Sports/Dietary Supplement - 535 Reviews

Vemma Ultra-Premium Antioxidant Supplement Renew

Vemma Ultra-Premium Antioxidant Supplement Renew
It's amazing how much mangosteen tastes like orange juice in this case. It's also quite amazing how unhealthy orange juice is for you. It's amazing how orange this drink is while not being orange juice and it's amazing how this just tastes like a diet orange juice.

Now even though I used the phrase "amazing" a lot previously, this drink is not amazing. Actually, I received polar opposite opinions during the survey that I ran in my office yesterday. I got "not bad" and I got "tastes like baby powder." Both sides of the spectrum. What do I think? I think it tastes like a pulpless, lifeless orange juice sweetened with Xylitol or Stevia. I didn't hate it and it was actually pretty good when it was cold. When it warmed up a bit, it got a little gritty like a protein drink might.

I do enjoy that strange little mangosteen cat sneaking in the mix more and more. I'm sure I'll regret saying that as soon as "the big guys" start making it and ruin it like they do everything. You know what, big guys; you're making that green. You're doing what you came here to do. Play on, playah.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Mike Literman on 2/6/14, 10:08 AM
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Neuro Bliss Summer Citrus Berry

Neuro Bliss Summer Citrus Berry
When I think of bliss the first thing that crosses my mind is shoegaze. If you're not familiar it's a style of music that sounds very dreamy (sometimes droney) with a lot of effects on the guitars. As soon as I hear the word bliss either a Slowdive or My Bloody Valentine song pops into my head and I like to take a moment and just bask in it's strange pop bliss.

Is this beverage the liquid version of those songs? Not even close. While the added ingredients may have reduced my stress in the long run, I got no relaxation from the flavor. The sole reason for that is that even though crystalline fructose is the main sweetener, there is also sucralose in the mix, and as we all know if it's there at all it is overpowering. Without the sucralose this could have been a very pleasant, lightly carbonated raspberry drink. I keep trying to block out the fake sugar taste and I know there is a truly enjoyable beverage in there somewhere. I can just tell it's something that I would really, really like. Unfortunately the sucralose buries nearly all of that taste under its grossness. If you are one of the people who walks this planet that are unaffected by sucralose, like those who like cilantro, you will probably be all over this.
Diet and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Crystalline Fructose
Jason Draper on 2/2/14, 1:49 PM
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Naked Protein Double Berry

Naked Protein Double Berry
“I can't tell you what juice I'm drinking but there are two berries involved.” How many times can one website paraphrase stand up comics (Mitch Herberg)? The answer to this and other unimportant questions will be hidden in our reviews over the upcoming weeks.

This may be the single chalkiest protein drink I have ever tasted. I'm halfway through the bottle and my teeth feel like they have a very thin layer of sand on them. It's a weird experience that is for sure. I don't even know if I dislike the sensation, it's just odd.

Once you get past the chalkiness and delve into the six strawberries, five blueberries, three apples and one banana that are in this bottle things are a little bit of okay. It definitely has more of a berry flavor than anything, so the name is fitting. The apples and banana aren't very noticeable, even though they make up a majority of the substance.

Okay, I've come to the conclusion that while I don't have the chalkiness, it's not something I really enjoy, thus this is a functional beverage in my book any nothing I would drink solely for the flavor. I would consume it again when I'm trying to juice my pecs (pun definitely intended).
Juice and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 1/29/14, 5:22 PM
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Mountain Dew Kickstart Black Cherry

Mountain Dew Kickstart Black Cherry
Mountain Dew? For breakfast? That's right, friends. Now, you no longer just need to write code or play Halo until the wee hours of the night to earn the right to drink it. Now, housewives, chefs, music teachers, and X-ray technicians can wake up, do the stretch, and just start chugging. Best of all is that it almost doesn't taste like Mountain Dew. It tastes like a black cherry pop with some black cherry juice mixed with some Mountain Dew. Just some Mountain Dew, not all Mountain Dew. It's the better parts of Mountain Dew but it's cut off before it gets carried away.

Look, now that everyone can drink it, you'd better get it because before you know it, librarians, film historians, garbage men, lemonade repair man, ham analyst, foot doctors, and kneecap surgeons are going to be buying it all up. Get in your car now if you think that a black cherry Mountain Dew sounds good.
Energy Drink, Soda Pop and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Mountain DewWebsite@mtn_dew
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 1/14/14, 11:33 AM
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All Sport Zero Blue Raz

All Sport Zero Blue Raz
What sport are you playing? Oh never mind, it doesn't matter. As long as you are playing something that can be considered a sport I have a drink for you. Whether is be football, golf or curling this drink will cure what ails you. I call it All Sport, because as I have said it covers literally every sport. If you're playing, it's hydrating you.

What does it taste like? Well what do you think? It is a sports drink after all and they pretty much all taste the same to some extent. This one just happens to be diet. We used sucralose and rebiana. It actually doesn't taste that much like a diet drink either. It just tastes blue and I know you know what that it. At first this is pretty great, but by the time you have about a third left, you're done with it. I suppose I shouldn't be telling you that as I'm trying to sell you think drink, but…€¦wait this isn't my product at all. I found it at Big Lots. Oh, in that case people stick to Gatorade, they are tried and true and have their own decent diet drinks.
Diet and Sports/Dietary Supplement
All SportWebsite
United States
Jason Draper on 1/11/14, 3:56 PM
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Ensure Clear Peach

Ensure Clear Peach
I'm kind of shocked that it has taken us so long to review any products by Ensure. I mean, it's not something I really go out of my way to drink, but they are a well known company, so it seems like our paths would have crossed before. I would have given them a friendly wave, in the form of a review, and been on my way to the next beverage that awaits me down the road. You know what? That is exactly what I am going to do right here.

Ensure lives in the realm of nutritional beverages, in other word protein drinks. They have their hard hitting lines for those who work out and are looking to put on some mass. Then they have their clear line, which it seems is more for normal people, who just aren't getting what they need out of their meals. This little bottle not only contains 9g of proteins but it is also packed with a whole slew of vitamins and minerals that the body needs to keep it running at an optimal level. That is all well and good, but it's not really what we care about here at Thirsty Dudes. We care about our health, but this website is here to inform people about the way various beverages taste. So on to that: This tastes like someone took a general protein drink and watered it down before adding flavoring. One it was nice and de-chalkified (well mostly) they added some peach flavoring that is just slightly more on the side of artificial than actual fruit.

Overall I feel pretty good about this. It's not a functionality I need in my life, but if you are someone who does, then there is no need for you to fear it's flavor.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Corn Syrup Solids
Jason Draper on 1/7/14, 3:47 PM
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Solixir Think Citrus

Solixir Think Citrus
I've been reading Fizz: How Soda Shook Up the World and I've learned a lot about the history of pop, or soda, or whatever you want to call it. I find it very interesting, and it's a good read. While I have a love for your classic sodas, I would love to go back in time and make a change. I'm pretty sure that the world would be a better place if sugar had never been added to fizzy drinks.

As I sit here sipping on this can of Solixir I keep thinking to myself this is great. It has an excellent taste (white grape and lime mixed together to give it an unusual citrus taste), and there are only 13g of sugar in here that occurs naturally in the fruit juice used. The thing in that there is a little something in the back of my brain that tells me that there is something wrong. That thing is in fact that it is a fairly dry soda and it's “missing” sugar. Now, I only feel that way because my body has been programmed over the last 3+ decades to expect soda to be uber sweet. The thing is it doesn't need it. If I had started off associating a taste like this with what soda should be I would be completely disgusted with how sweet a “normal” pop is if I had one now for the first time.

On top of being a healthier soda, this also has a botanical blend added to it that helps with concentration, without the spike and crash that caffeine and other energy drink garbage has.

This is what I want. This is how things would be in a perfect world. People wouldn't be so overweight and overridden with diabetes (well at least to some extent).
Juice, Sparkling and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 12/29/13, 11:30 AM
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Halo Strawberry Raspberry

Halo Strawberry Raspberry
Hey dude, mom bought you some water. Yeah, water. Well it's called "Halo" because she knew that you spent so much time playing Halo. No, I don't think Bungie makes it. Just go get it. Mom is putting the groceries away now. If you don't get it, she might let dad drink it and you know he doesn't stop when it comes to drinking bottles of stuff.

Did you get it? Do you want to play Halo while drinking it? I think it's only fitting. You can be Master Chief because I know you have a cow when you aren't. I'll be, I don't know, Master Chief 2? We play as the same dude, don't we? Alright, open that bottle up. I'm getting thirsty.

This is good. It's just like a watered down juice or something. I think mom would like this because it tastes like one of her types of drinks. What do you mean you don't know what I'm talking about? Have you ever drunk mom's juice? It's like one part juice to four parts water. This is good though. It's got a better raspberry taste than strawberry taste. I feel like I can taste that tartness from the raspberries more than the flavor of the strawberry. I don't care though. Do you know why? It's because I have a Warthog. Oh crud. You have a Wraith. Great. Welp, looks like I'm drinking tea tonight.
Water and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 12/9/13, 4:35 PM
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Hint Fizz Strawberry Kiwi

Hint Fizz Strawberry Kiwi
Does anyone else out there get to a point where they just need to drink something carbonated? As in you feel like you're just going to explode if you don't get some bubbles in your throat. I am certainly in that camp. It's not often, but every couple of weeks or so I get a tickle in my throat, and no matter how much I cough, clear my throat or drink water, it simply will not go away. The only cure for what ails me is to drink some pop or other carbonated beverage. Now I don't always want all the sugar that comes along with soda, but I generally can't stand tonic water. Lucky for me Hint exists and they have created a line of sparkling water drinks that don't have the bitter seltzer taste. It tastes like someone took normal everyday water and added bubbles to it and it didn't change the flavor at all. They then added just a hint (well duh) of strawberry kiwi flavoring that gives it just a light flavor. It's perfect for what I need, and it has zero nutritional value, as well as zero negative connotations. It's a win for everyone, especially my scratchy throat.
Sparkling and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 12/8/13, 5:37 PM
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Klarbrunn Vita Ice Acai Blueberry Pomegranate

Klarbrunn Vita Ice Acai Blueberry Pomegranate
So you don't like oxidants, huh? Do you, or 99% of the population even know what they really are? I'm pretty sure I don't. I know that they have something to do with being sick, and ingesting antioxidants helps to stave off said sickness, but that's as far as my knowledge goes. Even though I don't know the science behind it, I can tell you a lot of fruits that are high in antioxidants. It just so happens that all three fruits mentioned in the name of this beverage fall into that category. What we have here is a naturally flavored sparkling water that is rich in antioxidants and vitamins, or so the company tells us. I have to interject and say, sure there is sparkling water in here, but once you add this much flavoring and sweetener (albeit zero calorie) it ceased to be water in my eyes.

Do you want to know more about how this drink tastes? Well, it tastes like a diet Vitamin Water with bubbles in it…€¦a lot of bubbles. If this wasn't diet, I think I could get behind it more, as the flavor is fairly decent. Actually, if they had used erythritol or stevia to sweeten it I would probably enjoy it more. The sucralose just makes it unmistakably diet in a way that I can't handle as much as I try.
Diet, Sparkling and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Jason Draper on 12/4/13, 8:41 PM
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Klarbrunn Vita Ice Black Raspberry

Klarbrunn Vita Ice Black Raspberry
If you drink this fast enough, you can actually drink "through" the diet. It's true. Using our inherent ability to chug, you can actually ingest this drink so fast and with so much speed and disregard to your esophagus that you can out-run the diet.

Why would you do that? Well because if you sip it, it's pretty gross. It's just a super carbonated raspberry drink. It is strange that you can bypass the worst part of the drink. Like skipping the worst track on a record, or not eating dinner and going straight to dessert.

The taste, diet aside, isn't bad. It's like a less "dark," less syrupy black raspberry pop that has zero calories and isn't vile. Is that a win? It's got to be better than some of the black raspberry pop's I've had. Some of those blow. Trust me.
Diet, Sparkling and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Mike Literman on 11/26/13, 4:25 PM
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Klarbrunn Vita Ice Lemon Lime

Klarbrunn Vita Ice Lemon Lime
Does "naturally flavored" mean anything at all when you are not naturally sweetening something? I mean, "all natural" has weight but natural flavors kind of only covers some of your bases. I mean, it's a good try but it's really a pathetic effort and calling out the fact that you haven't completed your whole job. With a fake sweetener, you're kind of taking a theoretical dump on your efforts at keeping the flavors tasting natural. You wouldn't do that now, would you? Take a dump on your science project? No. You wouldn't do that. You're better than that.

Now that I've got that out of the way, we can talk about this for what it really is. What is it? It's a sparkling lemon lime drink. It's not a juice and it certainly is sparkling. It's highly carbonated and I am going to have to subtly burp all the way through the day. Lemon lime? Yes. It really just tastes like a less sweet Sierra Mist. Is the sweetener offensive? No. Does it taste diet? A little but not too bad.

What is the difference between this, Sparkling Ice or Cascade Ice? Not much. This might be less diet. That's a pretty win when it comes to the fact that most people drink things for the taste. If you drink those, you know what you're in for.
Sports/Dietary Supplement, Sparkling and Diet
United States
Mike Literman on 11/18/13, 4:00 PM
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Klarbrunn Vita Ice Orange Mango

Klarbrunn Vita Ice Orange Mango
Much like Dan Aykroyd's Crystal Skull vodka Klarbrunn filters all of its sparkling waters through diamonds. It is essential to reach the full potential of the beverage and enhance the life fueling vitamins it contains. Get it, life diamonds…€¦Vita Ice? Okay that was dumb, really dumb. Dumb enough to make me think about deleting what I've written and start anew, but not dumb enough for me to actually do that, just think about it. You see I have now spent more time writing about how I kind of sort of want to rewrite this than it would actually take for me to rewrite it. So I will plunge forward with this review and tell you that this drink taste really cold. No seriously, it's like those Polar Pop fountain drinks that are always way colder than any other brand. I don't know why. This has been sitting on my desk for a good ten minutes and it still tastes like it's ice-cold even though it's only slightly colder than room temperature. There is some science going on here that I don't understand. In addition to that coldness this also tastes fairly diet, because is diet and full of sucralose, which is not my favorite. Any drink carbonated, vitamin enhanced drink that is sweetened with this particular sweetener always tastes like it was made with some sort of powder mix. This is no exception. This one specifically tastes like I dumped a orange mango Emergen C packet into some carbonated water and then added some garbage diet sweetener to it, because in this scenario I am a glutton for punishment. Why do I do this to myself in these made up scenarios. Everything about this tastes very crisp and cold. I can only assume that's what they are going for with a name like Vita Ice. Man I should have led with that instead of the worst (still amazing) Ghostbuster (yes Winston and Louis are better than Ray).
Diet, Sparkling and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Jason Draper on 11/14/13, 6:04 PM
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Ahhmigo Immunity Camu Superberry

Ahhmigo Immunity Camu Superberry
Raw foods are all the rage for those interested in a healthier lifestyle. Personally it's not for me, but I support anyone that wants to go that route. I am a creature of dietary routine, as my ladyfriend will complain, and I'm sure after a small adjustment period I would get used to that diet, but the thought hurts my head, and to be honest I just don't care enough to do it.

As far as raw foods go I never considered that some beverages would be off the table. I never think about pasteurization as cooking a beverage, but that's what it is. Knowing that makes eating raw even further from any reality I would want. Ahhmigo makes sure their beverages are raw though. Instead they freeze dry all of the flavor and ingredients and store them in the cap. When you're ready to drink it, you press that sucker down and give the bottle a healthy shaking. It mixes it all up and you end up getting more nutrients out of it all. Not only is it an interesting little thing, but it's also better for you. We have a win-win situation here.

As far as taste goes like all of the drinks in this line, this is pretty light. It's more of flavored water than a juice (obviously). It's taste is mainly camu, even though there are a whole mess of other ingredients in there to help ward off sickness. I could do without the stevia, even though I have a suspicion that without sweetener this would be a whole different drink. I was surprised to find that they put the stevia in the cap and not in the water. Also, even though I've shaken this vigorously on three separate occasions I still feel like undissolved bits of freeze dried cap matter are getting caught in my throat. The sacrifices we make for a healthier diet.
Diet, Mix/Concentrate and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Stevia Extract
Jason Draper on 11/12/13, 4:07 PM
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Solixir Restore Pomegranate Ginger

Solixir Restore Pomegranate Ginger
Even though we have reviewed several other Solixir products my brain was convinced that the “No Sugar Added” tag meant that this thing was going to be chock full of stevia. I keep finding myself reviewing drinks that contain stevia, and I've had my fill for a while. It seems like everyone is using it, either on it's own or in conjuncture with cane sugar. I understand it is healthier, but can everyone admit that it has a very distinguishable taste that can be overpowering? It seems like companies are acting like it is completely tasteless…€¦it's not.

I grabbed this, and braced myself for a cool “new-diet” sting that never came. It seems that when Solixer says no sugar added, they mean it. The only sweetener of any kind that can be found in this can is the kind that comes naturally in fruit juice (13g worth for those keeping track at home). I was overjoyed. This was a drink that I wasn't looking forward to at all, and it turns out that I truly enjoy it. It's simply carbonated water, white grape juice, pomegranate juice and a botanical extract blend that contains ginger root, European elderflower, European elderberry, stinging nettle leaf, dandelion root and honeysuckle stem. That is a lot of “unusual” ingredients yet the drink comes off as a very light, slightly fruity ginger ale. It has a slight botanical aftertaste, but it's in a good way, not in a “someone shot me in the mouth with perfume” sort of way. Yes, it tastes a bit watered down, but again it's in a pleasant way. Americans always seem to need strong flavor crammed down their throat, even when that flavor is a pale comparison of what it could taste like. This may have a light flavor, but the flavor that is there is of quality, and I would rather have it than some garbage artificially flavored soda any day.

I would love to try a cane sugar sweetened version of this, but I'm afraid that the sweetness would overpower the botanical flavors and all of it's greatness would be lost.
Juice, Sparkling, Sports/Dietary Supplement and Ginger
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 11/9/13, 11:42 AM
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Aquafina Flavorsplash Sparkling Berry Loco

Aquafina Flavorsplash Sparkling Berry Loco
Sir, I'm sorry to interrupt your meal at this $1000 a plate benefit, but I must ask you a very important question, are you crazy? No, huh? Well would you say that you are crazy about berries? You guess. Let's just pretend you said that you are. In fact let's say that you are very crazy about berries. Some might say that you are “berry loco.” Huh, Huh, see what I did there?

So since you are so loco for these berries and I can't seem to get you to shut up about them, how about you try some of this new Aquafina Flavorsplash? It's a berry flavored sparkling water with B vitamins added to it. Sounds great, right? Well what if I told you that we sweetened the deal, literally, and added sucralose? You would say that you have no interest in artificial sweeteners, wouldn't you? I'm right there with you, and I have no idea why they did it. Okay I'm lying I know; this is a diet drink aimed to help people who like soda pop drink something a little healthier. While I'm not a fan of sucralose, I must say that underneath that fake sweetness hides a nice tasting sparkling berry drink. It tastes like the Kool Aid I imagine you rich folks drink would taste like. I know you're Kool Aid tastes better than the version they sell us poor folks, you can't like to me! Fine, I'll leave! I bet you would have had no problem with this drink had I served it in a champagne flute. Snobby McSnobSnob!
Soda Pop, Sparkling, Sports/Dietary Supplement and Diet
United States
Jason Draper on 11/2/13, 6:05 PM
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Blu-Dot Protein Tea Orange Pineapple Green Tea

Blu-Dot Protein Tea Orange Pineapple Green Tea
When I bought this drink I was pretty sure it was going to be great, but the longer I thought about it, the greater my suspicions. On one hand it's a green tea that was orange pineapple flavored and that sounds great to me. In addition to that it comes in a glass bottle, which most of the time is a sign of quality tea. What company is going to spend the extra money on glass with an inferior product? On the other hand this is a protein drink, which could leave it weirdly chalky. It is also sweetened with stevia, which isn't absolutely terrible, but it's still not my sweetener of choice. There was no doubt that there was going to be an element of gambling involved with this one.

My original thoughts were not quite on the money. Actually they were a bit further away from it than I would have liked. This is a very, very light tea to the extent that it almost tastes like tea-flavored water. The flavoring has a vague citrusness around it, but it's more like the weakest Tang that has ever been made than orange and pineapple. That's stevia coldness isn't helping matters either. If that had been the drink it wouldn't have been horrible, but nothing I would spend my money on again. Blu-Dot took things further though and added whey protein in order to make the drink functional.

On some levels adding the protein made this drink seem better, because I always give functional drinks a bit of a break in the flavor category, because you can't expect that stuff to taste great. Then on the opposite levels it just makes an already mediocre flavor go even more down hill.

To summarize this it tastes like a shot of green tea was dumped into the world's most watered down Tang and then a heap of whey protein was dropped in, which made it taste like it should be curdled. I am not a fan.
Diet, Iced Tea and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Stevia Extract
Jason Draper on 11/2/13, 11:00 AM
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BodyArmor Super Drink Blueberry Pomegranate

BodyArmor Super Drink Blueberry Pomegranate
The beverage world, and the flavor world at large went crazy with pomegranate a few years back. It was everywhere. They started mixing it with other fruits and the results were largely positive. Then someone decided to throw acai in the mix because of the health benefits, and that's where I lost interest. Before long it seemed that everywhere you turned pom and acai were teamed up like the Justice League of antioxidants. The thing is acai doesn't taste all that great. Sure it's palatable, but it's nothing I would go out of my way for.

When I got this drink it brought a smile to my face that that dumb super fruit was nowhere to be found. I'm going to associate acai with Superman here. They both have powers, but they are overall dumb characters that always seem like they are cheating. I suppose that would make pomegranates Batman then. They are dark and mysterious with secrets hidden below their thick outer shell. I can get behind pomegranates. I was also glad to see that pom is working together with blueberries in this mix. We'll call them Nightwing because they are working together and not as a superhero/sidekick team.

This is a wonderful drink that fights antioxidants (crime) enough to keep them out of your body (Gotham) long enough for it to recuperate. They do it in a tasty and enjoyable way with a little bit of help from coconut water (Oracle…€¦see I told you Nightwing was more appropriate). This is actually more of a blueberry adventure with pomegranate backing it up. Speaking of which, why are there not more, if any, blueberry coconut waters. I would drink that up by the gallon.

This drink will leave you refreshed and rehydrated whilst leaving a sweet taste on your tongue. I'm going to assume that most of my references were lost on a majority of you, but just know that if I'm associating a beverage with Gotham's finest; I mean business.
Coconut and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 10/30/13, 4:07 PM
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Coco Libre Protein Coconut Water Almond

Coco Libre Protein Coconut Water Almond
Why don't you go ahead and make yourself a milkshake? Dump some vanilla ice cream in your blender. Then instead of adding cow milk, add some almond milk. You know what you had a nice workout at the gym, why not add a scoop of whey protein to the mix. Blend it up nice and smooth. Oh crap, you forgot to let the dog out. You better do that before he has another accident on the new carpet. Oh you're dog will only go toity if you walk him on a leash? You know what? Go ahead give him the walk he needs, I mean it will give your carpet the peace of mind it deserves.

Well, I'm sorry to say that I forgot to tell you to put your milkshake in the fridge. I mean I didn't think I had to dictate everything you did today. Oh wait, you did remember to pick up after your dog right? Man, your neighbors must really hate you. I suppose you should drink the shake anyways. It's a little melted, but it's still cold, and I'm sure it tastes exactly like a Coco Libre almond protein coconut water. Yes, I know that is the longest title for a beverage ever, but it tastes good, and so does your shake, so lay off.
Coconut and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Coco LibreWebsite@CocoLibre
United States
Jason Draper on 10/28/13, 6:23 PM
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All Sport Zero Orange

All Sport Zero Orange
Orange, eh? Sir, you are under oath. Do not lie to me. You call this orange? Yes, it is the color orange, but to call this orange is pushing the extent of my patience. If you want to walk out of this courtroom a free man, you have to tell me the truth. Did you doctor this drink in any way? There, now. Was it that hard? What did you put in it? Sucralose? That's one of those artificial sweeteners isn't it? Yeah, that's what I thought. You think I got into the judge's chair by being some sort of idiot?

What else have we got here? It tastes like a watered down Gatorade if I can be so blunt. Is that what you want? A diet tasting, watered down Gatorade? You're fine with that? Sir, please. Let me leave you with these words of wisdom: Don't be average. Be great. Average never did anything noteworthy. You may leave and please pay the bursar the small fee of three hundred and seventy dollars and have a nice day. I hope I left you with something to think about.
Diet and Sports/Dietary Supplement
All SportWebsite
United States
Mike Literman on 10/22/13, 4:51 PM
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