No Sugar Added - 718 Reviews

Raaw Raspberry Lemongrass

Raaw Raspberry Lemongrass
If this is what the raw food movement is all about, I'm in. I'll stop cooking everything. I'll eat everything cold and uncooked and undercooked. Pizza? Nope. Not unless it's just a ball of cold dough with just a whole beefsteak tomato and just stalks of uncleaned oregano. That's my new pizza. My new taco is more of a taco bowl because I can't eat proper tortillas. My cereal is made with water and instead of marshmallows and chocolate is just corn or peas. My new strange, unconventional lifestyle is all worth it because I get to drink this drink.

This wonderful. It is a powerful blend of raspberries and lemongrass. That lemongrass, man. That is strong. That is a strong flavor that is wrapped in a secret, deceiving, grass looking disguise. You look at it and think, "Oh, that's grass. No big deal." Then you take a bite out of it and your hair looks like when you used to go to Spensers at the mall and touch that laser ball. The raspberry just cuts some of that powerful lemongrass and leaves you with something you think you've had before but haven't. Oh, raspberry lemonade? I've had it. You idiot. This is not wimpy lemonade. This is lemonade for adults. Adults who have scorched their mouths on pizza hundreds of times and now need something stronger to cut through the scars and your tired, grizzled old tongue.

I would love to see a wimp kid drink this and watch his face as the powerful flavor blasts his dumb taste buds out of his mouth and knocks those rubber bands from his braces across the room hitting his older sister in the cheek. She deserved it. Trust me. She's a brat.
United States
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Mike Literman on 7/27/12, 10:55 AM
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Welch's 100% Juice Apple

Welch's 100% Juice Apple
Mike is always complaining about reviewing apple juice. You see unless it's the one out of a thousand times that it's something out of the ordinary and exception, or complete garbage, all apple juices pretty much taste the same. I find that strange because there are so many different types of apples out there with such an array of flavors, that I can't imagine every company uses the same type. I would expect each company to have their slightly unique version of apple juice, yet the all taste the same. Perhaps the problem is that they all mix the various apple types and the result is the standard. I guess I'm okay with that. There are types of apples that I'm not really a fan of, but I can never remember which is which. This way I don't have to worry about buying a juice that tastes like the “bad apples.”

Welch's you've done nothing new, or spectacular, here, but that's fine. You've perpetuated the standard and I enjoyed it. I just don't understand why you ship in your apple juice concentrate from China, Chile and Argentina when your company is based out of the North East which is ripe with apple orchards.
United States
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Jason Draper on 7/27/12, 10:04 AM
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Izze Sparkling Pomegranate

Izze Sparkling Pomegranate
It's summer. According to Yo, Gabba Gabba, summer is when it's hot outside and the grass is long. The first part I couldn't agree with more but the latter? I hardly mow my lawn in the summer. Not because I'm lazy, which I tend to be, but it's because the sun is beating down on my poor lawn, turning it to veritable hay. Pomegranates are like summer gold, though. That's a bad analogy. Pomegranates are like winter hot dogs. Wait...that doesn't work either. Sometimes you want sometime but can't get until it's available and then you don't want it...I suppose I can just say that. It's not as much fun, but it's what's going to happen.

So here we have it, a bottled pomegranate. It's fizzy, unlike the original pomegranate, but it's got that bite you like which is cut by juice provided by apples, grapes, pineapples, and cranberries. All those fruits, regardless of quantity don't really detract from the flavor of the pomegranate, which is great.

No messy hands from extracting dozens of arils. No added sugar. No muss. No full. Pomegranates in the summer that aren't small or gross. Out-of-season fruit is nothing if it isn't terribly disappointing. This is your exception to the rule.
United States
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Mike Literman on 7/23/12, 4:04 PM
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Motts 100% Apple Juice

Motts 100% Apple Juice
This is basically the standard that all other apple juice is compared to. I'm sure it's not the original, but it might as well be. Motts reigned supreme in the 80's with their juice and applesauce, and it will always be the standard to me.
United States
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Jason Draper on 7/13/12, 1:47 AM
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Starbucks Frappuccino Mocha Cookie Crumble

Starbucks Frappuccino Mocha Cookie Crumble
It was a rough day for Taylor. Her car broke down in a small town. This town was renowned for it's shops and restaurants but Taylor thought otherwise. Taylor, a big city girl at heart found that there was nothing to do. None of the shops catered to her expensive tastes. Taylor was a Tiffany's girl. Taylor wore Chanel. Taylor wore Marc Jacobs. Taylor did not wear Hanes, regardless of how great the cotton was supposed to be. She was very hungry and decided to get something to eat and noticed that all of the restaurants served primarily fried food. Chicken, french fries, and grits; a food she had only heard about and never seen.

While walking through the small town, she felt unsafe. Passerby gave her awkward glances. She clutched her Michael Kors purse close to her as she walked the dusty streets. Her white dress had gotten filthy by the dirt that the cars were kicking up. Her feet, although wrapped in the finest Manolo's, had turned black with filth. Not to mention that she had sweat due to the heat and lack of shade and air conditioning. Men were seen dobbing their browns with handkerchiefs due to the heat.

Finally, a sight for sore eyes, Taylor spotted the best thing since she broke down in that one horse town; a Starbucks. She practically ran inside and kissed the barista on the lips. She ordered the most city thing she could think of, a mocha cookie crumble Frappuccino. She sat down in the air-conditioned location that was practically empty with her drink and let out a sigh as she took her first sip. This drink was decked out to the nines. Chocolate, mocha, chocolate chip crumbles, chocolate whipped cream all mixed together into a delightful treat. It was a treat. She loved every sip. It was sweet, chocolate, and coffee all in one mix. Her bad day appeared to disappear as she finished it.

Just as she took her last sip, the mechanic called and told her that her car was fixed and that it was a small issue that he had seen "city folk" come in with previously so it wasn't a major deal. She was very happy that everything worked out in the end. She was happy to leave the town and go back to the city but she won't soon forget the day that Starbucks almost saved her life.
United States
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Mike Literman on 7/11/12, 2:06 PM
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Silk Pure Almond Unsweetened

Silk Pure Almond Unsweetened
Jerry wasted much of his time trying to unlock the secret of the almond, mainly how to get “milk” from them. You see Jerry was absolutely disgusted by milk that came from animals. Rice milk tasted too much like rice for his liking. Soymilk was a good substitute for a while, but he soon learned that consuming a lot of it just wasn't healthy. It was at this point that almond milk entered his life. He loved the nuts, and he loved the milk. It just baffled him where the milk came from. The nuts were fairly dry themselves, but he did some experiments to compress moisture out of them and came up with failure. His next thought was that maybe the milk came from the almond plant, and not specifically from the nuts. He went to the local botanical gardens and checked out the trees. While he was able to get some liquid from them, it wasn't anything like what he bought at the grocer, and it wasn't anything that he would have liked to consume.

Disillusioned he finally gave in and looked it up on the internet. It was then that Jerry learned that almond milk was actually just ground up almonds in water. He felt like an idiot for not thinking of that, but it made sense. His favorite kind was the Silk unsweetened because it tasted the most like actually almonds, and really who needs extra sugar in their milk? Now that he knew how it was made, when he took a sip he could taste that it was exactly how it was made. It really just tasted like raw almonds in liquid form. It was wonderful.

That is the story of how almonds saved breakfast and how you can find out anything via the internet.
United States
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Jason Draper on 7/10/12, 4:07 PM
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Simply Orange With Mango

Simply Orange With Mango
I dare you…€¦I double dog dare you…€¦I triple dog dare you to find me a better orange juice that is not made fresh in front of you. This is just orange juice and mango puree mixed together and poured into a bottle. It's all juice, and it's not cheap juice either. It's nothing if not high quality. Orange juice is great, but mango juice is better, so what better way to improve your orange juice than to mix in some of that great mango juice? There really is no other way to improve it that I know of. Mango and orange blend together so well.

I noticed that you didn't take me up on my dare. You're a baby. That's right a weak little baby. Don't you know the rules? You can't back down from a triple dog dare. Now get out there and try to find me a better orange juice!
United States
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Jason Draper on 7/9/12, 6:09 PM
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Deep Fruit & Veggie Juice Blend Cucumber & Spinach

Deep Fruit & Veggie Juice Blend Cucumber & Spinach
Alright, we're all set. All of the presents are wrapped and waiting in the car. We can pick up the ice cream cake on the way. That's everything right? Okay let's get in the car and head over…€¦..oh no! We forgot to make the punch for Sally's birthday party! Her mother was very specific that I was too make the punch. She's going to be so pissed at me. Ugh, the party is going to be ruined…€¦unless...yes that's it! Every down stairs to the deli!

Okay how much fruit do we have laying around? Well that is a lot of variety of fruit (an apple, pineapple, half a lime, a little guava, some mango, orange, a banana, apricot and one passionfruit), but there is not enough of the fruit to make more than a quart of juice. It looks like we're going to have to spread it out with some veggies. Okay grab some cucumber, spinach, carrots, beetroot, green pepper and celery. No Jimmy! Oh man why did you throw in an onion and some sauerkraut! That is going to be completely disgusting! Whatever it's too late now we need to bring this punch to the party. Blend it up!

Wow that really is green isn't it? It looks almost nuclear. It's so bright green. I can't get over it. It also doesn't smell bad at all either. Hopefully the taste is half of what the smell is. That way I think we'll be okay. Wow! This is seriously good. Not like, this is passable good, but this is so good that I wish we had written the quantities down so that I could make it again. You don't really taste the veggies at all. It tastes like apple and orange juice missed together with a pinch of passionfruit and a bit of cucumber. Even though we didn't add any sugar it's very sweet and refreshing. The kids at this party are going to love this, especially because of the color. We are going to be the hit of the party. No one mention what is in it! Jimmy, especially don't mention your blunder!
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 7/6/12, 10:39 AM
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Ayala Herbal Water Ginger Lemon Peel

Ayala Herbal Water Ginger Lemon Peel
I've been gone for a long time and what happened when I was gone? Nothing. I mean, a week isn't that long of a time but it's long enough in my head for something like a political re-election, groundbreaking ceremony for a new pizza and taco place, or an entire new line of drinks to come out. Jay and I went to the grocery store yesterday and discovered that wasn't true. Neither of the other two were true either, so we are nil for three. Even though no new lines were out, Jay did a fantastic job of collecting older stuff that we hadn't done. That is your answer to the next couple weeks of drinks that have been on shelves for years. They need to get done and we'll take care of them.

While at the store, I came across this little number, offered it to Jay, forgot Jay doesn't like lemon, and claimed it for myself. I went home after a scorching day of bike riding and zoo-ing and treated myself to the soothing tastes of lemon and ginger. Do you want to know what I got? Just that: lemons and ginger. There was no bite to the ginger, but I think that with herbal water like this, you don't want it. It's just the flavor of ginger but you do get a bit of lemon, more than you might get with lemon water, too. If you like both, you've got a great drink with no calories and just flavor. I'm a big fan of the entire Ayala stuff and this doesn't fall short. It's less dramatic than the clove and cinnamon one, but this one is for a different audience.
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Mike Literman on 7/6/12, 10:01 AM
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Bolthouse Farms Protein Plus Mango

Bolthouse Farms Protein Plus Mango
Perry had decided to become a vegetarian a few months ago. He was still in high school, but he knew it was the right thing for him to do. He loved animals. He didn't want to eat them. Every time he thought about eating meat Gorilla Biscuits would pop into his head;
”Cats and dogs have all the luck.”

At first it was hard. His parents didn't think he was serious, so they wouldn't buy him special food. As a result he ended up eating a lot of the vegetable side dishes his mom made for dinners and a whole mess of peanut butter sandwiches. After a month, they saw that he was serious and started buying him veggie burgers and the like. His mother was also concerned that he wasn't going to get all of the vitamins and minerals that he needed out of his diet. She always went on and on about how he wasn't getting enough protein. She would buy him protein energy bars all the time. When Bolthouse came out with their Protein Plus line she took it as a sign and bought some for Perry. It's every mother's dream to have her kids drinking juice with no sugar added and with a whole mess of protein in it.

At first Perry was put off by it. The whey protein in the drink gave it an almost chalky consistency. It was unlike anything he had ever drunk before. It also kind of tasted like someone dumped a carton of heavy cream into some mango puree. It was like a chalky mango creamsicle. After he drank about half of the bottle Perry became acclimated to it. The fruit flavor started to shine through more and the dairy aspect of it faded into the background. It got to the point where he down right enjoyed the drink. When he was finished he was a bit upset and he couldn't wait until the next time his mom would go shopping. Even though he had learned online that the foods he was eating were giving him more than enough protein, he wasn't about to tell him mom that she was a big dummy. If she wanted to buy him fancy “candy bars” and juices who was he to complain?
Juice and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Bolthouse FarmsWebsite@BolthouseFarms
United States
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Jason Draper on 6/28/12, 10:54 PM
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Dr. Brandt Anti-oxidant Water Booster Pomegranate

Dr. Brandt Anti-oxidant Water Booster Pomegranate
Hey moneybags! Yeah you. I see you there with your off-red J. Crew shorts with alligators on them, dock shoes nowhere near a body of water, Wayfarer sunglasses, and polo shirt. Come on, you're a dead giveaway looking like this. You are your own personal Harajuku you doofus. Come here, I've got something for you. Look, you've got the cash. I know you do. Oh, you don't? Nice Rolex Submariner. I'm sorry, were you saying something? I didn't think so. As I said, I've got something for you. You look like you're in decent shape and judging by your attire, and yes, I am judging a book by its cover, you row crew. That's cool. You've got deceivingly calloused hands even though you've probably never worked a day in your life. What are you even studying here at this college? Oh, general studies? Awesome. Enjoy your inherited millions. I'm sorry. I've got a 400 level economics test at three that I'm a bit stressed about.

What was I talking about? Oh, right, your money. I've got this for you. It's quite expensive but the likes of regular people like me can't afford it and I could use a little bit of cash, so if you could buy it from me...what is it? It's an antioxidant booster that you put in your water. One dropper for every cup of water but I've put it in tea, too. It's pomegranate flavored, unsweetened, and pretty great. It's got that really bitter pomegranate flavor mixed with the contrasting sweetness everyone loves about pomegranates. Ying and yang, that fruit. You drop it the water, stir it up, and drink it up. I like it but could use some cash for food and stupidly bought two of these and saw you sticking out like a sore thumb and thought that you might enjoy clean skin and lustrous hair. You do? Of course you do. I'll sell it to you for $30, which is like $10 less than I paid for it but I could easily get a Crave Case and feed my three roommates and myself for a couple days. You don't know what a Crave Case is? Man, what's it like to have all that money?
Dr. BrandtWebsite@drfredricbrandt
United States
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Mike Literman on 6/25/12, 8:51 AM
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Third St. Organic Iced Tea Mint Green Tea

Third St. Organic Iced Tea Mint Green Tea
Hazel, your breath is terrible. I'm sorry. My darling, I love you. I really do. We've been together for a solid two months and I have to be honest; it's often hard to talk to you. I'm sorry. I am. I want to be the man you want and I hope that man is if one thing, honest. I am an honest man, my sweet. For that reason I have to tell you the truth. The truth is that I love you and your breath smells.

I don't want you to change because I love you for who you are and that includes your stank breath so I've brought you something. Do you know how you like unsweetened tea? I've bought you unsweetened tea. Not just any unsweetened tea but mint unsweetened tea. That should help combat that pesky halitosis. It's not too minty, either so you don't have to worry about drinking mouthwash. Another wonderful thing is that it's a concentrate so you've got so many glasses of this stuff coming your way. It's got a decent green tea taste with just a hint of mint to fight your paint peeling breath.

You understand? I'm so happy, my darling. I only want the best for us and I've been thinking about this for quite some time. You are a wonderful person and I wish us the best of luck in the future. I've made you a gallon of tea and I recommend you start drinking it now.
Mix/Concentrate and Iced Tea
Third St.Website@thirdstreetchai
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Mike Literman on 6/15/12, 10:46 PM
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Apple & Eve 100% Juice Strawberry Mango Passion

Apple & Eve 100% Juice Strawberry Mango Passion
Legend has it that Adam and Eve were kicked out of the garden for tasting the fruit from the tree of knowledge under pressure from the great snake. The fruit they ate is commonly portrayed as an apple, but that isn't accurate at all. In fact the fruit they ate does not exist in this world. What they ate was basically a strawberry, a mango and passionfruit all rolled into one. While we're clarifying things here, they didn't need Satan pushing them to try the fruit. I mean if you were there wouldn't the allure of such a fruit be enough for you to risk getting kicked out of paradise? I'm actually surprised they lasted as long as they did. No, it wasn't the snake's fault, they just tried to lay the blame on him to get out of trouble and pull a fast one on the man upstairs.

Since the banishment scientists have been working on recreating the holy fruit, with no luck. They just couldn't get it to graft together properly. There are rumors that sometime around the 14th century someone created a blueberry, mango passionfruit, but really that's not the same at all. Even modern day scientists are stumped on the genetic makeup of such a fruit. Then in 2006 a tiny juice company thought of the thing that no man of science had been smart enough to comprehend: why not just mix the juices of the three fruits? You may not get the texture, but it sure as hell tastes the same. They took about 4 hours of experimenting with the amounts of each fruit before they thought had it perfect, and perfect it was. All three fruits are distinguishable in the juice, yet when you think about it they also all combine together into some sort of new superfruit, the kind of fruit that you would risk paradise for. In an homage they named their company Apple & Eve and scientists have scorned them ever since.
Apple & EveWebsite@AppleandEve
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Jason Draper on 6/13/12, 11:32 AM
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Chia\Vie Smoothie Acerola Pina

Chia\Vie Smoothie Acerola Pina
I liked this drink a lot but man was it punishing. "Mike. Why would you drink something that punishes you, you dumb idiot?" I will tell you, friend. This tastes pretty good. I don't know what an Acerola is. I sure as sugar know what a pineapple is so one cancels out the other. I can tell you that this tastes like cherry pineapple smoothie with sand in it. Yes, I said sand. Jay and I love the Mamma Chia line of drinks and you would think that this is the same thing. Well, if you thought that, you would be wrong. Chia\Vie thought that it would be a good idea to grind up their Chia seeds. Why? I don't know. Is it to increase their effectiveness in your system? The eliminated the step of your body having to open up the seeds so now all it needs to do is absorb the goodness that is Chia seeds. That's my guess at least.

Back to the punishing part, though; It's good but sometimes the chia granules get stuck in my throat and I feel like I'm in the wild west, a place and time I have never actually been, and I got caught up in an ol' fashioned dust storm and didn't close my mouth soon enough and that pesky dirt got caught in my windpipe. It goes down and the flavor more than makes up for the humorous laughter that precedes almost every sip.

Mamma Chia is much smoother and calmer but I think that the flavor is stronger and this is more of a "juice with stuff in it" than a smoothie. Since I didn't write the book on what's what, I can't argue. This is good and I like it.
United States
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Mike Literman on 6/7/12, 5:08 PM
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Alo Coco Exposed Passion Fruit + Pineapple

Alo Coco Exposed Passion Fruit + Pineapple
So far we have not had good luck with the Coco Exposed line. I have to blame the coconut for our disinterest. Alo makes incredible aloe drinks, and this line is basically those same drinks with coconut water added to them. The only difference I can see is that dumb coconut water. I've come around to coconut water for the most part. I don't mind the chalkiness and it can be extremely refreshing. There is something different with the coconut water in here though. In another review Mike described it as tasting like the powder left over in the bottom of the box when you run out of Cheerios. I don't think he's wrong about that. It has that same wheaty/grainy aftertaste. It's strange as the other coconut waters I've drunk did not have that flavor. In reality it could be because this drink has no sugar added to it.

I was hoping this flavor would be better than the others because it's passion fruit and pineapple flavored; two of my favorites. Unfortunately the non-coconut flavor in here just tastes like a vaguely fruity aloe drink. Neither the passion fruit nor the pineapple stands out in any way. It's a shame, but at least I was able to get through this whole bottle without being completely disgusted. That's further than we got with the other flavors.
Chunky, Aloe Vera and Coconut
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Jason Draper on 6/5/12, 4:10 PM
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Sodastream MyWater Raspberry

Sodastream MyWater Raspberry
If I think that people would appreciate one thing more about drinks is innovation and interaction. I love cool bottles and stuff like Ramune where it's a process to open it and it's something I really enjoy: clever packaging, ingredients, and so on and so forth. Sodastream is awesome. I got it for my birthday and I've been making stuff all weekend. This was the first go at it. You fill it with water, load it into the machine and press a button until you hear a terribly frightening series of clicks. It's basically the system quite literally blowing off steam and it tells you that it's coming and that's when to stop but man...every time it gets me.

I had just got done with some light gardening and yard work and didn't really want any pop so I decided that my maiden voyage into the DIY carbonated drink territory would be the MyFlavor line. I chose raspberry because...well...why not? It was good. It was a seltzer or soda water like you would get at a restaurant with light raspberry flavor. It was actually very refreshing and I drank the entire liter myself before the end of the night. That says a lot.

I look forward to using this in the future and I've got plenty of these MyWater flavors left to get me through the summer. A great summer treat and something fun to do. Rats off to you, SodaStream.
Water and Sparkling
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Mike Literman on 5/29/12, 12:03 PM
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Izze Sparkling Apple

Izze Sparkling Apple
Okay, this is an all-natural drink, with no sugar added, yet it still kind of tastes like that fake candy green apple flavor. I don't get it, there is nothing in here that should give it that taste. It's a mixture of apple, white grape and acerola juices. Could it be that there is a variety of green apple that actually tastes this way that I'm just not aware of? I'm from an area where there are apple orchards all over and I've never tasted such a thing. The green apples that I've had are actually my favorite type of apple.


The more I drink of this, the less candy-like it actually tastes and the more I feel like I'm eating one of my tasty green apples. Now I'm done with the can and I could certainly enjoy another instantly. It's juice and sparkling water combined in a wonderful way without the need for sugar. Thanks Izze.
Juice, Soda Pop and Sparkling
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Jason Draper on 5/24/12, 5:20 PM
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Oregon Chai Chai Tea The Original

Oregon Chai Chai Tea The Original
I have had a wonderful time with Oregon Chai tea. It's my morning drink. Some people drink coffee and some people drink pop. The latter are a gaggle of crazies because who drinks pop in the morning. I can only imagine your teeth. Ugh. Sorry, but seriously? Pop in the morning? I feel like people that drink pop in the morning drink pop all day long. I couldn't imagine. My girlfriend's mom might not drink it in the morning, but I've never seen her drink water, only diet Pepsi. Her son works for Coke and I've never seen her drink anything other than diet Pepsi through a straw, which messes up pop even more.

Back to the point. I didn't need a jolt, but I expected a rush of flavor. There is anise in the ingredients and I could smell it through the pack and that excited me. A nice, bold licorice tea is just what I wanted. It's just what I want at all times. It's my life. Don't you forget it! Oregon Chai left me by wayside on this ride because it did not fully deliver. It smelled so strong but tasted like a light chai. There are spices in there, but they aren't brought out as much as the other ones I reviewed. It's the original, though, so you have to start somewhere. The ones that I liked were at an 11 when it came to flavor. This has a little bit of everything but is ratcheted down to about a five. It's still chai, but now that I've fallen in love with the other ones, this might be my last "The Original."
Hot Tea
Oregon ChaiWebsite@oregonchai
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Mike Literman on 5/24/12, 10:58 AM
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Wat-Ahh! Body

Wat-Ahh! Body
Like every other "flavor" of Wat-Aah this taste just like spring water. Nothing special nothing fancy. Some people say they can taste the difference in bottled water, but as long as it's ice cold it all tastes the same to me.

It's water. It tastes like water. I think they hit their mark.
United States
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Jason Draper on 5/21/12, 9:48 PM
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Sun-Rype Apple Green Tea Chai

Sun-Rype Apple Green Tea Chai
I do believe that mixing ingredients this way in the olden days would get a person branded a witch. In fact I'm not positive that the folks back at Sun-Rype haven't been dabbling with the black arts. All three ingredients (apple juice, green tea and chai) are all fairly normal on their own. A combination of green tea and chai is a little unorthodox, but it's nothing that someone would really think twice about. Apple and green tea is definitely on the stranger side of things. I don't believe I have ever had an apple flavored green tea. If I did I'm sure the company got it all wrong and instead of using normal apple juice they probably used green apple flavoring, which is the devil in it's own right. All of the above mixtures are acceptable, and I don't think I would think much of them if I saw them, but when you throw all three ingredients into one drink you're going to get my attention (and presumably the attention of some dark beings).

Things have changed as time has gone on. While this mixture probably would have gotten a person drowned or burned at the stake a couple hundred years ago, nowadays it's gets me to yell, “Holy Crap!” and makes me giddy. I am a staunch supporter of all of these beverages and together they do not disappoint. The apple juice and green tea blend together fairly seamlessly. It's a wonder that more companies don't use this combination. The chai is the game changer though. It makes this drink taste like nothing I have ever had before. It adds a slight vanilla spice flavor of the likes that juice has never seen before. It forms a new hybrid creature that would be unstoppable if only the dark lord would make it a sentient being. Luckily for the world it remains just a delicious juice-tea combo that will knock your socks off.
Iced Tea and Juice
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Jason Draper on 5/13/12, 11:33 AM
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