Pure Cane Sugar - 220 Reviews

Kutztown Root Beer

Kutztown Root Beer
Invisibility; the world's most desirable super power. Flying? Yeah, that's awesome. I would love that, but invisibility...that's where it's at. Honestly, the best place is probably some sort of girls changing room or communal shower. What? I'm a scumbag? Yeah, like you didn't think it. I guess practical jokes would also be pretty awesome. Ghosting people. Carrying drinks around, making them look like they're floating. That would be awesome. When you're invisible and when you eat things, do they just disappear when you eat them? I would be psyched if you could eat things as "an invisible" and the food would go down and look like it was being processed, but then it will eventually turn in to poop and it's just going to be a walking turd and that will kind of give it away.

Oh, what am I getting at? This root beer was smooth, but there is no sign of head. Head is invisible but there is that essence of some sort of foam. It's a creamy root beer, really light. It's pretty average, but it's at very least, surprising.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 2/26/11, 4:24 PM
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OPA! Originals Ouzon Soda

OPA! Originals Ouzon Soda
I had no idea what to expect with this soda prior to opening it. I purposely didn't read anything about the soda or Ouzo before tasting it. Apparently Ouzo is a traditional Greek alcoholic drink, but this is a soda modeled after the taste. It gave off a really interesting smell when I first opened it. It was a pleasant and familiar smell, but I couldn't place it. Then after the first sip it hit me: anise! Could this actually be the anise/licorice flavored soda I've been looking for/dreaming about? I think so!

When I imagined an anise soda, I dreamed it to be like the taste you get in your mouth after your fourth piece of licorice. While this isn't like that, I really like how the taste is. It's really subtle at first, but then as you swallow it, the taste gets more intense and potent. I want to savor every sip because I only have this one bottle and don't know when/where I'll be able to get it again.
Soda Pop
OPA! OriginalsWebsite
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Pure Cane Sugar
Derek Neuland on 2/22/11, 7:07 PM
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Gamer Orange

Gamer Orange
When I was opening the box that contained the bottle, I was telling my housemate that this was called Gamer Soda. As he marveled at the logo, he wondered out loud how much caffeine they put in it. To our surprise, this soda is caffeine free. You'd think that a soda marketed towards a subculture that tends to have all night LAN parties. Maybe this will be so delicious that gamers won't miss the caffeine.

As far as orange soda's go, this is pretty good. It's clear, which threw me off a little. But once I got over that and actually took a sip my worries went away. It's almost like an orange cream, but light on the cream taste. Upon further sips, it's actually light on the orange taste too. If you like a mild orange soda, this is definitely for you.
Soda Pop
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Derek Neuland on 2/22/11, 11:41 AM
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Nantucket Nectars Cranberry

Nantucket Nectars Cranberry
There's cranberry juice and there is this cranberry juice. A lot of cranberry juices are too sweet or too tart or too...something. Some of them are so sugary that you can't tell what fruit comprises the juice you're drinking. I understand that the cranberry, or cranius-berrious, is very bitter in its core state and needs some sugar to balance it out. I don't know how someone ate a cranberry and said, "You know Carl? I don't feel bad one iota about dating Karl's ex-wife. They've been broken up for three years and if he can't get over it, that's his problem. Carla and I are in love and there ain't nothing anyone can do about it. Also, do you think that these raw cranberries need sugar? They're very tart and I don't think we can use them for anything."

This is a nice balance and since it's real sugar, you can taste how cranberries were supposed to be tasted, in some of its bitter glory. It's equally delicious whether you're chugging it like some frat dude in a 1980's John Hughes movie, or sipping it like a prep school kid in a 1980's John Hughes movie.

I would like to try to eat a cranberry as-is. I know I could spend something outlandish like $18.99 and get a 2oz. bottle of pure cranberry juice, but what do I look like a guy that has a urinary tract infection? Nope. Clean as a whistle.
Nantucket NectarsWebsite
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Pure Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 2/20/11, 3:42 PM
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Zuberfizz Grape Soda

Zuberfizz Grape Soda
Remember those dumb little comics in the newspaper that were a picture with the text "Color me happy when..." follow up by some random thought. They were comics for old people. Not interesting to the young at all, but they had their place. Today comic would be slightly different. It would read, "Color me surprised when my grape soda isn't an overly sweet syrupy mess." A light soda was the last thing I expected 1/1000 chance that it will still taste decent. Zuberfizz beat the odds.
Soda Pop
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 2/19/11, 7:01 PM
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Mary Anna's Berry Sweet Tea

Mary Anna's Berry Sweet Tea
I did not know what to expect with this cat. I read berry and think of some sort of mixed cornucopia of assorted berries. Lo and behold, there is only one lonely berry, little old raspberry. There is raspberry flavor as well as raspberry leaves. I didn't know they had leaves but since I'm neither a professional botanist nor an amateur botanist, it's not really up to me.

This tea had a bold, fruit flavor with a nice natural tea aftertaste. It's different than most other teas and I can't really put my finger on it. It's good though.
Iced Tea
Mary Anna'sWebsite@maryannastea
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 2/18/11, 3:29 PM
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Bot Water Grape

Bot Water Grape
Dear Bot,

I would like to take this opportunity to apologize for what I said earlier. Do you recall many years ago when I first had your berry flavored friend and I didn't like it? I was young. I don't know what I was thinking. Do you remember those ten days I had dreadlocks? Do you remember that time that I long-boarded down that hill, fell off my board, and fell head first down and scraped up my hands? Do you remember the time that Connor and I soaked a tennis ball in gas, lit it on fire, and then proceeded to play hockey in the cul-de-sac growing up? I was a very stupid kid. I did a lot of dumb stuff. This is just three of the gallons and gallons of things that I did that weren't so smart. Loving you was one those things.

I know Valentine's Day has come and gone and, once again, I have forgotten about you. I never claimed to be a good companion. I have said, "I love you, Lisa" to a girl called Sarah.

There are a lot of things that I've messed up in my life, and not drinking you for so long has been one of them. After drinking you today, I forgot that you're a borderline juice. You are light, flavorful, and actually quite good. I wish I had you on ice, rather than lukewarm, but all the same, you tasted great and will be a nice addition to my "flavored water" family. You always were just the right amount of sweet and just the right amount of fruit.

So, in closing it's not you, it's me. It always has been, and for that, I'm sorry.
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 2/17/11, 1:39 PM
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Zuberfizz Vanilla Creme Soda

Zuberfizz Vanilla Creme Soda
When you have a long day, sometimes you just want to relax. Some choose beer. Some choose weed. Others (wisely) choose cream soda.

Advantages of cream soda over beer:

  1. Cream soda tastes better than beer

  2. Cream soda won't give you a hangover

  3. Zuberfizz Vanilla Cream Soda is light and delicious

Advantages of cream soda over weed:

  1. You don't have to drink cream soda through a dryer sheet in your dorm room

  2. You will actually want to eat a standard amount of pizza vs. unknowingly eat an entire pizza

  3. Drinking cream soda doesn't have a bad connotation with being dirty, owning large amounts of hemp attire, or having dreadlocks

This Zuberfizz cream soda is good. It's candy-esque, but for the first time, not too sweet candy. It's a very soft, vanilla flavor. Nothing too sharp like a lot of colas or juices can produce. It has a very clean vanilla taste and is something anyone can enjoy. It's not not sweet enough for kids, and not grossly sweet for attractive, older ladies whose husbands turned out to be lazy jerks and never washed the dishes one time even though he was unemployed for four months and seemingly never left the house while she bust her hump.
Soda Pop
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 2/16/11, 3:43 PM
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Calypso Lemonade Triple Melon

Calypso Lemonade Triple Melon
How have we not reviewed any Calypso drinks yet? I know I've drank a ton of them before. Today, I went to lunch with a handful of Mikes. We took the subway uptown, got out, walked through a storm, and then ordered lunch. I got a turkey breast sandwich with horseradish potato salad as a side. Oh, you don't care what I got? I spill my life into drink reviews and want you in my shoes as I describe how the experience goes. Just pay attention. My lunch was great but this drink was better. It's so good. Watermelon, honeydew, and cantaloupe compose the "triple melon" drink and it's friggin' awesome.

Every sip tastes like summer. Like you just ate a giant mouthful of fruit salad and then washed it down with a refreshing glass of lemonade. Not to mention it might be the coolest color drink ever made. It looks toxic. Bright. Fluorescent pink.

I really like this and will buy it again. I promise.
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 2/10/11, 11:23 AM
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Romano's Italian Soda Sour Apple

Romano's Italian Soda Sour Apple
Once in a while, it's fun to eat extreme things. Oh, what do I mean by extreme things? I mean things that are so flavorful that it actually hurts. Super sweet cranberry juice that tarts up your cheeks, overly hot-sauced chicken wings that clear your sinuses, and sour apple Jolly Ranchers. All three of these are like an exclamation point to your taste buds. Problem is, you only want a little bit at a time before the novelty wears off and you are wondering why you're torturing yourself.

This sour apple pop tastes like a seemingly endless sour apple Jolly Rancher. It's good at first but then, quite promptly, it overstays its welcome and leaves you with the decision of what to do with a perfectly fine 3/4 full bottle of pop. I shared mine with friends and the best they could do was bring my percentage to 50%. This was simply too much for me.
Sparkling and Soda Pop
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 2/8/11, 7:59 PM
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Zuberfizz Cola

Zuberfizz Cola
The design of this bottle is pretty darn rad. Simple, yet classy. This and my positive experience with the Key Lime Cream Soda left me with high hopes for the soda it contained. Unfortunately my hopes, dreams and aspirations were not met. This doesn't mean that it was a one-way train to Grossville, but it just wasn't in the upper echelon of colas. It's a quality soda, it's better than your average Pepsi or Coca Cola, but it just doesn't stand out very much. It doesn't have much of a bite to it. I'm assuming the label on the bottle that says "Soda with altitude" is due to the fact that it's caffeinated.
Soda Pop
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 2/4/11, 6:07 PM
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Mary Anna's Summer Sweet Tea

Mary Anna's Summer Sweet Tea
Mary Anna definitely took her time when developing her tea. She's made a very nice sweet tea here. It's not as sweet as traditional southern sweet tea, but it has its place. I don't think the lemon juice was necessary, but hey some people love their lemon tea. The bottle pictures a pretty rad old car and two ladies with a surfboard at the beach. I wish I were at the beach. Even more I wish I knew how to surf. Very few things are cooler than surfing. Seriously, has Keanu Reeves ever been as cool as he was in Point Break? Picture Keanu jumping out of a plane after Mr. Swayze, gun drawn. While in free fall they pull back their dead presidents masks, give each other a nod and start chugging down their Mary Anna's Summer Sweet Tea. I mean if the FBI and bank robbers can't put their differences aside in order to enjoy some tea, then there is no hope for this world.
Iced Tea
Mary Anna'sWebsite@maryannastea
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Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 1/30/11, 2:21 PM
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Kutztown Black Cherry

Kutztown Black Cherry
Something...something's not quite right. You know when you leave the house and something feels right and around 11:48 in the morning, you check your watch to find out...ahhh...I didn't wear a watch. How about that feeling when you think you forgot something? That might be worse than knowing that you forgot something because it's essentially forgetting if you forgot something. It's a two-fer.

This isn't a bad flavor at the end but at the beginning something is going on that I can't explain. It's very sweet and very dark too, like "cup dying" dark. I stopped drinking a lot of powdered juice because I saw it stain a counter top once and thought, "if that can dye that, what is it doing to my insides" like someone is going to rip me open and analyze me by the color of my throat and stomach lining. Hey, it could happen.

This isn't the best black cherry pop I've ever had. It's not bad, but it's not something I'd return to. After the Kutztown sarsaparilla, I thought it was looking up and no, this isn't a black eye for them, it's just kind of like that sadly ugly sister that everyone knows is the nicest girl around, but no one wants to verbally say anything to her.
Soda Pop
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 1/26/11, 9:48 AM
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Marley's Mellow Mood Berry

Marley's Mellow Mood Berry
I'm going to hold back on the hippy jokes here. I mean I think we pretty much covered it in our last two Marley's Mellow Mood reviews.

For some reason last night I was wide awake at 2am. I tossed and turned for a little bit, until it hit me that I had this stashed away in the back of the fridge. As if here was an imaginary sign on it that said, "Crack open in case of emergency." Glug. Glug. Glug. A couple minutes later I was back in bed under the warmth of my comforter. Since it takes a little while to kick in, I decided to read while I waited. Unfortunately (?) for me, the book was way interesting and I fought through the sleepiness so that I could find out what happened in the storyline. Hours later I finally decided I had to give in and I passed out instantly. Keep in mind that I could have passed out twenty minutes after I drank the can, but that damn book just made me stay up. I was possessed I tell you!

This is supposed to be a carbonated berry flavor, and there is a strong berry flavor when you sip it. The problem is that the berry is quickly washed out by an aftertaste of fennel (which is not listed in the ingredients). I am not a fan of fennel by any means. I do enjoy a visit from its brother-in-law anise in my root beer, but I normally just can't do fennel. I was able to handle it in this. I made it through the can without being completely grossed out. The fruit flavor made it not as strong, and eased my tongue into it. I'm going to stick with the citrus variety myself, but if fennel is your thing I think you would love this.
Relaxation and Sparkling
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 1/24/11, 9:09 AM
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Crater Lake Soda Orange Cream

Crater Lake Soda Orange Cream
This is an orange cream that does it right. It tastes exactly like mixing orange and cream soda. Far too many times, companies just take orange soda and throw a splash of vanilla in it and call it orange cream soda. Not Crater Lake, they have yet to disappoint me.

Upon drinking this more, it tastes a lot like an orange creamsicle. In other words, really delicious!
Soda Pop
Crater Lake SodaWebsite
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Pure Cane Sugar
Derek Neuland on 1/14/11, 12:41 PM
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Kutztown Sarsaparilla

Kutztown Sarsaparilla
Kutztown. This. Is. Awesome. I don't know why I mentally wrote you off. Did I do something in the past that made me think you weren't good? If so, I'm sorry because this sarsaparilla is top notch. Top notch. It's got such an earthy, rich flavor. I stupidly/politely gave everyone else a nice 6oz. each of this because it in it's entirety was a whopping 24oz. Leaving me with only 6oz to do this review. Had I known in advance how good this was ahead of time, it would have been Sipsville for those jerks I work with and Kutztown for me. I feel like I can taste everything in this from the classic root beer root flavors to whatever the heck makes sarsaparilla. It tastes homegrown and handmade, like there is some feeling to it.

Seriously, this is awesome. This is a "Oh, I'm in Pennsylvania? I've got to search and find and buy some Kutztown sarsaparilla." Every sip is as good as the last. It doesn't get old. I wish that I could keep this on ice and enjoy it until my teeth fall out. Mmmm, that's a bit too much. I like my teeth. I'll just say that I like this stuff, a lot.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 1/14/11, 11:52 AM
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Kutztown Birch Beer

Kutztown Birch Beer
The first two flavors of Kutztown that we tried weren't that stellar. In fact they were on the badder side of the spectrum. At least they got birch beer right.
I always split up birch beer into two categories, and this falls under the "county fair" umbrella. It's super sugary and tastes like it should be a fountain soda. I feel like I should be drinking it in accompaniment with some fried dough on a hot summer night. Kids who are waiting in line to ride the camel or the elephant are just dying to get their hands on some of this sugary goodness. The carny that is goading you into trying to win an enormous stuffed animal for your girlfriend has an extra large cup of this hidden underneath the counter. He takes sips in-between spitting out the extra saliva from his Skoal Bandits. Sure it may rot out what little teeth he has left, but what does he care? He's living the dream, the carny dream. I like it, but I've never met a birch beer I didn't like.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 1/4/11, 3:24 PM
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Sioux City Cream Soda

Sioux City Cream Soda
I've been highly irritable the past two days. I blame it on the fact that it's the middle of a bitter cold winter, and nature tried to trick me with two days of hoodie weather before throwing me back into the frozen tundra. From the annoying activist hippy in the grocery store talking way louder than she needed to so everyone could hear how she was smarter than them because she ate so healthy (even though she looked sickly and wrecked) to friends not being able to hang out, I just haven't been in a good mood. All I wanted was to kick back and relax with a nice soda pop. When I opened the fridge all that was there was fruity pops. My annoyance level began to rise. Suddenly I remembered I had this gem stashed away in my back hall. Luckily the hall is unheated so the bottle was nice and cold.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, I love Sioux City. Their drinks may not be incredibly fancy, but they know how to make darn good soda. It's nice and creamy with just the right amount of vanilla. I drank it down and let the relaxation overtake me. I wish I were drinking it while sitting around a campfire with some cowboys. I need more cowboys in my life and less hippies.
Soda Pop
Sioux CityWebsite
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Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 1/3/11, 5:07 PM
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Ithaca Soda Co. Root Beer

Ithaca Soda Co. Root Beer
Our friend Martin gave us this bottle of root beer to review. It's a pretty decent one. It has an initial taste that is reminiscent of Barq's, but then a really nice after taste takes over. It's made of natural root beer flavor, panama bark extract, hops, star anise, juniper berries and vanilla bean. I love a good root beer with a nice selection of natural ingredients. It gives the root beer a personality of it's own. The after taste is like no other root beer I've ever had.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
Ithaca Soda Co.Website@ithacabeer
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Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 1/1/11, 5:02 PM
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Crayons Redder Than Ever Fruit Punch

Crayons Redder Than Ever Fruit Punch
Of course I woke up sick today. It's only a cold mind you, but it is New Years Eve. I'm going to fight my way through this with a strict regiment of juice. I will float this sickness out through my bladder. That's just what you want to hear when you're looking for a drink review isn't it?
This is a pretty standard fruit punch. This reminds me of the stuff they used to feed us in elementary school. You don't believe me that I remember? Maybe I have the world's craziest memory. Maybe I remember everything. Or, maybe I'm just assuming this is what that tasted like. I have no idea. I'm sick, remember?
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 12/31/10, 8:11 AM
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