Lemonade - 275 Reviews

Lipton Half and Half

Lipton Half and Half
To whom it may concern,
What are you doing over there? Do you have three separate divisions? Your drinks have completely different flavors. You've got your Joe Shmo brand garbage like Brisk and this half and half which is quite possibly, top five worst half and half's I've ever had, and your TrueLeaf and your new 100% Natural line which are pretty amazing. So what's the deal? Here's what I think.

You've got the classics, the relics, the veterans, and the original line up. These guys are the people that started Lipton. They make stuff the way it should be made; real sugar, actual, real tea, natural flavors. These guys make the TrueLeaf.

You've got the new jacks, the rookies, the kids making the 100% Natural line. It's good for you and has natural sweeteners, which don't taste like liquid sewage and actually let the natural flavors shine through. They utilize the newest technologies and natural ingredients to allow the flavors to act as they should and stay low in calories.

Then you've got the 80's guys. Those jerks. Giant lapels and even bigger hair, these know-it-alls will do anything to turn a buck. Take this half and half, for instance. It's too sweet. It is clearly made from excess or overstock Brisk. Then there is lemonade in there. You can't really taste it, but you are left with the feeling on your tongue like you just drank lemonade but can't taste it. You know they're churning this out by the gallon and those 80's dudes are just sitting on their cigarette boats, blaring Van Halen's "1984" so loud that it's veering the ship off course.

Old dudes and young guns, why do you let yuppie jerks get away with bringing your entire company down? Yes, I understand that they carry the load of the company on their padded shoulders, but don't you want to be known as a quality tea manufacturer rather than a drink powerhouse? It's money versus integrity.

I love a lot of your stuff and I don't like a lot of your stuff. You've released more than any company and you've got a lot coming out all the time. Try and turn down the poor quality stuff and turn up the classic tastes.

Mike of the Thirsty Dudes
Iced Tea and Lemonade
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 6/4/11, 10:08 PM
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Calypso Teamonade Blueberry Tea & Natural Lemonade

Calypso Teamonade Blueberry Tea & Natural Lemonade
Recently I've been on a winning streak with blueberry drinks. If I were Clark W Griswold I would grab the $27 that I had in my wallet, go to the nearest casino and place a $26 bet on the "Pick a Fruit" game that they will undeniably have (I'd need to save the extra dollar for bus fare home). Everything would come up Griswold. Rusty would finally look up to me. I would be the man I always wanted to be. Then for some inexplicable reason I would change my bet and put it all on crappy durian. Who would ever pick durian? It smells like vomit! The wheel would spin, slow down, land on durian and then at the last second flip one more space and land on blueberry again. I would be broke with only my bus fare home. Oh wait I used that to tip that pretty waitress that looked like a model from the 80's. It's a sad time in the life of a man who just loves to vacation.

I (Clark) would be crushed, but blueberry would reign supreme, just like it does in this drink. When you open the bottle it's like shoving your nose in a bushel of fresh picked berries. The tea and lemonade are at perfect levels, with the blueberry just a touch higher in the mix. It's tart, sweet and fruity all in one. I don't know if the world of "Arnold Palmers" gets better than this.
Iced Tea and Lemonade
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 6/1/11, 11:20 PM
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Simply Lemonade With Raspberry

Simply Lemonade With Raspberry
You know how sometimes you have a bit of a scratchy throat? You just find yourself clearing it all the time for no reason and you think that it's annoying but really, people don't care. They understand. It happens to the best of us. It just happens and we deal with it. It's life.

Suggestion. Do not drink Simply Lemonade (with raspberry) when you are suffering from these life-threatening conditions. It tastes like you're drinking sandpaper. Great tasting sandpaper, but sandpaper nonetheless.

All other times of the year, please, by all means, treat yourself to this beverage. It's pretty sweet and the lemonade cuts right through. I, personally, couldn't tell "raspberry" was in it. I knew that it wasn't straight lemonade, and I appreciated that he had a tag team partner, but the sweetness and acidity from the lemonade really covered up the other flavors. There is pulp in it, which is also the sign of an impending good drink. Either that or a poor strainer at the factory it's made at. I trust that it was on purpose.

All the same, I would drink this again because it was very good. It's a lot more sharp than the Calypso lemonade, which I find smoother compared to this, but it's a different sort of lemonade and I liked it. It's summertime, though, and I think that most lemonade is pretty exceptional.
United States
Real Sugar
Mike Literman on 5/30/11, 7:14 PM
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Xing Tea Half & Half Premium Tea & Lemonade

Xing Tea Half & Half Premium Tea & Lemonade
Can you get mad at someone if they only do 50% of a task but the 50% that they did do is stellar? I mean, you can't be totally mad at them, especially if it's something like your nephew coming over, telling you he's going to wash and detail your car, but right before he's supposed to start vacuuming up all your crumbs from eating toasted English muffins on your drive to work, you sister calls and tells you that little Mason has to come home. You assume that he's done so when you go into your car the next day and notice that there are still a mound of crumbs because you can't get up five minutes earlier to eat at the table like a civilized adult, you are a bit surprised. Here's the thing, though. He simply offered it to you. He didn't have to do any of it. He did half and to all of the people on your treacherous ride to work love the look of your clean Toyota Yaris sedan with the radio that looks like it had the display ripped off of a calculator you had in 3rd grade.

Xing has not let me down thus far. Yes, some drinks I like more than others. This I was interested in because it was their first endeavor to the realm of half and half. It's a tricky market because Arizona has been dominating the market and people's minds with their Arnold Palmer, which, in my opinion, isn't fantastic. This, though, is mostly just lemonade. I can't really taste the tea with the exception of at the very end where it might have been tea because it tasted differently but actually could have just been because the can was in the sun for a while.

Here's the thing...the lemonade was quite exceptional. It made me forget that it was a half and half at all. It's a strange predicament to be in where I have to rate a drink that I liked but didn't taste anything like what the label said. For that reason, I have to put it right in the middle.

If you like half and half, we've got tons on this site to check out, but if you like lemonade, you might just want to pick this up and forget that there is tea in it all together.
Iced Tea and Lemonade
Xing TeaWebsite@XINGtea
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 5/22/11, 3:01 AM
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Calypso Lemonade Pineapple Passion Lemonade

Calypso Lemonade Pineapple Passion Lemonade
Lemonade is something that you sip on a beach, or on your back deck. Better yet it's a nice beverage to slowly sip when sitting in a gazebo. I don't know why or where it came from but I have a pretty immense love of gazebos. They are so relaxing and nice to look at. If I even end up owning a house you can bet your ass there will be a gazebo in the back yard. Now back to lemonade. It's is a wonderful drink in all the above situations. It is not a good choice as refreshment for hiking. It burns the throat, and it's way too sweet. I made a poor choice today, but I still enjoyed this bottle of Calypso. I do have to say that the lemon in this bottle was way stronger than in any of their other flavors I have tried. It was super strong lemon with just a hint of pineapple and passion fruit. I could have gone for a little more pineapple in it, but I'm sure that would have ravaged my throat even more. I will say that this is also the first of their products that I've had where I could actually feel the chunks from the lemon pulp. If I wasn't hoping for them I probably wouldn't have realized, but it was nice.
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 5/21/11, 10:25 PM
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Calypso Lemonade Kiwi

Calypso Lemonade Kiwi
Calypso claims to be the "Taste of the islands." What I want to know is what islands? Are we talking islands out in the Caribbean, or are we talking some tiny little pieces of land in the middle of lake Minnetonka. If you don't know what that is you really need to brush up on a little movie called Purple Rain. Speaking of, I bet this is how Prince drinks to relax on a hot, hot day. He wakes up early, spends a good portion of an hour talking to himself in the mirror, heads down to his basement studio where he lays down some guitar tracks that would melt your brain, makes some pancakes, and then heads out in the backyard where he inexplicably does the Bat Dance for two hours while sipping on some Kiwi Lemonade. Of course he has his servants die it purple for him before he allows it to pass his lips.

Like all of the Calypso lemonades this is very tart. That is because they use real lemon juice and pulp to make it. You can see the lemon pulp floating in the drink, but unfortunately you can't feel them in your mouth. The thing that really stands out with Calypso is that they actually use fruit juices instead of artificial flavors. I think this may be the first drink I've ever consumed that actually has real kiwi in it. You can really tell in the flavor. Hey if it's good enough for Prince how can you argue with it?
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 5/12/11, 6:57 PM
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Calypso Teamonade Plumcot Tea & Natural Lemonade

Calypso Teamonade Plumcot Tea & Natural Lemonade
I'm sorry sir but we won't be able to get you from your destination for two to three weeks. Sir, I understand that you are on an island because your dingy has crashed after you hit a whale. I cannot get to your destination, or get anyone to, your island because it's sweeps week. Sir, I can't hear you if you're yelling. Sweeps week is very important to us. "Criminal Intent" came back on the air and we are all very excited here at Rescue Squad as to what Vincent D'onofrio will do. I realize that you don't have any food or water. We're running low on chips here too, now that you mention it. You know what, sir? Tommy the intern just got us this great tea slash lemonade stuff. I'll see if he can get some for you. He doesn't make a lot of money so he might be able to get you like two or three bottles. Shipping is going to be astronomical so he might only be able to ship you one. You don't care? Dude, er, I mean sir, you haven't had this tea. If you like apricots and plums you will love this. It tastes like plums first, then you burp and it tastes like apricots. After every sip it tastes like lemonade. All the flavors are there. You won't even realize that you've missed the newest episodes of "Wipeout". We love that show over here.

Sir, if I could get your address we can have Tommy ship that bottle or two over to you. You don't know your address? How can Tommy send you this drink if you don't know your address? Sir, please calm down. I can't hear you. No, I can understand what you're talking about. Tommy just has "The Voice" too loud. What do you think of Cee-lo? I don't really understand why he's on this show. Sir? Sir. Huh, he hung up. Tommy, looks like we don't have anything to do this week. We can see what happens between Barney and his father on "How I Met Your Mother."
Iced Tea and Lemonade
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 5/10/11, 5:36 PM
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Calypso Teamonade Mangerine Tea & Natural Lemonade

Calypso Teamonade Mangerine Tea & Natural Lemonade
What?! Bam! Explosion! Do me a favor...go to a fruit orchard, a place that I think I just invented. Place TNT on the fruit trees. It has to be the TNT that uses sticks of dynamite tied together and the box has to be red, have "TNT" spray-painted in white stencils, and have a plunger. Go to the center of the orchard, take a big gulp of sweet tea, hold it in your mouth with your mouth open, press the plunger, and wait for the fruit storm to arrive in your mouth.

This tea rules! Can I call it tea? Can I call you tea? It's a lemonade/tea hybrid, but don't get this confused with your standard, garbage Arnold Palmer. This tastes like mango, tangerine, tea, and lemonade. In that order. It's very good. It's not super sweet like you might expect from Calypso and they kind of toned down the uber-fruityness of a lot of their other ones.

I believe this is a new product so it might not be available everywhere. If you can find it, get it. Seriously, it's incredible. Calypso, thumbs up. Arnold Palmer, you would be lucky to have your name on this gem.
Iced Tea and Lemonade
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 5/4/11, 12:12 PM
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Ohana Lemonade & Iced Tea

Ohana Lemonade & Iced Tea
I'm back in Buffalo and it feels great! It's super nice out today so after leaving a friends house I stopped in a corner store to help quench my thirst. I am a big fan of lemonade/ iced tea mix drinks and have never had this one so I thought why not. Now for 79 cents I wasn't expecting the best drink ever, but Arizona tall boys are 99 cents and they're pretty delicious.

Sadly, this is not of the same caliber as Arizona. It tastes really watered down and cheap. It doesn't have a heavy taste which is nice, but it is lacking a lot of taste in general. It taste like they just the in a little bit of iced tea and lemonade in with a lot of water. I guess I got what I paid for.
Iced Tea and Lemonade
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Derek Neuland on 4/30/11, 1:42 PM
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Monster Rehab Tea + Lemonade + Energy

Monster Rehab Tea + Lemonade + Energy
Dear people of Monster,
Talking about getting trashed and how you're suffering from cottonmouth doesn't make you look cool. It makes you look like an overgrown 15-year-old stoner wearing a stained old poncho. If I had read that description on the can before I bought it I would have put it right back in the cooler. Lucky for you and I all I saw was "tea + lemonade."

Even though I think your marketing is idiotic I will overlook it because this happens to be one of the best energy drinks I've ever had. It's not carbonated, which is rare in the energy drink game. Most importantly it tastes like a more than decent Arnold Palmer. I would drink this on the regular if it wouldn't keep me up. It also doesn't have a strong chemical taste (I know I constantly talk about the chemical taste of energy drinks, but most taste terrible, so when one doesn't it is headline news. Shockingly it's only 10 calories per serving, but it doesn't taste anything close to diet.
Energy Drink, Iced Tea and Lemonade
United States
Jason Draper on 4/29/11, 7:34 PM
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Hubert's Lemonade Raspberry

Hubert's Lemonade Raspberry
Man it's hot out. I'm sweating just sitting here. I think my skin is starting to stick to the chair. The only thing that is going to make this better is a trip to the beach. You know where there's no shade and ten million people in the water. The beach can be fun, but those good times are generally reserved for night visits and hidden beaches. Today I happened to go to the latter. On the way we stopped at a health food store where I picked up some chocolate covered ginger and this 16oz bottle of wonder.

Like the beach, lemonade is generally overrated. It's usually way too sweet, or too bland. Hubert's, which is a division of the wonderful Hansen company, knew they had to step up his game if they was to make a lemonade that would get people's attention. A feather should be stuck in the company's collective hats. They created lemonade that is sour, without making you pucker your face uncontrollably. The cane sugar is used sparingly in order to make that happen. If that wasn't enough they added some extract of raspberry to the mix in order to give it a slight hint of fruit.

This lemonade refreshed me better than most beverages could in my time of need this afternoon. I sipped the bottle, saw a sea turtle and then jumped out of some trees into the water that led to the ocean. Anything that happened after that today hardly matters.
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 4/28/11, 1:40 AM
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Nantucket Nectars Squeezed Lemonade

Nantucket Nectars Squeezed Lemonade
It is over 60 degrees today in Portland and it feels great! The things I love about warm weather are all the delicious cool drinks there are for me to drink to help 'beat the heat'. One of my favorites is lemonade. Now I have had my fair share of lemonades over the years, and Natucket Nectar ranks up near the top. It had been a few years since I had drank a bottle so finding this at the Alberta Co-op today was a treat.

If I had to describe this in three words, it would be 'smooth, tart, and refreshing.' I can't find anything wrong with this. It's the perfect summer time lemonade. The lemon tart is perfect too, not over or underwhelming. Just perfect.
Nantucket NectarsWebsite
United States
Derek Neuland on 4/23/11, 1:41 PM
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Calypso Lemonade Mandarin

Calypso Lemonade Mandarin
In about 14 hours I will be boarding a plane for a trip to Hawaii. Do you think I'm going to shut up about it in my reviews for the next week? I wouldn't hold your breath. In order to prepare myself for my adventures in the sun I'm drinking some nice lemonade (I really should have drank the pineapple one, but I think I'm going to be overdosing on that fruit very shortly).
The first thing I'm doing when I get to the island is to go hang out at the waterfall that is featured in Raiders of the Lost Ark. That's right I'm starting a bitchin' vacation with some Indiana Jones action.
As I drink this I'm closing my eyes and envisioning standing at the foot of the waterfall snapping a revolver out of someone's hand with a whip. Much like the lemonade itself, it's a pretty amazing vision. This is lemonade that tastes homemade. It's insanely tart almost to the point of drinking straight lemon juice. Luckily there's a decent amount of natural sugar in it to even that out. I never would have considered mixing orange juice in with lemonade, but luckily the fine folks at Calypso have a more open mind. The orange creates a nice accent. They were smart enough to put just a little in so that lemon is still the main flavor, with just a hint of its citrus brethren.

Yes I did just put the movie on after I wrote this. I'm getting way to excited. If there is really a cave by the falls my head is going to explode, and I will probably only be in Hawaii for an hour before I die from spiders, spike, pits or a giant boulder.
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 4/23/11, 12:52 PM
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Calypso Lemonade Strawberry

Calypso Lemonade Strawberry
I don't like oranges. Oh, I like the taste of an orange, but I don't like oranges. On the opposite side of the spectrum, I love orange juice with as much pulp as you can get. Does that make sense? Does it make sense that it drives me crazy when people love pickles but don't like relish? Nope-ahh. I don't care. I have my preferences. There is no iron fist making decisions for me.

This drink has pulp and it's big, too. No wuss pulp for Calypso. I like a drink with some substance. Look, we know where some drinks come from, but you know what hammers it home? Seeing some chunks of the actual fruits that were used still in there. Tune down your filters and leave some goodness in there.

As usual, this drink is good. It's actually two servings and the flavor is really good. I enjoy that it's two servings because I know that I have another round of flavor town when I get home. There is a good strawberry taste with a cheek puckering lemonade taste. Every sip is like a flavor explosion. I can see where it might be too sweet or too fruity for some, but if you want a drink with some flavor, here you go.

When you've got a good company, hold on to it. I don't know how they could do wrong.
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 4/21/11, 12:49 PM
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Calypso Teamonade Peach Tea & Natural Lemonade

Calypso Teamonade Peach Tea & Natural Lemonade
I've gotten into a bad habit of bringing drinks out with me places and then not wanting to write the reviews. As a result I have maybe eight bottles in my fridge with two sips left. Now I keep hearing the voice of Mike "Lumbergh" Literman in my head repeating over and over "We sorta need to play catch up." When the bossman speaks the drones will listen.

Here at Thirsty Dudes we are big fans of the Calypso line. If you have any interest in lemonade you should be too. They make some of the best flavored lemonades on the market. They were recently kind enough to send us a bunch of samples. We were psyched just to receive them. When I sent Mike a picture message of what they sent his response was "Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" To make things better they sent us a sampling of their Teamonade line. I didn't even know these existed. They are basically a version of an Arnold Palmer with additional fruit flavoring. On an average day half and halfs are always incredible, when you throw some peach into this mix it's pretty out of this world. Calypso didn't cheap out on the peach flavoring either. For that they will get one thousand hi-fives.

Now I just need to remember to fill out my TPS reports.
Iced Tea and Lemonade
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 4/18/11, 8:33 AM
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Ivi Carbonated Lemonade

Ivi Carbonated Lemonade
Last week was my girlfriend's birthday, so a bunch of us went out to a Greek restaurant. At the restaurant they had two different sodas made by the Ivi company. We picked up the carbonated lemonade variety. It has fairly obnoxious packaging. The label was obviously designed with Illustrator, which I am not a big fan of. Any art that looks like that is going to be so dated in ten years. Unfortunately it is everywhere nowadays. This specifically looks like it was designed to attract the interest of teenagers.

When I spent sometime in Europe I discovered that the people there have a love for carbonated lemonade. It's not something that you see very often in the U.S. Mostly it was pretty much just lemonade with sparkling water, a nice light beverage. This on the other hand is more of a soda. It tastes like a 7Up with way more lemon in it than there normally is. I enjoy it, but it's way thicker than I would have expected.

When I spent sometime in Europe I discovered that the people there have a love for carbonated lemonade. It's not something that you see very often in the U.S. Mostly it was pretty much just lemonade with sparkling water. A nice light beverage. This on the other hand is more of a soda. It tastes like a 7Up with way more lemon in it than there normally is. I enjoy it, but it's way thicker than I would have expected.
Lemonade and Sparkling
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 4/4/11, 11:31 AM
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Alex's Lemonade

Alex's Lemonade
In a world where corporate America tries to take over a poor girls lemonade stand, stands one girl, the owner of the lemonade stand, against corporate America. It's the age-old tale of the big guy versus the small fish. It all started out on a suburban street on a sunny afternoon. Alex is making lemonade to help her family pay for her cancer treatments when along comes a masked man wearing all black in a black limousine. He buys a cup of the sweet little girl's lemonade, listens to her story, and raises his brow. "Jackpot" he thinks to himself. He quickly drafts a contract for the girl that says they will handle all distribution and she will get a portion of the profits and they wouldn't touch the recipe at all. Alex, who put everyone else in front of herself, happily signed the contract. With that signature went her patented lemonade recipe. The man in black took the ingredients and made a crude and cheap knockoff version of the original recipe leaving America with sugary, mediocre lemonade. As soon as Alex found out that her original recipe had been altered and the breach of contract had been made, Alex fought to get her fair and decent drink out of the greedy hands of corporate America.

Watch as a frail, little girl fights the unbeatable fight in this tearjerker of a blockbuster film. Coming this summer probably straight to VHS.
United States
Mike Literman on 3/26/11, 5:49 PM
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Rob's Really Good Half and Half

Rob's Really Good Half and Half
If this drink were the television show My Two Dad's, the black tea would be Paul Reiser and the lemonade would be that other guy. No one remembers the other guys name. He really could have been anyone. I feel the same way about this drink. The tea has a strong memorable flavor while the lemon is forgettable like Greg Evigan (I had to look up his name). This would be a very good lemon tea, but if it ever expects to be a proper co-star the lemonade really needs to step up it's game.

Wait, that show was terrible. This tea is still pretty good. Let's pretend I made this entire analogy about Bosom Buddies instead. Switch Mr Reiser for Tom Hanks and the other guy for.....you know....the other guy.
Iced Tea and Lemonade
Rob's Really GoodWebsite@robsreallygood
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 3/23/11, 8:59 AM
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Nu South Blueberry Lemonade

Nu South Blueberry Lemonade
I have never known a blueberry to be florescent blue, and I've known quite a few in my day. Most notably, I've known Blueberry Johnson. He was a wonderful gentleman who had an idea for a television show for kids called "Blueberry Muffins in the Morning with Blueberry Johnson." It was a great idea, but the executives just couldn't figure out a way for him to host the show, even though he literally looked exactly like a human blueberry. Tragically he ended his life when the show didn't work out for him. It was completely horrible. The important thing is that he was not neon blue, nor was his bodily fluids.

I don't know why there are so many beverages out there that look like windshield washer fluid when the fruits they are meant to taste like are a dark blue. Truth be told, this doesn't taste like blueberries at all. It's lemonade that has been over saturated with sweetener and a little bit of "fruity" flavor. There is no bitterness left at all in this bottle. It's a liquid candy. It has its place in the drink world. I do enjoy the way it tastes, but it's just not what I'm looking for in lemonade.
Nu SouthWebsite
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 3/22/11, 6:02 PM
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Calypso Lemonade Ocean Blue

Calypso Lemonade Ocean Blue
Dad, I've got a question about something.

Oh, man. Here it comes. I knew it was going to happen some day. I should have prepared for this. Don't they teach you this stuff in school? Why did I stay home from work today? Today of all days! Now I've got this to deal with. I would have been better off with the Johnson report. Alright, here goes...Son, what you saw was not what you think. You see...your mother and I...

Where do blue raspberries come from?

Your mother and I...wait what?

Where do blue raspberries come from? I bought this Calypso lemonade and it's really good, but I don't know where blue raspberries come from. I've seen red raspberries and I think I've seen black raspberries, but I've never seen blue raspberries. I don't think that I've ever seen a blue fruit at all.

Son, that is a very good question. Can I see that drink of yours? Say, this is pretty good. It's lemonade with a little bit of a berry taste to it. It says there are real lemon bits in here, but I don't see any. It's got a nice sting and rounds out nicely on the tongue. This is good stuff. To answer your question, I have no idea what a blue raspberry is or where it comes from. Why don't you ask your mother?

Mom? I've got a question to ask you.

Oh, man. Here it comes. I knew it was going to happen some day...
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 3/21/11, 3:18 PM
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