pepsi Wild Cherry
I like cola. This is a well-known fact. I also occasionally like cherry soda. Mixed together? Not so much. This soda wants to be two different flavors at once, and doesn't succeed at either. Maybe I'm just not the target demographic for this flavor? I wish Pepsi/other companies would try different fruits mixed with cola. Orange cola sounds amazing to me. Somebody (it doesn't have to be Pepsi), make it happen!
Soda Pop
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Derek Neuland on 3/7/11, 7:03 PM
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Pepsi Max

Pepsi Max
Dude one: "I really want to watch my weight, but I really want a Pepsi (just one Pepsi)."

Dude two: "Why don't you get a bottle of Diet Pepsi? It has zero calories."

Dude one: "No way, then everyone at the gym will know I'm watching my weight and make fun of me."

Dude two: "I heard about this new thing called Pepsi Max. It's just like Diet Pepsi, but it's in a discrete bottle without the dreaded word 'diet' on it."

Dude one: "Whoa! It even has a killer catch phrase on it: 'zero calories, maximum taste' "

Dude two: "Have fun with that, I can't stand the gross aspartame taste in it. I only know about it because I accidentally bought a bottle of it last week. I thought it was regular Pepsi and didn't notice it had zero calories until I got home. I drank it anyways because I didn't want to waste it."
Diet and Soda Pop
United States
Derek Neuland on 2/15/11, 5:04 PM
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Pepsi Cola

Pepsi Cola
Oh Mexican Pepsi, how I wish your American brother/sister was just like you. While there is nothing special about the taste of this cola, it's classic! And the use of sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup makes it so much better. While it's nice that Pepsi Throwback is fairly easy to find, there's no doubt that this is much better. I have never met anyone who prefers Pepsi with HFCS over real sugar. Plus, drinking Pepsi out of a glass bottle reminds me of my childhood when my grandparents used to buy the tall glass bottles of Pepsi.
Soda Pop
Derek Neuland on 1/8/11, 10:10 AM
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Pepsi Throwback

Pepsi Throwback
I am a big fan of colas and I grew up drinking Pepsi. One thing I never liked about it though is the sharp aftertaste it had due to the high fructose corn syrup. With Pepsi Throwback, that biting aftertaste isn't there so it just goes down smooth and the cola flavor really stands out. After drinking soda sweetened with sugar, it's almost painful to drink a bottle with HFCS. I don't understand why Throwback is only available for a limited time because I think it is better than original Pepsi, and I'm sure a lot more people think so as well.
Soda Pop
United States
Real Sugar
Derek Neuland on 9/11/10, 4:16 PM
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