Sports/Dietary Supplement - 535 Reviews

Vital Energy Acai Blueberry

Vital Energy Acai Blueberry
I'm going to just right off here by saying that this shouldn't have been the drink that I started with. I judged a book by its cover, saw purple, assumed grape, paid for it, got to the car, and was disappointed. I wanted grape. I desired grape. It's 100% my fault and I hold no blame towards Vital Energy for any sort of false advertising or foul play. I'm an idiot. It's as simple as that. I can read, too. I don't, but I can.

So drink review, huh? Well, as you can guess it tastes like acai with light fruit-ness. The acai is pretty strong but dies out quickly, which for me, is good. It's a light drink, lighter than Vitamin Water. What's extra nice about it is that for an energy drink with the equivalent of "a large cup of coffee", it doesn't taste like a handful of Smarties. Good job on that, dudes. I can say dudes because I actually met the guys behind this company at a Less Than Jake show over this past winter. Two young dudes from Rochester, New York manned the booth as I tried to mention good ol' Thirsty Dudes. They were too busy. Apparently they didn't know who I was, and I was with Jay so we were 2/3 of the powerhouse.

Check it out. This drink can compete with the big guys and it's made by two kids, yeah, I'll call them kids, who if they were any "regular" mid-twenty year old dude would rather be slaying ugly chicks on bar strips and working at a bank in the day time, all the while dreaming of their next beer blast. Good job on doing something with your life.
Energy Drink and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Vital EnergyWebsite@vitalenergy
United States
Crystalline Fructose and Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 5/4/11, 7:18 AM
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GoodBelly Plus Mango

GoodBelly Plus Mango
Those of you that know me probably know that I have stomach issues. They started in high school and have persisted through my adult life. Blah. Blah. Blah. Woe is me. Well anyways a couple of years ago I realized that HFCS is what triggers a lot of the pain. I simply cut the majority of it out of my diet and for the most part I'm fine now. I still occasionally have issues, but who doesn't?

If I still had issues I would be all over probiotic drinks. They balance out the bacteria in your stomach and helps with digestion. That will lead to you have a smiling face, not unlike the one on the top of these little containers.

The mango is pretty fruity. There are also some bananas in here that poke their little heads into the flavor a bit. When I drank the first one of these I thought it tasted a bit medicinal. Perhaps I didn't shake it up enough, because this one did not taste that way. It has a pure fruit flavor. Try it out and give your stomach a little treat.
Sports/Dietary Supplement, Yogurt and Juice
United States
Organic Evaporated Cane Juice
Jason Draper on 5/3/11, 11:49 AM
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Ex Aqua Vitamins Lemon Lime

Ex Aqua Vitamins Lemon Lime
About three years ago I bought a couch. It has a nice leather bottom with microfiber cushions and a chez. I piled tons of kids on that for dozens of tacos and pizzas and everything in between. Recently, my girlfriend had been noticing that the cushions have been a bit lackluster and have lost a lot of their shape, leaving you in this slouched over, sunken, and kind of uncomfortable position. We decided that it was time to replace the cushions. It was a pretty cost effective options since replacing all of the foam was 1/7th the price of the couch itself. I felt good about it until we got the foam in and I had to re-stuff the cushions by hand. It was a tedious and long endeavor. I tried my hardest to get everything in without ripping the covers and after about 45 minutes of wrestling foam, I was on my final push to get the chez foam in, I ripped the cover. You can't see it, although it's a large rip. I felt defeated and quite dehydrated so I knew I needed something quenching.

I went and grabbed this lemon lime drink, flash chilled it in the freezer for a few minutes and started slamming it. It's good. It smells like a Sprite or a 7-Up but with a fraction of the sugar taste. It's a pretty calm taste, which you wouldn't expect from the smell, but that's what made it so drinkable.

I've never seen this in stores but the ones that I've had so far have been pretty good. This is not like Vitamin Water which, to me, is what I would grab if I wanted a juice. This also is stronger than a Hint. This is kind on in a category all it's own. Either that or it's right where you would expect it to be based off of the range that I just gave you.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Mike Literman on 5/2/11, 9:19 PM
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Solixir Awaken Orange

Solixir Awaken Orange
My girlfriend's mom got me a tea brewer for Christmas along with some select tea bags. I have been using the heck out of it at work. Yesterday I went for a walk and picked up this little dude at the local Co Op. I was tired and I had my choice of Awaken and whatever the other one was called. Obviously I got the Awaken variety.

The predominant flavors are Mate and citrus. Secondary flavors include cinnamon and ginseng. Primary flavors make up 90% of the taste at very least. It tastes like a bitter orange due to the Mate. You do get a little cinnamon. Reason I brought up the tea brewer is because one of the thousand teas I received was an orange spice tea that tastes very similar without the Mate. It was a bit rough and at times, I thought this small can would never end. I also didn't particularly enjoy it at any extent. It was more complex than flavorful.
Sparkling, Sports/Dietary Supplement and Energy Drink
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 5/1/11, 12:05 PM
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Glaceau Vitamin Water Zero Glow

Glaceau Vitamin Water Zero Glow
I've said it before, and I will continue to say it: I have yet to try a flavor of Vitamin Water that I don't like. I'm not saying that every flavor is amazing. I am just in the group of people that thinks they have yet to make a bad flavor. I continue to try all the new flavors and continue to be amazing by the consistency of how good they are.

As most people know, each flavor of Vitamin Water has a fun little blurb of text to help them stand out among all the other flavored waters. Since the name of this drink is "Glow", the blurb is all about how a supermarket is also a great place to meet people to date. It even goes on to say that if someone sees this bottle in your basket things will go good for you. I'm used to companies covertly (or in this case not so subtly) push their products onto the masses, but it always makes me uneasy. I highly doubt someone will be more attracted to someone if they had a bottle of vitamin water in their shopping cart.

I had never heard of a guanabana so I had to look it up. It grows on trees native to Mexico, Venezuela, Central America, the Caribbean and northern South America, Colombia and Brazil. Its flavor has been described as a combination of strawberry and pineapple with sour citrus flavor notes contrasting with an underlying creamy flavor reminiscent of coconut or banana.

I would love to try this fruit on it's own, but it is mixed with strawberry in this drink. It kind of tastes like a strawberry dipped in whipped cream, but not as heavy. It's actually really good, and I normally don't like strawberry flavored drinks. It has a very slight stevia aftertaste, but most people might not be able to tell that.
Diet and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Erythritol and Rebiana and Crystalline Fructose
Derek Neuland on 5/1/11, 9:43 AM
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Activate Vitamin Fruit Punch

Activate Vitamin Fruit Punch
I had very little interest in this beverage when I first picked it up, but since I had never seen it before I felt an obligation to this website. It has zero sugar; only five calories and the light color did not make it look very flavorful. None of that is very enticing to me.

The saving grace/overall coolness of this drink is the fact that there is a compartment of vitamins hidden in the cap. When you're ready to drink it you twist the red part of the lip and they drop into the drink. I've never come across a drink like that before, and it's pretty rad. The reason for it is that vitamins deteriorate and lose their potency in water. This way you get the most bang for your buck if you will.

This flavor really tasted like Flintstones Chewable Vitamins. Do they still make those? If not they should. They are tasty and made me want to take vitamins as a kid. Barney was always the best one. Do kids even know who the Flintstones are? Would Fred selling cigarettes even work nowadays? Who would be peddling those wares these days?

The use of stevia was a wise choice. It keeps the diet flavor to a minimum, and actually makes the drink enjoyable.
Diet, Sports/Dietary Supplement and Mix/Concentrate
United States
Stevia Extract
Jason Draper on 4/29/11, 3:09 PM
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POG Power

POG Power
POG is one of the best drinks I've had from Hawaii. It's fruity and sweet in all the right ways. When I saw they had an offshoot called POG Power I thought I might have the world's most delicious energy drink on my hands. Like many times in my life I was wrong. Not in the flavor department, but in the fact that this is not an energy drink at all. It is in fact a sports drink. It's kind of like Gatorade and POG combined, except it's more flavorful than the prior. It's pretty good, but I see no reason for it when you can just be drinking the original POG.
Juice and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Jason Draper on 4/26/11, 11:31 PM
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Neuro Sonic

Neuro Sonic
These Neuro drinks look so alluring on the shelves. I applaud the company for making a unique looking bottle with enticing colors (even though it looks like it should be some sort of adult toy).

Derek had reviewed one of these a while ago, but I had never seen them in stores. When I found them in a grocery store I felt compelled to buy them all, even though he had given his a terrible review. That, my friend, is proof that quality packaging can go a long way for a product. I convinced myself that I really only needed to buy one. I chose the one that is suppose to increase mental energy and focus. I chose this one because I'm on vacation, and when people are away from the real world for too long they tend to become morons. When you don't have to think or worry much about live everything seems great, and I know I tend to become vulnerable to making dumb decisions. So I'm taking the offensive here. Will it work? Who knows, but it's worth a try.

The first thing I have to say about this drink is "Holy diet!" It's hard to make out what flavor this is supposed to actually be. The taste I'm searching for is lost in a cloud of artificial sweeteners. I think it's supposed to be berry, but I couldn't testify in a court of law. Drink that is an idea. Customers take companies to court for putting out terrible beverages. I'm smelling reality TV of the dumbest kind. I wonder if they would let us be the judges. We could be called in for our expert opinions. I mean Mike and I are scientists. I would even settle for being the thirsty jury. Someone pitch this to the networks. Quick!
Other/Weird and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Crystalline Fructose
Jason Draper on 4/26/11, 12:27 PM
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PRE Probiotic Enhancer Pomegranate White Tea

PRE Probiotic Enhancer Pomegranate White Tea
PRE stuff is pretty good, but it's kind of all over the place. The powders are straight Stevia and are pretty good. I've drunk multiple drinks from them and I think that I prefer them to this. This is good. It smells like tea and then it tastes like lightly sweetened tea but then, all of a sudden, at the end you get the cool, Stevia taste. It's fine, but a little strange. They probably did it to keep the calories down, which they successfully did at a whopping 10 per serving (20 per bottle). It's just weird to have a nice watered almost unsweetened tea in the beginning and then WOAH sweetness. Like they were trying to please everyone at the same time.

Like I said, it's not bad, I might even drink it again if I could find it where I live, and the added prebiotics don't hurt matters even though I am (luckily) not a diabetic and don't need insulin in my daily diet.
Iced Tea and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Organic Evaporated Cane Juice
Mike Literman on 4/20/11, 12:42 PM
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Gtox Hangover Blocker Detox Shot

Gtox Hangover Blocker Detox Shot
Seeing as none of the Thirsty Dudes drink alcohol we had our friend Ryan help us with this review. He got trashed and drank the bottle at the end of the night. This is the review he wrote:

In order to properly test this product, I felt it necessary to make sure I gave myself a pretty bad hangover. I know my body fairly well, and it doesn't like tequila. So, last night i started off with 2 pint sized margaritas, followed by 4 pints of beer. I figure the mixture would give me a sufficient hatred of my decisions in the morning.

When I got home I drank down the Gtox shot. I'd love to give an accurate review on what it tasted like but let's be serious, I don't quite remember. I vaguely recall it being a very watery tang-like flavor.

The true test results were when my alarm went off at 5:20 this morning and my head felt like Paul Bunyan took an axe to my cranium. There's that hangover I expected to have. I'm not really the puke-your-guts-out hangover type to begin with, so perhaps this stuff could help with that. But as for the headache, Advil and lots of water is still the best cure.

I doubt anyone is buying one these to drink for it's flavor, so I'd give it a one-bottle score for it's function.


In order to follow through with the taste, as Ryan was too drunk to remember, it's citrus flavored. It really reminds me a lot of the original yellow Gatorade flavor. It has that same slight harshness on the back of your throat. Actually it's somewhere between Gatorade and a melted Freezee Pop. I don't mind the flavor at all. I will give it a three for flavor, since that's really what Thirsty Dudes is all about. Ryan stands by his one bottle for function though.
Other/Weird, Shot and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Jason Draper on 4/18/11, 12:11 PM
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CalNaturale Svelte Spiced Chai

CalNaturale Svelte Spiced Chai
Even though coffee was never my think I drank obscene amounts of it in high school. My friends and I would hang out at Perkins and just down coffee for hours. It was what we did, so I joined in. I added so much sugar and cream to mine that I don't know if it could technically still be called coffee, but it is what it is. As we got older, meaning we got cars, we would go into the city and hang out at Topic Coffee in Allentown. The first couple of times I got coffee, but then a random person we met exposed me to chai. I love tea now and drink it all the time, but when I was younger all I knew about it was that my grandmother drank it. When someone had me try their chai tea bells and whistles went off in my brain. This was delicious. It wasn't bitter like what my grandmother drank, and the spices made it seem so exotic (keep in mind I was 16 at the time). Since then chai has been a favorite of mine, and the times I find myself in a coffee shop it's generally what I order (Unless Nina is working and she makes me this magical peanut butter mocha thing with tons of whipped cream).

I had expected this to be a soymilk with a light chai flavoring, but the chai was way stronger than I anticipated. I love it. It is a completely vegan drink chock full of vitamins and minerals that actually tastes incredible. At first the chai hits you nice and strong. As that fades out a dry soy aftertaste creeps in. It's subtle and nice. I've finished the carton and now I already want more. If only this were available in Western New York.
Soy and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Organic Dried Cane Syrup
Jason Draper on 4/18/11, 11:34 AM
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Cell-nique Super Green Drink Berry Grape

Cell-nique Super Green Drink Berry Grape
In retrospect, which doesn't count ever since it's too late, I wish we had done the dark chocolate review later in the game. I feel that we would have "gotten" the drink a little bit more. They have gotten increasingly better with every drink. Don't get me wrong. It's still a strange drink. It's wonderful for you, but strange as could be. Sludgy. Dirty. Sandy.

Mike, not me, but one of the other Mike's in our office needed a "pick me up" drink. We went over to the fridge and I ran through the list. Pop? No. Lemonade? No. Tea? No. This? Oh yeah. I made him shake it because it's gratifying to watch the junk on the bottom mix into the dirt water looking drink.

Here's the thing,'s good. It is actually berry flavored. I don't know about grape, but it's a pretty honest berry flavor. There's the grit in your teeth that you learn to love with Cell-Nique stuff, too, especially at the bottom of the bottle. It's a good fruity flavor and although some people here who tried it thought it wasn't good, I think that it is and this is my site and I'm giving it a 4.
Juice and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 4/15/11, 8:09 AM
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GoodBelly Plus Blueberry Acai

GoodBelly Plus Blueberry Acai
2.7 ounces. That's it. One serving. Gone. It's like what I think a double shot is if I drank alcohol. Before I get to the drink review, I've got to talk about the packaging. You get 4 of these lil' guys in a carton. Pull one out and it's got a peel off top and the hole at the top is a smiley face. Every sip you get a smile from the cup. Adorable. You can then peel off the aluminum foil bottom and the whole thing is recyclable. Cool. Smart. Good work.

I had my choice and I picked this one. This was a very bold flavor and has an intense Acai flavor. Blueberry is there, but is quickly masked by the superfruit that it lives with in this small, studio apartment with a sweet skylight. You get the blueberry first and then your tongue kind of gets...strange because of the lasting taste/flavor/whatever. It's not bad, though. I'm not on Acai's fan club. No, not because I didn't have any extra stamps to send a self addressed stamp envelope to him, just because the flavor isn't something that my mouth agrees with. Sometimes it's alright, here it's alright at best.

I would say that they did an excellent job, though. Packaging, flavor, ingredients. Everyone is served justice, 2.7 ounces at a time. This could easily earn a higher rating with a different flavor. Acai ruined it for me. I just want to point blame where it belongs.
Sports/Dietary Supplement, Yogurt and Juice
United States
Evaporated Cane Juice
Mike Literman on 4/14/11, 11:43 AM
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Celsius Strawberry Kiwi

Celsius Strawberry Kiwi
Wooooo.....mistakes. Look. I am not responsible for myself. Here's the new deal. No, not Teddy Roosevelt's "New Deal", but my house's new deal. Monday and Tuesday I stay home and watch Max, my little dude. I have this thing where I work too hard and don't make time to eat. I did eat a yogurt at about 11 but that's it. Now it's 3:30 and my stomach is aching for nutrition, but who cares because Max is sleeping and I can finally lay down some code. So I'm working hard, got thirsty about a half hour ago and decided, yeah, Celsius.

I weigh 150 pounds. I don't eat terribly well, but I don't eat a lot so it all balances out. Celsius would aid me in losing more weight, even though all I'm doing is running Max up and down the stairs only to find out that he was going to wait until I have his diaper off to pee. Jerk. That tiny jerk. So I drink it and it's something. It's diet-y, and even though there is some element of a fruit flavor, there is this diet, burning undertone, and it kicks in fast. You see, they replaced the calories with caffeine is bugging me out, much like John Leguizamo in "House of Buggin'". My hands are shaking and my torso feel hot, like it is summertime and I'm wearing a vest like a stupid idiot.

All that being said, I guess it's doing what it's supposed to. I'm not working out, per-se, but I am typing a mile a minute and I've been doing stairs like it was that strange time in your high school gym class and you did step aerobics like a bunch of girls. Yeah, I said it. Girls do step aerobics. Men know that they have stairs at home that women, ironically, hate going up and down.
Diet, Energy Drink, Sparkling and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Mike Literman on 4/11/11, 12:38 PM
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Celsius Sparkling Ginger Ale

Celsius Sparkling Ginger Ale
As far as I'm concerned as of today winter is finally over in Buffalo. It was 50 degrees and sunny. Not a cloud in the sky. To celebrate I went on my first decent bike ride of the year. I was planning on just doing a little ride, but every time I reached a destination I decided to keep going. By the time I had listened to Bowie's Ziggy Stardust and Aladdin Sane was coming to an end 14 miles had passed and I was at my front door. From here on out I will solely use David Bowie albums to measure distance. It's the new science. Can you feel it on the horizon?

Before I left on this little adventure I decided it was as good a time as any to try out a Celsius drink aka "Your ultimate fitness partner." It's a mostly natural drink that promises to burn calories, reduce body fat, build lean muscle and give you lasting energy. By the end of my ride I was toned and semi-ripped like Michelangelo's sculpture of David. I'm talking like busting out of my shirt muscular. I'm a scientist, so I cannot tell a lie. That's part of the scientific oath right? I know I had you all convinced that I now look like Mr. Universe era Arnold Schwarzenegger, but truth be told I still look like a semi-dumpy 30 year old from Buffalo. I did have a decent amount of energy on the ride, and I feel way better than I expected to after not really riding in the past 5-6 months (yes our stupid winter can really last that long). So the drink has that going for it.

As for the flavor of it, when I took my first sip I was shocked at how good of a ginger ale taste it had. Within half a second I changed my mind as the diet hell of sucralose set in. Bear in mind that I have no tongue for diet drinks. I know there is a whole world of people out there that don't mind them. If you are one of those people and you're trying to lose weight, or put on some muscle, give this a chance. I think you will be pleasantly pleased with this ginger ale.
Energy Drink, Ginger, Soda Pop, Sparkling, Sports/Dietary Supplement and Diet
United States
Jason Draper on 4/7/11, 2:33 PM
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Under Way Acai and Pomegranate

Under Way Acai and Pomegranate
Ladies and gentlemen I'd like to be the first to thank you for coming to this ceremony and for purchasing this bottle of Under Way. It brings joy to my heart that all of you purchased this beverage in order to help out with breast cancer awareness. As you know breast cancer is a horrible thing, but by purchasing this drink you are.....wait....what? Under Way has nothing to do with awareness? Why on Earth did they use that pink color for the bottle then? Don't they know that that specific pink is reserved for breast cancer and penicillin? Did they want people to think of antibiotics when they drink this?'s a Canadian company. I guess that makes sense.

Even though it's packaging is completely misleading in my world, the drink itself is fairly decent. The diet taste is only slight. The acai and pomegranate flavors overpower it nicely. I don't know how a Canadian drink made it's way down to a U.S. discount store, but it did, and I drank it, and I enjoyed it.
Diet, Juice and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Under Way
Jason Draper on 4/7/11, 10:06 AM
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CalNaturale Svelte French Vanilla

CalNaturale Svelte French Vanilla
CalNaturale is better known for their wine that comes in these little cartons. They have fairly recently branched out with their Svelte line. It's a vegan friendly line of nutritional/protein drinks. Their website claims to provide you with "the lasting nutrition and sustained energy you need for your active and busy day." We've had a handful of protein style drinks lately. Most of them have been surprisingly good.

I have proclaimed many times (to the rolling eyes of my girlfriend) that a bowl of cereal in the morning does not count as food for the day. It is simply part of a routine, a crucial part at that. Being that I need my morning cereal (fake Cinnamon Toast Crunch, because I am a child after all) I use a decent amount of soy/almond milk. For a while I always used the vanilla versions to give the cereal a little extra kick. None of the stuff that I had tried had an eighth of the vanilla punch that this little carton does. You get punched right in the uvula by that little vanilla bean. While you're recovering the soy aftertaste sets in. When I first started drinking this carton I wasn't sure if I liked it or not. The further in I got the more I enjoyed it. I guess I just needed to get accustomed to it.
Soy and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Organic Dried Cane Syrup
Jason Draper on 4/3/11, 3:29 PM
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reGen Muscle Recovery Beverage Chocolate

reGen Muscle Recovery Beverage Chocolate
Here is the latest installment of our recent influx of protein/workout drinks. The point of this drink is to help out in muscle recovery after a workout. This specific formula was designed with three parts carbohydrates to each part protein to help with the muscles.

This is chocolaty. Dark chocolatey with only a little bit chalky texture. Not enough to be problematic. A friend said it tasted like a high end Yoo-Hoo. I can see that, except it's thicker. I should really work out more. Winter has made me lazy. When I finally shake this laziness off I will have to drink these afterward. How hysterical would it be if I got ripped? That would be laughable.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Jason Draper on 3/31/11, 10:33 AM
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XAPP Protein Energy Fruit Punch Flavor

XAPP Protein Energy Fruit Punch Flavor
Up until recently I had no idea that there was a world of protein based fitness drinks out there. You would think I would be aware of such a thing being a professional drinkologist and all, yet it eluded me.

XAPP says to drink this beverage to "Refresh, Refuel, Repair and Recover." Basically the ingredients will do wonders for helping you with muscle growth for working out. You know it's something that Arnold would have drunk all the time before he became a governor, and even before he was an actor. Man, after a brief Wiki check I found out that was back in 1967. He is way older than I ever thought. Regardless, I can see him as a teenager at the gym talking to a higher power, "XAPP, I have never prayed to you before. I have no tongue for it. No one, not even you, will remember if we were good men or bad. Why we fought, or why we died. All that matters is that two stood against many. That's what's important! Valor pleases you, XAPP... so grant me one request. Grant me PROTEIN! And if you do not listen, then to HELL with you!" It may have been 50 years later, but the gods listened.

This is a carbonated light fruit punch that is sweetened with sucralose. It tastes like a better version of diet energy drinks. I had expected it to be grainy and thicker being a protein drink, but I was happy to find out I was wrong.
Energy Drink, Sports/Dietary Supplement and Diet
United States
Jason Draper on 3/24/11, 2:40 PM
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Ex Aqua Vitamins Raspberry

Ex Aqua Vitamins Raspberry
You drink it and at first it's just a nice, light raspberry water, but then...something happens. I started to taste like maple syrup flavored raspberry water. That is not an ingredient, but I thought that it would make for a good drink. I've had things that are flavored with maple syrup and they're not that bad. Then it got me to thinking, what if there was a pancake flavored drink? You could do maple syrup sweetened, raspberry flavored juice. There would have to be some other magic in there to make it more "pancake" and less "I think this is kind of like a pancake". Am I on to something? Should I have just reviewed this drink as saying:

"This is a nice drink. It's very refreshing and not too sweet. Full of vitamins or not, it's got a nice taste that goes down smooth."

Or should I let my fat kid imagination run away with me and start inventing drinks that don't exist? I'll do what I want, thank you very much.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Mike Literman on 3/24/11, 8:25 AM
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