Lemonade - 275 Reviews

Go Fast Sports Lemonade Lime Energy Hybrid

Go Fast Sports Lemonade Lime Energy Hybrid
Step 1: Take a delicious glass of lemonade
Step 2: Pour some seltzer water into it
Step 3: Squeeze a lime into the glass
Step 4: Add an energy mixture
Step 5: Grab a box of Stevia and shake it like a Polaroid picture into the glass

End result: A drink that is a delicious tart lemonade at first, but then has an awful fake sugar and energy drink aftertaste. I'm sure people who like Stevia will think this is great, but I personally can't get into it.
Lemonade and Energy Drink
Go Fast SportsWebsite@GOFASTENERGY
United States
Derek Neuland on 8/2/11, 4:17 PM
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Marley's Mellow Mood Lite Half Lemonade Half Tea

Marley's Mellow Mood Lite Half Lemonade Half Tea
If anyone ever has any problem sleeping, pause in your tossing and turning, get out of bed and grab a bottle/can or Marley's Mellow Mood. It seems like the most ridiculous thing, like it should be a gag gift, but this stuff works. I mean really works. There are a lot of relaxation drinks popping up out there. Some are more effective than others, but none are as effective as these. There is a reason these are popping up everywhere and other brands fall by the wayside.

This flavor is so smooth as well. It's a half and half that is sweetened with erythritol, but it just tastes like iced tea and lemonade. It doesn't taste diet at all. Okay it does have some regular sugar in it as well, but the weird diet taste usually overpowers everything. A lot of relaxation drinks are carbonated, which can be annoying when it's the middle of the night and you can't sleep. With this tea you don't have to wait for the bubbles to settle. You can pound the whole bottle in about five seconds.

I wasn't overly awake or sleepy last night when I drank this. We were almost through Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil and I decided to drink it just so I could write a review for it this morning. About 10-15 minutes after I drank it I was having trouble keeping my eyes open while laying in bed watching the movie. I did win the fight and completed a great movie starring two of my favorite actors.
Diet, Iced Tea, Lemonade and Relaxation
United States
Jason Draper on 7/27/11, 11:32 PM
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Jones Soda Berry Lemonade

Jones Soda Berry Lemonade
Jones soda is the middle child of pop. It's been around for a while, but it's not old and respected like the oldest child (Pepsi/Coca-Cola). But at the same time, it's not as exciting as new and upcoming sodas. It's often forgotten about in favor of the flavor of the month, or the old standbys. I've overlooked it many times because in the back of my head I think, "It will always be there". Someday, maybe it won't be. Maybe the middle soda child will get so sad after being pushed aside for so many years that it will run away.

I don't want that to happen, which is why I picked up this bottle. Upon taking the first sip, I remembered that Jones rarely disappoints me. Despite the blue color, this tastes like a blackberry. It's really tart from the lemonade, which is nice. Despite it being pop, I think this would be really refreshing on a hot day. I can't be for certain as I was drinking this in an air-conditioned room.

Jones, please don't run away. We love you!
Lemonade and Soda Pop
United States
Inverted Cane Sugar
Derek Neuland on 7/27/11, 2:16 PM
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Amazon.comGalco’s Pop Stop
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Peace Tea Caddy Shack Tea & Lemonade

Peace Tea Caddy Shack Tea & Lemonade
What've you got there? Is that a gun? Oh, it's just a can. Sorry. I'm a bit paranoid. You see, I had this wildly vivid dream where a man who looked just like you stood me up at this very shoe store. I was here, buying my Gentlemen, welcome to orientation. As many of you know this weekend marks the opening of the golf course here at Leisurewood Acres Country Club. For the sake of the new caddies and as a reminder to those returning to us I would like to remind everyone that this is a place of business, not a movie from the 80's. Every year pranks get played and every year the golfers complain. I'm not above having a little fun, but really guys how many times can you throw a Baby Ruth in the pool and pretend it's a turd? It's been done and I don't see any of you following in the footsteps of the great Bill Murray and taking a bite out of the chlorine drenched candy.

Okay, I know you guys aren't going to listen to me and the pranks are going to happen no matter what I say, but can you please at least be creative. Recreating scenes from a movie is never funny to people on the outside. In fact it's just plain annoying. So think of new pranks or don't do any at all. I'm putting my foot down about that. Also, while you're out there on the links daydreaming about what jokes you're going to pull, offer the golfers some cans of this new Peace Tea. Sharon in the front office accidentally ordered 100 cases of the stuff and we have to move it somehow. Mark, stop your complaining. It's not like I'm having you guys peddle garbage tea, this is some decent quality stuff. For legal reasons we can't call it by it's proper nomenclature, but it's half tea and half lemonade the way great golfers like it. It's actually way better than the garbage they've been brewing in the kitchen. It tastes like a naturally brewed lemon tea with a little extra kick to it. There's even a little apple juice mixed in for good measure. It's refreshing and tastes more like tea than it does sugar water.

Now get out there with your tiny scissors and tend to the greens. The groundskeeper left in a huff and said something about getting a job at an elementary school. At least that's what I think he said. It's hard to understand him because of his accent sometimes.
Iced Tea and Lemonade
Peace TeaWebsite@PeaceIcedTea
United States
Jason Draper on 7/26/11, 5:28 PM
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Santa Cruz Organic Mango Lemonade

Santa Cruz Organic Mango Lemonade
Mike's baby mama has gotten into "extreme couponing." Okay, she's more than just his baby-mama; she's his "live in girlfriend." Okay, they own a house together, have a kid and are as happy as two people who have a screaming five-month-old baby can be. It doesn't matter. What does matter is that she used her newfound magic to get like 30 bottles of these for free. The thing is that Mike never let me know, so I went out and bought a few bottles like a chump.

I know everyone is complaining about it, but it is obscenely hot out. It got up to 91 degrees in Buffalo today. I know to a lot of other areas that probably sounds like a joke, but I am in no way accustomed to the heat and the humidity is the worst. I also spent way too long in an attic today that easily broke 100. I really need to put a thermometer up there to find out for sure. Due to this heat/humidity my normally obscene beverage intake is even higher.

I opened this bottle to have just a glass to cool my down. Now it's all but gone. It's spectacular. The lemonade is tart without having too much of a cheek pinch to it. It would be top grade lemonade to begin with, but the mango is the real gem in here. The flavor is so strong and wonderful. It tastes like I mixed a glass of outstanding lemonade with a glass of
Looza mango juice. It definitely helped cool me down. I think I may need another bottle though. I'm sweating just typing this.sweating just typing this.
Santa CruzWebsite
United States
Organic Evaporated Cane Juice
Jason Draper on 7/18/11, 10:59 PM
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Rieme Sparkling Limonade Blood Orange

Rieme Sparkling Limonade Blood Orange
Before even opening this beverage I had an appreciation for it; mainly for it's use of a "Grolsch" top. I don't know if that's the official name, but that's what I've heard it referred to. I know that's the name of a beer company that uses the same design, so maybe it's just slang. Besides being visually appealing and fun to open they also wield a secret purpose. As someone who plays guitar (well bass, it's still a guitar) the annoyance of your strap coming unattached from your instrument while you play can be annoying and embarrassing. Sure you can go buy fancy strap locks, but who really wants to have to screw something into their instrument. The secret these bottles hold is that you can pop off the little rubber washer and put that over your strap after it's on your guitar and that strap won't be going anywhere. It's cheaper. It's easier. For that any company that uses this design gets a nod from me.

Flavor-wise this is also really great. A nice sparkling blood orange flavored lemonade. It's more blood orange than lemonade, which I enjoy. It also has the slight bitterness of an Italian soda, but it's from France. This could cause an international incident. They chose to sweeten this with beet sugar, which is interesting and it worked well for them. This is a fancy adult soda that I feel like I should be sipping on the patio of some cafe or another. Thumbs up all around.
Lemonade and Sparkling
Beet Sugar
Jason Draper on 7/12/11, 5:31 PM
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Hubert's Lemonade Honey

Hubert's Lemonade Honey
I hate summer. Yup, I said it. I know it's not a popular opinion but it's one I stick by. I don't love snow, but I'll take spring or fall over summer. The band F'd Up even has a song called "I Hate Summer". No wonder they are one of my favorite bands. Anyways, I hate summer because it's much easier for me to stay warm than stay cool.

One thing that does help me a little during the summer is lemonade, as I've stated many times. I took a walk to the co-op today and picked this bottle up to quench my thirst on this scorching day. I had never tried lemonade with honey in it before so I didn't know what to expect. I was blown away on the first sip. This is THE BEST lemonade I have ever tasted. The sweet honey flavor melds with the tart lemonade so well. It's like the folks at Hubert's took a lemonade DNA strand, inserted some honey DNA, and put it back in the bottle. They just fit so perfectly together. Good work Hubert's, this is a game changer.
United States
Cane Sugar
Derek Neuland on 7/11/11, 6:47 PM
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Calypso Organics Limeade

Calypso Organics Limeade
Listen Cindy, I know you really wanted to have a lemonade stand today, but the truth of the matter is you plumb used up all of the lemons in the house yesterday. All we have left is a handful of limes that your stuck up older sister uses in her Mojitos. I don't think those would be what you want. I've been meaning to ask you, what did you do with eight dozens lemons? I'm catering a party for the Shemkovitz's this weekend and you know how they love lemons in their water. Yes I know you made lemonade to sell, but what did you do with the rest of them? You sold it all and you now have $137? Wow! People said they would be back today for more? Well I guess we better give these limes a go then! Hmmm. This actually isn't bad. It's really tart, but it tastes exactly like it should; lemonade with limes instead of lemons. No I don't think we should add more sugar. The tartness has a charm to it. You're sister is going to be so mad at us for using her limes. Hopefully your customers will love it. Oh honey your father wanted me to ask you if you knew where his records went. You what!?!?! You gave them away with the lemonade?!?!? Do you know how much some of those early 45's were worth? Looks like someone isn't going to college anymore.
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 7/7/11, 4:57 PM
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Calypso Teamonade Mint Tea & Natural Lemonade

Calypso Teamonade Mint Tea & Natural Lemonade
I'm sorry Sport. I hate to be the one to tell you this but you can't win all the time. I know, I know. You won so many games to get to this one; the "big game". It's alright that you lost. Sure, you lost to a bunch of twelve years old chumps, but who cares. You got a free pizza, medium pop, and a great summer. I know it's not fair, but there's nothing to be sad about when you've got a fifteen and one record. Maybe next summer you can take it all.

You still don't understand? Well you can't win all the time. I can't say it any better. How about this; I love Calypso drinks and one day, when I saved one up for months I decided today was going to be the day to drink it. I was tired, my feet hurt, I had spent an hour in a half in the car in heat that the air conditioner that couldn't beat the humidity and then I came home and knew it was time. It was the mint tea and lemonade one. Man, as soon as I saw that I knew that I was going to save it for a special occasion. So I poured it into a glass with some crushed ice to cool it down and took a sip. It was too minty, the lemonade wasn't all there, and it just wasn't what I wanted it to be.

Remember when the pitcher threw you that absurd curve ball and you hit it and right before it got to the stands, that kid that looks like he's seventeen caught it? That's not fair because you are a good kid, but being a good kid doesn't get you everything. The way that you felt when that ogre caught that ball is like how I felt when I drank that tea. We both wanted a home run, but instead some senior caught your ball and my tea was too much and too little.

You've got a great baseball career ahead of you and I will be there next year when you knock that ball out of the park. You want some soft serve? I've got a craving for something that will never let me down; chocolate vanilla twist with jimmies on it. Come on, my treat.
Iced Tea and Lemonade
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 7/3/11, 11:26 PM
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Rob's Really Good Orangeade

Rob's Really Good Orangeade
So the world knows that lemonade is simply a squeezed lemon with some sugar added to it. It's not a secret. It really is just common knowledge. The real question is why did I not realize that orangeade was the same thing except with the fruits switched? Really I always just thought it was just some garbage “orange drink.” I guess I was right in the case of the Arizona version.

I have to say, is it necessary for it to exist? It doesn't taste bad in any sense, but it's orange juice we're messing with here. It's a classic and is amazing on it's own. I feel that by adding sugar it's cheapening the juice. It's making it into something that would be fit to be put in a juice box for kids. This is nothing against the Rob's version of orangeade. It's the best I've ever had, but like I said it just leaves me wanted some good old-fashioned orange juice with lots of pulp.
Juice and Lemonade
Rob's Really GoodWebsite@robsreallygood
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 7/2/11, 11:58 AM
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Mapco Tallboys Limeade

Mapco Tallboys Limeade
This is pretty bad. There's no beating around the bush. If you like it, awesome, but if you're looking for good limeade, you're not going to find it here. There is a sweet sting that almost feels carbonated followed by a decent lime taste. It's hard to get past the sting and it took me by surprise the first time I drank it. I don't know why it's there.

I don't have a great review and you know what, they don't have to be gems, but I'm not going to waste my time writing some poetic tale of a girl riding her bike crashing into a lime tree and spilling the seltzer water all over all the limes that spilled on the ground. I just won't do it. Sure she decided that she would gather up the limes and take them home so that the townspeople won't get mad that she knocked some of their lime supply off the tree, but you don't need to know that because I'm not going to make up another story.
Lemonade and Juice
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 6/30/11, 4:05 PM
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Glaceau Vitamin Water Zero Squeezed

Glaceau Vitamin Water Zero Squeezed
I'm drinking this bottle at a historic moment. As I am writing this, the New York State senate just passed the bill to make same sex marriage legal in New York. I didn't time this, it just kind of happened as I was starting this review. Pretty awesome if you ask me!

I must say, it's a good fit. This flavor of Vitamin Water is awesome! I was expecting it to be watered down, but it has a lot of flavor to it. It has a good lemon taste that is just tart enough to make me smile. This may be my new favorite flavor of Vitamin Water. It's a big surprise. Much like this bill passing.
Diet, Lemonade and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Derek Neuland on 6/24/11, 10:45 PM
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Turkey Hill Lemonade

Turkey Hill Lemonade
I have way too many drinks in my cupboard. All three of us do. I could easily drink 2 different things a day for a month and not run out. It's kind of a problem. Luckily my new house has a big cabinet outside of my bedroom that none of my housemates mind if I fill it with drinks.

Where I'm getting with this is that I told myself I wasn't going to buy and new drinks until I put a significant dent in my back-stock. I went to Wegmans with my friend Jess Pizza (yes, her real last name is Pizza) tonight because I was bored and needed to get toilet paper. As we were about to pay for our goods, I saw this bottle of lemonade by the register. My thirst got the better of me and I bought it. In turn, Jess picked up a bottle of Turkey Hill's Orange Tea. I almost changed my mind because I do love their orange tea, but stuck with the lemonade.

Did i make the right choice? Yes and no. This definitely did the job of quenching my thirst. Unfortunately, it tasted a little watered down. It also didn't have much of a sour bite to it. I'd drink it again, but next time I'll be grabbing the bottle of orange tea.
Turkey HillWebsite@turkeyhilldairy
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Derek Neuland on 6/23/11, 12:56 AM
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Honest Ade Zero Calorie Classic Lemonade

Honest Ade Zero Calorie Classic Lemonade
Today is the first day of summer. If nothing else that means that lemonade season is upon us. The days are hot and sticky. Even sitting still sweat pours down your face. Everyone hates and loves it in equal amounts. Water and soda just won't cut it. You need something that gets down to the heart of the matter for pure unadulterated refreshment. You really only have two options a Slurpie from 711 or lemonade. Since Slurpies aren't always available lemonade wins out almost every time.

Honest knows how to quench a thirst. They also know that there are a lot of people watching their weight and sugar intake. Being the smart people they are they also know that artificial sweeteners are beyond gross. They like to keep it natural, so they went with stevia.

I just got home from work. I'm completely drenched with sweat, and I need to get ready so that I can meet up with the other Thirsty Dudes for tacos. I still took the time to sit back relax and enjoy this lemonade. It has a very natural lemon taste, but with the cold bite of stevia. You can't win 100% with diet, but stevia is the sweetener that will get you the highest percentage possible. Sit back enjoy and for goodness sake slather on some sunscreen. We don't want you looking like a lobster.
Diet and Lemonade
United States
Organic Stevia Extract
Jason Draper on 6/21/11, 4:56 PM
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Calypso Lemonade Southern Peach

Calypso Lemonade Southern Peach
I have spent very little time in the south. I've been to New Orleans for a weekend, but was only there for a big music festival and barely saw the city. I also have never had a peach in the south, so I didn't know what to fully expect with this "southern peach" flavor.

I actually never eat peaches, but have consumed a good amount of peach flavored drinks over the years. Come to think of it, I have probably had 10 peach flavor drinks for every 1 whole peach I have consumed. I really don't eat that much fruit except for avocados.

Anyways, this is pretty good peach lemonade. There is no mistaking that this is a peach drink, as it smells and tastes just like a fresh peach. I wish it were a little more tart though. As far as lemonade goes, this is kind of weak in the sour department. Overall though, it's another pretty good drink by Calypso.
United States
Cane Sugar
Derek Neuland on 6/21/11, 3:56 PM
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Turkey Hill Pomegranate Lemonade

Turkey Hill Pomegranate Lemonade
I always knew Turkey Hill made a damn good iced tea. When I was first getting into iced tea many years ago, Turkey Hill was my go-to brand of choice. I always knew they made lemonade as well, but could never tear myself away from the iced tea. I also was afraid they would make bad lemonade so I just decided to pretend it wasn't there. It's like the father whose kid is a troublemaker and he'd rather just look the other way and pretend it's not happening rather than deal with the heartbreak.

Thankfully, this pomegranate lemonade is not going to be sent to 'juvi'. It's not an amazing flavor, but it's definitely better than most. If we want to keep with the child analogy, this would be a B+ student. It does a great job and is above most of it's class, but it's still has a little bit of work to do if it wants to get into Yale.
Turkey HillWebsite@turkeyhilldairy
United States
Corn Syrup
Derek Neuland on 6/20/11, 2:41 AM
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Calypso Teamonade Half Tea & Half Lemonade

Calypso Teamonade Half Tea & Half Lemonade
I think Albert Einstein may be responsible for the "Arnold Palmer" because obviously a genius is behind it. I refuse to believe that a golfer had the intellect to produce such a great drink. Wow that sounded harsh. I have nothing against golf. It's boring to watch, but I bet I would really enjoy playing. So maybe Mr. Palmer did don an Einstein wig, go to his lab (aka his kitchen) and mix up a batch of wonderful.

I was aware that Calypso knew what they were doing with lemonades, but I didn't know they had such a firm grasp on tea until I tried the Teamonade line. This is one of the finest half and halfs I've ever tasted. Both flavors blend together great and while it is sweet, I don't feel like I'm instantly getting a cavity with every sip.

Perhaps this will make me give golf a fair shake. If I do I'll have to be sure I have a bottle of this out on the greens with me.
Iced Tea and Lemonade
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 6/16/11, 1:51 PM
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Nu South Strawberry Lemonade

Nu South Strawberry Lemonade
What was wrong with the old South? I mean, racism aside, it's been a pretty good place, right? Well, excluding all those floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, and all that stuff, too. You know what else is "wrong" with the south? This drink. It's bad. It's downright gross. It's super fake-tangy. It might at one time have been a legit company, but tasting this drink makes me want to write them off completely. Nothing in this bottle tastes sincere, like dating a girl with a killer body only to find out that tissue paper and Spandex made it that way. All that hard work was for nothing. Surprises. I don't know why, but I didn't like the looks of this drink the minute I laid my eyes on it. It does smell like lemonade but that sting that I get when I drink it...where does that come from? It's not a sour sting. It's a chemical sting. Like that sting you get from Brisk iced tea. What is that and where does it come from?

The South. Get your acts together. I'm sorry about your tragedies, but this is inexcusable.
Nu SouthWebsite
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 6/15/11, 3:28 PM
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Calypso Lemonade Black Cherry

Calypso Lemonade Black Cherry
With all the drinks in the world, it's hard to keep up sometimes. That's why it's nice when people suggest drinks for us to try. It's even better when they buy them for us. My friend Jenna was appalled that we hadn't reviewed her favorite flavor of Calypso so she bought me this bottle of Black Cherry Lemonade. She was talking it up a lot, and I was afraid of it not living up to the hype and thus ending our friendship when I gave it a bad review. I was kinda afraid to open the bottle because of how much was riding on its contents.

Luckily, it is as good as she made it out to be. The black cherry has such a strong and juicy taste to it. And then the perfectly tart lemonade kicks in and completes the drink. It's a little heavier (or maybe rich is the word I'm looking for) than most lemonade due to the great black cherry flavor, but it works and I like it a lot.
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Derek Neuland on 6/11/11, 5:47 PM
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Turkey Hill Light Raspberry Lemonade

Turkey Hill Light Raspberry Lemonade
I fell victim to marketing yet again. I went to the store today and noticed a big selection of Turkey Hill teas and lemonades in the cooler. Turkey Hill makes some of my favorite drinks and has never disappointed me. I was going to just get a traditional raspberry iced tea, until I saw this jug of raspberry lemonade with the ominous “limited edition” beacon. As much as I wanted that raspberry iced tea, not wanting to potentially miss out on this flavor drove me to buy this instead.

I had reservations with this before opening since it is a light/diet drink and sweetened with fake sugar. Luckily, it's pretty damn good! It doesn't have a diet/chemical taste at all, which is good news. In fact, in a blind taste test I doubt I could identify this as a diet drink, which means they're doing something right. It has a really nice sour taste to it, which is key (in my eyes) for good lemonade. Hopefully others concur with my thoughts and Turkey Hill rethinks this as being only a limited edition drink.
Diet and Lemonade
Turkey HillWebsite@turkeyhilldairy
United States
Derek Neuland on 6/9/11, 1:13 AM
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