No Sugar Added - 718 Reviews

Harvest Bay Coconut Water Iced Coffee

Harvest Bay Coconut Water Iced Coffee
Recent studies suggest that coconuts kill five times more people than sharks. In an effort to curb these nauseating results, Harvest Bay went back to the drawing board and decided that they would mix their coconut water with iced coffee so that you can be faster and have more pep in your step so that you can avoid those pesky falling coconuts. Sure, they had to do a lot of testing and kill a lot of test subjects but they were murdering thieves so, you know, who cares? They would give them regular coconut water and throw coconuts at them. Then they would give them coconut water with iced coffee and they were faster for longer to help them avoid those dreaded coconuts.

The felons that lived described the coconut water with iced coffee in it as "Still pretty coconutty" and "lightly coffee'd." Criminals love to make up their own words. It wasn't sweetened but still had a pretty genuine coffee and coconut taste. The coconut was stronger than the coffee but nonetheless, a pretty decent drink.

Thanks to the criminals that will earn a gold star and an extra day out of "The Hole" before they have to go to "The Chair." Everyone wins.
Coconut and Coffee
Harvest BayWebsite
United States
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Mike Literman on 9/22/14, 12:56 PM
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Pearl Royal Coconut Water Lemon Lime

Pearl Royal Coconut Water Lemon Lime
In a world where flavored beverages are overly heavy on the flavor, to an extent that the taste of the base is lost, it's nice when a company takes it easy on the old flavor tasters. Pearl Royal does just that with this delicious coconut water. There is but a hint of lemon and lime flavor. I wouldn't be surprised if they stumbled upon this when someone didn't properly rinse a glass that has been used to house some sort of lemon lime beverage and then refilled it with coconut water. It's such a minor addition of flavor, but it goes a long way in making your refreshment experience just a tad different. Oh yeah it also comes in this awesome container, so that's a bonus.
Pearl RoyalWebsite
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Jason Draper on 9/18/14, 3:25 PM
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True Brew #True Power Kewl Melon Kiwi

True Brew #True Power Kewl Melon Kiwi
While I appreciate that True Brew is trying to give people an alternative to typical energy drinks the truth of the matter is that this juice doesn't even come close to packing the same punch as one of the countless slim cans you find in gas stations across the country. Yes this tastes great, albeit more like apples and acerola cherries than watermelon and kiwi (the kiwi is hidden in the mix and the watermelon is there as an aftertaste if anything), but it doesn't give you an energy boost that you can feel. That is what most people are looking for. This probably gives you a prolonged minimal energy burst that will help you through your day, but without caffeine and taurine the majority of people just aren't going to jump on this bus. It's sad that people's mentality is along the lines of “who needs to worry about health when you need to go go go!”
True BrewWebsite
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Jason Draper on 9/16/14, 11:12 AM
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Saratoga Flavored Sparkling Spring Water Wild Berry

Saratoga Flavored Sparkling Spring Water Wild Berry
Yes we live in Buffalo, NY. No, that is not a part of New York City. In fact we live the furthest you can be from NYC and still live in New York State. Whenever I travel people always assume I live near the city, and tell me how awesome it must be to be able to go there all the time. I'm sorry to tell you folks, but if you live in the North Eastern US, you probably live closer to “the city” than I do. It's actually about six and a half hours away from us. The only times I have been there outside of touring was once right after high school and once again about five years ago. I actually can't stand the place, but that is neither here nor there. My point was to point out that NY is a huge state with many cities and towns, many of which I haven't even visited. I was reminded that by this beverage. Saratoga Springs, where this is made is near Albany and it's famous for its mineral water springs. It was a hot spot back in the day for the rich and famous. I am neither of those things, and even though it's out of vogue, I have still yet to visit this location to experience its naturally carbonated mineral water.

I doubt the water in this bottle is in the state it is found in nature. I mean I'm sure they added some bubbles, but it is spring water that is carbonated. It also has a nice mind berry taste to it. My ladyfriend says that it's sweeter than she wants it to be, and I told her she was crazy, because there is no sweetener in it, just water, carbon dioxide and natural flavor. Luckily this doesn't have that dry/bitter seltzer water taste, and I actually enjoyed it a great deal. Sometimes you just need bubbles to tickle your throat and not have any sugar to go along with that. These are the times for Saratoga.
Sparkling and Water
United States
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Jason Draper on 9/14/14, 8:11 PM
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Organic Gemini Tigernut Horchata Banana

Organic Gemini Tigernut Horchata Banana
Can someone check with Dante for me and find out exactly what circle of hell drinking bananas (the most hated of all fruits) falls in? I think it's either in the hoarders or the wrathful, but I'm not exactly sure. As you may have guessed, this is simply not for me. I don't know if I can stress that enough. For those of you out there that have mutated taste buds who are confused and think that bananas taste great, you're going to more than likely love this. Imagine blending up some ripe bananas and then thinning out the muck with some soy milk. There you go, you now know what this tastes like and do what you will with that knowledge. I personally will run away in fear.
Juice and Other/Weird
Organic GeminiWebsite@Organic_Gemini
United States
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Jason Draper on 9/12/14, 11:53 AM
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Purity Organic Coconut Water Original

Purity Organic Coconut Water Original
I'm not a betting man but if you asked me ten years ago if you should invest in coconut futures, future Mike would say that you should. Previously only known as a topping for ice cream and a filling for Mounds and Almond Joy, now it's everywhere. Everywhere includes the homebase of one of our favorite juice companies, Purity.

Problem with all these coconut waters is that the point of it is to just have 100% pure, clean, unaltered coconut water. What does that do to the drinks? It makes them all the same. Coconut water is turning into orange juice and apple juice where it all tastes the same. What does this taste like? Oh, it tastes like if you cracked open a coconut with a machete and dumped it in a cup. Well what does that one taste like? It tastes like if you broke open a coconut on a rock and poured it into a cup. How about that one over there? It tastes like you put a nail into it, pulled the nail out and put in a straw and a little umbrella.

This is good. It's clean and crisp. It's clearly naturally sweetened and there is nothing in there you would second-guess giving to your kids, although I don't know any kids that would rather drink coconut water than, say, chocolate milk. That is a crowd pleaser. Coconut water? It's fine. Just fine. This? It's fine.
Purity OrganicWebsite@purityorganic
United States
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Mike Literman on 9/12/14, 10:25 AM
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Purity Organic Superjuice Kale Coconut Water Apple Spinach

Purity Organic Superjuice Kale Coconut Water Apple Spinach
I anticipated a nightmare. I thought I would find myself in a pleasant juice dream that would lull me into complacency, and just when I least expected it things would turn to terror as the banana in this juice took hold. The strange thing is that it never did. I've found myself in the endless joy that is a dream that is even better than I ever could ever have expected. This tastes like an apple-lemon juice that has a bit of ginger spicing it up. I was shocked at the level of spice in here, not in a “oh man it burns” way, but in an Autumnal dessert sort of way. There are some other flavors floating around, but none of them really stand out, they just provide nourishment and subtle flavor. I had really expected this to taste like greens and coconut water that had been slightly sweetened by the apple juice, but things went the opposite way.

Purity Organic has done the unthinkable and added banana and celery to a juice, and have those flavors be indistinguishable. Seriously, banana puree is the second ingredient and I can't taste even a hint of the only terrible fruit in existence. Face your fears people and you may just be rewarded with some of the best juice you've ever tasted.
Coconut and Juice
Purity OrganicWebsite@purityorganic
United States
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Jason Draper on 9/11/14, 10:26 AM
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Chiquita Tropicals Mango

Chiquita Tropicals Mango
Hey man, what the heck are you doing? You're making a huge mess. Yes I can see that you're cutting up a mango, but you're doing it all wrong. Do you realize how much fruit meat you're throwing out by cutting the skin off like that? That's at least ¼ of the fruit right in the filth bin, since you're a savage that doesn't compost. The secret is to use a potato peeler. It takes that skin right off, with minimal fruit loss. Then you cut up the rest of that little guy and enjoy away. Yeah, I know it's still a bit messy, but it's not nearly as bad. Hey, if you're just going to complain why are you even bothering? Just grab yourself a Chiquita Tropicals Mango juice. It tastes pretty similar to eating a fresh mango, and there is zero mess unless you're a slob who drools and dribbles it all over yourself. It's just water, mango, apple and lemon juice. Sure they are all from concentrate, but you wouldn't notice it by drinking it. It has a nice thick consistency and it tastes pretty darn fresh. True, there is a buttload of sugar in it, but it's all from fruit, so it's not absolutely horrible for you. Actually it's pretty darn healthy. When you go to the store, pick me up a couple of bottles as well, would you?
United States
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Jason Draper on 9/9/14, 8:31 PM
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Organic Gemini Horchata Strawberry

Organic Gemini Horchata Strawberry
There's no other way to put this, Organic Gemini's strawberry horchata tastes like I through some strawberries in a blender with a bit of non-dairy milk to make it more of a liquid consistency. It's even got some seeds in it, just like when I juice at home. I expected it to taste like a variation of Strawberry Quik, but it really just tastes like juiced fruit, which is the key to my heart. . It's by far my favorite of their line, and I'm glad they sent us some advance samples to try. I have nothing bad to say about something that tastes so natural.
Organic GeminiWebsite@Organic_Gemini
United States
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Jason Draper on 9/8/14, 12:02 PM
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Purity Organic Superjuice Orange Carrot Turmeric Mango

Purity Organic Superjuice Orange Carrot Turmeric Mango
Oh turmeric. We meet again. Back about four years ago when we had under 200 reviews, I reviewed a turmeric drink that was putrid which you can read here. Since then, we have reviewed multiple turmeric drinks with multiple different results. This, from a company that has been very good to us in both their generosity and their quality of drinks, is not that drink I drank many moons ago. This is something different.

This drink is a wonderful blend of the ingredients stated in the flavor list which I will refresh here; orange, carrot, turmeric and mango. Everything aside from the turmeric is a pretty basic fruit juice but that turmeric brings a pretty fantastic, light burn that is not at all reminiscent of Indian food and just a flavor, and a good one at that. It's also more of a puree than it is a straightforward juice because there are bits and grits in there.

Some people in the office did not like this, which isn't surprising, but it is something new that if I could find around here, I would most defiantly buy again.
Purity OrganicWebsite@purityorganic
United States
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Mike Literman on 9/5/14, 2:04 PM
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Organic Gemini Horchata Bee Pollen

Organic Gemini Horchata Bee Pollen
I feel like "bee pollen" is something you could be wildly allergic to. I'm no doctor but just the thought of people being deadly allergic to bees and annoyingly allergic pollen doesn't sound like something that is going to push a lot of product.

Since I am not allergic to either of the aforementioned allergens I dove headfirst into the world of bee pollen. Now I love honey. I love it. Horchata, namely this brand of horchata has been a bit iffy because of its watery nature. All the same, I took a small, beginners sip and it wasn't half bad. You can taste the honey first followed by the strange, bland taste of the horchata. Now before you hit "Send" on the angry email you are writing to me, listen. This is what it is. If you're going to have a dairy-free, gluten free drink primarily based on something that, I'm pretty sure, is supposed to be gluten-full, you're going to have to make some changes. The change they made was adding a pretty fantastic, albeit short lived, honey flavor. Fine. I get it. It's healthy and there are no additional sugars or anything fake in. Credit where credit is due, this is a honey flavored, strangely viscous drink. I know Jay and I sound like broken records when we're reviewing these products but when you base product leaves a bit to be desired, you're going to have similar results in the end. You can also chalk this up to any of the following:

  • Different Strokes for different folks
  • It's not for everyone
  • Every rose has it's thorn
  • A rabbi and a nun walk into a bar
  • I want to say "Mason"
Organic GeminiWebsite@Organic_Gemini
United States
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Mike Literman on 9/4/14, 6:33 PM
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Evolution Fresh Sweet Greens and Lemon

Evolution Fresh Sweet Greens and Lemon
I have this weird thing with “greens” juice. I feel like it should be drunk right when you get up or not at all. I'm not exactly sure where this thought process came from, but I've stuck with it. Perhaps it's just that “greens” juice taste like the healthiest thing that has ever been consumed and what better way to start your day than with a nice bottle of liquid health?

The downfall of these types of juices is that sneaky son of a gun, celery. It's perfectly fine when you are eating a stalk of it, but as soon as chunks of it are used in cooking the flavor becomes overpowering. Somehow when it's juiced in juice it becomes even stronger, even when it's raw. There is a bit of that rascal in this juice, but Evolution has a good job of keeping it at bay. There are actually 6.75 stalks of celery in this tiny bottle, so I can't believe it's not punching me directly in the taste buds. The defenders of good taste are apple, cucumber, spinach, romaine, kale, lime, lemon, parsley, wheat grass, and clover sprouts. With a combined effort they were able to fight back the tyrant that is celery and turn this juice into something truly enjoyable. Yes, it tastes like liquid vegetables because that is exactly what it is. That is not a bad thing, and the apple sweetens it up just enough to make It seem like a familiar form of juice.
United States
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Jason Draper on 9/2/14, 4:37 PM
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True Brew Shake-Ums! Cherry Limeade

True Brew Shake-Ums! Cherry Limeade
Well, well, look what we've got here: Juice. You're nothing juice. You used to be all that but now you've just turned in to a zero percent juice abomination. You offer nothing to people other than a lie to those who cannot or do not read your labels. Now you just sit there and suck all day and night. What do you have to say for yourself?

You what? No. I don't believe it. You can't be made from both fruits and vegetables. That's gross. What do you mean you can't taste the carrots, beets, or potatoes? Are you lying again? You're not? Alright, hand yourself over. I'm drinking some of you. Just unscrew your hat and I'll take a little sip.

You know what, man? You are pretty right. I should add that I can taste a little strangeness just from there being something not of fruit descent but you can get a lot of cherry and a bit of limeade. I suppose that I owe you a bit of an apology since I ragged on you pretty hard before about not being the genuine article. Sorry, dude. Can I get another sip of you before you put your little cap hat on? How do you expect me to drink it? I'm not waiting for you to pee. I know that's how juice is made but to me, that's still gross.
True BrewWebsite
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Mike Literman on 9/2/14, 2:22 PM
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Third St. Unsweetened Green Tea

Third St. Unsweetened Green Tea
If I had a doppelganger, I assume he would live eternally on the other side of the world so we can never meet. Whenever I go to Australia, he comes to the states. We can never and will never be in the same place at once. If I moved to Argentina, my doppelganger would live in China. Why do I mention myself? Well I drink copious amounts of unsweetened black tea. Copious. I wouldn't be surprised if I drink a gallon a week. My Chinese counterpart would be drinking unsweetened green tea, naturally.

If I would be stuck on an island, this wouldn't be a bad iced tea to have. It's bitter and tastes like a nice, solid green tea but is still refreshing. The bitterness of a green tea is something special. It pulls out some sweetness from somewhere (magic) that makes it all come together.

If I drink that much black tea and it makes me as happy as it does, I'd like to think that there is a happy kid on the other side of the world that is just as happy drinking green tea buy the quarter gallon.

It doesn't matter, but you should know that I did my "hole through the center of the world" research on this site which is pretty cool.
Iced Tea
Third St.Website@thirdstreetchai
United States
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Mike Literman on 8/29/14, 5:19 PM
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Purity Organic Superjuice Beet Apple Ginger Lemon

Purity Organic Superjuice Beet Apple Ginger Lemon
Are you anti Purity Organic? If so then you have voted against good taste. Not in a “Screw good taste let's go have a John Waters marathon” kind of way either. I mean your taste buds have apparently just rotted out of your mouth. Those little guys must have just shriveled up and fallen right off your tongue onto your dirty, upswept floor.

The regular line of Purity Organic juices range from the better side of decent to wonderful. With their new Superjuice line, they have gone above and beyond. It's no secret that juicing is all the rage these days, and most of that attention is spent on cold pressed juices. Purity has taken the ingredients and flavor combos that have come into vogue with cold pressed juices, and made the juice the old fashion way. While a combination of beets, apples, ginger and lemons is nothing shocking these days, a mere five years ago and it would have been turning people's heads. I'm going to tell you, cold pressed or not this juice blows my socks off. It has a nice thicker consistency, and all of the apple pulp hasn't been strained out. That makes me feel like I'm getting more from the juice, like I made it at home.

Oh top of everything else the flavor is dead center perfect. They got the balance right, when these flavors could have easily been falling off the balancing beam. Any one of these flavors could have taken the helm of this drink if the ratios weren't just quite right, but Purity Organic blended them all together perfectly. You can pick out each individual flavor if you think about it, but if you aren't concentrating they are just one exceptional new fruit flavor. Normally I like my ginger to have more of a burn to it, but the fact that it's more reserved in this beverage makes it perfect. I can only hope these start showing up on shelves in Buffalo as soon as possible.
Purity OrganicWebsite@purityorganic
United States
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Jason Draper on 8/29/14, 11:27 AM
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Organic Gemini Tigernut Horchata Coffee

Organic Gemini Tigernut Horchata Coffee
So after the spoiled disaster that was the last time I tried this beverage (you can read it below), Organic Gemini was nice enough to send me another bottle. I am happy to say that this one no longer tastes like dumpster juice smells. I have to say, it's not quite what I expected though.

When I was a kid I loved the way coffee grounds smelled. I would always open the can and take a big whiff. At some point, for no explainable reason, I started to eat the smallest pinch of coffee grounds when I would smell it. I chalk it up to the strangeness of youth. It was by no means enjoyable, yet I continued. The coffee flavor in here tastes like those coffee grounds, if they had actually brought me some pleasure. That sounds like a put down, but I'm actually okay with it. It just tastes more like grounds than actual brewed coffee. I let my ladyfriend try it, who is a coffee addict (mostly fancy brews) and she thought this was terrible. She said she couldn't tell if it was the coffee, the horchata or the dates, but after one sip she couldn't stomach another. I personally think she's just being picky. This by no means tastes like any of her fancy coffee, but it's not atrocious. It kind of reminds me of the Folgers my mom used to drink, you know with more of a grounds flavor. The dates do add a weird semi sweetness that I don't think it necessary, but I'm okay with this Spanish horchata latte.

Here is the spoiled review:
After drinking, and reviewing, the other organic Gemini flavors we knew what we were getting into. This Spanish horchata is more like a milk substitute than anything else. Knowing that I fully expected this to taste like a normal latte with tigernut as the milk. I cracked open the bottle took a big sip, and…€¦Choose either option A or B.
was shocked to notice that it had a little bit of a fruit flavor to it. That would be due to the fact that it contains Medjool dates, weird right? They aren't overly strong though. It basically just tastes like a shot of coffee in a glass of milk, but the lack of sugar made it stand out from a lot of prepackaged coffee drinks.

pretty much spit it everywhere. This was not what I expected. It tastes like the dumpsters in the back of the grocery store I used to work at smelled on a hot summer day when someone would throw the expired milk in it. That's right IL said it tastes like dumpster juice. It also has a weird fruity taste to it from the Medjool dates. To be honest it also smelled like gross, gross feet. I must have not breathed in when I took that sip, or I doubt it would have crossed my lips. There is hardly any coffee taste to this at all, it just tastes wrong.

Every part of me wants to give the company the benefit of the doubt and say that this bottle has gone bad. The thing is that when it was shipped to us, it was in ice packs, and I instantly put it in the fridge. It also has about a week before the expiration date. I hope something went wrong in transit, because the other flavors were actually decent. Option A is based on other people's reviews of the product and since everyone else seemed to really enjoy it, I'm going to pretend that was how my drinking experience went.
Coffee and Other/Weird
Organic GeminiWebsite@Organic_Gemini
United States
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Jason Draper on 8/28/14, 3:40 PM
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Yogi Ginger

Yogi Ginger
Oh my stomach. I can tell that I have not been eating well when it constantly feels like I have a brick in my stomach. I assume, and am probably wrong, that this is what the second trimester of pregnancy feels like. Just like a thing is in your stomach and you feel like you're going to take an award winning poop and all will be fine.

In order to sooth my stomach and my head, a generous coworker brought me a bag of this tea which I made immediately. I sat down and didn't expect what would happen next. Wait...let me try to make that a little more BuzzFeed.

I drank the tea for the first time. What happened next you won't believe.

Better. So I drank it and there it was. Just as promised. Ginger. Spicy, dirty ginger. I enjoyed this entire cup of tea because it was like I let a bottle of ginger beer go flat in the sun and then decided that I didn't want to waste money so I was going to drink it anyhow. It wasn't sweet but there was a bite with every sip regardless of how much I drank.

BuzzFeed, if you want to link to this review, I already wrote your headline and I don't think anything is spelled wrong so you don't need to edit it. I guess I'll just expect my check in the mail then, right? Thanks, guys.
Hot Tea
United States
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Mike Literman on 8/28/14, 12:07 PM
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True Brew #True Power Smash Berry

True Brew #True Power Smash Berry
Crossovers are always fun. You know when characters from one work of fiction are featured in another work. Okay, maybe the upcoming Simpsons …β‚¬β€œ Family Guy crossover is unnecessary, but I bet you'll laugh at least a handful of times when you watch it. These switcheroo's happen in television, comic books, “normal” books and even video games. A create meshing of characters (that might technical not be a crossover) is Super Smash Bros. It takes a variety of characters from the Nintendo universe and combines them into one fighting game. I mean who hasn't wanted to watch Link mop the screen with a turd like Kirby? The thing is that beating the hell out of videogame characters can be exhausting, and dehydrating. Those characters on screen can simply be reset and they are back to full health. You as a real human, don't have that luxury, actual fluids need to be consumed. Instead of reaching for a soda or an energy drink, why not go a healthy route and down some juice. I mean with a name like Smash Berry you can even pretend that this True Brew juice was made specifically to accompany the game.

Smash Bros has an eclectic cast of characters and Smash Berry has an eclectic grouping of fruits. The label says that their countries of origin are United States, Canada, Brazil, Turkey, China and Poland. That is a whole world of fruits and you can try to determine which of the following are from those countries: apple, acerola, pomegranate, elderberries, blueberries, cranberries, acai, and grapes. Most berry combinations go heavy on the strawberries and raspberries, those two fools are nowhere to be seen here and as a result you can taste the antioxidants. It has a darker taste, but it's not harsh.

As an added bonus for your gaming needs this juice is enriched with vitamin B, which is good for energy and stamina. You can stay up all night bashing the hell out of your favorite characters and be drinking a beverage that your parents can't complain about.
True BrewWebsite
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Jason Draper on 8/26/14, 2:01 PM
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Matcha Love Green Tea Unsweetened

Matcha Love Green Tea Unsweetened
Imagine going out into the fields and picking tea leaves, when they are at just their right point in growth to be considered prime green tea. Then you dry the leaves out in the sun for a decent time, so that they are perfect for brewing. Gather up your ancient pot that was created for and has help nothing other than green tea. You steep the tea at the optimal temperature for the precise amount of time, before you chill it. It is at this point that you have a perfect cup of iced green tea. Now you can go through all of this trouble, or you could buy a can of Matcha Love and the results are essentially the same, well at least to my unrefined taste buds.

This is what green tea boils down to if you ask me. If I am offered green tea, this is what I hope I am served. Sure it's made with matcha powder as well as brewed tea, but if the result is the same I have no qualms with that. I believe it's a healthier way to get your green tea anyways. I see no downside to using matcha. Sure it comes in a tony can, but it's got a big flavor that you're not going to beat. It's made by Ito En, when have they put out a tea beverage that wasn't great?
Iced Tea
Matcha LoveWebsite@ITO_EN
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 8/25/14, 9:42 AM
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Pearl Royal Coconut Water

Pearl Royal Coconut Water
Coconut waters have become the new apple/orange juice; for the most part they don't vary too much from brand to brand. I mean when you're sole ingredient is water straight from a coconut there isn't going to be much variation is there? Sure the companies could add flavoring to them, but if you ask me that isn't necessary, when you have something that is great and completely refreshing, why much it up with additives?

Pearl Royal knows the game. So instead of altering their product itself they gave it interesting/fun packaging. Inside this packaging that is made to look like a coconut of some sort is an ordinary can of coconut water. Attached to that can is a little string that comes out of the top of the “coconut.” When you pull the string it opens the can. You then stick the attached straw through the hole and enjoy the nectar within. If only opening a real coconut was that easy. There are plenty of videos online of people attempting, and failing, to open the real thing. I've certainly been vexed in my attempts in the past as well.

Overall this is a nice branding technique for a beverage that is nothing new, but also very tasty. Here's your future.
Pearl RoyalWebsite
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Jason Draper on 8/22/14, 11:40 AM
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