Chunky - 165 Reviews

Amy & Brian All Natural Coconut Juice with Pulp

Amy & Brian All Natural Coconut Juice with Pulp
Amy and Brian, lovers, loved coconuts. They would go out a couple times a week for dessert and always get a sundae with shaved coconuts on it. Their favorite candy bars were Mounds and Almond Joy in that order. Their favorite place to visit on vacation was somewhere tropical that they could get coconuts right off the tree. They loved the stuff.

They went to the Maldives on their honeymoon just to indulge in coconut fare. They went out the first night they were there and were served a drink that was on the menu simply as "coconut juice with pulp." How could they resist? They could not. They each got a large glass of it and when it came, their eyes lit up. It was coconut water with little chunks of coconut in it. Small chunks, like someone did a poor job straining, not that Amy or Brian were complaining. It had a bit of a natural sweetness that often times comes from coconut water and the chunks just made it more fun than a standard glass of coconut water.

Amy and Brian were in love with each other and this drink. They knew that this was a step in the right direction for their honeymoon and their future lives together. All it took was a little pulp.
Chunky and Coconut
Amy & BrianWebsite@AmyBrianNatural
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 12/31/13, 6:41 PM
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OKF Aloe Vera King Mango Taste

OKF Aloe Vera King Mango Taste
Heavy is the head that wears the crown, especially when it's falsely claimed. I mean there is nothing terribly wrong with OKF's aloe drinks, but they don't really stand out from the pack. The size of the aloe chunks range from average to the smaller side, and the flavor tastes like most other brands aloe. To be king I would say that you would have to have excessively large chunks and use actual juice and not flavoring. You need mango puree, premium aloe vera and chunks the size of the Hope diamond if you want to be the head of the monarchy. This here is overly sweet, with a mango flavor that doesn't taste exactly right. Perhaps OKF could be the baron or a count. Oh I got it, OKF is the Aloe Vera Duke.
Aloe Vera and Chunky
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 12/20/13, 2:30 PM
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TEAloe Original

TEAloe Original
Honey, it's so nice out here at the hotel pool. I know I've been depressed, even during our vacation. It's just that it's been really tough at work and I feel like everyone is coming down on me. It's nice to just relax and sit with my feet dangling in the pool with my sunglasses on, the sound of the ocean in the background, babes in bikinis...what? We're on vacation! Don't think I didn't see you turning it on when we were at the bar last night. We're just here to have fun and unwind, right? Right.

Oh, what's this? Aloe and iced green tea? That sounds pretty good. Honey, um, why is that kid looking across the pool at me doing that fingers to eye thing like Robert Di Niro does in all those Focker's movies? Do you think he heard my remark about fat kids wearing shirts in pools? I think he did. What's he doing? Oh...oh no. He's going to do a cannonball. Ahhhh!!!!!

Oh come on, kid. I'm finally relaxing and you got me all wet. I know it's a pool but sometimes you just want to dangle your feet. I am not an old man. I'm thirty one. What a jerk. He got pool water all over me and, oh man, he got it in my drink. I'm sorry, honey. I saw him coming and I should have covered my drink. Well maybe he didn't get that much in there. Let me see. Bleh, he did the damage. This tastes exactly like you would expect it to. It tastes like aloe green tea with pool water in it. The green tea is trying to poke his little head out and you can taste it and you can taste and see the aloe bits but then that strange, plastic, chemical water taste is there to ruin it.

You know what, honey? I think I'm just going to go up to the room and see what's on TV. Now all I can think about is Meet The Fockers and I think I would like to do that. You go turn that charm on and get yourself a free drink. Sorry I'm such a pretty literal wet blanket. If I'm sleeping, wake me up for dinner. I want a sloppy joe.
Aloe Vera, Chunky and Iced Tea
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 11/22/13, 4:40 PM
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Coco Libre Coconut Water + Chia Strawberry Kiwi

Coco Libre Coconut Water + Chia Strawberry Kiwi
Let's play a variation of the classic Easter game guess how many jelly beans are in the jar to win a big stuffed bunny. This time we're dealing with neither beans, nor jelly. Well, I guess there is a little jelly coating these seeds we're counting. Yes, you guessed correctly; today's game is guess how many chia seeds are in this bottle of CoCo Libre. There are certainly hundreds, possibly even thousands (but not very likely).

There are a handful of brands that have been making beverages with chia seeds in them, as they are rich in omegas and other junk that make them healthy. They also help to curb your appetite. So while this is nothing new in that regard this is the first company I know of to add them to coconut water. Even though I was greeted with a mouth full of dozens of tiny slimy seeds, my first thought was, “Why have I never come across strawberry kiwi coconut water before?” Seriously, with all of the flavors on the market, I never thought of this one, and it works. The base of this drink is coconut water that I wouldn't mind drinking on its own. Yes there is agave added to it for sweetener, which I wouldn't need in its non-seeded form, but yeah…€¦I want that.

So you probably want me to mention more about the seeds, huh? Well I don't think they have much of a flavor, but they are slippery and provide enjoyment for your mouth. I do not suggest chewing them. Actually try to chew them as much as you want. Their slimy coating makes them slip around your teeth and it takes quite an effort to actually bite into them. I just prefer to swish them around my mouth and then swallow.

I did mention a prize, didn't I? Well whoever guesses the correct amount of seeds, gets a life sized chia llama. Actually screw that. I'm keeping it for myself.
Chunky and Coconut
Coco LibreWebsite@CocoLibre
United States
Jason Draper on 11/14/13, 2:00 PM
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TEAloe Passion Fruit

TEAloe Passion Fruit
Like peanut butter and chocolate these are two great tastes that should taste great together, and that's even without the extra bonus of passion fruit. I love tea. I love aloe drinks. What is there not to love here right? Well, let me walk you through my beverage experience.

I grab this from the fridge, elated that my mouth is about to be blessed with what I can only assume is a beverage from the heavens. I twist off the cap and take a sip and…€¦something is wrong here. This doesn't taste like I expected. It's not insanely sweet and there is this weird bitterness around the edges. I take another sip and ponder this like a fool. Of course it's not what my brain expected. My brain saw aloe and passionfruit and it was expecting an explosion of flavor on my taste buds. The wrinkles in my head-grapes forgot to factor in the tea aspect of the drink. That weird bitterness I spoke of was simply the taste of the green tea. Since I have never tasted tea and aloe together I couldn't process what it would taste like for a second. Once everything fell in line and my synapses started firing away, I enjoyed this drink much more.

The tea flavor is right up front in this bottle. I had expected the aloe to be the guiding force, but without insane amounts of sugar it takes a backseat to the natural flavor of the green tea. The normal white grape taste that I associate with aloe was all but not there. To give this a proper explanation I would have to say that this tastes like a lightly brewed, lightly sweetened green tea that has just a splash of passion fruit flavor in it. The only way the aloe is really present is in the small chunks in it, and I mean real small. There are fewer chunks in this than in orange juice with pulp.

This didn't turn out to be what I expected and wanted it to be, but it still ended up being decent. I think going into the other flavors without the expectations that I had will lead me to a more enjoyable experience. You can also share in those experiences now. Won't you join me?
Aloe Vera, Chunky and Iced Tea
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 11/9/13, 9:10 PM
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T'best Aloe Vera Drink Mango

T'best Aloe Vera Drink Mango
Which of our forefathers stated the words, “Give me chunks or give me death!”? That was Ben Franklin right? Mr. Franklin had a thing for the ladies, and perhaps he had a fetish for those of the Asian persuasion. Perhaps then they turned him onto aloe drinks and he fell in love with sweet, fruit flavored drinks with fun little chunks in them. I bet he liked to catch the chunks in his teeth and then chew on them after he swallowed the liquid. Ben always was a kid at heart. Unlike us here in modern day America I bet he was unfamiliar with mangos and I also bet he loved their taste. What an exotic drink this must have been in the 18th century. It's so sticky sweet like the fruit that flavors it. Oh, did I mention it actually tastes like mango as well? It tastes like your grandmother decided to eat a mango like she eats her grapefruit; by dumping a bunch of sugar on it. Man it's no wonder everyone had wooden teeth back then.

Ben Franklin had it right when he ranted about aloe. Maybe he had some weird thing with regurgitation, or just maybe I got that famous quote wrong.
Aloe Vera and Chunky
Jason Draper on 11/3/13, 9:01 PM
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T'best Aloe Vera Drink Pineapple

T'best Aloe Vera Drink Pineapple
It's been a while, old friend. What has happened to the days where we would sit together and spend time with each other? Me basking in the sun like some sort of fancy Frenchman and you sitting in your bottle like you liked to do? The last few months have been smooth sailing and I mean that in all aspects of the word. Smooth. There has been nothing substantial in my drinks and it just sort of happened. Have we grown apart? It's not that I have forgotten. It's more that you haven't shown up and I am fully aware that the phone works both ways but you know how things go. We've been busy living our lives.

It is good to see you back. Shall we get right down to business like old times? Yes, let's. Let me get you something a little more comfortable for you to wear like this nice glass. That bottle looks constricting and I know how you don't like it in plastic. It's been a long time for me, too. I'll go gentle at first.

I see you haven't lost a step since we last met. You're everything I remembered and you taste like pineapples. The bits of aloe act as if there are real bits of pineapple in there, like you crushed and poorly strained pineapples out of a can. No, you don't taste like you came out of a can. You taste wonderful. We should do this more often. What happened to us? We used to be so close. Let's promise to not spend this much time apart again. I feel at times that I need you. I don't normally open up like that but it's true.
Chunky and Aloe Vera
South Korea
Mike Literman on 10/23/13, 3:16 PM
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Ahhmigo Endurance Lemon Chia Superseed

Ahhmigo Endurance Lemon Chia Superseed
"Tastes like lemonade," sounds like trickery to me. Telling someone that something tastes like something else seems like a not-so clever way of sneaking something into someone. If they would have said this was their interpretation of lemonade, I would have been fine. Them saying on the bottle that this "tastes like lemonade" tells me that this isn't lemonade and it's not trying to be lemonade but still tastes like it.

Does this taste like lemonade? Yes. It tastes like lemonade with those delightful little chia seeds in it. I like them. I don't know if I ever didn't but for the record, I like them. They've got a little crunch but you have to get through the smooth jelly exterior first. Although it sounds gross, I like it and if you don't actively chew the seeds, you might be able to care a little less with the fact that something you're drinking crunches.

The Stevia taste is there and I could tell right away. It's not too offensive but it's worth pointing out that this is a low calorie drink that tastes like a low calorie. An important point is that they're not trying to disguise it as not being diet. They also go on to point out what feels like a thousand times that this contains things that are good for you. Great right? Eh. It's good.
Diet, Mix/Concentrate, Sports/Dietary Supplement and Chunky
United States
Organic Stevia Extract
Mike Literman on 10/8/13, 5:09 PM
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OKF Sac's Orange Drink With Real Pulp

OKF Sac's Orange Drink With Real Pulp
Herman the local meteorologist was very concerned about two things. The first and foremost is the weather and atmospheric conditions. It is his livelihood. It helped him put his kids through college, buy that eight series Bimmer he's always wanted, put a roof over their heads and food on the table. He is constantly studying weather patterns to try to be on top of his game and be the best at predicting what's going to happen so the people of his fair city don't get caught in surprise thunderstorms or bundle up for perfectly clear and warm days.

The second is pure, unaltered food. He proudly condones the raw food diet, eats a lot of nuts and seeds as snacks, and will never order meat prepared any other way except raw. He likes his cheese stinky and his juice pulpy. The later of which on one particular day would merge his two loves together to form one super products for Herman.

Herman went into an Asian grocery store as he did most days to pick up things like bok choy, durian, and fish. He was about to walk out and saw a new orange drink. He picked it up to see what was in it and one of the ingredients was called "white cloudy." In addition, it was also bottled with pulp. He decided to bring it to his office and give it a try while watching the doppler radar for inconsistencies.

He sat down and opened the can and was blown away. It was the pulpiest drink he had ever drank and whatever white cloudy was, it was like the white, fluffy clouds of the heavens opened up and gave him this drink. It tasted like a tremendously pulpy orange juice that was perhaps a little sweeter than regular orange juice.

That day he was so excited he stayed late at work, did research on a tornado, and stopped to get another can at the store on his way home. He had truly found a drink made for meteorologists with a special ingredient tailored for them.
Chunky and Juice
Mike Literman on 9/9/13, 1:51 PM
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Vivaloe Watermelon Aloe

Vivaloe Watermelon Aloe
Viva Aloe! That is a statement I can get behind. I don't know how a plant that tastes so much like poison when found in nature can be transformed into such a tantalizing beverage, but some things you are just not meant to know. Other things that I didn't need to know include that there are more chickens on the planet than humans (the great poultry revolt will soon be upon us) and that the guy from Drew Carey did the voice of Batman in one of the cartoons (way to talk about taking you out of the awesomeness that is Batman).

This may be the first aloe drink that I have tasted that tasted fresh and not like it came from some mix. The bottle boasts, “no gelatin, no powder, no artificial color or flavors,” so it looks like I was somewhat correct. It's also make from real fruit juice, which is a nice change from the fake flavors these drinks normally have. This also has mammoth size aloe chunks in it, amongst the smaller ones. It's mostly smaller chunks that are the size they are in most aloe drinks, but every once in awhile you get a huge hunking one and it's wonderful.

On top of all of that this is the only watermelon flavored beverage…€¦actually any watermelon product that I have had that doesn't taste like a Jolly Rancher candy. This actually tastes like the fruit. It's subtle, but it's there and it doesn't taste overly watered down like I imagine straight watermelon juice would. I think this is a miracle of nature.

I also see that this company makes a honeydew variety and I must now hunt that down before I can die happy.
Chunky and Aloe Vera
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 8/21/13, 11:42 PM
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Alo Comfort Watermelon + Peach

Alo Comfort Watermelon + Peach
Hello, my name is Jason and I am an addict. I spent years of my life chasing the dragon, trying to grasp the unbeatable fix. I went from sketchy place to sketchy place looking for the best that the world could offer. I knew I had reached a low point when I found myself eating plants to get a fix. I was literally poisoning myself, and for what a taste of the good life. I realize now that I could never find a high sweet enough, or a chunk big enough. You see I am addicted to aloe drinks. I have kicked the habit, but I know that I will always be an addict. Actually that's not true…€¦I had kicked the habit, but I'm ashamed to admit that I have had a relapse. I just couldn't help myself. When a company like Alo released a drink that is watermelon and peach flavored, I feel like I have no choice but to submit to my urges. I mean it's made with real juice for crying out loud.

I am shamed, and going back to the …β‚¬Λœlo wasn't even as sweet as I wanted it to be. I was a fool. I knew watermelon drinks tended to end up tasting like Jolly Ranchers, but the use of real fruit gave me hope. In a cruel twist of fate, I was correct that it did taste like watermelon, but I had forgotten how light and nearly unflavored the juice that comes from a watermelon could be. This tastes like the great seeded fruit, but it was so darn light. Peaches are a much stronger fruit, but for some reason in this it was light as well. In some sips it came out stronger than others, but ultimately I must admit this was a very light drink. That can be fine and actually preferably in some beverages, but when it comes to aloe one wants bold flavors.

As far as chunks go, they are not as plentiful in Alo drinks as with other companies, but when you do get them, they are much larger than normal. It's a trade off you must make sure you are okay with. At my moment of weakness I would have accepted any chunks the Alo gods offered up.

I was weak, and my confidence was shattered. I came here to this group in search of help and strength. I hope that you fine people will allow me to lean on you as you fight your own demons. Wait…€¦what do you mean this has nothing to do with aloe? This is AA, right? Aloholics Anonymous? Oh…€¦well it looks like I'm in the wrong place. Thank you for your time anyway.

Chunky and Aloe Vera
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 7/14/13, 4:23 PM
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Pokka Aloe V Blueberry Juice

Pokka Aloe V Blueberry Juice
We at Thirsty Dudes love aloe drinks. You don't believe me? Look at the 73 (and counting) different aloe drinks we've had: Sure there has been a few bad apples in there, but overall I'm sure the aloe vera category has a better good to bad ratio than most on our site.

Back to the can at hand, I found this in an Asian market while I was visiting Boston last month. I'm really enjoying blueberry + aloe chunks combo. It's making me wish there were blueberry chunks in here as well, but you can't have it all I suppose. Part of me is regretting not saving this for the morning because this would be a great drink to enjoy while I waited for the bus tomorrow morning. Perhaps I'll do that another day with the other flavors I have. Though I think it's the blueberry that is making me think morning. I blame blueberry muffins.
Chunky, Aloe Vera and Juice
Derek Neuland on 4/25/13, 10:21 PM
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Chia Star Love Beverage Pineapple Honey

Chia Star Love Beverage Pineapple Honey
90% Hydrated Chia. 90%. Do you realize how many chia seeds that is. Can you even comprehend how many green coats that could grow for porcelain sheep? Well, the answer is probably one. It takes a buttload of those seeds to grow a healthy coat, but still that is such a high percentage of a “solid” to be in a beverage. I say solid, but they are extremely fluid. It still feels like your drinking something with a thicker consistency than most drinks. You don't even realize the chia seeds are solid until you stop them with your tongue and press on them. You know, like a child playing with their food, which is what I always like to do.

This is mostly honey and secondarily pineapple. I would have preferred it the other way, but I have no real complaints. The honey taste isn't like eating straight honey, but it's more like when you use honey to sweeten tea; you know the flavor involved is honey, but it tastes different than that last spoonful you put directly into your mouth instead of your teacup.

It's fun. It's tasty. It's healthy. What else could you want, well except for a stronger pineapple flavor? Now I'm just being picky.
Chunky and Other/Weird
Chia StarWebsite@ChiaStarDrink
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 4/25/13, 11:26 AM
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Chia Star Refresh Beverage Blackberry Lime

Chia Star Refresh Beverage Blackberry Lime
Honey, why is all my stuff on the front yard? What?!? I would never try and poison you. Where is this coming from? What do you mean we're breaking up? We were looking at houses yesterday. I don't get it. Please! Slow down and tell me what's going on here. I see that my favorite fish vase is broken so you must mean business because you know how much that means to me. No, I promise you, my love, I didn't not try to poison you. Spider eggs? Where? In the drink? No, those weren't spider eggs. They were chia seeds. I saw that drink at the market and though you would like it. It's supposed to be good for you and I know how much you like blackberries. Didn't you read the ingredients? You just assumed that it was spider eggs and I was trying to kill you? No, that's crazy talk, baby. Do you have the bottle? It's in the garbage? Hold on a second. I'll get it.

Alright, right here, read this. It's chia seeds. It's chocked full of good stuff that is good for you. I thought you would appreciate it. It's low in calories and actually tastes good. It's lightly sweetened with a pretty good blackberry flavor and you get a nice lime aftertaste. Yes, you can taste the Stevia in the aftertaste, too, but it's hardly a make or break. It's just kind of reminding you that it's in there helping a sister out. Honey. Please. We've been through so much together. I can't believe you thought I would try to serve you spider eggs. I can't believe you thought that I thought that I would get away with it. Maybe we should break up. The trust level just isn't where I feel comfortable. Thanks for getting all my stuff out of the house. This actually makes it easier. That backfired on your part, didn't it? Nice knowing you sweetheart. I'll take that bottle of Chia Star since you're clearly not going to drink it.
Chunky and Other/Weird
Chia StarWebsite@ChiaStarDrink
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 4/21/13, 9:27 PM
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Kato Apple Lemon

Kato Apple Lemon
Our buddy Donnie over at Buffalo Eats gave us this little number. He thought he was going to get us something gross and to most people he would have succeeded but we're not most people. We've been around the block. Yeah, this is laden with chunks but you know what, son? Nata de coco has a pleasant chewiness to it and the flavor isn't too bad either. Apple lemon? That's new. That's different. It tastes like kind of a cruddy apple juice with some cruddy lemonade in there but together mixed with la chunks (French) it somehow comes together in a nice and chunky way. I love this chunky drinks category.
Chunky and Juice
Couldn't Read Ingredients
Mike Literman on 4/4/13, 2:32 PM
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Chin Chin Grass Jelly Drink Lychee

Chin Chin Grass Jelly Drink Lychee
We've all licked an old woman before, right? Whether it be on a dare of for pleasure, we know what old women taste like. Whenever we, the Thirsty Dudes, drink anything lychee, it brings us to horrid nights where we used to spend time with old ladies. Dancing, swooning, and kissing on the cheek. Lucky for us, this drink was a little bit different.

Right off the bat, the cane sugar is apparent as can be and actually tastes very good. It's like it almost has a bite like it was freshly made with real cane. I do not doubt that it's real, but it's the freshness of it that took me off guard. The chunks are as lovable as always; multisized and incredibly prominent. You can't get a sip in without getting a mouthful of those little gummy buggers. If you were scared of them and you tried to skim through your teeth, you would be left with a mass of gummy chunks on your teeth, which might be worse for you.

The flavor was actually pretty good. It was strong and very floral but it wasn't too much like many of the other lychee drinks that we've done in the past. All together it was a pretty good mix of sweet, chunky, interesting, and fruity. It was surprising.

We drank this on air for the sixty-third installment of the Buffalo Eats podcast. They seemed to like it and we all agree that it was not as bad as we thought that it would be which made it more than acceptable. Listen to our other podcast and the rest of Donnie's podcasts. He's a great dude and easily gets sidetracked by talks of music, video games, and other odds and ends just like us.
Chunky and Other/Weird
Chin ChinWebsite
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 3/26/13, 10:07 AM
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Chin Chin Grass Jelly Drink Pandan Leaf

Chin Chin Grass Jelly Drink Pandan Leaf
When we were at the Asian market, Jay asked if I wanted this pandan leaf drink. I heard "panda meat" and although I knew that wasn't true, I wanted it nonetheless. I'm not surprised they don't have meat-flavored drinks but they're close with Clamato and I had a Goya with clam in it that wasn't half bad. It was like a briny V8. This, on the other hand, was not as good as the other grass jelly drinks I have had. It smelled and tasted like corn cereal. I don't know what pandan leaf is. The crude illustration on the can makes me believe that it looks like an aloe leaf but this didn't taste like aloe at all. There is cornstarch in this drink, which seems odd to me. What business does cornstarch have in a drink? I can't think of one.

Flavor aside, I missed the chunks. This had aloe-esque chunks in it rather than the generous chunks that I wanted and expected and expected my intern to drink. He got off easy today. Better luck next time, malicious me.
Chunky and Other/Weird
Chin ChinWebsite
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 2/22/13, 2:46 PM
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OKF Sac's Peach Drink With Real Pulp

OKF Sac's Peach Drink With Real Pulp
Show me someone who doesn't like peaches and I will show you a being that is obviously not human. Peaches are glorious. They are juicy and delicious and I just can't get enough of them. The thing about peaches is though, they should not be chopped up into chunks and left to float in a can of peach juice. They tend to start to break down a bit. Being the consummate professional that I am, that doesn't bother me one bit, but I feel the texture of these chunks could be a turn off to some people.

I also don't understand why this can needs to contain things such as citric acid, xanthan gum and white cloudy antifoaming agent. Juice, water, sugar and peaches are all you should ever need/want in a juice like this; well you could even do without the sugar. That being said this juice is fine. It tastes like peach juice and it has a ton of peach chunks. Aliens would be so pissed.
Chunky and Juice
Jason Draper on 2/10/13, 6:38 PM
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Sappe Aloe Vera Apple Flavor

Sappe Aloe Vera Apple Flavor
There were two things Johnny Snake Eyes loved in life: his switchblade and his dice. To be fair, he really only pretended to care about his blade to give him a tough appearance. He really just lived for his six sided friends. You could almost always find him in some back alley or subway platform running a game of bones. It was more than a game to him. It was a science. He knew the laws of probability and used it to advantage to always come out on top.

He took his love of the game to new levels. The only ate vegetables if they were diced. He would only take a dare if someone said it was dicey. Most importantly for our reading audience, he always had a bottle of Sappe Aloe Vera drink on him. The reason was that the aloe chunks in it were not only diced, but they were actually the exact size of his beloved shakers. Seriously, the chunks are that big and they are wonderful. His particularly enjoyed the apple variety. When he first picked up a bottle (he won it in a game of cee-lo from a worker in an Asian bodega) he had expected it to have that terrible fake apple taste, that is so specific, but in reality tastes nothing like fruit. Luckily the odds of probability were in his favor, and it did taste more like a real apple. The sugar gave it a little bit of a candied flavor, but it was mostly fruit. For that he was thankful.

Next time he's in that area, he plans on playing the shop keep again for a different flavor. It may be a while though because the comic book store that sits beside it always has a gaggle of nerds outside that always challenge him with their twenty sided die, and Johnny Snake Eyes just doesn't roll that way.
Chunky and Aloe Vera
Jason Draper on 2/10/13, 1:59 PM
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Drink Chia Mango Tangerine

Drink Chia Mango Tangerine
If you're looking for bold flavors, then look elsewhere. If you're looking for something mild with some health benefits that will help curb your hunger then here you go. It has a light citrus flavor that if you concentrate enough does in fact taste kind of like mangos and tangerines.

I'd like to hire Dustin Hoffman's character from Rainman to count how many chia seeds are actually in this drink. I'm guessing at least three thousand, but it's hard to tell. I'd say this is 55% liquid and 45% seed. You get hundreds of seeds in your mouth with every sip, but if you try to chew them, they just slip right around your teeth. It's a fun little game.
Chunky and Other/Weird
Drink ChiaWebsite@DrinkChia
United States
Organic Evaporated Cane Juice
Jason Draper on 1/28/13, 9:55 PM
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