Sports/Dietary Supplement - 535 Reviews

Simply Balanced Essence Water Blood Orange

Simply Balanced Essence Water Blood Orange
I do get excited when I see new drinks. Not to discredit them at all, but I do get a bit discouraged when they are store brand drinks. Target's Nature Market or whatever it's called has some pretty good stuff but I can't help but feel like it's just rebranded stuff from some other company that was nice enough to sell to Target. Target, you guys are alright. I spend a lot of time inside of you in the least gross way possible but in the most gross way possible, there are always horrifically gigantic turds in your toilet and you should maybe patrol them a bit more. To drinks!

I do enjoy blood orange and I do enjoy essence waters like Hint and Ayala's so when I saw this and it was colored, I was a bit skeptical. "Essence" implies...well...magic flavors are extracted and injected into the drink. Never have I seen one with color, which just makes me think that it's a "Vitamin Water" type drink. That's fine if it is, but don't call it an "essence" drink. Call it something else. There is an association between words in this language we use and when you call something a specific title, people think it's going to be something. End rant. Begin review again.

This was a good drink. I don't know if I have ever seen let alone eaten a blood orange but this is good in comparison to other blood orange drinks. It was light and was sweetened by both regular old man sugar and new jack Stevia derivative, which Jay scoffed at but I rather enjoyed. You didn't get it until the very end. It wasn't too heavily sweetened even with the team of sweeteners and fruity so I would say that it was a success. Target! Another success!
Sports/Dietary Supplement and Water
Simply BalancedWebsite@target
United States
Mike Literman on 6/24/13, 1:42 PM
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Gatorade Fit 02 Mango Passion Fruit

Gatorade Fit 02 Mango Passion Fruit
Seriously, how many flavors does Gatorade have? Every time I think I know them all I turn around at a store and an unfamiliar face is staring up at me, just taunting. I think there were less than five varieties when I was a kid, and I was okay with that. Then they expanded their line and things got a little lighter, and I thought to myself, well that actually is much better. Now there are so many that I can't even keep track, and the thing is that unless I drink them side by side, a lot of them taste very similar.

A little research told me that as of now the Fit line is no longer in production, but that it should be back next year, after some reformulating/repackaging. With this line they were trying to ensnare gym rats into their empire. The entire line included a pre-workout protein bar, a fruit based protein drink for while you work out and these low calorie versions of their normal drinks for post gym time. For me that is far too much to worry about. I'll drink water when I work out, and occasionally a protein drink afterwards. Then again I'm not fanatical about the gym. I'm not trying to get ripped, just to stay in some moderate form of health.

So yeah, this line didn't quite catch on, but it tastes okay to me. It's low calorie, but they get there by mixing sucrose and stevia, so it doesn't have an overly diet taste. The stevia is there a little, but it's easily ignored. The beverage is clear, which is strange for Gatorade, but I understand they are trying to give the illusion of it being a better alternative to water while working out, and any sort of coloring in a drink would take away from that notion. The flavor is the lightest I've ever tasted in a Gatorade flavor. It's hard to distinguish the mango or passion fruit, since they are normally such prominent flavors. By dialing them back it gives the beverage a general tropical flavor that hints at each, but doesn't go overboard.

It's too bad that this line didn't catch on, well at least these post workout drinks. They make for a decent low calorie beverage that doesn't taste like poison.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Jason Draper on 6/18/13, 12:36 PM
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Grins Naturally Flavored Water Citrus

Grins Naturally Flavored Water Citrus
I know that grinning is supposed to be a good thing. It's supposed to mean that you're happy, but there always seem something menacing behind it to me. I think that it's the bearing of the teeth that puts me on edge. It's like a more aggressive smirk, as if the person doing the grinning is going to just leap out at you and rip our your jugular with those teeth they are so keen on showing off. I don't know about you, but I don't want that happening to me. I like my jugular just fine in its current placement.

Now Grins Naturally Flavored Water on the other hand is definitely a good thing. It's got a bunch of vitamins in it and not too much sugar. Most importantly though is that unlike a lot of beverages in this wheelhouse it has the consistency and feel of actual water (well at least remotely). A lot of these companies call their drinks flavored water, but there is so much sugar and other junk in them that I would never in a million years associate them with H2O. While Grins does have sugar and a handful of other ingredients in it, it's way lighter than it's contemporaries, and that is something I can get behind. I'm so sick of the obscene amounts of sugar in drinks these days. I just want nice light drinks, and this works for me.

This flavor is citrus and it's heavy on the lemon lime side of that grouping, but there are some other fruits at work in there as well. Overall it's light, and it's smooth in a way that you can drink the whole bottle without really realizing it, at which point you look at it, and wish that it was larger. It is good that it isn't though , because let's face it as a nation we really need to learn portion control.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Crystalline Fructose
Jason Draper on 6/16/13, 10:26 PM
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Grins Naturally Flavored Water Grape

Grins Naturally Flavored Water Grape
'Tis a rainy day in the "City of Good Neighbors." All neighbors in this fine city are opening their doors and letting the tired and wet in their living rooms. Homes across the city are filled with the memories of wet strangers and not-so-coincidentally, stories of why said wet strangers were allowed to come into their homes.

Although it was raining regular rain, in one section of the world it rains grape rain. Yes it is sticky and yes it smells good but even something that smells good can get old very fast. The stickiness gets old as soon as you get the first drop on you. Stickiness always sucks. Anyhow in the section where it always rains, a company called "Grins" did what they always do when it rains; they lay out square miles of open bottles and fill up all the bottled and then one at a time, screw the tops on and fill up a truck.

When the bottles come in they are washed off and then off to the markets. Even in the wettest of weathers, we in West Coast, NY will still drink water. Flavored, sparkling, or still. This is great because it's light, has a nice candy grape taste, and isn't too sweet. It really goes down smooth and it's in a small bottle so you don't get carried away and drink a gallon of it, which I don't doubt I could drink.

Stay wet Buffalo. Internally and externally. It will help you grow.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Crystalline Fructose
Mike Literman on 6/13/13, 3:34 PM
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Mix 1 Nutritional Shake Strawberry Banana

Mix 1 Nutritional Shake Strawberry Banana
I have one simple request for the humans who populate this planet: Can we please just give up on bananas? Leave them to the chimps. We evolved from them; so let's get away from their favorite food as well. I know people are going to think it's a phallic thing, or that I have a problem with the texture, but those people are wrong. I'll eat cucumbers like a hand fruit all day long, and I have no problem with mushy foods. The way I incompetently make oatmeal makes it about the same consistency as them. The sad truth that people just need to accept is that bananas just taste disgusting. I don't get even a millisecond of enjoyment out of them. They even smell gross, like they are always in a state of decomposition. I know the potassium they provide is essential, but let's be honest science has progressed enough that we can get that vitamin in pill form without the grozz taste.

Mix 1 has joined the bastard fruit with a delicious one as is common in our culture. Strawberries are delicious, so of course people will use them to try and disguise the grossness of the banana, it's just too bad it never works and the precious strawberries are just wasted. This drink really has two strikes against it before I even tried it. Number one: it's a protein drink, which generally don't fare to well for the palate. I've already spent too much time on issue number two.

Upon trying this it was confirmed that I am not a fan. There is a decent strawberry flavor, and it has a nice sweetness. If it were just that then I think this would have been a pretty good protein shake, but that banana, that damn banana ruins it all. If you are a savage who has no taste buds and eat this green to yellow to brown fruit you just might enjoy this. Me, I'll be avoiding it.
Milkshake and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Mix 1
United States
Jason Draper on 6/12/13, 2:58 PM
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Goya Hydro Health Guava Passion Fruit

Goya Hydro Health Guava Passion Fruit
Last night as I was purchasing a loaf of Italian bread and an avocado for some late night hangout snacks (yes I ate almost all of it myself, and yes it was delicious.) I saw that Goya had ventured into the “Vitamin Water” world with a new line of drinks called Hydro Health. The cashier told me that Goya has been going crazy and is making everything these days. She was dumbfounded that they now made baby food and these drinks. That was all of the examples I was given, so I can only assume that Goya has two new product lines. Perhaps two=everything in some worlds.

It seems that for the entire Hydro Health line Goya decided to forgo cane sugar or high fructose corn syrup, and kept them all zero calories. They did so by using erythritol and stevia, so that it would be zero calories and all natural. The end result turned out surprisingly well. It doesn't taste overly diet at all. In one of those blind taste tests that were all the rage in the 80's I bet a good majority of the participants wouldn't even realize this was diet. It may be the most un-diet diet beverage I have ever tried.

This is just as good as any Vitamin Water or any of the other similar brands out there. It's a little light on the flavor, but I actually prefer it that was. It's supposed to be a water drink, so I don't want it to taste like a mouthful of sweetener and artificial flavor. It's light and it's smooth. It has more of a generic tropical taste rather than a heavy guava or passion fruit, but I can look past it since it's so refreshing.
Diet and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Jason Draper on 6/9/13, 11:28 AM
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Glaceau Fruit Water Strawberry Kiwi

Glaceau Fruit Water Strawberry Kiwi
Glaceau has somehow figured out a way to make sucralose sweetened beverages not taste like the third circle of Dante's diet hell. This still tastes a bit off, but it doesn't have that gross chemical taste to it. Perhaps it's all the added vitamins and the like that do a nice job covering it up.

This does not contain a single drop of actual juice, but they did a decent job replicating the flavors in their laboratory. Even though this beverage isn't syrupy at all the flavor tastes like a syrup. If that made any sense to you then we are on the same wavelength and I think I may feel sorry for you. It's the kind of drink that helps wean people onto diet drinks. I could see myself drinking this a bunch and slowly becoming desensitized to that gross diet flavor. This could help a lot of people, well they may get cancer or something from artificial sweeteners, but at least they won't be obese.
Diet, Sparkling and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Jason Draper on 6/7/13, 9:37 PM
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Xyience Xenergy + Hydratrion Tropical Punch

Xyience Xenergy + Hydratrion Tropical Punch
Every time this happens I am always shocked. You crack open an energy drink, take a big sip and are taken aback when it is not carbonated. Yes I know that the can says, “non carbonated” at the bottom, but I'm a shoot first, ask questions later kind of guy. I like to try my drinks with only a cursory glance at the packaging, so there are no preconceived notions about the experience.

This is a sugar free, zero calorie energy drink and for being that it's pretty good. The diet taste isn't very strong. It's a fruit punch that is slightly on the tropical side of the line, but it's also on the lighter side of most fruit punch. It's like Hawaiian Punch with some pineapple and other tropical fruits thrown into the mix, but not nearly as thick consistency wise. It's a nice change of pace from the regular energy drink crowd, something that I might look into again.
Energy Drink, Sports/Dietary Supplement and Diet
United States
Jason Draper on 6/7/13, 1:39 PM
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989 OnDemand Lemon Lime

989 OnDemand Lemon Lime
Oh these drinks. I like 'em. I really do. They're different but this one I'm going to call their initial foray into this market because for the first time it tasted a little like crushed vitamins. Yes, this drink does in fact contain vitamins so it's not far from the imagination that it would but the previous flavors we reviewed do not have that taste. It doesn't make it undrinkable or even bad, but between the Reb A and the vitamins, it defiantly will turn some people off.

Because I am a great man and because we three Thirsty Dudes care about you, we can only draw such a picture with our carefully written words so I shot you a video of this drink in action to enjoy.

I don't want to hear any grief about it being in portrait versus landscape because we had a tight crop on a bottle, a portrait object by definition.

Back to the drink. It tasted like if you had a lemon lime juice and let a couple Flintstone vitamins marinate in it overnight and then drank it. As a kid I never hated the taste of them so this was fine to me. To Jay, disliker of lemon lime, he wouldn't drink this and it's no wonder why I had it and not him. I don't mind though. I hope they come out with a dozen more flavors so I can open up more of these bottles. Liquid good, people. Secret, liquid goods.
Mix/Concentrate, Diet and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Reb A
Mike Literman on 6/4/13, 3:53 PM
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Core Power Natural High Protein Milkshake Vanilla

Core Power Natural High Protein Milkshake Vanilla
Okay guys, which one of you pulled this prank on me? You know I take my protein intake seriously. I mean how else am I supposed to get ripped so I can be a superhero look alike on the street for tips? One of you jerks obviously emptied out my protein drink and replaced it with a melted McDonalds milkshake. There is no way that this is not a McDonalds vanilla shake that was left out of the counter, and then put in the fridge to cool it down. It tastes identical to that. So, not only have you denied me my crucial protein, but you've also given me the least healthy dessert beverage of all time. Thanks, jerks. Now I'll never get to look like Thor for $7 in tips an hour. I'm never going to be able to pay off my student loans for medical school.
Milkshake and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Core PowerWebsite@CorePower
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 6/3/13, 5:41 PM
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NOS Active Fruit Punch

NOS Active Fruit Punch
"A Drink For The Tired Athlete" might not be the greatest line, Jim. I know we at NOS pride ourselves on cool packaging and potent energy drinks but the term "tired" is kind of insulting, don't you think? Yes, this is our first foray into the world of hydration but this isn't our first tagline and that one isn't going to push a lot of product. Jim, come on. Look, this isn't our finest drink, I know, but we aren't the type of company to phone it in. We can't be lazy, especially since there are other players already in the market. Let's take a look at what we've got here before we move any further.

We've got an energy drink. We've already proven ourselves a big fish in that market. Let's just move on. We've got a hydration drink. Yes, it's like Gatorade and Powerade but we're mixing other stuff in so it's different. Those other guys don't have caffeine in there and we do so we are going to stand out. The fruit punch flavor is really hard, or so I hear from the flavor scientists at the lab. They did an alright job with this. Right when you take a sip you get a good fruit punch flavor. That lasts about a second. What's strange is that when it sits on your tongue for any longer it starts to get more and more stingy. I don't know where that's coming from to be honest. Neither does the lab. You think they would since they carefully added each ingredient.

You know what, Jim? The more I think about it; maybe it's the lab guys that are the issue. It's easy not to release a bad item into the marketplace. You just don't do it. These guys said it was alright and pushed it out and it's not bad but it's got a certain "really diet energy drink" taste to it. It tastes like a really diet version of two otherwise fine things. That diet branch might have just allowed me to go on a purge of my own because I'm about to trim the fat all over this place, Jim. Get out of my office! I've got some firing to do!
Energy Drink and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Mike Literman on 6/3/13, 5:06 PM
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Xyience Xenergy + Hydratrion Grape

Xyience Xenergy + Hydratrion Grape
As far as energy drinks go, this is good. As far as drinks go, this isn't fantastic. I don't really taste actual grape and I get a whole gallon of hurt. This drink hurts to drink. It tastes like I was drinking juice with needles in it. It felt prickely. What makes drinks sharp like this? Is it the sweetener? Is it something else? It's almost the same sting as you get when you drink Lipton Brisk. Oh, old Hug drinks. Those suckers stung.

Flavor town was fine. It's generically fruity more than it is explicitly grape. It's not offensive like when people stare at you because you've got tattoos or piercings. It's just not...quite...grape. Yes, I will hold it against them because they said it tasted like grape and it doesn't. Don't lie to me, cage fighters. You can beat me up fair and square but you can't feed me this and tell me it's grape. You should also know that I took many years of Tae Kwon Do so you might get hit by my delicate fist once or twice before you give me a bitchin' roundhouse.
Sports/Dietary Supplement, Energy Drink and Diet
United States
Mike Literman on 5/31/13, 3:14 PM
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Glaceau Fruit Water Orange Mango

Glaceau Fruit Water Orange Mango
When I hear the phrase “fruit water” I immediately think of a giant glass water cooler in the foyer of a hotel in a tropical area. The water cooler is filled with…โ‚ฌยฆwell water of course, but floating in that water is a delicious medley of tropical fruits that give the water a hint of the glory of your surroundings. Of course as you drink it a toucan flies over and lands on your shoulder and someone says to you, “Hey let's go surfing!”

I obviously knew that this beverage was going to be nothing like that, but that is the vision in my head, and I would like to submit that idea to the development departments of all the major beverage companies. Water that has had fruit soaked in it. No sweeteners or anything else added. It's what the world craves.

While Glaceau did not look into my hopes and dreams they did create a sparkling fruit drink that actually contains no juice. I don't want to be all picky here, but folks, let's face it this is a diet soda. It's water, it's carbonated, it has a sweetener added and it has a flavor. That's soda pop in my world folks. I actually think that is the textbook definition.

When you look at it that way, this is one of the best diet sodas I have ever tasted. I find it straight up enjoyable. There is something about the orange/mango flavor that combats the taste of the sucralose and makes it taste more natural. I know the flavors are fake, but it really does taste like mangos and oranges were used to make this drink, and I can down a bottle without feeling shame about it. You're onto something with this Glaceau, now just take some of those vats of Smart Water and dump a mess of fruit into them before you bottle it. You can thank me later.
Diet, Sparkling and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Jason Draper on 5/30/13, 10:00 AM
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Gatorade Perform 02 A.M. Tropical Mango

Gatorade Perform 02 A.M. Tropical Mango
Who knows what one does in their sleep? Perhaps you are a werewolf and without even knowing you transform into a wild beast and cause havoc throughout your town. Maybe you sleep-mallwalk with a bunch of geriatrics that wake up at 3am. Some people have night terrors of game show blunders past that cause them to be restless. Or perhaps it's simply the time when you think you are a Viking. If any of those things are true of you, then you certainly wake up with a loss of fluids and a lack of electrolytes in your system.

The only rational solution to these problems is to grab an oversized bottle of sugary beverage and down it as soon as you wake up. I mean staying healthy is a must and you'll be damned if nighttime you is going to ruin the rest of your day. So chug my friend, chug!

Guess what this tastes like? That's right it has the same sodium base as every other flavor of Gatorade. Not a bad thing at all. I like when drinks have a specific taste through out their entire product line so that you can spot them in blind taste tests. It's a taste America has known and love for decades. This version they went a little tropical with the taste. There may not be any mango listed on the ingredients, but it tastes enough like the fruit that you don't feel cheated. It is way sweeter than anything I would typically want to drink in the morning, but I'm not an athlete, a werewolf or have grandeurs of sailing the seven seas plundering villages. I'm just a Thirsty Dude, who thinks this tastes just fine, but I wouldn't drink it in the morning…โ‚ฌยฆ.okay it's 9am right now, but I drank 90% of this yesterday. I'm just finishing it off to get a taste for the review.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Jason Draper on 5/24/13, 9:47 AM
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989 OnDemand Pomegranate Blueberry

989 OnDemand Pomegranate Blueberry
I've said it before and I'll say it again, this is an awesome design. The OnDemand system is a dual twist cap with a concentrated liquid, not a powder, in the cap. The first time I had one it all came out at once. Today when I drank this it was a more tranquil, slow drip that was almost therapeutic to watch. It lasted for a while and I could see it all spiral into the water.

I do not think that it was a good representation of pomegranate and/or blueberry. It's alright but I think it's a bit skewed by the Stevia. It's not bad and it's still fruity but something about it tastes artificial, like if all the crops in the world were destroyed and someone salted the earth so nothing could grow and someone artificially created all fruit flavors. Maybe not to that extreme, but you feel me. I like it a lot though. It's like a fruitier, strong apple juice.

If you are an alien and you're reading this, number one, congratulations on deciphering our language. I have heard it is very hard to learn. Secondly, please don't destroy our crops. I know from space we don't look like much but we make a fine ear of corn. Just take some of it. I'm sure someone would give you enough to last you a long time. We've also got quite a lot of seeds that you can use to grow your own environment permitting. I think that fast food could last in space and we have too much of that. Take that. I'm not going to look down on you if you eat a Whopper.
Mix/Concentrate, Sports/Dietary Supplement and Diet
United States
Reb A
Mike Literman on 5/23/13, 3:28 PM
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Glaceau Vitamin Water Squeezed

Glaceau Vitamin Water Squeezed
Glaceau and the team over at Vitamin Water have "borrowed" kids from all countries of the earth, flown them out to their headquarters in the coldest parts of mother Russia, fed them a diet of crackers and water and the occasional Flintstone vitamin and had them create the most "kid like" lemonade taste buds have ever tasted.

The kids worked day and night for almost a month and actually did it. Glaceau's resident scientists have drunk too many drinks in their lives so they taste buds have been skewed. A child's palate is more novice and can really have an open mind when it comes to drinks. Together, these kids made good lemonade that's a "lowest common denominator" type drink. No offensive pulp. Lightly tart. Moderately sweetened. Overall good lemonade.

Once the kid's sole task was complete, Glaceau gave them an envelope with $1000, a note to give to their parent's that said, "We're sorry but we needed help. You will receive a case of Squeezed as soon as production is complete. Sincerely, Glaceau." and a box set of Jake and the Neverland Pirates to watch when they get home. I'd say that's fair.
Lemonade and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Crystalline Fructose
Mike Literman on 5/22/13, 12:13 PM
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Powerade Zero Drops Orange

Powerade Zero Drops Orange
Stephen loved to run. His mom went to the grocery store to buy him some Powerade before he ran a marathon. She saw the Powerade Zero Drops, thought it was a drink, and bought it. When she got to the race, Stephen was getting ready to go to the starting line. She handed him the drink and he told her that it was a concentrate. She was overly apologetic because she knew that this race was important. He told her that every so often there were people that handed him water that he could add it to so it was alright. He stood at the line and the man shot the pistol and Stephen took off.

Five, ten, fifteen miles. He was doing well but getting thirsty. Where were all the people with the water? Wasn't there supposed to be people out here handing cups of water? It was getting hot, too. Stephen was slowing down and sweating. Just then, it started to rain. Hard. Downpour. As soon as Stephen hit mile eighteen it was torrential down pouring. Just then, he remembered the Powerade Drops that his mom gave him. He squirted a little in his mouth and opened his mouth and took in the rain. It mixed up nicely and tasted like a vitamin C pill or a watered down orange Vitamin Water. He's got electrolytes and is cranking through the wettest race of his career. Mile twenty he's still running and it's still raining. He's soaking from head to toe but it was hot outside so although hindering and increasingly heavy, refreshing. Every mile or so he'd squirt a little bit in his mouth and drink some water. He was happy that it wasn't gross and actually didn't taste diet at all.

Stephen saw the finish line and ran hard with whatever energy he had left. He finished in the first group of runners and was psyched with the results. He found his mom and told her that he drank rain water and mixed it with the Powerade and it was good. They both went home happy because they did well. Stephen always carried a bottle of this when he raced and thanks his mom for introducing him to it.
Mix/Concentrate, Diet and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Mike Literman on 5/20/13, 5:19 PM
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NOS Active Energy Drink Raspberry Lemonade

NOS Active Energy Drink Raspberry Lemonade
It has recently come to my attention that through all the gallons of beverage that I have drank throughout my 34 years I have never once had a NOS energy drink. I've drunk far more energy drinks than I am comfortable admitting, but for some reason I have never reached for one of these. Perhaps it's because far too much of my time during my 20's was spent with friends who cared far too much (in my opinion at the time) about cars. We're talking about “pimping” and sooping up cars for cars shows and the like. Because of the boredom I underwent I became disinterested in all things car related. Now that I am older I say, whatever makes you happy, do it, but back them I was a surly bastard about it.

Anyways here I stand at my inaugural tasting, and of course it's not even for their flagship product, but a new line that they are promoting called Active. This line is basically an energy drink/sports drink hybrid. Due to the bottle and the fact that both are distributed by Coca Cola, I have it in my mind that this is NOS mixed with Powerade. I have no idea if that is true, but that is the way it looks and that is the way it tastes.

What we have here is very light lemonade with a little bit of raspberry flavor to it with a whole lot of electrolytes thrown in the mix. Oh, and a whole lot of sodium, which is normal for sports drinks. You don't taste the energy drink aspect of this at all. The only foreign flavor I can really taste is the artificial sweetener sucralose. Overall this isn't all that bad. It's not a flavor that I generally go for, but I know there is definitely a lot of people out there that would.

This is a beverage made for when you work out. My question is when are you supposed to drink it though? If you drink it before you work out you get the benefit of the caffeine, taurine and the like, but the electrolytes are wasted. If you drink it after, the opposite is true. I suppose you could drink it during your work out, but I feel like you'd only get half the benefits from each side. I chose to drink it before hand, in hopes that somehow the electrolytes are set on a time release. We can only hope.
Energy Drink, Lemonade and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Jason Draper on 5/20/13, 3:25 PM
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Ahhmigo Brain Boost Super Greens Cleansing Energy

Ahhmigo Brain Boost Super Greens Cleansing Energy
In the deserts of the southwestern United States there roams a nameless man. He is a man with many friends who have never heard him utter a single word. To those who know of the lore he is simply known as Ahhmigo. He wanders the desert with his trusty llama and helps those who are lost. The thing is he is kind of a jerk. He drives around in a jeep all day with a llama riding shotgun, until he finds someone wandering in the sand. He then pulls up, flips open a cooler from the back and tosses the wayward soul a bottle of water and a packet of vitamins and the like. He then just points in the direction of the nearest town, and just drives off. I know he's giving some help, but the dude has a jeep. He could easily drive the people to safety instead of just hydrating them. He becomes their friend (I guess) and offers them refreshment, but like I said, he's kind of a jerk.

This is the closest you will come to experiencing an encounter with this leathery skinned man. It is a bottle of spring water that has a cap full of freeze dried vegetables, roots, fruits, herbs and vitamins, just like the astronauts use. It helps to keep the ingredients fresh so that you can get the most out of them. Much like a Japanese soda, you smash the top down, into the fluid below, but instead of releasing a marble, a dusting of health enters your water.

The majority of these ingredients in cap drinks use zero calorie sweeteners to help make it more palatable for your average drinker. Ahhmigo is no different in that they use stevia, but with so much other healthy stuff in here, you can't really taste it at all.

For drinks like this I normally list all of the weird ingredients that I've never heard of before, but I'm sure are ridiculously good for you, but this seriously has so many that it would be the entire review. They are broken up into different categories on the ingredients list, which include algae, phytonutrients & enzymes, tonic herbal extracts & mushrooms, green juices, western herbs and natural antioxidants. I would like to mention that it has bladderwrack though. Now that's something completely new to me.

Overall this tastes like an old style health food store smells. It's mostly wheat grass that I taste, but there are a bunch of other flavors in there that just make it taste healthy. It's like someone took every little think that was healthy that they could find, juiced it all together, and then watered it down a bit. There are some flakes of the powder that I couldn't get to dissolve, no matter how long I shook it.

This is certainly a strange drink that is fitting for the strange fellow in the desert who travels with a llama. If you ever come across him, make sure you thank him, as he probably saved your life, but also give him a little guff, for not helping more.
Mix/Concentrate, Sports/Dietary Supplement and Diet
United States
Jason Draper on 5/18/13, 9:13 PM
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Core Power Natural High Protein Milkshake Chocolate

Core Power Natural High Protein Milkshake Chocolate
It is a well known fact that it is more important to have core strength rather than strength in just your extremities. Imagine having a weak little torso, but huge bulky arms. That is just ridiculous. I would like someone to draw a caricature of me looking like that. I will pay you one American dollar for it.

It is a lesser known fact that the best way to increase your core strength is with chocolate milk. Okay that is not exactly true. You do need to do some exercise and the like, but afterwards a properly placed chocolate protein drink will work wonders in building muscle and in being less hungry.

This tastes like a ridiculously good chocolate milk. It's slightly gritty, but it doesn't seem to be in the whey protein way. It's more of a “we didn't completely shave this chocolate down to nothing when we made this drink” kind of way. Just think of them that way; as tiny, miniscule little chocolate flakes. Doesn't that make the drink even better?

Most protein drinks you have to take with a grain of salt, and expect something to be a little off with them. This does not fall victim to that taste-wise and I could pound this all the livelong day. Sure, I would probably be a lard since I'd be ingesting so much protein, but my taste buds would be happy.
Milkshake and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Core PowerWebsite@CorePower
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 5/15/13, 4:23 PM
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