United States - 4098 Reviews

Olamendi's La Pinata Cola

Olamendi's La Pinata Cola
It's been a long time since I've had a cola. I never drink the stuff. I don't drink pop unless it's for Thirsty Dudes and I've been doing a really crappy job of reviewing drinks as of late. Look, I can look in the mirror and be honest with myself. I've dropped the ball a lot. That being said, we've drank a lot of drinks and unless we slow down, there won't be anything else to drink.

This is...I don't know what this is. Is this a champagne cola? "La Pinata" is sort of a Spanish thing, right? It's got a little bit of a fruit flavor but doesn't taste like bubble gum like most straight cola champagnes are. It's got a good cola flavor, though. It's not too light and the fruit gives it a good alternative taste to a straight cola. I wish I could share this with someone while slamming at a piñata and having a parrot on my shoulder like in the label. Parrots rule. I'd rather have a parrot than a hundred piñatas. Unless it's that piñata from Billy Madison that is filled with Rolex watches. I'd take that over a parrot. I could hock a Datejust and just go out and buy a parrot. One for me and one for Pico, my scarlet macaw.
Soda Pop
United States
Not Listed
Mike Literman on 5/14/15, 3:45 PM
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Honest Berry Hibiscus Lemonade

Honest Berry Hibiscus Lemonade
Here we are in Buffalo, NY. It's early May and that means the weather went from a potential of snow to 85+ degrees overnight. That's not really an exaggeration either. It snowed like two weeks ago and now I feel like I'm dying of heat. This weekend has been gorgeous outside and I should have been out riding my bike or wandering around the woods, but instead I've been stuck indoors working on my house. Buying a house alone when you have less than rudimentary skills when it comes to fixing things, and doing it all yourself instead of hiring people is probably one of the dumber things I've done with my life, but things are kind of starting to shape up and it feels remotely like a home.

While I may not be basking in the warmth of the sun, I have been sweating away while working and I have been refreshing myself with this ultimate summer drink. Lemonade=Summer. When you add berries and hibiscus to that and you've got the makings for the best summer ever. If I keep drinking this there is no way that my summer won't be filled with late nights, a ton of hikes, exploring, adventures and cliff jumping until my body tells me it can swim no more.

Since this drink is made by Honest that means the sugar content isn't through the roof, which is always appreciated. It's just sweet enough to get the flavor where you want it without feeling like you're going to have a mouthful of cavities. I really can't get enough of this and I need to venture out and purchase more. More companies need to embrace hibiscus. It makes everything better and it blends in perfectly with the berries here to give you just the faintest floral flavor. Honest, you've done it again.
United States
Fair Trade Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 5/10/15, 7:34 PM
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Aquafina Flavorsplash Sparkling Color Me Kiwi

Aquafina Flavorsplash Sparkling Color Me Kiwi
Why do these beverages exist? Does anyone actually enjoy them, or have people tricked themselves into thinking that it is something that they enjoy? It was only recently that I finally came around to seltzer water, but I can now say that I truly enjoy it, well some flavors. Armed with that knowledge it's a safe bet that never in a million years would I choose a carbonated beverage sweetened with sucralose over one with no sweetener whatsoever. Actually that same could probably said about any type of beverage. The sucralose taste is so strong that it nearly blocks out the fake kiwi flavor, which isn't all that great anyway. Something went very wrong in the development of this beverage and it starts with the letter S and ends in “lose.”
Diet, Soda Pop, Sparkling and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Jason Draper on 5/9/15, 11:53 PM
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Red Bull Total Zero Orange Edition

Red Bull Total Zero Orange Edition
I don't know anyone that enjoyed Red Bull the first time they drank it. It has a weird, unusual, quasi-chemical taste that is fairly off-putting at first. That being said I do know a decent amount of people who drank it for its functionality and grew to love it. It has a flavor all its own, and I went from thinking it was disgusting to wishing there was a non-energy version so that I could drink it more often.

When the company released new flavors I was excited because I had high hopes for that original formula with some added flavor to it. Unfortunately that is not what we get. There is no trace of the original Red Bull flavor in here. It's just tastes like the most diet version of Tang you could ever imagine, watered down and carbonated. It was sadly not enjoyable at all. The diet flavor is just too much, and that is coming from someone who prefers the diet version of the original to the sweetened one. Too much sucralose is no one's friend and after trying two cans to see if it would grow on me like it did way back in the beginning, I can assure you I will not be going back for a third.
Diet and Energy Drink
Red BullWebsite@redbull
United States
Jason Draper on 5/9/15, 11:48 AM
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Cheribundi Refresh Tart Cherry Cranberry

Cheribundi Refresh Tart Cherry Cranberry
If someone were to tell me that I needed to try a cherry/cranberry juice I would think, “That sounds delicious, but I bet it's super harsh.” Both fruits are known to be a bit overwhelming in their pure form, so I was fairly shocked at how smooth this juice was. It had no hard edges, and the taste was just ridiculously good. I know this isn't pure juice, as it's part of their Refresh line, but I absolutely loved this. Both flavors are very present but complement each other in a way that I never would have expected. Cheribundi has never been a company to slouch on their quality, but someone must have taken great pride in concocting this mixture.
United States
Jason Draper on 5/5/15, 7:15 PM
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Positive Energy Peach Mango Lemonade

Positive Energy Peach Mango Lemonade
Like I said before, Positive Energy's lemonade line is way better than their juice line. Both have caffeine from green coffee beans added to them, but the difference is that the lemonades also have added sugar (and stevia), which is really kind of necessary to mask the taste of the caffeine.

It does seem odd to me to add caffeine to lemonade, since in my mind it's a relaxing, refreshing beverage. I never think of lemonade when I'm being active, or need an extra boost of energy. Actually the only time I really think of lemonade is when it's blistering hot out and I've been in the sun (and probably resemble a lobster as a result). Maybe I'm just not as big of a lemonade enthusiast at others.

This has a really strong peach and mango flavor to it, with the lemonade aspect f it coming mostly as an aftertaste. Again, it's not what I think of when I think of lemonade, but that doesn't make it a bad thing. I actually really like the non-lemon fruit flavor that's in here. It covers up the caffeine even more than the sugar, and the stevia taste is all but nonexistent. This is certainly my favorite product that Positive Energy has put out. I wish the others were this good as well.
Energy Drink and Lemonade
Positive EnergyWebsite@positiveenergy
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 5/5/15, 7:01 PM
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Red Bull Total Zero The Cherry Edition

Red Bull Total Zero The Cherry Edition
There are these two girls that have the pleasure of a job of driving a customized Mini Cooper around and just hand out Red Bull all day. No, it's probably not what they set out to do with their lives but who knows what they do in their off time. Sure the Mini is probably an automatic and sure, people probably disrespect them but at the end of the day, they have the top down and hand out drinks all day. No disrespect whatsoever.

In handing out drinks, though, it seems they only hand out the "regular" stuff. Diet, that bronze can and the core Red Bull. I've never seen them hand out any of last year's seasonal flavors which aren't so seasonal since they're still around today one year later. Once again, no disrespect.

This drink which was sent to us by Red Bull and not two ladies in a lil' car, isn't too bad. It's quite apparently diet but the cherry flavor isn't too bad at all. It's actually not oversweet and not over-diet. It would be a good alternative to your favorite non-diet energy drink. I can feel it surging through me like a million tiny ants who just found a chewy caramel on the hot summer ground and have to work fast before a bird eats it or some leashless dog.
Diet and Energy Drink
Red BullWebsite@redbull
United States
Mike Literman on 5/5/15, 3:42 PM
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Cheribundi Refresh Cherry Limeade

Cheribundi Refresh Cherry Limeade
I saw cherries for the first time at the grocery store this weekend. That means that it's starting: Summertime. I'm not wearing any socks. The only thing that's left is to find someone selling lemonade on a street corner.

This is summer wrapped in a bottle and it's good. Everything is properly portioned and well represented, too. The cherries are tart and fruity and the limeade is slightly tart and sweet. Man. Look, I shared this with a fellow developer and in hindsight, I selfishly wish I hadn't because it's good. Is anything bad? Nope. Not in here. This is all good things. Positive. H.R. from Bad Brains would approve of the PMA of this drink.
United States
Mike Literman on 5/4/15, 4:58 PM
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Minta Original

Minta Original
I really don't know what to think of this soda. Part of me thinks it is gross because it's like drinking unflavored soda while chewing mint gum. Another part of me finds it strangely refreshing. Yet another part of me enjoys that I very may be freshening my breath by drinking a soda. One thing that is for certain is that this is a soda that has a very strong spearmint taste. It's not in the way that some mints burn your mouth, but it's more than just a subtle flavoring. I feel like people's opinions on this are going to be all over the board. Where will you land?
Soda Pop
United States
Natural Sugar
Jason Draper on 4/30/15, 10:18 PM
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Honest Tropical Green Tea

Honest Tropical Green Tea
Wendy's, I used to hate you and now you've won back my heart. I eat all over the place; fancy places, holes in the wall and everything in-between. Today at Wendy's, I discovered this little guy. I've always loved Honest tea but to see a collaboration with Wendy's, that's nice.

So you go to Wendy's and you get yourself a little Caesar salad and a green tea. You're really taking care of yourself nowadays. This is a lightly sweetened green tea and it has, in the tropical department, a nice mango flavor. There might be more flavor but mango is the strongest, most overwhelming flavor. You'll like it. Trust me. I'm kind of a professional.
Iced Tea
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 4/29/15, 3:59 PM
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Hawaiian OLA Sparkling Noni Lemon Lime

Hawaiian OLA Sparkling Noni Lemon Lime
Bitter. Sweet. Sour. Fizzy. This is a complex drink. It also has a bit of a learning curve. If you take baby sips. It sucks. I'll say it. No gray area there. It is all bitter between the yerba mate and the Stevia. If you take a bigger drink, you can actually get the lemon lime. Unfortunately the honey doesn't get a chance to shine through because between the bitterness of the yerba mate and the sweetness of the lemon lime, that kind of fills up your palate dance card.

I think, so far, that my one complaint with this line is that I don't know what their yerba mate tastes like in itself. I don't know what the starting point is to base the flavors off of. It's very strong. You can taste it for a while as an aftertaste. I feel like it might be good but I think that it's always masked by whatever the "flavor" of the drink is and you can't take in and appreciate the taste of the base drink. This is a good lemon lime flavor. Honestly it is. The drink isn't bad but I think that the mix has to be reconfigured to allow all the flavors to shine in. I can tell that there are good things going on in here but the mix is off.
Iced Tea and Sparkling
Hawaiian OLAWebsite@Hawaiian_OLA
United States
Organic Hawaiian Honey
Mike Literman on 4/28/15, 3:35 PM
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Rocky Mountain Soda Co Colorado Cola

Rocky Mountain Soda Co Colorado Cola
Denver, the home of this soda, has come a long way in the past ten years. When I first visited there was nothing special about the city, and it was not a place that I felt an urge to return to. Now it's a decade later and I was able to visit twice in one month, and I fell in love with that western city. Not only did the city look wonderful, but there were great places to eat, 1Up barcade and one of the best skateparks I've ever visited. As it turns out the guys who run this soda company are involved in skate culture. I wonder if any of them were the dude that I saw do a full flip out of the one bowl at the park. I hope so because that guy was ridiculously good.

Enough about Denver and more about soda. If you're going into this expecting a normal run of the mill cola you are not going to be getting it. This is a new breed, and it's fantastic. It's a cola with both vanilla and a hint of cherry in it. Sure both of those flavors are known to be in cola, but how often do you see them combined? Craft beer seems to be running the world these days, and this is its equivalent in the soda game. There is nothing generic about this cola. It has sophisticated flavors that can either all blend together, or remain separate; it all depends upon how you think about it while you drink it. Someone once told me that if you're eating something and there is a taste in there that you can't quite put your finger on chances are that it contains cinnamon. That person was absolutely right about the mystery ingredient in this soda.

Rocky Mountain Soda Co has given me even more reason to love Denver. I need to head back there soon for a visit where I will eat many burritos, play many games of Galaga, skate until I'm broken and drink all the sodas.
Soda Pop
Rocky Mountain Soda CoWebsite
United States
Rocky Mountain Beet Sugar
Jason Draper on 4/27/15, 10:12 AM
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Positive Energy Lemonade Tea

Positive Energy Lemonade Tea
Unfortunately, I have not been a fan of Positive Energy's line of energy juices. The taste of the caffeine from the green coffee is just too strong to my palate, and it takes me away from my enjoyment of the juice itself. Luckily for everyone involved this half and half is a whole different story. The cane sugar they use to sweeten it masks the taste of the caffeine nicely. One top of that the tea taste in here is fantastic. It tastes like tea that was brewed from a bag and not the garbage sugar water that a lot of companies pass off as tea. It's always nice when a beverage tastes real, like it should. The strange thing about this is that it contains orange juice as well as the lemon juice, and it really takes this “classic” drink to a whole new level. I want more orange juice and tea combinations now. I bet they would be fantastic, just like this bottle of liquid refreshment.
Energy Drink, Iced Tea and Lemonade
Positive EnergyWebsite@positiveenergy
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 4/23/15, 10:39 PM
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Honest Tea Raspberry Fields

Honest Tea Raspberry Fields
It is my understanding that somewhere on this planet there is a black hole of sorts that contains an unending source of Honest Tea flavors. Every time I look at a selection of their products it seems like there is a flavor that I have not tried. I actually bought this bottle for pleasure and not to review. Once I got out of the store I second guessed myself and checked the site; nope we have not reviewed it.

One would think that a raspberry tea would be one of the standards for a company, but I don't remember ever coming across this. Perhaps it's a rebranding of a different flavor. The only thing I do know is that it is delicious and tastes like a better version of the junk raspberry tea that times the coolers of gas stations everywhere around the US. First off, it contains actual raspberry juice, which does not normally occur. The flavor is better for it. Secondly, it only contains about half the sugar that you would get in an Arizona or a Snapple tea. Let's work on getting drinks like this more commonly into gas stations and mini marts. I want better options, and Honest is a pretty big player in the game, so I think they can actually make that happen.
Iced Tea
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 4/22/15, 9:51 AM
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Stewart's Shops Root Beer

Stewart's Shops Root Beer
It's been a long time since I've had root beer. This one is strange though. It makes quick visits to your tongue and promptly vanishes. In and out, just like when you visited your ex-girlfriend's smelly uncle's house; in and out. Split second flavor. How is that flavor, though? It's actually pretty good. It's more on the candy side of root beer. Not really dark or deep or anything special but it's right in the middle of the root beer spectrum.

If you didn't like it, you wouldn't know because before you had to decide if you liked it or not, you would be half way through the bottle and you would just assume you liked it because you drank so much, not because you didn't have time to justify one way or the other.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
Stewart's ShopsWebsite@StewartsShops
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 4/20/15, 2:22 PM
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Positive Energy Strawberry Lemonade

Positive Energy Strawberry Lemonade
Flavor-wise, this is nice. It's pretty smooth and I personally like the Stevia taste mixed with the coffee extract. It's a welcome bitterness to a sweet and fruity lemonade. What I don't like, and this just me and not at all affecting my rating, is the intense jitters I'm getting from the caffeine. It turns you into a masochist because I'm enjoying the flavor but not the after effects of it. As I said, not affecting the review.

Flavor? Yeah. Chocked full. Nice genuine strawberry flavor with a little sweet and sour from the lemonade. It's actually pretty good and would be really good in itself. I wonder why Stevia is in there at all; probably to cut down on calories. Yeah, that's probably why. I could start a juice company. I'm like a detective. Or an assumptive moron who should keep his mouth shut if he knows what's good for him.
Juice and Lemonade
Positive EnergyWebsite@positiveenergy
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 4/17/15, 3:53 PM
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McDonalds McCafe Mocha

McDonalds McCafe Mocha
Eek. This is good. Dastardly good. Sure, it defied the simple rule of "fast food" since I waited patiently in my car for five minutes at the window while this was delivered to me, unapologetically. Who cares? That machine man. You've really got to reel it in with that thing. It is the single most multi-tasking piece of equipment in the place and it's down constantly. The entirety of the McCafe is solely reliant on that one machine and it's down all the time. That's neither Nora there.

This drink, though. Jesus. It's fantastic. It's served with an unnecessary amount of whipped cream and chocolate sauce. In hindsight, I wish I would have gone without it because it's already chocolate since it's mocha. I don't need ice cream toppings on a coffee drink. Thank you. Unneeded. It's good, though. It's clearly a coffee with a decent enough amount of chocolate that both are clearly represented. I'm not coffee connoisseur, but it's a good coffee taste. I don't care. I'm sure it's garbage. I don't care. I should. I don't. You win, McDonald's.
United States
Not Listed
Mike Literman on 4/15/15, 11:25 AM
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Hawaiian OLA Noni Ginger Turmeric

Hawaiian OLA Noni Ginger Turmeric
Well this sucks.

I've recently reviewed a lot of really good turmeric drinks but this is not one of them. It's spicy. Not spicy "hot spicy" but spicy like "contains a lot of spices" spicy. Spiceful. I tried hard to like this. It's different but it's not fantastic. It gets more punishing with every sip. The more lukewarm it gets, the more thick and gritty it gets, like everything settles into a sandy mess at the bottom at when you let it sit next to you for a half hour, it just settles and gets downright thick and gross. It's now been on my desk for an hour because I cannot finish it. It's almost come full circle and gotten spicy and gritty at the same time. I feel like someone swapped out my drink with something you would order at an Indian restaurant. Ginger turmeric sounds like a great chicken dish. Ginger turmeric is a terrible, terrible drink.
Juice and Sparkling
Hawaiian OLAWebsite@Hawaiian_OLA
United States
Organic Hawaiian Honey
Mike Literman on 4/13/15, 4:47 PM
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Stewart's Shops Vichy

Stewart's Shops Vichy
Vichy is seltzer water with salt and bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) in it. It is weird and seemingly unnecessary. I assume you're meant to drink it when you have an upset stomach. It just tastes wrong to me. It's like something a child would concoct with various things in a kitchen, and it would be a failure. The end.
Sparkling and Water
Stewart's ShopsWebsite@StewartsShops
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 4/12/15, 3:10 PM
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Schneider`s 50/50 Tea Lemonade

Schneider`s 50/50 Tea Lemonade
A Schneider's beverage in a can just seems wrong to me. Actually any of the Pennsylvania tea company's products in cans just doesn't sit well with me. I am so used to them coming in plastic bottles/jugs or cartons and that is how I like them. Those packaging give them an air of cheapness that I find oddly charming. I mean I still drank the contents of this can, but the entire time I wish the packaging was different. I can imagine that anyone not from the area would probably think I was being insane, but I am a fan of tradition and the way things used to be.

This is a very sweet beverage. There are 72g of sugar in this 23.5oz can. Actually I take that back, I just did the math and 24oz of Coke would have 78g of sugar. 72 is still a lot, but not as obscene as I previously though. You probably shouldn't drink all of this in one sitting though. This claims to be 50/50, but in reality it tastes more like 75/25 with lemonade taking up most of the flavor, but neither it nor the tea taste very authentic. It's like they took their lemon tea and just added more lemon to it. I know that shouldn't be much different than a lemonade tea, but there is something different about it, and I'm not a huge fan. It's a perfectly serviceable drink that I'm sure most people would love, but it just wasn't sitting right with me.
Iced Tea and Lemonade
United States
Jason Draper on 4/11/15, 2:57 PM
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