United States - 4098 Reviews

Tim Horton's Frozen Hot Chocolate

Tim Horton's Frozen Hot Chocolate
Frozen hot chocolate is a real "stickin' it to the man" drink. It's as if Tim Horton's is saying, "Screw you, winter. You've pestered us long enough. Now look what we've done to your precious cold weather staple drink. How does that feel? Not good, right? Yeah. Now you know how we felt after your sub-zero temperatures. This is for all the times I had to scrape ice off my car windows while the temperature was in the negatives."

This drink is the eye-for-an-eye that you see in movies where the bad guy has at the good guy's partner and then, at the end, the good guy turns the tables and has a little fun with the bad guy until the cops come. The cops come, know the whole situation, pretend not to see the good guy hit the bad guy's hand with a hammer and then tells the good guy to hit the road and takes the bad guy off to jail.

I have to be honest here; I've already had two of these. They're that good. It's super creamy because they put half a pound of rich, chocolate whipped cream on top, which ends up melding in with the frosty treat beneath and smoothing the whole thing out. If you could envision what a chocolate mousse drink would taste like, this is it. They also put what they probably call "fudge" in it but is really only chocolate syrup. I'm not dismissing their efforts, but that's not fudge. Either way, everything mixed together or intentionally separated upon ordering is a delight that could be anyone's guilty pleasure because it's abominably terrible for you but seriously, you couldn't guess that something with a mound of rich chocolate whipped cream on it is going to be bad for you? Shame on you.
Tim Horton'sWebsite@TimHortonsNews
United States
Not Listed
Mike Literman on 5/1/14, 10:53 PM
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Americana Honey Cream

Americana Honey Cream
I'm feeling stressed. I need to calm down. There is too much going on. I've got to slow down and worry less. I have to stop being so critical. I have to take a breath. I have to breathe. Breathe. In and out. Do it. Do it again. In and out. Alright...I'm OK. I need a drink. What've we got here? Cream soda? That's as smooth as I want to be. Let's have at that.

Hmm. Not too bad. What is this? Oh. Honey cream. Cool. Take a sip here...I read that, right? Honey cream. Alright. Round two. Perhaps the cream of it all is overshadowing the honey because I can hardly taste it. It's good cream soda but it's not great honey cream soda. I wish that it were. Let's...yeah...let's go in for round three. Why not? I can do what I want in these fifteen minutes of pleasure I have for myself. Not a lot of honey going on at all. Good cream. Poor honey.

Welp, there goes my fifteen minutes. It comes and it goes every day like the blink of an eye. Back to work. Back to the grind. Back to my thirties being a blur of clichès and redundancies. Such is life I suppose.
Soda Pop
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 4/30/14, 4:00 PM
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Hawaiian Sun Green Tea with Ginseng

Hawaiian Sun Green Tea with Ginseng
Hawaii, man. Reason why it's so expensive to live there is because they're doing stuff right. They've only got what they've got on the island and everything that isn't indigenous probably is a super hassle to get there. But, the stuff they've got on the islands is awesome. This tea, for instance, is right. It's bitter from the green tea and ginseng but is sweet because of that sweet, sweet Hawaiian cane sugar. Oh to spend a half hour in one of those cane sugar farms...I would walk out with my own personal stalk and just enjoy life until my teeth fell out.

Come on, Continental United States. Get on it. Little Hawaii is getting stuff right and you're mucking it up with your garbage preservatives and diet nonsense. I'll pay a little more if you just drop all this penny pinching garbage and make something with quality. We deserve it. You've been making swill for too long and I'm about to just hand in my "land lubber" card and move to Hawaii and live off the land. Nothing but Spam, high fiving Duane Chapman at Chili's and this iced tea for me. Aloha Hawaii and peace out, New York.
Iced Tea
Hawaiian SunWebsite
United States
Natural Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 4/28/14, 4:30 PM
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Brisk Half & Half Cherry Limeade

Brisk Half & Half Cherry Limeade
You've got Brisk, aka, the worst "iced tea" money can buy, right? Let's all be civil about this and just come together and agree on this one thing. You've got Israel and Palestine, which no one can agree on. That's fine. I think they call that a "stalemate" right? An unwinable situation. Brisk is cut and dry. Black and white. You've got that. We have to live in this world and lets call it like it is.

You've got Brisk. You mix brisk with lemonade and cherry and you get...drumroll...a weak cherry lemonade juice conglomerate. It's not terrible and it's actually better the more room temperature it gets. Maybe that's the problem I've been having all these years is that I like a nice, cold iced tea and I've been giving myself these things that my body craves but with Brisk, it's the opposite. I should be drinking it like I drink a hot chocolate. Sounds completely unrefreshing but who knows? This, once lukewarm, loses the bite that Brisk has and you can taste some cherry and some lemonade. I should put those in quotes. Let's try that again. It tastes like "cherry" and "lemonade." It's like an artist depiction of those flavors. It tastes like a cherry and like lemonade but isn't one of those things. It's close. If you could have something taste a fraction of what it tastes like, that's what this is. It's not weak, it just doesn't taste like what it's "supposed" to taste like.

There has been a lot of quoting in this. Maybe this whole thing is an art installation. I'm waiting for someone to come in wearing sweater shorts and no shirt with a noose around their neck that says something like "Mother" and music plays that is nothing but someone yelling, "Father." Am I plagiarizing someone's art exhibit? If so, you should stop being an artist and pursue something else, like customer service or call center operator.
Iced Tea, Juice and Lemonade
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 4/25/14, 4:50 PM
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Royal Mills Island Mocha

Royal Mills Island Mocha
Mocha: the adult version of chocolate milk. This is a pretty inarguable fact if you ask me, which you won't. What? I'm just being honest. Also, what's to ask? Mocha is coffee, sure, but it's also chocolate, which super negates the adulthood of coffee. Sure, adults eat chocolate and there is nothing childish about it but something about mixing the two together makes it some sort of "kid in a grown up's body." This is the equivalent of the late, great Mitch Hedberg's joke, "Fettuccine Alfredo is macaroni and cheese for adults."

This is good, though. It's good at sharing between the coffee and chocolate and the sweetness is a good, short-lived thing. You don't really get a lot of these canned coffee drinks that are too bad but this is one of the better mocha ones I've had. Still is a bit different than the ones you would get at a coffee shop but it's probably the milk that is used there is "real" versus the milk that is in here which somehow defies science and all refrigeration standards. This goes back and forth between coffee to chocolate to coffee again and that's a nice trip.

For the youth (silent "H") in you, have a mocha. If you want to stop being so stuffy with your ties and tie clips and cufflinks and slacks, have a mocha. Mocha, for those who aren't ready to grow up. Mocha, to prove that you're still "Cool." Mocha, a drink for those who still really like video games but have trouble waking up in the morning. Mocha, for those you who think that as an adult you have to go to coffee shops but don't like coffee. Mocha, for everyone.
Royal Mills
United States
Mike Literman on 4/24/14, 10:39 AM
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North American Beverage Chocolate Moose Milk Chocolate

North American Beverage Chocolate Moose Milk Chocolate
Look out! The moose is loose!! I don't know what to do. Climb on the kitchen table like a 50's housewife. That can't hurt. Can moose climb chairs? They can?! Oh man. Here they come? Close your eyes!!! I love you honey. This is it. AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are...are they gone? Are we alive? What just happened? Is that a basket on the counter? What's in there? Canned chocolate milk? With a moose on it? Did that moose come in here and leave a basket of chocolate milk with a friggin' moose on it? What nice animals. Moving forward, I dare you to not think of all moose are angels. Let's have a crack at this stuff to celebrate living through that moose attack, shall we?

Hmm. You know, we've agreed that those moose are alright guys but this drink is alright in the most mediocre of terms. It's strangely thick and, yeah sure, it's chocolaty but it's like weird, powdery chocolate milk. It tastes like it might be watered down, too. Not only that, but it unfortunately doesn't have any mousse-like qualities. I wouldn't expect it to other than the fact that the drink is called "Chocolate Moose" like it would be a play on words.

Honey, moose are our friends. Those great felt antlers. Great, nay, majestic animals. Their choice of drink needs work.
North American BeverageWebsite
United States
Mike Literman on 4/23/14, 2:27 PM
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Switchel Original

Switchel Original
Look. I might catch some flak for this but this tastes like something that someone would make and drink on a dare. As I was reading through the ingredients, I saw "apple cider vinegar" and I knew that something was going to be up with this guy. Everything else in here sounds like it might make a cool drink, though; maple syrup, lemon juice, ginger root and molasses. Awesome right? Well kiss the promise of a decent drink goodbye because vinegar is here to stay and ruin your fun like some sort of cloud on a sunny day. Two sips in. I quit. This might be where we came from, but we have progressed from this. Enjoy things from the past like architecture, cave drawings, and classic cars. Leave stuff like this in the past where it belongs with its friends the black plague, building pyramids by hand and JNCO Jeans.
Energy Drink
United States
Maple Syrup
Mike Literman on 4/21/14, 1:45 PM
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Vemma Verve! Mojoe

Vemma Verve! Mojoe
Oh the mid-day slumps. On a gorgeous Friday evening after a seemingly endless winter, it's in the sixties outside and my body is craving the vitamin D that only doctor sun can prescribe my pale, pale skin. These Vemma drinks have been pretty good to us but this one is ravaging my poor body. It's fine. It's my fault. I only sparingly drink coffee or energy drinks but this one hit me really fast and really hard. Once again, I'm not counting this against them and you, as an energy drink drinker (working title) might like that instant jolt. Since I've covered half of this drink, the other half, proud residents of Coffeetown, need their fill. As a coffee drink it's oddly smooth and even though cane sugar is the primary sweetener, or at least the one towards the top of the list, that Reb A is shining through. It's not bad, but it's in there and you know it. I had to search for it in the rather long list of ingredients. I think Vemma is trying to make this healthier than "the other guys" but putting mangosteen, aloe vera, and green tea in there but what you get is an oddly smooth, pretty sweet, coffee flavored drink. Is it a lose? No. Is it a bad? No. It's just kind of "fine" because it's so much going on. Satin sheets seem like a good idea until you have to sleep in them and they keep getting kicked off you by your dumb lover, am I right? That's what this is. This drink is your idea of a sexy sheet but the realization that it's too much to handle.
Energy Drink and Coffee
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 4/18/14, 3:55 PM
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Popeye's Chicken Sweet Tea

Popeye's Chicken Sweet Tea
A disastrous discovery is that Popeye's chicken is fantastic. We've had commercials for Popeye's for years but just got one where we live about two months ago and...it...is...always...packed. We have for as long as human record can recall, had Kentucky Fried Chicken. This is not a KFC versus Popeye's debate. That is reserved for a delicious dinnertime competition. This is a one-on-none competition between Popeye's sweet tea and nothing.

This drink should not join the list of "things that will or could kill me" down the list past "get stabbed in the back" which will be how I die. This is sweet tea, man. Sweet, delicious, cane sugar'd sweet tea. No jokes and not lies. It's thick but still have the remnants of the tea, which is kind of surprising.

It's so dangerous that this is so close. This could be bad news. This is so good.
Iced Tea
Popeye's ChickenWebsite@PopeyesChicken
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 4/17/14, 1:53 PM
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Waialua Soda Works Lilikoi

Waialua Soda Works Lilikoi
I do not know what lilikoi is but whatever it is I bet it pairs wonderful with some Spam. I have also never been to Hawaii but Jay has, so fifty percent of the Thirsty Dudes know what it's like to come off a plane and wear a lei. Do they still do that? I hope so.

This tastes like something Dog the Bounty Hunter would have secret cases of. I also mean that in the best possible way. This is slightly floral but pretty sweet. I can't place it but it kind of tastes like the sensation you get from Zotz when they start to erupt in your mouth much like Mauna Loa. It's actually good enough for me to lose track and drink the whole bottle, something that I rarely do with an entire bottle of pop by my lonesome.

Hawaii, I hope to get lost inside of you one day but not anywhere close to where Dog runs because those joints look sketchy.
Soda Pop
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 4/16/14, 4:36 PM
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Cold Stone Pineapple Blueberry

Cold Stone Pineapple Blueberry
You get that itch that says, "You need something else, man. Get it." and you know what you have to do. Your body arises from its seat, which has held the weight of your body for too long and you begin walking, as if asleep out the door. You get to your destination having no recollection of how you got there and before you know it, you are ordering a smoothie from the window. You shake your head to wake yourself out of the haze you are in and you wake up with a pineapple and blueberry smoothie sitting in a "leather" chair next to a "fire" inside of a fine new establishment filled with employees who want to be anywhere but there and patrons that want to be anywhere but home. As you take your first sip you realize that everything is fine and fades away like smoke from a freshly blown out candle. This is a cold, fruity smoothie that your body craved and didn't give you the opportunity to deny. The blueberry pokes his head out more than the shy pineapple even though it would have been better the other way around. The mix itself is thick and cold and comes out almost tubular through the straw until it melts on your tongue. The seeds and grit and grime of the natural fruit add to the pleasing texture of the drink.

As you take your final sips, the outside world comes into focus and you realize that no more than fifteen minutes have passed and you are a block from work. You just needed a break from the monotony of making other people money. You earned it. Now you have to get back to work.
Cold StoneWebsite@coldstone
United States
Not Listed
Mike Literman on 4/15/14, 4:04 PM
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Swamp Pop Satsuma Fizz

Swamp Pop Satsuma Fizz
Even the dastardly scientists at Swamp Pop couldn't save this orange pop. It is, and will forever be, an untamable beast. The "junkyard dog" of flavors, orange pop will always be just orange pop. It's fine. They didn't do a bad job and it's cleaner and less syrupy than a lot of the other orange pops I've had but at the end of the day, if a hot dog isn't in my hand and sunglasses on my head, it's not time for orange pop. Sure, it's not limited to backyard hootenannys but regardless of the case, I'm left with a bottle or can of the same, half full container of the same-ish orange liquid. Sorry everyone and especially sorry to Swamp Pop who had until this point, earned near perfect marks. This is your "C" to keep you humble.
Soda Pop
Swamp PopWebsite@DrinkSwampPop
United States
Mike Literman on 4/14/14, 4:15 PM
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Coco Libre Organic Coconut Water

Coco Libre Organic Coconut Water
I certainly do not know how they do it. Coco Libre has produced one of the freshest tasting prepackaged coconut water I have ever had the pleasure of drinking, and it's made from concentrate. How is it possible that I have had dozens of different brands of this same product that are just straight up coconut water, and they don't taste nearly as good/fresh as this. There is nothing added here, it's just reconstituted (is that the right word?) coconut water. I have become a big fan of this, and will happily drink the case of it that I ganked from the “green room” of a show I worked the other day. I've come a long way from despising everything coconut to happily drinking bottle after bottle of this stuff.
Coco LibreWebsite@CocoLibre
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 4/11/14, 11:20 AM
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Aloha Maid Natural Guava

Aloha Maid Natural Guava
I don't think I've ever eaten a guava, like a real guava off a tree. Why would I see one of those as they are not indigenous to Buffalo? Sure I could have taken a trip somewhere but I've only been "out West" once and they most certainly don't have Guava in Las Vegas. Do they have them in Florida? I'm going there next month. Maybe I'll make it my task to find one. I don't have anything else to do. When I get it, I'll try and compare it to a drink that I would have drank a month ago at that point. What does it taste like now? Well friend, I'll tell you.

As far as nectars go, this is not the way I like it. I like my nectars with some grip in there. That's right. I like a nice, sandy juice. It just lets me know that things are happening. Grit aside, this is a good juice. It doesn't taste too sweet and is basically just water, sugar and guava so why would it. No fake sweeteners or additives. Just good, old fashioned fruit juice. Give this to your kids. Don't accept any substitutes; only the finest for your little brat.
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 4/10/14, 4:34 PM
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B'more Organic Skyr Smoothie Mango Banana

B'more Organic Skyr Smoothie Mango Banana
Bananas. Jay and I abhor bananas. We cannot let it sway our vote but if we could it would be more 1's like you would find in a single's speed dating convention. Because we are professionals we cannot judge based on our hatred for the fruit. Let it be known, though, for the record, we hate bananas. Now off to the races and off to the review.

This will not stop being tangy. It's sharp and tangy. I suppose you'll get that with a yogurt smoothie drink. Yogurt is not really tangy but remember the first time you had Greek yogurt and you were like, "Man, did I just drink mini razors? This is sharp." and then you eat more of it and you say, "Oh, that's not too bad. Maybe I do like Greek yogurt." This is like that first taste of Greek yogurt again and again. It's a bit distracting if I can be honest which is what you're paying me for. The fruit flavor is shared pretty evenly. Good mango taste and, if you like banana, this tastes like bananas. You know what else? It tastes like someone crushed up Smarties and spiked this drink. Maybe that's where the tang and/or zip is coming from.

We've had a lot of fun here today, haven't we? We've learned about the cons of speed dating, how I hate bananas, and the review which you came to read. You know what? I'll expect my check in the mail.
B'more OrganicWebsite@BmoreOrganic
United States
Organic Stevia Extract
Mike Literman on 4/10/14, 10:48 AM
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Sparkling Ice Pink Grapefruit

Sparkling Ice Pink Grapefruit
“Like an ice cube made of glitter.” Feel free to use that as a tagline, Sparkling Ice. Yes, I know that it's terrible, but that is the first thing that pops in my head when I hear your companies name. Secondarily I think about people wearing oversized diamond encrusted jewelry that is neither tasteful, nor classy. Which would you rather be associated with? That's what I thought. Glitter cubes it is!

First you take some spring water and generously infuse it with carbon dioxide to make some nice bubbles. The result is carbonated water that is bland and boring and has that weird taste that I don't really comprehend. To mask that you add some grapefruit juice concentrate. This is the moment that I believe you should stop. It would be on the sour side of the street, but that's something that I would enjoy. I understand that this just wouldn't fly with most Americans though; they need some sort of sweetener added. The folks at Glitter Cubes decided to go the zero calorie route and added sucralose to the mixture. Normally the downfall of any drink that contains it, the sucralose isn't absolutely horrible in here. I'd go as far as to say that I don't really mind it, which is a miracle on it's own. Somehow the grapefruit flavor combats the chemical taste, and it's only briefly noticeable in the aftertaste. The fruit flavor is still intake, although not as strong and as bitter as it would be in its natural form.

This is far from the best thing I've ever drunk, but it is a nice option to have for those watching their sugar intake. I do think it's safe to say that Glitter Cubes are not the wave of the future. Possibly just a little swell of the now.
Diet, Sparkling and Water
Sparkling IceWebsite
United States
Jason Draper on 4/9/14, 10:22 AM
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Dunkin' Donuts Iced Coffee Cookies & Cream

Dunkin' Donuts Iced Coffee Cookies & Cream
Buying this drink made me realize one thing; I don't know how to order coffee. Dunkin' Donuts comes out with this new line of ice cream flavored iced coffee and people, much like me, are lured in. People, much like me, who don't order coffee line up around the corner like Bruce Springsteen tickets went on sale and it's 1987, in anticipation of new drinks.

I go to the little window and order a cookies and cream and the man says, "How do you want it?" to which I not very eloquently and with complete lack of knowledge of how coffee works, "I don't know. However it comes." to which I am challenged with that worst possible response, "It comes however you order it." and I sigh since there is nothing left inside of me as that response might has well have punched me in the stomach in which to knock all the air out and I say, "I don't know. One cream and one sugar." which passed the test and I was on my way.

Now I handled the cup from the little window on down to my cup holder and when I brought my hand back up, it smelled wonderful. It smelled like I was a kid and idiotically put my hands in ice cream. I looked forward to this drink. I got to work and started to drink. Something I must have left in the car was the flavor of this drink because it certainly was not in the cup. Did it jump out? Did it evaporate? Did they forget to put it in the cup and only put some on the outside of the cup? Who knows for sure but what I tasted and what I smelled were two different things. The contents of the cup were nothing more than an iced coffee that you could get anywhere. Yeah, it was good, but it wasn't anything that a regular iced coffee isn't. I assume they did everything right but this tastes nothing like I wanted or expected. What do I know besides gaining the sad knowledge of learning that I don't know how to order coffee like an adult and that when I drink coffee, I get awful shakes and probably shouldn't be drinking the stuff in the first place? Nothing, for I am truly and imbecile. I might as well put my hands in ice cream because I am no smarter than my dumb three year old son.
Dunkin' DonutsWebsite@DunkinDonuts
United States
Mike Literman on 4/7/14, 12:47 PM
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Angeleno Agua Fresca Tamarindo

Angeleno Agua Fresca Tamarindo
Normally when you see settling at the bottom of a bottle it means that the company knows what they are doing and you will be in for a treat. When I grabbed this and saw that it was pretty much all clear liquid with an inch of dark brown at the bottom things were looking up. I'm not normally a fan of tamarind, and I don't really understand how anyone could be, but Angeleno's other flavors have been great, so I thought this might be my stepping stone into this flavor. Wrong em Boyo.

The sweet and sour flavor of tamarind makes me feel like it is normally used in Chinese food, but they decided to liquefy it and add a bunch of sugar. Liquid Chinese food is no one's friend. I really couldn't get past three sips (very small sips) of this. This is the final straw: tamarind is definitely not for me. If you are a fan of this fruit, this is a very sweet version of it. I got no enjoyment out of it, but hopefully someone will. It's always sad when a product made by Hansens misses the mark.
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 4/7/14, 12:34 PM
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51 Fifty Sugar Free Energy Drink

51 Fifty Sugar Free Energy Drink
Hey just because you're a madman doesn't mean you throw your calorie intake to the wind. Some of those who are touched in the head want to live healthy lives; that is if their crazy antics don't kill them first. These people want to die from plummeting to death, or something else fun, not from obesity or a heart attack. Where would the fun be in that?

This has the same berry heavy fruit punch esque flavor as the original, except the sugar has been swapped out for the dreaded sucralose. Something in here counteracts the sucralose though and it doesn't taste like diet poison. Although that is something that a 51-50 person may dabble in.
Diet and Energy Drink
51 FiftyWebsite@51FiftyEnergy
United States
Jason Draper on 4/7/14, 10:17 AM
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Refocus Sparkling Green Coffee Energy Beverage Pink Grapefruit

Refocus Sparkling Green Coffee Energy Beverage Pink Grapefruit
Alright people we need to focus here. We've been in this lab working for what seems like weeks on a new energy drink. Okay, I understand that you've been focusing, and that no one wants to be stuck in this lab, but let's refocus, because Mark's little cloning experiment over there in the corner, is proof that focus has been lost.

What are people looking for in an energy drink? It's certainly not another Red Bull clone, because there are obscene amounts of them in the market. How about coffee? You're right, people are a bit particular about their coffee, and a lot of people tend to not like it. Wait! I have it! What if we us green coffee been extract and not the brewed roasted kind everyone is used to? It's got a nice caffeine kick, but it doesn't taste anything like coffee, but it would be of interest to everyone.

Okay what next? Hmm, I've been hearing that people are skeptical about taurine, so let's keep it out of this drink. Let's stick with the caffeine from the green coffee and maybe add some ginseng and B vitamins. We'll keep this thing fairly natural with none of those chemicals that the other companies use. By doing that we'll be able to avoid the liquid candy taste that energy drinks have. We'll stick out in the market.

We're on to something here people. It just needs one more thing to make it pop. How about we lower the sugar and calorie count, but make sure it doesn't taste diet? No I'm not a magician with the powers to make zero calorie sweeteners taste good. We'll simply use both sugar and stevia. The blend will lower the calorie count a bit, but it will retain the sugar flavor.

We now have a base that is exactly what we needed. It's low calorie with out tasting diet, it doesn't have the chemical taste that most energy drinks have, and it's unique flavor wise because of the green coffee extract. I personally think we could go to market with this, but let's add some other flavorings so we can have a line of drinks, instead of just one product. Mark, what is your clone doing to the mixture? Oh he's adding some pink grapefruit flavoring, well that sounds nice. Actually, I wish it had a stronger flavor. It's definitely pink grapefruit in there, but it's doesn't have the sour taste that would make it taste like real juice was used. I know you did you some real juice, but people won't be able to tell from this flavor. It's just a bit dull. I mean it's good enough to go to market, but my personal tastes want it to be a bit more present.

Mark, you and your clone are fired. No it's not because of the pink grapefruit thing, actually that was fine. It's because you never participate and you created a fully gestated clone while we were supposed to be making an energy drink. I don't care if you're my nephew. I'll deal with my sister's complaints when I get home.
Coffee and Energy Drink
United States
Jason Draper on 4/4/14, 6:06 PM
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