Hey Song - 9 Reviews

Hey Song Refreshing & Sparkling

Hey Song Refreshing & Sparkling
Hey Song likes to take your every day soda and turn it on end. Since I can only speak English and minimal Spanish, I have no idea what this was supposed to be or what the ingredients are. I went in with an open mind, eager for something weird. I expected it to be white gourd or guava flavored because the color scheme would match Hey Song's juices of those flavors. Secretly I was hoping, and praying that this was going to be a cucumber soda. The can is green and it says refreshing; what is more refreshing than cucumbers? The answer is nothing. To summarize I was expecting something out of the ordinary.

What I was not expecting was a lemon lime soda, which is what I'm pretty sure this is supposed to be. The first couple of sips I drank took me a moment to place the flavor, but that is where my palate landed. As I drank a little more I started to notice another flavor as well, something a bit on the bitter side. I believe it to be tea. This reminds me a lot of the early versions of Steaz. It has that same extra flavor that the Steaz root beer had. It's unexpected, but kind of nice. It's certainly much better than a plain lemon lime soda would have been.

If anyone out there knows what this flavor actually is, and can confirm or disprove my review, please let me know. I went into this one with blind taste buds.
Soda Pop
Hey SongWebsite
Couldn't Read Ingredients
Jason Draper on 7/16/13, 4:26 PM
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Hey Song Red Guava Mixed Fruits Juice

Hey Song Red Guava Mixed Fruits Juice
All right fellas, it's time to make a batch of our mixed fruit juice. What do we have extra laying around? Okay, we have guavas and red guavas. Well that's not very eclectic. Sure I love guava as much as the next guy, but we already have these cans printed up and they say mixed fruit. If we just go with guava, even though it's two different types, we should really just call it guava juice. So, what else do we have? Tomatoes? Seriously Bonny? Tomatoes aren't a fruit; they are a gross vegetable! What do you mean they are a fruit not a vegetable? You know what I will Google it! Well, would you look at that, tomatoes are officially considered a fruit…€¦ who knew? You're all telling me that you knew they were considered fruit and not a vegetable? You're all a bunch of dirty liars, that's what you are. Anyway it looks like tomatoes are the only other fruit we have, so throw it in with the guavas.

Well that turned out much better than I thought. We may have gone overboard with the sweeteners, but I really didn't want this to taste like V8 at all, and we succeeded with that. People will never know that the other fruit involved is tomato, as no one ever reads ingredients anyways. Taste wise this ended up being a really thick guava juice. Actually, I would say it tastes like sugar water with guava juice mixed in. It's not the finest work that we have done here at Hey Song, but it could have turned out a lot worse with the ingredients we were left to manage with.
Hey SongWebsite
Jason Draper on 7/8/13, 11:29 PM
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Hey Song Sarsaparilla (Orange Can)

Hey Song Sarsaparilla (Orange Can)
Mike gave me this can of sarsaparilla, and I thought it was the same as the one I had reviewed early on in the history of the site. The can looks pretty much identical, except it's orange instead of red. I can't read the writing so I don't know if there are any subtle differences. I had intended to just sit back and relax with this nice fizzy drink, but when I tried it, it tasted a lot different than I remember. The first can I had tasted very woodsy, with a generic root beer undertone. This one has a light bubblegum flavor with a healthy heaping of licorice root mixed in. It's a weird combo. Some sips I think it's okay and then others I absolutely love it. It's definitely a unique flavor that is worth checking out.

Now the only questions are, “Is this the same stuff as I had before? Am I crazy to think it tastes so wildly different?
Root Beer and Soda Pop
Hey SongWebsite
Couldn't Read Ingredients
Jason Draper on 10/8/12, 11:11 PM
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Hey Song Honey White Gourd

Hey Song Honey White Gourd
When you were a child, you were adventurous. You were not smart but you were curious and wide-eyed. You thought that mixing stuff was a good idea. You would experiment down all the time with orange juice and milk or lemonade and iced tea or iced tea and milk or Pepsi and Coke or milk and mouthwash. Some of them would be good but most of them would be bad but you didn't stop. You would never stop. You are a kid. You just keep going. Youth is on your side and you will forever mix. You are an amateur mixologist. You are a professional mixologist in the making.

When you were a youth, you thought that it would be a good idea to make a drink out of cereal milk. You would drink it and on very rare occasions you would put it in the fridge and save it for later thinking that it will be just as good as if you drank it immediately preceding finishing a heaping bowl of cereal. One time you had a giant bowl of Honey Comb mixed with Honey Smacks and thought that it might be good to drink. You ate the cereal after letting it marinate in the milk and then thoughtfully and carefully strained some of the extra "bits" out and kept the leftover milk in a glass and threw it in the fridge. For dinner, you sat down with your family to eat a pork chop and drink your concoction. You took one sip and you knew you had something. It was intense in its honey quantity and still had some of that cereal-ness to it. You would make this every day for a week before you eventually moved on to something else Cocoa Puff based.
Hey SongWebsite
Mike Literman on 4/5/12, 3:30 PM
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Hey Song Guava Juice

Hey Song Guava Juice
Hey guys we have a great juice here. In reality it was sweet enough on it's own, but Johnson really upped his game when he added sucrose to the mix to make it sweeter. I know this might sound crazy but what if we also added high fructose corn syrup into the mix? Sweet is good. The kids love sweet! Sure it takes away from the flavor a bit and it really is overly sweet with it in it, but it will cut down overhead because we can use more sweetener and less juice. Who cares if it makes an otherwise great juice a bit syrupy? It worked for Coke, so it can work for us!
Hey SongWebsite
Jason Draper on 10/10/11, 11:33 PM
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Hey Song Shaking Jelly Soda Drink Orange

Hey Song Shaking Jelly Soda Drink Orange
This is just as I suspected. Good. I think the fellas and ladies over at Hey Song knew a good thing when they saw it because this is the same type of thing as the apple I had last week. Jay did the grape flavor and felt the same love that I did. So we, the Thirsty Dudes, are all on the same page.

This is the same jelly/Jell-O texture as before, but this time with a sharp, sweet sparking orange juice. Now that I've mastered destroying the can to enjoy this drink, it's simple to share this drink with others. All you need is a pair of pliers and some elbow grease.

Also, as a bonus, I've filmed the first ever video review over at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_sr_P5hW9M so make sure to check it out. It's our first one so be gentle. I did it at work with no one knowing which is why people walked in on us. As you can see, we made him try it. He liked it. You should, too.
Other/Weird, Soda Pop and Chunky
Hey SongWebsite
Sugar And/Or High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 12/20/10, 10:44 AM
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Hey Song Shaking Jelly Soda Drink Grape

Hey Song Shaking Jelly Soda Drink Grape
I was going to get to this drink eventually, but Mike wouldn't shut up about the one he drank. It quickly climbed to the top of my to-drink list.
This is more than likely the strangest thing I've ever drunk. It's like someone poured a nice half glass of sparkling white grape juice, then they filled the rest with unflavored jello that wasn't completely solidified yet. So, so weird. I poured it into a glass. I didn't have to rip off the top like Mike, but it did take some effort. It looked like a gel candle. The carbonation bubbles got stuck in the jelly/jello.
It's strange, but once you get used to the jelly/jello it's really good.
Other/Weird, Soda Pop and Chunky
Hey SongWebsite
Jason Draper on 12/18/10, 2:18 PM
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Hey Song Shaking Jelly Soda Drink Apple

Hey Song Shaking Jelly Soda Drink Apple
Oh my gosh...look I drink stuff every day. Some good. Some bad. Some strange. Some normal. This drink is so awesome and strange and involved I can't wait to tell you about it.

Individual snack packs of Jello (or equivalent) would be the base of this drink. The base, people. Jello. Base. The base is Jello. Take a bottle of sparkling apple juice and marinate the Jello. Take the mixture and put it in a can and you've got this drink.

I didn't know what to expect so I just gave it to my friend Matt because he saw the can and wanted to try it. He opened it up, smelled it, and then took a...slurp. It totally took him by surprise. He said that there were giant chunks in it and I looked inside and he couldn't have been more right. I brought it over to my friend Mike and tried to pour it into a cup for him and couldn't because the chunks were so big. I eventually resorted to taking a pair of pliers to the can and opening it enough to get it out of the can in its entirety. Now I have a cup of just amber colored sludge and I love it.

The taste is a bit like an energy drink, but it is probably just the strong apple taste making it seem like that. It's a good think that these are cheap, like $1, because everyone is getting a can for Christmas. This drink is fun and this is yet another reason why I love doing Thirsty Dudes.
Other/Weird, Soda Pop and Chunky
Hey SongWebsite
Sugar And/Or High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 12/17/10, 11:19 AM
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Hey Song Sarsaparilla

Hey Song Sarsaparilla
This is really weird. It's kind of like a normal sarsaparilla, but not quite. When it first hits your taste buds, it tastes like a budget root beer. Then a complete different flavor hits you. It has a "woodsy" flavor to it. It's kinda tastes like the root beer Mike and I made a few months ago, well before we carbonated it and it tasted like complete butt. I'm not a fan of the first flavor, but the second wave is pretty darn good.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
Hey SongWebsite
High Fructose Corn Syrup and/or Sucrose
Jason Draper on 10/21/10, 5:46 PM
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