Korea - 49 Reviews

Leaf Up Aloe Juice Mango

Leaf Up Aloe Juice Mango
Thanks to the grandmothers of the world, everyone knows that if you get a burn, sunburn or otherwise, you break off a piece of an aloe plant and rub it on that burn and feel the relief set in. Being the scientist I am, I wondered if I could take that a step further. On my recent trip to Philadelphia I got a delicious tofu hoagie from a little deli. It was slathered with hot sauce and covered with jalapenos. While it tasted great, the burning sensation it left behind was fairly intense. I needed relief and I needed it fast. Science kicked in and I decided an experiment was needed. I cracked open a bottle of Leaf Up aloe juice and took a big sip. I can't claim that the relief was instant, but the burning subsided a decent amount. A couple more sips and it was all but gone. Once more science prevails over evil in this world. I've only tried this with Leaf Up so far, so I don't know if it will work with all aloe drinks, but with this brand it worked like a charm. It was also tasty to boot. It was very light and more watery than any other aloe juice I've had. The mango flavoring is nice, but it's also a bit watered down. Now when I saw it's watered down I somehow mean that in a good way. It doesn't taste like they cheaped out and were trying to stretch their product out, but like they knew it would be more refreshing this way. There are some chunks in here, but they are pretty small, almost like an afterthought. Normal aloe drinks seem like they were tailor made for kids to drink. This is a grown up version of them, a sophisticated version if you will.
Chunky and Aloe Vera
Leaf Up
Organic Sugar
Jason Draper on 4/7/12, 3:56 PM
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OKF Aloe Vera King Guava Taste

OKF Aloe Vera King Guava Taste
Pomegranate had it's hey day. Then it was acai's time to shine. The world has had oranges, apples and gross bananas crammed down their throat for centuries. What I want to know is when is it going to be guava's turn to stand in the spotlight? It is one of the greatest tasting fruits in the history of the world, and as I just learned it has a bunch of health benefits. It lowers the risk of both cancer and diabetes, it promotes fertility and good eyesight, and it helps regulate blood pressure. I think we need to declare the guava a superfruit this very minute.

Since it is now amongst the chosen fruits I shall celebrate with a bottle of guava flavored aloe drink. It's really a match made in heaven. One of the most fun styles of beverage and one of the best tasting fruit all rolled into one. The weird “grape” flavor of the aloe blends in perfectly with the taste of the guava. It's fruity and sweet in all of the right ways. The chunks of aloe are of average size, so you still get the fun aspect of them. At the store they had other flavors of OKF in larger bottles, but the guava only came in the smaller one. I feel as if I have been cheated and I demand restitution!
Chunky and Aloe Vera
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 3/19/12, 7:58 PM
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Yogo Vera Melon

Yogo Vera Melon
Put a fruit salad in front of a kid and it's a pretty safe bet that the honeydew will be the last thing left in the bowl. If you put yogurt in front of a child it is very likely that you will take that container away untouched. I don't know why kids don't like these two things. I certainly wasn't a fan when I was younger, but now that I'm a grown-ass man I love and consume more than my fair share of both. I don't know if a meeting was held by my taste buds and they decided that I was wrong for a few decades, but upon entering my thirties I had a newfound respect for the worlds of melon and yogurt. So much in fact that I let out a little yip when I saw this bottle in my friendly neighborhood Asian market. That's right, a 32-year-old man let out a squeal of joy whilst shopping alone. I don't think anyone heard me, but if they did I'd like to think that would give me an understanding nod. Did I mention this also has aloe chunks in it? This is a drink tailor made for the adult version of me.

What is held in this bottle is near gold to my mouth. It's a slightly thick liquid. It has more of the consistency of milk than yogurt, but it does have a slight yogurt aftertaste. The main flavor is wonderfully milky honeydew. Let's not forget the chunks. I think that if the aloe chunks would have been bigger this drink would be a slam-dunk, but they are fairly small, and seem more like pulp than hunks. I will tell you that it took some restraint not to drink this all in one sitting, but I'm glad I help strong, because I got to enjoy it again on another day. I wasn't lying when I said kids don't like honeydew or yogurt, but I bet if you put a bottle of this in front of a preteen it would be gone in a matter of minutes. Gold I tell ya.
Chunky, Aloe Vera and Yogurt
Yogo Vera
Jason Draper on 3/5/12, 9:19 PM
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GMP Asparagus Juice

GMP Asparagus Juice
Derek's daddy brought this back with him from Korea. It's been sitting in my fridge for months, waiting for the perfect time to review it. Apparently the perfect time was never going to arrive so I grabbed it on my way out the door to a Thirsty Dudes meet up yesterday. I mean is there ever a perfect time to down a can of asparagus juice? Maybe at a family holiday party, but in my world the real stuff is there, so I don't need juice.

At Mike's house we all laughed at the comically out of proportion can on the label. The woman looks so excited to be hanging out on the beach with an obscene amount of asparagus juice. Maybe that's where I went wrong. Perhaps this drink was solely for enjoyment at the beach. You can't argue with that smile. Once our laughter subsided I positioned myself over the sink as I was 90% sure I was going to instantly spit it back out. I cracked open the can and took a sniff. I really had expected this to smell like your pee after you eat a bunch of asparagus. I understand that is completely revolting, but that's how my brain works. Instead of weird pee the liquid in the can smelled like metallic soup. More specifically like spicy vegetable soup that was stored in old tin cans that some kid unearthed while digging in his back yard looking for dinosaur bones. I took as sip and surprisingly was able to swallow. It tasted exactly like it smelled. It was better than I expected, but not as good as I secretly hoped. It tastes absolutely nothing like asparagus, just weird old soup. Imagine if this tasted exactly like a nice lightly salty asparagus that had been sautèed in an obscene amount of garlic. That would be delicious. Instead I get old soup, and no one wants to drink that. Everyone had a sip or two and then the rest went down the drain, where it belongs.
Couldn't Read Ingredients
Jason Draper on 2/3/12, 11:20 AM
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Jayone Aloe Pulp Juice Pomegranate

Jayone Aloe Pulp Juice Pomegranate
It's been a long time since I've had an aloe drink. It's not that I have been avoiding them. I just haven't been able to find any that we haven't already reviewed. With a cupboard full of drinks to review, it's kind of hard to justify buying a drink for pleasure. Needless to say, I was excited when I found this bottle at a local Asian market.

First thing, there are barely any chunks of aloe in this. That is my favorite part of aloe drinks so this is already off to a bad start. You know how honey makes some root beers really good? Well it ruins this drink. Even though it's one of the last ingredients on the list, it somehow manages to ruin the delicious taste of pomegranate in this.

If I were to protest outside of the Jayone factory, my sign would say, "Less honey, more chunks!"
Chunky and Aloe Vera
Organic Cane Juice
Derek Neuland on 1/30/12, 10:35 PM
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Lotte Chilsung Cider Lemon Lime

Lotte Chilsung Cider Lemon Lime
Seeing this say cider and be in an Asian grocery store made me need this. I also saw that it said "lemon lime" so I was already bummed out by it but I still had it in my hand and since we had not reviewed it, I had to continue with my original intentions to buy it.

This tastes like most lemon lime pops. I don't know why the call it anything cider and I don't know who or what Chilsung is, but their definition and our definition of a "cider" is nothing alike. Apples make a cider. Lemons and limes getting together to re-create what was done a thousand times is not a cider. This isn't bad, but you've had it if you've had any Sprite, 7-Up, Sierra Mist, and everything in-between.

Jay and I also got cantaloupe popsicles when we were there. Those were absolutely delicious and they made the trip unforgettable. I wish I was there again, eating one of those delicious popsicles. Oh, the memories. I'll buy that all of the darn day.
Soda Pop and Cider
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 11/1/11, 1:40 PM
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Wang Corn Silk

Wang Corn Silk
You know Max, right? He's been a real jerk lately. Let's pull a prank on him. Yeah, he has been a jerk, Charlie. He put all those thumbtacks on your chair last week. Who does that? Hasn't he heard of tetanus? I don't want that. We've got to get back at him, but with what? Oh, I've got it. Go grab that tea over there, I've got a great idea. There isn't enough to fill this bottle. This prank is going to rule. Now, take those Fritos, crush them up and put them in this washcloth. I'll show you. I've got this water. I'm going to pour water on the corn chips to kind of give the tea an "essence" of corn chip but with none of the grit so he can't tell. Oh man, it smells like corn chips but you'd never know what we did just by looking at it. Quick, put one pinch of sugar in there so it keeps him coming back.

This will teach him. He'll never play another practical joke on us again.
Iced Tea
Mike Literman on 10/25/11, 11:21 AM
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Paldo Aloe Mango

Paldo Aloe Mango
It's been awhile since I've had an aloe drink. I didn't realize how much I missed them until I started drinking this bottle of Paldo. No matter what flavor they are they all have such a specific underlying flavor. It's almost a white grape flavor, but it's slightly crisper. So this tastes like a crisp white grape and mango hybrid. If it was a juice it would be great on it's own, but when you add the aloe chunks into the mix things get even better. Paldo uses smaller chunks than other companies, but they make up for it in flavor.
Chunky and Aloe Vera
Jason Draper on 10/15/11, 12:15 PM
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OKF Aloe Vera King Strawberry Taste

OKF Aloe Vera King Strawberry Taste
Grandpa was the king of cookies. Whenever we'd go to visit he had a smorgasbord of confectioneries that he would sneak us when no one was looking. Grandma on the other hand loved her hard candies. Her assortment would change, but there would always be the strawberry candy in the mix. You know the ones whose wrappers are printed to look like the fruit. As soon as I tasted this drink it made me think about those candies. They were never my favorite, of course they couldn't compete with grandpa's cookies, but I never turned one down. I feel the same way about this drink. It's not my favorite aloe drink, but if it was offered to me I would always happily take it. It has average sized aloe chunks in it, which almost come off as bits of berries. It may not be the best, but it's a nice walk down memory lane. Drink one and think of your grandmother.
Chunky and Aloe Vera
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 9/28/11, 7:00 PM
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Lotte The Dream of Tea Ceylon Tea

Lotte The Dream of Tea Ceylon Tea
On a recent trip to Korea, you realize that in Asia, things are different. You had to travel all the way around the world to know that things on the other side of the world are different. You have eaten with chopsticks and all you can think of is that Jerry Seinfeld bit about using shovels and not using chopsticks. You haven't exactly mastered them but you're working on it and that's good enough for you. You have drank fish face juice, cow leg milk, and even chicken sauce which you thought was a drink but was actually a legitimate sauce for chicken and not made from chicken. That one was a mistake. You don't blame anyone but yourself for that blem.

You wander into yet another small shop on a nice Tuesday night and you come across this can. It's in English and at this point, you will drink anything you can read the ingredients for. You pay whatever the equivalent of one American dollar is in Korean currency and head out to walk the streets of the city, maybe pet a horse, maybe eat some meats of sticks, maybe both. You open the can, take a sip, and sigh in relief that there aren't any chunks or eyeballs or cow feet in it. You are later excited because you actually like it. It's a light black tea, sweetened with sugar. Just like mama back home would have made. No funny business in this can. All serious work. Suit and tie stuff. It's good and also has a little citrus taste to it. A nice twist.

For the first time in many moons you are quenched and can go to sleep not dreaming of something drinkable like you had back home. Tomorrow will be another day in Korea and you may or may not drink something gross. If you do, you now know what you can use to wash down your pig knee soup.
Iced Tea
Mike Literman on 9/27/11, 2:44 PM
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Lotte Refreshing Water 2% Peach

Lotte Refreshing Water 2% Peach
Call me old fashion, but I feel that once you start adding sweeteners and the like to your drink it should no longer be referred to as water. I mean aren't 99% of the drinks on the world water based? By that thinking then pop should be called water. This is water, sweetener and concentrated peach. As I see it this would be a juice. It definitely tastes like a watered down peach juice to me, well one that is overly sweetened. I also have no idea what "2%" has to do with this drink at all. It just makes me think of milk. On the bright side I really like the packaging. It is pleasant to look at.
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 9/14/11, 1:50 PM
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Woongjin Graceful Nature 790 Days Aloe

Woongjin Graceful Nature 790 Days Aloe
About five years ago I was dating a girl who would later swindle me out of thousands of dollars and cheat on me, but before all that, we took a nice day trip to Toronto. We went to the mall where I think I bought her a dress/shirt thing that she loved at the time and when we got home, promptly didn't like. While we were leaving the mall, we stopped at a shoppe where they sold little things like newspaper, drinks, candy and that sort of thing. I was looking through the coolers of drinks, found one, purchased it, and took a walk out to my car where, I believe, I had a ticket on my car.

I didn't care. We had a pretty good day, got that dumb shirt/dress, got this sweet drink, and were headed home. I opened the drink, took a sip, and didn't know what was going on. It was my first aloe drink. I remember it like it was yesterday. It was a clear, green bottle and with closer inspection, there were most defiantly chunks in it. I don't know the name of it, but I remember the taste and this can tastes just like it.

It's got an "original" aloe taste, which basically is like a green grape juice. It's not too sweet and the chunks are an average, but good size. They feel more natural than some of the aloe drinks I've had where they're giant but you almost question whether or not they are real, not that you care because face it, aloe drinks are fun. This can is just the right size for a single serving, too, and it was one dollar. For fun, Asian beverages, I will gladly spend $1.

Clearly you can guess that relation did not last. It went through every phase including denial, non-stop fighting, dislike, and the ever-popular "you don't make enough money to move out but we're broken up so I'm going to live with my girlfriend while I pay for this apartment" phase.
Chunky and Aloe Vera
Couldn't Read Ingredients
Mike Literman on 7/20/11, 11:29 PM
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Lotte Milkis Strawberry

Lotte Milkis Strawberry
It's rough being eight. I can't have everything I want. Sure, I don't get homework and my math is just adding and subtracting and I only get like four hours a day to play with friends. I have no responsibilities except to brush my teeth, which I only do when mom is watching. I also feed the dog the food I don't want for dinner under the table regardless of what my dad says. So DJ Biacco the chihuahua has gained fifteen pounds and my parents have no idea why. I don't care. I'm eight and don't completely understand consequences.

One thing that I want is pop, all the time. I love it and my dumb mom never lets me have it. I don't care if I lose teeth; they just keep growing back, right? That's why I don't brush them, as I have previously mentioned. So I love pop and want more of it, number one. Number two, more strawberry milk needs to be stocked in the house. I love it and once again, I can't have it all the time and that's just not fair.

You know what would be great? Strawberry milk pop. Man, if they ever made that then I would just lose my mind. Wait, what? They do? You've got to be kidding me. I have to get some. You have some? It's strange that you would have this on you. If I didn't know better, you would be trying to get me in your van. I don't think you have any. You do have it! I will get in the van because I see that you have video games and pizza in there, but just to eat one slice and try this Milkis.

Ahh! How did no one tell me about...yeah you can close the door. How did no one tell me about this before? It tastes like carbonated strawberry milk. This is the best drink I have ever had.

Where are we going? Oh, we're here? Oh, there's my house. Thanks for taking me home, although it was strange that you did that since I only live two blocks from where we were. Thanks anyhow and thanks for this Milkis.
Milk and Soda Pop
Mike Literman on 7/15/11, 1:48 PM
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Haitai Plum

Haitai Plum
There is a new Asian market not too far from my house. I have never been there because when Jay and I went, the joint was closed. I don't know why. It was like 8 o'clock on a Tuesday. I have never seen this stuff anywhere else so it leads me to believe that it's like another world in there, an Asian world.

I could never make it in any Asian countries because I would work all day training bonsai, not making a lot of money but enjoying every second of my life only to spend all my money on strange new drinks. I hope to go someday and ruin my life.

I could start ruining my life with this drink. Day in and day out, this tangy little number is like nothing we have here in the States. I don't know why. It could be a tariff issue since I don't know if we have green plums here, but we all know that if you hang a basket of green plums on the landing gear of a helicopter you can bring anything anywhere. Remember in The Simpsons where Bart brought chazwozlers, I mean frogs, to Australia and then on the way back, a koala just casually hung off the side of the chopper? Just hang a little picnic basket off the base of it and you've got it.

This is not overly sweet and it brings a genuine tanginess that I don't get with anything. It's small enough that I can drink the whole thing and not get sick of it. The taste is different and I can't describe it. It's not a standard plum, so it's not that. It's a bit like a green grape juice but with more zip. Zip. Yeah. Look it up in a book. The internet is tired.
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 6/20/11, 3:57 PM
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Paldo Aloe Blueberry

Paldo Aloe Blueberry
My boss' dad, Jake, asked me sarcastically if what I was drinking had chunks in it. At the time, I was drinking a tea and it did not. He then sarcastically said that he'd only drink drinks with chunks in it. Challenge accepted. Easy challenge, but accepted nonetheless.

So yesterday, I went through my back stock and found this little guy that Jay and I picked up at an Asian supermarket. "Blueberry Aloe?" I said, "I'll take it." After tasting it, I had to look at the ingredients. It has a really tart flavor to it and the ingredients explained everything. Grape juice. I would not be offended if they re-dubbed this "Blueberry Grape" because that's what this tastes like. It's good. I like it, but if you're going to put so much grape flavor in it, give poor grape some credit.

So I poured Jake some chunky, purple drink, handed it to him and he swirled it around a bit, like a fine glass of wine...with chunks in it, and he drank it. He had a few ounces, defiantly enough to build a valid opinion and his opinion? "I like it." Enough said? The man is an accomplished architect. I think that his opinion might count more than mine.
Chunky and Aloe Vera
Mike Literman on 6/9/11, 2:44 PM
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OKF Aloe Vera King Orange Taste

OKF Aloe Vera King Orange Taste
At first I thought this tasted exactly like orange juice, then my thoughts turned to Sunny D. Then I realized that it is pretty much dead on "orange drink." This is what gas station beverage junkies have dreamed of for years. Imagine if you took one of those huge gallon jugs of orange sugar drink and added pulp to it. Okay, so that's not really that crazy of a concept, but that hits this on the nose. It has a very strong and sweet orange flavor. The aloe chunks in this aren't very big at all. They are the size of the largest pulp chunks you would get in orange juice.

While I do enjoy this the more I drink the more I question why I'm not just drinking orange juice with pulp. Also, why is it making my mouth slightly numb? Did someone drop some Auragel in my bottle when I wasn't working? Now we're going to have to listen to the baby cry because we have nothing to numb his gums. Good job guys!
Aloe Vera and Chunky
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 6/4/11, 12:24 PM
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Il HWA McCol Barley

Il HWA McCol Barley
Thad, could you come here for a minute? Thad...wait your name is Tom? Alright, Thad. Well the guys here at the office have gotten together and decided that your employment here is no longer needed. You want a reason? Thad, you've left the coffee pot on overnight at least two dozen times and you've only been here two months. That's like every other day. Now, Thad, we aren't a large company, but we aren't a small company, but do you know what I don't like doing? Sending poor Sheila Larson to the store to buy a new coffee pot every other day. Sure, she's lost a lot a of weight because I always ask her to get it during her lunch break and she claims that she doesn't have time to eat, but a little weight loss never hurt anyone.

So, as you can see, this is a troubling offense and we can't sit around while this happens day after day. Every day when I come in and unlock the office, I'm greeted by the smell of burnt coffee. Now, I've worked here for 42 years and I've drank burnt coffee before, but once a month is about par for the course. Every other day, well, I didn't work my buns off for 42 years to still be drinking burnt coffee.

Did I tell you that I was in the Korean War, son? Well I was. It was very difficult times. We didn't want to be over there as much as they didn't want us over there. The few days we weren't fighting for your freedom, the boys and I would sneak into town and grab some ice cold pops and relax until our sergeant found out and made us run laps and clean socks in the rain. Well one day the boys and I bought this drink called McCol or McCool or something and, I'll tell you what, if I didn't know better, I would think that you weren't burning the coffee at all, but pouring this stuff into the pot every night. I'll tell you something that stuff tasted like fizzy, burnt coffee.

Now, Thad, I'm sorry, but because of my bad memories of Korea and you inability to remember to shut the coffee pot off before you lock up leaves me no choice but to terminate your employment here at Consolidated Cardboard.
Soda Pop
Mike Literman on 6/2/11, 9:11 PM
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Woongjin Green Plum

Woongjin Green Plum
A drink is good when you don't want to stop drinking it. A drink is good when you want a fifty-five gallon drum of it. A drink is good when you take your first sip and it leaves you speechless. This drink is good. It's like an apple juice with a kick, but the kicker is not wearing shoes and between the toes is something tangy, and you want more. It's a strange foot fetish type scenario, but dude, you can't help it.

Why such a small can? Woongjin aren't a gaggle of idiots. They know that you'll be back. If they made them larger, you would only buy one. This stuff is fantastic. It's better than the best apple juice you've ever had because it's apple juice plus.

You have to like it. I put my name on it. I was thinking on my way into work that I haven't given a 5 in a while. This deserves it.
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 5/27/11, 12:53 PM
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A+ Aloe

A+ Aloe
We here at Thirsty Dudes have a strong appreciation for aloe drinks. They're refreshing, delicious, and good for us. When I saw this cute little bottle I couldn't resist giving it a try. It's a very basic aloe drink. It has a moderate amount of chunks, and a nice white grape aftertaste. Not the best, but FAR from the worst. This seems like the perfect drink (size and taste) to keep in your bag "just in case".
Aloe Vera and Chunky
Liquid Fructose
Derek Neuland on 4/20/11, 11:28 AM
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OKF Aloe Vera King Peach Taste

OKF Aloe Vera King Peach Taste
Not only is it an incredible movie and two songs (Thin Lizzy and Jet's to Brazil), but Chinatown is also a fascinating section of almost every major metropolis. Everything about it seems so sketchy in the best way possible. You can generally find almost anything you could possibly be looking for and bizarre things constantly go down. On my last trip to Toronto we walked down Spadina to the Asian center of the city and so many strange things happened and no one took any notice. My friend Tony leaned in close to me and said "I think David Lynch is directing my day." I couldn't have summed it up better.

While soaking it all in I stopped at a little grocer and purchased this bottle of aloe. The sweetness of it took me by surprise. I have grown accustomed to the aloe drinks produced by the Alo and Sabila companies. They are all natural and not overly sweet. The amount of sugar in this bottle would make any dentist see dollar signs. It reminds me a lot of Aloevine, but with a more natural fruit flavor. The peach in this is somewhere between a slightly unripe peach and a gummy peach ring. It's a bit much if you drink a lot of it, but in moderation it's quite pleasant.
Aloe Vera and Chunky
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 4/13/11, 5:46 PM
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