Energy Drink - 555 Reviews

Rip It Energy Fuel A'tomic Pom

Rip It Energy Fuel A'tomic Pom
The name of this company, Rip It, would be perfect for a professional wrestler to promote it. I can picture Ultimate Warrior or Macho Man Randy Savage (RIP) in the 90's getting pumped about this on a TV commercial between Saturday morning cartoons.

"When I'm in the ring, there's only one drink that gets me going. RIP IT! (They scream as they rip a telephone book in half, then a dictionary, then a picture of their wrestling rival)" It could have been a huge hit.

I don't think I've had a pomegranate flavored energy drink before. It's one of my favorite fruits so I was really excited to find this little can. It has a good pomegranate flavor that is nice and tart. The usual acidic energy drink taste is very minimal, which lets the fruit flavor shine. I'm half way through this little can and already have a jolt of energy. I think that means it's working.
Energy Drink
Rip ItWebsite@RipItEnergy
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Derek Neuland on 6/23/11, 1:01 PM
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Steaz Energy Zero Calorie Berry Flavor

Steaz Energy Zero Calorie Berry Flavor
I feel like there should be a Venn diagram for this drink. It has so many things stacked against it that are intertwined into one. It is a natural diet energy drink. All three of these things tread in dangerous territory, but the three mixed together in one can could be monumentally bad. Luckily, Steaz has a good track record so I'm not that worried.

First sip: eh.....
Second sip: It has a strong tea taste with a chalky berry aftertaste.
Third sip and beyond: It definitely doesn't have a battery acid energy drink taste, which is good. I don't know if it's the lack of sugar, or the 0 calorie natural sweeteners in this but this is definitely not sweet enough for my taste. It has a real bitter taste. People who love green tea and yerba mate would probably love this, but not me.
Energy Drink, Iced Tea and Diet
United States
Derek Neuland on 6/19/11, 12:21 PM
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Steaz Energy Orange

Steaz Energy Orange
I've been trying to avoid high fructose corn syrup lately. Anyone who has tried this knows how hard it can be. It's in everything! Even most ketchup has high fructose corn syrup as one of the main ingredients. I was feeling a little sleepy/exhausted from working all morning so I decided to take a walk to the Lexington Co-op to get some food and a drink. Since I was feeling sleepy, I thought an energy drink would be good. Luckily, the co-op doesn't carry anything with HFCS in it.

Now I've had some hits and misses in the past with "natural" energy drinks. Either they actually know what they're doing and it taste great, or it tastes really bland and almost worse than normal gross energy drinks you find at the gas station. Steaz usually makes good drinks so I opted to give this one a try. I must say, it's quite nice! It's a really good mixture of green tea and orange soda. Unlike most energy drinks, it's not heavy at all. It does leave a little bit of a weird aftertaste, but nowhere near as bad as most cans of battery ac.... I mean, energy drinks.
Iced Tea and Energy Drink
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Derek Neuland on 6/18/11, 5:51 PM
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Amp Energy

Amp Energy
There are two types of people in the world: those who love Mountain Dew, and those that think it's really disgusting. I am on team "Mountain Spew". I have had this Mountain Dew flavored energy drink before and didn't like it. I bought this for a friend who was going to be screen printing all night, but he ended up not needing it so I decided to drink it.

Now when you mix a drink I already hate with lots of typically gross tasting energy ingredients, it's a recipe for disaster. This taste like someone mixed Mountain Dew in a vat with a piece of carpet and then filtered it through a moldy sponge. Sure it does the job and gives you energy, but at what cost? I feel like my stomach hates me right now.
Energy Drink
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Derek Neuland on 6/18/11, 1:33 AM
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Celsius On-The-Go Sticks Berry

Celsius On-The-Go Sticks Berry
The thing about caffeine is that it makes me go a mile-a-minute and makes my hands go even faster. My typing of this review could break land speed records but the efficiency in which I type would make poor Mavis Beacon throw up. I'm more concerned with slamming down keys with speed rather than spelling things correctly and hitting that blasted "Backspace" key just slows me down. No, I'm not going to leave you with some unintelligible mess because that would be reckless.

Years ago, I used to work at a local grocery store. I didn't hate it, but I hated the focus that management, or as some like to refer to as "the man", had. See, cashiers are the end of the shopping experience. It's my face that would win or break their shopping experience and it was my awesome attitude and demeanor that would win your heart forever. Since "the man" wanted me to be faster and talk less, I was more of a machine than a person. This I didn't like. I could cash and bag just as fast if I could talk but no. Punch in. Punch out. Speed not service. That really bothered me. Had I known about this product, I would have drunk one before every shift and set the place ablaze. I would have rung your entire order of 251 products before you could get them all out of the cart. I would intrude on your personal space and start taking things out of your cart. I would have no regard for your safety and put things like raw chicken in with your baby toys and put laundry detergent in with your apples and not care. It's all about speed, after all, right? Safety comes second to speed. I would sneak off right at the start of a shift, grab a glass, fill it with approximately 12 - 16 ounces of water, stir in this powder and knock a shift out.

I didn't hate the flavor. It wasn't any different than the other Celsius flavors so if you love them, you've got another one that you can fit in any drawer you can throw at it. If you haven't had any Celsius drinks, they're a little bitey but that's the sucralose. Flavor-wise they're on par with most diet drinks, which is good because you can't taste that you're basically drinking straight caffeine. You could taste the berry and if I had one complaint, it would be that it didn't really mix well. It's not old stock and it clumped a little bit, but it didn't really taste any different when I was drinking it.

So if you are in the business where you've got to do repetitious tasks and you don't have to be terribly precise, this could be the product for you. My hands are going to cramp up and my keyboard is going to start smoking any minute.
Diet, Energy Drink, Sports/Dietary Supplement and Mix/Concentrate
United States
Mike Literman on 6/14/11, 3:52 PM
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Sin Greed Lemon

Sin Greed Lemon
When I picked this up I really thought it was boner juice. It's called "Sin", it's a "vitality" drink, and the can says, "Embrace the night. Drink in sin." That spells sexual debauchery to a level that Greg Dulli would approve. Turns out it's just a diet energy drink. There is nothing debaucherous about diet. It means the opposite. It tastes like a diet Sprite, with a hint of energy chemicals in it.

I can imagine their advertising campaign now. Obviously Adam and Eve are in it, fig leaves and all. There is a giant snake coming down from a tree with a can of the drink wrapped in its coils tempting the first couple. If it were boner juice it would have gone one way, but since it's an energy drink it would be them all spry and full of energy escaping God's wrath and running away from him before he can kick them out of the garden. Sacrilege? Maybe, but I certainly don't mind.
Diet and Energy Drink
United States
Jason Draper on 6/13/11, 6:57 PM
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Relentless Energy Drink Fire

Relentless Energy Drink Fire
Gentlemen, thank you for staying late this evening. As you know our new energy line goes to the bottling plant in the morning. Yes Johnson I know they are going to be in cans, but saying cannery sounds like we're talking about tuna, and I can assure you all that fish will not come into play here. The reason we are all here is because we have the cans designed with terrible Olde English typeface and all, but we have an empty space on the cans for our celebrity endorsement. We were sure we'd have someone by now, but Michael Jordan and ZZ Top have not returned my calls. Shocking, I know. So gentleman, unless one of you has a famous cousin we need to think of something else. How about a quote from a dead historical figure? Hmm who would be good? Who knew about energy? Tesla? Yeah he ruled but the populace isn't very familiar with him. Edison? I don't want people to associate us with his dark period. That whole electrocuting animals thing would probably turn PETA against us. Hmmmm. How about Ben Franklin. Him and electricity go hand in hand. I bet he would also love a drink that tastes like you mixed Red Bull and orange juice. Get me his biography! I'll flip it open and the first quote I randomly put my thumb on will be it. "Energy and persistence alter all things." Gold! Meeting adjourned. Looks like it wasn't a late night after all. Go home and spend some time with your families before the Franklin estate decides to sue us. I'm not getting clearance on that quote.
Energy Drink
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 6/11/11, 8:43 PM
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Give Energy Mojito Grapefruit

Give Energy Mojito Grapefruit
Mohawk Place is the only bar in Buffalo that I think is worth going to. It used to be a biker bar, but over the years it has transformed into a "punk" bar. All of the employees rule, and I've become good friends with most of them. I DJ there bi-monthly, and when my bands play Buffalo that's where we do it. It's a dive bar with the perfect size stage and the room is big enough to hole 200-300 people, but doesn't seem empty when only 50 people are there. It is a beer and mixed drink bar with nothing too fancy. The other day someone asked the one bar tender to make him a mojito. For some reason that is hysterical to me. Don't get me wrong I think they are tasty (minus the alcohol of course), but the idea of someone drinking one at Mohawk is completely ridiculous. It's way to fancy pants for that place. I didn't witness it, but I can imagine Erik the bartender semi freaking out of the guy, and that makes it even funnier to me. I had that on my mind today and when I had to make a decision between Give flavors, it was a no-brainer to go with the mojito grapefruit.

This is an all-natural energy drink. It's a good thing to be in this day and age. It's made with yerba mate, gotu kola leaf, guarana, gingko biloba and rhodiola rosea root extract. Nothing chemical. Nothing gross.

The can did not instruct me to, so I did not shake it before opening it. As a result three distinctive sections of flavor were in the can. The first third of the can was mostly grapefruit with just the tiniest hint of lime and mint. The grapefruit flavor was great, just the way I like it. The second third was more mojito flavor with a hint of grapefruit and a slight note of yerba mate. For the end of the can it was mostly all yerba mate with a lime/mint aftertaste.

I would have preferred more grapefruit flavor the whole way through the can, but it was still pretty great. Better than most energy drinks. I will definitely be giving their other flavors a shot.

If you ever find yourself in Buffalo at Mohawk place, order a mojito and see if you can get the bartender to snap.
Energy Drink
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 6/6/11, 4:30 PM
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Beaver Buzz Dam Good Green Tea

Beaver Buzz Dam Good Green Tea
Mike did not enjoy the Beaver Buzz citrus energy drink. As we all know, Mike it wrong sometimes. Actually Mike is normally infallible, it just turns out he doesn't like energy drinks. I in turn thought it was one of the best energy drinks I've had. I was excited to drink the tea version of it. Non-carbonated energy drinks always seem weird to me, but I'm starting to come around. It reminds me a lot of Arizona's green tea. It's very sweet, with a green tea after taste when you exhale. It's decent, but it's not as good as the other two Beaver Buzz's I've had. That being said, I would still pick this over most "normal" energy drinks.

Also, it's Canadian and it's still hysterical that it's called Beaver Buzz. I appreciate their sense of humor.
Energy Drink and Iced Tea
Beaver BuzzWebsite@BeaverBuzznrg
Jason Draper on 6/4/11, 9:43 PM
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Rumba Energy Juice

Rumba Energy Juice
Last night I kept having a dream where I was with John Lithgow and I had to stop him from dying. Sometimes it was accidental and sometimes he was trying to kill himself, but over and over I had to intervene. Then I looked down and noticed a 3" in diameter hole in the ditch of my arm. My arm was hollow and all dried out on the inside. Thinking about it now makes me want to vomit all over the place. Needless to say I slept like garbage.

Now it's later in the day and I'm going to be up late watching some bands play, so I needed a little boost to help me through the night. I didn't want anything too intense so I grabbed this Rumba. I mean it says 100% juice, so it can't be full of too much garbage. In reality taurine, caffeine, ginseng and a whole mess of other stuff in it, but I can pretend it's all-natural.

First off it's weird because it's not carbonated and it's always weird when energy drinks aren't. It tastes like a highly acid orange juice with a little tangerine and pineapple thrown into the mix. There's a slight energy drink taste, but it's mostly just fruit juice. I like it way more than I like highly disturbing dreams. Oh yeah, while I was distracted Mr. Lithgow ended up offing himself. Services will be announced later in the week.
Energy Drink and Juice
United States
Jason Draper on 6/2/11, 7:53 PM
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Celsius Green Tea Raspberry Acai

Celsius Green Tea Raspberry Acai
Some drinks have a special purpose and when reviewing those drinks it's hard to decide what is more important flavor or functionality. The Celsius drinks score great in the realm of functionality. I can't say whether or not it burns the calories on it's own, but it definitely gives you more energy to exercise. When I drink one of these before jumping on my bike I end up riding way longer than I normally would.

On the side of flavor they sometimes leave something to be desired. That is because of their good friend sucralose. The sweetener that tastes sweet in all the wrong ways. I wish they would just switch over to stevia. If you're not going with real sugar stevia is the way to go in my book.

This is the best tasting Celsius I've had thus far. I think that's because it's a tea and not a "soda." It still has the sucralose taste, but it's masked a bit by the tea. It basically tastes like a diet raspberry tea. I don't taste the acai at all, but really who needs it when you have raspberry in the mix?

I've been inside for far to long today. This can is now empty so I'm going to go jump on my bike and ride around the city for a while. Try not to hit me.
Diet, Energy Drink, Iced Tea and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Jason Draper on 6/1/11, 8:04 PM
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Pink Energy Sugar Free Pink Grapefruit

Pink Energy Sugar Free Pink Grapefruit
I recently moved back to Buffalo from living in Portland, OR for 2 years. When I got back, fellow Thirsty Dude Jay gave me some drinks from his stash to get my queue going. He pawned this drink off on me, presumably because he wasn't looking forward to it. I don't blame him, it has all the characteristics of a horrible energy drink: no flavor listed, company you've never heard of, diet/sugar free/0 calories, bad artwork, etc... Oh, the pull-tab says "buzz" on it too. Ugg.

After a little research on their website, I found out this is pink grapefruit flavored (or should I say flavoured since this is a Canadian product?) This was good news to me since, as I've said many times, I love grapefruit flavoured drinks. But it's still a diet energy drink so I was still skeptical.

Here is my thought process after opening it:
Hmm, smells like grapefruit and not like chemicals.
*takes first sip*
Definitely tastes like grapefruit, now lets wait for the chemical aftertaste.
*it never comes*
Wait, really?
*takes another, bigger sip*
This diet energy drink is awesome! It tastes like Squirt and doesn't taste gross at all. After a half dozen sips, I already feel energized and can't wait to be productive the rest of the night. Once again, the fine folks of Canada have made a great product.
Diet and Energy Drink
Pink EnergyWebsite@pnkenergy
Derek Neuland on 5/28/11, 10:38 PM
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Ex Natural Energy Suppliment Slim Energy

Ex Natural Energy Suppliment Slim Energy
This is the diet version of the Ex energy drink I reviewed a few weeks ago. In that I detailed my feelings on kombucha. Basically it's foul sludge. In the ordinary version the taste wasn't that bad. I actually kind of enjoyed it. Unfortunately in this diet version the grossness prevails. It's not as strong as other kombucha drinks, but it still tastes a little bit like rot to me. I think the sweetener in the other one covered it up. The stevia in this lets it shine. Boo on you stevia. You have been so kind to me in the past why did you have to do this to me now? This doesn't taste chemical like most energy drinks, but I think I might prefer that to the kombucha taste. If you're into that kind of thing, you will probably love this.
Diet and Energy Drink
United States
Stevia Rebaudiana Leaf Extract
Jason Draper on 5/27/11, 8:26 PM
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Big Jak Red Jak Energy Drink

Big Jak Red Jak Energy Drink
Hey Jak! It's you and me buddy. Let's go for a ride, and by ride I mean via horseback, because due to your name, Red Jak, you are obviously a cowboy. So let's see what these dusty trails have to offer us.

Well it seems that you ride a donkey Jak. I say that because you taste like a drink for children, and that is what children ride on the prairie. Energy drinks for children. That is probably one of the worst ideas ever. I feel like their little hearts wouldn't be able to handle it. Perhaps their tiny veins are too delicate and they would just burst. I don't want to think about these things. Kids stay away from energy drinks. You're young. You naturally have all the energy you need.

To clarify I'm not saying Big Red targets this product towards children, but it tastes like they would love it. It doesn't taste like ten thousand chemical Smarties. It tastes like a berry-flavored soda that is heavy on the strawberry. It reminds me of those Asian gums that come in little boxes with four gumballs. They are really fluffy. I love that gum.

There you have it. Jak's donkey is all tuckered out and won't leave the troth. I on the other hand am carrying my horse around because I'm all amped up from the drink.
Energy Drink
Big JakWebsite
United States
Jason Draper on 5/24/11, 8:44 PM
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Arizona RX Energy Herbal Tonic

Arizona  RX Energy Herbal Tonic
It was very nice out today. People were out doing yard work, hanging out with parks, and walking their dogs down the road everywhere I went. What did I do today? I took a little stroll with my lady friend around Elmwood Village and then went with Editor Dan to explore an old cement factory that has been abandoned and left to rot for well over 50 years. Let me tell you, I think we had most people's plans for the day beat. There are also some caves back their, but they were either sealed off by a rock slide, or we are too big of idiots to find them.

I can also tell you something else. When exploring you work up a mean thirst. We stopped at a convenience store to pick up some refreshments. Unfortunately for us their selection was pretty beat. I grabbed this Arizona, because I needed something and it was cheap. I thought we had already reviewed it, but when I checked it somehow had slipped through the cracks.

This was an old standby for myself for years. I would go to the University Heights section of town to go to basement shows all the time. In-between bands we would walk to the nearby gas station for iced tea and this is what I purchased 90% of the time. I always referred to it as "dirt flavored." To clarify it actually tastes nothing like dirt at all, but the coloring and design of the can always made me think of some old tincture that surely would taste like dry mud. It's actually way, way sweet. It's green tea with mango, pear and lemon juice in it. It also has some herbs in it that make it a half-assed energy drink. I don't think I've ever felt any energy from one of these, but I sure do like the way they taste. It's very different than any of the other flavors of Arizona. I believe it is the only fruit flavored green tea they produce. The green tea compared to the black makes all the difference.

If this were a new company that I found I probably would have given this a three bottle review, but since I have so much history with this drink, and I started drinking it before I discovered non-HFCS teas, I will give it a four. I loved it back then when I was ignorant, and I still enjoy it a great deal now.
Energy Drink and Iced Tea
Arizona Website@DrinkAriZona
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 5/21/11, 9:09 PM
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Celsius Sparkling Wild Berry

Celsius Sparkling Wild Berry
So far this has been my least favorite of the Celsius line. The sucralose in this is just overpowering. It somehow tastes like a diet ginger drink with some diet berry flavoring added to it. If you're used to the diet taste it's probably tastes fine to you. I didn't really enjoy it at all. I will still give this a three-bottle rating though as it gave me all the energy I needed to exercise. So much in fact that Mike and I rode our bikes for nearly 30 miles last night and I didn't feel exhausted at all. Hopefully it also actually burned off those extra calories like it promised to as well.
Diet, Energy Drink, Sparkling and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Jason Draper on 5/20/11, 4:57 PM
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Monster Nitrous Anti Gravity

Monster Nitrous Anti Gravity
I love energy drinks. I used to try them all out of curiosity long before this site was around. What's great about them is they really work! I stayed up all night hanging out with my friend Biff until 6am, and I had to wake up at 11 to meet some friends for lunch. So I'm dead tired right now.

The unfortunate thing about energy drinks is most of them are gross. Some that I've tasted over the years puzzle me how bad they are. Monster usually is good so I decided to give this flavor a try. I had a feeling this was going to be Orange flavored due to the can color, and I was right. More so, it has a great orange flavor. It tastes more like Orange soda than an energy drink. This is easily one of the best I've ever had. I'm already energized!
Energy Drink
United States
Derek Neuland on 5/20/11, 11:23 AM
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Skeleteens Brainalizer

Skeleteens Brainalizer
Apparently it's ginger day on Thirsty Dudes. Our past three reviews have all been about ginger based drinks. This resulted in me having celebratory veggie dogs. In my infinite wisdom I decided to put some pickled ginger on the dogs. Amazing idea. It gave them a nice little kick. To wash down this wonderful concoction I decided to break open this bottle of Brainalizer. I had no idea what it was supposed to taste like, just that it was a "carbonated herbal beverage." As it turns out it tastes like raspberry or cherry ginger ale, but instead of ginger it was made with other roots and herbs. It's way better than I expected. Since honey is used as the sweetener, it's not overly sugary like most sodas. It also has a slight burn to it, which I always enjoy.

The website on the bottle wasn't up anymore, so I did some research on the internets. It turns out that this was originally a part of the Skeleteens line. That makes sense after reading the ingredients (American and Siberian Ginseng, Gotu Kola, Goldenseal, Dill Weed, Echinacea, Ginko Biloba, Dandelion, African Capsicum). I'm pretty sure this was an early version of an energy drink. Like myself (ginger on hotdogs) it seems that the folks at Skeleteens were visionaries. I applaud them for their work.
Energy Drink and Soda Pop
United States
Jason Draper on 5/15/11, 12:20 AM
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Celsius Shot Calypso Punch

Celsius Shot Calypso Punch
I opened up the paper today and this is what the headline read: "Thirsty Dudes Makes Reviewers Fat." Print doesn't lie my friends. I can't speak for Thirsty Neuls, but I know Mike and I have each put on weight since we started this website. How could we not? Do you know how much our sugar consumption has increased it's ridiculous. At this pace we'll be starring in the next installment of the Big Mamma's House franchise (for the record I've never see any of those movies). Instead of cutting down on the amount of drinks I imbibe for the sake of Thirsty Dudes, I've cut down the rest of my diet. Also, since the weather is nice I've been exercising a lot more. Specifically I've been riding my bike a decent amount every day.

We had received these "Ultimate Fitness Partner" drinks a couple of months ago, so I figured I'd review the rest of them as I try to lose some weight. The other ones I've had haven't been too bad, but like most things in a concentrated form this tasted like poison. It's as if someone grabbed a bottle of booze to spike the punch at a high school dance, but instead of grabbing the bottle with three X's on it, they accidentally grabbed the bottle with three skull and crossbones on it. Has there ever been punch at dances since the 60's?

So this may taste like Poison Punch (I think that was the name of Mike's band when he was in junior high) it did seem to have the desired effect. I can't confirm that I burned more calories, but it certainly gave me more energy while I was out riding. I was exhausted when I went out, but about 10 minutes into my ride the drink kicked in and I rode for way longer than I expected.

For flavor I would have given this drink a negative 5, but for it's functionality I will give it a 3. I really need to stay away from "shot" drinks.
Diet, Energy Drink and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Jason Draper on 5/10/11, 5:06 PM
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Vital Energy Acai Blueberry

Vital Energy Acai Blueberry
I'm going to just right off here by saying that this shouldn't have been the drink that I started with. I judged a book by its cover, saw purple, assumed grape, paid for it, got to the car, and was disappointed. I wanted grape. I desired grape. It's 100% my fault and I hold no blame towards Vital Energy for any sort of false advertising or foul play. I'm an idiot. It's as simple as that. I can read, too. I don't, but I can.

So drink review, huh? Well, as you can guess it tastes like acai with light fruit-ness. The acai is pretty strong but dies out quickly, which for me, is good. It's a light drink, lighter than Vitamin Water. What's extra nice about it is that for an energy drink with the equivalent of "a large cup of coffee", it doesn't taste like a handful of Smarties. Good job on that, dudes. I can say dudes because I actually met the guys behind this company at a Less Than Jake show over this past winter. Two young dudes from Rochester, New York manned the booth as I tried to mention good ol' Thirsty Dudes. They were too busy. Apparently they didn't know who I was, and I was with Jay so we were 2/3 of the powerhouse.

Check it out. This drink can compete with the big guys and it's made by two kids, yeah, I'll call them kids, who if they were any "regular" mid-twenty year old dude would rather be slaying ugly chicks on bar strips and working at a bank in the day time, all the while dreaming of their next beer blast. Good job on doing something with your life.
Energy Drink and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Vital EnergyWebsite@vitalenergy
United States
Crystalline Fructose and Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 5/4/11, 7:18 AM
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