Thailand - 79 Reviews

Oishi Chakuza Black Tea with Lemon

Oishi Chakuza Black Tea with Lemon
If you kill enough people while being a member of the Yakuza, you get your profile on a can of sparkling tea. The numbers are not advertised but I've heard rumors that number is somewhere between twenty and thirty heads. It's a perk of the job. If you don't get caught in the act, you can't get in trouble for stuff. That's how it works in the Yakuza. It's an organized syndicate that for as much bad stuff as they do, probably does some good stuff. They might save kittens from trees and they might save people from burning buildings. If you are on the right side of them, they can be pretty good dudes.

You don't get to pick which flavor can you are on. You just get it. The latest star was put on a can of sparkling black tea with lemon. He threatened the person who nominated him with his life because the tea is so awkward. It's a sparkling black tea and that's fine but the lemon is almost like a candy lemon and something in there is a little bit botanical. Honestly, the whole drink was just kind of strange. Not bad but strange.

Like I said, the Yakuza can be alright. Hold the door for them when you see them at the supermarket. Don't talk at movie theater when they are there. Don't make a scene at a restaurant when they are eating close to you. You'll be fine. You like them but you don't want to make them one step closer to getting on a can using your head as a number.
Iced Tea and Sparkling
Couldn't Read Ingredients
Mike Literman on 4/24/13, 3:14 PM
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Invo Coconut Water With Pineapple

Invo Coconut Water With Pineapple
I have to bone to pick with the world, the universe, humanity, etc. For 30 some odd years I wandered through life thinking that I hated all things coconut and no one tried to tell me otherwise. You see all I had been exposed to was that toasted garbage that goes on desserts, which is some of the worse tasting trash that has ever graced my tongue. I never knew there was another side of coconut, a fresh side. Finally, for the sake of this website, I drank some coconut water. It wasn't bad at all. It wasn't my favorite thing in the world, but it was a whole new beast compared to what I was used to. I would occasionally drink them, and the world was an okay place to be. Then this bottle of coconut water showed up at my door looking for a stomach to call its own. For a week I ignored it, but today I was feeling a bit sluggish, so I gave it a go. WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME THAT THIS EXISTED?!?!?!?!

This is pure glory. It is 100% natural coconut water and juice. There are no concentrates involved. This essentially tastes like a giant ripped open a coconut with its giant strength, then it squeezed the hell out of a pineapple to extract its juice into the open coconut. Finally it took it easy and squeezed a little bit of lime juice in it. For that giant, that would probably be less than a shot of liquid, but for me it's perfect. It tastes ridiculously fresh like you wouldn't believe. It's a taste that I didn't know existed in the world. So I thank you dear giant and I say screw off to the rest of the world for not letting me know that such a delicious beverage could exist.
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 4/24/13, 11:18 AM
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Kato Apple Lemon

Kato Apple Lemon
Our buddy Donnie over at Buffalo Eats gave us this little number. He thought he was going to get us something gross and to most people he would have succeeded but we're not most people. We've been around the block. Yeah, this is laden with chunks but you know what, son? Nata de coco has a pleasant chewiness to it and the flavor isn't too bad either. Apple lemon? That's new. That's different. It tastes like kind of a cruddy apple juice with some cruddy lemonade in there but together mixed with la chunks (French) it somehow comes together in a nice and chunky way. I love this chunky drinks category.
Chunky and Juice
Couldn't Read Ingredients
Mike Literman on 4/4/13, 2:32 PM
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Oishi Honey Lemon Green Tea

Oishi Honey Lemon Green Tea
On our tour de food, we have gone all around the world without leaving Western New York. We have been trying to not go to the same place (country) trice, especially twice in a row but we did last week. That exotic location? A Vietnamese restaurant in a Puerto Rican part of town. Jay and I fell in love with their bahn mi and we decided to give it a go two weeks in a row. I got the pho this time around and had “order regret” instantly. I like pho and I am no connoisseur, but this was bland. I added quite a bit of hoisen and Sriracha to give it something. In between disappointing bites of a seemingly endless dish, I washed it down with this fantastic treat.

I love honey. My aunt has a beehive in the country and it brought in around one hundred gallons of fresh honey. I use it on sandwiches all the time. Ham, too. Yeah, I know I'm Jewish, but I don't care about it. Ham is wonderful. This drink was chocked full of honey and lemon. Jay hates lemon tea and liked this. That speaks volumes. I have been milking this bottle for three days because it's very good. Sure that place is a mile or two away and I can go whenever I want to and get another but I've got this one and am going to get some length out of it. It's so honey-filled that I'm surprised that it's not thicker, like if you somehow liquefied honey lemon candy and drank that.

I will go back to that Vietnamese restaurant again and again as I have to try their vermicelli and will repeatedly eat their bahn mi. That pho, well that might as well just leave the menu. It's not your strong suit, friends.
Iced Tea
Mike Literman on 1/27/13, 10:50 AM
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Oishi Chakuza Sparkling Green Tea Beverage

Oishi Chakuza Sparkling Green Tea Beverage
I would have to not be human to pass up this drink. When I was in a seafood/Vietnamese restaurant yesterday getting my bahn mi fix I saw this in a cooler and it was a no brainer. I didn't even know what type of beverage it was. All I knew is that it had a picture of an anime dude wielding a bat like a sword with a chain wallet on. It's absolutely ridiculous looking. It wasn't until I was waiting at the register that I discovered it was a sparkling green tea; an awesome can just became an awesome drink. The moment I fell in love didn't occur until I was back at my table and I took a sip to discover that it was actually a sparkling jasmine green tea. The stars aligned and new worlds were open to me. It's a drink I've never had before, had never even thought of existing before, but now that I've had it I feel stupid for not longing for it's existence.

I was told that it tastes like fancy soap smells. Not like fancy soap actually tastes, but how you imagine it would taste. I can't argue with that, but like my friend I also don't think it's a bad thing. Who among us hasn't bitten into a piece of soap hoping beyond hope that it will actually taste as good as it smells? Oh, just me? Well it's no secret that I am an idiot. If you dare to dream as I do, then this drink could be the secret to unlocking those self same dreams.

On a side note I wanted to know what Chakuka meant so I did a little internet search. The only thing I could find was that it is the name of an Austrian rapper. I hope that this drink is a result of him branding himself in other countries. That would be amazingly hysterical.
Iced Tea and Sparkling
Couldn't Read Ingredients
Jason Draper on 1/18/13, 11:48 AM
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T.A.S. Mangosteen

T.A.S. Mangosteen
I'll tell you something. I have never seen a mangosteen and if you ask me if it's a "real fruit," I couldn't tell you. Sure there is a convincing picture of it on the front of this can but it kind of looks like someone took an orange, colored it pink, and opened it from the top like an idiot. No one talks about it as "their favorite fruit" but I can at least see why it's called "mangosteen" because someone is terribly unoriginal and decided to integrate the word "mango" with a possibly made up fruit that tastes like a mango. Darwinian theory makes me wonder how this fruit exists. We have mangoes and they are pretty good but then this guy comes along and tastes like it but do we really need more of the same thing? One or the other friends and scientists and scientist friends. You make a drink like this which is possibly at it's core of what this tastes like as the ingredients are what you would hope and expect; water, mangosteen puree, and cane sugar. How much better could it get? Oh, I don't know. Use a real fruit? I'm skeptical of this guy and I have my eyes on it. Don't lie to me fruit.
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 1/8/13, 3:23 PM
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M-150 Energy Drink

M-150 Energy Drink
Devotion. Courage. Sacrifice. That is the tag line for this company, but I feel like it should also be the Thirsty Dudes motto.

Devotion: We've been reviewing drinks since 2009.
Courage: We have tried some utterly disgusting drinks
Sacrifice: Do you know how many calories we have probably consumed? Not to mention all the sugar we have ingested. I personally recently had to have 6 cavities filled, and 2 teeth pulled. While I'm not blaming that all on Thirsty Dudes, but I'm sure it was a contributing factor.

Apparently this is one of the most popular energy drinks in Thailand. It's non-carbonated, which threw me off at first. I was expecting it to taste like Red Bull, but instead it's like a pineapple-peach juice taste. It's actually not that bad.
Energy Drink
Derek Neuland on 12/6/12, 3:43 PM
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Freeze Black Coffee

Freeze Black Coffee
My buddy Dave said it best. His review of this drink was, "You can really taste the 11% sugar." This might be some of the sweetest coffee drink I've ever had. Jay, Dave, Editor Dan, and I went to a couple stores and just hung out all day. It would have been the same day we had when we were ten years ago. A couple small markets, clothing stores, the mall, and so on. Bunch of dudes hanging out. Oh, and Chili's. We all love Chili's. We easily co-drank two gallons of unsweetened blackberry tea that day.

Anyhow, we went to a favorite Asian market and did some shopping and this was one of the drinks we got. Dave got one as well as I and he drank his in the car. We spread it all around because we're all very good friends. Everyone's sentiments were all the same. It's too darn sweet. It's got a good iced black tea taste but the quantity of sugar will inevitably put the majority of this drink down the drain, on the parking lot next to you car where you bought it, rudely on some kid's head, on your table because you accidentally knocked it over forgetting there was still so much in there, or anywhere else that isn't down your gullet.
Mike Literman on 12/3/12, 1:51 PM
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Oishi Genmai Green Tea

Oishi Genmai Green Tea
My friend RJ was talking up a sandwich. He lives in Brooklyn and what he says goes when it comes to food. He's never led me astray before, knows what I like, and is more worldly than I. Therefore, when told me about a Vietnamese sandwich called "bahn mi," I had to find it. I went to a place that was rumored to have one but they removed it from the menu. It would have been awful had the pho and chicken dish not been so good.

The next day, I did a little bit more digging around on the onlines and found another place. I went and they had one fried pork bahn mi left. I grabbed it, noticed that I was a dollar cash short and hate charging for little purchases so I, in true Thirsty Dudes fashion, bought drinks to make it worth my while using my card. One was a drink for a friend and the other was this little dude.

I ate this sandwich, loved it, took a picture which I did later post to Facebook but not with a sepia tone or worn edge or overexposed filter. You're welcome, internet users. The drink, though, the drink...great. It's a sweet, nicely bitter green tea with a maybe honey and maybe barley. Why do I say "maybe?" Well, due to this country not making people learn anything other than French or Spanish and don't start teaching until ninth grade, I don't know Taiwanese. It's cool, though. Trust me. You always have in the past.
Iced Tea
Couldn't Read Ingredients
Mike Literman on 11/23/12, 8:47 PM
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Foco Green Tea Lemon Flavor

Foco Green Tea Lemon Flavor
Jay doesn't like lemon drinks. I don't 100% know why but I think it has something to do with how it has the potential to taste a little like Pledge or Pine Sol. I don't get that when I drink lemon stuff and I also don't hate lemon so Jay usually gives them to me. I think he gave me this one and for once his complaint is valid.

This drink is one of the worst lemon green teas I've ever had. It's got a green tea taste that's trying to shine through too much sugar and bad lemon. Reading the ingredients, you don't have to be detective Goren to know that "artificial lemon flavor" is going to blow. There is something else that's pretty bad in there but I can't pinpoint it specifically other than "it tastes like fake everything" like who ever made this drink made a natural version of the drink and mixed in the cheap, regular version of the drink. You can taste what should have been but it's been crushed by the other stuff leaving you with a confused, unsatisfied palate.
Iced Tea
Mike Literman on 10/22/12, 3:56 PM
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Taste Nirvana Thai Coffee Latte

Taste Nirvana Thai Coffee Latte
Long nights. I've got clients asking me for sites, girlfriend asking me for sites, and personal "pet project" sites all going on at the same time. These long nights turn in to long days. The long days call for some sort of coffee drink.

I've said it before and I'll say it again; I don't get picked up by drinks. I don't "feel" coffee drinks or energy drinks. Either that of I'm so disconnected from the way my body feels I don't feel highs or lows from stimulates blood sugar. I know I periodically feel "the shakes" but that typically means I need to eat because I stupidly forgot to within the last sixteen hours or so. I do that. I forget. I'm human.

All the same, I was feeling a coffee drink and just so happened to have one. Now I love Thai tea. It's a wonderful treat whether you're enjoying some pho or enjoying a Hot Pocket. What? Barbecue Hot Pockets are nothing short of a treasure. This is less of a treat. Good, but it falls short of its English ingrediented brethren. It's coffee, cream, and sugar. No exotic spices or anything. It claims that it's made with Thai coffee but not being a coffee aficionado, I don't know the difference when masked with full cream and sugar. It's good though. It's no Thai tea, but what is? Am I right? You over there in the "Cat in the Hat" hat. Am I right? Am I right in thinking that it's no longer 1998 and you had your two weeks to legitimately wear that hat and now it's far past out of date? I submit that I am. Take that thing off, will you? Oh, dyed hair put in tiny knots and held together in small, multi-color rubber bands. You're really a piece of work aren't you? Yeah, Korn was great. You're right and I can't argue with that. Carry on.
Taste NirvanaWebsite@tastenirvana
Natural Cane Juice
Mike Literman on 8/13/12, 10:28 AM
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Chabaa Mango Nectar

Chabaa Mango Nectar
The weather reports are in and boy are they strange. If you're going outside boys and girls, don't forget to grab an umbrella as it's really coming down out there. The thing is that the precipitation isn't rain, but little chunks of mango. Meteorologists were highly confused until it became known that one of the canning facilities for Chabaa exploded earlier this morning, sending it's reservoirs of mango pulp high into the atmosphere. It's just now that it is finally making its way back to the Earth.
While it is a strange thing to behold it is causing the sale of Chabaa to skyrocket (no pun intended). People are looking outside, thinking how much of as pain the cleanup is going to be, and then they suddenly get as craving for some juice. Even though Chabaa puts out a fairly tame nectar (it's slightly thick, but the added sugar takes a little away from the mango flavor), they include little chunks of mango pulp that give the beverage the little push it needs to be great. Pulp and chunks do nothing but make drinks more fun and enjoyable. These are fairly small, maybe 1/8" cubed, but they squish up nicely in your mouth.
So follow your whim and go out and grab yourself a can, just remember to bring your umbrella and your galoshes or you'll be in for some trouble. This is Steve Saginaw signing off for Imperial Weather.
Chunky and Juice
Jason Draper on 6/11/12, 3:57 PM
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T.A.S. Lychee

T.A.S. Lychee
I don't know what it is with most of the part-timers at my job. Sometimes we get part time workers or interns that seem to have lived under a rock their whole life. They don't know anything about pop culture and the first month is spent discovering how far back in time you can go to discuss things they might have a clue about. I guess when I was twenty-two, I might have not known what lychee was, but when I described it as "it tastes like a fruity old woman," our intern gave me a face, and rightfully so.

He actually took a sip of this. He told me I was right and that's all I needed to hear from him. After drinking half this can, I've got to admit this is one of the better lychee drinks I've had. If they all tasted like this, I would not be as leery to drink them as I am. I don't know what it is but I've had some that are downright terrible. Potentially spoiled rotten. This is like a bouquet of flowers. I don't know what it is about lychee but it's like a fruity, flowery, sweet treat when done right. Someday I'll find a real one and eat it but in the meantime, this is a good place to start.
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 6/5/12, 4:02 PM
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La Vi Aloe

La Vi Aloe
Gerald was one dumb kid. He was one of those kids that didn't like to drink water so he drank anything but. When he was about eight, someone gave him an aloe drink and he fell in love. What kid wouldn't want to drink something with chunks? It's just gross enough that young boys think it's the most incredible thing ever. He would drink it every day. He would drink a lot of it every day. When he was at school he would have one of those giant 32 ounce bottles in his backpack and when the school day was over, he would have nearly finished the whole thing. When he was home, he would drink small containers because his mom and dad really didn't like him drinking that much.

He would hide them throughout his room. He particularly liked the La Vi drinks because they were good and they were small enough to fit in small places. The last time he went to his local Asian market the cashier, who knows him by name, turned him onto an apple La Vi aloe drink. It had a decent apple taste, was a little syrupy, and had those lovable chunks in it.

One day, when running in gym class, he fell and cut his leg. He grabbed his leg and when he lifted his hands to see how bad it was, and his hands were covered in aloe and chunks. It was a little pink from blood but for the most part, it was all aloe! He thought it was cool and called his friends over to look at it. They dared him to drink it but that was just too much for him. The nurse called his parents and yelled at them for letting him drink so much aloe and that it was bad for him. When Gerald got home, he was grounded and they found and threw out his stash of aloe drinks. He understood that he had a problem and cut his aloe intake way down.
Chunky and Aloe Vera
La Vi
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 2/23/12, 5:03 PM
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Coca-Cola Lemon

Coca-Cola Lemon
It's over. It's finally over. Ladies and gentlemen, Christmas 2011 has come to a close. I for one couldn't be happier. I spent the last two days not in my house but about twenty-five miles in every other direction and also in my car. Look, I am not a grinch. Sure, I hate getting presents but that's mostly because I'm a piece of crap who doesn't deserve anything but at the same time is self-sufficient and if I want something, I'll work my butt off to get it. I'm terrible at receiving gifts for that reason and I know that I would be much happier if no one bought me anything. I asked for one thing this year and I got it. Do you know what it is? Whisky stones. I don't always put my drinks in the fridge and don't want to put my drinks in a glass with ice because the ice will melt and skew my drinking experience. Yes, a Thirsty Dudes item was the only item on my wish list. I don't at all feel spoiled because I got everything that I asked for because I go the whole year not asking for anything and therefore making it near impossible to buy for but do you know what? Back to square one; I don't deserve anything and if I want it, I'll buy it myself.

In continuance, I spent the last thirty-six hours in my car apparently just picking up nothing short of a million toys for my ten-month-old son who made out like a G.D. bandit on his first Christmas. Toys. Clothes. Food. The whole gamut. My car was filled to the brim with so much stuff that I took up space where the dogs were sitting and also had to leave stuff at my parent's house because the dogs simply wouldn't have had a place to go.

Exhausted after remove what seemed like ten thousand pounds of bags and boxes from my car, I was quite thirsty. I grabbed a can of Coca-Cola that Derek's daddy brought back from Thailand on a recent trip to do whatever the heck he does over there. I had the vanilla and it was great and I knew that the lemon was not going to be as good. I was right. It's not a good "right" when you win when something is worse and you know it. It was fine. It tastes like lemony Coke, but it didn't keep me coming back like it should have. So much, in fact, that when my girlfriend, hot on a cleaning purge, dumped half the can down the drain, I wasn't upset. I got what I needed for the review and who needs to drink a can of cola right before bed? Not me, friend.

Christmas is over. I think that deserves more fanfare than Christmas approaching. If your family got you lemon Coke, it won't go in the return pile, but it might win by a hair from the dreaded "re-gift" pile.
Soda Pop
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 12/26/11, 12:06 AM
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Bird's Nest Nice Look

Bird's Nest Nice Look
Oh, I would like to look nice. Inversely, I would also like to have a nice look, I guess. I would also not like to drink whatever this drink is made out of. What is it made out of, you say? Simple actually: water, white fungus, bird's nest, rock sugar, and vanilla. Done and done. There. Simple. Delicious? Not so much. We have done a bird's nest drink previously, and this one is no different except the separation of particles in the drink are more aloe-esque and less "spit in water" which makes it a bit more appetizing.

The fellas over at The Impulsive Buy have reviewed this drink and have some equally disgusting things to say about it.

It smells a little like Kix, which, ironically, I had this morning and makes me not want to eat it any more. It's a very smooth drink. It's lightly sweetened but the chunks are less chunk and more wet paper. That is disturbing. I can't fathom drinking any more of this. I'm sorry. I'm sorry Thailand for taking a can of this away from you. I hope there isn't a shortage because I am tossing out a 3/4 full can of this is the filth can.
Chunky and Other/Weird
Bird's Nest
Rock Sugar
Mike Literman on 12/19/11, 4:54 PM
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Day To Day Bean Milk

Day To Day Bean Milk
Oh man I could really go for some Thai food. Some peanut satay would really hit the spot, specifically in wrap form. That would be delicious. A nice wrap of peanut sauce and tofu. Maybe I'll go a little crazy and get some ginger on it. What do you mean you don't serve satay? I'm sorry. I thought any self respecting hot dog stand would be well stocked in the foods of other cultures. I guess this world just isn't the place I thought it was. It looks like I'll have to go see what that little market next door has.

Hmmm they don't have any prepared foods, but the woman working the counter did recommend this drink to me. I like soy milk so why not. Oh wow this does taste exactly like peanut satay. Actually this is kind of gross. It makes me feel like I was in a horrific car accident and had to get my jaw wired shut, and as a result my jaw has been wired shut, and I need to have all of my foods liquefied. Okay after two sips I can't drink anymore.

Dear Day to Day, I don't know what peanuts have to do with bean milk, but screw you for putting me off peanuts for a little while.
Day To Day
Couldn't Read Ingredients
Jason Draper on 11/21/11, 10:43 AM
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Sapanan Aloe Vera White Grape

Sapanan Aloe Vera White Grape
You know what I love? Discovering new Asian markets. It's a great feeling because that means that a new world is open for me to discover. I went in bright and early and bought everything they had that we hadn't done, including this rocket shaped aloe drink.

So as you can see, the first thing I noticed is the packaging, which is nothing short of awesome. Ergonomically designed and rocket shaped?! Sold, dude. Sold.

Taste-wise, it's just an aloe. It's white grape flavored aloe with giant chunks. The chunks are pretty good because every one you get and chew is like a flavor explosion in your mouth. If you were a glutton and had no self-restraint, you could have a grand finale by drinking the whole container and just going chew crazy.

I liked this drink and any fan of aloe should seek it out.
Aloe Vera and Chunky
Mike Literman on 9/14/11, 1:51 PM
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Window Cafe French

Window Cafe French
Thirsty Dude's don't drink alcohol. That doesn't mean that we don't appreciate quality packaging of alcoholic packages. Us straight edge kids finally have our own version of a Saporro can. This can is unbreakable. It has nothing to do with the drink itself, but good packaging deserves mentioning and this can is heavy duty, brother. Now that aesthetics are out of the way, we can get to flava.

It's a coffee drink, so you can expect it to taste like coffee. No-brainer. This is more of a French vanilla Starbucks Frappuccino-esque flavor but less chocolate milk and more coffee. It doesn't have that strong roast flavor that some other coffee drinks have. I liked it, and I, for the millionth time, and not a coffee drinker. If you like cold coffee drinks,
Last week's drink was probably more up your alley. This drink is accessible to more people.

That can though. Bomb shelters could be made out of these. American cans aren't made to the same specs of international canned beverages and every time I lifted it to look at the can, I thought there was more in it. I'm a stupid idiot because there were several times where I went to drink more. I'm like a bird flying into a clean window over and over again. I've got to throw this can out or I'm going to keep doing it.
Window Cafe
Mike Literman on 8/29/11, 4:52 PM
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Freeze Extra Coffee with Milk

Freeze Extra Coffee with Milk
Good morning, Ames, Iowa. We're coming to you live from this rented chopper we borrowed from the local high school. Er, I mean hospital. As you can see, traffic is moving pretty well through the highway. We had to get up mighty early to get this helicopter for you and I haven't had my coffee yet so I apologize for any mistakes that I might make on air. My cameraman, Joe, is handing me a can. Joe, what is this? This isn't coffee. It is? This is bad TV, I know, but I really need drink...what is this? It's not in English. Oh, turn it around? Oh, Freeze Extra, huh? Well, down the hatch, right, Ames?

This is great, Joe. Where did you get this? What are you doing at an Asian market? Oh, sure, buying udon. Why else would you go there? Ames, Joe here loves his udon noodles and he eats it every day at lunch. He's even got those cool, ceramic spoons and eats it out of a wooden bowl. Are you Asian, Joe? Irish? Well we seem to have gotten our wires crossed. The milk really smoothes down this coffee. It's like the coffee I get from the coffee shop but cold. I like it. Joe, Ames, Iowa, you have a wonderful day. You down there is the gorgeous new Hyundai Veloster who almost hit that semi, I know you can't hear me but be careful with that thing.

Joe, we've really got to get a helicopter for the station. This thing is great. Oh, we've been off the air for ten minutes? Who cares? It's awesome up here.
Mike Literman on 8/25/11, 10:27 AM
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