4968 Total Reviews

Good Drink Organic Spritzer Wild Blackberry

Good Drink Organic Spritzer Wild Blackberry
Canada is the home to some pretty fantastic beverages. This may only be the second Good Drink product I've ever drunk, but I think it's pretty safe to say that it is the cream of an already wonderful crop. This is carbonated water, blackberry juice and cane sugar. It's simple. It's tasty. These days I would expect myself to say that I would have liked it more with less or no sugar in it, but I'm pretty fond of it the way it is. I don't know if I would change a thing. It only has 13% juice in it, but you would be extremely surprised to learn just how flavorful 13% can be. I wonder if the percentage was higher, if the whole thing would seem like too much. Perhaps I will have to buy an obscene amount of blackberries and juice them myself. Then use beakers and such to work out different ratios to carbonated water. How much do you think that little experiment will cost me? Probably about as much as a college education.
Soda Pop
Good DrinkWebsite
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 7/7/17, 5:16 PM
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Giving Tree Tea Peach Organic Moringa

Giving Tree Tea Peach Organic Moringa
On Friday I had my first encounter with moringa. I came across it was at a vegan Caribbean restaurant in Toronto called Veggie D'Light and they had a “moringa loaf.” I had no idea what it was, but it was delicious. Now I'm sitting here in the summer heat sipping on a tea in the summer heat and it has entered my life yet again. It led me to looking up what it actually is, and it turns out it is a plant (duh) whose leaves have a ton of vitamins and minerals in them and are extremely healthy. You can brew it as a tea, such as this, or it is ground down into a powder, which is what I assume the restaurant used.

I read online that the tea tastes vegetal like greens, but I don't get that at all. It tastes like some variant of tea to me. In here it does taste a bit watered down, but not in a way that seems like they are skimping. It just tastes like a light tea, albeit slightly earthy. The peach flavoring is also fairly light, but very clearly there. You know, the way that things should be flavored, instead of beating you in the taste buds.

If the great taste of this tea wasn't enough for you, you can also feel like a good person buying it because for every bottle that is sold the company donates a “wholesome meal to people struggling with hunger.” That's a win-win folks. Now I want to head back up to Toronto and get another meal and pair it with this tea. Moringa overload.
Iced Tea
Giving Tree TeaWebsite@GivingTree_Tea
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 7/5/17, 2:35 PM
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Starbucks Cold Brew Cocoa & Honey

Starbucks Cold Brew Cocoa & Honey
This is what all coffee should taste like for me. The quest is over. I go to local (Buffalo) places and try iced mocha coffee from all of them and they're missing something or there's too much of something else. This, though, this is fantastic. It's lightly sweetened and relies on the honey to earn some of its keep. It's got a great chocolate taste but isn't too strong. I read that it has cream in it but it's not thick like it could be. It might be there just to smooth some of the taste out. It's really good. It's not terribly cheap at $3 per bottle and I actually don't know where I can get it in Buffalo, which is a good thing. I was in Erie, PA when I got this guy but I feel like it won't be long before I see them here. It's kind of impossible that this won't be successful in the "test market" that is Erie that it won't trickle out to the rest of the country. For all I know, the takeover could be happening right beneath my nose and I could walk outside and see everyone drinking it like some sponsored episode of the Twilight Zone. Eh, could be worse.
United States
Mike Literman on 7/2/17, 9:47 AM
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Batch Craft Soda Brown Sugar Root Beer

Batch Craft Soda Brown Sugar Root Beer
Batch, I'm sorry okay? I know you tried really hard and you like to make things a little quirky, but in this instance it didn't really do it for me. Root beer is an exceptional flavor, and I don't know if I've ever had one that I didn't enjoy to some extent, but this tastes like it was half root beer and half…₮ÂĶI guess it would be brown sugar soda. The second soda detracts from all of the things that would normally make soda one so great. It's like the Nothing and it just gobbles up everything in its path, including tasty root beer.

Batch, don't get me wrong this isn't terrible. I finished the whole bottle and everything. It's just that I have such a high standard when it comes to root beer, and you did not live up to it. Perhaps if it were names Brown Sugar Soda with Root Beer Flavoring I would be able to get behind it a bit more for being the uncommon soda that it is. Unfortunately it is named the opposite and it leaves me wanting.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
Batch Craft SodaWebsite@BatchSoda
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 6/29/17, 7:54 PM
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Mountain Fresh Premium Apple & Guava Juice

Mountain Fresh Premium Apple & Guava Juice
I just got home from spending over two weeks in Australia. The only thing I want to talk about are the animal sanctuaries. We went to one in Perth and I spent hours there hanging out with all of the weirdest critters. I held a koala, for an unusually long time as the attendant just walked into a building. No complaints there. I also hung out with what I can only assume equaled a million kangaroos and wallabies. They are so damn docile there and just want to hang out and eat the food you give them all day. I was more than happy to comply. There were also so many rad birds. I booped a dingo on the nose and he loved it. It was all so great that two days later I dished out the money to go to another one and repeat my experience. Life was great. I would have gone every day if I had the chance. I would have also followed up each trip with a bottle of this amazing juice.

This was probably mostly apple juice, but the guava tastes so strong that it took over the beverage. It was exactly what I wanted it to be. The only thing that could have made it better would have been if it was fresh squeezed. If that was an option I never would have flown home. I would have lived a homeless existence in a foreign country just to be able to get that juice on a regular basis.

Why hasn't guava been the hot fruit of the season yet in the States? It's a superior fruit, but it's not commonly used to flavor things. I don't think I've ever seen a fresh one in a store. America rectify this mistake and make my taste buds as happy as Australia did.
Mountain FreshWebsite
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 6/26/17, 9:33 PM
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Nudie Veggie Nudie Carrot Apple Orange Ginger

Nudie Veggie Nudie Carrot Apple Orange Ginger
I keep hearing how great Nudie juices are. the thing is that every time I pick one up I see that it has banana in it, which means I might as well put my money directly in the trash because that is where that juice belongs. Man, bananas are one of the worst.
Luckily I stumbled upon this one which is trash free. People were right, it's completely delicious. It's mostly carrot and orange, which sounds odd when you first think about it, but it's one hell of a combo. Add a little apple juice to it for sweetness and a dash of ginger for a kick and you have a juice to write home about. This is 100% pure juice with no added sweeteners and I could drink it all day long, or at least until I got a gnarly stomach ache. It would be such a tasty pain though.

Ginger and Juice
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 6/26/17, 9:25 PM
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Kirks Creaming Soda

Kirks Creaming Soda
Sometimes you find yourself in Australia and you don't want to sit around the house you're staying at, so you go for a walk. After a bit you look at a map on your phone and discover you're near the beach, so you decide to walk there. After awhile you realize it's a lot further than you thought, but you've already gone so far that you simply can't turn back. Man are you thirsty though, so you stop at the only open gas station that you pass and all drinks are like $4 each. You curse Australia for being great, but so expensive (except cake for some reason). You end up with a hole in your wallet and a can of creaming soda in your hand.

This is something different than red cream soda or soda mouse as it is known in Canada. It's fruitier with a little something extra. In fact creaming soda doesn't taste like cream soda much at all. It's still good, but it's a different beast. It also gives you the boost you need to make it to the beach and back, completing your 20km+ walk like the dummy you are.

Soda Pop
Jason Draper on 6/26/17, 9:20 PM
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Solo Original Lemon

Solo Original Lemon
Australia is a strangely biased place. Everywhere I go cans of coke are $3.50 or more. While Pepsi products range from the $1.50 to $3 range. I mean I'm not going to argue with them Coke products are generally better, but it still seems crazy that there is such a price difference. I kept seeing this along with the Pepsi products in gas stations and meant to pick it up since we don't have it back home. I'm not a huge fan of 7Up so I continuously skipped it (mostly for water in an attempt to pretend-consume healthy foods).

Suddenly I have found myself with one being placed in my hands at a show. It is much better than I anticipated. It's straight up carbonated lemonade, including 5% lemon juice. Sure it's overly sweet and sodalike but it's better than any lemon lime I've ever had.

To be fair if this was in the US it would be garbage because instead of bring sweetened by real sugar there would be high fructose corn syrup in it and it would be a thick, syrupy mess.
Lemonade and Soda Pop
Jason Draper on 6/25/17, 7:44 AM
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Cawston Press Pressed and Blended Brilliant Beetroot

Cawston Press Pressed and Blended Brilliant Beetroot
PSA: Do not be concerned when you drink an entire carton of this some evening, and then wake up groggy in the middle of the night to have to go to the bathroom. The discoloration that you see in the toilet is not blood, just beet juice. There is no need to be thrown into a panic for two seconds before you remember that you consumed an unnatural amount of this juice and that it's a perfectly normal response from your body.

This is nothing but apple juice and beet juice and it's wonderful. I know beets aren't for everyone, but I love their earthiness in juice form. The apple juice cuts that a bit, but it's still there enough to remind you that what you're consuming most certainly must be extremely healthy. You also probably shouldn't consume as much as I did, but you know what? Live your life. Make your own choices.
Cawston PressWebsite@cawstonpress
United Kingdom
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 6/25/17, 7:40 AM
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Bunderim Ginger Beer & Guarana

Bunderim Ginger Beer & Guarana
I've been in Australia for about two weeks now. Let me tell you, eating vegetarian and avoiding eggs and cheese is not an easy task here. As a result I've spent my fair share of time at grocery stores cobbling together meals that I don't need to cook. I kept seeing 4-packs of this ginger beer, but I've been trying to limit my soda intake so I was hoping I would come across single cans in a gas station. It didn't happen, but I did find a 4-packs today on sale for less than a single bottle of Bundaberg is, so I grabbed it to share.

This is fantastic. I wasn't quite sure how the guarana would mingle with the ginger, but they got "right chatty" as I'm sure someone around here would say. As it turns out they combine into something great. The result really reminds me of Skeleteens sodas from the 90s (Brain Wash/Love Potion 69).
The ginger doesn't have a typical burn. It's transformed into something new. It tastes intense and almost hurts your throat to drink it. I mean that in a very positive way. So much for limiting my soda and sharing. My mom is going to be so disappointed in me.
Ginger and Soda Pop
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 6/25/17, 7:38 AM
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Kirks Olde Stoney Ginger Beer

Kirks Olde Stoney Ginger Beer
I'm in Australia. I really have no idea what I did right in my life to get here. I've spent more than 20 years playing in bands and making friends through music. Now people who live 7 hours away from me have dragged me halfway across the globe to the place that is the furthest away from home I could possibly be and still be on Earth. Sometimes life is pretty great.

My main objectives for this trip were to hang out with koalas/ kangaroos and drink a buttload of ginger beer. The second half of my plans started earlier than I expected when my 30+ hours of travel was filled with flight attendants serving me as much Bundaberg as I could fit into my digestive system. Now I'm at a house show in Perth (because where else would I be?) And a new friend handed me this unfamiliar can of ginger beer. My friends know what I like.

This is made by the Coca-Cola company and it tastes like it. It's quite good, but it feels like a safe version of ginger beer. The kind an older relative would keep in the fridge and serve to the kids. It's ginger beer with training wheels. It's a bit lighter tasting than what I'm used to, with a more subdued burn. It's a bit smooth and tastes like a strong ginger beer was mixed with plain soda water. I would say it lives in the gaps between ginger ale and beer. It's also pretty sweet, coming in at 47g of sugar pee serving.

Like I said it is enjoyable, but in a country where Bundaberg is king and can be found all over the place, I doubt I will pick up another can.
Soda Pop
Jason Draper on 6/25/17, 7:36 AM
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Pure Leaf Black Tea Pomegranate

Pure Leaf Black Tea Pomegranate
I'm not going to push any product on this review but this isn't good. It's not bad but it does not taste good. I drank a third of the bottle and am not going to waste my time drinking the rest. Don't get me wrong, I have a long track record of liking Pure Leaf. Their unsweetened is great as is their "Just a Tad Sweet." Their more boutique flavors are great also. This...there is a reason this was at Big Lots. When you buy drinks from Big Lots, you buy them with a little asterisk attached. Sometimes they're diamonds in the rough like the Unsweetened Peace Tea and sometimes they're not. You can't be mad about it.

This has the aftertaste of pomegranate but while you're drinking it, you get a taste of something undesirable. It's hard to pinpoint but it tastes artificial. I think it just has a strange tinge to it. Strange that it tastes better a minute after you drink it but it's when you're in the moment that counts and when you are in the think of it, it's not good. No sir. Peace out, two-thirds of this bottle.
Iced Tea
Pure LeafWebsitehttps://twitter.com/pureleaf
United States
Mike Literman on 6/23/17, 6:27 AM
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Mountain Dew Dew.S.A.

Mountain Dew Dew.S.A.
Wow. If you gave even a teaspoon of this to even the toughest eagle, it would fly into the goddamn sun and burn to a well-done representation of itself never to spread its wings again. Look. I don't hate myself. Do I get depressed and wonder about my life? Yeah, sure. We all do. Drinking this is like two rungs away from suicide. I drank half and had to choke that down. It's so sweet. So sweet. Half a can at a backyard barbecue for this website only. If this site didn't exist, my lips would have never touched the indistinguishable pop.

What does it taste like? It's hard to say. This is going to sound stupid but it's true but it tastes like if you filled up a cup half with regular, mom and pop Mountain Dew and then put all the other Mountain Dews in there to top it off. Sure, you can call it White Out, Voltage and Code Red and sure it might be, but none of these have terrible distinguishable flavors so mashing and mushing them all up together isn't going to get you any closer to success.

Look, the Fourth of July is coming up and maybe we need something like this in our lives to feel patriotic. What's more American than three Mountain Dews that are readily available dumped into one can and sold as a fourth Mountain Dew that tastes like fruity liquid sewage? Who cares, right? 'Merica. Rest in toasty pieces, eagle. You did all you could when you were with us. From that time you ate that mouse to the time you ate that other mouse. We'll never forget.
Soda Pop
Mountain DewWebsite@mtn_dew
United States
Mike Literman on 6/20/17, 6:11 AM
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Spindrift Sparkling Water Raspberry Lime

Spindrift Sparkling Water Raspberry Lime
I enjoy Spindrift's stuff. I've had a bunch of it and it's nice to see it come here (Buffalo) so that it makes it easier to get. It's like a seltzer for people who want things a little more juice and less seltzer. It's kind of a mild difference but it's there and you can tell even if you can't put your finger on exactly what it is. This has a taste you have to either just like or get used to, though. It's not like a seltzer in that it's bright and bubbly so don't go in head first and expect it. It's got something else that, like I said, I can't pinpoint exactly what it is.

As far as the taste, it's an accurate raspberry and lime flavor. Evenly flavored and not messed around with other sweeteners or ingredients. It's a nice, bare bones drink that could be a nice alternative to your seltzer habit which I can stop at any time, mom, jeez! Get off my back already.
Sparkling and Water
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 6/20/17, 5:55 AM
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Busy Bee Yerba Mate Honey Mint

Busy Bee Yerba Mate Honey Mint
I don't know what to say. I'm rarely in this position but I am at a loss for words. I do not know, and I've tried, if I like this. Yerba mate has never been high on my list of things that I really like but I am 95% done with this bottle and drank all of that with an open mind. Where has that gotten me? Nowhere, really. I've been sipping on it for an entire day and I don't know what to make of it.

It's bitter. Yerba mate is bitter. It's not punishing but it doesn't go down smooth, that's for truth. The honey is masked by the flavor of the tea and the mint is nearly non-existent. I'm not penalizing it for what it is and I'm not punishing it for what it could be. This is an honest yerba mate if there ever was one but it is, for me at least, a tough pill to swallow. It's lightly sweetened but it's not for kids. If a kid likes this, they have really crunchy parents and probably real all the time. Put that in your dad's medicine pipe and smoke it if you live in whatever states weed is legal in.
Iced Tea
Busy BeeWebsite@busybeemate
United States
Wildflower Honey
Mike Literman on 6/13/17, 5:59 AM
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Farmer Springs Milk Tea Matcha

Farmer Springs Milk Tea Matcha
Jay loves matcha. Why did I review this then? Don't ask questions. That's why.

This was purchased as a local Asian grocery store I tend to go to. I brought my son thinking he might like some different snacks and treats. For the record I thought wrong. I bought him a mochi ball and he didn't like it. I bought him a chunky juice and he didn't like it.

This was good but even in the small bottle there is no way I could finish it. It does taste like matcha but after a while, you eventually lose the green tea taste and it starts to taste like the milk at the end of cereal. Once again, not bad, but exhausting and sweet. Not tooth rottingly sweet but too sweet for me to drink even this baby bottle.
Iced Tea
Farmer Springs
Fructose Syrup
Mike Literman on 6/7/17, 6:40 AM
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Galco’s Pop Stop
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Polar Seltzer Watermelon Margarita

Polar Seltzer Watermelon Margarita
I do not know what a margarita is aside from a drink that my live-in-wife likes to order as a "salty marg." This did taste like watermelon, or, perhaps closer to a watermelon candy (somehow) without sugar. Could you imagine eating watermelon that wasn't sweet? That would be a strange thing. Watermelons are very sweet. This was not at all sweet and as far as I could tell, also not salty. I don't know what this is, to be quite honest. Sparkling watermelon perhaps. The margarita might just be a word they used to append to the end.

This is not bad and it's far from my least favorite but it's not bad. It's unfortunately not one of the ones I would come back to actively. There are times when I go to parties and think to myself, "Well the kids will have juice boxes and the adults will have beers so it looks like it's another Polar for me." and that's how I roll to parties. I might roll with this. It's safe but it's not exceptional.
Sparkling and Water
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 6/7/17, 5:45 AM
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Galco’s Pop Stop
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Vita Coco Pure Coconut Water With Lemon Tea

Vita Coco Pure Coconut Water With Lemon Tea
Since the ingredients are listed as “Tea(water, tea)” I don't believe this is the case, but this really tastes like a kettle of coconut water was boiled and then some tea bags were steeped in it and finally a healthy squirt (or two or five) of lemon was shot into it. The flavors are so seamless that it doesn't feel like the finished products could have just been mixed together. It's certainly an interesting flavor that I could see myself enjoying on all of those trips I take to tropical locations, where I do nothing but lounge in the sun staring out in to the ocean, but since I don't ever do those things, I don't know when I would drink this. It's really good, but it also feels like it has a very specific purpose. It's the kind of beverage that it just feels wrong sipping it while just sitting around your house. It needs to be enjoyed in the blistering heat of a summer sun. I'm sure many people will enjoy it in such a manner, but since that ball of gas in the sky and I are sworn enemies, I'm afraid I will never truly enjoy this in its intended manner.
Coconut and Iced Tea
Vita CocoWebsite@VitaCoco
United States
Jason Draper on 5/31/17, 11:57 AM
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Mati Healthy Energy Citrus

Mati Healthy Energy Citrus
I started off thinking these Mati drinks weren't very good. I blamed it on thinking that it was going to be a yerba mate base and not guayusa. Then, knowing what I was getting into better, I thought I enjoyed them a decent amount. Now, after drinking 5 or 6 cans of various flavors with some repeating, I really don't know what I think. I really want to like it, because it's different and healthier, but at the same time there is something a little off with the flavor. Not like spoiled “off,” but just strange that I can't seem to acclimate myself to. As soon as I take my first sip of any can, I'm not really a fan, but then about halfway through I start to “get it” and the enjoyment begins. The problem is that if I were to drink another can the next day it would be the same situation and not instant gratification. I know there are certain consumables that you need to grow into. They are things that you completely dislike when you first try them, but eventually they can become your favorites. People say that about beer, but I don't think that flavor could ever be something I would intentionally want in my mouth. You get the idea though. Will that happen with Mati drinks? Is it something that no matter how many times I drink it I will always have to “work” for the pleasure with each can? I don't know if that is something I want. Definitely not on a regular basis.

I would say this is 60% guayusa 20% orange and 20% lime. At least half of the citrus aspect of this tastes like it comes from the rind. That's not a terrible thing, but something I feel is worth noting. The more I think about the citrus, the more it seems to come through. Maybe it's because I'm nearing the end of the can. Maybe it's there because I'm looking for it. These drinks will remain a mystery.
Energy Drink
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 5/31/17, 11:48 AM
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Amazon.comGalco’s Pop Stop
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Dunkin' Donuts Iced Coffee S'Mores

Dunkin' Donuts Iced Coffee S'Mores
Where do I start with this...? It's not great. That's where I'll start. Before the similes and before the jokes, let's get to the marshmallow'y meat of this whole ordeal. It's not great. It tastes vaguely of marshmallow if you made a marshmallow with an array of chemicals...errrr...artificial sweeteners and then covered in more sugar. This time, and I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt here, real sugar.

This has more of a coffee taste than many of the other iced coffee's I've have, which is a welcome change but the rest of it...I feel like I might need a tongue scraper. It's a very prominent, strong taste that I wish I couldn't taste anymore. I'm not saying it's terrible and I'm going to barf, but after sharing half of this and finishing a half of what I had left, I don't know how much s'more endurance I have left in me. That's not a pun. I don't do puns. I'm better than that.

If you're wondering, I can't taste any chocolate or graham cracker. Marshmallow and coffee and endless questionable sweeteners. This will surly bring a plague of unknown disease upon my poor, meat-filled body. I just won't know about it for another twenty years when the test results come back. Prognosis...negative.
Dunkin' DonutsWebsite@DunkinDonuts
United States
Not Listed
Mike Literman on 5/31/17, 6:00 AM
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Galco’s Pop Stop
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