Soda Pop - 1421 Reviews

DemiSoda Apple

DemiSoda Apple
There are a couple gems at Asian markets. There are a lot of borderline poisonous drinks there, too. I'm not going to tell you to be careful because it's actually fun to hang out with friends and drink something putrid. That's what being friends is all about.

This DemiSoda was good. It tasted like green apples. Green apples and sugar but still green apple juice. It comes in a responsible sized can and comes in different flavors. I'll get them if you promise to do the same. Deal?
Soda Pop
Mike Literman on 12/24/10, 5:25 PM
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Bottle Green Sparkling Cranberry & Orange

Bottle Green Sparkling Cranberry & Orange
My lady-friend grabbed a bottle of Bottle Green when we were on a weekend trip to Toronto. It was pretty great. I was excited when we were able to get some more. This is a nice blend of juices that have the perfect amount of carbonation. What makes it even better is that sugar is way down on the ingredients list. It's just fruity and not sugary.
It is definitely more sparkling juice than soda pop. It's very quick to hit you with the flavor, and it leaves you just as quick. I could totally see hippy executives drinking this at business meetings. It's classy, tasty, and one of the best sparkling juices I've ever had.
Soda Pop and Sparkling
Bottle GreenWebsite@bottlegreen
Jason Draper on 12/24/10, 2:13 PM
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Sioux City Orange Cream

Sioux City Orange Cream
Whenever I see the word "cream" in a soda, the vegan instincts in me kick in and I have to check to make sure it's safe to drink. The fine folks at Sioux City decided to add "non-dairy" to the label, which is much appreciated.

This is a damn good bottle of orange cream soda. As I proclaimed this, my friends Adam and Cory were intrigued so i passed the bottle around. They agreed with my sentiment. It's not as creamy as other orange cream soda's I've had. It has a mild cream after taste. The cane sugar lets the orange flavor flourish without the sharp after taste HFCS gives you.
Soda Pop
Sioux CityWebsite
United States
Raw Cane Sugar
Derek Neuland on 12/24/10, 1:43 PM
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Fizzy Lizzy Cranberry

Fizzy Lizzy Cranberry
I've had good luck with Fizzy Lizzy and bad luck with Fizzy Lizzy. This one, lucky for me, was good luck. I like the concept of Fizzy Lizzy drinks because they are all naturally sweetened, usually with apple juice, and it's just fruit and carbonated, filtered waters. For that reason, you get a very true taste to all drinks. I am not a huge fan of grapefruit, and that's why I didn't like the grapefruit drink they did. This cranberry drink, though, was pretty spot-on to a real cranberry. Cranberries, naturally bitter, are typically drenched in so much sugar that you can't taste the natural tinge of the fruit itself. Fizzy Lizzy wanted you to remember what a real cranberry tastes like and that's what they give you. This drink is bitter. Bittersweet? I never understood that taste. I guess it's just a concatenated way of saying "Oh, it's bitter and sweet."

I liked it and would get another one. I didn't feel like my teeth were rotting out and everyone at the table I shared it with liked it. It starts off bitter but leaves a nice sweet, fruit aftertaste.
Juice, Soda Pop and Sparkling
Fizzy LizzyWebsite@TheeFizzyLizzy
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 12/24/10, 1:32 PM
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Vita Malt Malt Pineapple

Vita Malt Malt Pineapple
At first sip, this drink was good. On subsequent sips, this drink was strange and then good again? Why? Initially, it was just different. Then you realized that it was a pretty accurate pineapple taste. There was something off about it, though, and then I think that I narrowed it down. Think of eating a fresh pineapple. Like, cut it yourself fresh. Now erase that thought, go to the worst market you know of and buy the oldest possible can of canned pineapple and make that into a pop.

As a drink, it's not bad. Like I said, it tastes like canned pineapple. Maybe more like a can and pineapple. Goats would love this drink. Tropical goats. It is a lightly carbonated drink and even though you got an initial taste of can, it was worth it because it's some of the best pineapple flavor I've had outside of a real pineapple.

I got this at an Indian market and the label was half Hindi (or whatever language that was) and half English.
Soda Pop
Vita MaltWebsite
Mike Literman on 12/24/10, 1:27 PM
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Olde Brooklyn Coney Island Cream Soda

Olde Brooklyn Coney Island Cream Soda
I had high expectations for this cream soda. I'd be lying if I said this didn't have to do with the drawing of a bridge on the bottle. Why do I think good packaging equals a tasty beverage? I have no clue.

Sadly, this isn't as good as I thought it would be. It has a nice vanilla flavor, but the after taste is pretty bland. While not the worst cream soda, definitely not something I'd go out of my way to buy again.
Soda Pop
Olde BrooklynWebsite
United States
Cane Sugar
Derek Neuland on 12/24/10, 11:32 AM
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Fentimans Ginger Beer

Fentimans Ginger Beer
Let me be the first to say that I'm sorry Fentiman's. We are straightedge dudes and we do not partake in anything alcoholic. When we saw "0.5%" alcohol, we just chalked you up as a company we would never be able to partake in. Then, when we recently found out that Sprite or 7Up has more alcohol content in it, we decided that we couldn't avoid you any more. So, we're sorry and we can't wait to tear into some quad-packs of your delicious pop.

Good. I liked it. I know Jay will like it. It's got capsicum in it which is the key to a good ginger beer, in my opinion. The Goya Ginger Beer had it in it and scored them a 5 out of 5. This is a wonderfully burning drink that I can see buying and rebuying again. I was thrilled what my friend Robbie brought it over. It had a nice burn and we all agreed. It left you with a subtle "hotness" and a nice sweetness. I easily could have drunk another one if I didn't have any self control for my body or teeth.

I know Fentiman's is becoming more and more available throughout this area and if we have it, you shouldn't have any problem finding it. We had it at our major grocery store but you might be able to find it at your local beer merchant if they know what's good for them.
Soda Pop and Ginger
Mike Literman on 12/23/10, 11:06 AM
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Amazon.comGalco’s Pop Stop
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Hey Song Shaking Jelly Soda Drink Orange

Hey Song Shaking Jelly Soda Drink Orange
This is just as I suspected. Good. I think the fellas and ladies over at Hey Song knew a good thing when they saw it because this is the same type of thing as the apple I had last week. Jay did the grape flavor and felt the same love that I did. So we, the Thirsty Dudes, are all on the same page.

This is the same jelly/Jell-O texture as before, but this time with a sharp, sweet sparking orange juice. Now that I've mastered destroying the can to enjoy this drink, it's simple to share this drink with others. All you need is a pair of pliers and some elbow grease.

Also, as a bonus, I've filmed the first ever video review over at so make sure to check it out. It's our first one so be gentle. I did it at work with no one knowing which is why people walked in on us. As you can see, we made him try it. He liked it. You should, too.
Other/Weird, Soda Pop and Chunky
Hey SongWebsite
Sugar And/Or High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 12/20/10, 10:44 AM
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Limca Lime

Limca Lime
On voyage to the Indian market I came across this lil' dude. I must have missed it last time. It's called Limca and, you guessed it, it tastes like lime pop. It's pretty self explanatory, but in a good way. It's made from Coca-Cola as a subsidiary, but between the retro glass bottle and the vintage screen-printed label, you would never guess. You would think that you just stumbled upon some old bottle of pop from the 70's.

Taste? It's more like a candied real lime. It's not like a candy lime flavor. Get it? It tastes more like a real lime than some chemically manufactured lime flavor syrup. I don't know what it's actually made with, but I give it all the credit for not being neon green like most lime related products.

Also, for those health nuts out there, this has half the calories as a can of pop. I read it twice to ensure that I was getting my information correct.

I liked it and if anyone likes the taste of lime water, they might want to try this. It leaves a lime water aftertaste that keeps you wanting more.
Soda Pop
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 12/18/10, 9:28 PM
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Root Jack Orange Flavored Root Beer

Root Jack Orange Flavored Root Beer
I sent a question in to the Root Jack website and they answered it in a video on their site and sent me two bottles to sample. Pirate root beer is an idea I can get behind. To make things better it is orange flavored and has vitamin c in it to fight scurvy.
It has an initial root beer flavor, but where the bite would be an orange flavor smoothes it out. I hope people don't take this the wrong way but it kind of reminds me of the "Burger King/Laser Tron Special". You know where you mix everything in the fountain machine together.
To put the top on it, it's jam packed with guarana to give you an extra kick of energy. This is definitely a unique root beer.
Energy Drink, Root Beer and Soda Pop
Root JackWebsite
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 12/18/10, 7:04 PM
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Hey Song Shaking Jelly Soda Drink Grape

Hey Song Shaking Jelly Soda Drink Grape
I was going to get to this drink eventually, but Mike wouldn't shut up about the one he drank. It quickly climbed to the top of my to-drink list.
This is more than likely the strangest thing I've ever drunk. It's like someone poured a nice half glass of sparkling white grape juice, then they filled the rest with unflavored jello that wasn't completely solidified yet. So, so weird. I poured it into a glass. I didn't have to rip off the top like Mike, but it did take some effort. It looked like a gel candle. The carbonation bubbles got stuck in the jelly/jello.
It's strange, but once you get used to the jelly/jello it's really good.
Other/Weird, Soda Pop and Chunky
Hey SongWebsite
Jason Draper on 12/18/10, 2:18 PM
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Hank's Birch Beer

Hank's Birch Beer
Hank's just knows how to make solid quality sodas. There's really nothing out of the ordinary with the birch beer. It just tastes like Hank's spent the extra money and bought really high quality ingredients, instead of picking them up at Aldi or the Dollar Tree.
There is "fair birch beer" for kids and there is birch beer like this for adults. This is one time I'm going to accept that I'm an adult.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 12/17/10, 2:06 PM
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Hey Song Shaking Jelly Soda Drink Apple

Hey Song Shaking Jelly Soda Drink Apple
Oh my gosh...look I drink stuff every day. Some good. Some bad. Some strange. Some normal. This drink is so awesome and strange and involved I can't wait to tell you about it.

Individual snack packs of Jello (or equivalent) would be the base of this drink. The base, people. Jello. Base. The base is Jello. Take a bottle of sparkling apple juice and marinate the Jello. Take the mixture and put it in a can and you've got this drink.

I didn't know what to expect so I just gave it to my friend Matt because he saw the can and wanted to try it. He opened it up, smelled it, and then took a...slurp. It totally took him by surprise. He said that there were giant chunks in it and I looked inside and he couldn't have been more right. I brought it over to my friend Mike and tried to pour it into a cup for him and couldn't because the chunks were so big. I eventually resorted to taking a pair of pliers to the can and opening it enough to get it out of the can in its entirety. Now I have a cup of just amber colored sludge and I love it.

The taste is a bit like an energy drink, but it is probably just the strong apple taste making it seem like that. It's a good think that these are cheap, like $1, because everyone is getting a can for Christmas. This drink is fun and this is yet another reason why I love doing Thirsty Dudes.
Other/Weird, Soda Pop and Chunky
Hey SongWebsite
Sugar And/Or High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 12/17/10, 11:19 AM
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Hank's Root Beer

Hank's Root Beer
I don't know what makes a gourmet root beer "gourmet". Is it that they add extra "stuff" to the mix and, in return, can call it "gourmet"? That's all they do with pizza. Maybe they put better ingredients in and get to call it that. Aside from whatever quillaia and yucca extracts, this root beer is pretty standard when it comes to ingredients. There is a pretty definite vanilla taste to round out the root beer taste, which is actually pretty nice.

I also found that I burped a lot with this drink. Good, heavy root beer burps. The kind of burps that you get yelled at by your mom when you burp in your room with you door closed and she's downstairs. You know burping is "rude," but come on mom it's my room. If I can't burp there, where can I burp? That's what I want to know and now!

This root beer is good, and I appreciate the recommendation. We appreciate the recommendation. It's not terribly different from a lot of other root beers, but it's not bad by any means and you can tell that it's not a mass produced, garbage root beer.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 12/15/10, 12:22 PM
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Galco’s Pop Stop
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Sioux City Sarsaparilla

Sioux City Sarsaparilla
"The granddaddy of all root beers." That's what the bottle says. One might be prone to question that statement, but do you know who backs it up? The Stranger in The Big Lebowski aka Sam Elliott. Now that is an endorsement I'm certainly not going to argue with. He's a man who's portrayed more than a handful of cowboys in his day, so he knows what's up with a good sarsaparilla.
It's exactly what a sarsaparilla should be. It has a slight bite that's not too overpowering, but it's definitely there.
If you have a problem with this, I know a certain mustache that will ask you if you want to take it outside.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
Sioux CityWebsite
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 12/14/10, 12:21 PM
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Amazon.comGalco’s Pop Stop
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Kutztown Red Cream

Kutztown Red Cream
When we first got a package of these, I was a little turned off by the plastic bottle. In my mind things that come in plastic bottles are generally cheap tasting. After looking over the bottle I got over it. The company made the effort to use pure cane sugar, so I gave it the benefit of the doubt.
After a sip, I was skeptical again. After half the bottle I was convinced that my original thoughts were correct. This tastes like a cheap soda. Not like Shasta cheap, but it just doesn't taste like a fancy pop. The cream soda taste didn't come out and punch me in the uvula like I wanted it to. It's subtler than I like my cream sodas. The "red" flavor is decent. If they had added that to a better cream soda base, I think I would be all over this. Unfortunately they did not. I drank the whole bottle, so it wasn't terrible. If someone offered me some I wouldn't turn it down. I just wouldn't purchase it myself.
Soda Pop
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 12/13/10, 7:53 PM
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Amazon.comGalco’s Pop Stop
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Santa Cruz Organic Concord Grape

Santa Cruz Organic Concord Grape
At first, it tasted like your standard non-alcoholic, sparkling grape juice that you would use to ring in the new year. In addition, it didn't taste like concord grapes. Just like grape flavoring. Then it happened...

It started to taste like concord grape and started developing it's own taste. A crisp, fruity, sweet taste that tasted like that of a concord grape. Not as concord as the Aloevine Grape drink, which doesn't make sense, as there are actual concord grapes in this drink.

Nonetheless, this was good. Now, at any time you can celebrate the smaller things like:
  • Your dog not going to the bathroom in the house for a week.
  • Getting a raise.
  • Christmas.
  • Getting a new hat.
  • Passing a hard test.
  • Not dying.
Versatile and delicious. Like Parker Louis, this drink can't lose.
Sparkling, Soda Pop and Juice
Santa CruzWebsite
United States
Organic Evaporated Cane Juice
Mike Literman on 12/13/10, 7:19 AM
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Sprecher Puma Kola

Sprecher Puma Kola
We have gotten a bunch of recommendations to check out the Sprecher sodas. We've been keeping an eye out for them, and found a bunch today at the Village Beer Merchant in Buffalo. If they are all like this one we're in for a treat with the four flavors we bought.
This tastes like no cola I've ever had before. It has a base favor as a high-end "normal" cola, but there are a bunch of other flavors thrown into the mix, vanilla, cinnamon and honey to name a few. Those added to the kola extract take you to a whole new world of taste.
The bottle says that it's "fire-brewed in our unique gas-fired kettle." They took some care to make this soda. What I do find odd is that they took all that time to come up with this great recipe, and then sweetened it with corn sweetener instead of real sugar. Maybe that's part of their secret though. I'm no sugarologist.
Finally look at that bottle. The puma looks like it was ripped from some 80's cartoon. It looks incredible. It's also got some cinnamon sticks under its paw. He's protecting the secret of this cola's greatness.
Soda Pop
United States
Jason Draper on 12/12/10, 1:39 PM
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Amazon.comGalco’s Pop Stop
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Sparky's Fresh Draft Root Beer

Sparky's Fresh Draft Root Beer
It's official I've regressed back to ten year old me. It's Saturday night, and I decided to stay at home so that I could play Zelda. I'm totally not a video game guy at all. Ask Mike. I can't even drive straight in racing games. This game played on my nostalgia, and I'm hooked. I should probably get to the root beer.
This came in an awesome 22 oz bottle. In those 22 oz is some great root beer. They didn't go too crazy with the ingredients when they were thinking up this recipe, and they didn't have to. They got a simple root beer just the way it should be. It's smooth and flavorful. It's "kettle brewed" so I'm assuming that's a lot of their secret. Things tend to be better when they aren't made in industrial sized vats. Sometimes you're in the mood for a nice gourmet root beer and other times you want something more classic. When you're in the mood for the classic variety get yourself some Sparky's. You can thank me later. Now I need to go save the princess.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 12/11/10, 9:34 PM
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Amazon.comGalco’s Pop Stop
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Big Ben's Root Beer

Big Ben's Root Beer
Root beer comes in two different varieties; good root beer and great root beer. Even the "worst" root beer is still acceptable. Since we've been doing this site, we've come across some really surprising and different varieties like some made with vanilla, cinnamon, clove, and licorice. What does it all mean? Drinking Mugg or Barq's just isn't the same as it used to be.

Although the Big Ben's birch beer was surprisingly good, this root beer is...less than. It's not bad, as I mentioned above, it's just a bit too standard and safe.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
Big Ben'sWebsite
United States
Sugar and or Corn Sweetener
Mike Literman on 12/10/10, 6:01 PM
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