Cane Sugar - 601 Reviews

Aloe Water Natural Detox Drink Original

Aloe Water Natural Detox Drink Original
My girlfriend bought this bread from a local, organic bakery. They are known for their hand crafted, unique, flavorful breads. She bought a loaf of apple cider bread. All day I wanted that bread but we had a million things to do. Next day? Half of the day was filled with stuff to do and finally, in the late evening, we had our chance. I got a knife out and cut a nice slice of bread for each of us and sat down to watch "Jon Benjamin Has A Van" because it's wonderfully hilarious. Do you want to know what wasn't hilarious? How simply awful this bread was. Aside from it having no flavor, the sheer "whole wheat" of it all left a sandy, unwanted aftertaste.

Thinking that we, perhaps, got a dull slice, I brought it to work where I cut another piece for myself. Just as bad. Thank God I had this drink to wash it down. It's very sweet and today I needed it because I couldn't deal with the feeling of someone chewing flavorless, whole wheat bread and spitting it into my mouth like some sort of baby bird. Good sized chunks and totally natural ingredients are the key to a good aloe. I actually like this better than some of the flavored aloe that I have had from these guys.

So there is still half a loaf of bread and it's on the fast track to staying half a loaf of bread with mold on it really soon. Don't mess with Texas and don't mess with bread.
Chunky and Aloe Vera
Aloe WaterWebsite
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 8/16/11, 3:55 PM
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Real Soda Girlan Pink Birch Beer

Real Soda Girlan Pink Birch Beer
Sharon, I'm telling you chewing 37 pieces of bubble gum at once is not a smart move. You're going to throw your jaw out of its socket. Of course jaws have sockets how do you think they move? There you've gone and done it. You have 37 assorted brands of bubble gum and you're chewing them all at once. You're just lucky if you ask me. Hey that's my birch beer! Why are you drinking that with all that gum in your mouth? You're just being a glutton now. What's that? It tastes like carbonated bubble gum with a slight aftertaste of birch beer? I would imagine the gum would overpower the soda, I mean you do have 37 pieces in your mouth. Of course it's sickly sweet. You just mixed a butt load of gum and soda. I can't believe how much you're enjoying that. Don't go for 38!


I'll go pull the car around and take you to the hospital. It's a good thing Real Soda makes Girlan Pink Birch Beer since everything you'll be consuming for the next few weeks is going to be through a straw and you can't seem to get enough of bubble gum.

On a side note Mike got called out for being sexist in a review last week. I thought it was funny that the reader complained that he equated something he didn't like to the female gender. He did say it was a "girl's drink" but it wasn't because he didn't like it. I thought it was hilarious and ridiculous that the reader took offense to something that wasn't even stated, yet took no offense to the actual sexist statement that it was a girl's drink because it was pink. This drink is pink, it's called "Girlan," and the bottle says, "It brings out the little flower in you." I'm sure someone is going to have a field day with that.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
Real SodaWebsite@realsoda
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Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 8/15/11, 11:56 PM
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Gus (Grown Up Soda) Dry Cranberry Lime

Gus (Grown Up Soda) Dry Cranberry Lime
Seeing that I am now 32, I own my own business and I have an apartment with my ladyfriend I think it's safe to say I am an adult, or a grown up if you will. Now that I fit into that demographic I can finally drink this brand of soda without feeling like I am cheating. If anyone really felt that way, they are either obviously an actual child between the ages of 2 and 7, or they have some serious issues that they should probably see a specialist about. Feeling guilt over a soda is just plain dumb, unless you stole it from someone else, or you're cheating on your diet.

This pop is "for grown ups" because it's not as sweet as most sodas and it's also dry. I'm not exactly sure what it is that makes a soda dry, but I know I'm drinking one as soon as it hits my lips. Maybe it is just that there is less sugar in it. I tried to "Wiki" it, but all that come up was stuff about the company Dry Soda. All that aside this is a great tasting pop. Both the cranberry and the lime are fighting to be on the forefront of flavor town. That definitely gives it more of a sparkling juice flavor than a soda flavor. It is fairly dry, which is a nice change of pace from all the overly sugary sweet sodas that are out there. I love them but sometimes I need a break, so get off my back!
Soda Pop
Gus (Grown Up Soda)Website@GrownUpSoda
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Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 8/10/11, 7:04 PM
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Route 66 Root Beer

Route 66 Root Beer
Ugh, we've been on this road forever. When can we stop? I'm super thirsty and have to pee like crazy. Seriously, how long is Route 66 and do the radio stations have some sort of monopoly over the airwaves because all they've played since we touched this dumb road is covers of "Route 66". Every channel. I thought it was funny for a while but we've been driving for nineteen hours straight and all they've played is the same song covered by different people. It's driving me insane. Oh, stop there! Stop there!

Do you want something to drink? I'll be right back.

Oh, God. You wouldn't believe it in there. It was torturous. There was just Route 66 memorabilia everywhere. Floor to ceiling. Everything from records to street signs to shirts to so many shirts. Holy crap. It was one giant gift shop with a Port-O-Potty out back. They had merch in the actual bathroom and it was unusable. It was so stupid. I did get this Route 66 root beer, which was $5.99 so it had better be worth it.

What do you think? Yeah? Let me try. Yeah, you're right. It's root beer. It's a medium root beer, not too light and not too dark. It's got some complexity to it and I think there might be some anise or licorice but I can't be sure. That would be considered "Natural and Artificial Flavorings" I assume, and I have no idea what "quillaia" is, but that's in there, too.

Seriously, the Hoover Dam had better be worth this drive because aside from the Depeche Mode cover of Route 66, I am going to grab the wheel when you aren't looking and drive into a cow or off a cliff or into a bridge.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
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Mike Literman on 8/9/11, 5:18 PM
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Capt'n Eli's Ginger Beer

Capt'n Eli's Ginger Beer
I have been waiting to try this bottle for a while now. I had heard good things about Capt'n Eli's soda so I was excited when I found this at Village Candy. The classic look of the label made me think this was going to be a premium ginger beer. Sadly, I was a bit let down. It's good, but not great in my opinion. It has a nice ginger flavor to it with a slight burn aftertaste. But it doesn't have the deep burn that I love with ginger beer. The kind of burn that makes my lips sting, and makes me wait minutes in-between sips.

So in a nutshell, good (not great) tasting ginger beer with a mild to slightly medium burn. I think the barrels that boy on the label is taking off with in the boat is the good stuff. Stupid kid.
Soda Pop and Ginger
Capt'n Eli'sWebsite@CaptnEli
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Derek Neuland on 8/9/11, 4:36 PM
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Kristall Swedish Raspberry

Kristall Swedish Raspberry
It's no secret that hip-hop artists drink Cristal when they are partying to show off their riches. I may have just completely dated myself there. Is that still a thing, or did it die off in the late 90's? Either way, it's a little known fact that those who are fans of flavor country, but don't drink alcohol down bottles of Kristall in the same situations.

This is my second flavor of this fine product and both have completely blown my socks off. Literally. I had to go across the room, pick them up and put them back on my feet. They are so light and bubbly, but still jam packed with fruit flavor. In my dream world all fruit flavored pop would be like this. It's not syrupy and it actually tastes like raspberries, not sugar or some other sweetener. It also comes in a very classy and classic looking bottle.

Kristall for when you want to party fancy style. Anything else would be uncivilized....or something.
Juice, Soda Pop and Sparkling
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 8/7/11, 10:43 PM
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Alo Enliven 12 Fruits & Vegetables

Alo Enliven 12 Fruits & Vegetables
I'm not a fan of V8 vegetable juice. I've tried it several times over the past 20 years and it never tasted good to me. When I saw this on the shelf at the co-op, that's what I instantly thought of. But then I remembered how delicious V8 Splash is. Plus, Alo has never failed us in the past so this couldn't be that bad, could it?

First, lets look at the list of fruits and vegetables that are in here:

  • Broccoli

  • Cabbage

  • Celery

  • Spinach

  • Passion Fruit

  • Carrot

  • Grape

  • Pineapple

  • Lemon

  • Apple

  • Orange

  • Strawberry

It's quite the assortment of fruits and veggies. Upon opening it, it smelled like soup, a vegetable or minestrone if you will. This both excited and scared me. Don't get me wrong, I love a good soup on a chilly autumn day, but I like to eat soup out of bowl with a spoon while it's still hot. I don't like cold soup (especially gazpacho).

So the question of the hour is, does it taste like soup? Indeed it does! It's like drinking a bottle of vegetable noodle soup, with the aloe chunks acting as the alphabet pasta. While it's not something I see myself drinking on a daily basis, it's actually not bad at all. If I was in the mood for soup on a hot day, I could totally see this being amazing. There's no distinct fruit or vegetable flavors to it. It's just a jumble of all the flavors. With the addition of the aloe, fruit, and cane sugar, it's slightly sweet but allows the flavors of the soup... I mean vegetable juice to stand out.
Chunky and Aloe Vera
Cane Sugar
Derek Neuland on 8/7/11, 4:30 PM
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Natrona Bottling Company Jamaica's Finest Ginger Beer

Natrona Bottling Company Jamaica's Finest Ginger Beer
I used to want to go to Jamaica. I think I was young and I actually don't really like Bob Marley. Yeah, yeah, I know. There is more to Jamaica than Bob Marley, but when you're sixteen, there isn't much that you know about foreign countries. If I was sixteen and was transported at the blink of an eye to Jamaica, I would have been lost. I don't know what I would have done. I would have had to get a job at sixteen and blend in. I'm not a tourist, I can tell you that right now. I don't like when people think that I am not from where I am. I often get mad when I think that people don't know that I'm from where I live, like I'm a student at the grocery store, buying Ramen to sustain myself when I actually own a house in the city that I shop in. Maybe that last one was just me, but you know where I'm coming from. I want to blend in. I want people to think that I'm one of them. As a white, sixteen year old is not something that is going to be easy.

First step, find the local watering hole and get a ginger beer. Yeah, that's how I'll do it. I'll start by drinking the hottest ginger beer they've got. I'm from Buffalo where everything is drenched in spicy sauce. I can handle it and that will earn the respect of the natives. I would go to the bartender and say, "I'll take Jamaica's Finest ginger beer, please." and the crowd would go silent awaiting my first sip of the dangerously spicy drink. I would take a sip and you could hear a pin drop while the verdict is being determined. "Very nice." I would say as the crowd exploded with happiness. They would then pick my chair up and carry me around the city because a little dude such as myself conquered such a spicy drink. When interviewed by the local Kingston Bee, I would give the review "It's spicy but sweet. It's got a nice, thorough bite. It is slightly less hot than Goya's ginger beer, but a solid ginger beer and a definite standby." The would print my article on the front page of the paper with an image of me surrounded by bottles of Jamaica's Finest which was donated to me by the Jamacian (Pennsylvania) Government. I am finally one of them. I made it. Success.
Ginger and Soda Pop
Natrona Bottling CompanyWebsite
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Mike Literman on 8/5/11, 9:38 AM
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Snow Icy Green Tea-Light

Snow Icy Green Tea-Light
This drink left me wanting more. It tastes like mint seltzer water. I didn't get any tea flavor and didn't get a lot of sweetness. If you are anything like my girlfriend, you drink soda water at restaurants, or even San Pelligrino, which I find undrinkable. I think people drink it because it seems like the "rich person" thing to do when I'm pretty sure that even "rich people" drink it because they see other "rich people" drinking it and secretly not liking it.

Rich people do some strange things. Honestly. One word. Madras. Cut that crap out.

Rich people might like this or they might like pretending to. Us people down in the streets, we want something that doesn't taste like your fountain pop machine ran out of syrup and the idiot behind the counter didn't notice. That on mint.
Sparkling, Soda Pop and Iced Tea
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 8/1/11, 4:48 PM
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Real Soda Kickapoo Joy Juice

Real Soda Kickapoo Joy Juice
Other than recognizing that it is a fun word to say, I had no idea what Kickapoo was when I got this drink. A quick internet search informed me that it is one of the Native American nations. The bottle also says that this is the original Dogpatch recipe. Another wiki search and I found out that Dogpatch is a now abandoned amusement park aka a dream come true. I love exploring old abandoned buildings/grounds. I find it completely fascinating that something can just be up and left to rot. The things left behind are like a map to the past. Unfortunately due to a run in with the law at a certain tuberculosis hospital my exploring days are all but over. I always dreamed of an abandoned amusement park. There would be so much rad stuff left behind. Not that I would take any of it, but it would be great to just soak it all in.....Sorry I got a bit sidetracked. Dogpatch is based on the Li'l Abner comic strip. In the strip they brewed a powerful alcoholic beverage in Dogpatch Cave. At the amusement park they apparently created a non-alcoholic version. This is that recipe.

I feel like this is what the creators of Mountain Dew were going for, but failed to achieve. If my taste buds aren't deceiving me I believe it's a grapefruit, lemon and lime soda. It tastes sweet and citrusy. It's a soda for everyone to enjoy. At first I thought it was just so-so, but the further I got into the bottle the more I enjoyed it.

Oh and the fairly offensive artwork is apparently from the comic as well.
Soda Pop
Real SodaWebsite@realsoda
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Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 7/28/11, 8:15 PM
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Skeleteens Jack Black's Blue Cream Soda

Skeleteens Jack Black's Blue Cream Soda
Jack was a pirate. He sailed the seven seas his entire life and even into his death scouring the globe for the greatest treasure ever. That treasure: bottle caps. Jack (who's friend's all called him Randy) had an undying love for the little twist off beauties. No one really knows why, but it's fact. You can even read about it on Wikipedia.

It was because of this love for bottle caps that Jack started to make his own soda. It gave him a chance to design his own caps. It was a dream come true. Unfortunately his shipment got mixed up and he was forced to use Real Soda caps.

So here we have one of Jack's brews. It's a berry cream soda that I can get behind. It has average creaminess, but the pseudo candy berry flavor is amazing. This is similar to the blue Crush, except it's made with cane sugar. You really can't go wrong with the Skeleteen's like in my eyes.
Soda Pop
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Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 7/28/11, 3:19 PM
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Vio Vibrancy Drink Very Berry

Vio Vibrancy Drink Very Berry
Hey dude, I've got this great berry milk. Berry milk? What do you think it is? Yeah, it's like strawberry milk but berry. Did you really need to ask? Sometimes, Daren, I don't know. Give this a try. It's good right? I don't know why they didn't think of this earlier. What have you got there? Daren? Give it here. Seltzer water? That's it? What are you, an old lady? Who just drinks seltzer water? Are you in clown training school or something? Daren. Come on, you know that clowning is a saturated market and the placement has been going down. It's a dying trade. I know you're great at making balloon animals while riding on a tiny bike. What??!!!? Why did you do that? Awwww, Daren. You got seltzer in my berry milk and it's...fantastic. Can you give me another spritz please?

Daren, I take it all back. This is incredible. I've heard that there is a company called Vio that makes a drink that tastes exactly like this. Daren, you know what, buddy? I've got a friend whose dumb kid is having a bar mitzvah and they were looking for a clown. I am going to call Andrew Abromowitz and put in a good word. Practice up on your trade, your craft, and work on your face paint. You look like a sad clown and no one is going to hire a sad clown.
Milk and Sparkling
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Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 7/26/11, 1:12 PM
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Real Soda Dr. Cane

Real Soda Dr. Cane
There is nothing that infuriates Sharon Clarion more than when people make the wrong assumptions about the flavor of her favorite sodas. As you can see by the picture on the bottle her husband, Franklin Mercer, did just that and she promptly shoved him down a staircase.

Now Franklin is no world-renowned rocket scientist, but I can understand where he's coming from. I also thought this was going to be a cola. From the tiny pictures in the background of peppers and candy canes I thought it was going to be a spicy cola with some mint in it. I admit now that it would have been the craziest pop ever and probably disgusting. It's my sworn duty to be honest though and that is what I expected it to be.

Luckily for Franklin he got a straw in the bottle before the aforementioned shove, and somehow the bottle landed next to his crumpled body on the floor, and the straw was in reach of his mouth. As soon as he smelled the soda he instantly knew his folly and he couldn't blame Sharon for shoving him. What is a person without passions? Franklin would tell you that it is a person that he wants nothing to do with.

He sucked down a mouthful from the straw and assured himself that his super sniffer was correct this is a Dr. Pepper knock off. Of course it is, thought Franklin. Dr. Cane....duh. Also the peppers in the background now made a whole lot of sense. The thing is that it's way better than Dr. Pepper. It's not just the cane sugar, because we've had Dublin Dr. Pepper and this is superior to that. This is the same basic idea of Dr. Pepper, but it tastes more natural and fruity. Franklin and I agree that we're not big fans of the original, but that this is a pop we can get behind.

Don't worry. Franklin has been healing nicely. He's still trying to get Sharon to switch to his last name, but she's a fiery woman with conviction, and to be honest that is what he likes about her.
Soda Pop
Real SodaWebsite@realsoda
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Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 7/24/11, 10:51 AM
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Real Soda Olde Rhode Island Molasses Root Beer

Real Soda Olde Rhode Island Molasses Root Beer
Jay and I recently stopped at a great store in Sewickley, PA called Village Candy. We ended up spending over $80 on pop and talking with the owner for over an hour. It was great and I already can't wait to go back. I had exhausted all the root beer I could find to review in Buffalo so I was happy to see they had a really good selection.

This bottle was among the 12 different bottles of pop I bought. It's a really hearty root beer. It's not super heavy, but it definitely isn't smooth. It has a lot of flavor to it and has a really good bite to it. I can't really taste the molasses but that doesn't mean it's not great. If this is what root beer tastes like in "Olde Rhode Island", I want to go back to that time!
Root Beer and Soda Pop
Real SodaWebsite@realsoda
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Cane Sugar
Derek Neuland on 7/23/11, 3:22 PM
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TropiKing Aloe Pomegranate & Aloe Vera

TropiKing Aloe Pomegranate & Aloe Vera
Dear TropiKing,
I found your aloe drink in a small Asian market near my house and was excited to try you. I love aloe and pomegranate so I thought this would be a winning combo. Man was I disappointed. For one, it barely tastes like pomegranate. Instead it tastes like a mediocre grape/apple juice. Secondly, the aloe chunks are way too small. As Jay said when I told him this, "go big or go home."
Chunky, Juice and Aloe Vera
Cane Sugar
Derek Neuland on 7/20/11, 12:21 PM
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Faygo Original Rock & Rye

Faygo Original Rock & Rye
I don't know what I expected. "Rock & Rye" doesn't describe anything to me, but it's something and I had to drink it. Editor Dan went to Detroit for a photo excursion and generously brought us back a plethora of drinks, this being one of them. "It's original" they say. "It's with cane sugar" they exclaim. You know what I say? It's not great. It's cream soda as a base, and then something...something bitter, something...cherry?

Not for me. I am sure that some people like it, and more power to them, but if I want a bitter, I'll drink a bitter. This probably has a niche market that loves it and drinks cases of it a day and weighs 353 pounds and eats double Whoppers for breakfast, lunch, and dinner when they should only have a regular, mom and pop Whopper for lunch. Not for me.
Soda Pop
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 7/19/11, 1:46 PM
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Goose Island Vanilla Cream

Goose Island Vanilla Cream
Wait, so you're telling me that the entire island is populated and subsequently run by geese? I mean I knew it was called Goose Island, but I thought that was just a random name. I had no idea it was so literal. Just to clarify this situation, geese made this soda we're enjoying. If that's true they did a mighty good job. This is one of the finest cream sodas I have ever consumed. It has a very, very heavy vanilla flavor, but not in that way that can be off-putting. I don't feel like I'm downing a bottle of vanilla extract. It's definitely a high quality soda. It's very creamy as well, like a good cream soda should be.

I do have one question though. How come there aren't feathers and feces all over/in the bottles? Oh yes that makes sense, a strict health code. The geese of course have to wear full body goose shaped haz-mat suits. That makes perfect sense as well as provides a hysterical visual in my head. Silly Geese.
Soda Pop
Goose IslandWebsite
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Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 7/16/11, 2:05 PM
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Mong Lee Shang Grass Jelly Drink Lychee

Mong Lee Shang Grass Jelly Drink Lychee
It's been awhile since I have delved into the world of unusual Asian beverages. I feel I'm about due to have some added texture in my drink. As a result I find myself sitting down with a good book and a can of grass jelly drink. Let me put my feet up, crack this can open, and begin our little adventure.

Before I even had the can completely open the smell of lychee was in the air. It's sweet, fragrant, and doesn't really smell like something you should consume. My first sip was all liquid, and all lychee. What is it about that fruit that makes it taste vaguely like perfume? I've had some lychee drinks in the past that I just couldn't finish, and I've also had a couple that I found to be quite pleasant. Luckily this can of Mone Lee Shang falls into the latter category. It definitely tastes like a perfume, but in an almost candy-like way. It's similar to those Violet candies that old ladies and Editor Dan love.

Before I took another sip i swirled the can around to mix up the grass jelly. That did the job. My second gulp was full of little gelatinous cubes. I know to a lot of people that would probably be disgusting, but I've grown to love a little texture in my drinks. They taste like a honey sweetened iced tea that was somehow made into Jello. If you pour this drink into a glass, so you can actually see the cubes it even looks like Jello that is the color of iced tea. The flavor of the grass jelly balanced out the lychee even more and made this drink truly enjoyable. I've read that grass jelly drinks are consumed in Asia as a way to beat the heat. It's pretty warm out there today, and I can concur that it helped me to fight the heat.
Mong Lee Shang
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 7/15/11, 7:16 PM
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Hubert's Lemonade Honey

Hubert's Lemonade Honey
I hate summer. Yup, I said it. I know it's not a popular opinion but it's one I stick by. I don't love snow, but I'll take spring or fall over summer. The band F'd Up even has a song called "I Hate Summer". No wonder they are one of my favorite bands. Anyways, I hate summer because it's much easier for me to stay warm than stay cool.

One thing that does help me a little during the summer is lemonade, as I've stated many times. I took a walk to the co-op today and picked this bottle up to quench my thirst on this scorching day. I had never tried lemonade with honey in it before so I didn't know what to expect. I was blown away on the first sip. This is THE BEST lemonade I have ever tasted. The sweet honey flavor melds with the tart lemonade so well. It's like the folks at Hubert's took a lemonade DNA strand, inserted some honey DNA, and put it back in the bottle. They just fit so perfectly together. Good work Hubert's, this is a game changer.
United States
Cane Sugar
Derek Neuland on 7/11/11, 6:47 PM
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Skeleteens Jack Black's Dead Red Root Beer

Skeleteens Jack Black's Dead Red Root Beer
Pirates are famous for many things; pillaging, plundering, raping, parrots, scurvy and eye patches. I'd like to think that in their heyday they ruled the seven seas with a wooden leg. They set fear into the hearts of every man, woman and child that set foot onto a boat. Through all that there is one thing they never got a firm grasp on: root beer. It's a little known fact that the primary objective of all pirates was to acquire premium ingredients to brew the world's greatest root beer. Unfortunately for them their lack of vitamin c got the best of them and all they created was mediocrity in the beverage world.

Dead Red Root Beer is decent but that's about as far as it goes. It's similar to Barqs in flavor. That may be because this is the only other root beer (besides G33K B33R) that I know of that has caffeine in it. I was expecting this to be special and have that classic Skeleteens burn to it. It did not. I also really thought it was going to be red due to the name, but it's normal caramel root beer colored. Also how awesome would it have been if it were cherry root beer? Why don't companies make different varieties like they do with colas?
Root Beer and Soda Pop
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 7/9/11, 3:53 PM
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