Juice - 935 Reviews

Brazil Gourmet Premium Nectar Passion Fruit

Brazil Gourmet Premium Nectar Passion Fruit
When most people think of the word passion their minds are automatically filled with the ideas of love and sexual lust. It's a positive thing that can lead to joy and fun. What people forget is that passion can also go the other way. You can also hate someone with a deep passion. It's any extreme emotion. So my question is were passion fruits names for love or hate?

I'd like to think that it was such a delicious fruit that it caused two ancient tribes to go to war. Both wanted control of the passion fruit orchards (they grow on trees right?) and were willing to go to extremes to gain said control. So I guess it would work both ways. Their absolute love of the fruit resulted in extreme hatred for the other tribe. I totally understand that. This juice smells and tastes wonderfully. It's only 14% passion fruit juice and if someone tried to take it from me I would probably slap them involuntarily. Imagine what I would do for the actual fruit. Did that just blow your mind? If so you should probably put down the bong because it really wasn't that deep of a thought.

Brazil Gourmet
Evaporated Cane Juice
Jason Draper on 5/22/11, 12:47 PM
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Genesis Today Boost Pomegranate Berry

Genesis Today Boost Pomegranate Berry
Editor Dan picked this up for me a while ago. I would have drunk it much sooner, but something about the label just screamed, "diet" to me. I think it's the pink they used in their design. So for weeks this has been sitting in the crisper of my fridge with a handful of other drinks. This morning I woke up late and had to get to work in a hurry. Juice was an obvious necessary. This was the only bottle of juice I had that was already cold. I shrugged, grabbed the bottle and headed for the door.

I was still skeptical about how this was going to taste, so it wasn't until an hour into my workday that I finally opened it. I took a sip and instantly wished the bottle was larger. It didn't taste too much like pomegranate berry, but it did taste like the most perfect mixture of grape and apple juice. I really don't taste berry in this at all. I can see a little pomegranate in the grape flavor, but I don't know why they named it what they did.

There is also resveratrol in this. You don't know what that is? What are you some kind of dummy? Don't worry I had never heard of it before either. In tests done on bugs and animals it has shown to lower blood sugar, and it seems to be anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory. It hasn't been proven to work in humans yet, but if it's not going to harm anyone why not take the chance of it working and throwing it into the mix.
Genesis TodayWebsite@genesistoday
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 5/20/11, 5:23 PM
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Maaza Guava

Maaza Guava
Long meetings. You spend all day at an office and sometimes it's alright. You've got your little desk and it's done up the way that you like and sometimes you can listen to music there. At my desk, I don't listen to metal because there are others around and the others wouldn't appreciate it. No, not like the movie "The Others," which was one of the most awful movies I've ever seen, next to "Bats" of course. I mean, come on. Nothing happened in the whole movie and even the payout was just discovery of nothing. Ugh, Nicole Kidman, you're the pits.

Long meetings. I'll start again. Nothing can save you short of a car hitting your building or someone smoking in the stairwell, which sets off the smoke alarms which means that the fire department come and evacuate the entire building. Since neither of these happen, I needed something. A guava juice is the perfect escape from reality and I was lucky enough to have one in cache.

I enjoyed this drink in all its gritty goodness. As I've said previously, I don't know what Maaza does to their drinks but they're right on the fence between nectar and juice and I don't want them to move. It has a great guava taste. Pretty sweet, but the flavor was on.

Since I'm writing this and I'm (usually) not a disrespectful jerk all the time, I am out of the meeting writing it, so I finally got out, but unless a meal is provided, there should be no such thing as a three and a half hour meeting. FACT!
Mike Literman on 5/19/11, 5:07 PM
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Bai 5 Calories Antioxidant Infusions Congo Pear

Bai 5 Calories Antioxidant Infusions Congo Pear
Pears. Pfft. Apple's crappy cousin who always stops by at the worst times and stays way too long and asks you thinks like, "Hey, are you still into that band Bush?". It's not so much insulting as it is a reminder to how dumb you once were and how long it's been since you talked to them. Also, do they still like Bush? Were they asking you because they had something new to inform you about? I don't think Gavin Rossdale has anything new to say about Bush. So pears...

I somehow ended up with this pear drink and I have been reluctant to drink it. Since I'm taking a brief hiatus on pop, I figured today is the day. I cracked it open and liked it. With most of the Bai drinks, it's got the very Stevia undertone with a legit fruit flavor as described. The smell of pear, which never bothered me, is very present when you smell the drink. It's a 50/50 toss up between who wins, sweetness or fruitness. Oh, fruitness isn't a word? I'm sorry, who is reviewing this drink? My cousin? Hey cuz, remember Sponge? That'll get him to shut up for a minute.

This is good, although not the best Bai drink I've had, thus, I will/have rate/rated it as such. If you love pears, you will like this drink, but even though you love pears, you too might be a bit disappointed about the fighting between the flavors. You might want really pear since there aren't a lot of pear drinks out there. I don't know what you want. This might be it. You can't really go wrong with this company, so give it a whirl. You won't be disappointed.
Coffee, Diet and Juice
United States
Mike Literman on 5/17/11, 3:42 AM
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Simply Apple

Simply Apple
How much juice comes from a single apple? A thimble full? Perhaps enough to fill a shot glass? It always bottles my mind when I think of the quantity of fruit that is needed to produce a single bottle for our drinking pleasures.
I assume giant machines are used to juice apples now. They probably throw them into some vat by the bushel and a big machine smashes them all up and the cores, seeds and pulp are filtered out. What did they do in the olden times? I'd like to think that they juiced apples like they do grapes for wine. Some old ladies peeled a whole mess of apples and put them in a large wooden bucked the size of a shed. Then they climbed in and did a little dance on them with their dirty fungal infected feet. The lower side of said bucket had a little spout that the townspeople could open to get a glass of fresh juice for only a nickel. They were simpler times. This company knows that and that's why the machine they use to mash their apples up is shaped like a gigantic diseased foot. As a result of their efforts they produce some of the best apple juice I have ever consumed. All that is in this bottle is apple juice. No extra water, sweeteners or preservatives. Just like the hill people intended.
United States
Naturally Sweetened
Jason Draper on 5/16/11, 2:51 AM
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GoodBelly Plus Strawberry

GoodBelly Plus Strawberry
I mentally associate this drink as a kids drink. This is because I dated someone who had a 2-year-old daughter who loved these. Her car would be littered with these empty containers. The smiling face on the opening is kind of hard to forget. Anyways, one time she offered me a sip and who can say no to an adorable 2-year-old girl so I drank from the smiling face opening. I'm not sure what flavor it was, but it was tasty.

There is no mistaking this is strawberry flavored. I don't see how anyone could not identify this flavor, even if they were blindfolded, spun around 8 times, and had their nose plugged. This is quite possibly the most potent strawberry flavored drink I've ever had. It almost taste like a strawberry puree. It has a slight tart aftertaste, which I really like. This probably is due to the ingredients that make it a probiotic drink.

If this is available in a bigger bottle, I'd definitely drink it all the time. I feel silly drinking out of a container that i can hide if I make a fist.
Sports/Dietary Supplement, Yogurt and Juice
United States
Organic Evaporated Cane Juice
Derek Neuland on 5/13/11, 4:49 AM
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Simply Originals Antioxidants Chicha Morada

Simply Originals Antioxidants Chicha Morada
Corn is by far my favorite vegetable. There are others that I may enjoy, but those other vegetables just aren't as versatile. Sure asparagus is delicious when it's cooked in garlic, but would it work on a burrito or in chili? Okay, I would probably eat that and think it's great. My point is that corn is incredible on it's own with no seasoning, but it also can make almost any meal better. One of the many important life lessons that I learned from Pee Wee's Big Adventure is that there are thousands and thousands of uses for corn, and Tina from the Alamo would be happy to list them all for you. Corn in salsa? Oh god yes. I feel cheated when it's not in there. Through my mass consumption of corn I have never once considered drinking it. That is until this magic bottle of goodness ended up in my possession.

It's Fall. Everyone has their decorations hanging up. A lot of people have dried out colored corn on their walls and doors. As a kid I always wondered why people used to paint their corn. I was little and an idiot. I am now less of an idiot and know that it grows that way. Being as I was an idiot when I was young (how many times can I say that in a review?) I of course tried to eat the colored corn. Bad scene. It does not taste like the corn I am used to, especially since it's all dried out. I later became to associate that corn with what was fed to animals. Now Simply Originals has come around to yet again throw my world into upheaval. They have turned the purple corn, or maize, into a very refreshing beverage.

In Peru chicha morada is a traditional homemade drink. I will tell you this for free: the people of Peru know what they are doing when it comes to beverages. One of their great ancestors was thirsty as hell some hot summer day. He was tired of all of the water he was consuming and decided to mix everything he had laying around the house into a bottle and drink it down. It's lucky for us that he only had water, purple maize, sugar, pineapple, clove and cinnamon. Imagine if he had some meat juice laying around. I assure you if that were the case I would have vomited all over this keyboard. Nobody wants that, especially my keyboard. Seeing as he didn't have meat juice he created (maybe it was a lady of Peru and not a man. The gender was lost a long time ago) what it a refreshing harvest time drink. After a long day of sweating out in the Peruvian corn fields wouldn't it be nice to come home and have your significant other pour you a nice tall glass of corn juice? If you said no, you are horribly mistaken.

I do have this one negative thing to still say about corn. Like Mrs. Tremond in Twin Peaks I will always request no creamed corn. I have a thing with textures.
Juice and Other/Weird
Simply OriginalsWebsite@someghan
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 5/10/11, 2:30 AM
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Brazil Gourmet Premium Nectar Mango

Brazil Gourmet Premium Nectar Mango
This is Brazil Gourmet's version of mango juice that they add sugar to. It's really sweet, but it tastes so much like biting into a perfectly ripe mango. I can just imagine the juice spilling over my chin as the stringiness of it ends up between my teeth. The label says there are 1.5 mangos in every bottle. That, my friends, is a lot of fruit.

I really hope that the image of a toucan on the label is really a drawing of their pet bird that sits on the president of Brazil Gourmet's shoulder. There's a board meeting going on and everyone is sitting around a big table. The president gives a speech about quarterly sales and the quality of the latest mango crop. All the while the bird caws to accent certain points. All of the employees are intimidated by the toucan. If it caws while they are being addressed they know they soon will be in need of a new line of work. The bird's word is final! If this is not true, it really should be made a reality.
Brazil Gourmet
Evaporated Cane Juice
Jason Draper on 5/7/11, 5:37 PM
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Bai Antioxidant Infusion Jamaica Blueberry

Bai Antioxidant Infusion Jamaica Blueberry
Recently I got to tour a coffee plantation. After trying Bai I was pumped to see (and try) coffee fruit. Unfortunately it wasn't the season for the fruit, so they weren't ripe yet. Of course that didn't stop me from picking what was available from the plants and the ground. Here is what I discovered: A) Not ripe coffee fruit just tastes like your run of the mill plant you would pull out of the ground. B) The dried out fruit on the ground tastes like old wood. Both were gross.

Bai apparently knows the proper time to harvest their coffee fruit because this does not taste anything like a poinsettia or some old Amish furniture. It's sweet, fruity and the stuff dreams are made out of. This really tastes like I mashed up a whole mess of blueberries and filtered out all the seeds and chunks. Do you realize how many blueberries that would take? I bet at least a five-gallon bucket of them would be needed to fill this bottle. Bai means business. Don't forget that. Ever.
Coffee and Juice
United States
Evaporated Cane Juice
Jason Draper on 5/6/11, 2:35 AM
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GoodBelly Plus Mango

GoodBelly Plus Mango
Those of you that know me probably know that I have stomach issues. They started in high school and have persisted through my adult life. Blah. Blah. Blah. Woe is me. Well anyways a couple of years ago I realized that HFCS is what triggers a lot of the pain. I simply cut the majority of it out of my diet and for the most part I'm fine now. I still occasionally have issues, but who doesn't?

If I still had issues I would be all over probiotic drinks. They balance out the bacteria in your stomach and helps with digestion. That will lead to you have a smiling face, not unlike the one on the top of these little containers.

The mango is pretty fruity. There are also some bananas in here that poke their little heads into the flavor a bit. When I drank the first one of these I thought it tasted a bit medicinal. Perhaps I didn't shake it up enough, because this one did not taste that way. It has a pure fruit flavor. Try it out and give your stomach a little treat.
Sports/Dietary Supplement, Yogurt and Juice
United States
Organic Evaporated Cane Juice
Jason Draper on 5/3/11, 11:49 AM
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Crystal Geyser Juice Squeeze Passion Fruit & Mango

Crystal Geyser Juice Squeeze Passion Fruit & Mango
I decided that I was done reviewing drinks on my trip. I had emptied out the fridge in my hotel room, and we get on our flight in a few hours. I felt like I had drunk a good cross section of the local drink delicacies. Then I stumbled upon this. When I had one of these the other day it was one of my favorite drinks I had on the island. That coupled with it being passion fruit and mango left me little choice. I said to myself "self you must have this!"

This is even better than the mixed berry one. 70% juice with no sweeteners added. It's absolutely incredible. Neither of the fruits are too overpowering, but they are present and flavorful. It's a true taste of the tropics. This is made in CA, so hopefully it will make it's way out east for me to enjoy on a regular basis.
Juice and Sparkling
Crystal GeyserWebsite@CrystalGeyserCG
United States
Naturally Sweetened
Jason Draper on 5/1/11, 9:03 PM
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Hawaiian Sun Natural Passion Orange

Hawaiian Sun Natural Passion Orange
Just like Ben Murphy in the blockbuster film "Riding With Death" this drink is mellow. Passion fruit and orange make a nice combo. They even each other out nicely. A quick blast of passion fruit followed up with some calming citrus. I've drank so many of these type of drinks in the past week that I don't really know what else to say. It's great and I'm going to miss it when I head back home.
Hawaiian SunWebsite
United States
Natural Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 5/1/11, 3:37 PM
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Langers Pineapple

Langers Pineapple
All fruit juice, all the time is what I wanted my vacation to be. I was planning on eating nothing but pineapple and avocados all week. The problem with that is that neither is in season right now. I did eat a bunch, but I consumed plenty of other food as well. Seeing as it's my last day I. Decided I should see the island off properly with 100% pineapple juice.

It's good. It's nice and sweet and not to acidic. Apparently pineapples on the island are less acidic, which means no weird pineapple vomit smell. I hate that smell. It's the only flaw in an otherwise perfect fruit. Luckily we're puke free here.
United States
Naturally Sweetened
Jason Draper on 5/1/11, 10:23 AM
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Hawaiian Sun Natural Pass-O-Guava Nectar

Hawaiian Sun Natural Pass-O-Guava Nectar
Here we have Hawaiian Sun's take on the popular Hawaiian drink POG. Both drinks are comprised of passion fruit, orange and guava, hence the name POG. While the classic version is a pretty even blend that favors passion fruit a little more than the others this version is all about waves of flavor. The waves crash on the coast of your tongue in the following order; guava, passion fruit and finally a distinct orange flavor sneaks in the rear. I really enjoy when drinks attack you like that and each individual flavor can be made out.
Hawaiian SunWebsite
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 4/30/11, 11:40 AM
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Aloha Maid Natural Strawberry Guava

Aloha Maid Natural Strawberry Guava
One of the things that I love about the Aloha drinks is that the order they list the flavors on the can is the order that you taste them. In this drink you instantly get a very strong strawberry flavor that transfers into the tropical guava sweetness. I also appreciate that they use fruit purees instead of fruit juice from concentrate. Keeping it classy.
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 4/29/11, 11:01 AM
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Aloha Maid Natural Passion Orange

Aloha Maid Natural Passion Orange
I always think I don't particularly like swimming. There were two instances in my childhood where I almost died. I rarely think about them, but water doesn't seem very inviting. I'm not afraid of it. Cliff jumping is high on my list of favorite things to do. It just normally seems boring. I think the fact that my skin instantly combusts in the sun probably factors in. Today I discovered a new thing I like to do in water; snorkeling. I was face down in the water for nearly two hours. I chased all sorts of fish all over the reef. I saw tons of crazy neon tropical fish, and even two creepy "sea spiders."

Do you know what the body needs after two hours of snorkeling in the ocean? Refreshment. For that I chose juice, specifically this tropical local juice. It was a wise decision on my part. It was nice and cold and quenched what I thought was an undying thirst. How was I thirsty? I was in the water for so long. My stupid body needs to learn to absorb fluids. I must evolve!

The juice was mostly passion fruit flavored with a slight orange undertone. I had expected the orange to be stronger, and was pleasantly surprised to find I was wrong. I'm really going to miss Aloha juices when I have to head home.
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 4/29/11, 12:32 AM
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Crystal Geyser Juice Squeeze Wild Berry

Crystal Geyser Juice Squeeze Wild Berry
Does anyone remember the incredible beverages known at Clearly Canadian? They ruled gas station coolers for years before they inexplicably went extinct. Seriously we're talking a Roanoke-esque type situation here. One day they were just all gone. Although nothing remains of them but a few empty dusty bottles scientists (the Thirsty Dudes) have recently discovered that their line of heritage did not completely die out. We have discovered that the Juice Squeeze line is a descendant of the carbonated drinks of old.

This has the scientific community in an uproar. They are screaming for more concrete proof. We here at Thirsty Dudes say the proof is in the flavor. It's a mixture of incredible naturally sweet berries and other fruit. That mixture has been slightly carbonated to make an exquisite drink. If this were available back home it would be a staple in my diet. Choke on that real scientists!
Juice and Sparkling
Crystal GeyserWebsite@CrystalGeyserCG
United States
Naturally Sweetened
Jason Draper on 4/28/11, 10:50 AM
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Hog Wash Oinkin' Orange

Hog Wash Oinkin' Orange
After the last flavor of Hog Wash and how sugary it was, I was not looking forward to this one. To my surprise, it was actually really good. It tastes like Sunny D, which I love. Mary Liz also noted a chemical aftertaste, which became apparent after she mentioned it to me. It's been a while since I've had Sunny D, but it seems more tart that the iconic orange beverage. Mary Liz said she likes it less the more she drinks it, and I think I'm going to have to agree with her. I'll stick to the real Sunny D.
Hog WashWebsite
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Derek Neuland on 4/27/11, 1:17 PM
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Krazy Kritters Blue Raz Raccoon

Krazy Kritters Blue Raz Raccoon
This drink has "dollar store" written all over it. It's no surprise that this isn't that good. It has a sharp blue raspberry taste to it. But then a familiar aftertaste kicks in: energy drink battery acid. This is weird because it's not an energy drink. If this is marketed to kids (which I'm assuming it is), this is not a drink kids would enjoy.

We were going to give this a 1 bottle rating, but the drawing of a raccoon on a skateboard was too awesome to give it such a low rating.
Juice and Diet
Krazy Kritters
United States
Derek Neuland on 4/27/11, 12:47 PM
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Prometheus Springs Spiced Elixir Citrus Cayenne

Prometheus Springs Spiced Elixir Citrus Cayenne
Well, well, well. What do we have here, a (semi) quenching drink from Prometheus Springs? Half of your mouth will love you. What is it about Gatorade that makes it so you can chug like 15 gallons before you need to breathe? Seriously, nothing goes down smoother than Gatorade and I don't know why. Don't give those electrolytes any more credit than they deserve. Man, I want a hot dog. So, look. I'm from Buffalo. We three Thirsty Dudes all are and soon we will be together again. I can speak from certainty when I say that I probably go through a gallon of Franks Hot Sauce annually. That's a lot. It might be more, I don't know. It's hard to be sure. Anyhow, once I heard that Prometheus Springs was releasing a cayenne pepper flavored drink, I knew I had to do it.

So I did it, and I was surprised. When I took my first sip, I was surprised at how "drinkable" it was. It was a really good orange taste. I don't know why they didn't call it "orange cayenne". I didn't get lemon or lime, but a lot of orange and it was good, truthful orange, like a mandarin orange or something. The orange flavor was easily drinkable, like Gatorade, hence my previous mentioning of said company. As anyone who has had a Prometheus drink before chugging is not only stupid, it is also dangerous. As expected, with any Prometheus Springs drink, there's going to be a burn somewhere along the lines, and at about 2 seconds it kicks in and you're hit with the pepper juice.

It's a great contrast and I would drink it again and again. It is not reminiscent of Franks Hot Sauce, but it may have been a bit gross if it was. I gave a sip to my girlfriend and told her to take a sip. She did, it burned her, she yelled at me, I called her a wimp, and we went to bed. That means it's a good drink and I'm a terrible boyfriend. The latter you already should know.
Juice and Other/Weird
Prometheus SpringsWebsite@drinkprometheus
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 4/27/11, 10:06 AM
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