Tim Horton's - 23 Reviews

Tim Horton's Iced Coffee Cinnamon Bun

Tim Horton's Iced Coffee Cinnamon Bun
What did I expect? This is just as bad as I thought it would be. It tastes like cheap, powdered cinnamon and fake sweetener. Whether or not it's authentic sugar, who cares? The best sugar couldn't save this drink. I don't think I finished the whole thing and I was tired and I got a small. It was a little coffee flavored but the syrup, my main complaint with Tim's is too thick and strange and throws off the viscosity of the rest of the drink. I want a cinnamon bun writing this and, like I said, I didn't expect much and I was still let down. Shame. Shame.
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Mike Literman on 12/8/16, 11:58 AM
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Tim Horton's Iced Coffee Vanilla

Tim Horton's Iced Coffee Vanilla
This tastes like a candle and also tastes like it sucks. No stars. Wait...I can't do no stars? This website sucks almost as much as this drink. I said, "Could I have an iced coffee with vanilla, please?" and I think they misheard "vanilla" and thought I said candle wax. Three sips. There goes $2.16. Cripes. Grozz. Ugh. These are the sounds that I am audibly saying at work aloud as people try to work. "Try to work" is code for "fantasy football" so it sounds like everyone has a hearing impediment today.
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Mike Literman on 9/26/16, 10:49 AM
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Tim Horton's Iced Cappuccino Twix

Tim Horton's Iced Cappuccino Twix
Twix, a cookie not a candy bar, is a wonderful cookie not a candy bar. Carmel, crunch, caramel and chocolate. If we're talking about "The Four C's," screw diamonds, dude. Twix is where it's at. How is this though? Sweet. I don't even know after all these years if there is any coffee in iced cappuccino, or as we in Western New York like to call them, "Iced Capps," anymore. They might be but it's so overpowered by sugar and cream and now cookie crumbles that what's the point anymore. This small was more than enough. There was probably the amount of a "fun size" Twix grinded up on the top which was fun to get through the straw at the end. The rest was just a sugary blur of cookie flavors and brown. I say that like it's a bad thing. Look, if you're the type of person to buy an iced cappuccino, you know what you're getting into and you know what you're doing to yourself. I'm not going to say it, but deep down you know what you're up to.
Coffee and Milkshake
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Mike Literman on 8/17/16, 11:29 AM
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Tim Horton's Iced Coffee Mocha

Tim Horton's Iced Coffee Mocha
Experience 1: I go to Tim Horton's and order a mocha iced coffee. Lady says, "Do you want cream or sugar?" I respond, "No, thank you." She says, "Do you want it black?" I respond, "I just want it how it comes." She says, "Alright." and gives me one cream and one sugar. I did not like it.

Experience 2: I go to Tim Horton's and order a mocha iced coffee. Lady says, "Do you want cream or sugar?" I respond, "No, thank you." Different lady hands me the coffee and says, "I put more chocolate in it so it's not so bitter." I did not like it.

Tim Horton's. I want what I want and order it as such. If I wanted cream, I would ask for cream. If I wanted sugar, I would ask for sugar. If I wanted an extra shot of mocha, I would ask for an extra shot of mocha. Start listening to me and stop treating your job like a jazz solo and improvising what you think people might want.
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Mike Literman on 4/5/16, 5:10 PM
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Tim Horton's Creamy Chocolate Chill

Tim Horton's Creamy Chocolate Chill
I'm pretty sure this is the same as the Frozen Hot Chocolate but I will pretend that drink doesn't exist so I can review this limited time, Toronto based drink that I found.

This is basically a totally chocolate Iced Capp. Where there is some vague and minimal amount of coffee included in those, this is straight chocolate, son. Chocolate whipped cream and chocolate drizzlin's make this one Chocolageddon of a drink.

This drink isn't smooth, really. Not until you do all the work and blend the whippin's with the base and get something that is pretty smooth. Take note, Tim. That should be how this is done.

While I spend time with my dumb family in Toronto, I will be sure not to look back at this decision I made. Was it bad? No. It was guiltily delicious. It's like that time you were sixteen and J.O.'d like nine times. It was great but not really something you're proud of.
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Mike Literman on 10/3/15, 12:31 PM
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Tim Horton's Iced Cappuccino Pumpkin Pie

Tim Horton's Iced Cappuccino Pumpkin Pie
This drink is like a prude hooker. What do you say about a drink that came out too early and is too thick to drink? Well, you call it "fine" when it tastes like this. This doesn't really taste like "Fall" or "pumpkin" really. Not a lot of spice. I was looking for nutmeg or cinnamon or something but at the end of the day, I was left with something that didn't taste like coffee and was quite frankly too chunky to drink. They put these cookie crunchies atop the gratuitous amount of whipped cream. Nice to look at but everything sinks to the bottom and makes you swear at an inanimate object because you can't drink it and you paid for it and it's not letting you do what you paid to do. You know, like a prude hooker.
Chunky and Coffee
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Mike Literman on 8/25/15, 2:09 PM
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Tim Horton's Iced Coffee Mocha

Tim Horton's Iced Coffee Mocha
Overly indulgent. Two words. Done? Please. You know me better than that. What made it overly indulgent? Well it could have been the generous amount of whipped cream. It could have been the generous amount of chocolate syrup. I just wanted an iced mocha coffee. I could have said, "no" when she asked. It's the drink, though. It's the complete package. I have to review them as-is. I did deny cream and sugar because I'm not a masochist.

For coffee lovers, this is closer to coffee than, say, an iced coffee from Dunkin' Donuts. That's closer to chocolate milk than this. This is easily sixty or seventy percent coffee. Dunkin' is closer to thirty percent.

I still managed to drink two-thirds of this. I've got a mild case of "da shakes" but I'm fine. I had a big salad. You can just call me Elaine Benes.
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Mike Literman on 7/15/15, 3:40 PM
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Tim Horton's Iced Cappuccino S'Mores

Tim Horton's Iced Cappuccino S'Mores
Jimmy, I'm sorry, son. I had to go back to work this weekend and finish up the Johnson report. I know I was going to take you camping. I'm sorry, buddy. I didn't come home empty handed, though. So put down that backpack and sleeping bag and come over here. I bought you, get ready, a S'mores Iced Capp. It's got all the things that kids like including but not limited to, chocolate, graham cracker crumbs and marshmallows. It's just like we're camping but while you eat s'mores, daddy is going to work on the Johnson report.

What do you think? I'm on page twenty-nine of this report and you look to be about half way done. Yeah, I don't know what the actual "iced capp" part is. It tasted almost like a salted graham cracker base. I liked it but couldn't tell what it was. I'll tell you, though. That chocolate whipped cream on top was a nice touch and since none of the chunks of graham cracker or marshmallows on top could be sucked through a straw, that final little bite of it was great. It tasted like a really unhealthy cereal.

Look, buddy. I'm sorry about doing this to you. The boss dropped this bomb on me and I've got to do what he says or I won't have the money to buy you such frivolous drinks. We'll be eating hobo pies on the side of the road. Yeah I know your mom has a job and we'll be fine...Jimmy! I'm trying to paint a picture. Let me focus on this report. Drink your s'mores and watch that ten hour loop of the yule log and it will be like we're camping.
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Mike Literman on 6/15/15, 9:53 AM
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Tim Horton's Smoothie Orange Pineapple

Tim Horton's Smoothie Orange Pineapple
Pineapple and orange together is like a personal trip to the tropics. The Greek yogurt was a good, but different pick. Sure, we now eat it for breakfast but mixed in with a smoothie, it's a little gritty. I can't really pinpoint it. It's not smooth like a regional yogurt. A Mediterranean yogurt makes it a little less smooth. I'm not complaining. I'm reviewing. It was also thinner than a traditional smoothie. It was closer to a Slurpee than a smoothie.

That might be one of the most general, reviews Thirsty Dudes have ever written.
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Mike Literman on 4/2/15, 10:17 AM
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Tim Horton's Latte Dark Chocolate

Tim Horton's Latte Dark Chocolate
Two days in a row? Yeah, two lattes in two days. I don't know what I'm doing to myself. Whatever it is, someone hearing me complain about how jittery I am is inevitable. Let's move on to what happened when I ordered this drink.

Since no one knows how to do their job, of course there was an issue with ordering this item which was on their menu with giant banners and small banners and signs. Something about "Everyone who has been ordering the dark chocolate latte has been getting hot chocolate!" or "You're pressing the wrong button on the machine!" or something to that nature. I did get what I ordered and waited very patiently which the "barista" was very appreciative of. Here's what she lovingly put in it. She put in latte at the press of a button. Technology, right? No hand tapping or twisting or turning or any of that nonsense. Then she squeezed in some chocolate whip which they use(d) on their cold hot chocolate which was fantastic. Then it looked like they threw some chocolate chips but they weren't chocolate chips. They were chocolate covered rice balls and were awesome.

How was it? Well I can easily say that I will be buying it through this winter season. It was very good. Darker, more bitter with (c/k)rispies and a nice smoothness. It was exactly what I wanted it to be. Tim Horton would be proud.
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Mike Literman on 12/9/14, 4:18 PM
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Tim Horton's Iced Cappuccino Oreo

Tim Horton's Iced Cappuccino Oreo
Remember when you wanted to start the day drinking something healthy and you decided that it was too gross to deal with so while you let a five dollar bottle of juice rot in the morning sun, you bought something that has the word "Oreo" in it to wash the foul taste of "health" out of your mouth? Yeah. Happens all the time, right?

At McDonald's, they have a chocolate chip Frappe that has bits of chocolate chips in the drink. They are men of their words, those McDonald's bros. Tim Horton's? I cannot say the same thing. Oreo crumbles atop some whipped cream atop a regular iced cappuccino? That's insufficient. You didn't make anything as much as spill something over a regular drink and lazily call it something else. You don't have vanilla ice cream with caramel sauce on it and call it caramel iced cream, do you?

It's almost hard to rate this because it's such a lazy attempt at something that would otherwise have been pretty good but I'll give it a go. You like iced cappuccinos from Tim Horton's right? Cool. You'll love this. You know what would be cool? To sprinkle Oreo crumbles on top as a garnish. Who could complain about that? No one. Oh, no. That's not an Oreo iced cappuccino, it's just a regular iced cappuccino with Oreo's on it. It taste like coffee, is cold, and has whipped cream with Oreo crumbs on it. Period.
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Mike Literman on 6/12/14, 11:20 AM
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Tim Horton's Frozen Hot Chocolate

Tim Horton's Frozen Hot Chocolate
Frozen hot chocolate is a real "stickin' it to the man" drink. It's as if Tim Horton's is saying, "Screw you, winter. You've pestered us long enough. Now look what we've done to your precious cold weather staple drink. How does that feel? Not good, right? Yeah. Now you know how we felt after your sub-zero temperatures. This is for all the times I had to scrape ice off my car windows while the temperature was in the negatives."

This drink is the eye-for-an-eye that you see in movies where the bad guy has at the good guy's partner and then, at the end, the good guy turns the tables and has a little fun with the bad guy until the cops come. The cops come, know the whole situation, pretend not to see the good guy hit the bad guy's hand with a hammer and then tells the good guy to hit the road and takes the bad guy off to jail.

I have to be honest here; I've already had two of these. They're that good. It's super creamy because they put half a pound of rich, chocolate whipped cream on top, which ends up melding in with the frosty treat beneath and smoothing the whole thing out. If you could envision what a chocolate mousse drink would taste like, this is it. They also put what they probably call "fudge" in it but is really only chocolate syrup. I'm not dismissing their efforts, but that's not fudge. Either way, everything mixed together or intentionally separated upon ordering is a delight that could be anyone's guilty pleasure because it's abominably terrible for you but seriously, you couldn't guess that something with a mound of rich chocolate whipped cream on it is going to be bad for you? Shame on you.
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Mike Literman on 5/1/14, 10:53 PM
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Tim Horton's Latte Cinnamon Bun

Tim Horton's Latte Cinnamon Bun
Don't quote me on this like I'm quoting someone else on this, but don't they say that if you do acid four times you can be considered certifiably insane? I would say the same thing about anyone who eats Cinnabon four times. Cinnabon is great the first two times and anything after that is masochistic and just gluttonous. If you took a Cinnabon, made it not "Andre The Giant" sized and scraped ninety-six percent of the frosting off, you might have yourself a nice treat.

This drink was a bit reminiscent of those painful experiences of being really hungry while simultaneously having a gnarly sweet tooth and being stuck on the interstate. It smells good and tastes good but a couple sips in you feel that feeling of "Wait...did I just eat my fourth slice of pizza?" or "Hold on, was this bag of chips half way empty when I started or did I just eat a whole bag of chips myself?" Guilt and shame. This is a sweet drink. Oh, sure it tastes like cinnamon buns but are drinks really supposed to taste like cinnamon buns? It might not be hard to imagine if Tim Horton's came forward and said, "Well what we do is put coffee and a cinnamon bun into a blender, set it to liquefy, have a handful of Timbits, and come back five minutes later and serve it to the customer."

Cinnabon, I may have retired from "Cinnabonning", but I will commend you with a medal of honor for somehow holding strong through many diet fads. You have always been twelve plus times more unhealthy than Krispy Kreme and they couldn't hack it. You are still here and I commend you. I can only assume that there are some fat politicians on your side for undisclosed, not really legal reasons.
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Mike Literman on 3/24/14, 11:52 AM
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Tim Horton's Sweet Tea

Tim Horton's Sweet Tea
It's always strange living somewhere where a staple restaurant closes and reopens as something else. Down the street from my office, which I have worked at for six years, there has been an Arby's. Now look, this is not a debate about the quality of Arby's. I personally think that Jamocha shakes are great. Their chocolate turnovers are fantastic and a good old-fashioned roast beef is a fine sandwich. A few months back, it closed abruptly and all was silent about what was going to happen. A month later, rumors started circulating about a Tim Horton's taking its place. A couple months later, late last week, it reopened as a Tim Horton's - Cold Stone combo.

I braved a "blizzard" today to get lunch and I got this little number to drink. It doesn't matter how many inches per hour we're getting, sweet tea is always a sound choice. Especially when it's decent sweet tea as this is, luckily. It's approachably sweet. What do I mean by that? Well some sweet teas are too sweet and people can't handle it. It's fine. It's just that they can't handle it. A 670 horsepower Black Series Mercedes Benz SL63 AMG is a gorgeous car but it's simply too much car for some people to handle.

This tea has a good tea taste and I bet that if I asked, it's one of those large metal brewers that makes over a hundred ounces of tea with sugar in it. That's all it needs to be and I think that's all it is. Now I want to imagine what it's like to drive that Merc. I bet it's life altering. Could I handle all that power? My car has 158 horsepower. What's four times that?
Iced Tea
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Mike Literman on 3/12/14, 3:35 PM
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Tim Horton's Cappuccino English Toffee

Tim Horton's Cappuccino English Toffee
If bakers know one thing, it's that measurements count. "Heaping" is not a word that bakers use. "Heaping" is a work that cooks use. Learn how to measure, cooks. While making this drink, I was ordered by the Canadian Government that is Tim Horton's to use three "heaping" teaspoons to water. This drink is weak. Weak, son. Get that weak stuff out of here. I am not completely penalizing them because I could have just added more stuff but when I follow directions to their ranged rate, there is clearly room for error since "heaping" is a variable amount.

What does it taste like? It tastes like cappuccino that you might get from a gas station but not as good. Something about those crappy gas station blends are good. It's just that it's so much like an adult hot chocolate that it borders on just a mockery of coffee related drinks and pure, unadulterated garbage. As for the English Toffee, eh, I guess if you left a Heath bar in a crappy cup of cappuccino that it would taste a bit like this so that is a pass. This whole drink is a pass. If this were a graded class, it would be a C+. It would do better on a pass/fail scale where everyone is either one or the other with no quality, just pass or fail.
Coffee and Mix/Concentrate
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Mike Literman on 1/2/14, 11:34 AM
Buy It
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Tim Horton's Iced Cappuccino Chocolate Hazelnut

Tim Horton's Iced Cappuccino Chocolate Hazelnut
Who doesn't love Nutella? I heard the German's love it. I would like to hear from the source that this is true but when my brother went to Germany he told me that they sold it all over the place and had cereal with Nutella in it. That to me sounds like a dream come true. For that reason, I was pretty stoked when I heard Tim Horton's had a chocolate hazelnut iced cappuccino.

The last couple that I have reviewed have been a bit lackluster. I don't know what it was whether it was a mistake in the mix or something else but they have been less than stellar to say the least. This, although ordered as a regular and delivered as a supreme was pretty good. Not completely on par with Nutella, but along the same path. With the super thick, chocolate whipped cream, it made the drink pretty smooth and thicker than a regular iced cappuccino. There was so much chocolate that it just tasted like I was drinking chocolate milk and I am not totally alright with that. I would have enjoyed a little coffee flava rather than a barrage, albeit delicious, of chocolate thunderstorm.

Ratios people. Math and ratios can save all the drinks, and you said you would never use it. Y'all are idiots. Not use math, seriously? Learn a book, why don't'cha?
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Mike Literman on 8/2/13, 2:12 PM
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Tim Horton's Frozen Lemonade

Tim Horton's Frozen Lemonade
Spring is here. Well, I hope it is. In Buffalo you never know. It could snow tomorrow and no one would be surprised. But for now, I am really enjoying this frozen lemonade. It's not as sour as I had hoped, but I'm sure they have to appease with those who like mild lemonade.

There's not much else to say about this. It's refreshing and light, and good for a warm day like today.
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Derek Neuland on 3/30/13, 1:13 PM
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Tim Horton's Hazelnut Mocha Latte

Tim Horton's Hazelnut Mocha Latte
Sick babies mean a lot of things. Number one is that you spend your days dealing with a kid who can't exactly express their discomfort. Number two through forty-five is that you lose a lot of sleep. Finally getting my little buddy to school was fantastic because I can work, feel like I've contributed something to society, and put me one step closer to knowing that we will both not be awakened by coughing, sniffing, and bi-hourly whining.

I found this little number on the limited line and got it. I was reluctant as I am not a coffee person but the combination of hazelnut and mocha can only mean one thing; Nutella, which I love. Oh, I know it's terrible for you, but who cares. Smoking is probably worse for you than a Nutella sandwich, or at least I'd like to think that it is. I was luckily correct and this guy was great. It was more like a Nutella hot chocolate with a little coffee in it. I got it in a small, rather incognito cup but there was some sort of chocolate whipped cream that you couldn't see which cooled it down, cut down on the coffee, and made it smoother so I could actually drink it. I thought it was good and although I couldn't do anything larger than a small, I wouldn't advise not getting something larger. I don't drink a lot of drink so I could do this little, ten-ish ounce guy without feeling the need to share it.

It's not true coffee, I know. I would never say that it is. It's a bastardization of a latte, too and, once again I'm not claiming that I'm an expert. This is one step away from being some garbage powder drink you make at a truck stop but it's something that will make you remember that truck stop for reasons other than the glory hole that was in the bathroom.
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No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 1/30/13, 2:56 PM
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Tim Horton's Iced Cappuccino Mint Chocolate

Tim Horton's Iced Cappuccino Mint Chocolate
Well this is something different. I don't drink hot coffee. I just don't. I get gimmicky drinks when I go to coffee shops as you can probably tell with my copious amount of Frappuccino and Coolatta reviews. This iced cappuccino is no different. It's a frothy, foamy, iced coffee drink. Also, the fact that it's chocolate mint screams, "not legitimate coffee." Back to something different. What's different is that I bought one today (pictured) and it is currently and by the time you read this, was disgusting. I will describe that in detail and then describe all the other ones that I've had.

I woke up, felt fine, but didn't have time for a proper breakfast so I got little doughnut holes AKA "timbits." While I was there, I thought it would be a good time to get a little drink for myself to review/enjoy. A nice woman with a not so nice crustache took my order and delivered to me the worst iced cappuccino I've ever had. I don't need to tell you that I don't drink so I am basing this off assumption but this drink tastes like someone pulled the old teaspoon/tablespoon mixup and put way too much creme de menthe in this because it tastes borderline alcoholic in it's concentrated mintitude (not a word).

All other ones that I have had are a nice blend of chocolate and mint and I don't need to drink from the top in hopes to avoid the mint disaster that is sleeping at the bottom. It's a good, refreshing drink that I enjoy getting on rare occasions. I also only get a small and I never get the "supreme" option, which is like the top trim of a car. Whipped cream and chocolate and caramel syrup. Oh, it looks great and nothing looked sadder than the drink that I received today, all naked in a clear cup, but I don't need/want those extra calories and it's honestly aesthetic unless you really have an affinity for whipped cream. I might save myself more extra calories by throwing this in, what the British call, "the bin."
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Mike Literman on 9/11/12, 8:50 AM
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Tim Horton's Iced Cappuccino Mocha

Tim Horton's Iced Cappuccino Mocha
It appeared that the only place for John to get wonderful, cold coffee drinks was Asian markets. He didn't mind since they came in great little cans of all shapes and no matter which one he picked, they were all about the same and they were all good. That is until he took a trip to the Great White North, Canada.

He went to go to a conference on fishing lures when some fishing friends coerced him to go to a place called Tim Horton's. He went in the summer when it was very hot outside and thought that straight, hot coffee would have been a terrible choice. He saw that they were advertising a new iced mocha so he decided to give that a go. Two minutes later he was in heaven. It was cold, chocolaty, and made from an honest coffee. Not to mention, for the sweet tooth that he had from time to time, they put chocolate whipped cream with chocolate syrup on top. Whenever he decided he needed a break from the coffee, he pulled the straw out a bit and had some chocolate. It was like they thought of everything.

John had a great time in Canada. He learned a lot about fishing up north, what lures are coming out, and what place to go to when he wants a good mocha. Canada is alright in John's book.
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Mike Literman on 7/31/12, 9:31 PM
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