United States - 4098 Reviews

White Rose Root Beer

White Rose Root Beer
Sometimes putting a product in nicer packaging is just not enough. Giving a terrible record a really great looking album cover may be aesthetically pleasing, but it isn't going to help the music suck any less. Now there is nothing inherently bad about this root beer. It's perfectly average, and tastes like a store brand that you would find in a big plastic 2lt bottle. Sure it's sweetened with cane sugar, but that can only take it so far. I appreciate that they put forth the effort to have this in a glass bottle and use a clean, classic, simple look to the label, but again that doesn't make the contents taste like anything special. I would happily drink this if it was served to me, but I just wouldn't go out of my way to purchase some myself.

I read some other people's reviews of this soda, and it seems that they had a very different experience than I did and said that it was an unusual root beer because it had a fruity taste to it. I simply did not get that at all, so maybe I will get another bottle of this after all and see if I notice a difference.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
White Rose
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 4/11/15, 9:56 AM
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Menno Tea Lemonade & Tea

Menno Tea Lemonade & Tea
The world of half and half is a populated place and somehow, it's a pretty good place to be. There aren't a lot of bad ones out there. Look, there are bad ones out there but all things considered, it's still a nice place to hang out.

This tea has a little secret, though and that secret is mint. If I may break it down for you for a second here; the tea is fine, just fine. The lemonade is pretty good. Pulpless but good. You can taste that lemon but the mint. Dat mint, tho. It's a really nice change for the generally consistent half and halves out there. Changing it up on us, gents. Now I want to try your other drinks. We'll see what we can do about that.
Iced Tea and Lemonade
Menno TeaWebsite@mennotea
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 4/10/15, 11:43 AM
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Hawaiian OLA Sparkling Noni Beet Punch

Hawaiian OLA Sparkling Noni Beet Punch
If you were a pre-teen in early 90's you know doubt know that the greatest fictional band of all time is The Beets, from the show Doug. While they might have been meant to be a play on The Beatles, but in reality they ended up sounding like a British version of Men at Work…€¦ weird. Their hit single was called “Killer Tofu” and was about how it's better than junk food. As a child I don't think I had ever tried tofu. As an adult I fully concur with them. The most important thing that the show taught us was that beets are in fact nature's candy; a statement that led me to want to try beets whenever they were available.

While I may not eat beets very often these days, I do enjoy a good beet juice. It has a sweet yet earthy taste that is refreshing. It also has one of those flavors that you just know it's good for you. This company took that wonderful juice and mixed it with yerba mate, my current favorite form of tea. Everything about it is great. It's two earthy flavors that have been mixed together to create something that is not entirely new, but still interesting. Both flavors are very distinct, but somehow the earthiness does not run rampant. That is probably mostly due to the fact that it is sweetened with Hawaiian honey. On top of all of that there is the Hawaiian fruit noni in here. I'm still not exactly sure what it tastes like, but it certainly doesn't distract from the greatness of this beverage.
Iced Tea and Sparkling
Hawaiian OLAWebsite@Hawaiian_OLA
United States
Organic Hawaiian Honey
Jason Draper on 4/9/15, 2:29 PM
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POP Water Pineapple

POP Water Pineapple
I did not know what to expect with a brand name like Pop Water. Would it be an unsweetened soda, like seltzer water? Would it be watered down soda pop? Would it be water that exploded in your mouth a la Pop Rocks? Would your mind instantly be filled with images of Pop Art that was created by Andy Warhol? It was all a mystery that I looked forward to investigating.

Truth be told it was a very short investigation. I popped open the can took one sip and realized that there was no mysterious excitement in this can. Its contents fell somewhere between seltzer and soda pop. It is like a lighter version of a diet pop that somehow doesn't taste overly diet, even though it is sweetened with erythritol and stevia. There is 0% juice in here, but it does contain extracts of natural pineapple. Whatever constitutes that is enough for the pineapple flavor in here to be very light, but also very accurate to the fruit.
Diet, Soda Pop and Sparkling
POP WaterWebsite@POPwater
United States
Jason Draper on 4/8/15, 11:53 AM
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Rocket Fizz Rowdy Roddy Piper Bubble Gum Soda

Rocket Fizz Rowdy Roddy Piper Bubble Gum Soda
Before Shepard Fairey hit the streets with his Obey signs/graffiti those signs belonged to one of the greatest movies this world has ever known; They Live. It is John Carpenter's tale of a civilization in which the ruling class is actually aliens in disguise, and they use subliminal messages everywhere to control the populace. Not only it's it ridiculously entertaining, but it also may contain the longest fight scene of all times. The film stars former professional wrestler “Rowdy” Roddy Piper as a drifter who, with the help of a pair of sunglasses, discovers the true nature of the ruling class.

The most memorable line from the movie is “I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass... and I'm all out of bubblegum.” Now you know the origin story of this soda. Someone at Rocket Fizz has great taste in movies, and somehow their legal team cleared the product and now we have it to enjoy. You know what? This might be the only bubblegum tasting soda that I have ever actually enjoyed, and that includes people's precious champagne colas, which are just gross. The flavor of this pop doesn't punch you in the face, like other sodas of this flavor, or say Mr. Piper might if you declined to wear the special sunglasses. Instead it mainly has a general soda flavor with a light, but nice bubblegum flavor. It actually just tastes like you're drinking a flavorless soda while chewing a big hunk of gum. I don't know if that sounds appealing, but if you keep looking at all those signs around you, I'm sure their hidden messages will get you drinking this by the case in no time. They live. We sleep.
Soda Pop
Rocket FizzWebsite@RocketFizz
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 4/8/15, 11:40 AM
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Dunkin' Donuts Iced Coffee Rocky Road

Dunkin' Donuts Iced Coffee Rocky Road
Rocky road is a pretty great ice cream. Chocolate, marshmallows and nuts. It's kind of the best things combined. This is a liquid version with coffee. Now, in typical Dunkin' Donuts fashion, I saw how it was "made" and was a bit let down. They're not good at keeping the curtain up between the "half coffee; half hot chocolate; mocha" debacle and now the fact that they just arbitrarily squirt flavor into coffee, it's just not full of surprises. Do I need to be surprised? No. Do I want to have the knowledge of where my food comes from and how it's made? Eh, to an extent. I still want to love hot dogs, you know?

Back to rocky road. It was actually pretty good. It would be something that you get once, and then love, and then get like eleven days in a row only to find out that it's clearly awful for you and you've got the jitters like you wouldn't believe and now your feening. Getting one and drinking one I can see how this would avalanche into an intervention. It's sweet, still tastes like coffee, has a good chocolate taste and although you don't get any nuts or marshmallow, it's still a nice treat to pick you up in the middle of a day. Just don't watch them make it because they squeeze all the fun out of everything.
Dunkin' DonutsWebsite@DunkinDonuts
United States
Not Listed
Mike Literman on 4/7/15, 9:39 AM
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Celsius Flo-Fusion Orange

Celsius Flo-Fusion Orange
Celsius beverages have never been known as a tasty bunch of drinks to me. The thing is that they were functional beverages that had a very specific purpose, so I tended to be a bit forgiving on the flavor side of the review. It is extremely hard to turn a blind eye to the taste of what is created when you mix this packet into water. Nothing about it, including the orange flavor tastes natural. It's as if someone powdered toxic waste and tricked me into thinking that it would help with exercising.

If this were a normal beverage I would never have made it past a sip or two, but as I said it's functional and helps burn more calories in a workout as well as give you a little energy boost for said workout. I'm forcing myself to down the whole glass before I head to the gym. It's the most diet tasting orange beverage I have ever tasted, and it really better work, because you have to suffer through it.
Energy Drink, Mix/Concentrate, Sports/Dietary Supplement and Diet
United States
Jason Draper on 4/6/15, 4:20 PM
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Beach Day Passion - Mango

Beach Day Passion - Mango
When we were in San Diego recently I woke up early, as I am prone to do, and our friend Jay who we were staying with asked me if I wanted to go surfing. Being that I am not a fool I instantly shouted yes and we loaded the boards in his van and made for the beach. I didn't do nearly as well as I had in the past, riding the waves, but it was still ridiculously fun, especially knowing that back home the temperature was in the negatives while I was worrying about a sunburn.

After beach fun, we headed to get tacos and I went next door to grab a beverage. How could I say no to a beverage called Beach Day after just spending the morning on the sand and in the surf? The answer is I probably should have found a way, because this was pretty ehh. It tastes like a watered down juice. It has apple and mango juices from concentrate in it, but there is no real passion fruit in here, unless it's hidden under another category. It has a generic fruit flavor that is kind of tropical. If anything I would have to say that it tasted the most like mango out of any fruit. I didn't let the so-soness of this get me down though. I mean I had just surfed all morning and very few things are cooler than that.
Beach Day
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 4/4/15, 6:34 PM
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Hi Ball Sparkling Energy Water Vanilla

Hi Ball Sparkling Energy Water Vanilla
Folks, I'm afraid it's finally happening; I'm growing up and becoming an adult after 35 years. I have a savings account, I'm closing on a house next week and now I'm enjoying seltzer water. I think that means that life as I knew it is now over. I've always had a fairly strong distaste for seltzer water and their overly dry taste. This tastes exactly like what it is, seltzer water with minimal vanilla flavoring added to it. I've had drinks in the past that tasted exactly like this and I was very turned off by them, now I am straight up loving this. I'm afraid I'm going to wake up in the morning and have pure white hair and back problems. Youth is over. Geriatric life has begun.

Oh yeah this also has caffeine, guarana, panax ginseng and niacinamide in it to give you a boost of energy. As far as I can tell they have zero effect on the flavor, but still give you a little push. Now where do I sign up to get my senior discounts?
Energy Drink and Sparkling
Hi BallWebsite@hiballenergy
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 4/4/15, 6:18 PM
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Rocket Fizz Peanut Butter Soda

Rocket Fizz Peanut Butter Soda
Beach Slang are a punk/indie band from Philadelphia, PA. Jason recently went on tour with them and at their show at Sister in Albuquerque James, JP, Ed and Ruben did a guest review for Rocket Fizz's Peanut Butter Soda. Their first full length will be out on Polyvinyl this fall.

Soda Pop
Rocket FizzWebsite@RocketFizz
United States
Beach Slang on 4/4/15, 5:51 PM
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Stewart's Shops Refresher Green Tea

Stewart's Shops Refresher Green Tea
Even though they are never anything special and also not very good in the traditional sense I am a complete sucker for local farm/store brand iced teas. They are generally mostly sugar water with a bit of tea mixed in, but something about them that is incredibly endearing too me. They are so full of sugar that there is no way they are healthy, yet they seem so wholesome. They are a piece of what Americana was to me as a young teenager.

Stewart's output is fairly similar to what a lot of the dairies in PA produce. The name from any of those companies is pretty interchangeable with the contents of the bottle. It's water, sugar and a green tea premix and honey. It tastes like an over-sweetened green tea, Just as you would expect, and just as I wanted it to be.
Iced Tea
Stewart's ShopsWebsite@StewartsShops
United States
Jason Draper on 4/3/15, 9:26 PM
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Hawaiian OLA Sparkling Noni Pineapple Punch

Hawaiian OLA Sparkling Noni Pineapple Punch
I've mentioned my brief time spent in Hawaii many times on this website. I tend to romanticize that time of my life, well, because it was magical. I went off to a tropical paradise with all expectations of not enjoying it, because I simply am not a beach person, but my friends who planned the trip were no dummies and they made sure we stayed in the “natural” part of Hawaii. There were no cities. I think I saw two chain stores the entire time I was there. Everything else was local little shops and nature and it was exactly what I needed. Any troubles I had did not matter for those 8 days. Anything that takes me back to that time makes me smile and I appreciate it in the low times.

While only the pineapple in here takes me back with the taste sense, just knowing it was from Hawaii was enough tonight. I'm imagining I'm walking through some lush jungle type area, or that I'm sitting on a beach at dusk watching the waves and truly relaxing for one of the first times in my life. There is caffeine and niacin in this beverage, so it shouldn't be relaxing me, but it's giving me energy while the thoughts keep me calm. On top of the wonder that is pineapple juice this can also contains mostly yerba mate tea, which may be my favorite type of tea. It tastes earthy and slightly bitter, the way nature does. Actually that pineapple I mentioned it's not even a secondary player in here. It's yerba mate, then noni and then pineapple. It's refreshing. It's tropical. It's just the push I need on a spring day like today where there is still snow on the ground, but the temperate has finally hit 50 degrees. There is a light in the darkness of winter and it is here and everything will be warm and new.
Iced Tea and Sparkling
Hawaiian OLAWebsite@Hawaiian_OLA
United States
Organic Hawaiian Honey
Jason Draper on 4/2/15, 10:14 PM
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Tim Horton's Smoothie Orange Pineapple

Tim Horton's Smoothie Orange Pineapple
Pineapple and orange together is like a personal trip to the tropics. The Greek yogurt was a good, but different pick. Sure, we now eat it for breakfast but mixed in with a smoothie, it's a little gritty. I can't really pinpoint it. It's not smooth like a regional yogurt. A Mediterranean yogurt makes it a little less smooth. I'm not complaining. I'm reviewing. It was also thinner than a traditional smoothie. It was closer to a Slurpee than a smoothie.

That might be one of the most general, reviews Thirsty Dudes have ever written.
Tim Horton'sWebsite@TimHortonsNews
United States
Not Listed
Mike Literman on 4/2/15, 10:17 AM
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Monster Muscle Vanilla

Monster Muscle Vanilla
There's nothing like a big can of milk to make you want to go and work out. There may be a lot of other ingredients in here, but flavor/consistency wise what it boils down to is that is tastes like you're drinking vanilla milk. Yes, I am aware that the protein in these shakes usually comes from whey, but I also normally drink them after going to the gym, not before, which is how this beverage was intended to be enjoyed. The main ingredient in here is skim milk, and that really shows through. It's probably mostly psychological, but it makes me feel logy, even with the taurine and other energy producing ingredients present.

Is there anyone on this planet who before heading out for a run heads to the fridge and pours themselves a nice tall glass of milk? The thought of it just sitting in your stomach makes me think about the inevitable amount of vomit that would spew forth within the first ¼ mile.

I appreciate what they are going for with this, and I enjoyed the chocolate version, but as a pre-workout drink this simply does not work for me. Afterwards I could see, but surely not before.
Energy Drink and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Jason Draper on 4/1/15, 4:17 PM
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Cheribundi Tart Cherry

Cheribundi Tart Cherry
Remember when you were a kid and you would be eating fruit and your mom would say, "Don't eat too much fruit or you'll get diarrhea."? If this bottle doesn't lie, it's got fifty cherries in it. Fifty. Mom, I think that if I ate fifty cherries and didn't get diarrhea then I'm probably fine. I know they're small, but fifty is fifty is fifty. That's a buttload of cherries, bruh.

Does it taste like cherry? You bet'cha. It's actually a really good drink. It's cut with apple juice so it's not like you're drinking fifty compressed, concentrated cherries. No. It's calmed down with apple juice. You can't taste apple juice and it's also worth mentioning that it doesn't taste like cough syrup. It just tastes like you drank cherry juice. It's tart, as advertised, and made me thirsty since it properly puckered my cheeks while drinking.
Mom, you were wrong. I can eat or drink upwards and maybe more cherries without getting a loose stool. Take that "wives tales."
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 3/31/15, 4:05 PM
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Purple Stuff MD Cherry Cola

Purple Stuff MD Cherry Cola
After nearly 20 years the world's questions have finally been answered. Nearly twenty years ago a commercial was aired where a teenager read off the contents of his fridge to his friends so they could choose a beverage; “OJ, purple stuff, soda, Sunny D.” The purpose of this was to show that kids preferred Sunny Delight over other beverages. We all know that is a fallacy, as the stuff is fake orange juice that is so syrupy. I don't know a person now who would accept a glass if it were presented to them. The mystery has always been what was the purple stuff? Was it grape juice? Kool Aid? Some other weird concoction? I now know that it was a product that was ahead of its time and the children in the ad simply did not know what to do with it. Purple Stuff was/is a calming, relaxation beverage.

Now call me old fashioned but when I think about relaxation, drinking a cola isn't the first thing to come to mind. Actually, carbonation and relaxation don't commonly fall into the same sentence. Finally the time came when I was freaking out about the house I am in the process of buying and I needed to just calm down or I was going to give myself an ulcer. I sat back, cracked open the can, took a deep breath and sipped away. I was surprised at how good it tasted. It had a very nice cola flavor and the cherry is also pleasant, but in a way that is almost like an energy drink. With each sip it starts off as a normal cherry cola but slowly shifts into a candied aftertaste. No part of the experience was gross or weird though. In addition to a pleasant flavor this also helped to slow my brain down a bit so I could continue with life and not be consumed about all of the little things I had to get done from the road in order to close on my house. I could make a dumb joke about that British army saying, but you've seen enough puns of that for a lifetime, so I'll leave you alone.
Relaxation and Soda Pop
Purple StuffWebsite@mypurplestuff
United States
Crystalline Fructose
Jason Draper on 3/31/15, 9:54 AM
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Guayaki Yerba Mate Unsweetened Terere

Guayaki Yerba Mate Unsweetened Terere
This is simply yerba mate and nothing else. It has that great bitter not-tea tea flavor like yerba mate should. It's perfect for when you need a little bit of caffeine and you've had your fill of sugar. Everything this company releases is near perfect and this is the base of it all. It's wonderful, and if you're not familiar with yerba mate this company is the place to start. If you're cool with unsweetened drinks I would definitely start with this variety.
Iced Tea
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 3/30/15, 9:53 PM
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Positive Energy Cranberry Juice Cocktail

Positive Energy Cranberry Juice Cocktail
Cocktail is a loose term for juices. It has the main ingredient in it, but any other juice is also fair game. This cocktail includes white grape, apple, and dark cherry juices as well as the named cranberry. That's a lot of different juices to combat for flavor, and yet the strongest flavor is the caffeine from green coffee beans. Next in line for top flavor would be the cherry and then the cranberry comes in third. There needs to be a way to disguise the taste of the caffeine better.
Energy Drink and Juice
Positive EnergyWebsite@positiveenergy
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 3/30/15, 9:40 PM
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Natrona Bottling Company Soergel Orchards Orchard Spice

Natrona Bottling Company Soergel Orchards Orchard Spice
Whenever I come across a company that is making a spiced apple soda I just want to tell them they needn't bother. Such a thing already exists in a fairly perfect form and it is made by Reeds. Even though I am an authority on such things, the companies would never listen, and their output always leaves something to be desired.

Natrona Bottling Company through their hat in the ring, and the results of course could not match up. This is a spiced apple soda, but it doesn't have the classic cider flavor to it that I had expected. Actually it's more spice than apple that that is just plain unfortunate. I want a nice mouthful of sweet, sparkling apple juice/cider and instead my taste buds are overrun with cinnamon and nutmeg with every swig. I have to admit that the amount of swigs wasn't very high, because there was so much spice that it wasn't all that enjoyable. I will now refer you to the first paragraph I wrote. Needn't have bothered.
Soda Pop
Natrona Bottling CompanyWebsite
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 3/29/15, 8:42 PM
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H2PRO Immune Health Acai Berry

H2PRO Immune Health Acai Berry
Until 5-6 years ago I don't think I had ever heard the word probiotic before. Then some yogurts started advertising it, saying they were the good type of bacteria, and that they helped with digestion and stomach issues. As someone who has suffered through stomach pain for a big portion of my life, I jumped right on that train. Do you know where that train took me? Nowheresville. Eating those yogurts that I generally thought were disgusting, did nothing to ease my pain. I guess probiotics can't do anything when the source of your pain is stress. I later discovered that if I cut out most of the corn syrup from my diet I wasn't writhing in pain every night. I don't know how that math adds up, but the pain is gone so I'm not complaining. The point in all of this is that only for the briefest moment of my life have I paid attention to anything because it was probiotic.

A few days ago some of these packets arrived at my door for review. The literature that was included claims that not only are probiotics good for digestion, but they also help with your immune system and promote healthy metabolism, by helping to absorb more nutrients. When we started Thirsty Dudes, Mike and I both swore the Hippocratic Oath of beverage reviewers to give all brings affair and impartial review (unless they contain bananas or vinegar), and to always listen to scientists because they are our betters and would never lie to us in a million, bazillion years. Keeping that in mind a doctor, who is one form of a scientist, created this and tells me it's good for me, and I am contractually obligated to believe him. It also helps that our reviews have very little to do with functionality and almost all to do with flavor.

When I opened up this packet I was greeted to a very pleasant smell. It was like my kitchen had been transformed into a smoothie shop. It's a very specific smell that is like berry ice cream, and it's delicious. Looking at the ingredients list I am informed that this is 95% stevia. That seems like a whole lot of stevia, especially since the berry flavor is so prevalent and the diet taste is so minimal. I knew there was zero sugar in here, but from the last I thought it was just berries with no added sweetener. That is how good of a job they did masking the stevia. It's a pleasant drink that I can only believe is very good for you as the scientist who created it has a higher ranking that myself, and it is illegal for me to question him. I will say that this seems like it would be a good additive for a smoothie, but that's probably just because all I can think about is getting a smoothie now, but I just ate and I don't want to leave the house. So, you know, someone bring me one.
Mix/Concentrate and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Reba A Stevia
Jason Draper on 3/29/15, 8:07 PM
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