Soda Pop - 1421 Reviews

Coca-Cola Zero

Coca-Cola Zero
I blame Scott Pilgrim vs. The World for me buying this bottle. I have probably watched that movie 20 times in the past 2 months. Apparently the constant and obviously Coke Zero product placement in it got into my head because I don't ever buy diet sodas.

As far as zero calorie aspartame infused diet sodas are concerned, this isn't the worst I've ever had. The cola is smooth and light before the awful diet taste burns the back of your throat. All I can think about when drinking this is the aspartame turning into formaldehyde inside of me.
Diet and Soda Pop
United States
Derek Neuland on 1/27/11, 1:15 PM
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Fentimans Victorian Lemonade

Fentimans Victorian Lemonade
As Mike pointed out when we drank this, this tastes a bit like a mix between lemonade and a ginger ale. It's like a bizarro version of a "Brass Monkey," except instead of drinking half of a 40oz someone drank half of a bottle of ginger ale, and then they replaced the orange juice with lemonade. Not exactly worthy of a Beastie Boys song, but you do what you can. My only problem with this is that they used fermented ginger root. It gives it that apple cider about to turn. I can do without my drinks tasting vaguely alcoholic. It's not too bad, but the thought is in my head and that's enough to slightly turn me off. I could definitely see how other people would really enjoy this. I know I really wish I did more.
Lemonade and Soda Pop
Jason Draper on 1/26/11, 3:26 PM
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Kutztown Black Cherry

Kutztown Black Cherry
Something...something's not quite right. You know when you leave the house and something feels right and around 11:48 in the morning, you check your watch to find out...ahhh...I didn't wear a watch. How about that feeling when you think you forgot something? That might be worse than knowing that you forgot something because it's essentially forgetting if you forgot something. It's a two-fer.

This isn't a bad flavor at the end but at the beginning something is going on that I can't explain. It's very sweet and very dark too, like "cup dying" dark. I stopped drinking a lot of powdered juice because I saw it stain a counter top once and thought, "if that can dye that, what is it doing to my insides" like someone is going to rip me open and analyze me by the color of my throat and stomach lining. Hey, it could happen.

This isn't the best black cherry pop I've ever had. It's not bad, but it's not something I'd return to. After the Kutztown sarsaparilla, I thought it was looking up and no, this isn't a black eye for them, it's just kind of like that sadly ugly sister that everyone knows is the nicest girl around, but no one wants to verbally say anything to her.
Soda Pop
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 1/26/11, 9:48 AM
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Wegmans Frizzante Sicilian Lemon

Wegmans Frizzante Sicilian Lemon
Ahh adulthood. You'd made it, little guy. You made it through high school and did well on your worthless SATs. You went to community college for general education until you raised enough money working at your dad's shoe store, Paul's Boutique, to go to a four year school and study what you've always wanted to; accounting. You got your associates degree in science, which is virtually worthless as you didn't do anything scientific and you're pretty sure that they just give AS's away but at least you've got something to show for two of the easiest years of your life. Then, when attending university, you met a nice brunette with sweet cans, not that it matters (good job, son) and started dating. Not letting your girlfriend get in the way of your studies and not letting your studies get in the way of your apprenticeship at that abomination you call a bank, what? It's true. Son, they have one teller and I'm sure that she's no less than ninety years old. Either way, congratulations. Now you're married for going on five years, have one girl and another baby of a mystery sex...your mother doesn't understand why you won't just find out what it's going to be. Anyhow, you've really made something of yourself. To reward you, I've purchased this single bottle of Wegman's Sicilian Lemon Frizzante. It's an Italian soda from thousands of miles from Italy, regardless of its multiple references to the "Boot" region of Europe. Lemonade is great, but this is more mature, bolder, and bitterer, like life. Yes, son, this is like the lemonade of life. It's mostly pretty sweet but at times it can be bitter but you know that the sweetness will come back. It's not like kids lemonade that's all sugar all the time. That stuff is for kids and the poor. What? I can say whatever I want under my own roof. I worked hard at my shoe store for over 30 years, honing my craft and touching all sorts of gross feet. Anyhow, congratulations on your one bottle of pop that I've bought you. I hope you like it. I know that I did the other three.
Soda Pop, Sparkling and Juice
United States
Mike Literman on 1/25/11, 8:32 PM
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Bottle Green Sparkling Pomegranate & Elderflower

Bottle Green Sparkling Pomegranate & Elderflower
This is one big bottle. It's supposed to be three servings, but I was feeling a bit gluttonous so I downed the whole bottle. Don't judge me. I was thirsty. It was delicious. I'm a grown ass man. I do what I do.

I love the amount of carbonation Bottle Green uses. The bubbles are so tiny and plentiful. Elderberry is the bandleader in this Broadway production of a sparkling drink. The pomegranate is present, but it's just a supporting role. I wish I had more knowledge of some Broadway shows so that I could make a more specific analogy, but I am an uncultured bumpkin. I prefer free-for-alls for hill people.
Sparkling and Soda Pop
Bottle GreenWebsite@bottlegreen
Jason Draper on 1/24/11, 6:31 PM
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Faygo Rock & Rye

Faygo Rock & Rye
Juggalos of the world rejoice, it's our first review of Faygo! Even though this is labeled as a creme cola, it just tastes like cream soda to me. Not just any cream soda though, this is very close to soda mousse. For those who have never ventured into Canada before, soda mousse is a delicious red cream soda. Unlike traditional cream soda, it doesn't have a strong vanilla taste. Given the red color, my brain wants to associate it with a berry flavor, but there is none there. It's a delicious cream soda, and it's not just for fans of ICP.
Soda Pop
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Derek Neuland on 1/24/11, 2:51 PM
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Jarritos Jamaica

Jarritos Jamaica
It should be a law that Jarritos and burritos should be consumed together, because they compliment each other so well. I had a delicious (and giant) soy curl burrito with habanero sauce from Los Gorditos while drinking this. It helped extinguish the spicy burrito very well.

I ordered this flavor because I had never seen it before. I also made an ass out of myself when I asked for it because I didn't know it wasn't pronounced like the country. After doing some research, I now know Jamaica (pronounced ha-mayka) is made from a mixture of hibiscus flower and fruit juices. It had a really good sweet flavor to it. It was hard to decipher the flavors though the burning in my mouth, but it had a great cranberry and ginger aftertaste. I'm really excited to try this drink again when my mouth isn't on fire from an awesome burrito.
Soda Pop
Natural Sugar
Derek Neuland on 1/23/11, 3:49 PM
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Lehar Miranda

Lehar Miranda
I made some Indian food for dinner. What I believed to be a nice spinach and mustard curry. Drinking an Indian soda with it just seemed like the right thing to do. As it turns out my meal was insanely spicy. I love spicy food, but it was to such an extent that I ate little more than a dozen bites. Okay that sounds like a decent amount, but if you could see the amount that I made, it was only a fraction.
My food may not have been totally satisfying, but the soda was fairly decent. Lehar is made by Pepsi India. Miranda is an orange soda. It tastes like something between Slice and Crush. It's nothing special, but something I would enjoy if I ever found myself wandering around the streets of India with the thirst of a camel.
Soda Pop
Not Listed
Jason Draper on 1/23/11, 3:06 PM
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Sol Mate Original

Sol Mate Original
This is the strongest tasting mate that I have ever had. It's just sparkling water, mate and cane sugar. The first sip is so incredibly bitter. I almost considered not finishing it, but I'm glad I did. The second sip, not nearly as bad. By the fourth or fifth I was really enjoying drinking this. When I expected the bitterness it stopped being a problem, and it became something to look forward to.
Iced Tea, Soda Pop, Sparkling and Energy Drink
Sol Mate
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 1/21/11, 5:03 PM
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Zesto FrutZoda Pomelo Soda

Zesto FrutZoda Pomelo Soda
After I had the Pomelo Alo drink I was on a mission to find an actual pomelo. After a few tries I found some at the local co-op. They are a bit on the pricey side, but they are surprisingly good. They are known as Asian grapefruits, and they taste like a less acidic version of it's Floridian cousin. I can't say I would go out and buy another one (it's quite a bit of work to eat), but it was enough to get me excited for this drink.

This was more like a sparkling juice than a soda. It's made with actual grapefruit juice, and it's not insanely sweet. It tastes like you cut a grapefruit in half and soaked it in sugar water. After a few days you extract the grapefruit and squeeze all of the juice out of it. It has a specific taste of the sugar being added before the fruit was juiced. It leaves it smooth, without any hint of harsh acidity that comes with citrus fruit. I really wish I had more than one can of this.
Soda Pop
Refined Sugar
Jason Draper on 1/19/11, 8:47 PM
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Chuong Duong Saxi

Chuong Duong Saxi
When I was young, the world of non-chocolate based candy was ruled with an iron first by one Willy Wonka: Everlasting Gobstoppers, Runts, Sweet Tarts, and my personal favorite Bottle Caps. Even though these would be unbearably sweet to me now, when I was a kid I absolutely loved them. The best flavor was the root beer. It was so much stronger than the rest in both flavor and scent. As soon as I cracked open this can that familiar aroma instantly invaded my nasal passages. I knew I was in for a treat.

Normally these Asian sodas aren't the best. If anything I would say they are interesting. This is both interesting and delectable. A sip takes you through a couple of stages. First your tongue is greeted by a flavor of a combination root beer and cola. Then anise is brought into the mix. On the way out, it takes a slight left turn and has an aftertaste that is very much like black Twizzlers. I usually hate black licorice, but it's not strong enough to make me want to vom. It actually feels pretty natural in the spectrum

After some completely gross sauce drinks from Vietnam, it's nice to see that the country finally got one right.
Soda Pop
Chuong DuongWebsite
Jason Draper on 1/18/11, 5:17 PM
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7Up Nimbooz

7Up Nimbooz
I always knew "classic" soda companies such as Coke and Pepsi sold their drinks in other parts of the world. Until recently I never even considered that they had separate product lines for different countries.
Nimbooz is a beverage that 7Up manufactures for India. It says on the packaging that it is carbonated, but this bottle is not. I don't know what could have caused that to happen. Perhaps the nutritional facts sticker that was put on it (so that it could be sold in the U.S.) is wrong. Maybe something happened in the importation process that caused it to go flat. I'd like to go along with the theory that an irate crewman on board the ocean liner (that this was undoubtedly brought over on) had a vendetta against the soft drink industry. It's my guess that he carefully removed the caps from all of the bottles and let them sit for the duration of the trip. Just before they reached U.S. soil, he snuck below deck and returned the caps to the bottles, thus ruining, what could have been a wonderful treat for U.S. customers.
If it were carbonated this would taste like a fizzy lemonade. Since it was not, it was pretty much just lemonade in a neat little bottle.
Lemonade and Soda Pop
Jason Draper on 1/17/11, 6:27 PM
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Skeleteens Fukola Cola

Skeleteens Fukola Cola
We're now at a cabin in the middle of the woods. There was snow much snow to shovel in order to even get into the cabin, it was ridiculous. I should have drunk this before I shoveled. Like all of the Skeleteens sodas, there is an obscene amount of caffeine in here. I bet it would have taken me two minutes to shovel it all. Cause you know caffeine gives you superpowers. You didn't know that? Wiki it, it's science.

This soda is originally from the mid-90s, and it obviously they marketed it towards the alternative culture. When I was younger I thought it was awesome, but now that I'm older it's pretty cheesy. I can overlook it though because it's an interesting cola. Since it's a Skeleteens it has a butt load of herbs in it, which always give their drinks a unique under flavor. The label says it has HFCS in it, but stamped on the bottle it says Real Cane Sugar. I think they are both wrong. To me it tastes like it was sweetened with pixie sticks. It's pretty awesome. It falls somewhere between an olde timey cola, like Fentimans, and a modern one, like RC.

If this was readily available all the time, I doubt I would get it very often. Since I had to special order it, if I ever saw it, I would probably buy a case.
Soda Pop
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 1/15/11, 7:52 PM
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Vernor's Ginger Ale

Vernor's Ginger Ale
If you don't live in the North East United States, you may have never heard of Vernor's. It's a ginger pop that's kind of in between a ginger ale and a ginger beer. It is barrel aged and you can taste it. It's not as woody as the Sprecher ginger ale I had last week but it might be because this drink doesn't have real sugar so some of their ingredients could be masked or distorted.

I remember this being different. I remember it being a bit harsher and woody/earthy tasting. I think it might be because while doing Thirsty Dudes, my taste buds have gone through a series of ringers. This drink just doesn't have the same flair that it used to. It kind of lives in ginger purgatory. I would like to taste a remix of this with real sugar so that I can taste the wood, ginger, and flavors.

I can't crap on this drink because it's indigenous to where I live. My people grew up on this as it is and it never changed and won't change. It's not bad and if you haven't had it, take a trip to the North East and get some. It's different.
Soda Pop and Ginger
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 1/15/11, 11:09 AM
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DG Jamaican Pineapple

DG Jamaican Pineapple
I just booked a vacation to Hawaii for a friend's wedding. I'm planning on completely gorging myself on pineapples while I'm there. I mean to the point where my tongue is bleeding from the acidity. I decided that I would celebrate my purchase and start conditioning my body for all the pineapple intake. Unfortunately, there is no real pineapple in this drink, only artificial flavoring. Due to that it doesn't really taste like pineapple. It does taste just like pineapple Slice used to. I enjoy this a lot. Not all pop is supposed to taste like fruit, and I need to keep that in mind.
Soda Pop
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 1/14/11, 7:02 PM
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Flying Bison Ginger Soda

Flying Bison Ginger Soda
This is the first Flying Bison soda that I haven't been completely stoked about. It's not a ginger ale, yet it's not quite a ginger beer. Let me break it down this way, this makes me feel like Flying Bison has a base soda that for each flavor they add something different to. I'm sure most companies do the same thing. This tastes like that base with a bunch of ginger in it. It has a slight burn, but nothing crazy. My problem with it is that it's way sweeter than any other ginger drink I've ever had. The sweetness is very specific and it reminded me too much of their mint sodas (minus the mint). It's okay, but I would just prefer a ginger beer.
Soda Pop and Ginger
Flying BisonWebsite@flyingbison
United States
Jason Draper on 1/14/11, 5:12 PM
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Hank's Diet Root Beer

Hank's Diet Root Beer
Hank's has yet to steer us wrong. I will admit that I've had this bottle of root beer for a decent amount of time. I kept putting it off because, let's face it, diet is pretty gross. It always seems to taste chemical some how.
Hank's must have spent some time in the lab working on this one, because I was actually able to make it through the bottle with little problems from my taste buds. Initially it actually tastes like root beer, and not just that generic diet flavor. That comes as a light aftertaste. When diabetes comes a knocking, and my sugar dreams all come crashing down, I'll make sure to order a case of this.
Diet, Root Beer and Soda Pop
United States
Jason Draper on 1/14/11, 1:01 PM
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Crater Lake Soda Orange Cream

Crater Lake Soda Orange Cream
This is an orange cream that does it right. It tastes exactly like mixing orange and cream soda. Far too many times, companies just take orange soda and throw a splash of vanilla in it and call it orange cream soda. Not Crater Lake, they have yet to disappoint me.

Upon drinking this more, it tastes a lot like an orange creamsicle. In other words, really delicious!
Soda Pop
Crater Lake SodaWebsite
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Derek Neuland on 1/14/11, 12:41 PM
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Kutztown Sarsaparilla

Kutztown Sarsaparilla
Kutztown. This. Is. Awesome. I don't know why I mentally wrote you off. Did I do something in the past that made me think you weren't good? If so, I'm sorry because this sarsaparilla is top notch. Top notch. It's got such an earthy, rich flavor. I stupidly/politely gave everyone else a nice 6oz. each of this because it in it's entirety was a whopping 24oz. Leaving me with only 6oz to do this review. Had I known in advance how good this was ahead of time, it would have been Sipsville for those jerks I work with and Kutztown for me. I feel like I can taste everything in this from the classic root beer root flavors to whatever the heck makes sarsaparilla. It tastes homegrown and handmade, like there is some feeling to it.

Seriously, this is awesome. This is a "Oh, I'm in Pennsylvania? I've got to search and find and buy some Kutztown sarsaparilla." Every sip is as good as the last. It doesn't get old. I wish that I could keep this on ice and enjoy it until my teeth fall out. Mmmm, that's a bit too much. I like my teeth. I'll just say that I like this stuff, a lot.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 1/14/11, 11:52 AM
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Fentimans Mandarin and Seville Orange Jigger

Fentimans Mandarin and Seville Orange Jigger
I'm not too sure about this one. It has a strong mandarin orange flavor. It also has a flavor similar to when you have a jug of apple cider for just a little too long, and it's on the verge of becoming alcoholic. That's not something I look for in a drink.

After my first couple of sips I started to wonder if this was supposed to be a mixer because it is called a jigger, and as far as I knew that was a unit of measurement for bartenders. I went to the Fentimans site to do some research. Once there I was informed "Jigger is an old English term for good measure, which we use when we combine the juice of three mandarins and the zest of Seville orange in every bottle. " So it's not specifically a mixer, but it certainly is strange.

The more I drink it the more confused I become by it. Some sips I think it's great, and some turn me off. I will be revisiting this again on my own time, but I still don't know if I really like it.
Soda Pop
Jason Draper on 1/13/11, 2:48 PM
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