United States - 4098 Reviews

Dunkin' Donuts Iced Coffee Jamoca Almond Fudge Swirl

Dunkin' Donuts Iced Coffee Jamoca Almond Fudge Swirl
They taketh away and they giveth back. They recently closed my Arby's. Tears streaming down my face, right? Swimming in a sea of my salty sadness, I dealt with my loss of a local Jamocha shake. As soon as I shook it like a love lost, Dunkin' Donuts twists the knife and releases this guy and they do it well.

I don't know about "ice cream flavors" unless you're got very refined tastes but that's what this was released under the collection "Ice Cream Flavors." Cookie Dough and Butter Pecan yes. I have had those ice creams. Jamocha Almond Fudge Swirl sounds like a great ice cream that just doesn't exist yet. That being said I've got a small iced coffee version of it inside of me and am pleased to say that it can stay as long as it wants because it was rather great. Good coffee taste but well rounded by the chocolate and/or fudge. The almond I couldn't really get but I didn't miss it. Sure I love almonds and if I died today, the mortician would say, "Man, I can't believe that Dunkin' Donuts just kept stabbing him but this kid sure did eat a lot of almonds. Also here are all the pennies that he ate as a kid that didn't get digested. There is thirteen cents in here. Here, Tom, we'll split it since you're holding his ribcage open and have earned your cut."

A small was enough. Anyone who gets a larger one clearly doesn't know what a vegetable is and should be both mentally and physically evaluated.
Dunkin' DonutsWebsite@DunkinDonuts
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 4/4/14, 11:56 AM
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Slim Fast 321 Plan Creamy Milk Chocolate

Slim Fast 321 Plan Creamy Milk Chocolate
Dear Slim Fast,
What is your name in reference to? Does it mean that by drinking your meal replacements one will lose weight quickly? Or perhaps you means that you will drink this and then refrain from eating other foods aka fasting? Perhaps it's a combination of the two. Whatever your origin story, I think it's a good choice for a moniker for a beverage that is supposed to help one lose weight.

Is it a good flavor name though? Creamy Milk Chocolate? I initially thought no, because I prefer dark chocolate so much more to milk chocolate. I then remembered that I'm a snob and a majority of the world loves milk chocolate, and referring to it as creamy is enticing. Bitter Dark Chocolate just doesn't have the same allure. I mean, I would be all over a drink named that, but I'm a maniac apparently.

The name is very appropriate for the flavor. This is very creamy and very chocolaty. This is what I wish chocolate milk were like. It's a little thicker than milk, due to the protein, but the flavor is also stronger. I would happily drink this instead of eating. Problem is I drank this about an hour ago and I am already hungry again. I think I need to starve myself so that my stomach shrinks down. I eat way too much food.
Diet and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Slim FastWebsite@Slimfast
United States
Jason Draper on 4/3/14, 12:35 PM
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Coco Libre Coconut Water + Chia Cherry Apple

Coco Libre Coconut Water + Chia Cherry Apple
Of the things I don't understand in life one of the big ones in the realm of family matters is why my father has a Kokopelli tattoo. I have no idea why in his late forties he decided to get a tattoo of a fertility deity. I know it also representative of agriculture, but my father is not a farmer, and I have never known him to tend even a houseplant. He also represents the spirit of music, but my father isn't a big music guy either. The tattoo is just one of the mysteries of the universe. I mean I could ask him why he got it, but that would take the fun out of it, and then he might talk to me about my tattoos, and who wants to explain to their parents why they have a llama and an ostrich dressed as Batman and Robin tattooed on them. I'll keep the mystery in all of our lives.

I'm also left wondering why Coco Libre uses a Kokopelli on their bottles as well. He is a symbol embraced by the Native American tribes of the southwest. They are located in Palo Alto (northern California) and neither coconuts nor chia; the two main ingredients in the company's products are native to that area of the country. The deity's presence is as puzzling on this bottle as he is on my father's skin.

Their choice of mascot aside, this is a nice little beverage. As far as I know Coco Libre is the only company out there combining coconut water and chia seeds, to which I give them a tip of my hat. I am a fan of chia seeds in drinks, as I enjoy a beverage with some texture to it. I have also been fully converted and love coconut water. The added flavor is very strong in this. 26% of this is concentrated fruit juice, and that is a high percentage seeing as the seeds take up most of the bottle. They also put out unusual flavors for coconut water. This leaves me wishing I had cherry coconut water available to me. I like cherries, and I love cherry drinks, well as long as they don't taste like cough syrup, which this doesn't at all.
Chunky and Coconut
Coco LibreWebsite@CocoLibre
United States
Jason Draper on 4/2/14, 7:48 PM
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UCC Kona Blend Coffee with Milk

UCC Kona Blend Coffee with Milk
As far as sweetened, canned, iced coffee drinks go, this is on the better side. I don't drink coffee. I only drink energy drinks when they have to be reviewed. My body doesn't know how to handle pure caffeine so I try and stick to what my body can tolerate which is, at most, small mochas and tea.

This is more coffee than I am used to in these drinks. It's one rung above "lightly sweetened" and you can really taste the coffee in it. Seeing as though I don't know my blends or regions of coffees, I will say rather objectively that I think this is on the lighter side of blends and that it was pretty good. A coffee drinker at the office sampled it and said that it tasted pretty true to a good Kona blend.

There you have it. Coffee drinkers and people who don't really drink coffee too much agree; this is a good canned coffee. What more could you ask for?
United States
Mike Literman on 4/1/14, 9:49 PM
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Nature's Own Green Tea Ginseng & Honey

Nature's Own Green Tea Ginseng & Honey
As he sat comfortably in his seat, Alan watches as the Hudson valley passed home. He had just spent a couple days in the city and while he was feeling more refreshed than before, he was excited to sleep in his own bed. He loved visiting the city any time he could get away from his responsibilities at home and just unwind with friends. This time was different, though.

Alan was at a club and was dancing by himself, the way he liked it. Some of the songs were not his favorite but as long as he kept his feet moving he knew he would make it through the night. A girl approached him and asked him his name and how he knew his circle of friends. He replied very courteously but short. He was in a relationship and took one look at this girl and knew she was trouble. She constantly grabbed him by the waist and grabbed his hands and put them on her hips as she swayed back and forth to the music. He was no longer having fun because he was constantly awaiting the inevitable time that would come where she would lean in for a drunken kiss and he would have to dodge it. Without fail and during one of his favorite songs, she leaned in, eyes closed, tongue protruding from her mouth, beer in hand as always, and he just appeared to vanish. He walked outside the club not looking back and popped into a bodega nearby to regroup. He scanned the shelves and decided to pick out a drink. He bought an iced tea that he had never seen before and sat outside the club and started drinking it. It was good. It was sweet but it was good. It tasted like a less sweet Arizona green tea but it almost tasted like an apple juice instead of just green tea. As he was sitting outside the girl approached him outside with a very angry face. She started yelling at him in front of all the people outside smoking and waiting for cabs. He got up and just walked around the building so as to non-verbally tell her to leave him alone. She followed him around the building, yelling the entire way. Alan turned around, faced the upset girl, put his drink down, walked towards her, put his hands on her waist and kissed her. She stopped talking and kissed back and Alan promptly stopped, picked up his drink, looked at the girl and said, "Alright. That's enough. Go back inside." and the girl, very confused went inside.

As the trees and hills and water passed Alan on the train he wondered what went through that girls head as he turned the tables on that girl and left her very confused in the parking lot. Part of him was curious and the other half couldn't care less. He took a sip of his coffee and just continued to look outside at the passing time.
Iced Tea
Nature's Own
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 3/31/14, 7:01 PM
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Aloha Maid Natural Pineapple Orange

Aloha Maid Natural Pineapple Orange
Pineapple juice? Check. Orange juice? Check. Together? What is a half-check? That's just like a "v," right? This is fine. I'm making jokes about what half a check mark looks like. Ugh, terrible material. Some kid told me I should do comedy at a local bar. I hope he reads this and regrets ever even thinking it, let alone saying it.

This, although not a certified trip to Hawaii, is a decent liquid representation of what I assume Hawaii is. It's not too bad. It's not as great as Hawaii probably is, though. It's not super pineapple and it's really not "really orange." Together it's an acceptable blend of the two but nothing that should ever be considered an award winning drink. It is pulpless, gutless, and nothing to write home about. Once again, nothing like Hawaii. Just go to Hawaii and eat both of these fruits. It will be better.
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 3/31/14, 5:01 PM
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Towne Club Michigan Cherry

Towne Club Michigan Cherry
We've all heard of block clubs. Neighbors get together to discuss ways to prevent crime, improve their neighborhood and throw the annual block party. I must warn you that if you live in a neighborhood that has a block club, and you choose not to participate, you will become an outcast and will be referred to as “the squatters.” Okay to be fair we really were squatting. Our landlord who lived upstairs just disappeared and stopped cashing our checks, so we stopped leaving them. We lived rent-free for about two years before his less than dramatic return. The house needed a paint job, and a new roof, but we took better care of it than if it was left to rot. The grass was cut. We picked up the garbage and were respectful of the neighbors. I wish they had treated us with the same respect. Oh well.

So yeah…€¦block clubs. Did you know that just outside Detroit there's a little town with such a low population that instead of a block club, they have a town club? They serve the same basic purpose as it's smaller counterpart, except on a larger scale. It's a paradise in the middle of a burnt out city. It's actually quite nice an pleasant if you're into the Mayberry scene. In addition to neighborhood watches, cleanups and parties they also run a small soda company called, well…€¦Towne Club. It's the extra “E” that keeps them classy. They produce a line of completely middle of the road sodas, but that's just fine. Someone has to do it, and they do it with love, so there's that.

They decided it was time to add a cherry soda to their line, and why not give it a little taste of home and call it Michigan cherry? I mean their production runs weren't huge, and it was rare that anyone outside of the “mitten state” would get their hands on one of these, but incase they did they wanted them to know where it came from. The 3% juice that it was comprised of did come from their back yards. Why not flaunt it? That little bit of juice really goes a long way in the soda game. This stands out in the cherry soda game. It has a slightly unique flavor that does not taste like couch syrup. Bravo for that Towne Club. Now work on fixing all the potholes in your state.
Soda Pop
Towne ClubWebsite
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 3/29/14, 6:51 PM
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Brisk Half & Half Tropical Lemonade

Brisk Half & Half Tropical Lemonade
Brisk has expanded their list of beverages with their new Half & Half line. We've talked a lot of trash about this company throughout the years, yet they took the high road and sent us some samples of the new flavors. I didn't know they had it in them, but that was a classy move.

When I first saw this, my initial thought was, “Of course it's Brisk, so there is a ridiculous amount of it.” 24oz of their products seemed like more than any human should really ingest. This though, this was something different. For starters in order to cut down the amount of sugar in the drink they mixed high fructose corn syrup and sucralose. The result was only 13g of sugar per serving (39 per tall boy). It sounds like an absolute disaster, but somehow they have made it work. It's not very syrupy and yet it doesn't taste diet at all. Actually it doesn't have that harsh Brisk flavor at all. I was pleasantly surprised that I actually enjoyed this.

This tastes like 3 parts mango and passionfruit green tea and one part lemonade. Actually the ratios might be even more skewed as I hardly taste the lemonade. It tastes like a version of bubble tea (minus the tapioca) that would be available in a gas station. It's not mind blowing, but it has its merits and is much better than I anticipated. I would happily drink this again, I just wish it came in a smaller container, as I have no self control when it comes to beverages and I drink until it's gone. Good thing I don't partake in alcohol, or my life would be a mess.
Lemonade and Iced Tea
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 3/29/14, 3:52 PM
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Frava Cranberry Orange

Frava Cranberry Orange
Initially this drink is pretty bitter. The coffee bean really takes control of the ship first and you don't know if you're going to like it. You promptly change your mind because the ship's captain relinquished his white-knuckle grip on the helm and handed it over to two adorable girls on board. The drink lighted up a bit and starts to taste like what you bought it for, orange and cranberry. Sixty, forty split, but who's counting. You don't get any of the sucralose taste either which is nice and the energy portion of the drink, unlike the tumultuous waves of the sea, isn't overwhelming and won't give you any jitters like an actual "energy drink" would.

Once girls have their fun, the captain gives the girls a smile that says, "Alright girls, move along." The ship makes it to it's destination and no one knows that for a brief second, their lives were in the hands of two little girls with no previous sailing experience outside of "fun in the tub". The captain knew and what the captain knows that no one else knows will go to his grave.
Energy Drink and Juice
United States
Mike Literman on 3/28/14, 7:31 PM
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Spree Sparkling Water Lemon Strawberry

Spree Sparkling Water Lemon Strawberry
Marco was a child who could stand to lose a few pounds. His life was spent watching television and playing video games. In fact the only times he left the house were when his mom forced him to go to school and on Fridays aka allowance day, when he would take his weekly pay for nothing and head to the corner store to stock up on candy. It was the happiest day of the week for Marco. Not only was he free from school for two days but also his sugar intake would soar.

There was no doubt about it; Marco was a Wonka man. Nearly all of his money went to buy that company's confectionaries. This past allowance day, Marco waddled down to the corner store and was decided what candies to buy this week when a display caught his eye. Spree sparkling water? Could it be that Mr Wonka had expanded his line and made a liquid version of one of Marco's favorite treats? He quickly grabbed a pile of Nerds, Laffy Taffy and Runts before he grabbed a bottle of Lemon Strawberry Spree. He was so excited that he dropped his change all over the counter. After the monetary exchange was complete he ran out side, sat on the curb and twisted open the cap. This…€¦was…€¦not…€¦what…€¦he…€¦expected…€¦at…€¦all. The contents of the bottle did not taste like liquefied candy at all. It was nice and bubbly, but it had a weird taste, that was almost diet but not like the diet pop his mom chugged all the time.

He was a bit disappointed, but since he had limited income he didn't want to waste his purchase, so he kept sipping on it during his walk home. Somewhere around the 3rd or 4th sip he realized that he didn't mind the diet taste, which he learned was called stevia. Actually he was kind of getting into the drink. Sure it wasn't candy-like, but it was sweet in it's own way, and not as thick as the sodas he was used to drinking. The dietness of it ran most of the flavor, but underneath that was a bit of a strawberry lemonade flavoring.

By the time he got home the bottle was empty, and Marco didn't feel cheated by his purchase. This was something he enjoyed that he could get his mom to buy because he could convince her it was healthy. Now if he could just convince her that his MMO games were good for him as well, and that school was evil, all would be right in the world.
Diet, Soda Pop and Sparkling
United States
Jason Draper on 3/28/14, 12:37 PM
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Swamp Pop Praline Cream Soda

Swamp Pop Praline Cream Soda
"If Benjamin were an ice cream flavor, he'd be pralines and..." well, you know the rest. Famous line. Famous actor. Famous movie. I would like to get the cast of Wayne's World to sit down with me in this cramped office and share in the splendor that is this praline cream soda. I was leery to drink this because I just had actual praline that isn't just a fixun in ice cream for the first time and it was a little too much. This tastes exactly like it, which actually is more impressive. It's too sweet for me to drink the whole thing but that doesn't lose it any points. It's wonderful. I feel like it's doing less damage to my teeth because I can gulp it down and not have to chew it like I would actual praline. The sweetness from the praline combined with the cream soda makes this a "must have" for cream soda fans. There are serious Southern roots inside of this bottle. They should be proud of this.

Swamp Pop. Party time. Excellent.
Soda Pop
Swamp PopWebsite@DrinkSwampPop
United States
Mike Literman on 3/26/14, 1:53 PM
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Youthy Forever Passion for Cactus

Youthy Forever Passion for Cactus
When talking about wine people always mention how it's good for you, and it's recommended that you drink a glass a day. They forget to mention that wine smells like rotting corpses and from what I remember doesn't horrible on top of it. It has been discovered that the thing that gives wine it's anti-cancer and anti-aging properties is something called Resveratrol. Luckily for all of us with a sense of smell, taste and an alcohol free lifestyle the very same compound can be derived from grape seed extract.

Youthy Forever has taken Resveratrol and some actual grape seed extract and mixed it in with a whole mess of other fruits to create a juice that is as tasty as it is good for you. When you mix pineapple, pear, passion fruit and prickly pear you know you are in for a good time, especially since the ingredients added for health don't have a weird chemical or gross taste to them. This just tastes like juice, as it should. There is no added sugar either. Sure, there is 32g of sugar in each bottle, but it's natural sugar from the fruit they use and not refined or artificial garbage.

Ponce de Leon spent his life search Florida and whereabouts for the fountain of youth (what else is a conquistador to do?). He obviously wasted his time and energy in that hot sweaty soon-to-be state when all he needed to do was wait 300-400 years for this company to see the light of day. They have cracked the code, and it is delicious. No more bones made of dust for anyone willing to shell out the couple of bucks for a bottle!
Youthy ForeverWebsite@YouthyForever
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 3/25/14, 4:37 PM
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Mighty Leaf Green Tea Tropical

Mighty Leaf Green Tea Tropical
You know what, Joe? I have been taking care of your Bronco for years now and I think that it's time to get a new car. You've had a good run with her, man. It's good almost 200,000 miles on it and she's been pretty good to you. Sure, we've replaced everything but in the twenty plus years you've owned it, you have come out on top. This last inspection needs all new struts, the undercarriage is pretty well rusted, and there are holes that would cost a lot to patch up in order to pass inspection. What will it cost? Well, about seven grand and that's because I like you. Any other guy would cost about ten thousand. You want to sit and think about it? Alright, hey, I'll make you a cup of tea.

Here you go, Joe. It's this new stuff my wife bought for the shop. It's green tea tropical. Sure, not something you would typically find in a garage but sometimes you have to have the finer things in life. Yeah, I have had it. It smells great and tastes like a nice bitter green tea with notes of fruit. I think they said that there was guava and pineapple in the mix, which you can smell more than you can taste. The green tea is a really nice, authentic taste. I found the tea calming and thought that it's what you might want in this troubling time.

Joe, this is a tough decision to make and whatever you want to do, I'll do it. We are booking up fast though so you kind of have to make a decision soon. You want to scrap it? Alright? That's fine. You know what? You might make some money on the deal. Some of it can be salvages so instead of leaving seven thousand dollars lighter, I can actually give you five hundred dollars for the price of the car. If I get any more for the trade, I'll send it over. Let me know what you get. I can't wait to work on it for the next twenty years. You're a great guy, Joe. Sorry for your loss. Don't forget to take your Yosemite Sam mud flaps.
Hot Tea
Mighty LeafWebsite@mightyleaf
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 3/25/14, 11:53 AM
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Vemma Ultra-Premium Antioxidant Suppliment Shot

Vemma Ultra-Premium Antioxidant Suppliment Shot
Vemma is back with yet another mangosteen based beverage. This time it's a shot for those who are always on the go, and have limited time for nutrition. First off, reevaluate your life people. I know some of the people who don't have time are sincerely working constantly to put food on the table for their families, and I commend them for their efforts. Let's be honest here though, this drink is not for those people. Those people aren't going to throw down their hard earned money for a supplement shot. It seems to me that this drink is marketed towards business folks who are constantly working and deals and such, not those doing nitty gritty manual labor. It's these people who have the option to eat healthy, but instead decide to continue working. If that's what you love in life, who am I to argue, but I personally like to enjoy the life I live and not spend so much time on work that I don't have time to eat a healthy meal. Now, I'm not faulting Vemma for this; these people would exist whether their product was around or not, so why not help them live healthier with their choices?

This is a 2oz shot that is jam packed with vitamins and minerals to help you get through your day in a healthy manner. It's no secret that shots generally taste completely wretched. This though, this has got something going for it. It tastes like mangosteen juice that has had a multivitamin dissolved into it. It's downright pleasant. It's what I would imagine a teenage version of a Flintstone's vitamin would taste like. You know for people who aren't; ready to take on straight up vitamins, but the regular Flintstone ones just seem too juvenile. This is so good in fact that I have been slowly sipping it, instead of slamming it like you normally would a shot. It's nice to have a beverage that is this healthy and tastes this good.

United States
Jason Draper on 3/24/14, 2:37 PM
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Tim Horton's Latte Cinnamon Bun

Tim Horton's Latte Cinnamon Bun
Don't quote me on this like I'm quoting someone else on this, but don't they say that if you do acid four times you can be considered certifiably insane? I would say the same thing about anyone who eats Cinnabon four times. Cinnabon is great the first two times and anything after that is masochistic and just gluttonous. If you took a Cinnabon, made it not "Andre The Giant" sized and scraped ninety-six percent of the frosting off, you might have yourself a nice treat.

This drink was a bit reminiscent of those painful experiences of being really hungry while simultaneously having a gnarly sweet tooth and being stuck on the interstate. It smells good and tastes good but a couple sips in you feel that feeling of "Wait...did I just eat my fourth slice of pizza?" or "Hold on, was this bag of chips half way empty when I started or did I just eat a whole bag of chips myself?" Guilt and shame. This is a sweet drink. Oh, sure it tastes like cinnamon buns but are drinks really supposed to taste like cinnamon buns? It might not be hard to imagine if Tim Horton's came forward and said, "Well what we do is put coffee and a cinnamon bun into a blender, set it to liquefy, have a handful of Timbits, and come back five minutes later and serve it to the customer."

Cinnabon, I may have retired from "Cinnabonning", but I will commend you with a medal of honor for somehow holding strong through many diet fads. You have always been twelve plus times more unhealthy than Krispy Kreme and they couldn't hack it. You are still here and I commend you. I can only assume that there are some fat politicians on your side for undisclosed, not really legal reasons.
Tim Horton'sWebsite@TimHortonsNews
United States
Mike Literman on 3/24/14, 11:52 AM
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Found Infused Sparkling Water Elderflower

Found Infused Sparkling Water Elderflower
I would like to make a proposal to the International Drink Commission. I know that every year you esteemed folks choose a flavor that will be the trend for the next twelve months, possibly longer if people really eat it up. In the past it was cranberry, pomegranate and more recently acai. I can tell from this list that those among you have a preference for all thins anti-oxidant. I propose that in the coming year you move away from that theme and in the direction of something more unique. Ladies and gentlemen I put before you that elderflower should be the new flavor that is all the rage. Think about it, it's fairly unknown and no one can deny that it is absolutely amazing. There are very few companies that use it in the beverages, and an even fewer amount that produce them in the United States. I see it as the clear choice for the new generation.

As an example of what we could expect I preset you with this bottle of Found infused sparkling water. It was slightly sweet and wonderfully floral. I know that may seem like a turnoff, but I'm not talking some rose flavored garbage here; this is elderflower and it has a very specific taste that it slightly floral while staying it's own thing. It's almost like it's a fruit more than it is a flower.

It also has versatility. As you can see/taste here there has been very little sweetener added to this drink (they used beet sugar) and it is enough in addition to he elderflower to remove the seltzer taste from the sparkling water. It also tastes wonderful when it is in a highly sweetened taste. I myself prefer it like it is in Found, but you know people like variety, and elderflower can provide that.

Found has created a near perfect drink, that perfectly reflects what elderflower can do for the beverage world. Like your coveted anti-oxidants it has health benefits relating to detoxing as well as many others. When you look at this scientifically, like I know you all will, you will see that you really have no other choice. I swear this is not because I really just want to have this flavor more regularly available for personal use. I want it for the people!
Soda Pop and Sparkling
United States
Beet Sugar
Jason Draper on 3/23/14, 8:01 PM
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Veryfine Chill Fruit Punch

Veryfine Chill Fruit Punch
Sometimes my friends, the bargain just isn't worth it. You're in the store looking for something to quench your thirst and you come across a tallboy whose label announced it as “Only $1.” The natural reaction is, “Wow, that's quite a deal. I'd be paying less than five cents per fluid ounce.” The problem with that is, that even if what is contained in the can is the tastiest beverage on Earth, do you really need 23oz of it in one sitting? I understand that the Nutrition Facts state that the can actually holds three servings, but who doesn't drink it all in one go, or throw out the remainder? If this was a resealable bottle, it would be a different story, but these drinks are marketed for people to grab whilst on the go and no one wants to carry around an open can until they are ready for their next serving.

The sad truth is that this is not only too much beverage, but also it is far from being the tastiest beverage on the planet. It's a fruit punch that only contains 5% juice. That means that 95% of what you'd be drinking is composed of weird stuff like ester of wood rosin, brominated vegetable oil and of course corn syrup. I know a lot of that is actually water, but still, come on. Fruit punch is not very good to begin with. I was once told that it was the beverage of children and poor people. While I do think there was a bit of racism meant in that statement, I have to admit that I have never seen anyone who was over the age of 15 and well off drinking anything of this variety (unless it was mixed juices at a fancy juice bar, which I wouldn't consider fruit punch).

This does have couple of things going for it, and they all boil down to the sweeteners used. Veryfine decided to mix sucralose in with their corn syrup to lower the calorie count in the beverage. It leaves it with a slight diet flavor, but nothing unbearable. The big up to that is that it's a fruit punch that doesn't feel like you're drinking syrup.

Overall it still has that generic fruit punch flavor that is like the hotdogs of juices (ie. whatever is leftover). I appreciate the company taking steps to improve fruit punch, but there is still a long ways to go. Also, unless you're planning on sharing this with a friend, I really hope you plan on pouring a bunch of it out, or have a fridge close by to save it for later.
United States
Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 3/23/14, 11:15 AM
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Proper Soda Co. Hop Soda Original

Proper Soda Co. Hop Soda Original
Blah blah blah. Thirsty Dudes don't drinks beers. Are we militant about it? No sirs and madams. We just keep to ourselves, talk about how smoking is gross, constantly refuse people giving us beers, answer the same question of "Why don't you drink." and promptly allude to it not being family related. We just don't and we don't need it.

This has hops in it. Beer has hops in it. I did not want this to be another Caveman Foods fiasco where I feel like I drank beer and feel a decade and a half of guilt. Turds. This does taste a little like beer. Let it be known. It does not taste alcoholic but it does have a hint of pilsner according to Dan, my resident bouncing wall of opinions. The hops just kind of liven it up a bit and it's pretty good. It's too sweet to let the hops taste alcoholic and, if anything, just tastes more floral and fresh that some dusty old beer.

You can continue to ask us if we want a drink. We will always turn it down. Maybe if you invite us to a party we will bring this and at least our taste buds will be closer than when we normally go to parties and bring some strange craft iced tea and people treat us like lepers. Happens every time.
Soda Pop
Proper Soda Co.Website@ProperSoda
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 3/21/14, 2:38 PM
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Swamp Pop Noble Cane Cola

Swamp Pop Noble Cane Cola
The first thing I need to say about this is that it simply is not enough. I'm not saying that it doesn't live up to my expectations, what I'm saying is that the single bottle I have is just not enough. I have reached a point in my life where about half of a bottle of pop is enough for me. I guess that's when you can tell that you've finally grown up. The thing is that while I drank this bottle I wanted to share it with everyone around me because I was astounded at exactly how good it was. I believe I could have drunk the entire 12oz alone and I still would have felt like it wasn't enough. This could be a dangerous product.

Noble Cane Cola tastes like an olde timey soda. It's the kind of thing that would be served in restaurants in the old west part of amusement parks if they were trying to be authentic. I am obviously not over a hundred years old, so I can't say for certain if it actually tastes the way cola did when it was first invented, but in my head it does. The flavor of this falls somewhere between a your “classic” cola taste and Moxie. There's something in it that gives it a unique taste that is on the verge of tasting medicinal without tasting like gross medicine. Does that make sense? It's also slightly fruity. Now you're completely confused. When I drink this I feel like I should talk slower and take more time to enjoy my day. It's one of, if not the single best cola I have ever tasted.

Now that I have you on the hook and you need a bottle all for yourself, let me let you in on a little secret. That special taste in here is actually due to the mixing in of Louisiana figs. I bet you didn't see that coming. I also bet that if you knew they were in here before someone spoke of the virtues of the cola, you probably would have said “Ick” and passed it right by. You would have been wrong to do that because there is magic in them there swamps, and it has been captured in this bottle of cola. Now I just need to travel to somewhere I can purchase this and pick myself up about a dozen cases, so I can become the glutton I always knew I could be.
Soda Pop
Swamp PopWebsite@DrinkSwampPop
United States
Jason Draper on 3/21/14, 11:41 AM
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Owl's Brew Pink & Black

Owl's Brew Pink & Black
On recommendation of the generous woman that gave us this drink, I mixed this with seltzer water. Now what did I think of it. Let me think...how would you feel if someone gave you a hand-crafted tea mixed with your favorite ingredients? Huh? Tough one, right? How much could it possibly suck to have something like a darjeeling tea with hibiscus, strawberry, and lemon peel in it? Hmm. That's a good one. These are tough questions you are asking, brain. You can tell, because you're my brain, that I am being facetious…€Ž because clearly it's freaking awesome.

Starting from the outside in, this is a piece of art as much as it is delicious. It comes in a heavy-duty matte black, glass bottle. You open that bad boy up and it is fruity and floral and inviting. I did what they said which was two parts Owl's Brew to one part sparkling water. I drank a glass of it without even flinching. It tastes like it smells like, and it smells how it tastes, back and forth. It is a true gift for many of your senses.

You can buy this online. I encourage you to do so. If you are in the New York City region, this can be found on shelves. It might seem like a lot but come on. Be honest. You've spent more on dumber things. This is worth it. Split it with a friend if you can't seem to make ends meet on it. You can sit and talk about how the job market blows together over your high echelon tea mix and feel like you are working that dreadful office job you don't want but if they call you back, you know you're going to take it. Hey, they've got cheap vending machines in the office, free garbage coffee, casual Friday's, and the receptionist you saw when you walked in for the interview is at least a seven. Sevens count when times are tough, man. We can't all be hanging around with dimes all the time. Got to put it into perspective.
Iced Tea and Mix/Concentrate
Owl's BrewWebsite@TheOwlsBrew
United States
Mike Literman on 3/20/14, 9:57 PM
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