Juice - 935 Reviews

Robinson's Fruit Shoot Orange

Robinson's Fruit Shoot Orange
Why is orange drink necessary in this day and age? I mean Tang was important because it went to space, but normal people aren't traveling past the stratosphere. It's not like orange juice is expensive by any stretch of the imagination. Sure the cheaper stuff is made from concentrate and has added sugar at times, but it doesn't have as much sugar as any orange drink, nor is it as concentrated.

I would much rather have preferred a little bottle of the cheapest orange juice in the world to this. There is only 10% juice in here, and I feel like 20% of what's left is sugar. It's sugar water with a slight orange flavor to it. The flavor is actually more tangerine than orange too, but in a fake sort of way.

I can't even make it through ¼ of this bottle without getting annoyed that someone would purchase this over real juice. There wouldn't even be a price difference, unless you went for a higher caliber of juice.
United States
Jason Draper on 12/24/13, 12:16 PM
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Mash Grapefruit Citrus Zing

Mash Grapefruit Citrus Zing
Hey Steve, what do you want to call our new line of drinks? Steve's Sweet Styles? You do realize that is the dumbest name I have ever heard, right? Like, it's beyond bad Steve. Not in the better than bad it's good way; in the so bad I want to punch you right in your stupid hole that those words fell out of. Well fine, I will come up with something better. Juice Sparklers? No. Oh, I got it! Let's name it after what we do to make it! All we do is mix all the ingredients together in a basin, minus the fruit and then mash that all up on a screen above it to collect the precious juice. Let's just call it MASH. It's a good, simple, non-offensive name. I mean the way we get the juice out of those grapefruits it's pretty violent, but no one needs to know that, so the name won't conjure images of us putting all our weight onto cinderblocks and just mashing the daylights out of that citrus. The results do sure taste right nice though.

I didn't have faith in you when you wanted to use crystalline fructose and sucralose to sweeten it, but the way we mixed it all together, no one would ever be the wiser that this was a diet drink from the flavor. Well, I guess it's not too diet. There are still 25g of sugar in our 20oz bottles. That's much better than our competitors though, those guys use two to three times as much sugar as we do.

This is one fine pink grapefruit soda though. It tastes nice and crisp. It carries the sourness of the fruit nicely without making you pucker your lips. Also, kudos to you for calling it a “low calorie sparkling juice drink.” That makes it seem much fancier than calling it grapefruit pop.

Diet, Juice, Soda Pop and Sparkling
United States
Crystalline Fructose
Jason Draper on 12/22/13, 9:00 PM
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Compal Classico Pear Nectar

Compal Classico Pear Nectar
Pears are a weird fruit. I have nothing against them per say, but I also never go out of my way in even the most miniscule way to consume them. To me they seem like some low grade relative to the apple, which is a mighty fruit. Why choose a pear when you can have an apple? I mean have you ever been in a situation where there was a pear but not an apple? I don't think I ever have. To choose a pear over an apple would be akin to eating a Mama Celeste microwave pizza instead of grabbing a pie from the local shop down the street, even though both would be free to you. No one, save a lunatic would ever do it. At the same time, if that fresh baked pizza weren't an option, I would still happily eat the microwaveable one.

Okay pear bashing time is over; onto this juice. The carton says that at a minimum there is 50% juice content in here. I'm going to guess that the rest of that content is sugar, because it dominates most of the flavor. The added sweetener in here mostly covers the taste of the pear. As I said I'm not a huge pear guy, but if that is what I am promised that is what I want delivered. I'm sure there are people out there who love pears, and they would be sorely disappointed in this nectar. There is a bit of a pear taste to it, but it could be much, much stronger without offending any living soul on this planet, or any deceased soul for that matter.
Jason Draper on 12/17/13, 1:33 PM
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Bolthouse Farms Tropical + Carrot

Bolthouse Farms Tropical + Carrot
Oh tropical fruit how I love you. I just can't get enough of passionfruit, guava and…€¦pears? Wait…€¦what? Since when are pears a tropical fruit? I grew up in Western New York and my next-door neighbor had a pear tree in her backyard. I can assure you without a shadow of a doubt that I do not live in a tropical location. The snowstorm we are currently in can attest for that. So why is there a picture of a pear on this label? I guess it could be some special kind of tropical pear, but the ingredients just say pear, so I imagine it's just a run of the mill pear. I know that not all of the fruit in here is tropical, there are also apples, but maybe they should have switched out that pear image for an orange. At least they are quasi tropical.

Whatever the deal is with the pear, it's unimportant when it comes to the taste of this juice. It does in fact taste tropical with an underlying vegetable flavor of the carrots. It's not very strong, and this tastes way more like a fruit juice than anything, but you can definitely taste a little something extra going on.12.5 carrots were murdered in the making of this drink, yet the ¾ of a passionfruit that was also brutally slain is far more present in the flavor. The tropics win again root vegetables, like they always will, like they always should.
Bolthouse FarmsWebsite@BolthouseFarms
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 12/15/13, 12:13 PM
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Sealand Birk Blueberry

Sealand Birk Blueberry
Apparently someone else out there, besides me, doesn't like maple syrup. Said person, whose name may rhyme with Leiland Kirk, most certainly got a tapping kit as a zany Xmas gift, and didn't know what to do with it. Why would he want to go harvest his own maple syrup, when he has no taste for the stuff? Instead he decided to take it another way. Since he was such a big fan of birch beer he went out to the woods behind his house, found the largest birch tree his little eyes could spy, and drove that tap right into it. Rumor has it that as soon as he did a great torrent of birch juice flooded out, nearly drowning our hero. I don't believe a word of it. I tend to think that he left that spout in the tree for a good week before he remembered to go back and check on it, and he had gathered maybe half a bucket full. There's not much juice in them there trees, you see.

Our recipient of an unthoughtful gift was a bit disappointed to find out that the liquid that came from the tree did not in fact taste like his favorite soda. Instead what he got was a slightly sweet liquid that tasted very lightly of trees. On it's own he found it to be a bit bland and nothing that he cared too much about but he decided to add a little blueberry juice to the mix, and he was onto something. The flavors blended together wonderfully, and tasted nice and sweet, without being overly candy-like. It had a taste all it's own, and it was something that he grew to love. It was just unfortunate that the trees would only produce the juice in the spring before they sprouted leaves. This became a seasonal drink indeed.
Sealand BirkWebsite@sealand.birk
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 12/5/13, 2:21 PM
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Suja Purify

Suja Purify
Ahh, the joys of simplicity for simplicities sake. It leads to a world where you get exactly what you expect, with no wildcards in the mix. Suja understand this, so for this juice the only ingredients are carrot, apple, celery, cucumber, beet and lemon. Six simple fruits and vegetables all juiced together into a whole that is as delicious as it is nutritious. I suppose that could mean that it tastes like dog food and isn't healthy at all, but I assure you this rides the other side of the spectrum.

All of the ingredients play a role in the flavor. The apples serve as a nice sweet base, the lemon adds a nice bit of tartness to the ending and it has a nice earthy flavor to it due to the carrots, cucumbers and beets. The celery rides the top of the flavor, but it's not nearly as strong as it is in other cold pressed juices I have tasted. I appreciate that they chose to dull it down, as it normally tends to be too intense and distracting.

Drinking healthy tastes and feels great. We should all really do it more often.
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 11/26/13, 11:28 AM
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Evolution Fresh Cucumber Pineapple Ginger

Evolution Fresh Cucumber Pineapple Ginger
It's a little known fact that later in life Chuck Darwin got really into juice. He'd get up in the morning, theorize a bit to work up a thirst and then just juice the hell out of everything he could get his hands on. It was the 1800's so there were many a disease to be staved off, and good ole Chuck knew that juice would be a good way to stay healthy. He started off small; you know apples, grapes, pears and the like. Then he realized the only way to achieve greatness was to evolve, you know like man from apes. So it was that this wonderful juice evolved from the idea of smashing up a bunch of apples to drink them.

I personally don't think juice could evolve past this point. Cucumbers, pineapple and ginger are three of the tastiest foodstuffs this world has ever seen. When you mix them together in your mouth it's like all of the apes in the world suddenly stood up straight and said, “Excuse me sir, but I would really love to try that.” This juice is that good that it evolves primates instantly. What other juice can boost that claim?

This little bottle of nirvana contains one pineapple, 1/3 of a cucumber and a hint of ginger. It mostly tastes like a gingered pineapple juice, but the weird dirty taste of the cucumber, which I absolutely love, fades in and out as you sip along. It's also cold pressed to help maintain the healthiness to the utmost. If all of that wasn't good enough the scent of it is how I wish my home smelled 24/7.

I got some insider news that Starbucks will soon be carrying Evolution juices, so hopefully this will become more readily available for me and everyone. Darwin demands it!
Ginger and Juice
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 11/20/13, 1:10 PM
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Sealand Birk Original

Sealand Birk Original
What a tease. Here I thought I was going to get a delicious, non-carbonated drink birch beer but come on. This tastes like some sort of agave juice. It's smooth, has no definition and won't really offend anyone.

Now that my clear disappointment is out of the way, yeah, this is pretty average. It is from the birch tree. Giants came from the sea and the sky and squeezed birch trees into tiny bottles. This being the "original" flavor is the base in which the rest of the flavors in this line are based. How does it stand up? It's fine. It's non-offensive and therefore a tad lackluster.

Did I know that you could drink that lifeblood of a birch tree? No. Will I try it next time I can identify a birch tree and have a tool to stab said tree to let the juice out? Maybe. Probably.
Sealand BirkWebsite@sealand.birk
Mike Literman on 11/12/13, 5:21 PM
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Popeye Energy Clobberin Clementine

Popeye Energy Clobberin Clementine
Did Popeye ever ingest anything other than spinach? I mean I know he was always smoking a pipe, which I'm sure smelled amazing, but in any of the comics, cartoons or the movie (where Shelley Duvall played the role she was born for) did they ever show the character of Popeye ever eating or drinking anything else? To be honest I haven't watched/read any of them in probably 15-20 years, but I will assume he only eats spinach. By that logic one would assume that his personal energy drink would contain some spinach. That is not the case. In fact, not only does this energy drink not have spinach, but it also has no taurine, or any of that other fake garbage that is in 99% of energy drinks. This is solely carbonated juice (white grape, apple and clementines) with some caffeine and vitamins added to it. There isn't even any added sugar. The result is my new favorite energy drink. Sure for those of you out there that drink a keg of coffee a day this will probably have no effect, but for those like myself that don't consume much caffeine, it's working just fine. This is the healthier side of energy drinks and I support it whole-heartedly. The clementines taste is very strong, so if you like a more bitter orange, get on this train. The aftertaste is more of the grape and apple juice, but when you first take a sip you get a nice punch in the tonsils with some tiny oranges.

Oh a side note, after watching some videos on Youtube I am convinced that if Shelley Duvall was younger now, she could be an indie darling. The young kids would eat these vocals up, check it out.
Energy Drink, Juice and Sparkling
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 11/9/13, 5:49 PM
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Solixir Restore Pomegranate Ginger

Solixir Restore Pomegranate Ginger
Even though we have reviewed several other Solixir products my brain was convinced that the “No Sugar Added” tag meant that this thing was going to be chock full of stevia. I keep finding myself reviewing drinks that contain stevia, and I've had my fill for a while. It seems like everyone is using it, either on it's own or in conjuncture with cane sugar. I understand it is healthier, but can everyone admit that it has a very distinguishable taste that can be overpowering? It seems like companies are acting like it is completely tasteless…€¦it's not.

I grabbed this, and braced myself for a cool “new-diet” sting that never came. It seems that when Solixer says no sugar added, they mean it. The only sweetener of any kind that can be found in this can is the kind that comes naturally in fruit juice (13g worth for those keeping track at home). I was overjoyed. This was a drink that I wasn't looking forward to at all, and it turns out that I truly enjoy it. It's simply carbonated water, white grape juice, pomegranate juice and a botanical extract blend that contains ginger root, European elderflower, European elderberry, stinging nettle leaf, dandelion root and honeysuckle stem. That is a lot of “unusual” ingredients yet the drink comes off as a very light, slightly fruity ginger ale. It has a slight botanical aftertaste, but it's in a good way, not in a “someone shot me in the mouth with perfume” sort of way. Yes, it tastes a bit watered down, but again it's in a pleasant way. Americans always seem to need strong flavor crammed down their throat, even when that flavor is a pale comparison of what it could taste like. This may have a light flavor, but the flavor that is there is of quality, and I would rather have it than some garbage artificially flavored soda any day.

I would love to try a cane sugar sweetened version of this, but I'm afraid that the sweetness would overpower the botanical flavors and all of it's greatness would be lost.
Juice, Sparkling, Sports/Dietary Supplement and Ginger
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 11/9/13, 11:42 AM
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Jumex Nectar Strawberry

Jumex Nectar Strawberry
“Underachiever and proud of it,” was once the motto of a yellow, eight fingered juvenile delinquent from an unspecified location in America. It's also basically the slacker generation's war cry. “The previous generations screwed everything up for us, so we're not going to do anything to try and fix it. We're just going to have as much of a good time as we can.” While I endorse people having a good time, not trying is just a cop out.

I feel like Jumex has a little bit of Bart in them. This drink had such potential. Strawberry nectar sounds like a summers dream come true. I would want to bath in it and then drink my disgusting bath water post soak. Ick. Pretend I didn't say that. That will never actually be true. So yeah, this could have been the drink that would bring an end to war an famine. Jumex decided to say “Ehhh” and watered it down and added HFCS to unnecessarily sweeten it. There is a base of delicious strawberry puree in here, but the corn syrup makes it even thicker than it would normally be and gives it a weird tang. The water does what water does best and blands it out. Shame on you Jumex.
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 11/5/13, 7:16 PM
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Popeye Energy Bruiser Blackberry

Popeye Energy Bruiser Blackberry
You thought that Popeye was getting his strength from spinach but there was a dirty little secret behind that. Sure, he loved the green stuff but when you weren't looking and the camera changed angles, he would slam a can of his own proprietary blend of energy drink. He was very ahead of his time. Drinking this allowed him to bend large steel beams and lift cars with ease. It was just a plot from the vegetable industry to push more spinach to kids. He made out big time; enough to start his own energy drink line.

Now Popeye knew a thing or two about healthy stuff since he did manage to learn a thing or two about his vegetables. He didn't add sugar to his energy drink and let the natural flavors of the blackberry to flavor and sweeten this drink. He even snuck in some vegetables, possibly due to contracts, to color his drink. He did manage to make a drink that tastes more like something unique rather than your cookie cutter energy drink. The blackberry taste is pretty spot on and it's even got some bitterness from the blackberry left that didn't get cut out of the mix.

With Wimpy as his terrible accountant, they are slowly taking the energy drink world by storm with the phrase, "You'll gladly pay today for a Popeye's energy drink today."
Sparkling, Juice and Energy Drink
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 11/1/13, 3:37 PM
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Grace Tropical Rhythms Island Mango

Grace Tropical Rhythms Island Mango
I could go for some nice tropical rhythms. It's getting cold here in Buffalo and I started to get ready for the inevitable winter. I put away all of the lawn furniture and I started putting plastic up on the windows I live in an old apartment and the windows don't do much for keeping out the cold drafts). I could use a nice little island retreat before I get into the icy slump of winter.

Unfortunately this drink didn't give me the feeling of hanging out in the sun with the waves crashing and some weird birds cawing. The title would leave one to believe that this is a nice mango juice from concentrate. One sip and I knew that there was some carrot in the mix. It's not strong, but it's a flavor that I have grown to notice in drinks. I have no problem with carrots being added to beverages, as the health boost is appreciated. I just like knowing that it's in there beforehand. I do dislike the use of HFCS. All of the other Grace products I've tried have used real sugar, and that is always preferred. The sweetener in this gives it a weird syrupy taste that I could do without. I understand high fructose corn syrup in soda to an extent, but adding it to juice just seems completely unnecessary.

Had this been sweetened with sugar, or had no added sweeteners, and been labeled mango carrot I can guarantee I would have had a more pleasant ride with it. Now someone bring me more blankets. I refuse to turn my heat on before Thanksgiving.
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 10/29/13, 7:56 PM
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Deer Park Nature's Blends Acai Grape

Deer Park Nature's Blends Acai Grape
You know the park down the street from where you live? You know how occasionally you'll see a deer on the side of the road near there at dusk, and it will quickly run away? Well, that is because it just remembered that it's going to be late for the nightly deer meeting. That's right after everyone heads home from the part, and before the local trouble makers show up, the deer gather in the clearing in the little patch of trees that the little kids call the forest and discuss the news of the day. You know, things like which houses have gardens that aren't fenced off and where the best areas to sleep during the day are. Seriously where do they go? I have been in the woods, and in suburban fields that are the only areas where deer could go to sleep, and I have never come across them. Are they like Einstein and only sleep 15 minutes at a time?

Recently a point of contention at these meetings has been about where they should get their antioxidants. You see one of them came across a health magazine that had been left in the park by some turd and read the benefits of antioxidants. The deer realized they had been missing out on a crucial part of their diet, but none of the fruits mentioned in the article could be found in their area.

Ultimately they decided to ransack a convenience store after it had closed. One of the elders with larger antlers smashed the window and they all stepped right in. They tried a bunch of different beverages, but the majority of them preferred the acai grape flavored one. They thought it was fairly similar to another company called Vitamin Water (yes deer can read when they are from space, oh didn't I mention that part?) The drink was sweet, but light. It mostly tasted like the grapes they found on vines in the fall, but it had a little extra (light) kick to it. The best part was that this beverage wasn't nearly as sweet as the others. It was like fruit and water mixed.

Content, they headed back to the “forest” to get ready for the day of secret, hidden sleep ahead of them. Maybe they just slept in a spaceship since they were space deer.
Juice and Water
Deer ParkWebsite@DeerParkWtr
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 10/18/13, 10:32 PM
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Veryfine Chill Strawberry Kiwi

Veryfine Chill Strawberry Kiwi
I lived in an apartment with my girlfriend and we had downstairs neighbors. We lived adjacent each other for about a year before we said as much as one word to each other. Why? Well I can't tell you for sure but it didn't hurt that the dude downstairs always went to work wearing a nice shirt, slacks, and was always smiling. That in itself is enough to turn me off because, as you might guess, I am a salty jerk off.

One day I helped the girl downstairs get a mouse out of her bathroom and we made friends. Later that week was Halloween and we were outside with our dog dressed up as a lobster and they came out and sat on the porch. We instantly hit it off. I judged a book by its cover and missed out on a solid year of potential friendship. This drink is much like my relationship with my neighbors. I thought this was going to suck because it's in a tall can, has corn syrup, and just looks like it's going to suck. It is quite the opposite. It is a very good juice that doesn't at all reflect its outsides. It's sweet, not oversweet, and tastes like a good strawberry kiwi juice. Yeah, it's got a little bit of an aftertaste of something but it's easily masked by another sip.

No I am only on the surface comparing this can of juice to the solid friendship that I didn't know I had one story below me but now I've got a juice that I've judged wrongly and a friend that I have scammed, schemed and hinted at having sexuals with each other's partners for the past five years that I wouldn't trade for the world. I would push this can into a bus to save him and I would not do the opposite. This drink is better than I thought. I could have started and ended with that but now you learned a valuable lesson about life and friendship. Make a friend and share a tallboy with them. You won't regret it.
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 10/15/13, 4:31 PM
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Tampico Strawberry Banana Punch

Tampico Strawberry Banana Punch
Tiny jugs: my least favorite in both sexual and beverage terms. Sure, they're adorable, but sometimes it just doesn't cut it. In beverage terms, which I will speak of from here on out, jugs of any kind rarely imply a quality beverage. Glass is king. Plastic jugs both large and small often contain milk, orange juice, or borderline swill. This is a step above the latter but nothing you should drink more than once a month.

This is pure sugar and you can taste it. Append that to the fact that it's not real sugar and is corn syrup and has that sting that crap juice carries along with it. Flavor wise it is that of a tropical Starburst but in liquid form so you get too much of what you love. Yes, it is true. If you ate ten strawberry banana Starbursts, you might get the sensation of each sip of this drink; highly concentrated fruit juice.

If you drink this on the regular, expect a knock on the door after the large population of the CPS reads this post. I don't know why, but those guys love this website. Probably because it's a simple way to track the sales of specific drinks to bad parents. I like to think I'm helping some people out there. In this case, it's CPS and the kids who have teeth hanging on by a theoretical thread.
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 10/10/13, 3:30 PM
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Compal Classico Peach Nectar

Compal Classico Peach Nectar
Peaches may be the only fruit whose juice comes straight from nature in syrup form. There is no need to boil it down to its essence, as it's thick and stick all on it's own. We're not talking maple syrup thickness, but it is way thicker than any other fruit I've experienced. It is due to this that peach nectar is a task to drink. It's delicious, and I love it, but unlike other juices it's not gone within two seconds of being placed before me. It's a sipping juice that you should enjoy over a period of time, not in a brief moment.

Compal's peach nectar is pretty standard. There is added sugar, which seems unnecessary, but it doesn't detract from the flavor too much. I can only assume that for the sake of profits all of the peaches that were juiced to make this were not 100% ripe, so the added sugar was needed to give the illusion that they were. It tastes like the real fruit (albeit a ad sweeter) and that is all you can hope to ask for these days. If you don't have the luxury of living near a peach orchard you should drink up and enjoy the peasants life you live.
Jason Draper on 10/8/13, 10:46 AM
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Mash Lemon Peel Ginger Root

Mash Lemon Peel Ginger Root
For some reason these Mash drinks are one of the most visually appealing beverages on the market. Whenever I come across then in a bodega my eyes are instantly drawn to them. I don't know what it is. They just look like someone took a crappy one liter soda bottle and squished it down. Perhaps it's just the simplicity of the label. I love clean design work.

Besides for the look of this I am also drawn to it because it has ginger in it. I will always gravitate towards the ginger based beverages. I knew it wasn't going to be very strong in this, but it was even weaker than I anticipated. It tastes like someone took the weakest ginger ale ever produced and added lemon soda to it. I know I haven't painted the greatest picture of this, but it is enjoyable to drink. I just always want more, and apparently like to complain about things that are perfectly fine the way they are.

This is sweetened with both crystalline fructose and sucralose, but luckily the diet flavor is nowhere to be found. There is so much lemon flavor in here. I think it covers up all the other flavors. Luckily it doesn't taste like lemon rind, which could have easily been the case with a name like lemon peel. We dodged a bullet with that one.
Ginger, Juice, Soda Pop and Sparkling
United States
Crystalline Fructose
Jason Draper on 10/4/13, 5:55 PM
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Tropical Fantasy Cocktails Blue Raspberry

Tropical Fantasy Cocktails Blue Raspberry
Does anyone in the world actually like cheap blue raspberry pop? I think not. As a result they open it, take a few sips and then leave it out to lose its carbonation. That is what this tastes like a crappy soda that no longer has bubbles and vaguely tastes like a melted Freezepop. It's candy in fake juice form. I can't even imagine that children would truly like this. What can you expect for $.50 though?
Tropical FantasyWebsite
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 10/1/13, 9:32 PM
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Tina's Jamaican Caribbean Restaurant Mama Tina's Cucumber Ginger Beer

Tina's Jamaican Caribbean Restaurant Mama Tina's Cucumber Ginger Beer
If you ever find yourself in Providence, RI, stop whatever it is that you were planning on doing and head directly to Tina's Jamaican Caribbean Restaurant, or the Whole Foods where I found this. Get yourself some of the spiciest food your human form can handle and cool it all down again with a bottle of cucumber ginger beer.

I have to be honest here; while this was an amazing drink, I wouldn't consider it a ginger beer, as it was not carbonated. If it had been I don't know if I would have been able to handle the sheer joy it would bring me. What it actually consists of is cucumber, ginger and lime (a very, very light lime) in a highly sweetened water base. It's so sweetened that it has the pseudo grittiness of a southern sweet tea. Actually that is the best description I can think of. Think of a sweet tea, minus the tea and add cucumbers and ginger. There is not enough ginger to give it a slow burn, but the flavor is very much present. As for the cucumbers, they taste earthy in all the right ways. It's not the crisp cucumber flavor that Mr Q Cumber has, but a slightly dirty flavor like the ones you would find in raw juices.

This would have gotten a perfect rating, but the lack of carbonation in relation to the name, and the fact that I find it to be a bit too sweet the more I drank, made me deduct a bottle. I assure you it is still an amazing drink that you should not pass up if you are ever in that area of the country.
Ginger and Juice
Tina's Jamaican Caribbean RestaurantWebsite
United States
Jason Draper on 10/1/13, 10:44 AM
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