No Sugar Added - 718 Reviews

Sunkist Naturals Berry Cherry Bountiful

Sunkist Naturals Berry Cherry Bountiful
Some day, and I'm not proud of this, I look back at the last couple days and think to myself, "Holy crap, you idiot. You haven't had fruit in like three days." I'm downright ashamed of myself at times like this. The reflective times. I don't mean to, it's just that I hate bananas and don't like oranges and that's what my girlfriend keeps in the house. Now I know you're saying, "Mike, you can get fruit anywhere. Just buy it." and to that, I will respond with, "I know. Sometimes I just don't." which leads me to realizations like this where I don't eat as much fruit as even myself would like.

Remember when I was on that cruise and all I ate was fruit? What a happy life that was. Now, in my regular life, I eat hamburgers and tacos and ice cream. What a garbage diet. Now I came across this little guy and may be able to turn that all around. Cherries: like 'em. Raspberries: like 'em. Strawberries: Like 'em. Another secret gem to those who buy this is that there are blackberries. Another secret, which should be obvious, is that this is pretty good. You can taste all the fruits, which is great. There isn't any "grit" in there but it's still thicker than a juice, which is to be expected with anything that dares call itself a "smoothie." If you call yourself anything you'd better live up to it. Otherwise you're no better than ol' fruitless Mike.
United States
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Mike Literman on 9/20/12, 3:34 PM
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Apple & Eve Fruitables Tropical Orange

Apple & Eve Fruitables Tropical Orange
From personal experience I can say that most kids like fruit. Fruit is fun and it's sweet most of the time. I can also say that most kids do not like vegetables. Vegetables aren't as fun. They are the things that your mom makes you eat. I mean they are green a lot of the time, what fun is green? The sad truth is that vegetables are generally better for you than fruit. See, you're mom's not really being a jerk; she just wants you to be healthy.

Apple & Eve decided to help take the strain off of parents and make a juice that mixes the awesomeness of fruit with the health of vegetables. Each bottle of their Fruitables line contains two combined servings of fruits and vegetables. I do advise parents to pour this in a glass for their kids. If they do I doubt they would ever catch on that they were drinking vegetables. The carrots on the label may be a turn off for some kids though aka my sister who even at the age of 30 refuses to eat them for no good reason.

This is a sweet drink, even though there is no sugar added. That's the pesky sugar that comes naturally in fruit. It does have that slight vegetable flavor that all fruit and vegetable juice mixtures have. It does not bad taste at all, but it's noticeable so it's notable. It's called Tropical Orange, but it mostly tastes like a light tropical fruit punch with some vegetable undertones.

Good job team. Kids will get their vegetable servings, and they will think it's a treat. You've created every parents dream.
Apple & EveWebsite@AppleandEve
United States
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Jason Draper on 9/19/12, 5:20 PM
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Love the Taste Multigrain Decomposition Tea

Love the Taste Multigrain Decomposition Tea
This happens all too much. I go somewhere, read the ingredients, get stoked, drink it, and feel instant sorrow. This is a good tea, but don't lie to me. What is the lie? One word that is a secret key to my heart: capsicum. When I read that work, my eyes light up like when you say "boney" or "walk" to a dog and their ears shoot up like tiny, furry radars. Why are they liars? There is no burn in this tea at all. Once again, that's fine, but why add the ingredient if you aren't going to use it to its full potential. Burn my mouth off or at least sting me a little bit.

This tea tastes like a bitter jasmine tea. It's very fragrant and nicely bitter. I like it and would drink it again and again. Also, I would get to drink the whole thing because no one wants to drink anything titled "decomposition tea."
Iced Tea
Love the TasteWebsite
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Mike Literman on 9/18/12, 11:16 AM
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Polar Seltzer Black Cherry

Polar Seltzer Black Cherry
I don't know what's happened. I used to hate seltzer water. My mom would drink it all of the day and I would take the occasional sip and just make a face. It was just so bitter and terrible. I don't know if things have changed in the wide world of seltzer or what but all of a sudden, I get these hankerings, brother. I see it on the shelf and I think, "Yeah, dude, black cherry seltzer sounds like something I would like." and then I buy it and think, "I used to hate this stuff."

So here we are. Black cherry seltzer. I've got to say, it's pretty good. Zero calorie, sparkling, and pretty flavorful. It tastes like a diet black cherry drink but with no bad ingredients because there are no actual ingredients. Water and natural flavor. That's it. That's all. If you like flavor but don't like sugar of any kind, aren't or are on a diet, are male or female, and like black cherry, this is the drink for you. Basically, that complex conditional could be rewritten as "If you like black cherry, you will like this." I write conditionals all day every day so it was easy to write and then optimize. It's my life. It's what I do.
Sparkling and Water
United States
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Mike Literman on 9/12/12, 5:10 PM
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Hint Fizz Blackberry

Hint Fizz Blackberry
Here's a warning for the world. If I'm ever in your presence and you are eating blackberries, never offer me any. Within two minutes you will be looking at an empty container where a heaping pile of berries once stood. When it comes to this fruit I have zero self control once someone opens the floodgates. It's the same thing with chips and salsa, but no one is going to make a drink based on that flavor, so that knowledge has no place here.

I was skeptical to try this drink because of my distaste for seltzer water. My love for blackberries won over and the next thing I know I am pounding a container of the previously mentioned chips and salsa and sipping on a bottle of this sparkling goodness. Lucky for me, and the world, the blackberry flavor is fairly strong (for it being unsweetened) and the seltzer zing is at a minimum. This isn't sweet in the least, but it has flavor and that's all you can ask for in a drink like this. It's light, it's clear and it's slightly fruity. There's just a hint of fruit as the name would suggest. These folks are no liars.
Sparkling and Water
United States
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Jason Draper on 9/9/12, 12:12 PM
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Polar Seltzer Raspberry Lime

Polar Seltzer Raspberry Lime
Camping. Well, almost camping. Jay, myself, and I went almost camping. He slept in a tent and I slept in a rodent infested cabin. You know what? I would do it again. I always have fun there. We set up a zip line, made s'mores, hiked, stole corn from a cornfield, explored an abandoned barn, ate food, and shot at cans, bottles, and corn with a .22 rifle that was made to shoot cans, bottles, and corn.

We stopped at the store and got some food and drinks. I decided I was going to go "calorie free" and get this seltzer. I think that I made a pretty good decision. It was flavored just enough to cover up that rather terrible "soda water" taste that I actually don't like. It just tasted like carbonated raspberry water. I couldn't really get a lot of lime out of it but some might be able to.

If you don't like seltzer but have a knife pointed at you in seemingly the world's most violent grocery store, you can pick this and get out sans air hole. Seriously, if you are ever in a grocery store and someone has you at knifepoint making you pick out a seltzer, anyone will do. For around a dollar, you can be a good Samaritan and save your life and the need for a rather graphic cleanup on aisle twelve. You might also want to make a mental note to go to a different grocery store next time. That place you go to sounds rough.
Sparkling and Water
United States
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Mike Literman on 9/3/12, 10:22 PM
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Sonoma Sparkler Natural Peach

Sonoma Sparkler Natural Peach
Once again Mike and I are on the same wavelength. We both randomly drank and reviewed Sonoma Sparklers today. We know each otherÒ…β€šΒ¬…β€žΒ’s bodies. He said his raspberry was pretty tasty, and I can verify that the natural peach flavored one is out of this world. It tastes exactly like Looza peach nectar if it were carbonated (and not so thick). ItÒ…β€šΒ¬…β€žΒ’s out of control good. ItÒ…β€šΒ¬…β€žΒ’s like someone took the worldÒ…β€šΒ¬…β€žΒ’s most perfectly ripe peach and injected it with a syringe full of carbon dioxide. ItÒ…β€šΒ¬…β€žΒ’s apparently mostly apple juice with peach concentrate added, but I really only taste peach. There was no need to add sweeteners, so they didnÒ…β€šΒ¬…β€žΒ’t. When I say IÒ…β€šΒ¬…β€žΒ’m in love you best believe IÒ…β€šΒ¬…β€žΒ’m in love, and I am 100% in love with this sparkling juice.
Juice, Soda Pop and Sparkling
Sonoma SparklerWebsite@reedsgingerbrew
United States
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Jason Draper on 8/30/12, 11:37 PM
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Sonoma Sparkler Raspberry

Sonoma Sparkler Raspberry
Jimmy loved the Fourth of July. He loved both the holiday and the Soundgarden record. When he rode to his aunt and uncle's house every Fourth, he would see how long he would be able to listen to that song on loop before he couldn't take it anymore and turn it off. His record is nine.

When he got to his relative's house, his aunt said that she had some sparklers for him. Now Jimmy was nineteen and didn't get the same kick out of sparklers as he once did. He went to go get some pulled pork and corn when he saw his aunt coming out with a small box. She handed him the box and he asked her what it was. She told him that it was a box of sparklers. He looked inside and there were small bottles of a carbonated drink that was all fruit and no sugar. Jimmy was pretty psyched because it was either this or off-brand colas.

He sat down to talk to his grandpa about what each other have been up to and cracked open the raspberry Sparkler. He was pretty excited about how good it was. It tastes like carbonated apple juice with crushed up raspberries in it. He then went through all his relatives at the party and told everyone to drink some. They all liked it. He was more than happy to have this box of drinks to share with his entire extended family. He doesn't really have a lot to talk to a lot of them, even the ones that he sees outside of the annual reunion. Now that he had this drink, that wasn't going to be a problem for at least two years.
Soda Pop, Sparkling and Juice
Sonoma SparklerWebsite@reedsgingerbrew
United States
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Mike Literman on 8/30/12, 4:39 PM
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Fave 100% Fruit & Vegetable Juice Strawberry Banana Kiwi

Fave 100% Fruit & Vegetable Juice Strawberry Banana Kiwi
Seeing as neither Mike nor I can stand bananas and Derek lives on the other side of the country, this has been sitting in my fridge for at least four months. It just stares at me every time I open the door, taunting me. You know just smirking because it knows that I have to drink it eventually and even though it is being consumed, it ultimately wins because I'm drinking something that I dislike so much. Today I took a deep sigh, opened up the fridge and grabbed the bottle, preparing for its victory.

You often see strawberry banana drinks and strawberry kiwi drinks, but it's rare for all three to be hanging out in the same bottle. I prayed to whatever deity I don't believe in that it would be heavier on the kiwi front. Santa Claus must have heard my mumblings because this drink doesn't taste like bananas at all. Seriously, I swished it around my mouth, just held it there, swallowed and concentrated really hard, but I cant' detect even the faintest taste of that wretched fruit. It's mainly kiwi, with a bit of strawberry in there and then it has that taste that all drinks have when fruits and vegetables are mixed together. It should be a gross taste, you know mixing cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes and beets in a juice, but I kind of dig it. On top of all of that there are no added sweeteners. Fave let the natural sugars in the fruits do the talking, and its as sweet as any juice needs to be with only 12g of sugar per serving.

Fave you have made a fairly tasty juice here, but you may want to change the name of the flavor. Actually maybe you don't. Maybe this tastes even better to me because I thought it was going to be all gross and banana ridden. This way I was so pumped that I drank two glasses. No I think it's the juice on it's own that made me do that.
United States
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Jason Draper on 8/27/12, 7:12 PM
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Relax & Sleep Lemon Drop

Relax & Sleep Lemon Drop
I've been having some awful tooth pain lately. I finally made an appointment to see the dentist, but last night was not fun. My mind was racing about how I can't afford to go to the dentist and fearing that the doctor is going to tell me I have to stop drinking soda. With my mind racing and my tooth pain, I was having a hard time falling asleep so I decided to give this relaxation shot a try.

I have been drinking a lot of lemonade lately so when I saw lemon flavor on the bottle, I assumed it was going to be tart. To my dismay, it was not. It wasn't bad, just surprising. My housemate claimed it smelled and tasted like Pine-sol but he couldn't be farther from the truth. It's a smooth lemon taste. It's actually a mellow taste, which is nice.

As we know with "functional" drinks such as this, the taste is only half of it. I was interested to see how well this worked because unlike a lot of relaxation drinks, this doesn't have melatonin in it. They went for the all-natural approach to relaxation, and it worked. Within an hour I was asleep and slept like a baby. On a night where I almost gave up on sleep, this was a miracle drink.
Relaxation and Shot
Relax & SleepWebsite@RelaxSleep
United States
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Derek Neuland on 8/22/12, 8:56 PM
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The Sparkling Alternative Sparkling Cherry

The Sparkling Alternative Sparkling Cherry
Are you tired of drinking the same old sparkling cherry drinks? Have they become old hat and boring to you? Well do we have something special for you! We're proud to introduce the sparkling alternative to sparkling cherry! It's fruity and sweet and....wait a minute...this isn't right...according to this drink/label the alternative to sparkling cherry is sparkling apple. All that is in this bottle is sparkling apple juice. According to the ingredients there isn't a drop of cherry juice or anything cherry related at all in here. That makes sense since this really just tastes like a high quality sparkling apple juice. There is no added sugar, like all juice drinks should be. It's really delicious, but the lack of a cherry flavor with a name like is has is off putting. I don't know if it's mislabeled or what, but WTF mate?
Juice, Soda Pop and Sparkling
The Sparkling AlternativeWebsite
United States
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Jason Draper on 8/20/12, 4:54 PM
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Columbia Gorge Vitasea

Columbia Gorge Vitasea
I am under the impression that all green "super food" drinks are delicious. Everyone I've ever tried is good and filling and full of lots of stuff that's good for you. I don't like to drink them on a regular basis because they are very thick. I'd say once a month or every other month I pass the juice cooler at Whole Foods or New Seasons and think "I really need a drink that is good for me for a change". I don't even want to know what all the soda I drink has done to my insides.

This particular green drink has lots of delicious green vegetables that read like the worlds most delicious seaweed salad. Mmmm, now I want sushi. Anyways, there's also a bunch of fruit purees in here that make it sweet so it's not just a liquid salad. Columbia Gorge (or as we call it in Portland, CoGo) succeeds in making another delicious drink.

Speaking of CoGo, it's a bummer for the rest of the USA that they don't have a large distribution. Here in Portland they are in every store right next to Odwalla and Naked (they are basically competitors with them if you will). You know what? Columbia Gorge makes WAAAAAY better drinks than the other two.
Columbia GorgeWebsite
United States
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Derek Neuland on 8/15/12, 5:45 PM
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Raaw Pineapple Cucumber

Raaw Pineapple Cucumber
Cucumber drinks are incredible. They are tasty and as I've said in the past, the most refreshing drinks I've ever had. The thing is that it's the innards of the cucumber that is the tasty part. Sure, if you're eating cucumber slices the skin isn't bad, but there isn't much of it to make an impact. I feel like this drink is more cucumber skin than meat. That's right I referred to the insides of a cucumber as meat, what are you going to do about it? Anyways, it has a dirty skin taste that I'm really not into very much. I tried to tell myself I was alright with it, but after about half the bottle I had to throw in the towel. The flavor of the cucumber skin was just so strong. I couldn't handle it. You would think that a flavor as strong as pineapple would overpower the cucumber skin, but it took the back seat on this drink. If you can see through the skin you can make out the pineapple.

This is definitely a strange drink. It tastes like every health food is described in early 90's television. I wanted to like this. Nah, I wanted to love this, but I just couldn't do it. Had they skinned the cucumbers I think this would have been one of my favorite drinks ever, but as it stands this is for the diehard healthy eaters out there.

Do I win an award for saying “skin” so many times?
United States
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Jason Draper on 8/12/12, 5:09 PM
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R.W. Knudsen Sparkling Organic Pear

R.W. Knudsen Sparkling Organic Pear
The McCulley family had taken thief life savings and used it to purchase a farm. They were sick of working for “The Man,” and since they were getting older they decided it was time to do something for themselves. The previous owners had planted a huge orchard a couple of years ago and this was to be the first year the trees were to yield a useable fruit. They had such plans for all of the apples they would be harvesting in the Fall. The amount of juice and cider they were going to produce would be mind blowing.

Finally the seasons began to change and the fruit started appearing on the trees. The problem was that these trees weren't apple trees like they had expected. They were pear trees. Mr. McCulley was furious, but there was nothing he could do. You see he had never asked the realtor or the previous owner what kind of trees they were. He had just assumed they were apple trees because that's what he had in is mind, and he thought that assumption was going to end up being his downfall. What was he to do with so many pears? No one wanted pear juice, and there was only so much pear jam you could push in the market.

He had accepted that he had ruined his family's financial well-being. He was standing out in the orchard fighting back the tears, trying to decide how to tell his family that they were ruined when his wife walked up. Very quietly she just said, “Pears, huh? Looks like we're going to be making a bunch of sparkling juice.” How could he be so blind? Adding carbonation to any juice instantly gave it a slightly different flavor that was appealing to a great deal of people.

Once the harvest was ready they made up their first batch of sparkling pear juice. All they did was juice all of the pears and add sparkling filtered water to it, and they were good to go. Mr. McCulley gave it a sip and was pleased. It certainly tasted like pears, but it wasn't very overpowering like pears can be. It was very sweet, even though he had added no sugar to it. He hesitated to say it, but after a few more sips, he was sure that it was actually really good, great even. His family was saved! He sold off his batch to the R.W. Knudsen company and used the profits to invest in the stock market. There was no way that could be a bad investment for his family.
Juice and Sparkling
R.W. KnudsenWebsite@RWKnudsen
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Jason Draper on 8/12/12, 11:01 AM
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Phenom Energy Acai Peach

Phenom Energy Acai Peach
Terrible. Awful. Putrid. Twice as awful. I sparingly like coconut water as it is but went wrong here. It smells good. I was hoping this would be awesome. It had to be. It smelled good. Then you take a sip and it all goes wrong. This was cold, the way that coconut water is supposed to be drunk. It tasted like if toothpaste was made from mashed up coconuts and people were crying it was so bad so someone at the company mixed a little fruit in it. It's heavy, heavy coconut and all the blast coolers in the world couldn't save this drink.

I wish I had my tongue scraper with me. This drink was unbearable.
Sports/Dietary Supplement and Coconut
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Mike Literman on 8/8/12, 2:11 PM
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Hotlips Pear Soda

Hotlips Pear Soda
Hotlips does it again. They have managed to make a delicious fruit soda that isn't sweetened with any sugar. I had to look at the ingredients three times just to be sure. And you know what? It tastes great. I'm not one to eat a pear normally, but this is delicious. It's really juicy and flavorful.

My only complaint (and this goes for all Hotlips sodas) is it's only lightly carbonated. I like my soda to be moderately fizzy, but you barely notice it here.
Chunky, Sparkling, Soda Pop and Juice
United States
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Derek Neuland on 8/5/12, 7:26 PM
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Yogi Egyptian Licorice

Yogi Egyptian Licorice
I will never forget the first time I had this tea. I was in a band and we were recording our first record. The studio was at the dude's house and he had a roommate. In between us recording parts, we would hang out around his house. His roommate had a tea in the fridge that he just made which was hot brewing a pot of tea and then pouring it over ice and throwing it into the fridge. He offered me a glass and since I have been one to turn down new drinks. I took one sip and I was in love. From that point on, which was 2005, I have had this in stock at my house. I don't like to not have it because I like to have it when I want it. I buy it myself so I don't consider it being spoiled.

How do describe this. First of all, it's a cleaner licorice than you would expect. If you are thinking this is like drinking a tea that had a handful of black licorice Twizzlers, you could not be more incorrect. It's a light licorice with a little bit of cinnamon and a secret cooling flavor that is awesome. This tea is great at any temperature. I made a hot cup of tea earlier, drank some, went to lunch, and then came back and drank cold tea. Just as good. Over ice? Just as good. Hot as the sun? Just as good. Also, you can make multiple cups with one bag. This tea cannot lose.

I don't drink coffee. I feel like I could make it in England because I drink a lot of tea. I would also drink a Brit's amount of tea if this were the tea that I had to drink. Can I do that? Dear "the public." Can you send me to England to see if I can keep up with the amount of tea the UK drinks while only drinking this Egyptian Licorice tea? I hope the answer is "yes." Love, Mike Literman.
Hot Tea
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Mike Literman on 8/2/12, 3:37 PM
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Welch's 100% Juice Grape

Welch's 100% Juice Grape
It's been awhile since I've had some grape juice. It falls under the same category as apple and orange juice in that they are around so much in stores (and occasionally the home) that you kind of forget about them and shrug them off. I'm sorry grape juice. I never should have let you fall out of my life, as you are delicious and in most instances you are way better than the juices I lump you in with. I think I mostly forgot about you, when pomegranate started showing up so much in things. To me in tastes like grape concentrate, and I guess subconsciously I was thinking that I was getting my fill of grapes. Now that I am sitting here, sipping on this juice, I know I was wrong. Grape juice, you blow pomegranate out of the water. You rely on flavor over intensity, the way things should be.

Welch's has done a great job here. It may not be over the top spectacular juice, but for a prepackaged version it's right on the money. It's strong and heavy, but it's not too intense like some juices can be. You don't get a little stomachache after drinking a glass. If you like purple grapes, then I think it's pretty safe to say that you will also really like this juice. After all it's just juice and vitamin C.
United States
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Jason Draper on 7/31/12, 5:19 PM
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R.W. Knudsen Hibiscus Cooler

R.W. Knudsen Hibiscus Cooler
What a pile of garbage. Jay is going to be so disappointed, poor little guy. Back on May 21st of this year, I found on the internets that R.W. made a hibiscus cooler. We love hibiscus. It is a miracle ingredient. It makes everything better somehow. I've bought cases of a hibiscus tea I like because it was so exceptional.

This...there isn't much to be said about it. It tastes like a cranberry juice watered down with apple juice. Hello? Hibiscus? Are you even in there? I get it just at the end, that little bit of spicy, flower, but when I say "spicy" do not expect anything. It could be the orange talking. There is also orange in there but it might only be the aftertaste. So disappointing.

Jay, I know you've got a bottle of this at your house. Please don't get too sad about it. I'll talk you out of your inevitable depression.
R.W. KnudsenWebsite@RWKnudsen
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Mike Literman on 7/30/12, 12:12 PM
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Sodastream MyWater Orange

Sodastream MyWater Orange
Sometimes water needs a little boost. I'll say it. I drink a lot of water. Probably not enough, but when I'm home, I drink glass after glass. Back to the original issue at hand, sometimes water needs a boost. Carbonation is one thing but, for some reason, it makes it taste different. To me, that specific "different" is not good. "Soda water" as it is affectionately known is gross to me and won't travel down my gullet.

Oddly enough, if you just add a little natural orange flavor and it's a different animal. It still feels good for you because there is no sugar, doesn't taste like there is sugar in there, and doesn't taste too strong that they're trying to surprise you with secret ingredients. It's just like a carbonated water with an essence of orange. That's it. You have to carbonate it yourself and add the ingredients. You are like Jesus except instead of wine you are making carbonated, orange flavored water. Less impressive since you didn't magically perform any sort of rapid fermentation process, but impressive nonetheless.
Sparkling and Water
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Mike Literman on 7/28/12, 9:23 PM
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