No Sugar Added - 718 Reviews

Amy & Brian All Natural Coconut Juice

Amy & Brian All Natural Coconut Juice
Were Amy and Brian extras in the show Lost? By extras I of course mean they were lesser-known characters in the documentary that was filmed in real time. Did they somehow find a way off the island early on, and just forget to mention it to the others because they were all arguing like a bunch of jerks instead of listening to their would be saviors? In their brief time on the island did they fall in love with coconut water? I mean it was that or salty seawater that would eventually dehydrate you, so they had to drink it, and it probably grew on them quite a bit.

I'm going to just assume that everything written above is 100% accurate and that the couple moved back to the states where they started a company that imported coconut water from Thailand and packaged it in their own cans. They did a good job of it too. It tastes fresher than other brands that I have tasted, and of course it's very refreshing. It's not quite the same as cracking open a coconut that just fell from a tree, but it's not that far off.

While everyone else is dead that ever stepped foot on the island, these two entrepreneurs swimming in their money Scrooge McDuck style form their settlement from the airlines and their profits from their juice.
Amy & BrianWebsite@AmyBrianNatural
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 12/16/13, 4:43 PM
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Mmm...Tea Co. Unsweetened & Black Tea

Mmm...Tea Co. Unsweetened & Black Tea
What's that you got there? Black tea? Nice. You didn't put any sugar in it, did you? No? Good. Yup this tastes exactly like I would want an unsweetened black tea to taste. It wasn't steeped too long, so it's not very bitter. It just has a nice tea flavor to it. It's a bit on the watery side, but I think that helps to make it better. I mean it doesn't taste watered down, just not terribly strong. Yea, I'm 100% on board with this.
Iced Tea
Mmm...Tea Co.
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 12/15/13, 5:42 PM
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Bolthouse Farms Tropical + Carrot

Bolthouse Farms Tropical + Carrot
Oh tropical fruit how I love you. I just can't get enough of passionfruit, guava and…€¦pears? Wait…€¦what? Since when are pears a tropical fruit? I grew up in Western New York and my next-door neighbor had a pear tree in her backyard. I can assure you without a shadow of a doubt that I do not live in a tropical location. The snowstorm we are currently in can attest for that. So why is there a picture of a pear on this label? I guess it could be some special kind of tropical pear, but the ingredients just say pear, so I imagine it's just a run of the mill pear. I know that not all of the fruit in here is tropical, there are also apples, but maybe they should have switched out that pear image for an orange. At least they are quasi tropical.

Whatever the deal is with the pear, it's unimportant when it comes to the taste of this juice. It does in fact taste tropical with an underlying vegetable flavor of the carrots. It's not very strong, and this tastes way more like a fruit juice than anything, but you can definitely taste a little something extra going on.12.5 carrots were murdered in the making of this drink, yet the ¾ of a passionfruit that was also brutally slain is far more present in the flavor. The tropics win again root vegetables, like they always will, like they always should.
Bolthouse FarmsWebsite@BolthouseFarms
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 12/15/13, 12:13 PM
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Hint Unsweetened Essence Water Cucumber

Hint Unsweetened Essence Water Cucumber
I don't know about you, my fine readers, but I am a big fan on bahn mi sandwiches. They are a staple lunch for me. I mix up some tofu, carrots, cucumber and sriracha and put them on a roll. I know that I should put daikon on it, but I haven't been making it to the Asian markets as much as I used to. My whole point of this is that when I make the sandwiches, I peel the skin off of the cucumbers. I find it to be a bit distracting from the overall taste. It's not a bad flavor at all, but it's not what I want in this particular sandwich.
Now what should be done with those leftover skins? I could compost them for my garden in the spring. Instead perhaps I will let them soak in water so that their flavor is transferred to the liquid. That my friends is exactly what this water tastes like. I've had other cucumber drinks that taste like the soft innards of the vegetable, but this tastes unmistakably like the skin. It's not bad, but it's not what I expected. I would also say that the flavor is much stronger than a “hint” as well. It certainly is refreshing and I like it. If you are iffy about cucumbers I would stay away though. This thing is pure cuc.
United States
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Jason Draper on 12/12/13, 1:13 PM
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Hint Fizz Strawberry Kiwi

Hint Fizz Strawberry Kiwi
Does anyone else out there get to a point where they just need to drink something carbonated? As in you feel like you're just going to explode if you don't get some bubbles in your throat. I am certainly in that camp. It's not often, but every couple of weeks or so I get a tickle in my throat, and no matter how much I cough, clear my throat or drink water, it simply will not go away. The only cure for what ails me is to drink some pop or other carbonated beverage. Now I don't always want all the sugar that comes along with soda, but I generally can't stand tonic water. Lucky for me Hint exists and they have created a line of sparkling water drinks that don't have the bitter seltzer taste. It tastes like someone took normal everyday water and added bubbles to it and it didn't change the flavor at all. They then added just a hint (well duh) of strawberry kiwi flavoring that gives it just a light flavor. It's perfect for what I need, and it has zero nutritional value, as well as zero negative connotations. It's a win for everyone, especially my scratchy throat.
Sparkling and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
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Jason Draper on 12/8/13, 5:37 PM
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Icebox Water in a Box

Icebox Water in a Box
I notice that your shopping cart is full of cases of bottles of water. Were you aware that you are in fact a savage? Well, I mean you must be if you're drinking all of your water from tiny little bottles of water. Yes, I understand that you feel like you're more civilized because you don't drink water from the tap. Apparently you don't care about waste created by the containers you use. If you must drink water in a portable container that you can buy, get one of these little guys. Water in a carton; it's the wave of the future. They are made from a renewable resource that can be easily recycled. It's crisp. It's clean. It's refreshing.

I still believe that water is water for the most part, and with a decent filter in your home, you can drink your tap water and it will taste just as good as it would if it were bottled/cartoned. If you absolutely need to be a snob about it, please grab a carton instead of a bottle. The world will thank you. Okay, hardly anyone will notice, but it's really for the best…€¦I swear.
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 12/8/13, 5:24 PM
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Ayala Herbal Tea Peppermint Melissa Spearmint

Ayala Herbal Tea Peppermint Melissa Spearmint
Peter Ayala was often a hungry man and when he was hungry, he knew there was no better place to go than the Greek place by his house? Why is that? Well it's because they had everything on the menu. What other place could you go where on the same menu they had, gyros, hamburgers, meat loaf, bahn mi, pizza, and quesadillas? Sure, nothing was mind blowing but when Peter was hungry and didn't want to go through the whole, "Where do I want to eat?" thing, he would just go to the Greek restaurant and just get something.

One thing he thought was a classic move, that no place aside from Greek restaurants do anymore, was they put out the little bowl of After Dinner mints. He loved that they had the glass bowl and a little spoon in it and you just helped yourself. He loved those mints. One day when the manager wasn't looking he took a couple more than he normally would. Sure he could just buy them at the store but he wanted to try something a little different.

He went home, unloaded two dozen mints onto the table and filled up an empty two liter of pop with water, put the mints in along with some peppermint leaves and just let it all infuse together. Then, the time was ready. He readied a glass and took a sip. He couldn't have been happier. He was worried that it was going to be too strong but to his surprise it was a nice, refreshing drink that didn't taste like toothpaste or like he put candy inside water. He could make more and more as the summer heat came down, as it was a very refreshing and cooling drink.

He would never tell the restaurant what he discovered but every time after that faithful day he would take twice as many mints as he should have. One serving for him and one for the drink he would always make to cap off his day.
Iced Tea and Water
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 12/8/13, 12:33 AM
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Sealand Birk Blueberry

Sealand Birk Blueberry
Apparently someone else out there, besides me, doesn't like maple syrup. Said person, whose name may rhyme with Leiland Kirk, most certainly got a tapping kit as a zany Xmas gift, and didn't know what to do with it. Why would he want to go harvest his own maple syrup, when he has no taste for the stuff? Instead he decided to take it another way. Since he was such a big fan of birch beer he went out to the woods behind his house, found the largest birch tree his little eyes could spy, and drove that tap right into it. Rumor has it that as soon as he did a great torrent of birch juice flooded out, nearly drowning our hero. I don't believe a word of it. I tend to think that he left that spout in the tree for a good week before he remembered to go back and check on it, and he had gathered maybe half a bucket full. There's not much juice in them there trees, you see.

Our recipient of an unthoughtful gift was a bit disappointed to find out that the liquid that came from the tree did not in fact taste like his favorite soda. Instead what he got was a slightly sweet liquid that tasted very lightly of trees. On it's own he found it to be a bit bland and nothing that he cared too much about but he decided to add a little blueberry juice to the mix, and he was onto something. The flavors blended together wonderfully, and tasted nice and sweet, without being overly candy-like. It had a taste all it's own, and it was something that he grew to love. It was just unfortunate that the trees would only produce the juice in the spring before they sprouted leaves. This became a seasonal drink indeed.
Sealand BirkWebsite@sealand.birk
United States
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Jason Draper on 12/5/13, 2:21 PM
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Biliner Premium Mineral Water

Biliner Premium Mineral Water
Mark Smits was a famous actor. He rose to stardom after a series of romantic comedies and after that, his stardom just kept rising. He quickly saw the danger in being so famous and influential. People were doing things like carving their names in their arms, getting tattoos of his perfect face on their bodies, and dressing like him at comic book conventions. His friends started to notice it and made him do things to see just how far people would go "in his honor." They would do things like have him go up to people in the streets and say that he'll give them a hug if they grab strangers butts and they would do it without hesitation. He made people get "MARK SMIT" tattood on their knuckles with the leftover "S" on their thumb and a peace sign on the other thumb and people did it and smiled the whole way. To step it up a notch, his friends dared him to start a company with the premise of people buying anything he endorses. The challenge was on.

Mark bought a thousand bottles, went down to the point in city where the trucks dumped all the snow and just filled up the bottles with salty, dirty, melted snow water. People cringed a bit when they drank it but since Mark said that it was cool, so did everyone else. He decided he did not like what he had become and quit acting all together. He decided to take his million of dollars and invest it wisely and spend the rest on doing good in cities around the country. It would all come full circle when he was working across the country at a soup kitchen and a case of his salty snow water came in and the homeless people recognized him from the campaign and made him sign bottles of it. Mark would never be able to escape his unfortunately uber-successful past.
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 12/3/13, 3:47 PM
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Trader Joe's Green Tea

Trader Joe's Green Tea
Now this could be trouble. Here's what happens; I drink countless drinks per week, between ten and fifteen new drinks per week. That's a lot, right? Not many of them grab me but in the case that I do find one that grabs a hold of you like some sort of starving hawk in the middle of a desert, I crave it. A lot. I think about the next time I will be in the area and I can get some. Currently, I'm riding the proverbial horse of Panera's Tropical Hibiscus. I Just Can't Get Enough.

I bought this and didn't think much of it other than I was thirsty but a couple hours later and three quarters of a thirty three ounce bottle later, here I am trying to wonder when the next time myself or someone I can will be out at our new Trader Joe's to get me like four bottles of "the stuff."

Now this is not perfect but it's darn close. It's got the smell and the taste. The only thing it's missing is that little thing in green tea that people that like green tea like and people who claim they don't like green tea don't like. That strange, back of your tongue bitterness that makes your mouth water and crave more. It doesn't have that but it does have a very good taste and just tastes like an honest, home brewed green tea.

At two dollars, you have no reason not to at least try it. They have a fruit one, too that I will get next time I'm there stocking up on this habit. Darn it, Joe. You've caught me like a fish at some sort of fishing derby. A little secret about me, though? I'll get hooked so hard that when you stop selling it, you will miss me like the deserts miss the rain.
Iced Tea
Trader Joe'sWebsite@TraderJoesList
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 12/1/13, 10:15 PM
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Suja Purify

Suja Purify
Ahh, the joys of simplicity for simplicities sake. It leads to a world where you get exactly what you expect, with no wildcards in the mix. Suja understand this, so for this juice the only ingredients are carrot, apple, celery, cucumber, beet and lemon. Six simple fruits and vegetables all juiced together into a whole that is as delicious as it is nutritious. I suppose that could mean that it tastes like dog food and isn't healthy at all, but I assure you this rides the other side of the spectrum.

All of the ingredients play a role in the flavor. The apples serve as a nice sweet base, the lemon adds a nice bit of tartness to the ending and it has a nice earthy flavor to it due to the carrots, cucumbers and beets. The celery rides the top of the flavor, but it's not nearly as strong as it is in other cold pressed juices I have tasted. I appreciate that they chose to dull it down, as it normally tends to be too intense and distracting.

Drinking healthy tastes and feels great. We should all really do it more often.
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 11/26/13, 11:28 AM
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King Condrell's Sweet Cinnamon Roobios

King Condrell's Sweet Cinnamon Roobios
With every sip I am enticed by the smell, but to drink this is really nothing more than a red tea that has a hint of cinnamon. Just a hint. No burn, just more of an infused cinnamon scent. It's not "sweet" either. I understand when they say "sweet cinnamon" and this smells it a bit but taste wise is just kind of like someone made a cup of tea and put a cinnamon stick in it. Look, this doesn't suck. It's calming, but from the smell I took yesterday and the actual sip I took today, ehhhhhhhhhh I wanted a little more. Just a little more spice, you know? Spice. That sweet cinnamon spice. Call me greedy, but I just want more. I'll drink more tea, believe you me, but I want more flavor.
Hot Tea
King Condrell'sWebsite@KingCondrells
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 11/22/13, 11:04 AM
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Harmless Harvest 100% Raw Tea Unsweetened

Harmless Harvest 100% Raw Tea Unsweetened
Holy greens Batman! The freshness in this tea is absurd. The flavor is as if you picked some tealeaves from the plant and started chomping away on them. That's right this raw tea tastes like plants. Whether that is a good thing or not depends on you, the drinker. I know this would be a huge turnoff to a lot of people out there, but at the same time I understand the allure for others. I'm personally not sure how I feel about it. On one hand, I appreciate the freshness and think it's great that such a thing exists, but on the other I kind of feel like a bully held me down and made me eat grass. I'm going to guess that most of you out there are going to pass on this product after reading this review, but for you adventurous ones out there, I say give it a shot. Who knows, maybe it will be your thing.
Iced Tea
Harmless HarvestWebsite@HarmlessHarvest
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 11/21/13, 4:16 PM
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Evolution Fresh Cucumber Pineapple Ginger

Evolution Fresh Cucumber Pineapple Ginger
It's a little known fact that later in life Chuck Darwin got really into juice. He'd get up in the morning, theorize a bit to work up a thirst and then just juice the hell out of everything he could get his hands on. It was the 1800's so there were many a disease to be staved off, and good ole Chuck knew that juice would be a good way to stay healthy. He started off small; you know apples, grapes, pears and the like. Then he realized the only way to achieve greatness was to evolve, you know like man from apes. So it was that this wonderful juice evolved from the idea of smashing up a bunch of apples to drink them.

I personally don't think juice could evolve past this point. Cucumbers, pineapple and ginger are three of the tastiest foodstuffs this world has ever seen. When you mix them together in your mouth it's like all of the apes in the world suddenly stood up straight and said, “Excuse me sir, but I would really love to try that.” This juice is that good that it evolves primates instantly. What other juice can boost that claim?

This little bottle of nirvana contains one pineapple, 1/3 of a cucumber and a hint of ginger. It mostly tastes like a gingered pineapple juice, but the weird dirty taste of the cucumber, which I absolutely love, fades in and out as you sip along. It's also cold pressed to help maintain the healthiness to the utmost. If all of that wasn't good enough the scent of it is how I wish my home smelled 24/7.

I got some insider news that Starbucks will soon be carrying Evolution juices, so hopefully this will become more readily available for me and everyone. Darwin demands it!
Ginger and Juice
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 11/20/13, 1:10 PM
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Polar Seltzer Champagne Strawberry

Polar Seltzer Champagne Strawberry
People know that I am straight edge but many of them don't know why. I will give you the short reason why.

My friends growing up didn't really drink so it was fine to almost have a beer here and there. My entire lifetime, I might have drank two beers, one glass of champagne and a glass of wine. Total. People I know drink more than that in one night. That is not why I don't drink.

I don't drink because I went away to college and saw people on their own for the first time drinking so much that before the fifth of vodka hit their system, they knew what was about to happen and asked people to punch them in the stomach to make them puke. I saved female friends in parks from being felt up because everyone was drunk and no one wants to hear the next day that ten creeps touched your boobs. I saw people abandoned on park benches because they were too drunk to deal with. That's why I don't drink. I have fun doing a lot of dumb stuff and don't need to get any dumber. I'm not saying that you can't drink responsibly and have a good time, I'm just saying that I don't need it in my life and I don't feel that it will enhance anything and I don't feel like I'm missing anything.

That being said, this champagne strawberry seltzer is pretty good and pretty close to what I remember champagne to taste like. It's still got that "seltzer" taste, sure, but it actually has a good, faint strawberry taste, and a frighteningly accurate "alcohol" aftertaste. It's good enough that I probably drank thirty ounces of it. Alcohol taste and all. Something about these Polar bottles keep me coming back for more every time I drink them.

Now the season is about us where people drink a lot. Maybe calm down a little this season and drink some of this. It tastes like what you're drinking anyhow and you can drink and drive with this all day. If you like it, maybe kick in the New Year with the resolution of not pretending you're still nineteen. Unless, of course you are nineteen, which in that case you probably drank when you were reading this. Keep up the good work, nineteen year old. Better study for that Math 101 final next week. Start by multiplying the amount of empty Genny Cream Ale cans you have scattered throughout your apartment by five to find out how you're going to afford pizza tonight.
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 11/19/13, 4:54 PM
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Biliner Royal Class Spring Water

Biliner Royal Class Spring Water
70% of the Earth is made up of water. The human body contains about the same percentage. That's a whole lot of water. Imagine how either would look if you took that water out? Mummies, or California Raisons? You be the judge. Either way it would be gross and terrible. We don't really review water here on Thirsty Dudes, unless a company sends us some. Our reasoning is that we don't know what to say. How does one describe water? It's wet? It tastes like water? Does anything taste like water, except itself? Sure we understand there are subtle nuances in different companies, but we're not the kind of experts that could easily identify them and explain them to the public.

With all of that being said, Biliner sent us some of their mineral water and it tastes like water with a little something extra in it. It tastes like well water to me. It's not as crisp as "regular water." It contains ammonia, magnesium, calcium, iron, and sodium. I can understand why some people would enjoy this, but personally I would rather drink the water out of the Britta in my fridge.

The people from the company tell me that it is huge in Europe. I can see that. They like fancier waters over there. They also are obsessed with carbonated water, which I simply do not get.
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 11/19/13, 4:51 PM
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Bodum Japan Sencha

Bodum Japan Sencha
There is time to play games and there is time to be serious. Now is not the time to talk about butts, cats in glasses, sandwiches with both meats and cheese in them, or corgi stuff. Now is the time to talk about things like third quarter investment strategies, medicine directions, model instructions, mathematical equations, and the complex relationship between Turkey and Sudan.

Green tea, and I mean real green tea, not canned green tea that should only be displayed in quotes, is a complex beast. It's an adult drink. A true drink for adults. It is a bitter beast that can only be tamed by an open mind and a clean palate. Once you embrace it, you really can get into it. This tea is splendid and I don't use that term lightly or at all, really. It is bitter but does something to your taste buds where it makes them crave more. Every sip is just bitter enough that you aren't offended and has a great taste at all times. It's bold and is complex and takes time to take it all in.

Look, if you're looking for just another tea to drink and chug, this is not for you. If you had a hard day and just want to go home, put on some music, sit in the dark and sip some tea, this is for you. Wait, what? You don't like to sit in the dark and listen to music and drink tea? Hmm, now I bet you're looking at me like I'm the crazy one. You are the crazy one. In the dark you can really take things in without the pesky, intrusive light bothering you.
Hot Tea
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 11/14/13, 11:38 AM
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Ayala Herbal Tea Rooibos Cinnamon Rose Petal

Ayala Herbal Tea Rooibos Cinnamon Rose Petal
This drink plays out like first time you see a classic midnight movie as a child. It's incredible strange and weird, and when you first encounter it you're not exactly sure how you feel about it. Everything in your body tells you that it's wrong and that you should not continue along this path in your life, yet there is a little spark of interest deep down inside and if you nurture it a great love could bloom.

There were four of us gathered when this drink was opened. Each of us took a sip and we all had the same reaction of this is just not good. One of our friends proclaimed that it tasted like your grandmother doused herself in bug spray, then to cover the smell spritzed perfume all over and then forced you to lick her arm. I did not have such a strong reaction, but my tongue was not pleased. Then for some reason I took another sip, and things started to look like they weren't all that bad. My body had accepted the flavor as something unusual, but unusual doesn't equal bad. Sure the baby from Eraserhead is one of the weirdest things ever thought up/constructed and at a young age it's completely terrifying, but it's also an incredible image in cinema. I'm not saying this drink will have such a profound effect on the beverage world, but it is out of the ordinary and it has merit.

The problem was that we all went into this expecting what we universally accept as iced tea. The thing is that this bottle does not contain any traditional tea and it is an herbal infusion. Once your brain isn't expecting black, green or white tea it can begin to properly process the flavors this drink contains. The main herbal flavor in this comes from the rooibos, which is actually a legume from South Africa. It's also known as red tea, so there is a chance that you may have had it before without even realizing it. After that comes the floral taste of the rose petals. This is where the majority of the weirdness of this beverage comes from. In the western world, we're not accustomed to ingesting flowers, and while it's not a terrible thing it does take some time to become acclimated to it. Underneath it all lies a light cinnamon flavor that rounds everything out.

At first sip, I thought I wanted nothing to do with this tea, but now that I'm near the bottom, the floral taste that seemed so overpowering in the beginning seems more like an afterthought. This beverage is very interesting, and if you're looking for an adventure, pull one of these from your local grocer's shelf and then head down to the independent theatre in your town and check out whoever the new Lynch, Cronenberg and Waters are for the current generation.
Iced Tea
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 11/10/13, 11:55 AM
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Popeye Energy Clobberin Clementine

Popeye Energy Clobberin Clementine
Did Popeye ever ingest anything other than spinach? I mean I know he was always smoking a pipe, which I'm sure smelled amazing, but in any of the comics, cartoons or the movie (where Shelley Duvall played the role she was born for) did they ever show the character of Popeye ever eating or drinking anything else? To be honest I haven't watched/read any of them in probably 15-20 years, but I will assume he only eats spinach. By that logic one would assume that his personal energy drink would contain some spinach. That is not the case. In fact, not only does this energy drink not have spinach, but it also has no taurine, or any of that other fake garbage that is in 99% of energy drinks. This is solely carbonated juice (white grape, apple and clementines) with some caffeine and vitamins added to it. There isn't even any added sugar. The result is my new favorite energy drink. Sure for those of you out there that drink a keg of coffee a day this will probably have no effect, but for those like myself that don't consume much caffeine, it's working just fine. This is the healthier side of energy drinks and I support it whole-heartedly. The clementines taste is very strong, so if you like a more bitter orange, get on this train. The aftertaste is more of the grape and apple juice, but when you first take a sip you get a nice punch in the tonsils with some tiny oranges.

Oh a side note, after watching some videos on Youtube I am convinced that if Shelley Duvall was younger now, she could be an indie darling. The young kids would eat these vocals up, check it out.
Energy Drink, Juice and Sparkling
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 11/9/13, 5:49 PM
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Solixir Restore Pomegranate Ginger

Solixir Restore Pomegranate Ginger
Even though we have reviewed several other Solixir products my brain was convinced that the “No Sugar Added” tag meant that this thing was going to be chock full of stevia. I keep finding myself reviewing drinks that contain stevia, and I've had my fill for a while. It seems like everyone is using it, either on it's own or in conjuncture with cane sugar. I understand it is healthier, but can everyone admit that it has a very distinguishable taste that can be overpowering? It seems like companies are acting like it is completely tasteless…€¦it's not.

I grabbed this, and braced myself for a cool “new-diet” sting that never came. It seems that when Solixer says no sugar added, they mean it. The only sweetener of any kind that can be found in this can is the kind that comes naturally in fruit juice (13g worth for those keeping track at home). I was overjoyed. This was a drink that I wasn't looking forward to at all, and it turns out that I truly enjoy it. It's simply carbonated water, white grape juice, pomegranate juice and a botanical extract blend that contains ginger root, European elderflower, European elderberry, stinging nettle leaf, dandelion root and honeysuckle stem. That is a lot of “unusual” ingredients yet the drink comes off as a very light, slightly fruity ginger ale. It has a slight botanical aftertaste, but it's in a good way, not in a “someone shot me in the mouth with perfume” sort of way. Yes, it tastes a bit watered down, but again it's in a pleasant way. Americans always seem to need strong flavor crammed down their throat, even when that flavor is a pale comparison of what it could taste like. This may have a light flavor, but the flavor that is there is of quality, and I would rather have it than some garbage artificially flavored soda any day.

I would love to try a cane sugar sweetened version of this, but I'm afraid that the sweetness would overpower the botanical flavors and all of it's greatness would be lost.
Juice, Sparkling, Sports/Dietary Supplement and Ginger
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 11/9/13, 11:42 AM
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