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Izze Sparkling Lime

Izze Sparkling Lime
Alright Michael, you've been working here at Izze for a couple of weeks now. I still think you're kind of a dunce, but lucky for you this job doesn't require much brains. Today you'll be making the sparkling lime soda while I make the more delicate birch beer. Remember we don't add sweeteners to our beverages, so don't bother asking me where the sugar is like you have every other day this week. Wait…€¦STOP! What are you doing? Where did you even get those little squirt bottles of limejuice? Did you have those hidden all over your person? You are just strange. Yes this is a lime soda that you're making, but that doesn't mean it's straight up carbonated limejuice. You just used three of those little plastic lime's worth of juice to make one bottle of soda. Do you seriously think anyone could drink that entire bottle? Oh you do, do ya? Well go for it. That's right, now take that sourpuss face of yours and get back to your station. We mix together mostly apple and grape juice with a bit of lime to make this soda palatable. You still get a mostly lime flavor, but the sweetness from the other fruits fights the tartness of the limes in the bet possible way. It ends up being like an apple-lime juice. You don't really notice the grape. Oh you think people will like your way better? Well we have orders for about 500 cases of my recipe and you couldn't even drink two sips of yours, so somehow I think your wrong. Just go to the washout station and clean up everything that is in your field of vision. I don't want to see you again until the end of the day. I swear a trained pig would do a better job at this than you.
Juice, Soda Pop and Sparkling
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Jason Draper on 11/19/12, 10:50 PM
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Polar Seltzer Cinnamon

Polar Seltzer Cinnamon
You know why the holidays are great? Food and family. I don't care about gifts but I love to eat and talk about nothing. I don't care about sports so the whole "eat a million pounds of food and then sit down like a fat sack of crap and watch a gaggle of dudes throw the ol' pig skin around." Not a giant fan of sport. You know what I'm going to love about Thanksgiving this Thursday, though? All of the "thanks" I'm going to get from my family that I let try this drink. Oh, turned the tide, did I? Yeah. My family will be on their knees begging for another sip, a couple drops of this delicious, fantastic, quasi-seasonal drink. This is a secret gem amongst otherwise mediocre seltzers. This is a diamond in the rough.

How can I explain something so simple but yet so incredible? The "seltzerness" of this tricks you into thinking you are drinking a cinnamon pop. It's real cinnamon, though. It's like a less sweet version of that cinnamon sugar spice you have to basically only use on apples. It smells and tastes like real, not candy cinnamon. Do you have it? Do you get it? If you get it, get it. I mean it. Find it and get it. It's seasonal. Yes, this gets a perfect score but the candy cane one that I also saw probably won't get the same treatment. Sorry in advance. You are welcome in advance for this one, though.
Water and Sparkling
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Mike Literman on 11/19/12, 10:17 PM
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Italian Volcano 100% Organic Blood Orange Juice

Italian Volcano 100% Organic Blood Orange Juice
It is a little known fact that in Italy volcanoes reign supreme. Many know that such practices occur in places such as Indonesia, but for centuries the denizens of “The Boot” have kept their rituals a secret. I'm about to blow up their spot in a major way.

I'm going to go ahead and ruin everyone's fun right away; they don't perform human sacrifices. I mean they aren't savages. They aren't trying to over throw the world. They are just looking to help their crops, by appeasing to some old gods. You might find yourself asking why has it been kept such a tight-lipped secret for all this time. It's simple actually, with the Vatican basically in their back yard; you don't really want to upset the Holy See with what they would see as false worship. Basically if the church blacklists you, your tourist trade goes in the turlet.

Back to the important garbage: The main item that is sacrificed to the volcano gods is blood oranges. You know how gods are all into symbolism, well they like to pretend that the juice of the blood orange is actually human blood, like the old days. Gross. The Italians may not be savages, but the gods really wished they were. Some people just throw bushels of oranges into the fiery depths, but others believe that the gods prefer you to take the time with your sacrifice and juice it. I mean, what's more impressive: a tiny body, or a big jug of blood?

Dream Foods started pilfering from their sacrifices in order to sell the deliciousness to the public outside of the country. With a mixture of three different varieties of blood oranges with no sugar added, how can you go wrong? It tastes like a mix between a sweet orange and a grapefruit. It's glorious. Once you get a taste, you'll never want to go back to plain orange juice again. Don't let the name fool you though. This is not an Italian soda; it's not carbonated. It is straight up juice meant for a sacrifice. By drinking it you may be taking away from fields of rigatoni and penne, that would feed a nation, but hell, I think it's worth it.
Italian VolcanoWebsite
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Jason Draper on 11/19/12, 10:48 AM
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Nativa Organics Tropical Fruit Flavoured Drink

Nativa Organics Tropical Fruit  Flavoured Drink
On our great Canadian drink adventure about a month ago Mike and I came across theses sodas in a Shoppers Drug Mart. I called dibs as quickly as I could because it's a soda with pineapple and passion fruit in it. I'm pretty sure that if Mike would have tried to grab it for his own I would have drug him out to the parking lot and we would have had to put up our dukes. The idea of Mike and I in fisticuffs is absolutely absurd. I can't even envision it in my head without the visions of us putting our fists up like an olde timey movie and erupting in laughter. Luckily, it never came to that, as Mike knows my taste buds and gave it up happily.

You might ask yourself, if I was so excited to an extent that I would have been willing to pummel one of my dearest friends, why did it take me a month to drink it. The answer is simple. The night was the first night of a tour I was on and Mike and my ladyfriend brought the drinks I purchased back home for me. This bottle was lost in the shuffle and it just resurfaced. What a glorious day it was.

All of my expectations of this drink were not only met, but they were surpassed. It's sparkling water, fruit juice and nothing else. The folks at Nativa were smart enough not to gunk up the mix by adding sugar. It tastes like some one blended up some pineapple and passion fruit, squeezed in a spritz of mango and strained out all the bits. Then they poured the remains into some sparkling water. The fruit itself is sweet enough to overcome any potential seltzer flavor. It's the perfect fruity soda. I've never had one that was better.

It turns out that this is the beverage version of an M Night Shyamalon movie. It turns out the soda has been dead the whole time. Wait, that's not right. It turns out that this wasn't made by some specialty soda company. Nativa is actually the Shoppers Drug Marts' store brand. Now that is true magic.
Juice, Soda Pop and Sparkling
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Jason Draper on 11/13/12, 9:39 PM
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Black River Pink Guava

Black River Pink Guava
Deep in the heart of the rainforests of Canada the Black River flows. It is an anomaly of the country. Every fruit ever imaginable grows on the banks of this river. Who knew that tropical fruit could grow just north of Moosejaw, Saskatchewan? On the southern banks of the river is where the guava orchard exists. Unfortunately the ground isn't very suitable for this plant, so the fruit it bears is not as wonderful from that that grows in reality. The Canadians aren't ones to waste anything so they still decided to bottle the mediocre juice.

I wish that were the actual case, but the downfall of this juice is that it is more of a mixture of grape and apple juice than it is guava puree. The other juices take away from the exquisiteness that is guava. It's a shame for sure.
Black RiverWebsite
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Jason Draper on 11/12/12, 12:20 PM
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Wat-Ahh! Energy

Wat-Ahh! Energy
So I says to Dan I says, "Dan, remember how you were complaining about there not being enough oxygen in your water? Welp, here you go. Together we drink and together we are energized." I don't know why I went a little "80's Russian bad guy" there but I did.

It's water with more oxygen. No one asked for it but if you're going to further perfect and enhance water with no drawbacks, please, you are doing a good thing. Keep doing miniscule, minute changes/fixes to make the best beverage even better.
United States
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Mike Literman on 11/6/12, 9:20 AM
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Tropicana 100% Juice Grapefruit

Tropicana 100% Juice Grapefruit
Holy crap I feel like I am going to puke. This drink...jeez louise. Just vomit. Gaaah. I can sum this drink up in a lovely simile. Did you, like me grow up biting your fingernails? Did your parents buy you that stuff that you put on your fingernails that made them taste disgusting? This is what that tastes like. Absurdly bitter. Oh it smells inviting but one sip and you are on the fast track to Hurlburg. Please add sugar to this next time. I honestly can't see anyone liking this. I appreciate 100% Juice when it's a good fruit at 100%. Grapefruit juice at 100% sucks.
United States
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Mike Literman on 11/5/12, 11:15 AM
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Kiju Organic Mango Orange

Kiju Organic Mango Orange
Is it wrong of me to assume that when something is organic that it is just going to be solely what it is labeled as? I feel like ten years back that was the case, but not so much these days. I wanted there to be nothing in this bottle except for juices that came from mangos and oranges. Oh it would have been so delicious, perhaps a perfect drink. That is not what I received. While it still is better than 90% of the juices available to the world, there are other elements at work in this beverage that lessen its quality. Sure there are orange and mango juice in here, but right along side them, and in greater quantity according to the ingredient list, are their friends apple and grape. It's like orange and orange arranged this wonderful little get away together and then their two overbearing friends invited themselves along and rearranged the entire trip to suit their own needs. Jerks. What would have been the vacation of a lifetime ends up being more of an apple juice that is orange and mango flavored (grape got food poisoning and spent the weekend in bed). As I said I do really enjoy the drink a lot, and it's fairly unique tasting, but it's not what I was expecting, nor what I really wanted. Knowing what it is I think I would enjoy it a lot more in the future.
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 11/4/12, 6:02 PM
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Naked Power-C Machine

Naked Power-C Machine
Come on baby slip off that rind, take off those pesky seeds and let's get down to business. No baby, don't be embarrassed, there is no need for you to cover yourself up with sugar. You're sweet enough as it is. You know I didn't think you'd be down for this, but I'm glad you brought your friends along. This is going to be quite a party. To tell you the truth I've never been with so many fruits at once before. Baby, this is the best birthday present you could have ever given me. You've invited the strawberries, apples, peaches and mangos to the party. I love your juice baby doll. Orange juice is a classic and a standard and I don't mean to put you down by saying that, but you know I have you all the time. When you mingle with all your friends you still shine brightly, along with the guavas and the mangos. The other fruits are just background in this party, and you three are all I see. You're thick in all the right ways and I wish I could partake in you all day and night, but I'm only a single person baby, and I need a break every now and then.
Juice and Smoothie
United States
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Jason Draper on 11/2/12, 6:04 PM
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Naked Berry Veggie

Naked Berry Veggie
With the exception of grape soda are there any other purple colored drinks out there? I mean even grape juice is more of a dark red than purple. This on the other hand is very purple. It looks like it could be just juiced pickled beats (that would be gross). What is in the bottle you may ask? Well let me tell you, as Naked very thoughtfully puts a comprehensive list on their juices of what, and how many, items of produce their bottles contain. This has 6.5 strawberries, 15 sweet cherries, ¼ plum, 1/5 apple, 1 ½ purple carrots (ahh that's where the color comes from), 1/3 red beat (even more purple fun), 1/8 sweet potato, 91 kernels of sweet corn (so specific), 18 chick peas and a hint of lemon. That is a whole lot to be jammed into one little bottle. As a result this is nothing but healthy. Naked juice is a little on the costly side of things, but it's worth it when you take into account their superiority to their competitors Bolthouse and Odwalla.

While you can taste each individual item that has been juiced to make this beverage, it does have a wide variety of flavors. A combination of the strawberries and cherries is the first thing that you taste when you take a sip. From there it slips into a strange sweetened veggie medley. They all kind of just mix together into their own unique flavor. It's strange, but it's enjoyable. It has a pretty general juice aftertaste with nothing specific being the prominent flavor.

This isn't the kind of juice that you sip whilst hanging out with friends, but it is the kind of beverage that you would enjoy and benefit from drinking at breakfast. With all of the vitamins it contains it would be a nice way to kick start your day.
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Jason Draper on 10/27/12, 3:51 PM
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Nature's Nectar Spiced Cherry Cider

Nature's Nectar Spiced Cherry Cider
'tis the season for cider. Finally. Look, I like fall because I like hoodies but I love cider and forget about it until it's everywhere and I think "Hey! Cider season really snuck up on us." I enjoy most ciders and I don't know if I've had a bad one. Maybe it's because it's a tougher drink, potentially perishable, and not really indigenous to most areas. The Northeast where two-thirds of the Thirsty Dudes live is chocked full of apples. That being said, I don't know where this drink is actually made since I'm not looking at the bottle. It was from Aldi's and is their home brand if that helps narrow down the location.

With the addition of cherry, I was hooked. It had to be good. You are probably expecting me to dis it now, right? You know me. Always taking you one way and spinning you around the other way. Pulling an old Mike 180 on you. Well, I'm not always that predictable because this was actually pretty good. No added sugar, 100% juice, decent cider taste, not a medicinal cherry taste. That's a recipe for something truly special and delicious. It wasn't as spiced as I would have wanted but that's just me being a snob. It was still good and I have no legitimate complaints.

This was probably a steal at the store, seasonal, delicious, and a decent juice. In the end, you win any way you look at it. Aldi's...seriously...keep it up. You're doing wonderfully.
Nature's Nectar
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Mike Literman on 10/24/12, 11:15 PM
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Powell's Raspberry Pear Soda

Powell's Raspberry Pear Soda
Powell's is my favorite bookstore in the world. Sure, I haven't been to EVERY bookstore in the world, but it's my favorite of the ones I've been to. It is literally impossible for me to go there without walking out with a book (or 5). If you're ever in Portland, OR, do yourself a favor and go to their store downtown. It's huge (4 stories, and a full city block), and their used book selection is incredible (which are shelved right next to the corresponding new book on the shelf).

Last week when I was in the downtown store, I saw this bottle and my face lit up! This is a limited edition soda (made by local soda company Hot Lips Soda) made to commemorate Powell's 41st birthday. They picked the perfect flavor combination because this is incredible! I never thought raspberries and pears would go so well together, but they do. I used to dislike how little carbonation Hot Lips soda had, but I've come to love it. The lack of bubbles, and the fact that it's sweetened naturally by the fruit, really makes this taste great.

Books and soda, two of my all time favorite things together at last!
Juice and Soda Pop
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Derek Neuland on 10/22/12, 8:19 PM
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Columbia Gorge Amazing Ginger Apple Cider

Columbia Gorge Amazing Ginger Apple Cider
Fall is here and so is cider. I love apple cider! It's 1000 times better than normal/boring apple juice. If you disagree then I'm sorry, but we can't be friends. Cider in the Pacific Northwest (at least in Portland) isn't as common as it is in Western New York. This is sad, but don't worry I'm surviving.

Leave it to Columbia Gorge to come up with this beautiful bottle of deliciousness. What are even better are the ingredients: Apples, Ginger Juice. That's it! Two ingredients!! And it's organic on top of it.

The best part is that it tastes EXACTLY how I imagined it was going to. It's a really nice clean and crisp apple cider, with a great ginger burn in the after taste. It doesn't seem that strong at first, but once it hit my stomach, it was strong. Personally I would have love to have had more ginger in this so it was really intense, but I understand they are trying to please everyone and I'm sure most people don't have the ginger tolerance that me and the other Thirsty Dudes have. I hope more companies follow their lead and make cider with ginger in it.
Cider and Juice
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Derek Neuland on 10/18/12, 6:49 PM
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Granny Squibb's Unsweetened Lemon Mint

Granny Squibb's Unsweetened Lemon Mint
Charlie, why do you drink pop all the time? You know that the giant things of tea I make are communal, right? You didn't? Tea is like free. I know we're broke, but tea is my eternal gift to you. I don't even care if you finish it. I enjoy making it, I enjoy drinking it, I would enjoy if you enjoyed it instead of that grocery store cola you're always slamming. I put lemons in it, yes. I don't expect you to cut up lemons like I do if you make it but it's a nice little treat to have a lemon tea. Oh, you need more in there? Well let's spruce it up a little bit. What have we got in the cupboard here. Oh, awesome, mint leaves. I don't know when else I would use these. Let's put these in here, go get something to eat, come back and drink some tea.


You know what, Charlie? I don't care what anyone says about McNugget's. I love them and they've always been delicious. Let's get that glass of tea, right? It's pretty good. A little hint of mint and not at all toothpasty. The lemon just kind of adds to the flavor but it's all good. I'm going to have to do this with the mint more often. Thanks, Charlie, for your inspirational recipe additions. Now I know why I keep you around. What? It was a joke. I don't care that you hang around the house all day playing my Xbox, as long as you make rent and bills, you can do whatever you want. We're young. Now is the time to do this. Give me more of that tea. We've got video games to play!
Iced Tea
Granny Squibb'sWebsite@grannysquibb
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Mike Literman on 10/18/12, 2:35 PM
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Luevano's Apple Vanilla Juice

Luevano's Apple Vanilla Juice
Apple vanilla juice? Did I read that right? I had never heard of such a thing before I stumbled upon this in New Seasons. I'm trying to imagine what it might taste like but my mind is coming up blank so I'm just going to dive into the bottle.

It has a REALLY strong vanilla smell, just like someone was burning a new vanilla candle they bought from the mall. Not a cheap one from Sears, a "nicer" one from Yankee Candle or something. I don't know, I don't shop for candles. Upon first sip it does have a vanilla taste to it, but not as strong as the smell. It complements the apple juice really nice though. I'm into this. If this were what all apple juice tasted like, I would drink it all the time. It's a lot better than that Mott's crap.
United States
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Derek Neuland on 10/10/12, 10:38 PM
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Welch's 100% Orange Juice

Welch's 100% Orange Juice
A few years ago I stayed with a friend in Florida. Early in the morning he woke up, walked into the back yard and plucked some oranges from a tree. HE then juiced them so that my traveling companions and myself would have some fresh squeezed orange juice when we woke up. It was the freshest juice one could drink, and it was more than likely the best orange juice I have ever tasted.

Unfortunately this is as far as you can get from that juice and still legally call it orange juice. The label claims it's 100% orange juice (from concentrate), but it tastes like the wrong part of the orange. It's watered down and it tastes like the oranges weren't ripe yet when they were juiced.

Stick to what you know Welch's: all things grape.
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Jason Draper on 10/6/12, 3:06 PM
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Kuang Chuan Frozen Green Tea

Kuang Chuan Frozen Green Tea
Global warming is running rampant. You don't believe me? Well then perhaps you should look at the shifting weather patterns and talk to your local displaced penguin. As a result of it glaciers are melting left and right and scientists have headed north on a mission to find all sorts of things left in their soggy wake. Some of the greatest rewards discovered during “Operation: Encino Man” have been bottles of Kuang Chuan green tea. I mean the government is keeping the whole thing hush hush, but that is the only explanation I can think of as to why this would be called “frozen green tea.” It tastes just like a decent quality unsweetened green tea. There is nothing out of the ordinary about it, but you now what? It doesn't need anything new or different. This is a classic taste that is perfect the way it is. Drinking it right out of the fridge is like pulling it straight from the semi-solid melting ice of the glacier. It's cool, refreshing and just a bit bitter. Who could ask for anything else from a green tea?
Iced Tea
Kuang ChuanWebsite
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Jason Draper on 10/4/12, 9:42 AM
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Granny Squibb's Unsweetened Black Currant Tea

Granny Squibb's Unsweetened Black Currant Tea
Granny knows best and she thinks it's about darn time you stopped eating so much sugar. She knows you sneak out to the kitchen in the middle of the night and eat spoonfuls of sugar out of the jar. She can tell by the way you're getting paunchy, well that and the sugar you leave everywhere including encrusted onto the spoons you just put back in the drawer. Seriously, that's how you get ants. As of now she's put locks on the cupboards so you can't get to her sweet, sweet sugar, and she's going to start feeding you unsweetened iced tea. Sure at first you might think unsweetened tea is bitter and not for you who loves granulated sugar a mouthful at a time, but after a few classes you will warm up to it, and get used to your unsweetened life. Have we mentioned how you look paunchy and unhealthy?

Don't worry kiddo; she's not just going to put a glass of straight black tea with ice cubes in it in front of you. She knows you love your flavor, so she mixed in some black currant juice with the tea. It's a tart fruit mixed in with a bitter tea, but they do commingle nicely. Granny knew you would still complain a bit about it, so she also put in a squirt of lime juice to spice it up, and spice it up she did. At first sip the lime stands out more than anything, but as your palate gets used to it all of the flavors settle together into a nice sugar free family. Don't you want to get to know this family and lose your paunch? You don't? Well it's too bad because it's what granny wants you to do and she makes the rules! Also, it's a delicious drink. Seriously, just get used to unsweetened tea. You're body will thank you later.
Iced Tea
Granny Squibb'sWebsite@grannysquibb
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Jason Draper on 9/30/12, 7:31 PM
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Pokka Oolong Tea

Pokka Oolong Tea
I drink a lot of unsweetened tea. I mean A LOT of unsweetened tea. I brew it myself and let it chill in the fridge before I enjoy it. The thing is that all of the tea I have thus far brewed has been either black or green tea. It's been so long since I've drank an unsweetened iced oolong tea that I have forgotten exactly how delicious it can be. Oolong has a much earthier taste to it than black and green tea. It's not the kind of tea that you would drink when you needed instant refreshment, but it is the type you would sip slowly and mull over the flavor as you relax. I will definitely be getting some tea bags to brew some myself.
Iced Tea
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Jason Draper on 9/26/12, 1:31 PM
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Sonoma Sparkler Organic Apple

Sonoma Sparkler Organic Apple
I just got back from my second camping trip of the week. I'm exhausted, hungry and filthy. I decided to put stuff away before I took care of my previously mentioned issues. As I was unloading the food and drinks that I brought, but didn't consume, I dropped with bottle of sparkling apple juice on the floor. I was glad that it didn't shatter, but when I picked it up the cap had come loose and juice was spraying out. Drinking this so it wouldn't be wasted took top priority.

I found these beverages at a natural food store in Richmond, VA. They were on sale, so I purchased the whole line. I'm glad I did, because they are superior beverages to most. Sometimes I get a need for soda. I just need it or I feel like I'm going to explode. It's not the flavor, but the bubbles and they way they feel going down my throat. I'm pretty sure I've mentioned this before, but too bad you can read it again. Sure I could stay healthy and just drink seltzer water when I get this itch, but I just can't get down with the weird flavor it has, no matter how often I try. Sonoma Sparkler's may not be as good for you as seltzer water, but it's apple juice that has been carbonated. There are no sweeteners or anything like that added. As a bonus the flavor is great. It obviously tastes like the sparkling apple juice non-drinkers like myself down on new years eve, except it's way better because it's just juice with no sugar, and it's still ultra sweet. Nature, she knew what she was doing when she made fruit. She also knew what she was doing when she made animals hide from me. I spent a bunch of time in the woods and I didn't see a single bear, beaver, bobcat, porcupine or otter. I feel cheated.
Soda Pop, Sparkling and Juice
Sonoma SparklerWebsite@reedsgingerbrew
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Jason Draper on 9/25/12, 3:50 PM
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