Juice - 935 Reviews

Poland Spring Nature's Blends Mango Peach

Poland Spring Nature's Blends Mango Peach
Alright now, just ease back the cord of the bow. Hold the arrow back for a moment. Now, don't forget to breathe and relax. Once you feel confident that you have your target in your sites simply let go and let the pressure do the rest. Oh it looks like you missed the target. Speaking of, do you know what else missed the target: This bottle of Nature's Blends. I mean I guess it hit the target, but it certainly wasn't a bulls-eye. It hit somewhere in one of the outer circles.

The whole shtick of these drinks is that they are spring water and real juice. The thing is that if you add water to juice, you just get watered down juice. That is exciting for no one. So instead Poland Spring took some juice concentrate and added spring water, which would essentially make it juice again. They also added sugar and a couple of other ingredients that give it a slightly weird aftertaste. The thing is that instead of coming across like juice, this tastes like a Vitamin Water, minus the vitamins.

I'm pretty sure that nine times out of ten I would choose either plain water or just juice over this. It tastes perfectly satisfactory, but there are a handful of companies who do similar things better that are readily available.
Juice and Sports/Dietary Supplement
Poland SpringWebsite@PolandSpringWtr
United States
Pure Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 8/5/13, 9:44 PM
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Naked Orange Mango

Naked Orange Mango
Recently Naked settled a class action lawsuit out of court and agreed to pay nine million dollars as reparation. The reason for all of this was that the company claimed that some of their products were all natural and free of genetically modified ingredients. Apparently they were a bunch of little liars since some of their products contained ascorbic acid, beta carotene, and D-calcium panthothenate. I had no idea those weren't natural ingredients, but that is what the news told me and when has the internet ever steered anyone wrong?

Naked was always my readily available “quality” juice of choice. I always thought it was better than it's competitors, but perhaps I was wrong. I also don't really care because the juice is still delicious and even with those ingredients it's still better than garbage made from concentrate with a butt-ton of sugar added to it. Yes my friends, I will continue to drink Naked, as I am doing right now with this bottle of Orange Mango juice.

This little guy right here, he doesn't fall under the lawsuit. There is nothing weird and unnatural added to this juice, just fruit that has been squished to hell to get its delicious lifeblood. This is orange, apple, mango and banana rolled into one, but in a way that you can only really taste the orange and the mango. Normally in juices like that it's more of an orange juice with a splash of mango in it, but here it's more of a 60/40 split. You can definitely taste the mango in a very strong fashion, and isn't that what everyone wants from juice with mango in it. No one is out there saying, “Man this is okay, but I wish it tasted more like oranges.” This is a good juice. Nah, this is a great juice. Don't let the lawsuit hold you back from enjoying it.
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 8/1/13, 10:10 AM
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Sneaky Pete's Oat Beverage Grape

Sneaky Pete's Oat Beverage Grape
Patrick! What is this garbage? I leave you alone with the business for two weeks so I can have my first vacation in twenty years and I come home to you ruining my company! I wrote you out very specific instructions on how to make our beverages. They were all layed out for you line by line, and it took up only half of a page, yet you still couldn't follow it. You think you know oats better than your brother? You think you know oats better than Pete!?!? I spent years working on this recipe to make sure everything was exactly right. You come in for two weeks, and decide you can do better and throw the instructions out the window? What made you think that making a vat of oatmeal with double the water and just throwing a handful of grapes into the mix would make for a good beverage? What you've created is a gross sludge that no one in their right minds would want to ingest.

You see when done correctly, following my instructions I might add, the oatmeal is not the base for the drink. It's more of a watery juice. Don't get me wrong it has a strong white grape flavor that almost tastes like “original” aloe juice, it just has to be fairly liquidy because when you add in the powdered oats, it needs a little extra fluid to absorb them, so the drink doesn't become too thick. Actually when done correctly the results shouldn't have a consistency all that different from peach juice, you know just a little thicker than water.

If what you created wasn't bad enough, you also didn't even properly mix in the sweetener. I use a mixture of erythritol, evaporated cane juice and stevia in my products It gives it less calories, without tasting too diet. In yours you just through in regular sugar and it's in there in big clumps. Everything about what you have done is wrong and gross.

I wish I could divorce you from being my brother. If this was some sort of retribution prank, you have done terribly. Pranks need to be smarter and well thought out, you know sneaky like I would do. That is why I am called Sneaky Pete. Maybe we should just start calling you Mean Spirited, Lazy Patrick. How would you like that?

Ugh. I'll have to dump this all out and start over. Grab one of the bottles I made before I left from the cooler. See how this is actually a drink and not just slop that isn't fit to feed a pig? You really are the worst Patrick, now get out of my factory and tell mom it looks like I'm going to be late for family dinner, and that she has you to thank for that.
Juice, Other/Weird and Diet
Sneaky Pete'sWebsite@SneakyPetesBev
United States
Jason Draper on 7/28/13, 3:19 PM
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BluePrint Cold Pressed Juice Beverage Kale Apple Ginger Romaine Spinach Cucumber Celery

BluePrint Cold Pressed Juice Beverage Kale Apple Ginger Romaine Spinach Cucumber Celery
I'm sorry about your jaw, honey. It's for the best, though, right? I mean, if you were going to have a life long issue with your misaligned teeth, it's probably a lot easier for you to have it wired shut and realigned for a couple months and never have to worry about it. I know it's impossible for you to eat solid food but we can blend and juice things so you don't have to eat ranch dressing for three months. Ugh, just the though of that...

I bought you a salad from that nice new restaurant. I know you can't eat it but I thought we could use that juicer that we got for a wedding present. I know; I didn't put it on the registry either. We might have used it once in the last five years we've been married. I bet your uncle Paul bought it for us. That tasteless gift would have matched perfectly to his Hawaiian shirt he wore to the reception. I saw it on the menu and I think you would like it. I dusted off the juicer and I'm going to make you a nice, tasty juice. Hold on a couple minutes and I'll get this ready for you.

Here you go, honey. It should taste just like the salad. It does, doesn't it? Yeah...wait. What do you mean you don't really like it? Can I take a sip of it? You know what? It makes sense. As a solid, it's great but salad was never meant to be a liquid. I can tell that it means well and you can kind of taste everything but there is a certain element of chewing that I expect and this seems a bit...pre-chewed, I guess. I don't want to go back to the ranch dressing and this is definitely better for you but I understand. You probably should drink the rest of this, like it or not because it has to be super healthy and also a great way for you to get all the nutrients you need pretty quickly. There is little to no nutritional value in salad dressing, just salad.

Yes, I did get a dessert. It's an ice cream sundae that I think will blend into a nice milkshake. I think we're safe there. This might have not been the best idea I've ever had and I will be the first to admit that.
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 7/28/13, 1:21 PM
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Ralph & Charlie's Green Apple Kiwi Pineapple

Ralph & Charlie's Green Apple Kiwi Pineapple
Brian, Dad is going to be so excited when he gets home. He works long hours at the insurance company and he's always telling mom how he needs a drink so we're going to make him something. Let's look around the house and see if we can't find some stuff to make for dad.

Well first things first, all drinks need some water so here is a little water. Oh, grab those green apples over there and we'll mush those and put the juice into the drink. What else do we have? Bananas? No, we don't have any bananas. Red apples? Nope. Man, mom needs to go grocery shopping. Kiwi? well we don't have many of them but we do have some. Smash them and put the juice in this cup. What else do we have? A pineapple? Brian, that's going to be hard to juice. Yes, they're juicy but we're going to need to cut this thing up and get to smashing. Hand me that knife. I know mom says not to play with knives but I'm cutting a pineapple. What part of that is considered playing? That's right. None of it. Alright. It's cut. Quick, it's five o'clock and dad is going to be home. Hand me that pear and those lemons. We've got to get to juicing.

Alright. We are all juiced by hand and we've got a nice cup of green juice. I don't know why it's green. Sure, green apples are green and pears are green but the juice isn't green. Maybe this is what happens when you combine all these fruits. Let's taste it. We've got a tall glass and dad would want us to share, right? What do you think? Yeah, Brian. You are right. It tastes like a less sour, green Freezepop. How did that happen? We put fresh fruit in there and it tastes slightly better than a cheap popsicle.

Do you think Dad is going to like it? What do you mean he's home? When did that happen? We didn't have time to clean. Oh, man. Dad is going to be ticked. Well we will give him this glass and we will clean up in the...oh...hey dad. We made this for you. Yeah, I know we made a bit of a mess but we wanted you to have something to drink when you get home. We'll clean up before mom gets home so you don't get in trouble. What? Mom is home now, too? When did you guys stop using the garage door and start acting so stealth? She's going to be angry at...oh...hey mom. Yeah, well we were making juice for dad and we thought that we would have more time. Yes. We'll clean it up. Yeah. No dessert. We get it. We're sorry.
Ralph & Charlie'sWebsite
United States
Mike Literman on 7/25/13, 8:27 PM
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Starbucks Refreshers Valencia Orange

Starbucks Refreshers Valencia Orange
I've come to really love the fresh made refreshers at Starbucks. It's still one step below a juice bar, but so far they have been consistently good. Take this Valencia Orange one I recently had. I was expecting it to be just a simple orange drink, but it blew my mind. It was more tart that lemonade usually is. It almost had a kumquat taste to it. The orange flavor really popped as well, and wasn't masked by the tartness.

Straight from the Starbucks website, this is what they have to say about its ingredients: "Three varietals of orange combined with floral and fruity notes from orange peel, cardamom, jasmine and apricot lightly caffeinated with Green Coffee Extract, served over ice." I love the green coffee extract, it gives it a little kick without be overbearing. I know they sell packets of these at Starbuck locations but I fear they won't be as good as the fresh made drinks.
Coffee and Juice
United States
Not Listed
Derek Neuland on 7/23/13, 4:22 PM
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Tumeric The Elixer of Life Coconut Nectar Elixer

Tumeric The Elixer of Life Coconut Nectar Elixer
I was just saying the other day that I was wondering what the elixir of life was. Finally, an answer to this age old question. Sure, some might think that it's water, or water infused with gold and diamonds, but they would be wrong. The true elixir of life is, apparently, a spicy, Indian inspired, coconut drink. I know; we were way off until this point.

What do I think of the elixir of life? Well, I don't think that I'm going to live that long if this is what we've got. Yes, as expected, this is a little spicy, pretty tangy, and doesn't taste that much like coconut water. All good, right? Sure if you hate the actual taste of the drink and love the delectable, rare exotic spice called salt. I'll say it, and parents cover your kids' ears; this is a salty bitch of a drink. I wanted this to taste more like Indian food and peppers and all of the ingredients on the side but instead I got something that felt like whatever reverse blood pressure medicine would taste like if you poured all your spices from your spice cabinet into a bottle of cold water.

Even with doing that, which this company did not do, you do get a little bit of goodness in every sip but I could take about half a dozen sips of this before I, aloud, questioned what I was doing drinking this. It's quasi-drinkable but you've really got to have a dead palate to get past its downfall. And let's be honest, if you can't taste anything, you should not be wasting your money on drinks like this.
Other/Weird, Sports/Dietary Supplement, Juice and Coconut
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 7/22/13, 4:30 PM
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Pom Hula Pomegranate Pineapple

Pom Hula Pomegranate Pineapple
For some reason, I don't know if I've had any of the original Pom drinks. I really like pomegranates, too. There is no reason why I haven't done it. Now, though, I'm almost to the point of saying, "Who cares?" because I bet it isn't as good as this. As presented plainly on the bottle, this is 50% pomegranate and 30% pineapple. "What is the other 20%?" you ask? Apple juice. No sugar was added to this to make it as wonderful as it is.

Now somehow this drink clocks in at 210 calories but I get a feeling here is where the age old debate of "good calories versus bad calories" comes in because there is nothing in this but fruit. I understand there is sugar in fruit but I feel like it would break down a little differently than, say, a Whopper.

This tastes like pomegranate juice first, nicely fruity and bitter. Then you are whisked away to a tropical land where it is raining pineapples for some reason. If you are safely sheltered, you should be fine. It happens once a week without notice so you should always remember to wear your hard hat when you are walking in the open. You don't taste the apple juice and it's used as a way to stretch out the other two cool cats.

I want to go to this tropical town. I'll wear a hard hat if I get to drink this all of the day. It would be worth it.
United States
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 7/11/13, 4:58 PM
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BluePrint Cold Pressed Juice Beverage Pineapple Apple Mint

BluePrint Cold Pressed Juice Beverage Pineapple Apple Mint
This may be the best that health has ever tasted. I've enjoyed many a juice in my day, but I'm pretty sure I could drink gallons of this without batting an eye. There are only three ingredients here and they are all listed in the flavor. Two of those three can be a little much when they are abused, but BluePrint knows exactly what they are doing. The pineapple has a nice strong, fresh taste, but it's not overly acidic in the way that some pineapple juices make you think of bile. In the same regard, they held back on the mint, making it more of an accent then a prime player. So many beverages overdo it with their mint, and it ends up tasting like you're sipping something whilst chewing gum. Here that is not even close to being the case. On this ride you get apple, pineapple, apple again and then mint leads you out. I personally love a juice where you can pinpoint each individual flavor instead of them all mixing together into some sort of amalgamation.

My birthday is in about a week, so I would like everyone to chip in and get me a year's supply of this juice. It may cost about a half million dollars, but my taste buds will thank you.
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 7/11/13, 10:19 AM
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Sneaky Pete's Oat Beverage Peach

Sneaky Pete's Oat Beverage Peach
It's been sad times out on the old horse farm. You see horse thieves have come by and done what they do and now the farm is horseless. I know horse thieves in this day and age? It's a sad but true reality in the world that we live in. Without the ridiculous amounts of money that the owners pulled in from all of those 4H shows at county fairs, they don't know how they are going to make ends meet. The mortgage is due, the electricity is in fear of being shut off and everyone's bellies are rumbling. One would think that a farm would have some sort of food growing, but you would be wrong. The only edible things on the entire farm are the bins of oats that were once used to feed the horses before they were thieved in the night.

They have been staving off hunger with a steady diet of oatmeal, but Teddy decided to use the oats to add a little something-something to his beverage. To begin with his drink was really nothing more that water, stevia and some natural peach flavoring (aka the ruminants of a can of peaches that he has been stretching for weeks. He was getting no nutritional value out of the drink, so he pureed a bunch of oats and mixed them in for fiber. As we all know fiber is a very important thing when your life is on a farm.

The results of his experiment were shocking. He had expected it to be a thick drink, with chunks of oats in it, kind of like the milk at the end of a bowl of granola. Apparently the house had a super blender, because it was pure liquid; there was not a single chunk to be found. The oat flavor was to a minimum as well; perhaps it was because it had been drying out in the bins for so long. It really just tasted like peaches and stevia albeit lightly. There was a slight oat flavor that could have been turned up a little bit more. It would have been nice for it to taste a little bit like oatmeal. Even though it was not what he expected Teddy proclaimed it to be “Oatstanding!,” to which all of the rest of the farms hands just shook their head and continues to bale hay for the ghost of horses past.
Diet, Juice and Other/Weird
Sneaky Pete'sWebsite@SneakyPetesBev
United States
Jason Draper on 7/9/13, 8:49 PM
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Odwalla Flash Pasteurized Orange Juice

Odwalla Flash Pasteurized Orange Juice
I do believe the trickster has been at it again. He certainly must have come in the dead of night and drank my Odwalla orange juice and then replaced it with a lesser juice. That is the only conclusion I can come to since there is nothing spectacular about the contents of this bottle of juice. It's not bad, in fact it's on the higher side of average, but for the cost of it, and the power behind the brand I expected more. In fact I could buy a half-gallon of comparable orange juice for the same price.

When I go out and get one of these “special” juices from companies like Odwalla, Naked or Bolthouse I expect a little pizzazz. I know there are more, better companies, but these are the big names for people to have a point of reference. I expected this to taste like I was biting into a perfectly ripe orange on a warm summer morning. Instead it tastes like every other 100% juice orange juice. Give me more or give me death! Wait, I take it back, I would rather drink this instead of death, because like I said, it's pretty good, just not over the top good like I had wanted/expected.
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 7/9/13, 12:38 PM
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Hey Song Red Guava Mixed Fruits Juice

Hey Song Red Guava Mixed Fruits Juice
All right fellas, it's time to make a batch of our mixed fruit juice. What do we have extra laying around? Okay, we have guavas and red guavas. Well that's not very eclectic. Sure I love guava as much as the next guy, but we already have these cans printed up and they say mixed fruit. If we just go with guava, even though it's two different types, we should really just call it guava juice. So, what else do we have? Tomatoes? Seriously Bonny? Tomatoes aren't a fruit; they are a gross vegetable! What do you mean they are a fruit not a vegetable? You know what I will Google it! Well, would you look at that, tomatoes are officially considered a fruit…€¦ who knew? You're all telling me that you knew they were considered fruit and not a vegetable? You're all a bunch of dirty liars, that's what you are. Anyway it looks like tomatoes are the only other fruit we have, so throw it in with the guavas.

Well that turned out much better than I thought. We may have gone overboard with the sweeteners, but I really didn't want this to taste like V8 at all, and we succeeded with that. People will never know that the other fruit involved is tomato, as no one ever reads ingredients anyways. Taste wise this ended up being a really thick guava juice. Actually, I would say it tastes like sugar water with guava juice mixed in. It's not the finest work that we have done here at Hey Song, but it could have turned out a lot worse with the ingredients we were left to manage with.
Hey SongWebsite
Jason Draper on 7/8/13, 11:29 PM
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BluePrint Cold Pressed Juice Beverage Beet Apple Carrot Lemon Ginger

BluePrint Cold Pressed Juice Beverage Beet Apple Carrot Lemon Ginger
Juice cleanses are becoming more and more popular these days. An old roommate did one a few years ago where for four days he only ingested water and a mixture of lemon juice and cayenne pepper. I have never seen someone's complexion go down the tubes so fast in my life, but he said that afterwards he felt great. It's something that I've always wanted to try, but I fear that I wouldn't be able to stick with it. I am fairly weak willed when it comes to food, and when I get hungry I get extremely irritable. I suppose if I ever do decide to suck it up and do it, I should wait until my ladyfriend is out of town for some reason, or she may kill me for being an ass to her due to hunger.

BluePrint's juice cleanse has made it's way to Buffalo from Long Island, and the company was nice enough to send us some vouchers so we could review their products without paying the hefty fee.

While I'm not completely investing in a cleanse yet, I can say that I am truly enjoying these juices. Those of you who are used to drinking juices from concentrate, or beverages that call themselves juice, but are mostly sugar water may be in for a shock when you drink these. They are a whole new world, and the only way you're going to get fresher is if you juice the fruit yourself. The only ingredients in this bottle are what is listed in the flavor and a little water. You can make out every single ingredient if you hold it in your mouth and mull over the flavor. It has a nice earthy flavor from the beets, carrots and ginger that I could see turning off some people, but to me it's excellence. There are no sweeteners added to this but it still has 37g of sugar from the natural ingredients, so it is still nice and sweet.

Okay, I will admit it I absolutely love this juice. I wish that there were lower quality versions of it that were in larger containers, and less expensive. I know the company sells them for a very specific purpose, but it's a juice I would drink for the taste, not even taking the healthiness into consideration.

Once I start my juice cleanse, I'm sure everyone reading this will be able to tell, as within twelve house of starting I'm sure anything I write would be extremely negative, but then again I won't be drinking anything that I can review, unless it's other BluePrint products, so it will more than likely be radio silence from me.
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 7/5/13, 3:33 PM
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Naked Acai Machine

Naked Acai Machine
Is it possible the Naked is trying to usher in a new industrial age? They have too many drinks with the word machine in their names for it to be a coincidence. Oh I get it, the owner of the company is a Steampunk of sorts, or should I call him a “Juicepunk?” That's right the CEO of Naked has a vision of a world where everyone dresses like they did during the first Industrial Revolution, except all of the contraptions and machines will be powered by juice. It seems a bit excessive to me, also not very cost effective. I mean steam is at least basically free.

In this utopian future there will be different grades of juices for different qualities of power, hence the different flavors/names of his current juice line. Since acai is known as a superfruit, I can only assume that this is the premium line. This is the kind of juice that will power your new flying Model T cars, not your dumb low class floating K cars.

Since the technology has yet to be created to allow us to power machines with juice, I will simply drink this right on up. I mean stockpiling it is pointless, as it would just spoil, and you certainly don't want to pour spoiled juice into your engine, or it will get all sorts of junked up. Acai is known as being a pretty intense fruit. It has a very specific taste that a lot of people dislike. It's almost like when a friend in high school bought a bottle of Hawiian Punch and started to chug it before he realized it was a concentrate. Naked has taken the power of the acai and mixed it with other fruits to mellow it out a bit. The result is a juice that still has a little tartness from the 178 acai berries involved, but overall everyone could enjoy this. It's a bit on the thick side, but I enjoy it that way. I mean it's billed as a smoothie, and that is how those beverages should be.
Juice and Smoothie
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 7/3/13, 12:01 PM
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Bai 5 Calories Antioxidant Infusions Brasilia Blueberry

Bai 5 Calories Antioxidant Infusions Brasilia Blueberry
Here we have the five calorie aka diet version of Bai's Jamiaca Blueberry. I'm sure if I drank this and the original back to back I could tell the difference easily, but from memory I sure could be fooled. Bai has done a great job of making a sweeten beverage with only 2g of sugar and 5 calories not taste diet. About that, when did the word diet become such a no-no word? Everything that would have been called diet ten years ago is now referred to as “light,” “zero,” or “low calorie.” They all amount to the same thing, but companies seem afraid to label their drinks diet. Was there some vocal backlash that I am unaware of, or are they afraid that the word diet is too closely tied to aspartame and sucralose (you know the devil's sweeteners)?

Bai uses both erythritol and stevia in a way that it doesn't distort the flavor of the juice. Even though there are zero calorie sweeteners and other berries in here as well, the blueberry really shines through and tastes like fruit. That's really all you can ask for in something diet (I'm still not afraid to use the word).
Coffee, Diet and Juice
United States
Jason Draper on 6/30/13, 2:03 PM
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Hawaiian OLA Noni Immunity

Hawaiian OLA Noni Immunity
Ladies and Gentlemen, a few days ago brought in the summer of 2013. I am pleased, but what I want to know is how the hell did I get a cold in the summer? I'm stuffy, my nose is runny and I feel like garbage. I should be outside frolicking and running through sprinklers or some such thing, instead I'm inside napping and reading.

I know this is more of a precautionary shot, but I'm willing to try anything I have on hand to kick this as soon as possible. This little guy contains noni, mango, pear, apple, lilikoi, goji, pineapple, and acai juice, as well date puree. We got a bunch of these sent to us to review. I had one a couple of days ago, and I just downed it. It tasted like the most concentrated form of a handful of super fruits that I have ever tasted. It was harsh and you could certainly taste the dates. Now as I sit here about to drink another I discover that they suggest mixing it into a glass of water. Well, that makes a lot of sense. When I mix it with water it's much easier to drink and the flavors spread out a bit now that they have room to flourish. It becomes more refreshing and not something you are glad comes in a shot bottle so you can down it nice and quick. It now tastes like something that should be drunk in Hawaii. Perhaps I will get to do that some time.
Shot, Sports/Dietary Supplement and Juice
Hawaiian OLAWebsite@Hawaiian_OLA
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 6/27/13, 12:43 PM
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Everfresh Premier Varietals Honey Crisp

Everfresh Premier Varietals Honey Crisp
Our dear Michael hates reviewing apple juice. Don't get me wrong, he likes the actual juice, but he hates writing about them because he claims that they all taste so similar that it's impossible to write anything new and interesting about them. Normally I would agree with him, but with their Premier line Everfresh has taken the game to a new level. Normally apple juice is just a hodgepodge of random apples, that when mixed together nearly always tastes the same. When I was a kid I thought there were red, green and yellow apples, that's it just three flavors. As I grew older I learned that each color has it's different versions with their individual attributes. Everfresh uses only one those varieties for each flavor they make. Only Honey Crisp apples were used to make this juice, and it has a very distinctive taste that other apple juices lack. Being that Honey Crisps are my red apple of juice this drink tastes great to me.

I propose that Mike goes to the grocery store and try a handful of different apples and then revisit this juice line, so he can taste the rainbow.…€¦you know without Skittles being involved.
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 6/27/13, 12:07 PM
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Bai 5 Calories Antioxidant Infusions Ipanema Pomegranate

Bai 5 Calories Antioxidant Infusions Ipanema Pomegranate
It's impossible to drink this without singing the well known bossa-nova tune from the sixty's The Girl From Ipanema. I was fine with that. I enjoy that song. More songs today should adapt that sound versus those garage/garbage sounds from a similar era. Not my cup of tea, that stuff. I'm a groove man.

I have had many bottles of this prior to review. Why didn't I review it before? Oh, I don't know. Maybe because I might want to enjoy a drink with a meal without having to remember how it taste to bring it home and write all about it. Sometimes I just enjoy drinking drinks. This though, it's worth drinking three times. It's got a great pomegranate taste and the erythritol does wonders to actually compliment the bitterness of a real pomegranate. It doesn't taste too sweet and the sweetener doesn't junk up the flavor. I really like it, can you tell? It's one of the best Bai drinks and an easy decision when it comes to buying a drink at the store with a meal since it's only ten calories per bottle.

Getting smarter, drink makers. Getting smarter. Keep it up, Bai. You're one of the good ones.
Diet, Juice and Coffee
United States
Mike Literman on 6/24/13, 5:19 PM
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Ocean Spray Blueberry Juice Cocktail

Ocean Spray Blueberry Juice Cocktail
It's over 80 degrees today. For someone like me who hates the heat, it might as well be 110 degrees. I decided to go on a long walk and drank nothing but water so I wouldn't pass out. But i'm back now and this blueberry juice cocktail called my name as I walked in the door. No, not literally. This isn't Wet Hot American Summer. Although maybe after this I will go fondle my sweaters... I mean make fondu with cheddar.......

This can is tiny. It's the cans of juice you get on airplanes or when you donate blood. It's good, but it's very watered down juice. When I think blueberry juice I want it to be full and sweet and a little tart aftertaste. This just feels like someone took a couple tablespoons of pure blueberry juice and mixed it with some water and sugar. I don't know what I was expecting, but this is forgettable.
Ocean SprayWebsite@oceansprayinc
United States
Cane or Beet Sugar
Derek Neuland on 6/22/13, 4:09 PM
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Pom Coconut

Pom Coconut
It's a beautiful day out, so you decide to lay out in the back yard, while listening to a little Air Supply and get your self a tan. Oops, you almost forgot two crucial items before you walked out the door; your tanning oil and a nice refreshing glass of pomegranate juice. As you sit down in your weird plastic tube lawn chair that has existed since the same year you bought that Air Supply cassette, you start lathering up. It's been so rainy and cloudy lately that you haven't been able to work on your tan as much as you wanted. You were so excited that you didn't even notice that a huge glob of your coconut scented tanning oil fell right into your cool refreshing beverage.

There you go. Now you have a vivid image of what my ladyfriend told me this drink tasted like. I can't argue with her. I had high hopes for this, but unfortunately the coconut in here falls too close to the toasted coconut taste that I despise, which leaves it tasting like your at the beach and you licked your lips after the tanning oil you slathered on your face dripped down a bit. I really wanted this to taste more like classic coconut water, but it wasn't meant to be. At least it has a great tasting pomegranate base.
Coconut and Juice
United States
Stevia Leaf Extract
Jason Draper on 6/19/13, 12:37 PM
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