No Sugar Added - 718 Reviews

Beet Performer Beet Juice with B12

Beet Performer Beet Juice with B12
Well, this is certainly beet juice. It is a frightening shade of red. Like blood red. There is citric acid in there which I'm assuming just keeps it from spoiling. There is also B12. That's it. Simplistic. This tastes like a one-dimensional V8. It's vegetables, man. It could be better with a pinch of salt but that would not be healthy anymore. It's not bad. It just feels a bit boring. "Healthy for healthy sake." This is probably wildly amazing for you and I might feel like a million dollars. I also feared for my life that some of it would touch my clothes as I drank it and opened it and looked at it because if it touched anything, trust me, it would be embedded for life like that time you accidentally walked in on your dad naked and you can't get his dangles out of your mind.

I just hope my poop looks awesome later.
Beet PerformerWebsite@beetperformer
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Mike Literman on 7/20/15, 4:10 PM
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Jubali Smoothie Carrot Cake

Jubali Smoothie Carrot Cake
Happy birthday to me. Well, actually since I'm over 21 and this is not a decade birthday for me it really is meaningless, but let's pretend it does for the sake of this review. You see this beverage is my birthday cake. I didn't have a real one, because you're 36th birthday doesn't mean a goddamn thing, so I'll substitute a carrot cake smoothie in for a physical solid cake.

This is more intense than any real cake that would be served to me anyway. This beverage is basically what would happen if you made a vegan carrot cake, and took out all of the gluten elements of it. What you have left is a very thick concoction of carrots, banana (luckily it was invisible in the flavor), cinnamon, ginger and almond milk. It tastes exactly like carrot cake with double the amount of normal spices. The ginger and cinnamon in here are really intense. I'm not kidding it's to an extent that it's a challenge to drink the whole bottle, but it's the kind of challenge that I like…€¦okay I'm about 2/3 through the bottle and it's getting hard to keep going with drinking this. It tastes exactly like it should, but man those spices are intense. This smoothie certainly isn't for everyone, but if you love this specific type of spice and carrot cake is a passion of yours, by all means dive right in. I'm sitting here powering on, just regretting that I didn't put a candle on this thing and blow it out like a dumb idiot.
Ginger, Juice and Smoothie
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Jason Draper on 7/19/15, 7:31 PM
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Starbucks Frappuccino S'Mores

Starbucks Frappuccino S'Mores
I'm glad they invented smaller cups. Who would have thought? I mean, I feel like we were here and, like cell phones, they got bigger and bigger. I've got a fifty-two ounce cup on my desk right now. Ten ounces of this Frappuccino is all I need. Also, "need" is not at all the word that should have been used. I do not "need" this at all in my life. This isn't curing cancer. This is not giving people jobs. Sure, people work at Starbucks but this s'more Frappuccino is not keeping them afloat. Sure I paid over four dollars which I find appalling but nonetheless, I bought it and we're here.

How was it? Just as good as you would have hoped. It was sweet but not too much. There was a lot of cream on top which fluffed it up a bit. Chocolate crammed to the bottom and mystery in the middle. I honestly have no idea what makes up a Frappuccino because this one didn't taste like coffee one iota. It tasted like liquified Honey Grahams dipped in Hershey syrup. If that doesn't sound good to you, you are either on a diet or you hate fun. If you hate fun, I don't know what you're doing reading these reviews because they're nothing but fun. That was sarcasm. Time spent reading this review would be better spent watching paint dry. Go paint a fence, Huck Finn. If you want to watch paint dry, cut the bottom quarter of your pants off, use "the N" word, and sail downstream on a boat made of tree trunks. Did he use "the N" word? I don't know if I've ever read Huck Finn. I'm really dumb.
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Mike Literman on 7/17/15, 3:31 PM
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Steaz Iced Green Tea Dragonfruit

Steaz Iced Green Tea Dragonfruit
I love it; a light, bitter green tea and a nice fruity taste throughout. There is nothing more to say but I wish I had more. I wish this came in a forty ounce bottle right next to the St. Ides. I want to drink this all day. I would like to dedicate an entire day to drinking this. There is a natural sweetness from the dragonfruit and the green tea is on point. Five. This gets a hard five. If we had half bottles, it would still get a hard five.
Iced Tea
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Mike Literman on 7/16/15, 2:53 PM
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Sanavi Sparkling Spring Water Blueberry

Sanavi Sparkling Spring Water Blueberry
All my life I've hated blah blah blah. It wasn't until recently that I discovered that I have grown to like yadda yadda yadda. Sometimes our reviews sound like broken records, or to be more modern about it, like iPods on repeat. The thing is that after 4000+ reviews a lot of the beverages out there start to taste the same. This is especially true with a lot of juices and as I've recently discovered seltzer waters.

Sparkling waters may be flavored, but that flavoring is never in your face, and the base of them is all the same; carbonated water. Sanavi boasts that they are organic and I really didn't think it would make that much of a difference. I of course was wrong, like I usually am. While most other seltzer companies have a general generic fruit taste, this bottle of bubbly water tastes as if the blueberries had soaked in it for a long time. It tastes like real fruit, and there is nothing to complain about there. It's light, (accurately) fruity, and has zero calories, fat, sodium and sugar. It may not be promoting health, but it certainly is not detracting from it either.
Sparkling and Water
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Jason Draper on 7/14/15, 4:50 PM
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Good Earth White Tea Mango Me Crazy

Good Earth White Tea Mango Me Crazy
Dear Good Earth, it is summertime. It's hot out and I have no reason to drink hot tea. I don't drink many hot beverages, even in the dead of winter, but especially not now. I hope that you are okay with the fact that I brewed a big pot of this tea, with several bags and then put it in the fridge to cool down so I could make my own iced tea. Actually I don't really care if you're bummed because it was delicious tea. Truth be told it's what I've been doing with most of your products and I have enjoyed each and every one of them in its cold form.

If white teas were more popular I could see myself getting over it really quick (I'm a green tea man myself), but when I have them every once in a while their subtleties are nice. This has a strong white tea base to it, and then an even stronger fruity overtone. Yes there is mango in there, but it's the mangosteen that really stands out. Everything is actually in a really nice ratio and the flavors kind of come in waves. I'm sure this would be great hot, but until the snow returns I'll be drinking it in its opposite form.
Hot Tea and Iced Tea
Good EarthWebsite@GoodEarthTea
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Jason Draper on 6/27/15, 10:42 AM
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Tazo Sweet Cinnamon Spice

Tazo Sweet Cinnamon Spice
I might have broken the law. If I drink something that's listed to be a hot tea and I drink it iced, it's kind of up to me. If I buy a hamburger and bring it home and put peanut butter and jelly on top and gummy bears on the bottom, I can do that. If I buy a bag of chips and put M&M's in there, I can do that.

This intrigued me because it had oh so many things to enjoy; sarsaparilla, anise, cinnamon and much more. It was good. It was cool and pretty refreshing. It was a bit "rooty" due to, and I'm going to assume, the chicory root. I mention that more as a feature, not a complaint. If I complained about it, it would be something to the likes of, "Ugh, this drink tasted like someone carved it out of a tree." or something way too much since we clearly suck at writing reviews. It's not an overwhelming drink. I know people are pretty black or white on anise but this contains less than you would think, regardless of the gigantic star anise on the box. More like a cinnamon red tea.

This was good, though. I've got nineteen bags left that I don't anticipate gathering dust like some of the other ones I've got up there. It's just different enough that maybe for every five bags of black tea I make, I'll swap in this or the chai black. You've got to keep things fresh, you know? Like when you wear the same socks for four days in a row. Change them out. They're stretched out and need to get back to where they belong. Yeah. It's just like that.
Hot Tea and Iced Tea
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Mike Literman on 6/18/15, 12:06 PM
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Polar Seltzer Strawberry Watermelon

Polar Seltzer Strawberry Watermelon
Summertime = Watermelons. Summertime = Hot Dogs. Summertime = Strawberries. That's what summertime means to me. Simple mathematics. Combining two of the three strategically makes one heck of a refreshing drink.

Thanks to Polar cracking the code as to which flavors work and which ones don't work, we now are presented with a wonderful little drink that encompasses two fantastic fruit flavors into a bold number. It's well and heavily infused with the fruits. A great entry-level seltzer.

Stop hating seltzer. Start enjoying summer.
United States
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Mike Literman on 6/15/15, 12:25 PM
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Polar Seltzer Guava Mandarin

Polar Seltzer Guava Mandarin
Okay, I've gone from disgust, to passive fan and now I'm into avid drinker of seltzer water. It's been a wild ride, and it might all culminate with this drink right here. It's no secret that I am a fiend for guava and this beverage has somehow completely captured the essence of the guava without any sugar. I have no idea how they have done it. Most fruits lose their true flavor without some sweetness to them, but it's all here, right in this bottle. Sure there is a bit of mandarin in there as well, but who cares about that when you're getting greeted with guava every sip. In the world of fruit guava is king. There I just ruined the end of Game of Thrones for everyone. It ends with guava riding a dragon that is wearing a tiny crown.
Sparkling and Water
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Jason Draper on 6/9/15, 11:57 AM
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Dunkin' Donuts Coolatta Oreo

Dunkin' Donuts Coolatta Oreo
Oh the summer series from Dunkin' Donuts is going hard. Last year was ice cream flavored drinks. This year? Cookies. I love cookies. Who doesn't love cookies, really? Men, women, teachers, murderers, clowns, baby sitters, arsonists, girls, firemen, security officers and even ladies love them.

When ordering this, the option was presented to me, "Coffee of vanilla?" which I answered overwhelmingly "Coffee, ma'am." I don't know if she heard me because there is little to no "coffee" in this but it is a Coolata which I think is as far from actual coffee. This is one rung away from milkshake territory.

You know what, though? It's really good. They put whipped cream atop with some Oreo crumbles to really finish it off. Look at me, "finish it off" like it's some sort of high-end garnish. It's cookies, dude. It's cookies in a milkshake, whipped cream and cookie crumbles on top. It's delicious. It's everything you want in your life. You lead a regular life. Take no extra chances and get this. You're not going to surprise anyone else in your white bread world if they "catch you" drinking this. You aren't going to surprise your mother who raised you on chicken noodle and bologna sandwiches. This is cookies. Liquid cookies. This is liquid cookies and it's fantastic. Hello summer. Welcome back. We've missed you.
Dunkin' DonutsWebsite@DunkinDonuts
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Mike Literman on 6/8/15, 2:00 PM
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Polar Seltzer Ruby Red Grapefruit

Polar Seltzer Ruby Red Grapefruit
Ladies and Gentlemen of the parish, I stand before you a changed man. For years I stood up here and told you of the evils of seltzer water and how it just had a disgusting aftertaste. I informed you all to stay on a righteous path and steer clear of the sugarless carbonation. I am here to inform you, my congregation that I was terribly wrong. There is a good side to seltzer and one only needs to become acclimated with the taste in order to enjoy it fully. I know I am a fake as I have stood before you many times over the past few weeks and not acknowledged my wrongdoings while I was secretly downing bottle after bottle of this bubbly goodness.

This bottle that I drink before you today tastes like someone squeezed a pink grapefruit into a bottle of plain sparkling water, and it is exquisite. There is no sugar in it, making you feel like garbage and bringing down the natural flavors. I've seen my future people, and it is sugarless (or at least reduced).
Sparkling and Water
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Jason Draper on 6/4/15, 9:48 PM
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Organic Gemini Guarana Energy

Organic Gemini Guarana Energy
Okay folks, let's be honest with ourselves, can we really in good faith call this an energy drink? This is really just coconut water with guarana seed extract in it. I know you're out there saying well that's something that I've seen on the ingredient list for other energy drinks, but the thing is that it is just a source of natural caffeine. Sure this tastes good. It tastes like coconut water with a little bit of flavoring in it. The thing is that this isn't going to give someone the boost they are expecting with an energy drink. It will help rehydrate them when they feel like they are hungover even though they haven't had alcohol in decades, but that's a different story altogether. Let's be fair; if we call this an energy drink then we have to start calling colas energy drinks and I don't think anyone is comfortable with that.
Coconut and Energy Drink
Organic GeminiWebsite@Organic_Gemini
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Jason Draper on 6/4/15, 9:37 PM
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Tetley Blend Iced Tea

Tetley Blend Iced Tea
Making an iced tea blend of tea is like making a tailor made tea for me. I drink a bit of hot tea but for my money, iced tea 'til death. I think I just thought of a new tattoo. What a dumb tattoo to get but man am I passionate about iced tea. Guys, seriously, how many times have I said that I would quit Thirsty Dudes just to drink iced tea for the rest of my life. This would be in my repertoire if that ever happened. It's a deep, dark bold tea. Take one of these bags and make a nice, tall, 24 ounce glass of heaven. I might be able to get two decent servings since I made a smaller cup before.

If I had a big jug, I could make some fantastic sweet tea. Also, if it wasn't 58 degrees that might help too. I only make sun tea in the summer. You can call me a snob but dude, it's sun tea. It harkens back to when things were simpler. Not the hectic, grueling city life that I lead now. That is an over-exaggeration.
Iced Tea
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Mike Literman on 6/2/15, 11:58 AM
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Stewart's Shops Vichy

Stewart's Shops Vichy
Vichy is seltzer water with salt and bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) in it. It is weird and seemingly unnecessary. I assume you're meant to drink it when you have an upset stomach. It just tastes wrong to me. It's like something a child would concoct with various things in a kitchen, and it would be a failure. The end.
Sparkling and Water
Stewart's ShopsWebsite@StewartsShops
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Jason Draper on 4/12/15, 3:10 PM
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Hi Ball Sparkling Energy Water Vanilla

Hi Ball Sparkling Energy Water Vanilla
Folks, I'm afraid it's finally happening; I'm growing up and becoming an adult after 35 years. I have a savings account, I'm closing on a house next week and now I'm enjoying seltzer water. I think that means that life as I knew it is now over. I've always had a fairly strong distaste for seltzer water and their overly dry taste. This tastes exactly like what it is, seltzer water with minimal vanilla flavoring added to it. I've had drinks in the past that tasted exactly like this and I was very turned off by them, now I am straight up loving this. I'm afraid I'm going to wake up in the morning and have pure white hair and back problems. Youth is over. Geriatric life has begun.

Oh yeah this also has caffeine, guarana, panax ginseng and niacinamide in it to give you a boost of energy. As far as I can tell they have zero effect on the flavor, but still give you a little push. Now where do I sign up to get my senior discounts?
Energy Drink and Sparkling
Hi BallWebsite@hiballenergy
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Jason Draper on 4/4/15, 6:18 PM
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Cheribundi Tart Cherry

Cheribundi Tart Cherry
Remember when you were a kid and you would be eating fruit and your mom would say, "Don't eat too much fruit or you'll get diarrhea."? If this bottle doesn't lie, it's got fifty cherries in it. Fifty. Mom, I think that if I ate fifty cherries and didn't get diarrhea then I'm probably fine. I know they're small, but fifty is fifty is fifty. That's a buttload of cherries, bruh.

Does it taste like cherry? You bet'cha. It's actually a really good drink. It's cut with apple juice so it's not like you're drinking fifty compressed, concentrated cherries. No. It's calmed down with apple juice. You can't taste apple juice and it's also worth mentioning that it doesn't taste like cough syrup. It just tastes like you drank cherry juice. It's tart, as advertised, and made me thirsty since it properly puckered my cheeks while drinking.
Mom, you were wrong. I can eat or drink upwards and maybe more cherries without getting a loose stool. Take that "wives tales."
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Mike Literman on 3/31/15, 4:05 PM
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Guayaki Yerba Mate Unsweetened Terere

Guayaki Yerba Mate Unsweetened Terere
This is simply yerba mate and nothing else. It has that great bitter not-tea tea flavor like yerba mate should. It's perfect for when you need a little bit of caffeine and you've had your fill of sugar. Everything this company releases is near perfect and this is the base of it all. It's wonderful, and if you're not familiar with yerba mate this company is the place to start. If you're cool with unsweetened drinks I would definitely start with this variety.
Iced Tea
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Jason Draper on 3/30/15, 9:53 PM
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Positive Energy Cranberry Juice Cocktail

Positive Energy Cranberry Juice Cocktail
Cocktail is a loose term for juices. It has the main ingredient in it, but any other juice is also fair game. This cocktail includes white grape, apple, and dark cherry juices as well as the named cranberry. That's a lot of different juices to combat for flavor, and yet the strongest flavor is the caffeine from green coffee beans. Next in line for top flavor would be the cherry and then the cranberry comes in third. There needs to be a way to disguise the taste of the caffeine better.
Energy Drink and Juice
Positive EnergyWebsite@positiveenergy
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Jason Draper on 3/30/15, 9:40 PM
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Red Jacket Half and Half

Red Jacket Half and Half
Folks, I feel like an idiot. I have never once in my life considered brewing tea with any hot liquid other than water. Actually the more I think about it, it would more than likely be pretty gross. This beverage wasn't created this way, but imagine if they boiled apple juice and brewed some loose leaf tea in it. Would that be gross, or would it be awesome. I think it may depend on the season. In the Fall I bet it would be delicious and fitting, but in the summer it might seem oppressive. Now I want to perform some experiments where I brew tea in apple juice, and also brew the same type of tea in water and then add apple juice after the fact. How different do you think they would taste from each other?

None of that matters because this juice in front of me is a great twist to a modern day classic. I don't really know if the Arnold Palmer should really be described that way, but that's how I feel in my heart of hearts. Red Jacket not only adds their wonderful apple juice to the mix, but they also didn't just use regular old black tea. They stepped up their game and used guayusa in the mix and it's noticeable in the flavor, in a very good way. I will admit that apple is the strongest flavor in here, but you can definitely make out the lemon and the tea separately. It's great, and Red Jacket has done me right once again. I mean it's more of a Third & Third & Third and not so much a Half & Half, but who am I to complain. Now I have to go deal with the two boiling pots on my stove.
Iced Tea, Juice and Lemonade
Red JacketWebsite@RedJacketJuice
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Jason Draper on 3/26/15, 9:28 PM
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Positive Energy Orange Juice

Positive Energy Orange Juice
Most orange juices taste the same. Just like Jay said for the apple juice review for Positive Energy, they taste the same. This one is different. It's got caffeine in it, which I don't need honestly, but thanks for putting it in. What's different about it is that it has green coffee bean in it. I have grown to like that stuff. It's in the Bai, which I actually really like. It's apparently chocked full of antioxidants that you've got to be a fool to turn down. It's got a nice, slightly bitter taste that's more a different flavor than an actual "bitter" flavor but it's got a solid orange juice taste to it first which is important.

I wonder if antioxidants are going to be the new antibacterial stuff that people are worried about turning bacteria into super-bacteria with adorable little capes. Our bodies are slowly going to be immune to antioxidants and be filled with whatever antioxidants fight, probably oxidants, whatever they are. It's an endless struggle.
Energy Drink and Juice
Positive EnergyWebsite@positiveenergy
United States
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Mike Literman on 3/26/15, 12:23 PM
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