Lemonade - 275 Reviews

Martinelli's 50/50 Lemonade & Black Tea

Martinelli's 50/50 Lemonade & Black Tea
Greg was a troubled teen. He spent a lot of his youth stealing candy and snacks from stores. He never got in any real trouble, as he was a good kid otherwise. He was just a little bit sneaky. Greg would steal a pack of gum or bag of chips or can of pop but nothing worth more than a couple dollars.

One day, he was thirsty and went across the street to get something to drink. He saw a bottle of Martinelli's half and half and thought that it was in a cool bottle and he needed it. He grabbed two off the shelf, put them in his oversized pockets, and walked out of the store. He sat down around the corner and drank a bottle of it. He liked it a lot. It was different because it wasn't so sweet like other iced tea and lemonades. It was an even split, just like how it was advertised. It had a little pulp towards the end, but it wasn't too tart.

He was just about to open the second one and old man Harris, the owner of the store came out and saw him drinking a stolen drink and chased after him. They got around the block and Greg grabbed the bottle like a baseball, which it is in the shape of, and threw it at old man Harris. Harris caught it, yelled at him to stop stealing from the store and walked back. That kind of scared Greg and he only stole a few more times and went straight after that.
Iced Tea and Lemonade
United States
Mike Literman on 9/4/12, 11:04 AM
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Agua Enerviva Lo Cal Natural Energy Mate Lemonade + Guarana

Agua Enerviva Lo Cal Natural Energy Mate Lemonade + Guarana
Sadly this is a pretty big bottle of mediocrity. I thought that mate lemonade would be pretty interesting but instead, I was served some sort of light juice that doesn't really taste much like lemonade or mate. Odd how that happened. It actually tastes a bit diet, but not too much. I'm just kind of milling over the taste but from what was advertised to what was delivered, they are worlds apart. This drink was fruity but light almost like if you had some guarana Vitamin Water.

I didn't know what it would taste like as mate is inherently pretty bitter and lemonade is sour or tart. Together I thought that it would have given my tongue a run for it's money, a phrase that my tongue doesn't understand because it doesn't work and as many times as I've tried to become a famed voice-over actor, it decided to work by spouting off negativity, sarcasm, and unfortunately misdirected wit.

I might have the energy to complete my day due to the caffeine in both mate and guarana, but I didn't particularly enjoy the path to get there.
Energy Drink, Lemonade, Sports/Dietary Supplement and Diet
Agua EnervivaWebsite@AguaEnerviva
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 8/22/12, 5:24 PM
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Snapple Diet Half and Half

Snapple Diet Half and Half
Since we intake so many calories from consuming drinks all the time, I have actually come to look forward to diet drinks. 80% of the time they taste horrible, but every once in a while you'll find one that surprises you. This is one of those instances. Usually diet iced tea is really gross and tastes like a barrel of chemicals. Somehow Snapple has managed to keep the toxic taste out of this half and half. I have a feeling the lemonade might have something to do with it, but I'm not complaining.

As a half and half, this is just "okay". It's not the worst, but it's far from the best. It's middle of the road. Medicore, so-so, or any other way you want to put it.
Diet, Iced Tea and Lemonade
United States
Derek Neuland on 8/10/12, 1:00 AM
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Wegmans Organic Strawberry Lemonade

Wegmans Organic Strawberry Lemonade
I sit here all day. Watching. Watching the people. They want me and they don't even know it. I sit here, all tasty. I'm made from strawberries and lemons. Who wouldn't love me? Is that woman getting beaten by another woman? We're talking about me for a minute. I'm sweet and you can taste the strawberry but it still has the sting of the lemonade. It's like I've got a big jug of lemonade with countless amounts of strawberries just marinating in me. Now what do we have here? I've got to learn how to use this telescope better. I wonder if that kid that broke my leg is out delivering papers. He always does a terrible job. He doesn't make it within ten feet of the porch and often throws it when the sprinklers are on leaving me with a wet, unreadable paper.

I can't see, though. What is going on in that car? Is that a drug deal? No. It can't be. It's two kids. Was the local news true? Is Breaking Bad really influencing kids to deal drugs? Oh, wait, they're just playing Pokemon. This is dumb. I should be outside basking in the sun showing off my delicious digs. I'm strawberry lemonade, broken leg or not. I'm delicious and all will envy me. Just five more minutes. That orange juice across the street is taking off her sarong.
United States
Organic Sugar
Mike Literman on 8/8/12, 9:51 PM
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Hubert's Half & Half Lemonade Tea Original Green Tea

Hubert's Half & Half Lemonade Tea Original Green Tea
It has been in the 90's and 100's the past week in Portland. This is very unnatural for Portland, and it sucks. I hate the heat, which is why I moved here. All I've been doing is sitting in front of a fan and drinking water. I decided to venture out into the sun today and found this lemonade tea at a corner store I don't frequent much. Hubert's has never done me wrong so this was a good thing to stumble upon.

Now I'm a big fan of half and half's and I've tried a good number of them in my day. It's hard to get the tea to lemonade ratio perfect, but Hubert's did a damn good job. The lemonade is sweet and tangy, but still lets the mellow green tea flavor come through. If this was more widely available it would be my go-to half and half.
Iced Tea and Lemonade
United States
Cane Sugar
Derek Neuland on 8/6/12, 6:14 PM
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Gold Peak Iced Tea Lemonade Iced Tea

Gold Peak Iced Tea Lemonade Iced Tea
Remember back in the day where the only half and half we had was Arizona Arnold Palmer? I seriously think that people don't realize that there are options aside from that. It's been a long time since those days and I've got to say that I don't miss that at all. There is nothing wrong with competition and since those days, there are dozens of better half and half's out there that surpass Mr. Arnold Palmer's drink. It's not a dis as much as it just a changing of the times. Better ingredients, smaller companies, easier distribution channels, and so on. Sure, Gold Peak is owned by Coke but it wasn't always and their tea has consistently been good. This intro paragraph is a wake up call to those who drink gallons of Arnold Palmer. Hey, friends. Wake up. There is more out there that was made specifically for you. Stop being lazy and complacent and try something new.

Lemonade and iced tea are a touch mix. Iced tea is a soft taste and lemonade is sharp and stands out in the crowd. This, in my opinion, is an uneven mix of the two. This leans way heavy towards lemonade. It's not bad but it almost cuts down the iced tea so much that if you didn't know better, you would think that this is a weak lemonade. I do not think that was the intention of Gold Peak. This probably came out just as it was supposed to but this is how I think about the contents of this bottle.

This was a nice surprise, as I don't remember the last time Gold Peak came out with a new product. Everything they have put out is good and if you are a half and half fan, try this out. As it stands, I still think it's better than Arizona but if you've been drinking that stuff for as long as I think you have, you've become desensitized to the fake sweetener that I can't stand.
Iced Tea and Lemonade
Gold PeakWebsite@goldpeaktea
United States
Mike Literman on 7/25/12, 9:13 PM
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Hubert's Half & Half Lemonade Tea Peach

Hubert's Half & Half Lemonade Tea Peach
When a lemon winks in your direction it would be wise of you to pay attention. There is no telling what disaster may befall you if you chose to ignore it. Let's face it, lemons are bastards and you'll more than likely get a squirt of citric acid in your unsuspecting eye. No one wants that, well unless that is some weird fetish you have. I'm sure there is a community online for folks like you to meet up and ignore winking lemons. I'm just not a part of it.

As I've said in the past Hubert's makes fantastic lemonades. Nice and tart the way lemonade should be. Their raspberry half & half left a lot to be desired because the tea tasted watered down. They got things right with their peach line though. It starts off as a great tasting peach tea and it fades into nice sweet lemonade as it swishes across your tongue. The problem with the raspberry was that it tasted like raspberry lemonade with tea added to it. With this it seems more like a flavored tea mixed with regular lemonade and that certainly works much better for me.

So here I sit refreshed, with happy taste buds and clear vision. This is what reviewing beverages should always be like.
Iced Tea and Lemonade
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 7/17/12, 3:56 PM
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Hubert's Half & Half Lemonade Tea Raspberry

Hubert's Half & Half Lemonade Tea Raspberry
Hubert's makes lemonade that is to be reckoned with. It's the freshest tasting bottled lemonade I have ever tried. It's so tart and the little bits of lemon are an added bonus. When I saw that they started to make half & halfs I instantly bought a couple of flavors.

Unfortunately this drink didn't live up to their straight lemonades. It tastes like they look the base of one of their great raspberry lemonades and mixed it with a very watered down iced tea. There's no real tea taste and the mixture takes away from the lemonade. There is no longer any real tartness to it, a bummer indeed. I expected greatness, but what I got was blandness.
Iced Tea and Lemonade
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 7/17/12, 3:50 PM
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Hubert's Lemonade Cherry Limeade

Hubert's Lemonade Cherry Limeade
Hubert's lemonade/limeade doesn't mess around. You'd think with a slogan like "Only the Best Will Do" and a sour faced lemon on the bottle, they were trying to talk themselves up in order for you to ignore the mediocre liquid inside. Hubert's doesn't need to sink to such tactics. Every flavor I've had by them has been some of the best lemon/limeade I've ever tasted. And that sour faced lemon isn't an exaggeration, it's really tart! The cherry flavor in this really shines through as well, giving the sour limeade a literal 'cherry on top'. Good work Hubert's, keep making awesome lemonade and I'll keep buying it
United States
Cane Sugar
Derek Neuland on 7/12/12, 10:11 PM
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MiO Liquid Water Enhancer Lemonade

MiO Liquid Water Enhancer Lemonade
Italian Fest will be next week. I have a strange thing where I don't like to eat Italian food because I feel like I've never had Italian food that is any better than what I can make at home. I know that I have just irritated every Italian that is reading this as well as anyone who is reading this with an Italian lurking over their shoulder. Italian Fest is like St. Patrick's Day where everyone is Italian for the day. Well, everyone except Sicilians since there is some...thing...going on there.

To combat Italian Fest my own, stupid way, I decided to make some Italian food myself in the comfort of my own home. I boiled some boxed penne, and put some Goya chipotle marinade in some pre-made mushroom sauce and ate it and it was fantastic. I won. I beat Italian Fest. I decided to accompany my victory meal with a cold glass of MiO lemonade. I didn't know what to expect because my ideal lemonade has a pound of pulp in it. I know the container's restrictions so I wasn't surprised that there wasn't pulp in there. A couple squirts later, the water has turned into lemonade. This lemonade tasted like little kid's lemonade that was a bit watered down. That also means that you could make better MiO lemonade by not following directions and adding "too much" mix. It's got a bit of a diet taste, but it's a diet drink so who's surprised there? Not I. Not I.

Dear Italians. You're wonderful people but can keep your gross, cheese filled desserts.
Lemonade, Mix/Concentrate and Diet
United States
Mike Literman on 7/12/12, 8:26 PM
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Mayer Bros. Strawberry Lemonade

Mayer Bros. Strawberry Lemonade
Once a year some friends of ours host “Goth Beach Day.” It's really not as funny as you would think. No one gets dressed up or anything. It's really just a bunch of overly pale people with a lot of tattoos taking over the beach. The most goth attire present was probably the sleeveless Bauhaus shirt I wore, a parasail and our friend Derek wore a stripped shirt that made him look like Pugsley. I can safely say that our little group used more sunscreen than the rest of the beach combined.

Let it be known that I love the beach, but only at night. The sun and I have been at war with each other for the past 33 years. I lose more often than not. Basically at these outings most people are enjoying the sun and the water, while I'm miserable trying my hardest to not get sunburn (I got some on the top of my head and my hand, not too bad). I also spent my time sipping on this bottle of Lemonade. A company in my hometown of West Seneca makes it. They are best known for their apple cider and in the fall their mill is open to the public. It's magical. Going to a cider mill in the fall with the chilly weather would be a more fitting outing for this group. I should propose that. So yeah, they are starting to expand their line and have released a series of flavored lemonades. Tastily flavored lemonades at that. I generally find that large bottle flavored lemonades such as this are better when watered down a bit, but Mayer Bros got it perfect. It's not too sweet. Nor is it too tart. It's simply refreshing lemonade with a decent bit of strawberry flavoring to it. Both lemon and strawberries living in perfect harmony. It's the goth dream. Wait…€¦.whhaaaaaaaatttttt?
Mayer Bros.Website
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 7/11/12, 12:00 PM
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Made 10 Calorie Cranberry Lemon Green Tea

Made 10 Calorie Cranberry Lemon Green Tea
Jay and I are like brothers. Here are some little known facts about us:
  1. We moved in together on someone else's suggestion after about two days of really knowing each other.

  2. We wrote a ton of songs about barbecues.

  3. We lived together without having a single fight.

  4. We've seen each other's girlfriend's naked. Not current ones, but one girlfriend back each.

That's a close list of stuff, right? What more do you need to know you are compatible? Nothing. Jay knows what I like and he saw this Made and knew that it was a drink for me.

The cranberry of this drink is the number one flavor. It's prevalent and very strong and bites you the whole way through this euphonious ride. The lemon comes and goes. It's there but it goes and you don't miss it. The green tea does the same, but the cranberry easily trumps the bitterness of it. There is an odd but very Made flavor and it might be the final ingredient, Sucralose. It's not a deal breaker, ladies. It's fine. If I saw this again, I would drink it. I would recommend it to a friend. That means a lot because I drink a lot.

Jay and I like Made. Jay and I like each other. Jay and I like cooking on a grill with friends. We're great to be around. Find us. We'll entertain you.
Diet, Iced Tea and Lemonade
United States
Mike Literman on 7/10/12, 3:15 PM
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Zeiglers Wildberry Lemonade

Zeiglers Wildberry Lemonade
Today I spent another day tracking in the studio for the "new" album Failures' Union has been recording for almost two years. We apparently work slow as can be. I was early getting to the studio, so I hit up a supermarket that was close by and I bought a bunch of strawberries and this lemonade for everyone to enjoy. As it turns out everyone else were fools and I ended up eating all of the strawberries myself. It was really a whole mess of strawberries. Surely more than one person should eat in a single day.
I also apparently cannot be satiated when it comes to berries. I ate obscene amount of berries and then very happily delved into 64oz of berry flavored lemonade. I have no regrets. My lack of regrets could also be do to the fact that this is a spectacular beverage. The lemonade flavor isn't lost under the added fruit flavor. In fact the berries let the lemon shine in a whole knew way. The label shows a picture of a strawberry and a raspberry, but neither are present on the ingredients list (unless it's under natural flavors). Instead chokeberry juice is listed. I have no idea what that is, but it's apparently delicious. This is a distinctly berried flavored lemonade, and it's perfect for a hot summer day, or for spending 11 hours in a climate controlled room.

United States
Jason Draper on 7/3/12, 10:23 AM
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Peace Tea Pink Lemonade Tea

Peace Tea Pink Lemonade Tea
Um, hello. I don't know how to say this, but when I was eating Mike, he told me that his final wish was to review this can of pink lemonade tea for him. I'm a chupacabra and what I do is eat people. I eat goats, too. Rabbits are pretty great but are often hard to catch. It seems that Mike and the Thirsty Dudes have a pretty big following so I feel that I owe it to his fans to explain what happened.

Mike was in Las Vegas looking for a root beer float and someone misguided him into going to the outskirts of town to a small ice cream shop. He made a wrong turn and ended up in the desert. He came across my path. I didn't want to eat him but he said something like "do you know who I am?" and that just ticked me off and I lost it. I had just lost $15 in Keno at Horrible's and was irritable. Next thing I remember is that Mike's legs were in my mouth. He told me while I was chewing his thighs that he had a backpack with this drink in it and he had to review it for the site. He gave me access to the site and just kind of let me eat the rest of him.

Now that you know what happened, I can review the drink for him and for you. I may be a desert dwelling creature, but I've been around the block a few times. I've had tea and I've had lemonade and I've had pink lemonade. This is a better pink lemonade than it is a sweet tea. The sweet tea has that partially diet taste, which distracts from the lemonade. The mixture isn't too bad on these hot summer days in the desert where I spend much of my time.

I'm not sorry I ate him, and to thank him for letting me do this for him, I've got a pair of ill-suited Cole Haan shoes and a gold Seiko watch someone can have. I'll be at the Golden Nugget all night. Just don't make me mad or I might have to eat you, feet first, of course. I can't have my dinner running away from me now, can I?
Iced Tea and Lemonade
Peace TeaWebsite@PeaceIcedTea
United States
Mike Literman on 6/29/12, 2:21 PM
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Starbucks Refreshers Strawberry Lemonade

Starbucks Refreshers Strawberry Lemonade
Do you know how coffee is produced? I certainly had no idea until about a year ago when I visited a coffee plantation. Okay, I had an inkling when we got those Bai drinks to review that are made with coffee fruit. The point is that it grows on bushes and there are these little green berries. Once the berries ripen they turn red, and are harvested. Inside the berries are the coffee seeds or beans, which are dried and roasted to brew the coffee that you drink for your get up and go.

When the coffee berries are still green they still contain a decent amount of caffeine, so Starbucks, amongst other companies, have started using them to make alternative energy drinks. These drinks aren't quite coffee and they certainly aren't traditional energy drinks, but they still give you a nice little boost without any added chemicals.

This little guy right here is quite aromatic. As soon as I cracked it open my car was greeted with the scent of strawberries. It's one of their weird two tier flavored drinks. While it's in your mouth it tastes like a nice watered down, carbonated strawberry lemonade. It's not tart at all, but it still has that lemonade flavor. Then when you swallow the slight bitterness of the coffee berry kicks in, and the berry flavor fades away. When I was at that coffee plantation I tried a green coffee berry and it was incredibly bitter on it's own. The sweetener in here takes care of that a bit, but it lingers some in the aftertaste.

I do wish this was stronger on the lemonade side of things, but for an energy drink that doesn't taste like your run of the mill toxic garbage, I can handle what they give me.
Energy Drink, Lemonade, Sparkling, Diet and Coffee
United States
Jason Draper on 6/22/12, 11:53 PM
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Tradewinds Lemonade Tea

Tradewinds Lemonade Tea
Mark and Jeff had been lost at sea for about a week. They had rented a nice little sailboat to go out and chill out in the tropics for a day, just enjoying the ocean. Things were going well, and then suddenly the winds kicked up and it was too much for our beginner sailors. If it wasn't enough for the wind to blow them off course, it decided to be a real jerk and also blow away their map. It really wouldn't do them any good anyways as each had assumed the other knew how to use a compass. The first few days they fought, but after that they kind of fell into a nice routine. Luckily they had fishing poles with them, so they would catch their food in the morning and then just lounge in the sun during the afternoon waiting for rescue.

It was during one of their afternoon sun bathing sessions that Jeff announced that he really had a hankering for a nice Arnold Palmer. Mark said he thought he say a box of tea under the deck. He had no idea why it was there, as there was no stove, but he never really questioned it. He just took some tea bags put them in a jar filled with water and let it sit in the sun for a few hours. Then he took the lemon that was inexplicably on the boat and squeezed it into his brew. The result was okay, but it was hardly an Arnold Palmer. It really tasted more like a lemon tea with more lemon than one would typically want. It didn't have the zing of lemonade. Jeff held back his complaints while he drank his mediocre beverage. He just sat back and sipped as the sun bronzing his skin.

What I would like to know his how our friends cooked their fish and where did all of this fresh water come from? I smell witchcraft!
Iced Tea and Lemonade
United States
Jason Draper on 6/15/12, 9:32 PM
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Made Strawberry Lemon Green Tea

Made Strawberry Lemon Green Tea
Arnold Palmer has a lawyer, right? I would hope he does for being a famous golfer and all, but more than that I hope he has a team of crack lawyers to make sure he gets his fair share of every lemonade/ice tea hybrid that is on the market. Everyone knows the combo as being an “Arnold Palmer” so I hope the man gets his cut. I hope his legal team is also good enough to get him “royalties” from all of the fringe flavors. Traditionally the drink is lemonade mixed with black tea, but in reality it could be any type of tea. By switching the tea type, does that make it not an Arnold Palmer anymore? Would say mixing it with a green tea make it a Robert Palmer? I hope not, because that guy is terrible. His cover of “Bang a Gong” is one of the worst things I have ever heard. For the sake of this review I will say yes. I will also say that this drink is in essence a Robert Palmer with some strawberry added. I wish this wasn't a Robert Palmer, because besides hating the man I think the lemon juice in this is too distracting. The ratio is completely off and it overpowers the tea flavor, not to mention the strawberry. The first sip I took of this had a great strawberry taste to it, but the more I drank the less berry I got and the more the lemon Gestapo took over. There is also something very plastic tasting about this. I think it's the combination of the bottle and the lemon juice. It just doesn't taste right.

Oh! I got it! Let's make an Arnold Palmer with white tea and we can call it the Leiland Palmer. Also, if you take that and add some blueberry to it, it becomes a Laura Palmer. You know…€¦because she's dead…€¦wrapped in plastic.
Iced Tea and Lemonade
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 6/12/12, 7:37 PM
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Tradewinds Tropicals Passionfruit Lemonade

Tradewinds Tropicals Passionfruit Lemonade
Summer is upon us and a wave of new lemonades is rising to a crest. If there ever was a seasonal beverage then lemonade is it. I've never once even given a thought to drinking lemon water unless the temperate was over 80 degrees. The more the temperate rises the more my brain thinks about it. This weekend held the first ridiculously hot days of the year and being the idiot I am I was in NYC wearing jeans because I thought I wouldn't need shorts. I was sweating like crazy unloading gear from the van to bring it into Webster Hall and all I wanted was the perfect lemonade. A quick search of bodegas brought me to this little treat. The only thing that would have sounded more perfect to me at that moment in time would have been a blackberry lemonade, but I will happily take what I can get.
I was so hot and this was a great refresher, but there was a problem. This is great as a passionfruit drink, but it could use more lemonade flavor. I want more tartness. The whole reason to drink lemonade is the nice tart refreshment. This is more like a passionfruit juice with a splash of lemonade. It's quite enjoyable and it tastes great, but I feel off calling it lemonade.
United States
Jason Draper on 6/12/12, 11:26 AM
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Uncle Matt's Homestyle Lemonade

Uncle Matt's Homestyle Lemonade
Suspicions ran high on Willowbrook Lane. Everyone was thinking it, but no one had the guts to just come out and say that there is no way that two girls aged 4 and 6 could make lemonade this good. It most neighborhoods any beverage sold by children at the side of the road are bottom of the barrel quality wise, but on Willowbrook Lanethat is not always the case. You see it's a rich neighborhood and the children's parents can afford quality ingredients (aka fresh fruit and cane sugar) instead of drink mix. This lemonade that the Belini girls have been selling since Friday is something different altogether. Normally the neighbors would buy a glass out of pity and a sense of duty, but with this lemonade there was a continuous line. That's right, the entire neighborhood lined up to get a glass of lemonade, and then when they finished they would get back in line. The lemonade was that good. It had the perfect ratio of lemon juice to sugar. It was what summer dreams were made of.

So everyone was buying and enjoying the lemonade, but as I said they had their suspicions. First off, little girls more than likely couldn't make lemonade that good. Secondly, for the amount of product they were moving, the girls spent surprisingly little time indoors making up more. Everyone thought their parents were making it for them, but then people realized that both of them had been outside doing yard work all weekend. The mystery actually wasn't solved until garbage night when the recycling bin outside of the Belini house was overflowing with empty bottles of Uncle Matt's Organic Lemonade. You cannot believe how fast word spread around the neighborhood of the children's deceit. People were furious, like pitchfork and torch furious, until Mr. Belini pointed out how much people enjoyed the lemonade. The block club then held a quick meeting and decided the girls had to use the money they earned to buy something that would benefit the entire block. That is the story of why the bust of Lionel Richie from the “Hello” video ended up in the middle of the cul de sac at the end of Willowbrook Lane.
Uncle Matt'sWebsite@UncleMatts
United States
Organic Evaporated Cane Juice
Jason Draper on 6/4/12, 10:02 PM
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JB's Tea Lemonade

JB's Tea Lemonade
Memorial Day weekend just wrapped up. It was three days filled with hangouts and barbeques, as those are the perfect ways to remember things. The last party of the weekend was a pool party at some friends' house. I think only one person actually ended going into the pool but the rest of us ate more than our fair share of food, including my new favorite thing “Cowboy Caviar.” Just look it up, it's delicious.

I brought this bottle of tea to share at the party, because I didn't want to end up drinking it all myself. As it turns out I think I am the only one who drank any of it, and it was only one glass. It doesn't really taste like a half and half. It's more of a lemon tea, and cheap tea at that. It actually has lemon juice concentrate in it, but the lemon flavoring doesn't taste real at all. The lemon taste is also far too overpowering. Had it actually tasted like lemonade I would have been okay with that, but the way things are it was too much. I drank my one glass, and when I went up for a refill I noticed that someone else had brought Arizona's Arnold Palmer and I ended up drinking that the rest of the night.
Iced Tea and Lemonade
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 5/29/12, 8:35 PM
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