Cane Sugar - 601 Reviews

On Powered Refreshment Peach Mango

On Powered Refreshment Peach Mango
I wouldn't quite say that people live most of their lives in the “off” position, but if they aren't “on” until they drink this beverage then they must be in some sort of stasis. Perhaps normal life for humans is like when a computer goes into sleep mode, it's ready to jump into action at any moment, but it needs motivating to do so aka moving the mouse, tapping the space bar, downing a lightly sweetened, low calorie energy beverage. That doesn't sound quite right, but it's been a long day and my comparisons are not hitting their mark in my current state.

This is a lighter sweetened beverage, but I wouldn't exactly call it lightly sweetened. It's not a full mouth full of peach mango flavor, but it's stronger than stuff like Hint or Ayala Herbal Water. It's a lighter Vitamin Water or Gatorade with a small amount of stevia in the mix. It's not enough to fully distract from the light flavor, but it's enough that it's noticeable.

This obviously doesn't have the same impact as “classic” energy drinks, but it's enough to give you a little boost. It has caffeine from tea leaf extract, the amino acid ornithine and B vitamins to increase stamina, boost brainpower and enhance focus (or so the label tells me). It may not keep you up all night, but it's not supposed to. It's meant to keep you on and focused and not just in a blind rage of energy.
Diet, Energy Drink and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 7/8/14, 9:36 PM
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On Powered Refreshment Tropical Citrus

On Powered Refreshment Tropical Citrus
Jones, no one eats just pineapples anymore. That's so classic. Classic Jones. Eating only pineapples. Now everything is "tropical." All citric fruits all the time. Who has time to eat pineapples and bananas? Now this, this is what's up. This drink is called "On" and it's two fruits cutting your fruit eating time in half. Look, dude. I'm trying to help you. I know you're not too crazy about bananas but you'll be happy to know that this doesn't at all taste like them. It doesn't really taste like pineapple either. It just tastes...citric. It's good, though. It's like a pineapple if a pineapple didn't have any sort of bite.

What do you mean that you don't mind eating all your fruit one at a time? I said I'm trying to save you time? You don't care? You like wasting time eating all the fruit? You're a strange chap, Jones.
Energy Drink, Sports/Dietary Supplement and Diet
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 7/4/14, 1:52 PM
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Glaceau Vitamin Water Energy Strawberry Lime

Glaceau Vitamin Water Energy Strawberry Lime
We all knew this was coming, right? I mean it seems like an obvious move for the biggest name in vitamin supplement beverages to release a line of energy drinks, which are more than likely the fastest growing market in the beverage world. They could have gone the easy way out and just dumped a bunch of taurine and other garbage in there to give people the little rush that they so desperately crave, but Glaceau is a company with some sort of standards and convictions. They were one of the first companies to move away from the trend of sweetening with High Fructose Corn Syrup, and they have at least put forth minimum effort to make their beverages slightly healthier than their competition. I'm not saying these beverages are the healthiest things in the world, but they are better than a lot of the garbage that stocks the shelves these days. As a result of all of this for their Energy line, Glaceau added green coffee bean extract (for caffeine) and B vitamins. You might not get the same dizzying highs as you would from all the Red Bull imitators out there, but you also will not experience those terrible crashes.

If you are familiar with Vitamin Water, and I assume you are if you are taking the time to read this dumb website, you can certainly imagine what the base of this drink tastes like. Envision a strawberry lime Vitamin Water. Now add in some green coffee bean extract, and you will have yourself a nice little beverage. It has a slightly different taste due to the green coffee, but trust me when I say it is nothing like what you think coffee tastes like. The extract is nothing like brewed coffee, it's slightly bitter, like green tea, except you know…€¦totally different. It's its own flavor.

Glaceau decided to take this wonderful drink a bit further and added two more things. One of them made the beverage more enjoyable, and the other took it down a peg or two. The beneficial addition was carbonation. I love bubbly drinks, so it was a definite plus for me. Unfortunately they also put in some stevia. It doesn't ruin the drink, or make it taste overly diet, but it's there a bit. It's a new trend for companies to use both cane sugar and a zero calorie sweetener to lower the sugar content, and it's a compromise I can handle. You lose a little bit of flavor, but you also won't become an obese mess that needs someone to flip them every so often so they don't get bed sores. Ugh.
Diet, Energy Drink and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 7/1/14, 12:03 PM
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Pig Iron Cola

Pig Iron Cola
So I'm pretty sure that any decent person residing on this planet would agree with me that people who host dog fights are complete scum, who deserve to have those selfsame dogs let loose on them. I think there is very little debate over that, well at least the first part. My question is would a person be worse, better or the same if they hosted pig fights? You know, if they starved some swine in tiny cages and once they were worked up in a fervor, make them tear each other apart. I personally have the same level of disgust, but would meat eaters not see a problem with that? Would they think to themselves, “Well whoever loses this fight is going to be served up with breakfast in the morning.”? I would hope that even if they are a person that would eat a pig, they would at least not want it's final days spent in torture.

What does all of this have to do with this cola? Absolutely nothing. To the best of my knowledge Pig Iron does not partake in pig fights, or any sort of animal fights for that matter. I assume they serve up a lot of dead flesh to be consumed by the masses, but that's seen as normal in society. For some reason my mind started wandering to pig fights as I was drinking this. In cartoon form my brain tells me it would be hysterical, but in reality it would be an atrocity. It's like people getting hit by cars; in movies it always makes me laugh, but when you see it in real life it's quite traumatic. Also, I have no soul.

Pigs aside this is a fairly standard cola. I love that I live in a world where there can be a standard for cane sugar sweetened colas. You can bet your butt that this is better than and high fructose corn syrup sweetened cola I've tasted, but in the world of “fancy” sodas it leaves something to be desired. I want it to taste darker than it does. I want interesting ingredients mixed in. This is your basic cola that you could find in any gas station with the sweetener switched out. It's nothing to shake a stick at, but the fancy label gave me false hope for something groundbreaking.
Soda Pop
Pig IronWebsite
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Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 6/29/14, 9:42 PM
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Hippo Size Burley Birch Beer

Hippo Size Burley Birch Beer
People are constantly asking me what the difference between root beer and birch beer is. I usually tell then that birch beer is like a darker root beer that is historically made from bark of the birch tree, whereas root beer is more often made from a variety of roots/barks. I have to admit here and now that I have been spreading lies. I'm going to let you all in on a secret that the soda world doesn't want you to know. The real difference between these two similar sodas is that root beer is extracted from the tusks of a walrus, and birch beer comes from those (teeth) of the hippopotamus. Strange I know, but 100% true. You can surely understand why this would be kept a secret. It would be hard to market a beverage that comes from animal teeth.

Hippo Size gave hints with their sodas, but they hid them behind a promise of gargantuan, hippo sized flavor. They were right with that boast. This is a fantastic representation of what can be extracted from a hippo. The animal that got this from must have been eating a lot of mint, because this has a very strong wintergreen taste, which is fantastic. I really enjoy this red birch soda that is made with white birch extract. I'll leave that for another science lesson. This really hit the spot. It's creamy without being anything like a cream soda. It's just what I needed after a long day like today.

Orca beverages have been breathing life into some long forgotten soda companies, and they are doing a great job at it. I certainly would never have had this if it wasn't for them, and I thank them for the experience.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
Hippo SizeWebsite
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 6/26/14, 9:24 PM
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Jay Street Coffee Mocha

Jay Street Coffee Mocha
When I heard that Ito En was releasing a line of coffee drinks that they had named after me, I was ecstatic. I was also slightly confused as I am not the world's biggest coffee fan, but pumped all the same. Then I remembered that I had no correspondence with the company, and there are thousands of other Jay's in the world, so the chances of it being named after me were pretty slim. I can dare to dream though.

When I twisted off the cap to take a sip of the potential chocolaty goodness inside, I quickly changed my mind and hoped that this was in fact not named after me. This is not very good. I mean it's drinkable, but it doesn't have the strong flavor that one would hope for with such a beverage. I would actually say that it is more milk than anything. Mocha Milk would be an appropriate name for this. Even worse is that it's nonfat dry milk, so it is slightly chalky. The coffee flavor is not very present with the chocolate taking second place behind the powdered dairy. It's also pretty sweet with 38g of sugar in the bottle.

I had expected more from the fine folks at Ito En, and for the record I never really thought it was named after me, but if someone does want to do that, please let me try it first so I can give it my official stamp of approval. We wouldn't want any embarrassing situations such as this.
Jay Street CoffeeWebsite@JayStreetCoffee
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Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 6/24/14, 2:22 PM
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On Powered Refreshment Raspberry Limeade

On Powered Refreshment Raspberry Limeade
John had recently gotten into a terrible car accident that made him lose his legs but between generous donors and Kickstarter, he managed to get himself into a primo set of new, top of the line, robotic legs. 2.4 gigahertz of ram, three USB ports, Bluetooth, pneumatics and more. Problem is that with all of those features and the augmented running and jumping is that it killed the battery in his robo-legs. It wasn't such a big deal when he would take it easy because he could just plug them into the wall at night with his phone and wake up to charged legs. At work he would often times have to run a cord to his legs to keep them charged.

One day on the way to work, he went to a shop and noticed a new drink called "On." It dubbed itself as "powered refreshment" and he thought that it would allow him to finally go wireless and not have to carry around cables wherever he went. He got to work and opened the drink and almost drank the whole thing. It was good but a little strange at times. It did taste like raspberry limeade would but the Erythritol gave it a strange bitterness different than what the lime would have given it. Regardless, he finished the whole thing and just as he did, Jane came over and told him that it was Carol's birthday and they were meeting in the conference room for cake. Excited, he jumped out of his chair and just as he did, he heard a beeping which could mean one of two things. Either a truck was backing up within the confides of his office or his legs ran out of batteries. Either way, he was stuck in the middle of the hallway unable to move. Carol came out to see where he was and he embarrassingly asked for his cord. She brought it to him along with a piece of cake which he had to eat standing in the hallway alone.
Energy Drink, Sports/Dietary Supplement and Diet
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 6/24/14, 1:43 PM
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Matcha Love Green Tea Sweetened

Matcha Love Green Tea Sweetened
I am a relatively recent convert to the love of matcha. I mean I'm pretty sure I would have always loved it, but I was just unaware. I've been drinking/loving green tea for about two decades now, but I was completely ignorant of its powdered brethren's existence. I feel like I had a sibling who I never knew of because they were given away for adoption, and now they have used the magic of the internet to track me down. Luckily for me they aren't looking for money, just to enrich my life with their wonderful flavor…€¦okay that got creepy.

For those who aren't in the know, matcha (or macca) is high quality green tea that has been finely ground into a powder. It can be used in beverages or in order to flavor food. How do you think they make green tea mocha? I myself have a package of it that I mix in with ice cream to make my own flavored version instead of paying the ridiculous price for store bought green tea ice cream. When you mix it with water or milk and it makes a nice little cup of green tea. I find it to be a bit more bitter and stronger than brewed tea, and I personally love it.

The contents of this can are nice and strong, but it has a bit too much sugar in it for my liking. I prefer my green tea to be unsweetened ( I guess I should have bought that version). Don't get me wrong, it is still wonderful, but I'm just stating my preference. It's not like there is an obscene amount of sugar in here, it's just that I would like it more with none. This is probably perfect for most people.
Iced Tea
Matcha LoveWebsite@ITO_EN
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 6/23/14, 7:19 PM
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On Powered Refreshment Dragonfruit Tangerine

On Powered Refreshment Dragonfruit Tangerine
I brought this along with me when I was running errands yesterday, and I have to admit that I thought it was fairly gross and only took two sips. I was then placed in my cup holder and returned to my fridge when I got home. For the past 24 hours every time I opened the door to grab a drink or something to eat it just stared at me. I decided I should just take a few more sips, write a review and get it over with. The thing is when I tried it again today it tasted totally different and I enjoyed it. For some reason yesterday it had an overpowering aftertaste that I would liken to eating a pile of orange pulp that had all it's juice drained out. Not a happy time. Now that flavor is so miniscule I probably wouldn't even have noticed it unless I was looking or it, which I was.

To dumb this down for everyone to have a point of reference this would best be described as Vitamin Water that has natural caffeine and B vitamins added to it to give the drinker a little boost of energy (meant to increase stamina, boost brainpower, and enhance focus, not get you to participate in extreme sports). It's sweetened by a combination of cane sugar, erythritol and stevia, which gives it a lower calorie content without tasting overly diet. The flavor is light but pleasant. It could easily be passed off as a genuine Vitamin Water for those stubborn folks who don't like to try new things. I personally think this is a superior version to the low calorie beverages that particular company puts out. Dragonfruit is sometimes compared to a light kiwi, but I think it is its own fruit. I don't know how else to describe it though.

I don't know what was up with my taste buds yesterday, but I'm glad they are back in order. This is a beverage I can sit back and enjoy without any feelings of guilt and gluttony.
Diet, Energy Drink and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 6/22/14, 8:41 PM
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Hi Ball Organic Energy Drink Ginger Ale

Hi Ball Organic Energy Drink Ginger Ale
Hi Ball has a new line that is headed in a new direction, well a well-worn path that they have yet to follow. After years of only producing “Sparkling Energy Water,” which are unsweetened energy drinks that taste like seltzer water and not some sort of toxin, Hi Ball has finally added sugar to some of their beverages. These sweetened version plays out as more of a soda pop than an energy drink, and they are good sodas at that. This here drink tastes nothing like a traditional energy drink and instead tastes exactly like what I wish all ginger ale was. It's a fairly sweet soda that has real ginger root in it and you can taste the difference from the ginger ales that are available in 2 liter bottles. There are other flavors around the edges (guarana, panax ginseng and various other organic energy providers), but they do not distract from the flavor of the ginger. You get a nice little boost, but it tastes like a quality soda. Hopefully these will soon be available in mini-marts and gas station all around the country.
Energy Drink and Ginger
Hi BallWebsite@hiballenergy
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 6/20/14, 8:35 PM
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Joe Tea Classic Lemonade

Joe Tea Classic Lemonade
Much like the truck on the label this is very much a classic. It is exactly what I think of and what I want, when it is sweltering hot out and I want to cool down with a nice lemonade. It tastes like lemons without being overly tart, thanks to the sugar. Speaking of the sugar, can we make it a law that lemonade cannot exist unless it is made with real sugar? The sweetener really matters when it comes to this type of beverage, and nothing is as perfect as cane sugar.

This is it folks. This is all that you need. It is the quintessential lemonade and if I lived on the east coast I would be drinking it all summer.
Joe TeaWebsite@JoeTea
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 6/20/14, 9:52 AM
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Hawaiian Sun Lilikoi Passion

Hawaiian Sun Lilikoi Passion
Oh the passion. Oh the passion. Can you believe it? I mean, I feel guilty looking through this telescope at them but I can't help but looking. I hope no one see us. If taken out of context, people could think we were being real creeps.

Oh...what...honey...honey no...This isn't what it looks like...please honey. Come look. I swear. I won't move the telescope. Just look through. What do you mean, "what are you looking at?" Look at them. They're so big! No. Honey look, right on the trees, gigantic passion fruits.

Yes. That is what I'm talking about, passion fruit. Dave and I went to the store and bought these passion fruit drinks that are really good. It inspired me to pull out the old telescope and see if they place down by the ocean still had passion fruit on their trees. Remember when we used to go out there when we were younger and knock them down right from the trees? I was telling Dave about it and he wanted to get a real one. Yeah, you can try this drink. It's good but it's a little too sweet for me. Great passion fruit taste but it's just a pretty regular juice.

You want to go see if we can get some of those passion fruit off the tree like the old days? Awesome. Dave, put on your shoes! We're going for a trip. What did you say, honey? There is a naked girl on the beach? Let me see. OHHHHH!!! That's a naked dude! You got me again. Now I remember why we put this thing away in the first place.
Hawaiian SunWebsite
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 6/16/14, 2:23 PM
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Hung Fook Tong Salted Mandarin Drink With Mandarin Pulps

Hung Fook Tong Salted Mandarin Drink With Mandarin Pulps
Man while I'm sitting back relaxing drinking my juice I can only think about how the rest of the world is full of suckers. They are all drinking regular orange juice and here I am living like a king drinking mandarin juice, and it even has pulp. I swear in some parts of the world this really would make me royalty. Mandarin juice is just so superior. It has its own unique taste, which still clearly being part of the orange family. Jim, you haven't had much to say about his. Actually why are you making a giant pile of salt out here on the back deck. Oh, you're saving up so you have a surplus next winter because you just want to spread it over the driveway so you never have to shovel? Well, I'm not sure if that will work, but I like the way you think, and I give you points for ingenuity. Why don't you pull yourself up a hammock and grab a nice glass of mandarin juice and take in a slice of the good life. Oh man, Jim! You've covered in salt and a bunch of it got into the juice. This is why no one likes you Jim; you ruin even the simplest of things.

You're still drinking the juice? Did you see how much salt dissolved in there? You say it's not that bad? Give it here! Actually you're right, this is not nearly as salty as I would have expected, and it gives the juice a certain charm. Actually no, I was wrong. One or two sips was okay, but the more I drink the more I notice the salt and it's kind of ruining everything, much like yourself. I feel like I might try putting a dash of salt into my next carafe of mandarin juice, but anything more than a pinch is just too much. I can't make it even a third of the way through this glass. Jim, you're lucky I'm not the king I previously pretended to be or else it would be off with your head!
Chunky and Juice
Hung Fook TongWebsite
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 6/1/14, 10:40 PM
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Sort This Out Elvira's Black Cherry Moon

Sort This Out Elvira's Black Cherry Moon
This should be addressed as it's staring me right in the face; Elvira looks fantastic on this bottle. She's her standard, sexy vampiress, but she's wearing this one-piece leotard slash bathing suit and looks like she should be in a White Snake video. Elvira, you look great, as always.

"Great" unfortunately does not describe this drink. Black cherry is unfortunately one of those drinks I have to just lump into the "forever mediocre" fruit pop category. Fruit pop is only as good as good and is never exceptional. This is no different. It's thick and kind of reminiscent of a cough syrup because of it. It doesn't taste medicinal but has the syrupiness of one.

Elvira, you keep up the good work. Whatever you're doing works. It works very well. This pop though, you can leave this in your dust.
Soda Pop
Sort This OutWebsite
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 5/21/14, 2:11 PM
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Aloha Maid Natural Apple Iced Tea

Aloha Maid Natural Apple Iced Tea
Darling, you look parched. Allow me to fulfill my boyfriendly duties and get you something to drink.

Man, there is nothing to drink in here. It's like a college kids fridge in here. How many ketchups and mustards do you need? Cripes. This milk expired two weeks ago. I don't even now what there is in here besides new beer and old spaghetti and pizza. Alright, what do we have here. Oh, alright. Apple juice. Let me grab a cup here...all absolutely filthy. Now I've got to wash a cup. This is turning into quite a tall order. Oh...oh fantastic. There is enough for half a glass. I can't give her this. What else is in this kitchen. Oh! Iced tea mix. Awesome. I'll just mix half a glass of that in here and have a special little treat.

Here you go, honey. I did the best I could because you are the best I could ask for. What do you mean you don't like it? Let me try it. Yeah, it tastes just like this stuff I drank when I went on vacation with an old girlfriend to Hawaii called Aloha Apple Iced Tea. It's just apple juice and iced tea. You really don't like it? It's better than the PBR's you've got in the fridge. Jesus, Cathy. You're thirty four and your fridge looks like you're a poor undergrad. I had nothing to pick from and I didn't think that ten thirty while watching The View was a good time to crack a cold one. I was wrong? You know what, Cathy? I, too, don't think that this is working out. Give me that glass. I put too much work into this for you to not appreciate it. This drink is like a mirror for this relationship. Enjoy your toga parties, O.A.R. shows, and keg stands. Oh, and I don't think that it's attractive that you walk around all the time without shoes and socks. I think that it's disgusting and when you touch your dirty feet against me at bed I've never felt so dirty in my entire life.
Iced Tea
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 5/16/14, 10:34 PM
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Aloha Maid Natural Lilikoi Passion

Aloha Maid Natural Lilikoi Passion
Can you sign my petition? For what? Can't you read? It's to increase awareness about passion fruit. No, not the passion for fruit. Passion fruit. The fruit called passion fruit. Yeah, I know you've heard of it but people aren't eating it enough. It's not enough places and it's not used enough. Sure you get something here or there but look at mangoes. Those guys are in salsas and dips and ice cream and everything. They're from the same places. You don't think that passion fruit chutney would be as good as mango chutney? That's right you do. So sign this petition. You know what? I thought you'd say that. I thought you would say that you have to try it again. That's what this is all about. Everyone knows what an apple tastes like. I want passion fruit to be the next apple. Here you go. We were sponsored by this Hawaiian company that makes really good passion fruit juice. Here's a cup of it to sample.

What did you think? Good, right? Yeah. What do you like about it. It's sweet, right. Floral, yeah. Yeah, this is a juice and not a nectar, so you're not going to get any of the seeds or grit that you might be used to. It's really good, right. It tastes like a passion fruit. Why didn't I just give you a slice of passion fruit? Well they're hard to find here because supermarkets don't stock them like they should. Our petition requires that supermarkets have at least one case of passion fruits in stock at all times. We hope that this encourages people to buy them, try them, love them, tell their friends, and spread the good word about our friend, the passion fruit.

What do you mean you won't sign it? You liked it, didn't you? Yeah, so why won't you sign it. Really, come on, lady. You're really going to buy a mango smoothie right in front of me like that? I guess it's our fault for holding this rally next to a smoothie stand that doesn't carry passion fruits. You know what, guys? Pack it in. We're done here.
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 5/8/14, 10:22 AM
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Americana Honey Cream

Americana Honey Cream
I'm feeling stressed. I need to calm down. There is too much going on. I've got to slow down and worry less. I have to stop being so critical. I have to take a breath. I have to breathe. Breathe. In and out. Do it. Do it again. In and out. Alright...I'm OK. I need a drink. What've we got here? Cream soda? That's as smooth as I want to be. Let's have at that.

Hmm. Not too bad. What is this? Oh. Honey cream. Cool. Take a sip here...I read that, right? Honey cream. Alright. Round two. Perhaps the cream of it all is overshadowing the honey because I can hardly taste it. It's good cream soda but it's not great honey cream soda. I wish that it were. Let's...yeah...let's go in for round three. Why not? I can do what I want in these fifteen minutes of pleasure I have for myself. Not a lot of honey going on at all. Good cream. Poor honey.

Welp, there goes my fifteen minutes. It comes and it goes every day like the blink of an eye. Back to work. Back to the grind. Back to my thirties being a blur of clichès and redundancies. Such is life I suppose.
Soda Pop
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 4/30/14, 4:00 PM
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Popeye's Chicken Sweet Tea

Popeye's Chicken Sweet Tea
A disastrous discovery is that Popeye's chicken is fantastic. We've had commercials for Popeye's for years but just got one where we live about two months ago We have for as long as human record can recall, had Kentucky Fried Chicken. This is not a KFC versus Popeye's debate. That is reserved for a delicious dinnertime competition. This is a one-on-none competition between Popeye's sweet tea and nothing.

This drink should not join the list of "things that will or could kill me" down the list past "get stabbed in the back" which will be how I die. This is sweet tea, man. Sweet, delicious, cane sugar'd sweet tea. No jokes and not lies. It's thick but still have the remnants of the tea, which is kind of surprising.

It's so dangerous that this is so close. This could be bad news. This is so good.
Iced Tea
Popeye's ChickenWebsite@PopeyesChicken
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 4/17/14, 1:53 PM
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Waialua Soda Works Lilikoi

Waialua Soda Works Lilikoi
I do not know what lilikoi is but whatever it is I bet it pairs wonderful with some Spam. I have also never been to Hawaii but Jay has, so fifty percent of the Thirsty Dudes know what it's like to come off a plane and wear a lei. Do they still do that? I hope so.

This tastes like something Dog the Bounty Hunter would have secret cases of. I also mean that in the best possible way. This is slightly floral but pretty sweet. I can't place it but it kind of tastes like the sensation you get from Zotz when they start to erupt in your mouth much like Mauna Loa. It's actually good enough for me to lose track and drink the whole bottle, something that I rarely do with an entire bottle of pop by my lonesome.

Hawaii, I hope to get lost inside of you one day but not anywhere close to where Dog runs because those joints look sketchy.
Soda Pop
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 4/16/14, 4:36 PM
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Aloha Maid Natural Guava

Aloha Maid Natural Guava
I don't think I've ever eaten a guava, like a real guava off a tree. Why would I see one of those as they are not indigenous to Buffalo? Sure I could have taken a trip somewhere but I've only been "out West" once and they most certainly don't have Guava in Las Vegas. Do they have them in Florida? I'm going there next month. Maybe I'll make it my task to find one. I don't have anything else to do. When I get it, I'll try and compare it to a drink that I would have drank a month ago at that point. What does it taste like now? Well friend, I'll tell you.

As far as nectars go, this is not the way I like it. I like my nectars with some grip in there. That's right. I like a nice, sandy juice. It just lets me know that things are happening. Grit aside, this is a good juice. It doesn't taste too sweet and is basically just water, sugar and guava so why would it. No fake sweeteners or additives. Just good, old fashioned fruit juice. Give this to your kids. Don't accept any substitutes; only the finest for your little brat.
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 4/10/14, 4:34 PM
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