Energy Drink - 555 Reviews

Cintron Liquid Energy Sugar Free Tropical Azul

Cintron Liquid Energy Sugar Free Tropical Azul
From the taste of this I would suspect that Tropical Azul is some sort of blue sugar candy. Perhaps is a blue off brand Lick-a-Made or Pixie Stick. Cintron has taken this beloved treat and somehow removed all of the sugar. You might think that you would just have an empty plate after that because it just looks like a pile of blue sugar, but if it were that simple my friend. Cintron developed the science for their diabetic friends and they have used it and used it well. Due to poor candy sales last quarter, they infused this treat into an energy drink. What was created is what is before me now. It tastes like blue candy and it tastes like an energy drink. It also tastes like a diet energy drink that doesn't taste like death. So ride the blue wave my friend. Ride it to lower blood sugar and a thinner waist.
Diet and Energy Drink
United States
Jason Draper on 9/18/11, 12:16 PM
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Volt High Intensity Refreshment Energizing Fruit Punch Shock

Volt High Intensity Refreshment Energizing Fruit Punch Shock
The new Chevy Volt is as innovative as they come. The car does not run on gasoline, nor does it need electricity. Instead, Volt Soda powers it. I think this came about because they had warehouses of the stuff because no one was buying it. They needed to do something with it, so they teamed up with Chevy and built and engine that can run on it. Coming soon to a dealership near you.

In all seriousness I feel like this is an energy drink marketed towards children and that is a horrible idea. I feel like it's unhealthy for me as an adult to drink energy drinks, so for a kid...geez. I feel like all the time I see kids younger and younger downing them, and it really concerns me. So much extra stress on their little hearts.

This is basically carbonated fruit punch with all that energy garbage thrown in. It tastes like it should be a special flavor of Mountain Dew. I'm really just not into this. It tastes like a crappy soda that gives me the jitters. I say no thanks.
Energy Drink and Soda Pop
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 9/17/11, 9:10 PM
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Summit Gridlock Lo-Carb Energy Drink

Summit Gridlock Lo-Carb Energy Drink
You don't need to tell me. You are sick of those girls driving around in the Mini Cooper, slinging Red Bull at everyone all of the day. It's like the world's most awesome job that you can't do and you are mad. You get free Red Bull and you get to get to drive an awesomely fun car all day, going to parties and bars and living the life, man. The only downfall is that you have to dress kind of awkwardly and backpacks filled with the stuff and your otherwise awesome car is modified to look like a traveling can. Still, you have been drinking the stuff for years and you are just sick to death of seeing those bulls running into each other. You know someone is going to lose an eye in the mix. You need a change and friends I've got it.

This drink tastes like diet Red Bull and is in a different can. Now, you can enjoy the drink that you've loved but with a style change. It's got that "thousand Smarties" taste and has a diet aftertaste on big, championship chugs. If you sip it, it's standard energy drink taste. Chugs, you can tell it's got some "diet" thing going on.
Diet and Energy Drink
United States
Mike Literman on 9/16/11, 1:11 PM
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Lolli's Energy Drink Cherry Pop

Lolli's Energy Drink Cherry Pop
This has been sitting on the shelf in my kitchen for months. It looked like a disaster waiting to happen. First off it's an energy drink soda. While the majority of energy drinks are carbonated, I still wouldn't consider them pop for some reason. Secondly it's a cherry energy drink. Most things cherry flavored end up tasting like cough drops or cold medicine. Not a flavor that one looks forward to. To sum this up I was expecting a chemical tasting cough syrup with bubbles in it. Just thinking about that makes my stomach turn.

Lolli's were successful in not achieving that. This is a natural energy drink, so it doesn't contain the chemicals. It has ingredients like ginseng, guarana, niacin and caffeine. As far as the flavor goes there is no medicine to be tasted at all. In face it tastes like grape and apple juice mixed together with a splash of grenadine added for good measure. This was way, way better than I expected. Now someone tell that lady on the label to watch out because she is sitting on a cherry bomb and it's about to go off. I don't want her to have to be rushed to the hospital.
Energy Drink and Soda Pop
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 9/15/11, 6:47 PM
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Jump Sugar Free Recon Coffee Energy Cola

Jump Sugar Free Recon Coffee Energy Cola
I had a run in with coffee soda once before and it didn't go so well. For some reason, I had a feeling this was going to taste good. Maybe after doing this for over a year I've developed some sort of extra sense: the ability to determine how good a drink will be before opening it. That would be a pretty cool power to have. Maybe I could get on Stan Lee's Super-humans with it.

My drink sense was not wrong on this one. This combines two things I love (coffee and cola) and melds them together in an amazing way. It tastes like a really crisp cola, but with a nice coffee aftertaste. There's a hint of vanilla in there as well, which adds a nice smooth taste to it. The best part of this drink is that it's a diet drink, but doesn't have that gross diet taste to it. (Note: I have been drinking a lot of diet drinks lately so there is a slight possibility that I have become used to the taste of sucralose and no longer find it disgusting.)

I think I need to order a case of this asap because I'm not always in the mood for hot coffee in the morning and I only like iced coffee with soy/almond milk in it. This is my new favorite coffee drink.
Coffee, Diet, Energy Drink and Soda Pop
United States
Derek Neuland on 9/15/11, 1:50 PM
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Hero Energy Shot

Hero Energy Shot
It's a tough life protecting the city. Who has time to sleep these days with all of the crime going on? Korporal Kangaroo? That guys is a joke. He runs and hides whenever evil rears its ugly head. It's 7:43am and I bet that joker is still curled up in his bed under a mountain of covers. Me, I haven't had more than a few minutes of sleep at a time for the past 17 months. How do I do it? I'm glad you asked. I had the boys in the lab mix me up a batch of potent energy juice. I used to rely on Red Bull, but when I found out that El Torro was the head of the company I just had to stop. I will not support villainy is any form be it crime of commerce. I knew I needed something made by super heroes for super heroes.

The boys named it Hero. What can I say they are terrible at branding, but are geniuses with science and technology? Not only is it potent, but it's also small so I can keep a couple hidden in my cowl during my patrols. It's also the least toxic tasting "non all natural" energy shot I've ever tasted and I've tried them all. It still tastes like chemical berries, but not like radiated chemical berries.

Now I must up my vigilance to help keep these streets safe for lady liberty!
Shot and Energy Drink
United States
Jason Draper on 9/12/11, 12:36 PM
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Rockstar Energy Drink

Rockstar Energy Drink
You just rocked the pants off of Buffalo, NY. After playing in front of 30 people in the basement of 99 Custer, no one can dispute that you are now truly a rock star. All of the fame and riches are now yours for the taking. Now if only there was a drink out there marketed just for you that could bring your energy level back up to the top. Look no further my shredding friend because there is in fact an energy drink just for you and it's called Rockstar.

Like most "classic" energy drinks this tastes like liquefied candy. They all have their specific candy and this one falls under the category of Pixie Stix. That's right you too can have a drink that tastes like a bunch of chemicals that has 80 little paper straws of sugar dumped into it, and you don't have to worry about the fizz over. I always say that energy drinks taste like chemicals and they do, but after you have one or two, you develop a taste for them, which is very strange. Oh well, you better pack up your gear, tomorrow you're off to Lakewood, OH to play the Soggy Dog House!
Energy Drink
United States
Jason Draper on 9/11/11, 11:40 AM
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Jump Hot Pure Energy Raspberry

Jump Hot Pure Energy Raspberry
This can looks like one that would be used in a Foo Fighters video in order to show the ridiculousness of energy drinks. I can just picture Dave Grohl dressed as a club girl drinking this as he walks past a bunch of guys waiting to get in. And then just as he enters the doorway, he half turns around and winks at someone. Say what you will about the band's music, they have made some great music videos over the years.

Unlike the can, the taste did not make me feel like I was in a club listening to Euro Dance Mix 2004. It's a really light drink. This is probably because, as the can says, it is sugar, carb, and fat free. I can't put my finger on what the taste reminds me of, but it's good! There's no diet taste, and there's definitely no battery acid energy drink taste. I wish I had more than just this one can. I could drink this all the time.
Diet and Energy Drink
United States
Derek Neuland on 9/7/11, 1:47 PM
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Cintron Liquid Energy Shot Pineapple Passion

Cintron Liquid Energy Shot Pineapple Passion
A lot of the time I feel like we just shouldn't bother reviewing energy shots. The reason being is that even the best of them taste like a mouthful of pesticide. This just happens to be one of the best of them, so it tastes like pineapple pesticide. You know the kind they only use in Hawaii. I was a huge fan of the "drink" version of this product, so I had high hopes that this was going to be the messiah of energy shots. Nope. It still tastes harsh and like you got your hands on something as a child that really should have a childproof cap on it, but it's been sitting on the shelf since the 70's, before those caps existed. This was a valiant effort, Cintron, but I just don't think it's possible to do what you're trying to do. Take it from a scientist.
Energy Drink, Shot and Diet
United States
Jason Draper on 9/5/11, 11:24 AM
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Vegas Fuel Sugar Free

Vegas Fuel Sugar Free
In television and the moving pictures when a bunch of dudes go to Vegas there is about a 90% chance that one of them will get drunk/high enough that they end up marrying a complete stranger. I appreciate the humor in that. The episode of The Simpsons in which that scenario happens to Homer and Flanders is top notch. Mainly because Flanders on a bender is hysterical, and second because of all of the Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas references.

My question is are the women who are the brides out there looking for someone to marry in some sort of scam, or are they generally just as messed up as the guys? I feel like the girl whose silhouette is on this can is out looking for love, not quick money. She goes out night after night, hitting up all the casinos looking for her match. She knows she's going to be out all night, either looking or gazing into her true love's eyes, so she downs on of these energy drinks. She likes it because it's sugar free, yet it actually tastes decent. It tastes like a diet fruit punch, Hawaiian Punch to be specific. Since it's a fruit punch it doesn't taste overly diet even though it is. It's nice that even though there is an artificial sweetener in the drink, it's way down towards the end of the ingredients list. It keeps her up. It keeps her looking. Her true love is out there somewhere. Let's just hope that he/she is also in Vegas.
Diet and Energy Drink
Vegas FuelWebsite@VegasFuelEnergy
United States
Jason Draper on 9/1/11, 7:55 PM
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Tweak Tweaker Pomegranate

Tweak Tweaker Pomegranate
It's really great that the pharmaceutical industry has finally stepped up their flavor game for cough medicine. For years it was always cherry, grape or the occasional orange. Now they have finally come out with a pomegranate flavor to get with the times. Oh what's that? This isn't cough medicine, but rather an energy shot? Well that's unfortunate, because it tastes like medicine.

Energy shots by nature are gross, because it's all the chemicals concentrated. It is due to that, that this gets three bottles. If this was a normal energy drink I probably would have given it a one. This does not taste good, but it works, and the pomegranate blocks the chemical taste slightly...I guess.
Shot, Energy Drink and Diet
United States
Jason Draper on 8/29/11, 5:56 PM
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Go Fast Sports Tea Energy

Go Fast Sports Tea Energy
I have been tired. I don't know what it is. Something, probably a twenty-five mile bike ride with Jay where we talked about Take The Money And Run and how we would manage to win it, exhausted me. Jay was talking about rope apparatuses and old buildings, bike trips, calling people who would call people, strange drop off points, and more. I think that most of the ideas that he had couldn't be done in an hour or couldn't be done with the rules and restrictions of the game itself. We didn't get back until later and when I got home, I had to feed my son, and then I was wicked tired. I haven't caught up since then.

To combat my tiredness, I decided that an energy drink is a good idea. I have had this one on my shelf for a bit and thought that it was mint, and it isn't but thought that it was and decided to fridge it up and then drink it. I tiredly worked on the yard with some mowing here, and some weeding there, and some trimming here, and some raking there just so that I could further earn my need for an energy boost. I cracked that bad boy open, took a sip, and was promptly disappointed.

At first sip, and more so first after aftertaste, it tastes a little, but enough, how I remember beer tasting. I don't know if the top secret, proprietary blend of ingredients teamed up and decided that they were going to take the shape of a beer, like some sort of alcoholic Voltron, but they did. There was a bit of that "energy drink" taste, but it was pretty stomachable. Sweet, light beer. That's what I'll call this taste.

Although I have liked other Go Fast drinks, this one was not for me. Hybrid flavor? Not for me.
Energy Drink
Go Fast SportsWebsite@GOFASTENERGY
United States
Mike Literman on 8/27/11, 10:04 PM
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HED High Energy Drink With Taurine

HED High Energy Drink With Taurine
Esteemed members of the board I'm here today to present to you the newest in our line of energy drinks. Are you tired of the same garbage companies have been flooding the market with for years? Yes, the world gets in energy drinks typically taste like liquid Smarties. I think people want something new, something that will shake things up a little bit. It was that thought process that led me to creating this. Ladies and Gentlemen of the board I am proud to unveil our new line of energy drinks "High Energy Drink" or HED for short. The kids like shorter names. I think it has something to do with the internet and television rotting their brains. As I pour you each a can let me explain to you that this "isn't your dad's energy drink." This is new and exciting. It's an energy drink that has the light taste of berry ginger ale. We're also going to advertise that it's made with taurine. That should excite the kids. Now if everyone would drink up and write one sentence on the 3x5 card that's in front of you with your opinions on the drink, I'd love to get some anonymous feedback.

Okay everyone's done and the cards are in. Let's see what you thought. These all basically say the same thing. While this tastes pretty good it doesn't taste like ginger ale at all, and what it does taste like is a fairly standard liquid candy energy drink taste with a slight berry flavor. Also, a couple of you wrote that I'm an idiot and that 99% of all energy drinks are made with taurine. Thanks for crushing my dreams guys. I just wanted to make something new and exciting and you've gone and ruined it for me. Too bad this has already gone into production and I can't tweak the recipe. Well I guess I better re-enroll in clown college.
Energy Drink
United States
Jason Draper on 8/27/11, 8:23 PM
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Celsius Apple Orchard Blend

Celsius Apple Orchard Blend
Something must have gone terribly awry at ye olde apple orchard. You see I have this can of Celsius fitness drink that was made from the harvest of the orchard and it tastes like the entire orchard was marinated in pesticides, or that it was stewing in napalm. Perhaps this is actually made from the soil of the orchard that old apples had rotted in to. No I think it's actually apples covered in napalm. You see this has only the faintest apple taste to it. I think that might even be a stretch. In a blind taste test I would never in a million years be able to pick out that this is supposed to be apple flavored. It literally tastes like poison, like I'm drinking some fluid that is supposed to go in a car, but someone has apple artificial sweetener to it. I can't believe I finished the can earlier. I just needed to keep up the energy so Mike and I could talk all night scheming of what our plan of attack would be if we ever made it on to the TV show "Take the Money and Run." I bet we could totally get away with it. We're crafty and being imprisoned for 48 hours doesn't scare us. We're strong willed. Oh yeah, we were also riding our bikes for several hours while we were discussing this. Now It's almost 4 hours later. I'm sore, I'm all hyped up, and I can still taste this poison on my tongue. For shame Celsius. You can do better than this.
Diet, Energy Drink and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Jason Draper on 8/26/11, 1:35 AM
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Cintron Liquid Energy Original

Cintron Liquid Energy Original
A little known fact about Franklin Mercer is he used to own a robot. He tends to buy into all the latest gadgets, which is how he came into owning cinTRON. You see, in the late 80's helper robots became all the rage. When Franklin found out there was a robot that could bring him drinks from the fridge, he imported one from Japan. It took almost 2 months to arrive at the doorstep of his rural Pennsylvania house. Judging by his reaction when the large crate was coming off the truck, you would have thought he was setting sight on his first child. In fact, he was more excited for the arrival of cinTRON than his first kid.

The first couple weeks with cinTRON were great. Franklin was happier than ever with his new robot helper around. That was until March 13th, 1991. That is the day that will live in infamy in the Mercer-Clarion house. It was a typical Wednesday and Franklin asked cinTRON to get him a bottle of root beer. His calibration must have been off because when he placed it on the table, the bottle shattered and a piece went into Franklin's arm. He got so mad that he picked up the once helpful robot and threw it through the living room window onto the front lawn. He later asked his wife to hire some neighborhood kids to take cinTRON away because he never wanted to see his once loyal robot again.

If Franklin ever saw the name of this drink, he would probably flip out. CinTRON is not a word that is allowed to be said around him. It's too bad he will never try this because it's a good energy drink. It has that usual energy drink "melted candy" taste, which happens to be sweet tarts in this can. As far as Red Bull-esque drinks, this one is one of the better ones out there.
Energy Drink
United States
Cane Sugar
Derek Neuland on 8/25/11, 6:37 PM
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Blu Energy Drink Lemon Lime

Blu Energy Drink Lemon Lime
There comes a time in a person's life where they taste a drink that really surprises them. Today is one of those days for me. I suspected this was going to taste like generic lemon lime pop with a horrible energy drink after taste. I was wrong on both counts. Sure this is a lemon lime energy drink, but it definitely doesn't taste like your usual 99 cent 2 liter store brand soda. I've never had Sprite sweetened with real sugar, but I'm guessing it would taste something like this. This is really tasty!

What about the horrible energy drink taste that usually comes with most energy drinks. Guess what? There is none! That's right, this is an energy drink that taste like Sprite sweetened with pure cane sugar and that's it. Pretty awesome in my book.

As Jay mentioned in his review of Blu Day, this is also one of the flavors not yet available in the US. Sadly this means I can't read the ingredients and figure out what this delicious energy drink is sweetened with.
Energy Drink
Couldn't Read Ingredients
Derek Neuland on 8/24/11, 6:09 AM
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Rip It Energy Fuel Shot Strawberry

Rip It Energy Fuel Shot Strawberry
I have a 500 button order due tomorrow so it looks like an all-nighter for me. Luckily I picked this energy shot up at Dollar Tree a couple weeks ago so I should be good to go. At first this wasn't that bad. I thought I had found yet another decent tasting energy shot. But then on the second sip the usual energy drink gross taste kicked in. Shortly after, it started tasting like a mix of cough syrup and melted popsicles. While I'm sure this is going to keep me awake, the taste is not great at all.
Energy Drink, Shot and Diet
Rip ItWebsite@RipItEnergy
United States
Derek Neuland on 8/24/11, 3:46 AM
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Go Fast Sports Coconut Energy Hybrid

Go Fast Sports Coconut Energy Hybrid
Since our newfound appreciation for coconut water (thanks to Zico), I was excited to try this. It's weird that it's sweetened with stevia but not an diet drink. Seeing that I'm not a huge fan of fake sugar, I wasn't looking forward to that part of this energy drink.

To my surprise, this is pretty good! The coconut gives it a really creamy taste. There's a little bit of the fake sugar and energy mixture in the aftertaste, but really not that bad. The mighty coconut flavor over powers most of the gross flavor, which is great news to me! I wish I could find more coconut flavored energy drinks. I think one sweetened with real sugar would probably be incredible.
Energy Drink and Coconut
Go Fast SportsWebsite@GOFASTENERGY
United States
Derek Neuland on 8/24/11, 1:15 AM
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Jolt Red Eye

Jolt Red Eye
Welcome to 1987. I'm eight years old and my two cousins are sleeping over at my house, and I'll be damned if we're not going to beat The Legend of Zelda! My mom got us stocked up on brownies, Twizzlers and Jolt. She wanted to get us store brand cola, but after a lot of begging I convinced her to shell out the cash to get the Jolt. By begging I mean promising I would do a ton of yard work to make up for it. I'll do it, but it will be half-assed by golly! She thought I wanted it because it looks a lot cooler compared to the store brand, but in reality I knew that we were going to need the extra caffeine punch if we were going to make it to Ganon.

You don't see Jolt soda in stores too much these days. You can still find their cans of energy drink, but the actual soda isn't as common. I had never seen this flavor before until I got it at Village Candy in Sewickley, PA. It differs from modern energy drinks because it doesn't have all the extra chemicals in it, just a butt load of caffeine. I actually enjoyed this way more than I expected. I was expecting this to be a cherry cola, but it's a cherry/orange mix (it actually has orange juice as an ingredient) with no cola. It's slightly candied flavor, but not as much as a lot of sodas. I appreciate that this company still exists and that they explored flavors other than straight cola.

Did we beat the game? Eventually, but not that night. We did stay up obscenely late for 8 year olds (probably 1am). That's what Jolt was to me though. It was for those nights when I needed to stay up for some menial task. It's pretty much the same way I look at energy drinks nowadays.
Energy Drink and Soda Pop
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 8/22/11, 5:13 PM
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Amazon.comGalco’s Pop Stop
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Wave Energy Drink

Wave Energy Drink
I typically don't drink energy drinks. It's because I have something against them. You thought I was going to say something clichè like "It's not like I have anything against them..." and have some other excuse, I do and the reason is that they typically taste like sweet garbage. You heard me, sweet garbage.

My mom went to the grocery store and, once again, ran into some promoter of drinks, dropped my name, and got free stuff. I don't know what she's telling people, but I hope that she embellishes a little bit because "My son is a thirsty dude." doesn't really work, or at least I think "My son runs an award winning website where he and other highly paid and equally handsome business associates decide the fate of drinks and their manufacturers." sounds a whole lot more convincing. My God, I hope that we don't run a company out of business. I don't think that even the worst reviewed drink company deserves that.

Wave, hopefully not taking their name from the most annoying in event group participation activities because as awesome as it looks when everyone does it, only six people out of 25,000 do it and it looks like some creeper grabbed the butt of six people, doesn't taste bad. I know; an accomplishment in itself. It's fruity and although tastes like an energy drink at the end of the day, it could be way worse. I made it probably three quarters through the can, and that's saying a lot because I don't really drink energy drinks at all. That will not count against their final score. Let it be known.

I might actually recommend this drink as an alternative to Red Bull because I feel like they've become complacent in their standing of being the staple energy drink and a lot of other companies have come out since them and stepped up the game. If you are a fan of energy drinks, try this. I think you'll like it.
Energy Drink
United States
Mike Literman on 8/21/11, 9:45 PM
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