Soda Pop - 1421 Reviews

Day's Watermelon

Day's Watermelon
You've had a watermelon, right? They're great. Seedless you get to eat and not worry about seeds. Seed-full and you get to spit seeds all across town like it is the twenties and you are some sort of fruit crazed mobster just spraying out your friend's car window. Sometimes you get a watermelon that is a bit too soft for your comfort but I think that the flavor is always pretty decent. It's just the texture that goes with old age in a watermelon. The people at Day's have never had a real watermelon a day in their life and this drink is the proof. This tastes like watered down candy watermelon. It's almost flavorless. It just tastes like carbonated sugar water and before you get all "all pop is is carbonated sugar water" this time you would be right. There's a real lack of flavor going on in this too-big bottle.

For all of the children of yore, this is not the watermelon you remember. This is some new, space watermelon that lacks everything that made the classic watermelon great. Flavor, seeds, and the ability to see how long it would take you to spit a mouthful of seeds.
Soda Pop
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup and/or Sugar
Mike Literman on 8/27/13, 4:04 PM
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Toronja Sol Grapefruit Soda

Toronja Sol Grapefruit Soda
I am currently on tour in California and found this at a cafe in Goleta. I love grapefruit soda so I jump at the opportunity to try new kinds anytime I can. The more sour the better. If a soda can make my mouth pucker, it's an almost guaranteed 4-bottle rating.

Is this a mouth puckering soda? Sadly no. It's moderately sour, but nothing too special. It's a decent grapefruit soda, definitely better than most.
Soda Pop
Toronja Sol
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Derek Neuland on 8/26/13, 8:27 PM
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Push Fruit Punch

Push Fruit Punch
You know that I drink a lot of stuff, right people? A lot. I would say that we drink more drinks that 99% of the rest of the world which, finally, puts us into that equal parts idolized and hated 1%. Ahh, the one percent. The air up here is just nicer to breathe. Filled with the scents of the most exotic of woods and scented oils. The people are all very easy to look at and their clothes are made from materials so soft that if the rest of you heathens as much as touched them, you would never be able to touch anything else because your fingertips would quite literally revolt from your hands. You will have to wait for eye scanning because your fingertips will be blank and you will never be able to use a biometric scanner ever again. Our hair is styled from both the greatest living hairstylists for free as our shoes are shined by perfect robotic representations of the world's finest dead shoe shiners.

We are also provided, at gratis, the finest drinks. We receive soda pop with all natural flavors and just the right amount of fizz. What do you get? You get drinks like this that could be personified as boring, tired, and characterless. While I am drinking something that was made from fresh fruit, you are drinking something that in every sense of the word is artificial. I am drinking something carbonated to my liking and you are drinking this drink that might as well be a juice due to the lack of fizz.

In order to get where we have gotten you will have to work very hard, know the right people, and do some schmoozing. It's all part of a days work and since none of us have to work any more, it does leave time to clean up at the back nine, polish off a case or two of the finest cigars, once again, for free, and shop for things we don't need like chrome shoes, personal elephant groomers, diamond Montblanc pencils, and heated cat hats. Which reminds me, I've got to pay my tie repairman and personal closet organizer before the end of the week or my life will just be the pits.
Soda Pop
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 8/26/13, 4:49 PM
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Nehi Peach

Nehi Peach
There is both something about Mary and something about peaches. Mary had a certain "cuteness" and liked the "underachiever" a bit. That made her approachable but still frightening because there was no telling why she didn't like "normal" guys. Peaches are a bit more complex. It might be due to my hatred of using napkins and my simultaneous hatred towards leaky fruit but I don't like 'em. This, though, I wish it had some sort of nutritional value because it's good.

Yeah, I know. Us drink elitists should have higher standards when it comes to what we like but this, HFCS and all, is pretty good and at the top of the charts when it comes to peach pop, not that there is a lot of competition. What do I like about it? It's adequate sweetness and the fact that it doesn't linger like that friend from high school that wants to catch up with you when you're carrying two gallons of milk and a handful of groceries and are on the phone with your mom.

Even with that glowing recommendation, I cannot finish a simple coffee cup full of it, let alone the generous portion inside of the bottle itself. Fruit pop does that to me.
Soda Pop
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 8/21/13, 4:28 PM
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Nesbitt's Strawberry

Nesbitt's Strawberry
Finally. Look, when I was a kid I could probably stomach super sweet all of the day, but now I've got to watch what goes into me. This isn't one of those "I'm getting old" things but I don't need that stuff anymore. Kid stuff. I'm as immature as I can be but when it comes to "kid food" that stuff straight sucks. This is the first strawberry pop I've had that doesn't make me want to just save the dentists of the world some time and knock out my own teeth. It's real "candy strawberry" tasting but it's not too sugary. It's also not lingering thanks to the real sugar and not corn syrup. Get it in and get it over with. This one is a win.
Soda Pop
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 8/16/13, 3:33 PM
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Galco’s Pop Stop
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Capone Family Secret Black Cherry

Capone Family Secret Black Cherry
I can near guarantee, with no need for research, that there have been unsuccessful mobs. Mobs and gangs are a tough racket. Unless you're one of those motorcycle gangs that look like the toughest dudes ever that secretly raise money for kids with cancer, you're always on the lamb. Especially when you're well known and people know not to mess with you, everyone waiting until you slip and leave a print somewhere. You're always looking behind you thinking people are watching you. Maybe Rockwell was in a gang and he felt like people were watching him, something to think about.

If a mob spent, nay, wasted their time making pop, I would say that they would be better off just boosting cars because that's a waste of time. You're probably not making that much money and your overhead is way too high. You've got machines, staff, social security, tax and not just smooth dudes working their way into purses and pockets stealing keys and hitting the road with a fresh "slightly used" Lincoln MKZ to sell one town over.

This pop especially is nothing to "go straight" for. It's not as strong as some more cheap, run of the mill black cherry pops, which is a good thing but nothing special by any means. It tastes like black cherry and is carbonated, so if you really like black cherry pop, this could be on the board of "go to's" but it doesn't really stand out.

If you are going to be in the gang or the mob, do it right and be that guy that finds things that fall off a truck, not the guy that has the hook up on otherwise generic pop. You're above the law and below the radar. Make the most of it. You don't need to kill anyone but you could be a modern day Robin Hood. Just think of it that way when you're driving some day trader's Porsche Panamera down the street without his knowledge.
Soda Pop
United States
Mike Literman on 8/15/13, 4:44 PM
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Freaky Dog Orange

Freaky Dog Orange
If dogs had teeth like the dog on this they would be hunted for sport. I think the only things that have teeth like this are snakes and kids drawings of dinosaurs. Perfectly matched teeth that are insanely sharp and could cut through an arm or a leg as easily as it could a car tire.

Just looking at those teeth and the title of "orange bite" I was kind of hoping I would get some sort of orange ginger beer. Did I get that? No. I did not get that. What did I get? A pretty generic orange pop. Is that what I wanted? Not particularly.

Don't put such a fierce snake-a-saurus-dog on a bottle of something called "orange bite" and not give it that bit it deserves. If you've had orange pop before, you can cross this off you list.
Soda Pop
Freaky DogWebsite
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 8/13/13, 4:12 PM
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Day's Cream Soda

Day's Cream Soda
Like sands through the hourglass, these are the Day's soda lines. Here we have the pride of Pennsylvania since 1946. That's 19 years previous to the release of Days of our Lives. It's rumored around the hills of Eastern PA that the show was created for a medium to run ads for the soda. Those people also think that a 14.4 dial up modem is modern technology, so I wouldn't put much stake to their claim.

Day's soda runs on the higher side of average sodas. They are similar to store brands, but they have a little extra something to them that make them a smidge better. For example, this bottle of cream soda is a bit smoother, and creamier than “generic” versions. It's obscenely sweet (90g of sugar in this bottle), but it's still very enjoyable. This is a soda that would be amazing in an ice cream float. Oh man, I wish I would have thought of that earlier when I had enough left in this bottle to make it a reality.
Soda Pop
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 8/13/13, 1:07 PM
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Sort This Out Elvira's Birch Beer

Sort This Out Elvira's Birch Beer
Never in my life have I tasted a pop that tasted "watered down" until now. It's not that the flavor is bad it just tastes a little weak, like the mix is off. It tastes as if they only had 75% of the ingredients to make a full batch and they decided, "Hey, you know...we're not going to do three quarters of a batch. That will cut into our profits. Let's just make a full one and hope no one notices."

Stretched out flavors aside, it's good. It has a decent bite with some good, sweet licorice flavor. It's as good as it can be and I think one thing that makes it better is looking at the still ultra attractive Elvira. You've still got it, girl. Now if your sponsor could spend as much time on their mix as you do on that shape of yours we'd have a delicious treat here.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
Sort This OutWebsite
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 8/12/13, 4:26 PM
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Ale-8-One Diet Ginger Ale

Ale-8-One Diet Ginger Ale
I recently spent a week in Kentucky. I know that sentence sounds weird, but it's true. A good friend lives there and I have never spent much time in Kentucky so I decided to go. Little did I know that Ale 8 One is a staple of Kentucky and it was everywhere. By everywhere I mean you could purchase it at more places than you can in Buffalo. We had already reviewed the original so I took my hand at the diet. I should have known by my friend's reaction when I picked up the bottle at the grocery store that this wasn't going to be good.

She was right. It was pretty gross. Even for a diet soda it was bad. So bad that I got 3 sips in and had to dump the rest. Sorry Kentucky, I don't like your diet soda.
Ginger, Soda Pop and Diet
United States
Derek Neuland on 8/7/13, 12:29 PM
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Round Barn Root Beer

Round Barn Root Beer
Inside of a round barn, it is fun to punish young children and have them go stand in the corner. In this round barn, it is fun to make root beer. I can only imagine the smell of that barn, all filled with the sweet smell of the nectar of the gods. Thing is, those gods are actual gods and, for good reasons, have the highest standards for root beer. It's their livelihood. That is what brings us to this root beer.

Yes, it is root beer and yes it tastes good. Problem is that is as far as it goes. It's not really exceptional in any regards. The root beer gods would drink this if they were, say, at a god of water's party; Perhaps a god of vengeance? This is because those gods don't know anything about root beer and just buy anything. This is not really dark or bold and doesn't have any of the goodness a high quality root beer has like anise or vanilla or licorice. It's just root beer. Take it or leave it.

The gods of root beer can hire the god of vengeance to do their bidding so do not cross them with sub par root beers. It is not wise.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
Round BarnWebsite
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 7/31/13, 3:07 PM
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Arizona Soda Shaq Orange Cream Soda

Arizona  Soda Shaq Orange Cream Soda
Here we are with the last one. Four cans, four flavors, four ridiculous pictures of Shaq's face and four drinks left ¾ unfinished. As has been said about the other flavors, these should be great. They are all natural, and Arizona is a company with a pretty good track record. These just fall short though. The first couple of sips are decent enough, but then it all just goes downhill and the good aspects of the flavor get lost. Seriously, this is an orange cream soda that is made with actual orange juice; it should be amazing and not this fizzy can of sub-mediocrity that site before me.

I've narrowed it down and the problem with these is that the taste of the vanilla and whatever fruit is flavoring it (in this case it's orange) doesn't stick around long enough. They remain on your tongue for but a brief moment and then you're just left with a sweet fizzyness that has hints of honey. It needs a stronger, long lasting flavor to pull you through such a large can.

I know a lot of people who were excited when these came out, but not a single one of them have enjoyed the soda. I'm sure once the summer ends these will fade into obscurity and never resurface again.
Soda Pop
Arizona Website@DrinkAriZona
United States
Jason Draper on 7/25/13, 4:20 PM
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Fitz's Premium Grape Pop

Fitz's Premium Grape Pop
We have quite the storm going on in Buffalo, NY right now. I believe in the past two hours I have seen more lightning and heard more thunder than the rest of my life combined. It's crazy go nuts university out there. Luckily I made it home right before the sky opened up and all of the moisture in all of the air from the entire world dropped on my beloved city. What better way to experience this than by sitting under your covered porch, drinking a nice frosty root beer and listening to The Cure's Disintegration? Oh you don't have root beer? Well neither did I actually, and I'd a bit ashamed of that. AS a fill in I decided to go with a cool bottle of Fitz's grape pop. It might not be as comforting as root beer, and I may not be at a BBQ, but this is one fine bottle of soda. It's like someone took a standard grape soda and turned it up a few notches. I was actually questioning whether there was real juice in here; there's not. It just tastes bold and fruity in the right ways. This may be the best grape soda I've ever had that wasn't just sparkling grape juice. To bring this full circle, it's actually much better than their root beer, which was very standard without the amping up.

The storm is still raging, but my bottle is empty and the album is over. It's time to call it a night and read some comics. This is how everyone celebrates their birthday, right?
Soda Pop
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 7/19/13, 11:02 PM
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Galco’s Pop Stop
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Pepsi Diet Lime

Pepsi Diet Lime
A part of me really wanted to like this. I love cola, and I occasionally like lime flavored drinks. Ok, more than occasionally. I think if this weren't diet I'd love it. And normally I can ignore the gross diet flavor of soda, but this one is impossible. I think the diet and the lime have teamed up and just cut through the cola and into the back of your throat like a ninja in battle with other ninjas. There's a marketing campaign, rename this Diet Pepsi Ninja Battle Lime and then people will know what to expect.
Diet and Soda Pop
United States
Derek Neuland on 7/18/13, 8:16 PM
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Koala Sparkling Fruit Beverage Kiwi Lime & Grapefruit

Koala Sparkling Fruit Beverage Kiwi Lime & Grapefruit
"Well this is something," says someone who drank this. I, professional drinker and skeptic of most things, agreed. This is a tangy, sweet drink. Tangy. Jesus Christmas. Limes and grapefruit? You needed to put the two tartest fruits imaginable together in one drink? Are you trying to turn me into a reverse Dizzy Gillespie? Suck in my cheeks to look like a malnourished, third world child? Who can drink this for pleasure? You want to know what Kiwi is doing while those other two are stealing the show? Well I'll tell you that he is not carrying his weight. That or between the lime and the grapefruit he simply compete.

This isn't bad. If you like Squirt and Limca, put them together into a container that is too large for one or even two servings and call it a day.
Soda Pop and Sparkling
Liquid Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 7/18/13, 3:50 PM
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Hey Song Refreshing & Sparkling

Hey Song Refreshing & Sparkling
Hey Song likes to take your every day soda and turn it on end. Since I can only speak English and minimal Spanish, I have no idea what this was supposed to be or what the ingredients are. I went in with an open mind, eager for something weird. I expected it to be white gourd or guava flavored because the color scheme would match Hey Song's juices of those flavors. Secretly I was hoping, and praying that this was going to be a cucumber soda. The can is green and it says refreshing; what is more refreshing than cucumbers? The answer is nothing. To summarize I was expecting something out of the ordinary.

What I was not expecting was a lemon lime soda, which is what I'm pretty sure this is supposed to be. The first couple of sips I drank took me a moment to place the flavor, but that is where my palate landed. As I drank a little more I started to notice another flavor as well, something a bit on the bitter side. I believe it to be tea. This reminds me a lot of the early versions of Steaz. It has that same extra flavor that the Steaz root beer had. It's unexpected, but kind of nice. It's certainly much better than a plain lemon lime soda would have been.

If anyone out there knows what this flavor actually is, and can confirm or disprove my review, please let me know. I went into this one with blind taste buds.
Soda Pop
Hey SongWebsite
Couldn't Read Ingredients
Jason Draper on 7/16/13, 4:26 PM
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Dang Diet Root Beer

Dang Diet Root Beer
We're talking about a diet root beer here, friends. I'm about to tell you that it is actually good. They must have pumped the diet so full of root beer flavor that it is no longer gross. This is sweetened with aspartame and they have managed to do a pretty good job of keeping a dark root beer flavor and not making this taste like something a fat housewife would drink while she's watching her stories. I mean it. A dark, diet root beer that I haven't spit all over my monitor.

I'll say the titular line...Dang! That's good root beer.
Diet, Root Beer and Soda Pop
United States
Mike Literman on 7/15/13, 3:36 PM
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Cherikee Red Cherry Soda

Cherikee Red Cherry Soda
I did some research, because I wanted to make sure, and I was correct; the origin story of this soda has nothing to do with Native Americans. It's just name and image appropriation for the purpose of branding. Someone years ago thought they were clever in naming their cherry soda “Cherikee Red.”

To add to the offensiveness of it all, the soda is less than average. It's on the low side of store brand soda. It's cherry, but the flavor is not bold, it's just kind of there. It's certainly no Cheerwine.

Normally I would say that a rebranding was in order, but since the taste is nothing to write home about perhaps this soda should fade away into the racist history of our wonderful country.
Soda Pop
Cherikee Red
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 7/14/13, 2:20 PM
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Summit Sudz Root Beer

Summit Sudz Root Beer
Sudz, Spuds MacKensie's little known brother, loved root beer. He was up for the beer commercials himself but in the interview process, drank so much that he gained too much weight to be suitable for the part. Depressed but still in need of something more in his life, he decided to start his own pop company.

They made fairly average pop that wasn't bad at all. The root beer, Sudz favorite and pride and joy, was good. It was safe but still good. It didn't have any of the licorice or anise that a high end one would have but it has everything a basic root beer would have. It's pretty comparable to other "store brand" root beers.

Sudz now has a long lasting legacy of pop where as his brother was just a temporary staple of a beer company. They fight at family reunions but who doesn't.
Root Beer and Soda Pop
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 7/13/13, 11:18 PM
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Gus (Grown Up Soda) Dry Valencia Orange

Gus (Grown Up Soda) Dry Valencia Orange
To sum up this soda I give you The Decemberists' Valenica. It tells the tale of two star-crossed lovers, a man and his citrus of choice. The world couldn't accept their love, and it all ended it tears. What is not told in the song is that after the untimely death of his beloved orange, the protagonist of the tale collected her remains and used the juice they contained to create a soda that was worthy of praise.

He always found his love to have a wonderful dry humor, so he kept true to her memory, by not adding much sugar to ensure the soda would also be dry. The result fell somewhere between a sparkling water and soda pop as the world knows it. It was light yet still flavorful. With each sip our hero shed a tear for the love that he had lost, but yet regained in some form as a beverage.
Soda Pop
Gus (Grown Up Soda)Website@GrownUpSoda
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 7/13/13, 3:33 PM
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