Lemonade - 275 Reviews
Limonitz Sparkling Lemonade Mint
What is a mojito with lemon instead of lime? Wrong? Is that it? I've had mock mojitos and they're good. I assume a "real" mojito is close enough. Mint and lime. This is mint and lemon. It's close, right. Same fruit but a different color. I know, I know. Lemons are sour and limes are bitter. Are you here to call me, a time honored professional, a dumb dummy? I certainly hope not.
This tastes like a sweeter, less bitter mojito. Didn't see that review coming, did you. Honestly, the mint is pretty faint and if they just said this was sparkling lemonade with mint in it, I would say, "Oh, cool. They put mint in it." To declare, in big, bold, caps "MINT" you're making a statement. This is a great lemonade. Compare it to a non-gingered Bruce Cost. It's got pulp, which is always a win, but the lemon is so sour, in a good way, that it out flavors the mint. Fights is fights is fights and lemon just beat mint. It's not the first time and it won't be the last. I'm hoping I can say the same for this drink because it's one of the best lemonades I've had.
This tastes like a sweeter, less bitter mojito. Didn't see that review coming, did you. Honestly, the mint is pretty faint and if they just said this was sparkling lemonade with mint in it, I would say, "Oh, cool. They put mint in it." To declare, in big, bold, caps "MINT" you're making a statement. This is a great lemonade. Compare it to a non-gingered Bruce Cost. It's got pulp, which is always a win, but the lemon is so sour, in a good way, that it out flavors the mint. Fights is fights is fights and lemon just beat mint. It's not the first time and it won't be the last. I'm hoping I can say the same for this drink because it's one of the best lemonades I've had.
- Rating
- Company
- Limonitz — Website — @LimonitzLemnade
- Country
- United States
- Sweetener
- Organic Sugar
- Author
- Mike Literman on 11/7/13, 4:50 PM
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True Lemon
Lemon wedges in restaurants are dirty, dirty things. According to the news they rarely get washed and are full of bacteria that gets transferred to your drink. Ick. Lucky for me I'm not a huge lemon guy, and I like my water plain, so I stay bacteria free, well at least in that aspect.
For those of you that do like lemon in your water, try this much cleaner version. Adding a little package of True Lemon to water tastes exactly like you squeezed a nice big lemon wedge into your glass. It's powderized lemon juice, with no added sugar. I have friends who carry this stuff around like it was their bible. Come on, join the clean team.
For those of you that do like lemon in your water, try this much cleaner version. Adding a little package of True Lemon to water tastes exactly like you squeezed a nice big lemon wedge into your glass. It's powderized lemon juice, with no added sugar. I have friends who carry this stuff around like it was their bible. Come on, join the clean team.
- Rating
- Categories
- Lemonade and Mix/Concentrate
- Company
- True — Website — @truelemon
- Country
- United States
- Sweetener
- No Sugar Added
- Author
- Jason Draper on 11/3/13, 8:38 PM
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True Lemon Peach Lemonade
I assume Georgia gets sick of being synonymous with peaches. Like Salem and witches, these places have more to offer than being a one trick pony? Now that we're on this horse segue, when have you seen a horse do more than one trick that it's derogatory to be known as a "one trick pony?" Horses run; not a trick, and they jump over fences; trick. A horse that is a one trick pony can now be just labeled as a horse. Backtrack...
Salem had witch trials in the late 1600's. We're four centuries past that and although they milk it, there are other people that live and work there that have other things to do that constantly carve pumpkins, affix faux moles, and practice their shrill laughs.
Salem; check. Horse talk; check. Alright, back to peaches. Peaches are fine. I don't like them but I don't hate them. There are just some foods that I don't eat for no reason other than I don't want to. Furry fruit is one of them. Look, they taste fine. I don't eat them. The thought of a peach lemonade entices me, though. I made myself a glass of this and slammed the whole thing. No problems there. What did I think? Well that's why we're all here, right? At the edges of our seats awaiting my very important review of a powdered peach lemonade. I shall serve you your main course of review right now. Please be seated.
This was the first time since I've been on a True Citrus kick that the Stevia was overpowering. It wasn't too much that it was undrinkable but it was distracting. The peach flavor was good albeit a bit "candied" for my taste. The lemonadidity (not a real word...yet) was about a five out of ten. Between the candy peach and the non-traditional sweetener of the lemonade, this took a turn for the unfortunate "average" column. A couple strikes will do that to you. Baseball strikes. A couple bowling strikes would put you on top of the world. That phrase simply wouldn't work if I was referencing bowling. I don't know much about sports but that I know. Strikes in baseball is bad. Strikes in bowling is good.
Salem had witch trials in the late 1600's. We're four centuries past that and although they milk it, there are other people that live and work there that have other things to do that constantly carve pumpkins, affix faux moles, and practice their shrill laughs.
Salem; check. Horse talk; check. Alright, back to peaches. Peaches are fine. I don't like them but I don't hate them. There are just some foods that I don't eat for no reason other than I don't want to. Furry fruit is one of them. Look, they taste fine. I don't eat them. The thought of a peach lemonade entices me, though. I made myself a glass of this and slammed the whole thing. No problems there. What did I think? Well that's why we're all here, right? At the edges of our seats awaiting my very important review of a powdered peach lemonade. I shall serve you your main course of review right now. Please be seated.
This was the first time since I've been on a True Citrus kick that the Stevia was overpowering. It wasn't too much that it was undrinkable but it was distracting. The peach flavor was good albeit a bit "candied" for my taste. The lemonadidity (not a real word...yet) was about a five out of ten. Between the candy peach and the non-traditional sweetener of the lemonade, this took a turn for the unfortunate "average" column. A couple strikes will do that to you. Baseball strikes. A couple bowling strikes would put you on top of the world. That phrase simply wouldn't work if I was referencing bowling. I don't know much about sports but that I know. Strikes in baseball is bad. Strikes in bowling is good.
- Rating
- Categories
- Diet, Lemonade and Mix/Concentrate
- Company
- True — Website — @truelemon
- Country
- United States
- Sweetener
- Stevia
- Author
- Mike Literman on 10/29/13, 3:45 PM
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True Lime Black Cherry Limeade
I feel like limeade is lemonade's underachieving sibling. Lemonade gets all the good grades, does extra curricular activities like pep squad, fundraisers, and bake sales. Limeade just wants to be an artist and sits in their room with headphones on listening to Jesus and Mary Chain writing blog posts about society and how it's let them down. Thing is, the posts are well written and Jesus and Mary Chain are great. Limeade is just misunderstood.
This limeade should be taken seriously in the future because they're trying to do something different. Yeah, we need more pep rallies. Please. Come on. The only reason we liked pep rallies in high school is because we got out early. We need more meaningful art and people talking about the problems at a young age and less fake friends and more meaningful acquaintances. This drink is pretty great and is different than the cookie cutter lemonade. Look, I love lemonade, but sometimes I need something different. Something dangerous. This has a bit of a Stevia taste for reasons that are as simple and blatant as it is made with Stevia. As for the black cherry, it's right on target. I like this more than probably every black cherry pop I've ever had and the lime makes it just bitter enough that it calms the super sweetness down.
I think that's what limeade would have wanted; just to be recognized as a hard working individual who is doing something different, doing something different well, and doing it with a purpose. They just can't hear you because "Just Like Honey" is playing too loud in their headphones.
This limeade should be taken seriously in the future because they're trying to do something different. Yeah, we need more pep rallies. Please. Come on. The only reason we liked pep rallies in high school is because we got out early. We need more meaningful art and people talking about the problems at a young age and less fake friends and more meaningful acquaintances. This drink is pretty great and is different than the cookie cutter lemonade. Look, I love lemonade, but sometimes I need something different. Something dangerous. This has a bit of a Stevia taste for reasons that are as simple and blatant as it is made with Stevia. As for the black cherry, it's right on target. I like this more than probably every black cherry pop I've ever had and the lime makes it just bitter enough that it calms the super sweetness down.
I think that's what limeade would have wanted; just to be recognized as a hard working individual who is doing something different, doing something different well, and doing it with a purpose. They just can't hear you because "Just Like Honey" is playing too loud in their headphones.
- Rating
- Categories
- Diet, Lemonade and Mix/Concentrate
- Company
- True — Website — @truelemon
- Country
- United States
- Sweetener
- Stevia
- Author
- Mike Literman on 10/25/13, 12:48 PM
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True Lemon Raspberry Lemonade
We're getting there. I feel like with this, a larger company in the world of diet and concentrates, using Stevia actively as their sweetener, we are getting off the sucralose, corn syrup, and aspartame train and onto the future Hyperloop. Yeah, I skipped bullet train and went right to Elon Musk's vision of a better, faster, cleaner tomorrow. Is this that much of a jump? No, not really. Other companies have been using Stevia for years but it's just nice to see that it's trickling up into the bigger dudes.
Not only does it have a natural sweetener, but also the taste in itself is pretty good. It's got great lemonade taste and a good, fruity raspberry taste. All together it's not too sweet and not really too much of anything which mixes can tend to be. This is right on mark.
With the proceeds from the sales of this, maybe they'll help build that dream train. I'll ride that thing and take a transcontinental trip at over five hundred miles per hour all day long.
Not only does it have a natural sweetener, but also the taste in itself is pretty good. It's got great lemonade taste and a good, fruity raspberry taste. All together it's not too sweet and not really too much of anything which mixes can tend to be. This is right on mark.
With the proceeds from the sales of this, maybe they'll help build that dream train. I'll ride that thing and take a transcontinental trip at over five hundred miles per hour all day long.
- Rating
- Categories
- Lemonade, Mix/Concentrate and Diet
- Company
- True — Website — @truelemon
- Country
- United States
- Sweetener
- Stevia
- Author
- Mike Literman on 10/18/13, 11:59 AM
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Arizona Richard Prince Lemon Fizz
I like that Arizona has been associating their new products with various “celebrities.” I have to be honest, I'm not a big art guy by any means, and I had no idea who Richard Prince was. The can (and Wikipedia) inform me that he was a photographer and painter who created pop culture-inspired art for decades. Apparently he is mostly known for “rephotographing.” If you want to know what that is; you're on a computer and Google is but a click away.
Prince also did a series of nurse paintings, which used the covers of pulp romance novels. This is where I tie in with the artist. Sonic Youth used one of these paintings for the cover of their Sonic Nurse album. It's ridiculous that learning that fact made me feel like I had a connection with the artist. It's not even a record that I like terribly much, but it is from a band that I once held very dearly.
Whatever. This isn't about an artist this is about a beverage. Apparently Prince approached Arizona with a soda he wanted to collaborate with them on, and ended up being apart of the Lemon Fizz release. The artist designed the can himself, so you're essentially buying a Richard Prince print for only 99 cents. What a steal.
Back to the beverage: This is carbonated lemonade, and it is great. I had such low expectations for this, as I expected a lemon lime soda (the most boring of all the pops) minus the lime (making it infinitely more boring). Arizona succeeded in creating a soda that actually tastes like lemonade with bubbles, and what harsh bubbles they are. It's very strong, so unlike most Arizona drinks it's a sipping drink and not a gulper. I don't think it really needs to be in such a large can, but hey that's Arizona's thing, so I'll let them have it.
Prince also did a series of nurse paintings, which used the covers of pulp romance novels. This is where I tie in with the artist. Sonic Youth used one of these paintings for the cover of their Sonic Nurse album. It's ridiculous that learning that fact made me feel like I had a connection with the artist. It's not even a record that I like terribly much, but it is from a band that I once held very dearly.
Whatever. This isn't about an artist this is about a beverage. Apparently Prince approached Arizona with a soda he wanted to collaborate with them on, and ended up being apart of the Lemon Fizz release. The artist designed the can himself, so you're essentially buying a Richard Prince print for only 99 cents. What a steal.
Back to the beverage: This is carbonated lemonade, and it is great. I had such low expectations for this, as I expected a lemon lime soda (the most boring of all the pops) minus the lime (making it infinitely more boring). Arizona succeeded in creating a soda that actually tastes like lemonade with bubbles, and what harsh bubbles they are. It's very strong, so unlike most Arizona drinks it's a sipping drink and not a gulper. I don't think it really needs to be in such a large can, but hey that's Arizona's thing, so I'll let them have it.
- Rating
- Company
- Arizona — Website — @DrinkAriZona
- Country
- United States
- Sweetener
- High Fructose Corn Syrup
- Author
- Jason Draper on 10/17/13, 11:44 AM
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Limonitz Sparkling Lemonade Ginger
Deep in the Hollywood Hills children need to step up their game with roadside stands. Kids grow up fast these days, and growing up and being popular requires money that they don't have. The days of the standard lemonade stand are long gone; the profits just weren't enough. These days the kids need to up the ante, or they will just have to kiss those new premium apps goodbye. As a result a new wave of suburban roadside beverages has risen.
It all started when some daring eight year old used her mother's seltzer water instead of the Evian that was customarily used (hey this is Hollywood, land of the yuppies). People were abuzz about this new development and there was a line around the block. From that point the children kept trying to outdo each other. They would flavor their lemonades in various ways to lure customers away from other stands. Some say there were a lot of backroom dealing and sabotage going on during this time, but there is no definitive documentation.
Then came the day that the Earth stood still. One little dreamer changed everything. That day a 100% Organic sparkling lemonade hit the streets. Since then the street stand game has never been the same. People came from miles just to sample this child's creation, and to feel good about themselves whilst doing so.
Limonitz attempts to recreate that greatness with their products. They use filtered sparkling water, organic lemon juice concentrate and organic sugar to make the finest carbonated lemonades this world has ever seen. On it's own it would be quite a product, but the company took it a step further with this drink and added organic ginger extract. The results are mind blowing. Here we have a sparkling lemonade, that not only tastes like real lemons without a hint of cleaning fluid, but also that actually has a real ginger flavor to it. It has a mind ginger burn to it, it's very mild to me, but my ladyfriend said that it had a decent bearable burn. Every ingredient is present in the taste, and there for a specific reason. It's simple, it's organic, and it's delicious. Needless to say this is going to put all of those dumb kids stands out of business before they can buy whatever it is kids “need” to have these days.
It all started when some daring eight year old used her mother's seltzer water instead of the Evian that was customarily used (hey this is Hollywood, land of the yuppies). People were abuzz about this new development and there was a line around the block. From that point the children kept trying to outdo each other. They would flavor their lemonades in various ways to lure customers away from other stands. Some say there were a lot of backroom dealing and sabotage going on during this time, but there is no definitive documentation.
Then came the day that the Earth stood still. One little dreamer changed everything. That day a 100% Organic sparkling lemonade hit the streets. Since then the street stand game has never been the same. People came from miles just to sample this child's creation, and to feel good about themselves whilst doing so.
Limonitz attempts to recreate that greatness with their products. They use filtered sparkling water, organic lemon juice concentrate and organic sugar to make the finest carbonated lemonades this world has ever seen. On it's own it would be quite a product, but the company took it a step further with this drink and added organic ginger extract. The results are mind blowing. Here we have a sparkling lemonade, that not only tastes like real lemons without a hint of cleaning fluid, but also that actually has a real ginger flavor to it. It has a mind ginger burn to it, it's very mild to me, but my ladyfriend said that it had a decent bearable burn. Every ingredient is present in the taste, and there for a specific reason. It's simple, it's organic, and it's delicious. Needless to say this is going to put all of those dumb kids stands out of business before they can buy whatever it is kids “need” to have these days.
- Rating
- Company
- Limonitz — Website — @LimonitzLemnade
- Country
- United States
- Sweetener
- Organic Sugar
- Author
- Jason Draper on 10/16/13, 12:49 PM
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blk. + Black Lemonade
It's dark out there. You should come inside before a badger eats you. Here, I've got something for you to drink since you love being outside at night so much. No, it's not cola. No, it's not root beer. Just try it. I know it's quite opaque. I saw it at the store and instantly thought of you. You always wear a black shirt, that's why. You love black. Is it too much to ask for you to wear a white shirt every once in a while? I'm not even asking you to wear something with colors. Just white. Go ahead and drink it. Why would your mother poison you? Come on. I want to see if you like it.
Almost like lemonade? What's that supposed to mean. Take another sip. Really? Can I have some? Thanks. You know what? You're right. I can see that there is some sort of lemonade in here but it almost seems like someone put black water into a glass that had like a quarter of the glass of lemonade in it. It's got Stevia in it, too so you don't have to worry about calories. You know what, though? The Stevia taste isn't so bad. Some of that stuff out there is pretty gross. This one is a bit bitter but it doesn't taste like those drinks I used to drink. Remember all those diet drinks I used to drink that you would take sips out of and would almost spit it out? Yes, I know. There was that one time you spit it out and we had to have the rug shampoo'd.
So what do you think? Yes or no? Eh? That's your review? That's a pretty lame, albeit teenage response. It tastes like it's supposed to taste but is black as the night. I thought you'd like it. Welp…β¬Β¦ better luck next time, son. Did you do your homework yet? No? Well get on upstairs. You can take your new goth lemonade with you.
Almost like lemonade? What's that supposed to mean. Take another sip. Really? Can I have some? Thanks. You know what? You're right. I can see that there is some sort of lemonade in here but it almost seems like someone put black water into a glass that had like a quarter of the glass of lemonade in it. It's got Stevia in it, too so you don't have to worry about calories. You know what, though? The Stevia taste isn't so bad. Some of that stuff out there is pretty gross. This one is a bit bitter but it doesn't taste like those drinks I used to drink. Remember all those diet drinks I used to drink that you would take sips out of and would almost spit it out? Yes, I know. There was that one time you spit it out and we had to have the rug shampoo'd.
So what do you think? Yes or no? Eh? That's your review? That's a pretty lame, albeit teenage response. It tastes like it's supposed to taste but is black as the night. I thought you'd like it. Welp…β¬Β¦ better luck next time, son. Did you do your homework yet? No? Well get on upstairs. You can take your new goth lemonade with you.
- Rating
- Company
- blk. — Website — @blkbeverages
- Country
- United States
- Sweetener
- Stevia Rebaudiana Leaf Extract
- Author
- Mike Literman on 10/4/13, 4:46 PM
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Arizona Golden Bear Lemonade With Mint
Arizona just keeps expanding their beverage lines. They have come out with at least a dozen new flavors this summer alone. I have a feeling that they may have more drinks available for purchase in the United States than any other company. Okay, I'm sure Coke or Pepsi has more if you count all their subsidiaries, but each of these proudly states that it is an Arizona product. Sure a decent amount of these drinks leave something to be desired, but a good portion of them are straight up pleasant.
After some success with their Jack Nicklaus Golden Bear line of lemonades they decided to expand a little and released this mint lemonade. Mint is a hard game to play. It's so easy to get overzealous and leave the consumer feeling like they are drinking something whilst chewing gum, or shortly after brushing their teeth. No one wants that, especially not the Golden Bear himself. In this formula Arizona decided to take it easy on the mint, so that there is just a hint in each sip. The lemonade itself isn't all that bitter, due to the use of HFCS, but it's something I can get around a lot of the time and in this instance, I can even thoroughly enjoy. This is a nice treat that would cool anyone down on a hot summer day on the greens.
After some success with their Jack Nicklaus Golden Bear line of lemonades they decided to expand a little and released this mint lemonade. Mint is a hard game to play. It's so easy to get overzealous and leave the consumer feeling like they are drinking something whilst chewing gum, or shortly after brushing their teeth. No one wants that, especially not the Golden Bear himself. In this formula Arizona decided to take it easy on the mint, so that there is just a hint in each sip. The lemonade itself isn't all that bitter, due to the use of HFCS, but it's something I can get around a lot of the time and in this instance, I can even thoroughly enjoy. This is a nice treat that would cool anyone down on a hot summer day on the greens.
- Rating
- Categories
- Lemonade
- Company
- Arizona — Website — @DrinkAriZona
- Country
- United States
- Sweetener
- High Fructose Corn Syrup
- Author
- Jason Draper on 9/30/13, 10:19 PM
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Made Blackberry Lemonade
I am currently a denim demon which means...well it means a few things. Thing one is that I side with Canadians in their outfit of choice. Two is that I have a poor sense of fashion. Third and the most related to my point is that fall is upon us. Sure this is my "go to" outfit for Spring, too, but we're not talking about Spring now, are we? We're talking about Fall so pay attention and stop thinking about Spring. They're like the same season. One is getting warmer while raining all the time and the other is getting colder while raining all the time. There, I put it into perspective.
Since fall is clearly upon us, I thought that a good way to go would be the "I'm not done with Summer" route with a lemonade. There are certain things I like about lemonade and one of those things is pulp. I enjoy nice, pulpy lemonade. It makes me feel like a kid and their mom's dirty hands were crushing lemons to make an enjoyable drink. This does not have pulp and although I cannot really penalize them for it, I can still want it in there for cripes sake. There is a good sour taste to it and, as mentioned on the bottle, there is real blackberry juice in it, which you can taste, and tastes good. Made really makes good lemonade. No, this is not as good as the blueberry one, but it doesn't mean that it's not good. It's a great, sweet lemonade that I have unfortunately never seen outside of a discount store which means that either people never "got" Made or that they made too much. I hope it's the latter and not the former because they made a consistently good product.
Since fall is clearly upon us, I thought that a good way to go would be the "I'm not done with Summer" route with a lemonade. There are certain things I like about lemonade and one of those things is pulp. I enjoy nice, pulpy lemonade. It makes me feel like a kid and their mom's dirty hands were crushing lemons to make an enjoyable drink. This does not have pulp and although I cannot really penalize them for it, I can still want it in there for cripes sake. There is a good sour taste to it and, as mentioned on the bottle, there is real blackberry juice in it, which you can taste, and tastes good. Made really makes good lemonade. No, this is not as good as the blueberry one, but it doesn't mean that it's not good. It's a great, sweet lemonade that I have unfortunately never seen outside of a discount store which means that either people never "got" Made or that they made too much. I hope it's the latter and not the former because they made a consistently good product.
- Rating
- Categories
- Lemonade
- Company
- Made — Website — @MADEAllison
- Country
- United States
- Sweetener
- Organic Cane Sugar
- Author
- Mike Literman on 9/14/13, 1:19 PM
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Snapple Lemon Daze Lemonade
Sometimes you decide that you're going to hike an 18 mile creek. You decide to do it in parts. Before you know it summer is almost over and you still have a bit of it you haven't explored. So you go out and hike it on an unseasonably nice day. The thing is that the area you have left to hike is much longer than you had anticipated. Eventually you get to where the creek ends on the map, and you find a pretty neat waterfall. Being the scientist you are you deduce that the water must be coming from somewhere so you climb up, almost falling numerous times. At the top you see that the creek goes on even further than you had thought. Being the dummy that you are you forgot your water in the car. You decide you reached your goal and your dehydrated and fed up with walking on uneven rocks, so you make your way through the woods to the road. The road back to your car is long (over four miles) and there are no stores on the way. You feel like you're going to die, and have convinced yourself that you need to go up to a house and knock to ask for a glass of water. At that moment you catch the scent of grapes in the air. Across the street there are rows and rows of grape vines, so you go steal a few handfuls, and hydrate yourself with their sour juice. The thing is you eat too many, and it starts to corrode your tongue. Eventually you make it back to the car, and of course your water is too hot to be refreshing, so you hightail it to a 711 and pick yourself up a bottle of lemonade.
Summer may be ending, but it's still hot for the time being, so why not sneak in one last bottle of the official beverage of the season? Snapple did it right with their Lemon Daze line. It has a ton of sugar in it, but that is the way lemonade is supposed to be. It's made with real lemon juice and it has a nice tartness to it. Unfortunately that tartness felt like hell on my grape corroded tongue, but I still enjoyed the drink. It cooled me down and refreshed me just the way I needed it to. Oh I also drank like a gallon of water, but it didn't taste nearly as appropriate as this. Oh, I seem to have slipped into the first person. That's just poor writing, but that's what you get with Thirsty Dudes.
Summer may be ending, but it's still hot for the time being, so why not sneak in one last bottle of the official beverage of the season? Snapple did it right with their Lemon Daze line. It has a ton of sugar in it, but that is the way lemonade is supposed to be. It's made with real lemon juice and it has a nice tartness to it. Unfortunately that tartness felt like hell on my grape corroded tongue, but I still enjoyed the drink. It cooled me down and refreshed me just the way I needed it to. Oh I also drank like a gallon of water, but it didn't taste nearly as appropriate as this. Oh, I seem to have slipped into the first person. That's just poor writing, but that's what you get with Thirsty Dudes.
- Rating
- Categories
- Lemonade
- Country
- United States
- Sweetener
- Sugar
- Author
- Jason Draper on 9/10/13, 10:50 PM
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Country Time Strawberry Lemonade
Oh Country Time. Many people are city folk but some enjoy slower, more rustic times. Times like not having to wear shoes, constantly eating assorted pies, chewing stalks of straw, tractor pulls, and the soft, soothing sounds of alternative rocker Chris Gaines. Did you know that if you live in an official, federally accepted "country" town, you could get any Country Time products for free, within reason? It's not anything they advertise because they would lose money. Think of it like the "secret menu" that some restaurants have that serve you things like the bacon wrapped bacon burger or the Cobb salad.
In the country, miraculously, everything is powdered. I think it's to conserve space. Do you know how when people from the country complain that buildings in the city are too close together? It's because in the city, things are stored in their natural state and they stack them up and take up a lot of space. In the country, everything is wet because in order to get everything to their intended state, you have to add water to it. Add water to a can of chairs, go make a sandwich, and you will come back to a nice, assembled set of wet wooden chairs. Add water to a tin of boots and in no time, you will have a nice, wet pair of steel toed boots ready for use on the farm.
When you add water to this powdered strawberry lemonade, you are promptly provided with rather good lemonade. Sure, there is no pulp, but there is plenty of sour and tartness. It is made from real sugar, powdered of course, so it tastes like a classic lemonade with quite a bit of very good strawberry flavor.
Country life can be thought of as difficult but for some it is the only life they know. They know the importance of keeping your tins of powdered product dry because in the case of a flood, there will be destruction because everything will expand to its natural size. You could leave for your honeymoon and the town could have a flood, come back, and your roof will be of the house because all the furniture, flatware, coat racks, televisions have expanded to full size and filled up the small closet where they were being kept. Be careful in the country. It's very dangerous while wet.
In the country, miraculously, everything is powdered. I think it's to conserve space. Do you know how when people from the country complain that buildings in the city are too close together? It's because in the city, things are stored in their natural state and they stack them up and take up a lot of space. In the country, everything is wet because in order to get everything to their intended state, you have to add water to it. Add water to a can of chairs, go make a sandwich, and you will come back to a nice, assembled set of wet wooden chairs. Add water to a tin of boots and in no time, you will have a nice, wet pair of steel toed boots ready for use on the farm.
When you add water to this powdered strawberry lemonade, you are promptly provided with rather good lemonade. Sure, there is no pulp, but there is plenty of sour and tartness. It is made from real sugar, powdered of course, so it tastes like a classic lemonade with quite a bit of very good strawberry flavor.
Country life can be thought of as difficult but for some it is the only life they know. They know the importance of keeping your tins of powdered product dry because in the case of a flood, there will be destruction because everything will expand to its natural size. You could leave for your honeymoon and the town could have a flood, come back, and your roof will be of the house because all the furniture, flatware, coat racks, televisions have expanded to full size and filled up the small closet where they were being kept. Be careful in the country. It's very dangerous while wet.
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- Categories
- Mix/Concentrate and Lemonade
- Company
- Country Time — Website — @CountryTime
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- United States
- Sweetener
- Sugar
- Author
- Mike Literman on 8/29/13, 3:38 PM
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Arizona AZ Energy Half and Half
Grab any kid who went to basement shows in Buffalo from 1999-2003 and ask them what their favorite drink from Frank's Mobil was at that time. You will probably here one of two things: Fikes Iced Tea or Arizona Arnold Palmer tall boy. The latter is what we'll be focusing on today. Granted I don't drink them as often now, but I would easily drink 1-2 a day back then. The lemonade and iced tea just mixed perfectly together for those sweaty basement show nights.
Given my love for Arnold Palmer's and my willingness to try any energy drink, you can imagine my excitement when I found this at a grocery store near Cincinnati. Good news for energy drink haters, it doesn't taste like an energy drink. In fact, I can only taste the lemonade and iced tea. And just like the original, it is delicious! While it's not the greatest half and half I've had, this is one of the best energy drinks I've had so far.
Keep up the good work Arizona! I'd love to see more flavors of this.
Given my love for Arnold Palmer's and my willingness to try any energy drink, you can imagine my excitement when I found this at a grocery store near Cincinnati. Good news for energy drink haters, it doesn't taste like an energy drink. In fact, I can only taste the lemonade and iced tea. And just like the original, it is delicious! While it's not the greatest half and half I've had, this is one of the best energy drinks I've had so far.
Keep up the good work Arizona! I'd love to see more flavors of this.
- Rating
- Categories
- Energy Drink, Iced Tea and Lemonade
- Company
- Arizona — Website — @DrinkAriZona
- Country
- United States
- Sweetener
- High Fructose Corn Syrup
- Author
- Derek Neuland on 8/7/13, 6:10 PM
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Rockstar Recovery Lemonade
Right off the bat I would like to, like a solid jerk, stay on both sides of this fence. On one side, the one with the greener grass, hotter women, and more delicious hot dogs, this is a good energy drink. It tastes like alright lemonade but that's good because it doesn't taste like uber-sweet energy drinks. It doesn't have that offensive diet taste unless you let it sit there and drop to room temperature. That's when the sucrose rears its ugly head. These are all good with a little asterisk next to it what with it being a diet energy drink.
The other side of the fence filled with gross, wet hot dogs, women with poor teeth and even worse personal hygiene, and dead, dog urine soaked grass, come the bad parts. My gosh I would like these heart palpitations to stop. I ate a full lunch. A big old Greek-ish wrap filled with delicious fixins. Still, about a half hour after I started I'm having strange heartbeats. I thought this would be different because I ate but nope. I felt like I could run up and down the stairs a trillion times or that I should to work off the bad beats my ticker was making.
So there you go. Take your side. If you and your heart can take a punch, you are in luck. If you are sensitive to energy drinks I ask you to stay away and just drink coffee for your jolts.
The other side of the fence filled with gross, wet hot dogs, women with poor teeth and even worse personal hygiene, and dead, dog urine soaked grass, come the bad parts. My gosh I would like these heart palpitations to stop. I ate a full lunch. A big old Greek-ish wrap filled with delicious fixins. Still, about a half hour after I started I'm having strange heartbeats. I thought this would be different because I ate but nope. I felt like I could run up and down the stairs a trillion times or that I should to work off the bad beats my ticker was making.
So there you go. Take your side. If you and your heart can take a punch, you are in luck. If you are sensitive to energy drinks I ask you to stay away and just drink coffee for your jolts.
- Rating
- Categories
- Diet, Energy Drink and Lemonade
- Company
- Rockstar — Website — @Rockstar6969
- Country
- United States
- Sweetener
- Sucrose
- Author
- Mike Literman on 8/6/13, 4:07 PM
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Cabana Natural Island Spice Lemonade
Oh the spices of the island. Depending on what island you are talking about could really have a strong affect on the drink. If I were to drink Jamaican spiced lemonade it might be a ginger jerk lemonade. I don't know how I would feel about it. Indian, although not an island, spiced would be a masala or curry lemonade that makes we want to ralph all over the place. A Puerto Rico island spice would be what...Adobo? That would be bad, too.
This island, although never discussed by name, is home to I guess a little bit of cinnamon because that's all I'm getting here. It's a good lemonade, don't get me wrong, but in terms of having a different title pointing to some mystery island and just barely if at all changing your recipe, that's kind of a waste of time. If this was just "Cabana Lemonade" I would say, "Oh, this is pretty good lemonade and it has a hint of cinnamon which puts it over the top." If you are going to call it "island spice" and not put enough to push it over the edge, well you missed the point all together.
I'm not trying to be a greedy child, but I want more spice! More spicy! Spicier! More trips to the island. I mean, come on. Who is complaining about trips to the island? Go get more spices and send me a new batch.
This island, although never discussed by name, is home to I guess a little bit of cinnamon because that's all I'm getting here. It's a good lemonade, don't get me wrong, but in terms of having a different title pointing to some mystery island and just barely if at all changing your recipe, that's kind of a waste of time. If this was just "Cabana Lemonade" I would say, "Oh, this is pretty good lemonade and it has a hint of cinnamon which puts it over the top." If you are going to call it "island spice" and not put enough to push it over the edge, well you missed the point all together.
I'm not trying to be a greedy child, but I want more spice! More spicy! Spicier! More trips to the island. I mean, come on. Who is complaining about trips to the island? Go get more spices and send me a new batch.
- Rating
- Categories
- Lemonade
- Company
- Cabana — Website — @pulsebeverage
- Country
- United States
- Sweetener
- Cane Sugar
- Author
- Mike Literman on 7/24/13, 1:34 PM
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Hubert's Half & Half Lemonade Tea Original Black Tea
Oh that little guy right there? Yeah I like those little guys. Well, except for that raspberry half & half; something about that just wasn't quite right. Hubert, a company that makes some of the best ready to drink lemonade your mouth buds will ever encounter, is made by Hansens, who make some of the best natural soda those self same mouth buds most certainly love. I must admit that I don't think they use the same lemonade in their half & halfs as they do in their glass bottle versions, but that is acceptable. Their lemonade is pretty darn sour, and to mix it with tea would require a whole lot more sugar than I am prepared to digest. My hypothesis is that they take that lemonade and go 50/50 with it and water. Then they mix it in with some black tea and let the party begin.
This is what I want all lemon tea to taste like. Far too often it tastes like cleaner to me, but this is perfect. It's more tea than lemonade. It's probably in the 60/40 range, which is just fine with me. The folks at Hubert's didn't go overboard with the sugar either as any companies are prone to do. There is a bunch in there, but it still taste like tea and lemons and not sugar water. Plus city.
Look at that little guy on the label. He's giving you a quick little wink to let you know that he understands everything you've been going through. You had a rough week at work and now that you have time off it's sweltering hot and you need to cool down to enjoy your day. He's just saying don't worry the contents of my body are here to refresh you. Just imbibe me and everything will be just fine…β¬Β¦.well that turned unexpectedly creepy.
This is what I want all lemon tea to taste like. Far too often it tastes like cleaner to me, but this is perfect. It's more tea than lemonade. It's probably in the 60/40 range, which is just fine with me. The folks at Hubert's didn't go overboard with the sugar either as any companies are prone to do. There is a bunch in there, but it still taste like tea and lemons and not sugar water. Plus city.
Look at that little guy on the label. He's giving you a quick little wink to let you know that he understands everything you've been going through. You had a rough week at work and now that you have time off it's sweltering hot and you need to cool down to enjoy your day. He's just saying don't worry the contents of my body are here to refresh you. Just imbibe me and everything will be just fine…β¬Β¦.well that turned unexpectedly creepy.
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- Company
- Hubert's — Website — @HansensNatural
- Country
- United States
- Sweetener
- Cane Sugar
- Author
- Jason Draper on 7/21/13, 6:54 PM
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Turkey Hill Sun Brew Iced Tea Half and Half
Summer time drinks are as follows: water, iced coffee (or cold brew), lemonade, and iced tea. Any other drink is not recommended to drink during this time. Naturally, if you can combine any of these they will make a super drink. I've never tried iced lemonade coffee, but I'm sure it's amazing.
Today we will be talking about half and half, a beverage near and dear to our hearts. Half and half (also known as an Arnold Palmer) is half lemonade, half iced tea. This particular jug is Turkey Hill's new "sun brew" line. Can I taste the difference in the brewing? Not really but I appreciate there is real sugar in this instead of HFCS. Personal taste I would prefer a stronger lemonade, but this is good for your average half and half fan.
Today we will be talking about half and half, a beverage near and dear to our hearts. Half and half (also known as an Arnold Palmer) is half lemonade, half iced tea. This particular jug is Turkey Hill's new "sun brew" line. Can I taste the difference in the brewing? Not really but I appreciate there is real sugar in this instead of HFCS. Personal taste I would prefer a stronger lemonade, but this is good for your average half and half fan.
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- Company
- Turkey Hill — Website — @turkeyhilldairy
- Country
- United States
- Sweetener
- Sugar
- Author
- Derek Neuland on 7/13/13, 2:30 PM
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Gatorade Perform 02 Strawberry Lemonade
I want to hire a sweet MC and have him say, "This is a 7-11 exclusive" in that voice that they do on mixtapes. You know the one. The arbitrarily placed, out of time, over lyrics, poorly recorded, mostly yelled tagline that someone like Don Cannon would do so you know you can't get it anywhere else and more importantly, partially ruins it so you can't get a decent recording of it without some dude yelling over top of it.
Now that my mixtape fantasies are looming through my head, we can get down to brass tacks. You know what Gatorade tastes like, right? You know what lemonade tastes like, right? You know what strawberries taste like, right? Well, if you can draw a line through all of them, you get this. It's good, not too sweet, but no Gatorade is really too sweet now, is it? It didn't have a sting that one might expect either. It was actually, probably due to the Gatorade core, a pretty smooth drink that I will come to again and again until it's gone.
Since I can't drink for pleasure and I don't play sports, I probably won't get another bottle, but it will certainly make me wish that I could shoot some hoops, toss around the pigskin, slap some pucks, or play soccer. "You forgot Baseball, you stupid idiot!" you say? No. I did not. Most baseball players could smoke and drink and it wouldn't change the game one iota. Only the runners on base deserve Gatorade and since, at max, four people at a time can drink it, it's not really fair to the rest of the players so no one in baseball can drink Gatorade unless it's pre or post game.
Now that my mixtape fantasies are looming through my head, we can get down to brass tacks. You know what Gatorade tastes like, right? You know what lemonade tastes like, right? You know what strawberries taste like, right? Well, if you can draw a line through all of them, you get this. It's good, not too sweet, but no Gatorade is really too sweet now, is it? It didn't have a sting that one might expect either. It was actually, probably due to the Gatorade core, a pretty smooth drink that I will come to again and again until it's gone.
Since I can't drink for pleasure and I don't play sports, I probably won't get another bottle, but it will certainly make me wish that I could shoot some hoops, toss around the pigskin, slap some pucks, or play soccer. "You forgot Baseball, you stupid idiot!" you say? No. I did not. Most baseball players could smoke and drink and it wouldn't change the game one iota. Only the runners on base deserve Gatorade and since, at max, four people at a time can drink it, it's not really fair to the rest of the players so no one in baseball can drink Gatorade unless it's pre or post game.
- Rating
- Categories
- Lemonade and Sports/Dietary Supplement
- Country
- United States
- Sweetener
- Sucrose
- Author
- Mike Literman on 7/10/13, 10:06 PM
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Snapple Lemon Daze Pink Lemonade
If you are like us here at Thirsty Dudes you have probably drunk some pink lemonade, looked at the ingredients and said to yourself, “Wait, there is no berry juice in here, why is it pink? What makes pink lemonade pink?” Fear not, we have done the 30 seconds of research for you and here are our results.
First off, a lot of companies do use strawberries or raspberries to tint, and flavor their lemonade. That makes perfect sense. It's what I always expected to be the construct of pink lemonade. Over at the Huffington Post website they had an article about the origins of this delicious summer treat. Instead of paraphrasing, here is the exact text:
According to Josh Chetwynd, author of the book, "How the Hot Dog Found Its Bun," there are two main claims to the title of pink-lemonade inventor -- and neither of them sound very thirst-quenching. The first attributes this beverage to a salesman, by the name of Pete Conklin, who sold concessions at the circus. When working a shift in 1857, he ran out of water to make his lemonade (with no access to a nearby well or spring).
Rather than lose out on business, "Pete sprinted into the dressing tent and came across Fannie Jamieson, one of the show's bareback riders. She had just cleaned her pink tights in a vat of water, leaving the liquid looking a deep pink hue." He used the water without a second thought, and sold it as "fine strawberry lemonade." It's reported that he "did double the business of ordinary refreshment and, allegedly, ushered in a new style of the drink."
The second claim to pink-lemonade fame is also a result of a lemonade mishap. According to a 1912 New York Times article, Henry E. Allott -- a circus promoter, saloon-keeper and gambler -- was the originator of this drink. "One day while mixing a tub full of the orthodox yellow kind he dropped some red cinnamon candies in by mistake,” the newspaper wrote. “The resulting rose-tinted mixture sold so surprisingly well that he continued to dispense his chance discovery.” This article, written after Allott had passed away, claims that he invented this drink as a teenager, which would date it to roughly 1872-1873 -- 20 years after Conklin's story.
The first of those sounds absolutely terrible. The second has me intrigued. Those cinnamon candies have a very specific taste that isn't exactly like the spice, but it would go amazing with lemonade. Someone please point me in the direction of a company that makes their lemonade like that, or I'm going to have to try and make some myself.
I'm guessing that modern day companies, don't really use either way, and simply settle for food coloring, if they aren't adding fruit juice. That lemonade is a cop out if you ask me. All flash, no substance. Luckily, Snapple went with fruit juice, mostly for color, but it has a bit of flavor to it. A blind taste test proved this. The testy (get your mind out of your pants) could tell that this was not normal yellow lemonade. It's has a nice sweet, refreshing berry flavor that compliments the tartness of the lemon. For a prepackaged lemonade, that you can find in any city across the US, you could do a whole lot worse than this.
First off, a lot of companies do use strawberries or raspberries to tint, and flavor their lemonade. That makes perfect sense. It's what I always expected to be the construct of pink lemonade. Over at the Huffington Post website they had an article about the origins of this delicious summer treat. Instead of paraphrasing, here is the exact text:
According to Josh Chetwynd, author of the book, "How the Hot Dog Found Its Bun," there are two main claims to the title of pink-lemonade inventor -- and neither of them sound very thirst-quenching. The first attributes this beverage to a salesman, by the name of Pete Conklin, who sold concessions at the circus. When working a shift in 1857, he ran out of water to make his lemonade (with no access to a nearby well or spring).
Rather than lose out on business, "Pete sprinted into the dressing tent and came across Fannie Jamieson, one of the show's bareback riders. She had just cleaned her pink tights in a vat of water, leaving the liquid looking a deep pink hue." He used the water without a second thought, and sold it as "fine strawberry lemonade." It's reported that he "did double the business of ordinary refreshment and, allegedly, ushered in a new style of the drink."
The second claim to pink-lemonade fame is also a result of a lemonade mishap. According to a 1912 New York Times article, Henry E. Allott -- a circus promoter, saloon-keeper and gambler -- was the originator of this drink. "One day while mixing a tub full of the orthodox yellow kind he dropped some red cinnamon candies in by mistake,” the newspaper wrote. “The resulting rose-tinted mixture sold so surprisingly well that he continued to dispense his chance discovery.” This article, written after Allott had passed away, claims that he invented this drink as a teenager, which would date it to roughly 1872-1873 -- 20 years after Conklin's story.
The first of those sounds absolutely terrible. The second has me intrigued. Those cinnamon candies have a very specific taste that isn't exactly like the spice, but it would go amazing with lemonade. Someone please point me in the direction of a company that makes their lemonade like that, or I'm going to have to try and make some myself.
I'm guessing that modern day companies, don't really use either way, and simply settle for food coloring, if they aren't adding fruit juice. That lemonade is a cop out if you ask me. All flash, no substance. Luckily, Snapple went with fruit juice, mostly for color, but it has a bit of flavor to it. A blind taste test proved this. The testy (get your mind out of your pants) could tell that this was not normal yellow lemonade. It's has a nice sweet, refreshing berry flavor that compliments the tartness of the lemon. For a prepackaged lemonade, that you can find in any city across the US, you could do a whole lot worse than this.
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- Categories
- Lemonade
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- United States
- Sweetener
- Sugar
- Author
- Jason Draper on 7/1/13, 4:35 PM
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Snapple Lemon Daze Mango Lemonade
It was recently pointed out to me that the time from the release of Dazed and Confused until now it longer than the time when the movie is supposed to take place until it was released. That seems crazy and it makes me feel so damn old. I remember when that movie came out. It was so long ago that it was pre straight edge me, and I hung out with a bunch of stoners all the time, who always wanted to watch The Wall high. You can all breath a sigh of relief that I didn't participate in that, but I did remember agreeing with everyone that we all needed to be stoned to watch Dazed and Confused. I don't think anyone had any weed, so it never happened and we just watched it sober…β¬Β¦I think.
This is all way too much information that only seems relevant due to the fact that both the movie and this drink's names contain some form of the word “daze.” I'll tell you where it comes in, I love that movie now even more than I did when I was a teenage dirtbag. The story of teenagers starting kicking off the opening night of summer break is wonderful and heartwarming. What way to celebrate summer than with a nice cold lemonade? Snapple thought the same thing and released its new line just as summer was coming around. Some people, the characters in the movie included, would probably prefer to down a frosty beer, but I'll stick with my lemonade…β¬Β¦especially one like this.
As soon as you twist off the cap the most pleasant fruity scent enters your nostrils and you know you're in for a good time. The mango flavoring is perfect. Even though mango juice isn't listed on the ingredients list, they do a good job of making it taste just like the fruit. The lemonade base is nothing to scoff at either, although I could have done with a little less sugar in order to up the tartness just a little. I just looked and there are 45g of sugar in here, maybe “a little less sugar” should have been “cut the sugar in half.” Even with it's cavity creating powers this is a drink to be reckoned with and I will be enjoying a quite a few on the hot days and long nights to come. On those nights don't be worried about how many you drink when you climb the water tower. The only way they could make you fall is if you have terrible balance when you obviously pee off the top like any red blooded American would.
This is all way too much information that only seems relevant due to the fact that both the movie and this drink's names contain some form of the word “daze.” I'll tell you where it comes in, I love that movie now even more than I did when I was a teenage dirtbag. The story of teenagers starting kicking off the opening night of summer break is wonderful and heartwarming. What way to celebrate summer than with a nice cold lemonade? Snapple thought the same thing and released its new line just as summer was coming around. Some people, the characters in the movie included, would probably prefer to down a frosty beer, but I'll stick with my lemonade…β¬Β¦especially one like this.
As soon as you twist off the cap the most pleasant fruity scent enters your nostrils and you know you're in for a good time. The mango flavoring is perfect. Even though mango juice isn't listed on the ingredients list, they do a good job of making it taste just like the fruit. The lemonade base is nothing to scoff at either, although I could have done with a little less sugar in order to up the tartness just a little. I just looked and there are 45g of sugar in here, maybe “a little less sugar” should have been “cut the sugar in half.” Even with it's cavity creating powers this is a drink to be reckoned with and I will be enjoying a quite a few on the hot days and long nights to come. On those nights don't be worried about how many you drink when you climb the water tower. The only way they could make you fall is if you have terrible balance when you obviously pee off the top like any red blooded American would.
- Rating
- Categories
- Lemonade
- Country
- United States
- Sweetener
- Sugar
- Author
- Jason Draper on 6/26/13, 6:23 PM
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