Juice - 935 Reviews

Everfresh Premier Varietals Fuji Apple

Everfresh Premier Varietals Fuji Apple
If you ask any of us what the hardest thing to review is, we would pretty quickly and without question say "apple juice." I've had good apple juice and bad apple juice but it's all within a fraction of a point. We aim to drink it all but nonetheless; it doesn't make judging it any easier or harder.

I'm no apple connoisseur by any means but I've drunk like twenty different apple juices and they all taste very close to each other. Look, they're all great but, and I'm generalizing here, they're all just apple juice. I'm sorry to those that have really put a lot of effort into creating an organic apple juice but your apple juice is just as good as the guy that is filling his to the brim with good old fashioned arsenic and pig feet.

This tastes like apples. Congratulations. What more do you want from me?
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 6/17/13, 2:09 PM
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San Pellegrino Pompelmo

San Pellegrino Pompelmo
It would be unfair to call this soda, because it really isn't. I could see how someone could mistake it for soda, but in reality it's a sparkling juice; the juice being grapefruit juice in this case. Now me and grapefruit juice have an on-again/off-again type of relationship, I like grapefruit flavored things, but in moderation. I can't really stomach a full glass of the juice, but a little bit here and there or mixed with something I can handle.

Which is why I love this drink. It's only 16% grapefruit juice but in my eyes it's the perfect mixture. It's just the right amount of sour without destroying my taste buds for weeks. San Pellegrino is good like that, knowing the perfect mix of things for their drinks.
Juice and Sparkling
San PellegrinoWebsite@SanPellegrinoDK
Derek Neuland on 6/17/13, 11:15 AM
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Sneaky Pete's Naturally Oatstanding Raspberry Beret

Sneaky Pete's Naturally Oatstanding Raspberry Beret
Remember when you asked for that drink that was made from oats that has a real 80's Prince vibe? Well also remember when I said that they'd never make it? Well I was wrong. They made it and they made it well. Sure, the entire song I was singing, both aloud and in my head is the titular track of the drink. That made it go down smoother but without it wouldn't have penalized too much.

This was good. I was leery because, well...oats. It's really hard for me to spell "oats" without putting an "e" in there in an homage to my favorite moustached man from a similar time period. Oh, if this drink were called "Sneaky Pete's Raspberry Beret Oatestanding Beverage" it would probably make me comatose with excitement.

Back to the drink and out of my dreams. It tasted like raspberry had a little bit of a thickness to it but not offensive, just thicker than, say, a water. Even though it was sweetened with Erythritol, you don't really get that. I thought it was cane sugar until I looked, actually.

Raspberry Maneater. I'm leaving you with that. Erotic One On One. Bonus.
Diet, Juice and Other/Weird
Sneaky Pete'sWebsite@SneakyPetesBev
United States
Mike Literman on 6/14/13, 4:18 PM
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Bolthouse Farms Daily Greens

Bolthouse Farms Daily Greens
I finally decided to start reading the Walking Dead comics. I've watched the television show, and have enjoyed it for what it is, but I really enjoy the comics. I'm about halfway through the run so far, and without giving away too many spoilers they have a garden. It's garden season in real life as well, and tons of my friends are all excited about it. There is a certain greatness to growing your own food, and when the apocalypse is upon us I'm sure I'll be doing some myself, but at this moment of readily stocked grocery stores, I don't have the patience to keep up with a garden. We had a semi decent garden at our house last year (that I planted, but others took care of) and one thing I noticed was that the vegetables it produced didn't have all that long of a shelf life when not refrigerated. Now the folks in the comic have a gigantic garden to provide most of their sustenance, but what happens at the end of the season? They are going to be stuck with a whole mess of food that is going to rot away as there is only so much food that you can consume. What a bummer. Note to self: winter during the apocalypse is probably the worst thing ever. It's freezing, it's boring and there is no fresh food. I bet 95% of post apocalypse deaths occur during the winter; natural and suicide related.

So here I am drinking this juice thinking about food wasting away at the end of the world. I'm having a real upbeat day. I did figure that juicing some of your leftover vegetables would probably be a good option. It would still go bad, but probably not as fast, and for those who want to forget the woes of Armageddon it would probably turn alcoholic.

When that time comes for me I shall use this bottle of Bolthouse Farms as a beginning blueprint for how to make my juice. Actually I will use it more for reference on what not to add to it. Number one on the “no fly” list would be celery. Sure it has a couple of benefits, but I don't think they will be necessary in the environment I'll be in and the flavor of this particular vegetable is just too overpowering. There is only 1/3 of a cup of celery in this bottle and it's all I can smell/a good deal of what I can taste. Secondly I wouldn't add much fruit to it. I would leave the fruit for it's own juice, leave it out of my vegetables. Sugary vegetables are not for me, especially the green variety; I want to be able to taste their leafiness.

So what Bolthouse has is a juice that is a bit too sweet for a vegetable juice and a little heavy on the celery side. Remove those problems and what you would have is the base of this, which is a delicious leafy mixture of kale, spinach, romaine and cucumber with a hint of lemon to add a little something-something. It has a bunch of vitamins in it and it's pretty healthy for you. That celery though, man that just kind of ruins it all for me. Now back to reading about people, because that is what the Walking Dead really boils down to: a story about how people interact that just happens to be in a zombie ridden world.
Bolthouse FarmsWebsite@BolthouseFarms
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 6/12/13, 1:23 PM
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Pom Mango

Pom Mango
In honor of the name of this company I am going to make my ladyfriend drag out her old cheerleading outfit to celebrate. No you fools, she will not be donning the clothes. It will be this full-grown bearded man. I'll even get a wig with pigtails if it pleases the folks at Pom. You see, this juice is that good. I derived so much pleasure from drinking this that I will put on an ill fitting skirt and tank top type thing, grab some pom-poms and do a little chant dance to announce that it's glory has arrived on the beverage scene.

Pom is no stranger to having mango in their juice. A couple of years ago I reviewed their pomegranate mango. While that was a nice treat, they have done nothing but improve the recipe for this newer version. The old flavor was more pomegranate than mango and it was fairly harsh on the throat. In this bottle it's perfect splitsville. 40% pomegranate juice, 40% mango juice/puree, and the extra little bits are spread out between pear juice and natural flavoring. The flavors blend together in such a harmony that it's like an Oak Ridge Boys tune. They are singular and complementary at the same time.

I really couldn't ask for more from this. All I can do it give, and I shall do so in the form of a cheer. A cheer that you will never hear.
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 6/11/13, 1:06 AM
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BluePrint Cold Pressed Juice Beverage Lime Ginger Lemon Agave

BluePrint Cold Pressed Juice Beverage Lime Ginger Lemon Agave
I am a simple man, and I enjoy the simple things in life. Logic dictates that since they contain very few ingredients and no attitudes that I should enjoy Blue Print's juice beverages, and I'm not one to argue with logic. This drink is wonderful is it's simplicity. Let me break this down for you. It's essentially lemonade that is made from filtered water with organic lemons squeezed into it. Since that would be a bit on the tart side, a healthy dose of agave nectar is added to the mix. I have no doubt that this would be a fine lemonade indeed, but Blue Print wanted to take things a bit further, so they also added in some limejuice. I've obviously had lemonade before, and I've even tried a few limeades, but I have never had them combined, and I must tell you they work much better in this fashion than when combined in a soda. The folks at Blue Print still weren't completely sold on their beverage. Sure it was delicious, and the marriage of the fruits made it stand out a bit, but what this drink needed was a bit of a kick. The only logical solution to this dilemma was to add our old friend ginger to the mix. That my friends is how Blue Print hit a home run with this beverage. The ginger is right up there with the lemon. It's got a little bit of a burn, but I don't believe it's enough to turn anyone off from the drink, it's just enough to make you go “OHHH!” and dive right back in for another sip.

My only complaint about this drink is the hefty price tag. It's $8 for a 16oz beverage with low cost ingredients. I know that their other beverages have a bunch of different fruits and vegetables in them, and that they are raw, and as fresh as prepackaged juice can be, but I could go to a juice bar and not spend that much on a drink that I watch them juice before my eyes. As much as I enjoy this I just can't justify paying that much, so there is very little chance that I will return to this flavored well.
Ginger, Juice and Lemonade
United States
Organic Agave Nectar
Jason Draper on 6/5/13, 6:47 PM
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Bing Black

Bing Black
I just had a four-day escape to the woods. My friend Kevyn and I rented a cabin in the mountains and had a glorious long weekend of hiking, kayaking and heading to beaver dams at dusk to watch them work on their dams. It was exactly what I needed to just decompress. At one point we took a trip into town to get a couple of provisions and I saw this bottle of Bing. I had had the cherry version before, but blackberry was totally new to me. I was in the market for some juice, and I thought this would do just fine. It wasn't until after I started drinking it and started reading the packaging did I realize that it was actually a natural energy drink. It took me reading it to realize it was an energy drink, as it tasted nothing like one. I believe that is because it doesn't have taurine or any other chemicals in it to give you a boost. It's all B vitamins, caffeine, ginko biloba and ginseng. It really just tastes like sparkling juice.

Okay, to be fair the sugar in it makes it taste more like a soda than sparkling juice, even though there are only 8g of sugar in this can. It's a mixture of blackberry and cherry juice, and each sip is heavier on one over the other. It's a crapshoot for which one you're gonna get, but both are great, so it doesn't matter.

Unfortunately they felt the need to add sucralose right at the end of the ingredient list. Even though there is such low amounts you can still taste it a bit, and it distracts you from the flavor. Other than that this is great, and if you want a natural energy drink this is the way to go.
Energy Drink, Juice and Sparkling
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 6/2/13, 7:21 PM
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Starbucks Refreshers Cool Lime

Starbucks Refreshers Cool Lime
This is a first for me because I have never got a non-coffee drink from Starbucks before. Actually, this is made from green coffee extract so I retract that statement. I picked this up after a long walk and decided it was a better choice than an iced coffee full of soymilk. I pictured reenacting Ron Burgundy realizing that milk was a bad idea. I'll leave that to the professionals, or Mike since he has consumed expired milk on more than one occasion.

I've been trying to avoid using the word "refreshing" to describe this drink, but it's near impossible. It is the perfect summer drink. The coffee extract is delicious and mixes well with the lime flavor. The best part is they throw in a slice of lime in the drink. Not a tiny wedge you'd find on the side of your pad thai, a big beautiful delicious slice. Well done!
Coffee and Juice
United States
Not Listed
Derek Neuland on 5/22/13, 9:19 AM
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Mistic Mango Mania

Mistic Mango Mania
There was a point in my life where I thought that Mistic would eclipse the rest of the beverage world. It was nicely carbonated, it tasted completely amazing and exotic to my ten year old taste buds in the late 80's. Best of all they looked like wine coolers, so being the dumb kids we were we could act like adults (or older teenage girls of the time) after a long day of skating. Then they all just disappeared without a trace. I was dumbfounded as to what could have happened to my beloved drink. I pounded them whenever I could, so obviously the rest of the world was doing the same. Something must have been amiss. Perhaps it was a government conspiracy.

Probably a decade later Mistic reentered my world. The bottles looked similar, but they were no longer carbonated. My heart was broken. It just wasn't the same. It still had a great fruit flavor, but without it's bubbles, it sank into the scenery as companies like Sobe took center stage.

Now more than another decade has passed and I've encountered the beast again. The bottle has changed, and perhaps that is for the better. The old bottle always left me hoping in vain that it would be sparkling. With the new bottles my former dreams have been decimated, so I can enjoy it for the fake juice that it is.

What we have here is a “juice drink” that only has 3% juice in it, yet it really tastes like mango...strongly. It's ridiculously sweet and not very good for you with 56g of sugar in this 16 oz bottle, but what it lacks in health is surely there in flavor. Let's face it mango juice is not readily available in a lot of areas. Especially in the more inner city bodegas, which are the only places I ever seem to find Mistic drinks. Sometimes you just crave the mango taste, and this is a decent tasting substitute for when the real juice is not at hand.

I would now like to take the time to plead with the Mistic folks (who seem to have no internet presence) to please bring back your sparkling line, and make it exactly as you did when I was a child. I will buy a truckload. Actually how about you send me a truckload for free, for making you millions by reminding you how awesome you once were.
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 5/20/13, 1:30 PM
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Ralph & Charlie's Banana Orange Carrot

Ralph & Charlie's Banana Orange Carrot
You know I don't like bananas, right both Ralph and Charlie? You know I do not like them. I know this is turning out to look like a real "green eggs and ham" type thing but I mean it. I don't like it. I know I'm not alone in this. It's not just my average complaint about how pears are terrible. It's a lot less. I just don't like bananas. But, and this is a big but that even the late Sir Mix-A-Lot would approve of, this doesn't really taste like bananas. The best banana is a banana that doesn't taste like a banana. That's what I've only said one time ever in my life. This tastes like a thinner orange smoothie, carrot, and maybe a trace of banana. It's good but somehow doesn't seem to have any sort of nutritional value. I don't really know how that is possible. I guess that 2% fruit juice from concentrate can only go so far.

Sir Mix-a-Lot is not dead. May he live forever in both spirit and every single karaoke night I go to nationwide.
Ralph & Charlie'sWebsite
United States
Mike Literman on 5/16/13, 4:05 PM
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Ralph & Charlie's Carrot Cranberry

Ralph & Charlie's Carrot Cranberry
Sadly this is my last bottle of Ralph & Charlie's. When we received a shipment of juices that were nearly all carrot based I did not expect to be taken on the wild trip that is concluding today. Carrots are great, but drinking them does not sound like something I would ever look forward to. This company has come up with the wonderful mixtures of carrots and other fruits and vegetables that are always interesting and leave me wanting more.

The idea of mixing carrots and cranberries has never crossed my mind. Sure both are staples at Thanksgiving, but I don't think of them as a team. Never in a million years would I expect their combination to taste the way this juice does. It is very sweet, without crossing over the line of tooth decay. It's also very fruity, which is due to apple juice being the second ingredient, following water. This is essentially a cranapple juice with carrots mixed in to give it just enough of a unique flavor to make you sit back and savor each sip.

I find myself wondering how this drink would fare if it didn't have sugar added to it. Would it be even better, or is the sugar necessary to give the carrot juice the little push it needs to not overpower the rest of the flavors?
Ralph & Charlie'sWebsite
United States
Jason Draper on 5/11/13, 4:14 PM
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Foco Mango and Passion Fruit Juice Drink

Foco Mango and Passion Fruit Juice Drink
Get yourself a big ole' bucket of water. Now dump a big ole' bag of sugar in it. Squeeze some of those little ole' passion fruits and those regular ole' mangoes into that there bucket and what you get will probably taste a little bit like this. This only has 30% juice in it, but what amount of the remaining 70% is sugar? It's ridiculously sweet to an extent that it takes away from the flavor of two of my favorite fruits. Both are present but the amount of sugar makes them taste candied. Too bad.
Jason Draper on 5/9/13, 3:16 PM
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Bai 5 Calories Antioxidant Infusions Malawai Mango

Bai 5 Calories Antioxidant Infusions Malawai Mango
First things first; I believe the label for this packaging was misprinted. You see I have this and a bottle of the mango pear sitting in front of me, and the ingredients lists are the same. Sure they could just use different quantities, but I don't taste pear in this at all, and I had the “non-diet” version of this a while back and that had mango and pineapple in it, and this tastes the same as I remember that. Just a heads up Bai, you might want to look into that.

As I just mentioned two seconds ago I had the regular version of this, and I have to say this tastes eerily close to it, even though erythritol was swapped out for the cane juice, the flavor stays fairly consistent. It still has a great mango flavor with some pineapple mixed in. I'm going to feel like a real idiot if there is not any pineapple in the 5 calorie version, but I can taste it, but it could be totally psychosomatic. It also has a nice white tea base that is hard to miss. There is only the faintest erythritol coolness to this. So little that if I didn't know it was in there, I might not notice. Bai did a great job masking the flavor, while still keeping it low in calories. Good job folks.
Coffee, Diet and Juice
United States
Jason Draper on 5/9/13, 12:40 PM
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Ducal Mango Nectar

Ducal Mango Nectar
There is a royalty in the world of nectars. There are kings, queens, prince and princes in the juice world. The chin of command goes all the way down to the serfs (aka gallon gas station jugs of brine). Somewhere around the middle are the dukes and duchesses. These are the nectars that are still very tasty, but they do not have a pure bloodline. Get it? They aren't 100% juice. Appropriately named, Ducal, falls in this category. It has 25% juice in the form of mango pulp concentrate. It may not be as spectacular as the crown wearing juices, but it's nothing to scoff at. Taking a sip is what I imagine taking a big bite into mango covered in sugar. It's sweeter than you really need it to be, but you still enjoy it all the same. There is no reason to take a knee for it, but show a little respect and give it a nod of recognition.
Jason Draper on 5/5/13, 11:11 AM
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Capri Sun Roarin' Waters Berry

Capri Sun Roarin' Waters Berry
So you've gone and done it. You've made a kid. Actually you made him/her a couple of years ago. The first couple of months were a living hell of crying and pooping. Finally the little tike started to recognize your face. Things were starting to look up. Then they started walking and everything got awesome. You could do all the cool stuff that you always wanted to do with kids and it was fun as all hell. I mean sure the tears came back out when they got tired, but it wasn't anything you couldn't handle. Suddenly that all changed. Around the 2-3 year mark your kid just became a flat out jerk. They became demanding, thinking everything was put on this planet for their amusement. You know, just a brat.

You find yourself at a point where you will do just about anything for a little peace and quiet away from this monster you created. You find yourself thinking back to the part in the Twilight Zone where the kid can do whatever it wants with it's mind, and changes someone into a Jack in the Box, and it dawns on you that the whole thing was a giant metaphor for the turds that kids can be at this age.

You always swore that you wouldn't let TV raise your kids, but you now understand the allure. It's a distraction, and you need all of those that you can get. You only let your child watch educational TV, you still have some standards. The problem is that it doesn't fully captivate them, so you need to give them some snacks as well. Included in that is a "juice box." Kids love juice. It's sweet and delicious, and they think it's a treat even though when done properly it's healthy for them. Like most parents you find yourself buying a box of Carpri Sun. It's juice in a single serving pouch, which is also fun for the kids. You don't realize until you get home that there is no actual juice in the pouches, that instead it is a "flavored water beverage," and it's sweetened with HFCS. There is essentially nothing healthy about this drink, but at this point you decide, "Screw it." You put the straw in the pouch, and hand it and the remote to your toddler. Let them watch what they want, who cares if it's Godzilla or American Horror Story? You just need some downtime for yourself. You drag yourself back into the kitchen, pop a Capri for yourself and notice that even though there is no juice in it, it still tastes strongly like a nice medley berries and it's got a decent sweetness. You go to the bedroom to read a little bit, but you only make it a couple of paragraphs in before you hear something come crashing down and you have to get up to see what your dumb kid has done now.
Capri SunWebsite
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 5/4/13, 2:30 PM
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Poland Spring Nature's Blends Raspberry

Poland Spring Nature's Blends Raspberry
Did you know that Poland Spring is from an actual town in Maine, and obviously not from the country of Poland? I really hope you didn't think it was from Poland, because I'm sure it would cost more than $.30 per bottle if it were, you know with duties and taxes and all. Now don't you feel stupid?

Did you also know that Poland Spring is owned by Nestle? On top of that they own a buttload of other bottled water brands, which include Arrowhead, Calistoga, Deer Park, Ice Mountain, Ozarka and Zephyrhills. It's all crazy go nuts university in here.

Since these are all regional brands I wonder if any of the other brands are also releasing a "Nature's Blends" line? I'd be okay with that. This is a fairly simple beverage. It's water, cane sugar and white grape/raspberry juice concentrate. It has a decent fruit flavor, but I could do with even less sugar in it. I am a crotchety old man after all. There is only 5% juice in here, but they label it as spring water with real juice beverage, so it's okay. Basically it tastes like Vitamin Water without all the vitamins. It's really ridiculous that Vitamin Water has become my basis for comparison for so many drinks, but it's out there and everyone knows it. So there you have it.
Juice and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Poland SpringWebsite@PolandSpringWtr
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 5/2/13, 10:38 PM
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Rubicon Sparkling Lychee

Rubicon Sparkling Lychee
I recently started a new job designing/developing websites. I have been freelancing for a while so getting this job was a nice change. Seeing as I do a lot of reviews in the office, my co-workers have taken an interest in the drinks I bring in. Our project manager Carly mentioned that she liked lychee in the past so I knew she was going to be excited about this drink. Given the track record Rubicon has been having with us lately, I had a good feeling this wouldn't be disappointing.

First thoughts were it had a nice lychee smell to it, but there was something else in there that I couldn't put my finger on. It has a sour after taste, in a good way. Carly said it tasted like grapefruit and I totally agree. It really works well with the lychee, though mysteriously is not present in the ingredients. Keep up the awesome work Rubicon.
Soda Pop, Sparkling and Juice
Derek Neuland on 4/26/13, 1:06 PM
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Ralph & Charlie's Ruby Red Grapefruit Pomegranate

Ralph & Charlie's Ruby Red Grapefruit Pomegranate
Okay, let's take the juice of a fruit that tastes like a tart insanely concentrated grape juice and mix it with the sour citrus juice of the grapefruit. That doesn't sound too appealing does it? In my mind I imagined some sort of dull pain from drinking this, like it would just overload my taste buds in all the wrong ways. I guess I'm lucky that I am an idiot, because in reality it is more than pleasant. Both of the flavors are those fruits are extremely present, but in a dulled down way. I would never describe this as neither tart nor sour. It's just a good, smooth juice. It's probably due to grape, chokeberry and apple juice being listed on the ingredient list above grapefruit and cranberry, or it could be that there has been sugar added. Either way it all blends together in just the right way that leaves me wanting more. I always go on and on about how juice shouldn't have sweeteners added to it, but in this case, I really think it made the drink. Sure it made it less healthy, but it made it way more enjoyable than the vision that danced on my brain's taste buds.
Ralph & Charlie'sWebsite
United States
Jason Draper on 4/26/13, 12:21 PM
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Pokka Aloe V Blueberry Juice

Pokka Aloe V Blueberry Juice
We at Thirsty Dudes love aloe drinks. You don't believe me? Look at the 73 (and counting) different aloe drinks we've had: http://www.thirstydudes.com/category/aloe-vera. Sure there has been a few bad apples in there, but overall I'm sure the aloe vera category has a better good to bad ratio than most on our site.

Back to the can at hand, I found this in an Asian market while I was visiting Boston last month. I'm really enjoying blueberry + aloe chunks combo. It's making me wish there were blueberry chunks in here as well, but you can't have it all I suppose. Part of me is regretting not saving this for the morning because this would be a great drink to enjoy while I waited for the bus tomorrow morning. Perhaps I'll do that another day with the other flavors I have. Though I think it's the blueberry that is making me think morning. I blame blueberry muffins.
Chunky, Aloe Vera and Juice
Derek Neuland on 4/25/13, 10:21 PM
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Teas' Tea Half & Half Green Tea with Grape

Teas' Tea Half & Half Green Tea with Grape
I am ashamed to admit how long it has been since I've had iced tea. I could blame it on the weather, since, as we all know that iced tea tastes better in the spring/summer. Or I could blame it on Mike and Jay, as they are iced tea fiends and review most iced tea as soon as we get them. In reality, I don't have a valid excuse.

This is a pretty basic green tea. I wish they wouldn't have used grape juice concentrate, but it's not the end of the world. The grape compliments the green tea nicely and doesn't overpower it, which is nice. This is one of those classically "middle of the road" iced teas.
Iced Tea and Juice
Teas' TeaWebsite@TeasTea_
United States
Cane Sugar
Derek Neuland on 4/24/13, 9:58 AM
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