Sports/Dietary Supplement - 535 Reviews

Owater Infused Blueberry

Owater Infused Blueberry
When climbing to the peak of some mountain or another there is only one clear choice for hydration and that is Owater. Wait what do you mean that the contents of this bottle would freeze in those temperatures? No one is looking to get their electrolytes and antioxidants from popsicles, while they may be tasty, they wouldn't be refreshing at all, and that is what we want at high altitudes and low temperatures. I suppose one could pour the contents of a bottle of Owater into a container that would keep it from freezing, but then how would that work for promotions? No one would recognize the bottles in the ads. They would just see some guy on a mountain drinking from a canteen. I guess we could slap a sticker onto it, but that doesn't help people recognize the product in the stores. Maybe we should just start packaging it in canteens.

We have a decent product here people. It has a taste that mixes the electrolyte flavor of Gatorade and the actual flavor of Vitamin Water. It really sits right in the middle of those two brands and I truly think there is a big market for it. I mean we use real blueberry flavor, so that puts us ahead of the competition. We just need to think of a better way to promote it. This whole ice mountain climber shtick really isn't going to work out. What do we want our products to end up in a Big Lots or some such store? Of course not, but that is exactly where we're going to end up if we keep with this ad campaign…€¦.ooops.
Water and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 9/3/12, 5:14 PM
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Fitness Edge Protein Drink Key Lime

Fitness Edge Protein Drink Key Lime
Is it weird that the first thing I think of when I hear the words “key lime” is Natural Born Killers? You know a couple enters a diner orders some pie and then shoots up the place. That's a little bit of America right there, or is it? You're probably right. It's pretty disgusting. That doesn't change the fact that a movie made when I was in high school will pop into my head whenever anyone mentions this particular pie.

I don't think there will ever be another beverage made on this planet that will taste as much like a key like pie as this does. It's like ol' Mickey Knox ordered his pie, but had the nice waitress put it in the blender for say a good ten minutes. I think she may have snuck in a green freezie pop as well, because there is a bit of that flavor mixed in.

Fitness Edge hit a stroke of genius with this one. Protein drinks always have a slightly weird dairy flavor to them that is a little off putting. What better way to combat that than to make it so that the drink is supposed to taste like something that has that flavor already. Whoever came up with the idea better have gotten a raise.

Give this key lime protein drink it's day in court and see what you think about it. Me? I'm definitely sold.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
Fitness EdgeWebsite
United States
Jason Draper on 9/1/12, 12:34 AM
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FRS Healthy Protein Blackberry Acai

FRS Healthy Protein Blackberry Acai
I often praise Jay. Today will not be that day. Today, I dislike him quite strongly. He gave me this FRS a while back, reviewed the other one and claimed it was great. "Awesome" I said to myself. I didn't want a repeat of my last FRS drink. I threw this in the fridge and actually looked forward to it. Mistake.

This drink is as thick as the day is long. Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Nope. I'll compare it to the color and viscosity of dog puke. That odd, off-yellow, creamy-ness. It doesn't have any dog food in it, which I guess I should be thankful for. This is just vile. It smells alright but between the texture and the odd, protein-rich flavor, and the fact that acai should not be made for public consumption regardless of it's antioxidant qualities, this drink is, well, undrinkable.

Sorry Jay, but you can't win them all. You lost your shirt on this one and you might lose another because if I throw up, I'm using whatever you have on as my target.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Organic Sugar
Mike Literman on 8/31/12, 2:20 PM
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Nawgan Alertness Beverage Orange

Nawgan Alertness Beverage Orange
Oh I get it. Nawgan, it's like noggin. You know, your head. I'll give them points for being cheesily clever, seeing as this beverage is supposed to boost brainpower and help you concentrate. I picture young nerdy kids in grade school saving up to buy can after can of this so that they can become smart enough to be an astronaut or a nuclear physicist. That's a cool job, right?

The “secret” ingredient in here is citicoline, which according to the never wrong Wikipedia, increases dopamine receptor densities. It also helps to improve focus and mental energy. It also says that it may be useful in the treatment of ADD. Does that mean that this is basically Ritalin in beverage form? From what I gather, they do the same thing.

I like the ideas that are behind this drink. I would much rather have kids drinking something like this than normal energy drinks. It's just too bad that the flavor is fairly mediocre. It tastes just like any other orange drink. You know the kind that doesn't taste like orange juice, but it doesn't taste like orange pop either. I don't know who decided to call the flavor orange, but it has been around for a long time and it's not going anywhere. Also, the skinny can fooled me again. I expected this to be carbonated, but it was just an orange drink with quasi Ritalin in it.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 8/30/12, 12:40 AM
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X Games Energy Wild Berry

X Games Energy Wild Berry
One of the fun things about being a scientist is that you can take one sip of a beverage, mull it over and within seconds know exactly how to recreate it. Are you feeling beat from bombing hills and grinding rails all day? Do you need a pick me up, but don't have the $2 to drop at the gas station for an energy drink? Well just follow these simple steps and you will be on your way.

First take some fruit punch and water it down a little. You don't need to add much water. You still want the flavor, but you just want to dilute the syrupiness of it. Next, mix in about seven red Pixie Stix. Make sure you mix them in nice and proper. You don't want any grit to your drink. Finally you need to dissolve four sour Warhead candies. This is a crucial step, or else your lips won't pucker correctly.

Now I can't vouch that this drink will give you a ton of energy. I'm sure it will give you a sugar rush though. It will also taste exactly like this can of X Games Energy. It was fairly gross, and sour enough to make me pucker my lips as you've read above. I drank this as a little pick me up for a 9 hour drive home from Richmond, VA. It certainly kept me up and gave me the jitters, which is probably not something you want when you're driving that long. If you're carving up the sidewalks on a board though it might work just fine.

So there you have it. The flavor is not very good, but it's easy to replicate and you can shake slightly for several hours with a single can.
Sports/Dietary Supplement and Energy Drink
X GamesWebsite@XGamesEnergy
United States
Jason Draper on 8/23/12, 12:05 AM
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Agua Enerviva Lo Cal Natural Energy Mate Lemonade + Guarana

Agua Enerviva Lo Cal Natural Energy Mate Lemonade + Guarana
Sadly this is a pretty big bottle of mediocrity. I thought that mate lemonade would be pretty interesting but instead, I was served some sort of light juice that doesn't really taste much like lemonade or mate. Odd how that happened. It actually tastes a bit diet, but not too much. I'm just kind of milling over the taste but from what was advertised to what was delivered, they are worlds apart. This drink was fruity but light almost like if you had some guarana Vitamin Water.

I didn't know what it would taste like as mate is inherently pretty bitter and lemonade is sour or tart. Together I thought that it would have given my tongue a run for it's money, a phrase that my tongue doesn't understand because it doesn't work and as many times as I've tried to become a famed voice-over actor, it decided to work by spouting off negativity, sarcasm, and unfortunately misdirected wit.

I might have the energy to complete my day due to the caffeine in both mate and guarana, but I didn't particularly enjoy the path to get there.
Energy Drink, Lemonade, Sports/Dietary Supplement and Diet
Agua EnervivaWebsite@AguaEnerviva
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 8/22/12, 5:24 PM
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My Body Shots Electro Fruit Punch

My Body Shots Electro Fruit Punch
I'll tell you what blows and that's waking up sick as a dog. I'm floating through the day and it's a feeling that I absolutely hate. Plus, I've got a dry cough that I can't shake no matter how much liquid I drink and cough drops I have. I've got to put it in the hands of the drink gods to provide me with something that will battle the vermin inside of me. I had this little guy lying around, read the nutritional facts and knew that this is what I needed.

I slightly knew what I was getting into with this drink. The others have been little powerhouses and I was lucky to discover that this one was a whole lot less powerful. I was grateful for that. This one still had a little "functional" taste to it but it did taste a bit like fruit punch. That "functional" taste I speak of is that thing where you know that a drink is up to something like when you taste it, it tastes funny and you read the ingredients and discover that it's a whole serving of vegetables in it. That type of feeling except this one is just chocked full of vitamin and minerals so that small fries can play baseball. I hope that my son is a better baseball player than I was. I don't think my dad could take another lame outfielder in the family.
Sports/Dietary Supplement and Shot
My Body ShotsWebsite@MyBodyShots
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 8/20/12, 1:28 PM
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Agua Enerviva Lo Cal Natural Energy Orange Passion +Guarana

Agua Enerviva Lo Cal Natural Energy Orange Passion +Guarana
Three things:

A. If your flavor has the word passion in it, I'm going to believe that it is passion fruit flavored. This doesn't have passion fruit in it, nor does it taste like it. Instead it has the traditional orange drink flavor of Tang.

B. I expected this to have an insane diet taste, but the mixing of the cane sugar and sucralose isn't bad at all. There isn't much diet flavor to it.

C. The only thing in it that makes it an energy drink is caffeine from guarana. I don't think that actually qualifies this as an energy drink. If it does, than Coke or Pepsi should also be considered.

Overall this isn't a bad drink. Sure the name of the flavor isn't very fitting, but I like the way it tastes. Also, they were able to keep the calories down without sacrificing too much of the taste. I can't argue with that.
Energy Drink, Sports/Dietary Supplement and Diet
Agua EnervivaWebsite@AguaEnerviva
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 8/18/12, 10:13 AM
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Asante Antioxidant Dragon Fruit

Asante Antioxidant Dragon Fruit
You'd think that Vitamin Water would just buy all the flavors and close all these companies out. Sure, it would cost them a bit of money to research and test all these to make sure they are right for work. It's just that they were there first (they might not have been but I can't remember any other ones) and I just associate flavored, vitamin-enriched water with them.

So Asante found one that slipped through Vitamin Water's cracks and made it. Good for them. One more "good for them" goes towards the fact that it's pretty good. I guess these vitamin waters (notice the no caps) are just watered down juices. It's hard to say. It is different. I do like them. I like this. This is like a three quarter dragon fruit and one quarter strawberry. I like it. I don't know where Jay got it, but he got it, and I drank it, and I liked it. What more is to be said for that?
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Crystalline Fructose
Mike Literman on 8/17/12, 4:28 PM
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Powerade Zero Fruit Punch

Powerade Zero Fruit Punch
I liked high school. That doesn't mean that I was great at it, but I liked it. I took a lot of great technology, shop, and music courses my senior year and it was like the school I always wanted. In hindsight, I wish I had gone with a trade school versus a traditional...or three colleges.

Back to high school: In high school we only had a Powerade machine. One. Singular. That was the one and only vending machine in the entire school. I would talk to other kids that would have all these pop machine and snack machines and stuff. I was jealous. For this reason, since I was 16 (1998) I have had a bad taste in my mouth. Yes, Powerade, it's because I'm a dumb idiot. Also, for no reason, I thought that Powerade was slightly carbonated regardless of how many times people told me that it wasn't. Without exaggeration, I have not had Powerade since I was a junior in high school; Today that all changed.

Jay and I came across it and I knew that it was time to change everything. Why should I hold a grudge against a company because they offered us something when no one else would? I should have loved Powerade these past few years. After today I have these regrets. This whole time I was missing a decent line of drinks that, yes, is like Gatorade, I'll say it, but it's good. I think that the fruit punch was good. Maybe the "zero" of it all calmed down the sweetness but I did a good job clobbering nearly thirty-two ounces of it. It was good. If you like fruit punch but don't like the strange bite that it sometimes has and like the drinkability of Gatorade and hate calories, this is the drink for you.

I'm sorry, Powerade. My alma mater thanks you and that's coming from a cynical jerk. It's been a long time coming. Sorry, guys.
Diet and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Mike Literman on 8/16/12, 10:58 PM
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FRS Healthy Protein Orange Cream

FRS Healthy Protein Orange Cream
After Mike's review of their Healthy Energy Orange I was dreading drinking this. He brings up all the time exactly how terrible that drink was. Today I took a deep breath and grabbed this bottle, as it is my duty as a Thirsty Dude to try any and all non-alcoholic drinks.

I don't know if Mike was crazy, or if their protein line is really that much different. This wasn't bad at all. It's the thickest drink I've ever had, but it's not bad. It tastes/feels like someone mixed some orange juice into a big bowl of fairly flavorless vanilla pudding. Yes, it is that thick. It pours slowly like molasses because it's so thick. It doesn't taste even remotely gross. If anyone had a complaint about this my money would be on them complaining about the consistency. One weird thing about the drink is that although it is not chalky, like a lot of protein drinks, it does dry your mouth out after you drink it. Strange.

Well FRS I am no longer afraid of you and I will be trying some more of your products in the relatively near future. I'll try to convince Mike to do the same.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Organic Sugar
Jason Draper on 8/15/12, 6:25 PM
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Phenom Energy Acai Peach

Phenom Energy Acai Peach
Terrible. Awful. Putrid. Twice as awful. I sparingly like coconut water as it is but went wrong here. It smells good. I was hoping this would be awesome. It had to be. It smelled good. Then you take a sip and it all goes wrong. This was cold, the way that coconut water is supposed to be drunk. It tasted like if toothpaste was made from mashed up coconuts and people were crying it was so bad so someone at the company mixed a little fruit in it. It's heavy, heavy coconut and all the blast coolers in the world couldn't save this drink.

I wish I had my tongue scraper with me. This drink was unbearable.
Sports/Dietary Supplement and Coconut
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 8/8/12, 2:11 PM
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Cytomax Protein Watermelon

Cytomax Protein Watermelon
I'm a self-proclaimed outdoor kid. Hiking around the woods is one of my favorite things to do. With that being said, as I get older I find myself making it out into the great outdoors a lot less than I used to. This has left me feeling like a slob. I work then I hang out the house or go to band practice. As a result a few months ago I joined a gym. Well because of that and because the amount of sugar I intake is fairly astronomical due to this website. I'm shocked that I have actually kept going, and I find myself more or less enjoying it. I have a routine of when I go, and I stick to it. Even over the past week when it's been 95+ degrees and I sweat just sitting still.

Today was one of my gym days and I was already sweating like crazy as I climbed out of the basement furnace that is my screen printing shop. I dried off as much as I could and then headed to work out. I feel sorry for the other patrons of the gym. Sure I follow the rules and wipe off the machines when I'm done, I'm not a savage, but while I was on the treadmill sweat was literally pouring off of me. When I was done there was a physical pool of sweat on the floor beneath me. Embarrassed, I cleaned it up and then went to do some lifting. I try not to look at anyone else while I'm there, so I don't know if anyone was in the same boat as me, but I can only assume they were and I hope they paid me the same courtesy as I did them by ignoring my existence.

By the time I got back home I was completely drenched with sweat and dehydrated. I decided I should give this bottle of Cytomax recorvery drink a try. I figured there would never be a better time. It's a protein drink, so I expected it to be thick. It's also watermelon flavored so I expected it to be gross. What I didn't expect was for it to taste like it does, and that is like a generic Pixie Stix. To be more specific it tastes like someone took a watermelon Jolly Rancher and crushed it to powder. Then for every part powder they mixed in three parts Pixie Stix. Shockingly it's not disgusting, but it is insanely sweet, in the artificial sweetener kind of way.

I don't really know if it helped with recovery, but it did quench my thirst, and I strangely enjoyed it. So at least it's got that going for it.
Diet and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Jason Draper on 8/6/12, 10:57 PM
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Fuze Strawberry Guava

Fuze Strawberry Guava
Two things: A. Why did they add sucralose to this when there are both sugar and crystalline fructose up near the top? B. Why does Fuze feel the need to add skim milk to their drinks?

In answer to A I've read that small amounts of sucralose and other zero calorie sweeteners help to enhance the natural flavors of a drink. I'm called bull on that. What it does enhance is the terrible artificial diet flavor. It's really unnecessary.

The reason for the second question isn't so clear. Perhaps the CEO just likes slightly milky drinks. It reminds me of when I was little and I would mix all the drinks in the fridge into a “power drink.” In early trials I would mix in some milk, then I realized that it was kind of gross, and I started to exclude it. It would sometimes curl when mixed with juice. I'm surprised that doesn't happen in here. Adding milk to a drink always gives it a slight melted ice cream flavor.

Let me sum up this drink for you. It would be a decent juice if there weren't sucralose in it. It's too bad that it has the terrible diet flavor to it. Why add that flavor when there is still 42g of sugar in the bottle? Oh and while we're at it, they should have left out the milk as it makes it weird and creamy and melted milkshake like.
Milk, Sports/Dietary Supplement and Juice
United States
Jason Draper on 8/2/12, 10:19 AM
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Sobe Lifewater Pacific Coconut

Sobe Lifewater Pacific Coconut
It has finally happened. I have found a coconut water drink that tastes exactly like I always thought coconut water would taste. To be clearer I mean it tastes like toasted coconut. To be even clearer it tastes like tanning oil. Now I've never used, nor tasted, tanning oil, as I believe it would make me spontaneously combust. I have smelled it and this tastes exactly like it smells. My ladyfriend also confirmed that it has the same taste. That is gross. Who wants to ingest anything like that? I honestly can't imagine a single person out there who would buy this, try it, be able to stomach it at all, and then go back and buy some more. Is this drink some sort of tax write off for Sobe? There has to be some strange back story here and I want to hear it!
Coconut and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Jason Draper on 7/30/12, 4:16 PM
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Glaceau Vitamin Water Zero Rise

Glaceau Vitamin Water Zero Rise
NASA has been having some trouble with their astronauts being little piggies. No lie those space commanders have become real porkers. Long gone are the days of the fit and cut astronauts from our youth. Instead they look more like your unemployed uncle on a good day. NASA decided something needed to be done. Not only is it bad for PR, but also the extra weight causes issues with the flights. They decided to launch a two tiered attack. The first thing they did was to start serving healthy vegan food in their cafeterias and on the flights (that is seriously not a lie, I just read about it today). Secondly, they decided that all of the sugar that “Major Tom” was injesting via Tang wasn't helping at all. After half a century the relationship between the two companies was dissolved and our space scientists teamed up with Glaceau. Instead of the uber sugary Tang, astronauts now ingest a stevia sweetened alternative called Rise (get it, because they are rising to space). It really taste exactly like Tang with stevia instead of real sugar, but they do it well because they use less than 1% of the sweetener. It has a slight diet sting, but it's mostly orange, and you can't really ask for more than that. Now they just need to up the treadmill time. How are they supposed to find God (aka any array of Bowie characters) out there if they are too fat to get off the ground?
Diet and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Jason Draper on 7/25/12, 6:11 PM
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Nawgan Alertness Beverage Red Berries

Nawgan Alertness Beverage Red Berries
As you may or may not know, the Thirsty Dudes love tacos. You know what I ate today on a little motorcycle excursion? A chorizo burrito. Oh man. Wonderful. Best three dollar taco I have had in a long time. Now I'm home, relaxing with a drink and a movie. What drink? Something fruity and something that will help me pay attention to this movie.

Editor Dan keeps us in mind when he goes out of town doing non-stop, awesome photography. He sends us pictures of drinks asking if we have reviewed them. Wherever he went last time was good to us. This was one of the drinks he brought back. I've got to say, "red berries" is a bit vague. It's kind of like a guessing game when it doesn't actually list the actual berries in question. Strawberries, cranberries, or raspberries; who knows? All, some, more less. Who knows? Honestly, who cares? This is a good drink. I should also preface that this drink is not for everyone. Why? Erythritol. I quite like it but I know a lot of people don't. It's pretty unarguably better than aspartame, Splenda, or stuff like that. Sorry, guys. You're old news. It's not your fault. Things get outdated. You had a good run.

Sweetener aside, it's good. It's a good berry flavor. I like it. We don't have it around here in Buffalo but if I saw it somewhere else, I might be willing to buy it. It's light, too. Not like a juice. More like a flavored water.

We've covered a lot of topics here, ladies and gentlemen. Tacos, sweeteners, berries, local city drink distribution, and so on. We also covered an otherwise good drink that you could enjoy if you can find the stuff.
Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 7/21/12, 10:55 PM
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Vitamin Fizz Vitamin Enhanced Sparkling Water Wild Berry

Vitamin Fizz Vitamin Enhanced Sparkling Water Wild Berry
Man, I could really go for a Vitamin Water now. It would be so totally refreshing. Unfortunately I'm stuck here out in the desert and there's not a store for at least a hundred miles. I really should have thought ahead before I went on this hike. Well I guess I tried. I did buy a bunch of granola bars, some packets of Emergen-C, and I brought some water. Hey wait! If I pour the emergency into the water it would be something like a Vitamin Water. Goddamnit! I bought the wrong water! I got sparkling water and not still. This is terrible. Here I am stuck in the desert and the only fluid I have is carbonated. This blows. Oh well, I guess I could still mix it together. At least it's the berry flavored one and not citrus. Well this isn't as bad as I would have expected it to be, but it's not very good either. It tastes a bit powdery. I guess I didn't mix it together all the way. Actually this tastes exactly like the wild berry flavored Vitamin Fizz. I didn't really like it then and I don't really like it now. Too bad I have nothing else to drink and I'm dehydrating.
Sparkling and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Vitamin FizzWebsite
United States
Jason Draper on 7/17/12, 3:55 PM
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Hansen's Self Beauty Elixer Blushing Berry

Hansen's Self Beauty Elixer Blushing Berry
Baby girl you're getting married today and I have just the thing for you. Don't look at me like that! No, it's not an energy drink! It's a beauty elixir. It will make you glow girl! You know how they refer to people as blushing brides? Well in the olden days that would happen naturally, but with all of the artificial crap that is in food now a days your body needs a little help. That's where Hansen's comes in. They have come up with a formula with all of the vitamins and nutrients that a bride to be needs to give her the blush at the alter. On top of that they gave it a nice berry flavor. It's a mixture of blackberries, blueberries raspberries and strawberries. For a little extra something something they even added a little bit of cranberry in there. Unfortunately in order for the formula to work properly they did have to add a little sucralose to it, but it's so slight of an amount that you can't really tell that it's there at all. The acerola in there you can taste a bit and it gives it a weird twist. It's weird, but it's good.

Baby girl you are going to blush so hard at the alter after you drink this, your husband isn't going to know what to think. Seriously though, do you think anyone is really going to believe you just because you're wearing a white dress? Let's get real here.
Diet and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Jason Draper on 7/17/12, 3:52 PM
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Sobe Vita-Boom Orange Carrot

Sobe Vita-Boom Orange Carrot
Can I let you in on a secret? I love grocery stores. I find them comforting to walk around. I really love going into grocery stores in other cities to see how they compare to the ones back home. Yesterday we drove back from the awesomeness of the Grand Canyon to the wretchedness of Las Vegas. On the way we stopped off in Kingman, AZ for dinner. We also hit up a grocery store, and for a fairly small dessert town this store was packed. Their drink selection was one of the best I have ever seen in a grocery store outside of Whole Foods. On top of that almost all of it was on sale. Who can argue with Sobe for $.88? How could I argue with an $.88 Sobe that we haven't reviewed yet, and that I've never seen back home?

I thought this drink would be nice for the morning since orange and carrot juice are the 2nd and 3rd ingredients. I should have read the label more, because it turns out it only contains 9% juice. As a result it tastes more like a drink than a juice, and "drinks" are simply not fit for just waking up. I don't want to wake up to 56 grams of added sugar. I want to be in a waking dream of freshly squeezed juice at every turn. Instead I'm stuck with this that has that flavor that is distinct to Sobe drinks. It's definitely more orange than carrot. Actually, it's one of those drinks that if someone poured you a glass and didn't say what it was you would never suspect there to be carrots in it. I mean who ever suspects carrots? Well I guess shepherds pie would.
Juice and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Jason Draper on 7/17/12, 3:47 PM
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