United States - 4098 Reviews

True Brew #True Power Smash Berry

True Brew #True Power Smash Berry
Crossovers are always fun. You know when characters from one work of fiction are featured in another work. Okay, maybe the upcoming Simpsons …β‚¬β€œ Family Guy crossover is unnecessary, but I bet you'll laugh at least a handful of times when you watch it. These switcheroo's happen in television, comic books, “normal” books and even video games. A create meshing of characters (that might technical not be a crossover) is Super Smash Bros. It takes a variety of characters from the Nintendo universe and combines them into one fighting game. I mean who hasn't wanted to watch Link mop the screen with a turd like Kirby? The thing is that beating the hell out of videogame characters can be exhausting, and dehydrating. Those characters on screen can simply be reset and they are back to full health. You as a real human, don't have that luxury, actual fluids need to be consumed. Instead of reaching for a soda or an energy drink, why not go a healthy route and down some juice. I mean with a name like Smash Berry you can even pretend that this True Brew juice was made specifically to accompany the game.

Smash Bros has an eclectic cast of characters and Smash Berry has an eclectic grouping of fruits. The label says that their countries of origin are United States, Canada, Brazil, Turkey, China and Poland. That is a whole world of fruits and you can try to determine which of the following are from those countries: apple, acerola, pomegranate, elderberries, blueberries, cranberries, acai, and grapes. Most berry combinations go heavy on the strawberries and raspberries, those two fools are nowhere to be seen here and as a result you can taste the antioxidants. It has a darker taste, but it's not harsh.

As an added bonus for your gaming needs this juice is enriched with vitamin B, which is good for energy and stamina. You can stay up all night bashing the hell out of your favorite characters and be drinking a beverage that your parents can't complain about.
True BrewWebsite
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 8/26/14, 2:01 PM
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Dang Red Cream Soda

Dang Red Cream Soda
Okay folks, I'm stumped. I need to know the secrets of red cream soda, and the internet has been very little help. Most of the digital world claims that the only difference between regular cream soda and the red variety is the inclusion of red dye, and that they taste the same. While that may be true for some bush league companies, the real players don't follow those standards. There is most definitely an additional ingredient that gives it a little something extra. Other sources state that the missing link is grenadine, but that's not what's lurking below the surface of this bottle of Dang! The only thing I can think to compare it to is Kola Champagne, if that flavor actually tasted good and not 100% like liquid bubblegum.

Think about an above average cream soda with a fruity/slightly bubblegum undertaste. Yes, I just made up that word, but you know you can defer what I mean from that. It's a sweet soda, but not in a childish way. It's not just bubbly sugar water; it's just a sweet cream soda. Wisconsin has pulled through again to show its dominance over other states.
Soda Pop
United States
Jason Draper on 8/25/14, 6:16 PM
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Starbucks Doubleshot Hazelnut

Starbucks Doubleshot Hazelnut
Oh hazelnut. Who would have thought to combine you with chocolate and make such a wonderful combination? Can I think of hazelnut and not thing of Nutella? Nope. Who cares? I love the stuff. Why wouldn't it want the association? Oh, because it's its own man and can just be himself and not be associated with the likes of another? Who cares, you stupid nut. I'll eat you alone and I'll eat you all creamed up into a remarkable achievement that is a spreadable chocolate.

Hazelnut in a coffee energy drink? Look. Hazelnut does what hazelnut wants to do and what she wants to do is fraternize with coffee right now. As an energy drink, this is fine. Good for me actually because I drank half a can and didn't lose my mind with the shakes. All is not golden, though, friends. This is oddly creamy and slightly "diet" tasting. Can you deal with it? It didn't taste terrible. It just tasted like a diet coffee drink that someone mushed up some Nutella in. Is that such a bad thing? No. It's not. So it's got a little bit of a diet taste? Who cares? Leave it alone. It's just trying to be accepted as something more that "an ingredient used to make the best bread spread alive." What have you done lately? Nothing. Oh, right. That. We don't need to talk about that. I thought we were done with that.
Coffee and Energy Drink
United States
Mike Literman on 8/25/14, 5:27 PM
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Guayaki Yerba Mate Peach Terere

Guayaki Yerba Mate Peach Terere
There are very few things in this world that bring me more pleasure than jumping off of something that is a decent height into water. The thing is that I am not a fan of swimming, and being in the water doesn't do much for me. It's overcoming the fear and the drop that is what I enjoy. I should probably go skydiving at some point. This weekend my ladyfriend and I took a trip to Ithaca to do some hiking and we ended up at a spot where you could cliff jump. There were different levels, and the one that the locals said was a 40ft drop was the best. There was a 60ft one, but I was sketched out because you had to jump out a bit to clear a large branch/log that was in the water. I jumped over and over and the panic that struck me about midway down never lessened.

This all really has nothing to do with this yerba mate tea, but that is where I was physically, as well as mentally when I drank it. I was parched and exhausted, so this refreshed me and the natural caffeine in it gave me the little push I needed to continue on. It was a perfect choice for when you're hanging out at a manmade dam in nature just outside of a hippy town.

Yerba mate is so great because it tastes so earthy, without tasting like you're drinking the water that was just filtered through a potted plant. It tastes natural and right. As we all know peach in tea is a slippery slope because most of the time it ends up being too strong, and tasting like peach candy. Guayaki held back with their peach. It's there, but it doesn't overshadow the taste of the mate. The fact that natural peach was used for the flavoring also helps. As a result of all of this, what I drank was one of the best peach teas I have ever encountered. Yerba mate is a different world if you're not used to it, but it's worth the learning curb when you grow to love it.

You know what yerba mate is from South American rainforests. I'm sure people cliff jump there, so my initial paragraph wasn't pointless rambling.
Iced Tea
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 8/25/14, 2:40 PM
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Organic Gemini Tigernut Horchata Unsweetened

Organic Gemini Tigernut Horchata Unsweetened
About ten years ago soy milk became a common place thing in grocery stores. Sure it wasn't everywhere, but more than likely at least one store in your town would have it. It was a blessing for those who were lactose intolerant and those of us who just think that animal milk is absolutely disgusting by nature. Would you feed your cats breast milk? I'm assuming the thought of it completely disgusts you, so why are you drinking cow's breast milk?

Slowly it became more popular, and then almond milk hit the scene and made waves. It tasted better and was healthier. I drink unsweetened almond milk on my cereal every morning, and I love it. So do a lot of people because I keep seeing more and more of it.

My question now is will tigernut horchata be the next stage in the evolution of popular milk type beverages? This bottle is nothing but water and tigernuts and it tastes somewhere between soy and almond milk. I keep expecting there to be a banana aftertaste, but thank goodness that there is not. I've never been one to drink a glass of any sort of milk beverage, so drinking this seems a little strange. I can only say that it tastes like it would go great with my cereal though. I just wonder if it is cost effective.
Organic GeminiWebsite@Organic_Gemini
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 8/21/14, 1:23 PM
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True Brew Shake-Ums! Blueberry Pomegranate

True Brew Shake-Ums! Blueberry Pomegranate
If you've ever seen the world famous Thirsty Dudes t-shirt, there is a monster, a royal one named Sir Durstig who has an endless thirst and is sitting upon a large pile of empty and crushed cans of assorted drinks. I feel like I could do a pretty spot-on impression of him with these drinks because they are so tiny I could destroy a dozen without flinching. As I approached the twenty mark I might feel some regret but I would push my way to the sweet spot which is thirty. That's right, 180 ounces and 2700 calories of juice. It's not even that it's the greatest juice I've ever had but it's the fact that it's so limited that it leaves me wanting more constantly.

You read that right. No. It is not the best juice I've ever had. It is good but it's not the best. When you start adding vegetables into drinks things can get a bit hairy. You can tell that it's a quality juice however because it actually tastes like the fruit it's talking about, vegetables and all.

What's holding it back? Eh, nothing really. It's good. I could give this to anyone and they would say the same thing. There's no sugar, including fake or alternative sweeteners to speak of so everything you taste is a natural taste. Way to go, True Brew. You guys have your priorities in the right place.
True BrewWebsite
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 8/20/14, 5:11 PM
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Dose Basic Line Vitamin C (Lemon Lime)

Dose Basic Line Vitamin C (Lemon Lime)
Every time I'm in Boston (Allston to be exact) with my band random people always come up to me saying, “Doses? Doses?” We know that they are trying to sell us pills (up until it was explained to me I thought acid was the only thing referred to as a dose) but we always joke that they are trying to sell us the Indian Food aka dosas. Imagine walking down a city street and a sketchy dude comes up to you whispering “Dosas? Dosas?” you follow him into an alley, where he opens up his coat and hands you a nice Indian crepe. That's sketch comedy for you folks. Well, sketch comedy that a very select group of people would think is funny.

What if we turn this into a marketing strategy for these Dose dietary supplements? They get employees to go into the city and whisper “Doses? Doses?” to people and then hand them sample cans. It would frighten, confuse, and dare I say disappoint people. That is until they took a taste, then they might be hooked and want more.

It's no secret that I am not a fan of the lemon lime flavor. I find it boring, and low brow to an extent. This is something different though. It is made with actual juices from those fruits, and it is fairly tart, almost to a pinched cheeks level. One could call this a lemon-lime-ade and one would not be wrong. It's way tastier than I had anticipated. Sure you can tell that there is something else going on under the surface flavors, but that's just the vitamins and they are the whole reason for drinking this. Who wants to be bothered taking a pill vitamin when you can just slug back one of these cans that actually taste decent and not like clay? No one, that is who. So, next time someone approaches you on the street to make a purchase inquire if they are selling drugs, crepes or liquid vitamins. Then decide which would suit your needs the best.
Juice and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Crystalline Sugar
Jason Draper on 8/20/14, 10:27 AM
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Faygo Pineapple

Faygo Pineapple
If you like pina-col…€¦..wait no, that's not right. There is any colada anywhere to be found in this soda. I kind of doubt that there is any actual pina in here as well. Actually, I'm fairly positive that no pineapples were harmed in the making of this pop. It's just your standard generic pineapple soda. Sure it tastes closer to oranges and cherries than their generic sodas do, but it's still a fake flavor.

The more I think about it, the more I realize that this may be the worst pineapple soda I have ever tasted. It's more plain sugar water than fake pineapple flavor. This is the only soda by the Motor City company that has been less than average. I didn't even make it to the top of the label, before I decided to call it quits. Good for me watching my sugar intake (at least minimally) but bad for Faygo. You can now return to singing your song about potential infidelity.
Soda Pop
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 8/19/14, 8:59 PM
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Rage Boost Hydrating Citrus

Rage Boost Hydrating Citrus
Dude, I'm so pumped that someone decided to throw this Rave Class Reunion. Man the 90's we're a crazy time and I really missed this. Remember when we used to have to go to random convenient stores with an egg to find out the secret location of the party? Oh that was an episode of 90210? Seemed like real life man. Well remember that time you needed to come up with money quick, or you'd be evicted from your apartment so we sold common aspirin and pretended it was E? Oh, that was the movine Go!? Okay dude you caught me; I've never been to a rave before in my life. I was too young and scared when they were still cool. I was totally into the music though. I would jam Paul Oakenfold and 808 State in my bedroom so loud my mom would yell at me. I would get hog wild.

I'm just glad this party is happening so that I get to experience it firsthand, well kind of if a couple decades too late count. Since we're going to be raging hard all night dancing until our arms are sore from flinging around glow sticks like maniacs, I brought these drinks for us. They are called Rage, get it…€¦because we're going to be raging at the party…€¦not rage mad, but like party rage. Whatever, even if you don't get it they will help keep us hydrated. It's a vitamin enhanced water with a whole mess of electrolytes in it. The bottle says it will allow us to push harder and avoid hitting the wall. That sounds like exactly what we're gonna need. They sweetened it with sucralose as well as cane sugar, so you get a little diet taste, but it's not too bad. I just wanted to warn you, as I know that junk can come as a shock if you don't know it's there. I don't want to harsh your good time.

This stuff actually tastes pretty decent. It's like a Vitamin Water that tastes more like one of the citrus varieties of Gatorade. It certainly has that slight harshness on the back of your throat like Gatorade does. It's like a mellower melted Freezee Pop. It's citrus flavored, that tastes like someone took some Tang and slightly changed it to be more…€¦I dunno…€¦other citrus instead of orange. You know what I mean man. It's nothing particularly new, but it tastes pleasant enough, and if it keeps us hydrated tonight that's all that matters. I unfortunately don't know if I'll be able to find this again. I mean it's not bad, but it's not filling any sort of gap in the beverage world. There are a whole mess of different companies putting out drinks like this, and most consumers would rather grab a brand name like the previously mentioned Vitamin Water or Gatorade, and these small guys don't' stand a chance, even if they perform better. Whoa, where did all of that come from? Must be the pills I took. Speaking of, want to buy some ecstasy? Just kidding, it's just aspirin, I get headaches from loud bass.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
Rage BoostWebsite@RageWater
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 8/18/14, 10:24 PM
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Marquis O3 Super Berry

Marquis O3 Super Berry
I can see the headlines now; “Such a daring portrayal of an energy drink” and “Never before have such bold flavors toyed with our emotions in mysterious ways.” With a name like Marquis I expect something fancy and highbrow. I thought that was going to be exactly what I was in for. It sounds so refined when you think of it as a combination of green tea, yerba mate and organic raspberry. Unsweetened this would have been a wonderful, dry treat that would stand out in a sea of copycat energy drinks. The problems started when they sweetened it with erythritol, and then continued to sweeten it even more with stevia. There are my two preferred zero calorie sweeteners, but it's just too much in this beverage. The result is that this tastes dry, and yet overly diet at the same time. I don't know how they achieved it, but they did. The diet overpowers the berry flavor as well, which is just unfortunate.

When I took my first sip of this I was immediately put off, but for the sake of the review I persevered. The more I drank the more palatable it became. I learned to ignore the dietness of it as much as I could. About half way through the can I started to enjoy it, but I couldn't give high marks to a beverage that I had to work to enjoy. It could have been a brilliant career beverage, but the general public wants things overly sweet, and companies make sacrifices to give them what they want and in the end sometimes flavor suffers.
Diet, Energy Drink and Iced Tea
United States
Jason Draper on 8/18/14, 7:04 PM
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Organic Gemini Tigernut Horchata Original

Organic Gemini Tigernut Horchata Original
Does this deserve to be in the "other/weird" category? No but it's not milk, it's not an energy drink. It's not a juice. It's not sparkling or gelatinous or really much of anything. It tastes like a watered down soy milk. Maybe an almond milk because I do get a bit of "nut" to it much like you would with an almond milk. In that case, take a ten ounce glass of almond milk and use water to stretch it out to fill a sixteen ounce glass because it's what the customer wants and the customer is always right. Well in this case, they're both "right" and "getting wronged" since they aren't getting 100% of what they asked for. Where is said customer going and asking for a horchata, by the way?

First sip and this is strange. I thought it was going to be a bit thicker but it's quite, well, thin. Second is that there is a trace amount of fruit brought to you by your good friend, the date. This is not terrible but I've had different horchata and had certain expectations. Perhaps the stuff I drank was garbage and this is closer to the real thing? I also thought there was cinnamon in there for some reason. If there was, this may have gotten a better review. For now, I guess the original is a bit beige. Perhaps a good base in which to add things to. Tofu by itself is kind of boring but add some spices and seasoning and it's a totally different animal. Ahh the elusive tofu bird. A delicious creature.
Organic GeminiWebsite@Organic_Gemini
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 8/18/14, 4:04 PM
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Bolthouse Farms Limited Edition Watermelon Mint Lemonade

Bolthouse Farms Limited Edition Watermelon Mint Lemonade
Sometimes your friends pretend to be adults and throw a brunch. Is there anything more grown up then brunch? Most self-respecting kids and teenage malcontents would still be asleep during the brunching hour. In order to be a little more refined I decided I should not show up empty handed like common street trash and I brought this bottle of watermelon mint lemonade. What better way to celebrate an adult meal than with the adult version of a childhood favorite (no not Mike's Hard Lemonade, that's just for grown up children).

It was a nice warm summer day and this beverage fit the bill just nicely. It was refreshing, tasty and unique all at the same time. Let's deconstruct this for a second shall we? The lemonade base in here is nothing more than water, lemon juice and cane sugar. It's exactly what lemonade should be; a bit tart but also sweet. It's the flavor that inspired Wonka candy, okay that may not be true, but let's pretend that Senior Wonka was sipping on nice lemonade when he came up with the idea of Sweet Tarts. Back on track: So we have ideal lemonade to start with and then some watermelon juice is added. We're no fools and we know that watermelon is a hard flavor to capture. It's very distinct, but it's also watery, so adding it to other beverages tends to make them a bit watered down and the sought after flavor is lost. Bolthouse has found a way to make that flavor present. It may not be bold, but it's definitely there, and it does not detract from the lemonade, making it weak. Things are looking good. There is just one thing to add and that is a touch of mint. It's so easy to go overboard with mint and wind up with a beverage that tastes like you're drinking it while chewing five pieces of Wrigley in your mouth. It's lucky for us that Bolthouse knows restraint. The mint in here is very light. It's noticeable and gives the lemonade bit of a twist, but it doesn't just taste like a mint drink. Throughout this entire adventure the lemon juice has been driving the car, and it's not going to pull over for anything. No one is allowed behind the wheel of its baby, but it.

So what we have here is a perfect summer beverage that goes well with a tofu scramble, fresh fruit, bagels and donuts. Hey brunch doesn't have to be fancy, it just needs to come with a side of melon.
Bolthouse FarmsWebsite@BolthouseFarms
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 8/17/14, 11:22 AM
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Marquis O3 Citrus

Marquis O3 Citrus
Steve, I need to make a change in my life. I need to calm down with the burgers and go organic. We have been eating like garbage for decades so we need a change. What've you got there? If it's organic, I'll slam it. That's going to be my new mantra going forward. I'll eat anything organic. That's healthy, right? I mean, it's organic.

What is this? Is this organic? You know my new rule. Is this grapefruit beer? Marquis? What's that? You're saying this isn't it? I'm looking at the ingredients and this isn't alcoholic but man it tastes like it is. It's a little bitter and tastes really diet. It certainly is "Citrus" but that's a bit of a vague flavor, don't you think?

You know what? You can have organic hamburgers, right? Alright, hand me one of those. Maybe I don't need to go so "cold turkey" on everything. I might go half junk food and half organic. That will naturally put me right in the middle, right? Cool. Give me that burger, dude.
Energy Drink, Iced Tea, Sparkling and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Organic Erytritol
Mike Literman on 8/15/14, 2:52 PM
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Big Shot Pineapple Watermelon

Big Shot Pineapple Watermelon
I enjoy watermelon. I enjoy pineapple. I enjoy a nice fruit salad in the summertime. I enjoy that Big Shot took the time to put two summertime classics together but in typical Big Shot fashion, it's just garbage pop.

Look, New Orleans. Get it together. You've got a lot going for you. Musically you are a wonderful place. Foodically you are a wonderful place. Leave it at that. Drinks can go to someone else. You don't need to have your hands in everything. You're bound to just spread yourself too thin.

This tastes like sharp candy and not like fruit. It tastes like if you had a generic watermelon and generic pineapple mix, said to yourself, "Oh, that would be interesting." and then went ahead and made it. No thought. Just two flavors that sounded good on paper put together and pushed out to the masses. Anyone who can finish this deserves equal part insane asylum invitation and badge of honor. You can't have both because the badge is sharp and you could hurt yourself and we don't want that.
Soda Pop
Big ShotWebsite
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 8/14/14, 5:17 PM
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Glaceau Vitamin Water Energy Orange Mango

Glaceau Vitamin Water Energy Orange Mango
This happened to the beverage world. Two youths were walking down the street, one with a Vitamin Water the other with an energy drink and they collided causing a tasty mess to be born.

Actually to be more accurate it would be like someone boiled down an orange mango Vitamin Water and dried out what was left over until it was a powder that they mixed into sparkling water, added some green coffee bean extract and B vitamins for energy and called it a day. So I guess it's nothing like that commercial, but it's still tasty. It has a bit of a stevia taste, but nothing that would put anyone off. It actually tastes kind of like a candy from when I was a kid, but I can't place exactly what. If I think of it I'll make sure to not remember to let you know.
Diet, Energy Drink and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 8/14/14, 3:56 PM
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XL Energy Drink

XL Energy Drink
What we have here is a fairly standard classic energy drink. It seems wrong to call it a classic, but this year marks the 30 year anniversary of Red Bull (even though it didn't become popular until much later). I mean according to Google cars are considered to be classic if they are over 20 years old. By those standards this flavor is an antique. The passing of time is a very strange thing indeed.

If you've had energy drinks you have an idea of how this tastes, and it's a flavor you initially probably did not care for, but if you're like me you grew to love it. There's nothing wrong with making similar products at a lower cost. Save yourself some cash and bypass the bigger brands for a can of this. It tastes the same and gives you the same boost. I mean you can still buy that Red Bull if you want to be a fool.
Energy Drink
United States
Jason Draper on 8/14/14, 3:04 PM
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Power Crunch Blast Vanilla Creme

Power Crunch Blast Vanilla Creme
This is a monkey paw type situation here. You get to make wishes, which come true, but inevitably it is in some horrible way. The downfall of protein drinks has always been the sandy grittiness they tend have. The texture of the whey protein takes me for a loop. I grasped onto that tiny little mummified hand and prayed to the dark powers that be for a beverage that would deliver the proteins my body so baby craves but with a smoother texture. Folks, my wish came true, but along with it came a heavy diet flavor. Sure there is a nice creamy vanilla flavor buried in there, but that sucralose just cuts right through everything. It's as smooth as water, but unless you have the taste for all things diet (people claim you become acclimated to it, but I think they are liars), you might be better off dealing with the grit.
Diet and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Power CrunchWebsite@PowerCrunchBar
United States
Jason Draper on 8/13/14, 6:25 PM
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True Brew #True Power Pineapple Ch'blam

True Brew #True Power Pineapple Ch'blam
True Brew, a company we were previously familiar with due to their line of excellent juices, has expanded their grasp into the juice world. Their #true Power line is 100% juice, with no preservatives and it is jam packed with super fruits to provide the drinker with a natural boost of energy. While I think this is a wonderful (and tasty) idea, I'm afraid that in a world obsessed with modern energy drinks that these juices just don't give enough oomph to make people switch over. It's a sad truth that most people care more about results than health in this country. I fully admit that I am one of those people. If I have to pull an overnight drink, one of these juices just wouldn't cut it, and I'm going to grab a Red Bull/Monster style drink. I wish that wasn't the case, but I am weak.

A good thing about this juice is that you don't have to be looking for an energy boost to enjoy it. It just so happens that it is a fantastic tasting beverage on its own, and there is no guilt associated with drinking it. You don't have to worry about consuming added sugar, or it giving you the jitters that keep you from sleeping. It has a light pineapple taste, with a heavier cherry one pulling it along. It's one of those rare beverages that actually tastes like cherries, and not just “red.” In this case they are the super fruit acerola cherries, which I've never had in its natural form, but I've had enough juices made with them that I know I would really enjoy the fruit. It's mellow, flavorful and makes me feel like a glutton, because after this 12oz bottle I was left wanting about 40 more ounces.

This is the kind of drink that you should be using to replace the dozens of cups of coffee you possibly down throughout your work day. It will give you just enough push for times like those. I wouldn't rely on them for times where you simply cannot fall asleep; you know when Freddie will get you, or when a pod person will replace you. For those times go with a serious stimulant.
True BrewWebsite
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 8/13/14, 9:52 AM
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Dose Basic Line Vitamins and Minerals (Citrus Punch)

Dose Basic Line Vitamins and Minerals (Citrus Punch)
I know you, brah. I know that you've always asked yourself, "Oh, hey. I wonder what it would be like to drink orange juice that has been sitting in a jar of pennies overnight." Well my dumb friend, I've got it. This tastes like if you drank a bad orange juice and ate aluminum foil at the same time. This tastes like you drank orange juice and chased it with licking a nine volt battery.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Crystalline Sugar
Mike Literman on 8/12/14, 4:43 PM
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Organic Gemini Tigernut Horchata Chai

Organic Gemini Tigernut Horchata Chai
Well, consider me schooled. I first encountered horchata about ten years ago in a Mexican restaurant in Chicago. A friend heavily recommended that I get a glass, and I fell in love. It was a wonderfully sweet cinnamon rice drink. Since then I have always gotten a glass of it when it was available in restaurants. When I heard about Tigernut I was very pleased with the possibility of purchasing ready to drink versions of it outside of restaurants. The company was nice enough to send us some samples for review, and I couldn't help but go for the chai flavored one first. Horchata and chai are two flavors that I absolutely love, and I knew they would complement each other in the best possible way.

When I took my first sip I was a bit confused. You see there is no rice in this drink at all. The ingredient list says it contains water, tigernuts (actually a tuber and not a nut at all), dates, spices, and well…€¦love. It's nut, dairy and gluten free, but it also being void of rice had me questioning the company. I then did some research and discovered that what I am used to is the Latin American version of the drink. This is the version from Spain. Learning that helped to quell my disappointment. Now that I knew this was a completely different beverage I could enjoy it more, since I wasn't expecting ingredients that did not exist.

There is no dairy in here, but it's very milky. It really tastes like an ices chai latte. The spices taste real and not just a bunch of stuff jammed together. Essentially this tastes like a nice high end chai beverage. I'd be lying if I said I didn't wish it had some rice in it, but knowing what it is supposed to be, it has achieved exactly that in a tasty manner.
Organic GeminiWebsite@Organic_Gemini
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 8/11/14, 1:19 PM
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