Soda Pop - 1421 Reviews

Red Rock Premium Cola

Red Rock Premium Cola
Apparently I just drank history. After drinking this bottle, I decided to do a little research and I found out that Red Rock is one of the oldest carbonated beverages in the United States. It was founded in 1885 in Atlanta, Georgia. This probably is why it has a very classic cola taste to it. It's not trying to be fancy (despite the "premium" label), and it really works. If you like Pepsi Throwback, you'll love this.

The most interesting thing I found out was that Babe Ruth endorsed this soda. This is a big deal because this was the only product he ever personally endorsed in his lifetime. Look at this iconic poster and tell me it doesn't make you want to try it:
Soda Pop
Red Rock
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Derek Neuland on 10/17/11, 11:40 PM
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Amazon.comGalco’s Pop Stop
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Oggu Sparkling Orange

Oggu Sparkling Orange
Dear Europe, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your "soda pops." I know a lot of Americans probably wouldn't like them, but to me that are what I want most of the time when I am hankering for a soda. While the American version of soda is thick, syrupy and overly sweet, you take things ta-other way. Yours are light and nice and bubbly. You understand that drinks don't need to drenched in sweetener to be enjoyable. Most of the time your sodas are closer to sparkling juice than American soda.

This is the lightest orange soda I've ever tasted. It also has actual orange juice in it, which is a major plus. It's not insanely orange juice tasting like Orangina, but it's in that vein. In a blind taste test I could tell you this was a European soda. It tastes somehow fresh. This has been the worst explanation of a soda ever, but that's what you get. Oggu has done it right, yet again.
Soda Pop and Sparkling
Sucre De Canne Biologique
Jason Draper on 10/17/11, 9:38 PM
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Chubby Pineapple Sunshine

Chubby Pineapple Sunshine
Chubby. Previously you have ducked pretty hard. I'm not going to lie. You sucked. It's not my place to hold back my punches. Pineapple, or Pineapple Sunshine, a delightful term that inspires me to do something. Oh, I suppose you want to know what that something is, right? I'll tell you. Every morning, I would like to have some pineapple. An expensive, non-seasonal delight that probably wouldn't last one week so I will quit before it even starts.

Chubby, a hilarious term for a dong, you have something left after this pop. It's not terrible. It's not the best I've had, but I never expected it to be e as alright as it was. It tasted like good pineapple candy. It wasn't syrupy and wasn't too sweet. It was also like $0.50
Soda Pop
Mike Literman on 10/16/11, 9:20 PM
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Goose Island Concord Grape

Goose Island Concord Grape
In my book Goose Island is now four for four when it comes to quality pop. They have the ability to take fairly standard soda pop flavors and push them to a higher level. If I was taking a survey after getting off the phone with tech support and they asked me from 1 to 10 what this soda tasted like with 1 being your standard candy tasting grape soda and 10 being sparkling grape juice I would have to give this a 7. It's not totally grape juice, there's still a bit of that sticky sweet candy flavor to it, but it's very minimal. I wish this was the standard for grape pop, but alas 9 times out of 10 you're going to end up with that fake grape flavor.
Soda Pop
Goose IslandWebsite
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 10/16/11, 7:27 PM
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Dr. Tima Honey Kola

Dr. Tima Honey Kola
Remember when there was a real problem with swarms of bees? They would all band together like an unruly gang and attack, and demolish, anything in their way. I'm pretty sure that I discovered the cause of it. It turns out those bees were way pissed that Dr. Tima harvested such a ridiculous amount of their honey for her sodas. I'm not kidding. She went to Africa on safari and emptied every last nest she found of anything resembling honey or a comb. It was really kind of disgusting the blatant disregard our dear doctor had for the indigenous animals.

I really couldn't believe someone would do such a thing, then I tasted this "kola." After one sip I was ready to hop continents and help the doctor find as much honey as I possibly could. Not only is this good, but I can tell that weeks from now I'll be in my print shop and out of nowhere I will start daydreaming about it. I'm sure I will drool on whatever shirt I'm printing and not even notice.

This starts off as a good quality "olde time" cola. If you're looking for a Coke or Pepsi facsimile, you're barking (or should I say buzzing) up the wrong tree. This is a hand-crafted soda that reminds me of Fentimans' Curiosity Cola. So you take that awesome cola and then you add butt-loads and butt-loads of honey to it. I'm not kidding it's ridiculous how much honey is in this. It's almost like a honey soda that is cola flavored and not the other way around. I love it. I did get some complaints that it wasn't very carbonated, but I thought it was just right. The fizz didn't bother my throat, but it also didn't taste flat. Now put on a beekeepers suit and watch out because those little buggers are coming to get us all.
Soda Pop
Dr. Tima
United States
Jason Draper on 10/14/11, 11:42 PM
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Nice! Grape Soda

Nice! Grape Soda
All my life I've been told I am 'nice'. Some have even said I'm too nice, whatever that means. Once after someone said I was too nice, I tried being an asshole but then I realized I don't know how. It's a problem I have. Pretty serious huh?

My instinct to try and not be nice when I saw the name of this soda. I thought I was going to be gross and allow me to easily do this, but then it had to be a good grape soda. Although, by good I mean it was much better than I expected it to be. It's really generic in taste, but for a run-of-the-mill grape soda it's pretty good. See! It's hard for me not to be nice. Even though this would be considered boring to most people, I still have to give it a nod. Oh well, I guess I'm cursed.
Soda Pop
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Derek Neuland on 10/12/11, 5:39 PM
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Nathalie's Premium Root Beer

Nathalie's Premium Root Beer
A month ago I went to a show in Boston. It's a town I've always wanted to visit but never had the chance to until now. My friend Cory, who runs the blog Tokyo Hipster, lives there and suggested I check out Leo's Place because they had a good selection of root beer. He was definitely right. Their selection was pretty awesome for a hole in the wall diner. I wish I had more money at the time because there were a lot that I had never seen before.

I went for this one because it looked the most "small brew" of the bunch. I figured it would be the hardest to find this one again. I really was right because I can't even find a website for this company. I also was hoping that since it was a small company that it would be really interesting and stand out among the others. Sadly, this was not the case. It was a good root beer, but nothing to write home about. It didn't have much bite to it, nor any crazy flavors or aftertastes. It was just a simple root beer. Maybe that's what they were going for. If that's the case, job well done!
Root Beer and Soda Pop
United States
Derek Neuland on 10/12/11, 12:01 AM
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Oggu Low Cal Sparkling Cola

Oggu Low Cal Sparkling Cola
We were privileged to be given an advance taste of this drink. Apparently Europe has not allowed companies to have drinks on the market with stevia in them yet so they sent us a bottle of it without the label. This is the same Oggu 100% Organic Cola we have already reviewed, but sweetened with stevia. I loved the original so I was excited to try this low calorie version.

My thoughts are as follows: it's good, but not as good as the original version. It has the same complexity as the one sweetened with cane sugar, which is great. The stevia is throwing me off though. It's not as bad as most diet drinks, but I've definitely had ones that mask the stevia taste better. If Oggu is trying to be a competitor to drinks like diet coke and diet Pepsi, they will win hands down! But, this isn't as good as the cane sugar version of their delicious cola.
Diet and Soda Pop
Derek Neuland on 10/11/11, 11:51 PM
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India Original Kola Champagne

India Original Kola Champagne
I wish I had found kola champagne sooner in my life. I've always enjoyed bubble gum flavored sodas, but the only one I was ever able to find was the one Jones makes. I know a lot of people hate bubble gum flavored pop, but I love it. This is the first dark kola champagne I've had. Until now, the one's I've had have been orange in color. This threw me off a bit because it has a cola color, but tastes just like other kola champagne. It's still good, but definitely tastes a little 'heavier' than others.
Soda Pop
Puerto Rico
Sugar and or Corn Sweetener
Derek Neuland on 10/11/11, 4:34 PM
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Jolly Rancher Cherry

Jolly Rancher Cherry
Day two of candy based sodas. Jelly Belly came through with something that turned out to be delicious. Jolly Rancher, not so much. First off as a hard candy Jolly Ranchers are gross. I know a lot of people enjoy them, but they rub my taste buds the wrong way. The soda didn't do much better. What can you really expect when the bottle happily boasts, "artificially flavored soda." I like the word artificial as far away from anything I'm consuming as possible.

When you open the bottle the scent of cough syrup hangs heavy in the room. I blame the medicinal companies for ruining cherry for me for years, then I had some drinks flavored with actual cherry juice and I realized that it's just the artificial garbage that they ruined. I personally am okay with that. It's helps increase the gap between them and myself.

This doesn't even taste like store brand cherry pop. It's like they took a syrup and didn't cut it properly. It tastes so heavy and if that consistency had a flavor it is present in this drink.

I say stay away from this unless you're attempted to make a child not like soda by associating it with medicine.
Soda Pop
Jolly RancherWebsite@myJOLLYRANCHER
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 10/6/11, 5:01 PM
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Sans Natural Diet Soda Cola

Sans Natural Diet Soda Cola
Without. The name of this drink means without. They mean without calories, but I think a lot of people would take it as they could do without this drink at all. That is because most people have no time for diet drinks. Let's talk frankly here diet is pretty gross. You have to condition yourself to alternatives to sugar. It's as if you're basically killing the taste buds that register the grossness of it. I was in the anti-diet drink camp for most of my life, but in the pursuit of reviewing everything ever I've grown accustomed to them. As a result I do not fall in the "sans this drink" crowd. It's actually a decent diet soda. It's nice and light. It does have a diet flavor too it, but it's not as overpowering as it could have been with an artificial sweetener. Rebiana is way better than aspartame or sucralose. It's natural which means that there is a chance you won't get cancer from it. No one likes cancer. Even cancer doesn't like other cancer, let alone itself.
Diet and Soda Pop
United States
Jason Draper on 10/5/11, 11:34 PM
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Wilson Farms Diet Cola

Wilson Farms Diet Cola
Wilson Farms is the local convenience store chain in the Buffalo area. They are so prevalent that it sometimes seems like they are on every corner. Like most corner stores, they have lots of things you could get at a grocery store but they charge more for the "convenience". The only exception to this is that they have their own line of soda.

At 99 cents a 2-liter, it's a much better deal than Coke or Pepsi. But like most things, you get what you pay for. It's a really bland diet cola with more of a aspartame taste than others. Some people might think it tastes "close enough" to Diet Coke, but I'll pass on this in favor of the top shelf stuff from now on.
Diet and Soda Pop
Wilson FarmsWebsite
United States
Derek Neuland on 10/5/11, 9:58 AM
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Jelly Belly Gourmet Soda Strawberry Jam

Jelly Belly Gourmet Soda Strawberry Jam
When you're a kid and it's Easter time jellybeans take a backseat only to Peeps (yes I am one of those strange people that prefers stale Peeps). As you get older jellybeans lose their allure. In fact they become just a step above gross. Then you discover a little company called Jelly Belly and your interest in jellybeans is renewed. Best of all they are available all year and they are "gourmet."

When I first saw Jelly Belly sodas I thought to myself "Self that sure sounds gross, over sugary candy pop is not something we are fans of." I got some for the site though for the sake of the website. When I finally got around to drinking it I discovered that they can do the same for sugary fake fruit sodas as they did for sugary fake fruit candy. Is it sweet? You bet your butt it is, but more importantly it tastes like strawberries. This actually tastes just like a real sweet strawberry jam. I certainly can't complain about a pop that delivers exactly what it promises, and neither should you.
Soda Pop
Jelly BellyWebsite@jellybellyteam
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 10/5/11, 12:09 AM
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President's Choice Sparkling Soda Lychee

President's Choice Sparkling Soda Lychee
I like eating fresh lychee fruit. Sure it might have a consistency that I can only liken to an eyeball, but it tastes pretty awesome. Something horrible happens when that fruit is transformed into drink form. It somehow starts to taste the was I can only assume an old lady would. Like a perfume from the 1940s. That would be the opposite of awesome.

I've had this sitting around for probably six months. Because the can was white I thought it was diet (all diet pops from my youth were in white cans). That and my fear of lychee drinks put it on the back burner. Tonight I decided to suck it up and for my bravery I was rewarded. President's Choice did something right with this drink. They have kept the flavor of the fruit intact without bringing out the perfumey aspect of it. It's a very light beverage that I would be happy to drink again. Thanks Canada.
Soda Pop
President's ChoiceWebsite@WorthSwitching4
Jason Draper on 10/2/11, 7:39 PM
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Cooper's Cave Ale Company Butter Beer

Cooper's Cave Ale Company Butter Beer
People just don't understand what a hard life us members of Slytherin have. Wake up. Pray to the snake. Eat breakfast. Pray to the snake. Mock a Weasely for being a ginger. Pray to the snake. Go to class. Pray to the snake. Make fun of a Weasely for being poor. Pray to the snake. Study for potions. Pray to the snake. Plot against Harry Potter. Pray to the snake. Do the dark lords bidding. Pray to the snake.

That damn snake gets more praise than Odin ever did in his prime. On top of that we have to deal with all of the filthy mudbloods that started letting into the school. Ugh. Those disgusting creatures have no business learning magic. When will He Who Will Not Be Named come back and go all fourth reich on their unworthy keisters?

This is the only time of day that I get to relax. The snake has been appeased and I can sneak off to Hogsmeade and pop into The Three Broomsticks and get myself a nice cold one, loosen my robes and just spend some time on myself. They don't let the underclassman in here so it's nice and quiet. Also because they can't come here they all think that the sought after Butter Beer is alcoholic. They sure took a turn into Wrongville. There's nothing alcoholic about it. It's just a nice tasty cream soda that has been flavored with butterscotch. The combination hits you in some nice waves. First it's all nice and vanilla creamy. Then you swallow and the butterscotch tastes over as a nice mild aftertaste. To tell the truth before I tried one of these I was against butterscotch. It seemed unnatural as a flavor. Something mudbloods would eat as dessert. You still won't find me eating that trash, but I will enjoy one of these sodas whenever I get a chance. Oh great it's almost time to praise the snake again. I should get back to our common room.
Soda Pop
Cooper's Cave Ale CompanyWebsite@CCACGFNY
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 10/1/11, 3:57 PM
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Dorothy's Isle of Pines Root Beer

Dorothy's Isle of Pines Root Beer
Hey Jay, I just got a postcard in the mail. Let me read it to you. It's from the Dorothy Molter. Dorothy Molter? She's a lady who made root beer and sold it to people on canoes but she's from Chicago and I think she actually has ties to the mob. Listen to this letter.
Alright, I still don't see our review. I do have "people" around the nation. Remember, Dorothy was from Chicago and still has "connections". Technically you don't need all your fingers to drink a root beer but why risk it?

Is she serious? Is this a hit? No, hits are murder. This is more like I owe them money for not paying up on a 1995 Buffalo Bills game that I somehow skipped out on paying for the sixteen years. Still, I don't want to mess with the mob. I've seen the Godfather and I don't want to get to perforated by multiple gunmen. Did I drink the root beer? Yes, I did. I thought it was good. I think that she would have used cane sugar, but you can't really taste that it isn't. It's dark but not that licorice-filled darkness that many small brews are. It's well sweetened and well flavored. All around, a good root beer.

I can't believe that she threatened us. Also, now that I think about it, I can't believe that she did it on a postcard. Also, this postcard has a corgi licking a kitten and that's not threatening at all. Maybe she meant to catch us off guard. Did someone just knock at the door? Do you think it's her? I hope not. I like my hands and I enjoy the presence of all my fingers. Who makes root beer and is in the mob? It just doesn't add up. She must have a secret life where she's like a root beer soaked Mother Theresa and then another one where she drives an old gangster style Ford, wears pinstriped all the time, always has a cigar in her mouth, and says "see" all the time. "I'm the root beer lady, see." Like that. It could happen. Stranger things have happened. Don't get the door. She can leave another note if it's Dorothy. I need my hands for playing Trials Evolution when it comes out.
Soda Pop and Root Beer
United States
High Fructose Corn Sweetener
Mike Literman on 9/30/11, 12:26 PM
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Pop Shoppe Pineapple

Pop Shoppe Pineapple
As ambassador for the island of Pineapple Pokopo I would like to assure you that I am as much as a professional as you can get on the subject of pineapples. I have had them prepared every way possible. I've had them sliced, diced, baked, fried, fire roasted, shoved inside of various mammals and fish. You have not lived until you've had pineapple stuffed dolphin. My mansion is actually built 100% out of pineapple. You wouldn't believe how strong that fruit can get when it's compressed enough and then shellacked.

I tell you all of this because on my vacation to Toronto you had the audacity to serve me this soda?!?! This is not my beloved pineapple! I bet that the ingredients in the bottle have never even been in the same fruit with any fruit, let alone one as pure as mine. I demand you change the name of this immediately! What's that you will call it "ananas?" Is that some sort of banana? Oh it's French for pineapple. I can deal with that. I've never met a Frenchman, so I assume I'll never run into anyone who knows that information.

Now that it has a new name this is actually pretty good. It has a nice citrus flavor, like it's some candied fruit. It doesn't taste like actually pineapple as I have mentioned in my rant, but there is something similar there. It's better than an orange or lemon soda. I will tell you that for free. That's right the cost of that knowledge will not come out of your tip. Now bring me another bottle, and a fresh napkin. I must clean off my pineapple monocle. Did you not notice that it was just a cored slice of pineapple with a lens shoved into it? No wonder you're a waiter and not the ambassador of Pineapple Pokopo.
Soda Pop
Pop ShoppeWebsite@popshoppepop
Jason Draper on 9/29/11, 9:17 PM
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Old Colony UVA Grape

Old Colony UVA Grape
When the colonials invaded the United States, the Indians, although polite, were leery on "the white man". White men came in, sat down next to each and every Indian, and co-ate a delicious meal with multicolored corn. All was good. They did a little bit of trading. Oh, you've got beaver pelts? We've got these sweet hats. You've got teepees? We've got homes made of brick and mortar. "Let's eat", the Indians say to the Colonials. "Oh, wait. We've got something for you in the boat. Hold on a second." The colonial dudes go into the boat and pull out a case and put it on the table. "What's this?" said the Indian Chief. "Oh, this ol' thing? It's just a case of our favorite pop, Old Colony. If you look, you'll notice that Carl's face is the silhouette on the can. Here, we brought a can for everyone. We're swimming in the stuff so you can have this whole case."

The Indians take a sip and the chief looks and the Colonial man disappointingly. "You call this grape?" He drops the half full can of pop on the grass, allowing it to spill onto the ground. The Admiral Colonial dude was flabbergasted. "Why would you do that? That's not a great first impression, I've got to say." The Indian, very heatedly said, "This is a mediocre grape pop. You think because we're Indians we've never had grape pop? What do you take us for? This is very sweet and although I can tell that it's inspired from concord grapes, it tastes like candy and we don't really do candy here."

Then the Admiral declared war because he's a baby and doesn't like when people insult his favorite pop.
Soda Pop
Old Colony UVAWebsite@pepsi
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 9/29/11, 3:14 PM
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Goose Island Chicago Style Root Beer

Goose Island Chicago Style Root Beer
It's been said that Goose Island is a part of Chicago, but I think that's just a ruse. I think they want people to believe this magical island is in the boring Midwest when in fact it resides just outside of Buffalo, NY in historic East Aurora. I know because I have seen it. It's chock full of geese and other waterfowl. It's also a perfect place to enjoy a pizza and some root beers with your ladyfriend at the end of a nice day trip.

It was really a no-brainer choosing what root beer to accompany our delicious pizza at such a location. Sure there are brews that I prefer over Goose Island but many of them are full bodied and heavy. Those are drinks for sipping around a fire, contemplating you day. This is a light and smooth soda. It's the kind of flavorful root beer that works well with food and nature. It reminds me of What IBC or Dogs N Suds root beer would taste like if they used cane sugar as a sweetener.

So while Virginia may be for lovers, Goose Island is for root beer and greasy pizza. Watch out because those birds may try to steal your pizza after awhile. Don't let them have it though because bread is bad for waterfowl and can cause their stomachs to explode, and no one wants to have to clean up that mess.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
Goose IslandWebsite
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 9/27/11, 5:25 PM
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Thomas Kemper Low Calorie Root Beer

Thomas Kemper Low Calorie Root Beer
Why America is Fat, by Mike Literman of the Thirsty Dudes,

It's no stretch to say that many American's are overweight. We can't go a week without hearing the nightly news talk about how we weigh more than all other countries combined, or something along those lines. That's not true, but you can't go a week without seeing footage of obese, neck down citizens. Why does this happen? Well it's actually very simple. American's do not understand moderation. Food servings are too big here. Yeah, feeling filled is great, but the fact that there is a four patty Baconator at Wendy's is too much food. Yes, it's too many calories for a family of four eating a five-course meal, too, but it's too much food for one person. It seems like it's gone too far because as soon as some restaurant comes up with a reasonable quantity of food, people won't know what to do with so little food and that joint will be closed twice as fast as it opened. Cheese comes on everything and cheese is delicious. Everything is doused in some sort of sauce or cream. Diet pop doesn't taste good so people opt to get non-diet drinks in exchange. That's where Thomas Kemper comes into play.

Thomas Kemper, a responsible group of people, has developed a root beer that is diet using Splenda that doesn't taste like you're drinking some sort of industrial strength floor cleaner. It's dark, has a strong vanilla taste, and although it isn't as complex as their non-diet version, people who drink diet pop or should be drinking diet pop can sigh in relief at the fact that this drink is not gross. It's more than not gross, but baby steps say that saying that it's "great" might be overstepping my boundaries. I will say that this is probably the best diet root beer I've had and that should hold some weight. Also, they still craft it using honey, just as one would expect from Mr. Kemper and friends.

I'm not calling you fat, but instead of drinking eight beers, six of which are in a six pack and it is a six pack made from other people's beer that they left in your fridge that you decided were now your own and you would fashion your own, custom sixer and balance it on your stomach, leave them in the fridge for another day, or never, and replace it with a six pack of delicious, diet root beer. Your belts, which you have actually worn out an awls because you have put so many of your own holes in them, will thank you.
Diet, Root Beer and Soda Pop
Thomas KemperWebsite@tksoda
United States
Mike Literman on 9/26/11, 9:46 PM
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