United States - 4098 Reviews

Country Time Half and Half

Country Time Half and Half
Mixing this and mixing that, powder and concentrates, frozen or thawed. Everything. Who needs fruit when you can get something in concentrate? Remember when people looked at the future and they said everything would be in pill form? I feel like no one cares about flavor in the future. It's just vitamins and minerals crammed into a pill that tastes like chalk. This mix doesn't taste like chalk. It tastes pretty good. I would eat a pill that tastes like this but that would be a dumb action because I can just drink it and get some actual enjoyment. I can spend time with the flavor.

Country Time is something that we grew up with. Tea, lemonade, and I think juice. Did they make juice? I don't remember. Lemonade mostly. This is a nice mix. It doesn't really taste like a mix, mixes well and doesn't leave any unmixed remnants, and doesn't taste diet while still retaining a low calorie count. It is sour like lemonade would be but doesn't have a strong bite. It tastes like lemonade but doesn't feel like lemonade. The tea is a pretty standard sweetened tea, not a sweet tea, which is fine. Unless you're making sweet tea, you can almost do whatever you want to tea. Those are my rules and guidelines about tea.

I've had about three glasses of it and like it. I certainly hope that someone helps me drink the pitcher that I made so I don't guiltily drink the whole thing but if they don't, I can stretch it out. You stretch it out with some friends. Make a mix. Make a pitcher of mix for you and friends.
Iced Tea, Lemonade and Mix/Concentrate
Country TimeWebsite@CountryTime
United States
Mike Literman on 5/23/14, 12:13 PM
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Function Please Sleep Bedtime Berry

Function Please Sleep Bedtime Berry
If I know anything it's that this is a leftover promotional relic from the HBO show Dream On. To be fair, I don't know anything about said show. Up until now I thought that Larry Sanders was on it, which is apparently not true. There it is though, right at the top of the bottle, “Dream On.” Actually, maybe someone in Aerosmith owns this company. They did have that one song that sounded like nothing else in their catalog that had the same nomenclature.

Whoever is responsible, rock star or film star, they have come up with a decent shot beverage that doesn't taste too terribly disgusting. I mean with all shots there is a level of concentrate that causes the flavor to be a little off, but this has a nice berry flavor to it that tastes a bit like candy, even though it's sweetened with stevia. Since you would generally just slug this thing back I doubt anyone would even realize the stevia was there. It's more berry than poison-shot in the taste department, and there's not much else one could ask for. Oh it also definitely knocked me right out 10-15 minutes after downing it. I guess that functionality is something I could have asked for, and received.
Diet, Relaxation and Shot
Function PleaseWebsite
United States
Jason Draper on 5/22/14, 4:14 PM
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Essentia Super Hydrating Water

Essentia Super Hydrating Water
Essentia sounds like the name of some sort of elixir from a fantasy realm. You defeat an enemy and pick up the satchel of Essentia that your vanquished foe has on his/her person. I guess that could be accurate. Water had to be like gold for those traveling across the lands in fantasy, and in the olden days. H2O is a heavy material, and there is only so much you can carry, or pack on your horse. Relying on finding lakes and streams had to be nerve wracking. Water is essential to life, and it is the true elixir in this world as well as any fantasy realm.

The modern Essentia is purified by reverse osmosis, infused with electrolytes, and restructured using Ionic Separation Technology in order to achieve a perfect 9.5pH that perfectly hydrates. I used to be one of the people who claimed that all bottled waters were the same, and why not just drink filtered tap water (you gotta avoid the junk that's in the tap if you can). That is before I was introduced to water with a higher pH. For those not in the know, normal bottled water is at 7, and this is at 9.5. The result is water that somehow tastes smoother and more pure. I don't really understand how this works, but the proof is in the pudding, or the aqua in this case.

I still don't buy bottled water, unless I'm out and I forgot my metal water bottle that I normally carry, but if I were I would definitely go for something like this. It blows the other generic garbage out of the water. Yes, pun intended.
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 5/21/14, 6:11 PM
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Sort This Out Elvira's Black Cherry Moon

Sort This Out Elvira's Black Cherry Moon
This should be addressed as it's staring me right in the face; Elvira looks fantastic on this bottle. She's her standard, sexy vampiress, but she's wearing this one-piece leotard slash bathing suit and looks like she should be in a White Snake video. Elvira, you look great, as always.

"Great" unfortunately does not describe this drink. Black cherry is unfortunately one of those drinks I have to just lump into the "forever mediocre" fruit pop category. Fruit pop is only as good as good and is never exceptional. This is no different. It's thick and kind of reminiscent of a cough syrup because of it. It doesn't taste medicinal but has the syrupiness of one.

Elvira, you keep up the good work. Whatever you're doing works. It works very well. This pop though, you can leave this in your dust.
Soda Pop
Sort This OutWebsite
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 5/21/14, 2:11 PM
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Royal Mills Iced Coffee

Royal Mills Iced Coffee
Basketball star Wayne Cruddish could not manage to get a sponsor. No one was knocking down his door trying to get him to endorse their products. No one wanted a custom Cruddish shoe. No one bought his jersey. No one was interested in a Cruddish cereal. It's not that he was a bad player. He was actually quite good. He scored a lot of baskets and his coach and teammates loved having him on the team. He wasn't bad looking and always gave to charity and shared his wealth with his community. Everyone liked him but no one wanted his face on anything for some reason. That was until he heard a knock at the door.

He walked to the door and a man with dark glasses said, "King Mills" would like to see you, sir." and Wayne obliged. Just then, a limo pulled up, a red carpet rolled out up to the front door and a short man barely if at all five feet tall hopped out of the car. He looked at Wayne, nodded his head to the man at the door and the man gave Wayne a document. Wayne asked what it was and the man said that the king had chosen him to endorse their iced coffee from Hawaii. Wayne said he had never heard of the drink and the man with the glasses went back to the car, got a can, and brought it to him to drink. Wayne took a nice, big drink and thought for a moment. Wayne told the king that he liked the drink and would be happy to endorse it. He liked that it was smooth, had a rich coffee taste and wasn't too sweet. He appreciated the fact that it was made with real sugar and that the coffee was Hawaiian. He said that he could tell there was a little diet in there but that sucrose was better than aspartame so he shook the king's little hand, signed the document and made the deal.

The man with the glasses went back to limo, opened the trunk, and got two cases of the iced coffee and handed them to Wayne along with a check for $87. He said that he will receive check like that every month as well as a case each month that he endorses the product. Wayne thanked him and closed the door. He was not an endorser of products that he always wanted.
Royal Mills
United States
Mike Literman on 5/20/14, 1:29 PM
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Bolthouse Farms Stone Fruit

Bolthouse Farms Stone Fruit
This is a stupendous idea that I can't believe hasn't been thought up before. With companies constantly reaching to find new pairings of flavors, this is a great way to group them together. I've never met a stone fruit that I haven't liked: peaches, plums, apricots, nectarines, and cherries. Heck, you can even through avocados into that mix, since they are technically a fruit (Bolthouse chose not to though). All of those are excellent fruits that I could eat all day long. Why not mix them all together?

This ended up being a good juice, but it didn't live up to the expectations that were swimming around in my brain fluids. The cause of this is the inclusion of other fruit juices. I understand that some fruits are more costly than others, and Bolthouse likes to keep their juice slightly lower priced than its competitors, so they use “filler fruit.” Pear, apple, and banana are used to round things out and make the drink a little sweeter while keeping it 100% juice. I would much rather this then adding sugar, or other ingredients to fill the juice out, but it does take away from the flavor a bit, making the whole thing a bit mellow.

I had expected the main flavor in the juice to be peach. It's a strongly flavored fruit, with a low price point. As it turns out the peach is there, but the apricot is carrying most of the flavor weight. One forgets how prominent apricots can be, the rest of the fruits kind of blend together. You can make them out if you concentrate, but it's mostly a general flavor. There is also some “finely ground chia” in here, but I don't think they effected the flavor at all, and you certainly can't feel them in the texture.

I enjoyed this, but I was hoping for something a bit more formidable with such heavy hitters of the fruit world.
Bolthouse FarmsWebsite@BolthouseFarms
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 5/19/14, 10:14 AM
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Rockstar Sparkling Cherry Citrus

Rockstar Sparkling Cherry Citrus
Welcome to the international belching competition. This year we have a lot of top notch competitors and we're hoping to break some records for decibels and for length of belches. Before reigning champion Michelle Dowanowa produces the ceremonial first burp we'd like to announce that our sponsor for this years games is Rockstar Energy. Each of our contestants will be given a can of the new “Sparkling” line of Rockstar in order to produce the largest ball of gas that they can muster from their mouth.

Now I know what you're thinking, “Aren't all Rockstar drinks carbonated, why do they need a Sparkling line?” Well that would have been true a few short years ago, but since then the company has delved into teas, sports drinks and various other styles of beverages that are bubble free.

Let me tell you the reign of still energy drinks will come to an end as soon as you crack one of these cans open. They are one of the most carbonated drinks that this announcer has encountered in a long, long time. I took one sip and I was a regular Barney Gumble. We are all in for an auditory treat once the contestants down their cans.

Life is not all burps and games, and we are contractually obligated to give you a bit for information about these energy drinks. First off this is the least diet tasting, sucralose sweetened drink I have ever tasted. You can tell that something is up with the flavor, and that they didn't use real sugar, but it doesn't taste like diet first, and cherry citrus second. Overall the flavor is very light. The ridiculous amount of carbonation distracts from the flavor a bit, but that is what some people want. I can certainly think of times in my life where this would be exactly what I need to satiate me. A nice light cherry limeade with a little orange thrown into the mix.

Now if you will all stand as our team of past champions will burp the national anthem's of all of the participants home countries.
Diet and Energy Drink
United States
Jason Draper on 5/18/14, 12:39 PM
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Coco Libre Pure Organic Coconut Water With Pineapple

Coco Libre Pure Organic Coconut Water With Pineapple
I just don't know what happened here. There are only two ingredients that make up this beverage and one of them is Coco Libre's original coconut water, which is delicious. The other is simply organic pineapple juice from concentrate. Now I just can't see how pineapple juice could be bad. I've drunk it in all its forms and consistencies and I have been a fan of each and every one of them. For some reason though, when they were combined something went awry.

Now the pina colada is a well known drink that people all over the place love. I myself have been known to be a fan. If it weren't for this knowledge that I possess I would assume that the problem with this drink was that pineapples and coconuts were simply not meant to mix. Science has proved that an inaccurate statement, so what went wrong?

The pineapple doesn't really taste like pineapple in here. It has a sweet, fruity flavor, but it's not quite pineapple. Also, the coconut has a weird oats and grains type aftertaste that I would assume has something to do with the shell. Overall it wasn't enjoyable, nor refreshing. It just tasted like something was starting to spoil in the drink, even though it was well in the expiration time frame. Something is afoot in the world of paradise drinks.
Coco LibreWebsite@CocoLibre
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 5/18/14, 12:10 PM
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Aloha Maid Natural Apple Iced Tea

Aloha Maid Natural Apple Iced Tea
Darling, you look parched. Allow me to fulfill my boyfriendly duties and get you something to drink.

Man, there is nothing to drink in here. It's like a college kids fridge in here. How many ketchups and mustards do you need? Cripes. This milk expired two weeks ago. I don't even now what there is in here besides new beer and old spaghetti and pizza. Alright, what do we have here. Oh, alright. Apple juice. Let me grab a cup here...all absolutely filthy. Now I've got to wash a cup. This is turning into quite a tall order. Oh...oh fantastic. There is enough for half a glass. I can't give her this. What else is in this kitchen. Oh! Iced tea mix. Awesome. I'll just mix half a glass of that in here and have a special little treat.

Here you go, honey. I did the best I could because you are the best I could ask for. What do you mean you don't like it? Let me try it. Yeah, it tastes just like this stuff I drank when I went on vacation with an old girlfriend to Hawaii called Aloha Apple Iced Tea. It's just apple juice and iced tea. You really don't like it? It's better than the PBR's you've got in the fridge. Jesus, Cathy. You're thirty four and your fridge looks like you're a poor undergrad. I had nothing to pick from and I didn't think that ten thirty while watching The View was a good time to crack a cold one. I was wrong? You know what, Cathy? I, too, don't think that this is working out. Give me that glass. I put too much work into this for you to not appreciate it. This drink is like a mirror for this relationship. Enjoy your toga parties, O.A.R. shows, and keg stands. Oh, and I don't think that it's attractive that you walk around all the time without shoes and socks. I think that it's disgusting and when you touch your dirty feet against me at bed I've never felt so dirty in my entire life.
Iced Tea
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 5/16/14, 10:34 PM
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Hydrive Energy Vitality Formula Mango Peach

Hydrive Energy Vitality Formula Mango Peach
Oh you can't drive “double nickels on the dime?” When you say that do you mean that you always drive slower than the 55 mph speed limit, or are you a speed demon, a lead foot?

This is just dumb. What am I even trying to talk about here? Minutemen and Sammy Hagar references? Complete nonsense.

Let's get down to the real business. Hydrive is a diet, uncarbonated energy drink. Some of their other flavors seem to also be hybrids of energy and sports drinks, but there is no mention of electrolytes anywhere on this label, so I'm going to assume this is straight energy. Even if it's not a sports/vitamin supplement beverage, it still tastes like some version of diet vitamin water.

If there was one thing I thought I knew in this world it was that anything diet that was also peach flavored was doomed for failure. Those two components don't interact very well, but in here I don't hate it. I certainly don't love it, because I don't think I could ever love anything that contained sucralose, but I made it through the entire bottle with no complaints. It definitely has that fake peach flavor, but the mango softens it up a bit, and it's not insanely fake sweet. You can tell the fake sugar is there, but it doesn't fully control the flavor, like it does in a lot of drinks.

If you're on a diet you could certainly do a lot worse than this.
Diet, Energy Drink and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Hydrive EnergyWebsite@HYDRIVE
United States
Jason Draper on 5/15/14, 5:26 PM
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Good Earth Black Tea Sweetly Twisted

Good Earth Black Tea Sweetly Twisted
"Twisted" might be an understatement. The contortionist that your tongue becomes while drinking this drink is enough to make a circus performer get queasy. It's one of the strangest hot teas I have ever drank and reminds me of when I drank chai for the first time. Is it spicy? Is it sweet? Who knows? Who cares, really since it's so good, sometimes. I like the no-milk chai way more than the milky chai. This is on a different plane all together.

I think the base of this is an herbal tea since it's a black, hibiscus tea. Then all hell breaks loose with ingredients like licorice, lemon, blackberry leaf, vanilla, and rosehip. There are more ingredients than that but it's just a constant jumping from one to another like the guy in Pitfall jumping from rope to rope trying his hardest to not make it into those pesky crocodile's mouths. So pesky. This tea is sweet which some people won't like but I didn't mind because I like Stevia and it's faint enough that it's not overpowering. It's far from a sweet tea and if anything is just being added as a flavor rather than a sweetener. Man, those crocodiles. Much pesky. So wow. Very rope swing.
Hot Tea
Good EarthWebsite@GoodEarthTea
United States
Mike Literman on 5/15/14, 3:17 PM
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Wendy's Blackberry Lemonade

Wendy's Blackberry Lemonade
I have been in Florida for the past five days and I have not done any reviews. I apologize but it wasn't for lack of trying. Where I was wasn't exactly "bodega friendly" and everywhere I went had stuff we already did. To my surprise, when I went to Wendy's to get a strawberry tea they had this little number. Sure, I wish this was a blackberry tea and not blackberry lemonade but I was hot and needed to cool down with something. This was a good choice but a choice I probably won't make again. Why? Well every sip was very sweet and that's just part of the lemonade. She is naturally a sweet beast and Wendy's "medium" is too large and that is a lot of sugar to ingest. The lemonade was nice, though and the blackberry was quite present in every sip. You could see some "stuff" at the bottom (sugar and lemon bits), which is always good when it comes to lemonade.

My thirst was quenched and my temperature dropped but blackberry tea it was not. I know it's not what I ordered but with every sip I wish that it existed. Wendy's if you're reading this, whatever you do to extract the blackberry to put in the lemonade, put it in the tea, too. Your strawberry tea is now a staple every time I go there. The blackberry would instantly and surely surpass that.
United States
Not Listed
Mike Literman on 5/14/14, 11:19 AM
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Made Half Green Tea & Half Lemonade

Made Half Green Tea & Half Lemonade
It's mid May and I think it's finally safe to say that winter is officially over. I know it should have been over for a long time, but it snowed here in late April. Something it wrong with Mother Nature. She needs to go see a doctor STAT because up is down, left is right, cats and dogs…€¦. You get the drift. It's finally sunny and warm (if not downright hot at times) and that means bust out your lemonades and teas because we need refreshment.

For the most part Made has treated us well in the past. They have provided us with some spectacular beverages as well as some average ones. Only once have they steered us wrong, and that just happened to be with another drink that was composed of lemons and green tea (also strawberry). The problem with that was that the lemon was too strong, and it had a weird plastic taste to it. From the taste I will safely say that this is that self same drink, before they added the strawberries to the mix. It just doesn't taste right.

Maybe this combination was doomed from the start. It is more than likely that green tea and lemonade just weren't meant to co-mingle. I wanted to like this, but I just can't. It doesn't sit right. Also, going back and reading my old review put dumb Robert Palmer songs in my head and I am holding Made accountable for that terror.
Iced Tea and Lemonade
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 5/13/14, 8:35 PM
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Suja Essentials Berry Goodness

Suja Essentials Berry Goodness
Suja has expanded their line of beverages past the world of juice cleanses. While I appreciate the juice cleanse, I have to admit that for a lot of people it's probably a fad, especially with the hefty price tag attached to it. There are also more and more companies popping up who are providing that service and sooner or later that bubble us bound to burst to some extent. Maybe it will blow up and some little bubbles will be left over, but one thing is for certain and that is that the market cannot sustain all of these companies. I'm glad Suja is spreading their wings into other avenues of juice.

With their Essentials line Suja is offering quality juices at a lower price point. I went for the Berry Goodness this time around, well because I'm a sucker berries. There's not big reveal. I just love the things. This is a mixture of blueberries, strawberries and blackberries amongst other fruits. Unfortunately for me, but probably welcomed by most is that one of the main ingredients in here is banana puree. Even though I have a complete disdain for bananas I did not let them ruin this smoothie for me. This has a wonderful mixed berry flavor that tastes like someone mushed up the fruit in front of your eyes. There is a banana aftertaste, but if I can look past it, anyone can. One good thing about that devil fruit is that it thickens up the beverage nicely (along with crushed up chia seeds). The apple juice that is the base of the drink sweetens up tings nicely, and naturally.

Once you get to the bottom portion of the bottle there is tartness from the orange and lemon juice involved. I shook this thing up pretty darn well, but it still just sat at the bottom. It was an interesting turn of flavor, but I strangely enjoyed it.

This is cold pressed and highly enjoyable for less than half of the price of their original line. Grab a hold people and don't let go. It would be a shame to see this company go down with the “juice cleanse” ship.
Juice and Smoothie
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 5/13/14, 8:24 PM
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Tango Apple

Tango Apple
It's not like I'm ever going to turn down an apple when it's offered to me. You're reading the words of a man who has eaten apples until he was physically sick on several occasions, solely because he was hanging out in an apple orchard. I have no self control. The thing is that if the choice is given between a green, red or yellow apple, green is going to win out every time. It's a shame that when most companies make products that they deem to be green apple flavored they taste like sour, artificial garbage. Tango on the other hand does things right, but I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's go back in time to my first encounter with this wonderful soda.

The year was 2007 and I was touring Europe for the first time. We had just taken a ferry from France to England and we had played a show in Brighton. That night we stayed at some abandoned office building that some kids, and I mean a lot of kids, were squatting. The building was pretty run down and only a couple parts of it had weird makeshift electricity that I believe they were stealing from an adjacent building. The kids were nice enough and I accompanied them to a store so they could pick up some beer. As a non-drinker I was looking for something more kid friendly. I had still not given up my search for root beer or iced tea at this point, and my hopes were high when we entered the corner store. Of course there was no sign of what I was looking for, and since money was extremely tight, I bought a giant bottle of Tango, because it was under a pound and it would last me all night. I took some swigs from the bottle as we walked back to our home for the night and a wonderfully sweet, fruity flavor washed over my tongue. Over the next two hours I downed that whole bottle, and felt like garbage for it. I didn't regret it though as it was delicious. The soda was made with real apple juice and it tasted like actual fruit and not sour chemicals. It was like taking a teaspoon of sugar in your mouth and biting into a nice crisp Granny Smith. The night went long, and I was beverageless for most of it. I ended up hanging out in the building's break room, which was now the current denizen's kitchen most of the night. I always seem to end up hanging out in the kitchen of a party for some reason. The following morning I woke up and my saliva glands were just secreting apple flavor, which was fairly gross and concerning. I drank many more bottles of Tango on that trip, and I enjoyed every one, especially when I drank them in moderation and they weren't altering my chemical make up.

Not only is Tango a fine beverage, but it's also the best tasting apple soda with added sugar that I have ever drunk.
Soda Pop
United States
Jason Draper on 5/9/14, 11:48 PM
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Sparkling Ice Cherry Limeade

Sparkling Ice Cherry Limeade
Our nation is in complete disrepair and although I'm not blaming it on the food industry, they aren't helping. Cutting corners has led to a fatter nation and the fact that this drink calls itself "Naturally Flavored Sparkling Mountain Spring Water" and contains 3% juice is not even worth mentioning. It's almost like you're eating the food that your child made you using their foam bread and plastic lettuce, pickles, and tomatoes. If you were wondering why America is so fat, you can easily sum it up with one word: Capitalism.

Faux food aside, this at least tastes good. It's zero calories and quite flavorful. It's pretty sharp and only quasi-diet tasting. It's sweetened with sucralose but apple juice is ahead of that so they're at least trying. This is cherry is pretty good but the limeade is kind of missing. I think that whatever is happening, namely the sucralose, is cutting into the flavor of limeade.

Everything is fake and we're now trying to find out what is the best of the worst. This isn't bad. On a diet or hate calories? This isn't bad. It's like a slightly less thick cherry pop.
Sparkling, Water and Diet
Sparkling IceWebsite
United States
Mike Literman on 5/8/14, 3:26 PM
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Aloha Maid Natural Lilikoi Passion

Aloha Maid Natural Lilikoi Passion
Can you sign my petition? For what? Can't you read? It's to increase awareness about passion fruit. No, not the passion for fruit. Passion fruit. The fruit called passion fruit. Yeah, I know you've heard of it but people aren't eating it enough. It's not enough places and it's not used enough. Sure you get something here or there but look at mangoes. Those guys are in salsas and dips and ice cream and everything. They're from the same places. You don't think that passion fruit chutney would be as good as mango chutney? That's right you do. So sign this petition. You know what? I thought you'd say that. I thought you would say that you have to try it again. That's what this is all about. Everyone knows what an apple tastes like. I want passion fruit to be the next apple. Here you go. We were sponsored by this Hawaiian company that makes really good passion fruit juice. Here's a cup of it to sample.

What did you think? Good, right? Yeah. What do you like about it. It's sweet, right. Floral, yeah. Yeah, this is a juice and not a nectar, so you're not going to get any of the seeds or grit that you might be used to. It's really good, right. It tastes like a passion fruit. Why didn't I just give you a slice of passion fruit? Well they're hard to find here because supermarkets don't stock them like they should. Our petition requires that supermarkets have at least one case of passion fruits in stock at all times. We hope that this encourages people to buy them, try them, love them, tell their friends, and spread the good word about our friend, the passion fruit.

What do you mean you won't sign it? You liked it, didn't you? Yeah, so why won't you sign it. Really, come on, lady. You're really going to buy a mango smoothie right in front of me like that? I guess it's our fault for holding this rally next to a smoothie stand that doesn't carry passion fruits. You know what, guys? Pack it in. We're done here.
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 5/8/14, 10:22 AM
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Good Earth Black Tea Cocoa Tango

Good Earth Black Tea Cocoa Tango
Daryl, this chocolate is great. Most chocolate is great but we need to step it up. No one wants regular "mom and pop" chocolate forever. We've made our name at this farmer's market by making quality chocolate but we need to step it up. The people have spoken and they are bored. Let's get something that figuratively punches them right in the face. Something different. Something to set us apart. Something like...pickles! No. That's gross plus the vinegar from the pickles will mix with the milk from the chocolate and provide nothing but an instantly spoiled mess. What else? Candy inside chocolate is hackneyed. Cereal? Bleh. No thanks. What else. Oh, I've got an idea, hold on a sec.

Look at these. Chilis from Sharon over there. I gave her a chocolate bar and she gave us a handful of chilis. If we mince these up, boil them down and extract the flavor and heat, we could cook it with the chocolate and have spicy chocolate. Yeah, I know it's been done before but I think that people here at this market would appreciate a little pain with their pleasure. Look at that old lady over there. You know she needs a little kick in the pants. Let's do it. I just want to try it first here in its raw format. Oh, Daryl, this is something else. Try this, dude. Wait...where are you going?

Where did you go? Is this a cup of tea? Thanks man, I appreciate...wait...what is this? This is a liquid version of what we just made. This is a packaged tea? Good Earth made this? It's...it's just like what we made. It's spicy and has a pretty strong chocolate taste with a hint of Stevia which we don't use but is actually pretty good in this tea.

So what do we do? We still pursue it, right? It's still a good idea. We need to change it up. Using this tea as a model, we will make fantastic new chocolate bars. Thanks, Daryl. You're a good partner. Let's try to think of other things we can concoct. Broccoli? Gross. Farm fresh eggs? No. Daryl, do you want this or not?
Hot Tea
Good EarthWebsite@GoodEarthTea
United States
Mike Literman on 5/6/14, 12:04 PM
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Refocus Orange Mango

Refocus Orange Mango
Well what do we have here? Is this an energy drink that is made from truly "all natural" ingredient and doesn't taste like someone poured sugar on Smarties? This tastes like a fruitier Bai because it uses both the green coffee extract and Stevia. It is also definitely more orange than mango. I didn't get very much mango at all, to be quite honest but the orange was good enough that I didn't care. The stevia and green coffee extract provides a slight bitterness which is actually a nice touch to the often overly sweet orange juice.

I was reluctant on buying this because it was an energy drink and I suck at those. This didn't give me the jitters, for which I actually own them a "thank you" for. Jay reviewed the other one so go get the pair if you'd like.
Energy Drink and Juice
United States
Mike Literman on 5/5/14, 1:51 PM
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Bigelow Cinnamon Stick

Bigelow Cinnamon Stick
False advertising. I call shenanigans on this bag of tea. I might go as far as say that this tea is a liar and I don't use that phrase lightly. This smells like it would make a good tea but don't be fooled. This tea is the push-up bra of tea. You go in for a sip and it's almost bitter. I've had Bigelow stuff before and it's not bad. It's not high quality tea but I don't care. It's fine. I actually have an Earl Gray at home that I really like. This is just lipstick on a pig. It doesn't really taste anything like cinnamon and if I had to stretch it, which I will, it's as if you had a cup of black tea and put a cinnamon stick in it for a couple seconds. I'm sure that's where they get the name "cinnamon stick" from but they should have let that little buddy marinate for a little bit longer because if it did anything, it ruined everything.
Hot Tea
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 5/2/14, 11:22 AM
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