Juice - 935 Reviews

Suja Essentials Berry Goodness

Suja Essentials Berry Goodness
Suja has expanded their line of beverages past the world of juice cleanses. While I appreciate the juice cleanse, I have to admit that for a lot of people it's probably a fad, especially with the hefty price tag attached to it. There are also more and more companies popping up who are providing that service and sooner or later that bubble us bound to burst to some extent. Maybe it will blow up and some little bubbles will be left over, but one thing is for certain and that is that the market cannot sustain all of these companies. I'm glad Suja is spreading their wings into other avenues of juice.

With their Essentials line Suja is offering quality juices at a lower price point. I went for the Berry Goodness this time around, well because I'm a sucker berries. There's not big reveal. I just love the things. This is a mixture of blueberries, strawberries and blackberries amongst other fruits. Unfortunately for me, but probably welcomed by most is that one of the main ingredients in here is banana puree. Even though I have a complete disdain for bananas I did not let them ruin this smoothie for me. This has a wonderful mixed berry flavor that tastes like someone mushed up the fruit in front of your eyes. There is a banana aftertaste, but if I can look past it, anyone can. One good thing about that devil fruit is that it thickens up the beverage nicely (along with crushed up chia seeds). The apple juice that is the base of the drink sweetens up tings nicely, and naturally.

Once you get to the bottom portion of the bottle there is tartness from the orange and lemon juice involved. I shook this thing up pretty darn well, but it still just sat at the bottom. It was an interesting turn of flavor, but I strangely enjoyed it.

This is cold pressed and highly enjoyable for less than half of the price of their original line. Grab a hold people and don't let go. It would be a shame to see this company go down with the “juice cleanse” ship.
Juice and Smoothie
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 5/13/14, 8:24 PM
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Feel Good Drinks Co. Still Juice Drink Apple & Blueberry

Feel Good Drinks Co. Still Juice Drink Apple & Blueberry
Pull the arrow back. Feel the quill in your fingertips. Set the target in your sights. Release. If you were a marksmen your arrow would fly true and hit that sucker dead center. If you were this drink you would be somewhere just outside of the bullseye. It's so close to being right on the money, but that little distance can mean a lot in the competitive world of archery.

The juice has a heavy blueberry taste that is rounded out by apple. The thing is that it lacks the robustness that I so badly want from it. I blame this on its origins being from concentrate. It only contains 1% blueberry juice, but that is the prominent flavor. If it was straight, pure juice it would have been strong enough on it's own and it wouldn't have had to outsource the work to grape, orange and lemon. It's a shame because I had high hopes, and the cheaper juices just won out.
Feel Good Drinks Co.Website@feelgooddrinks
United Kingdom
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 5/11/14, 9:51 PM
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Ribena Blackcurrant

Ribena Blackcurrant
I could have sworn that we had already reviewed this. I mean I know Mike and I purchased some years ago, because that is when Mike proclaimed that blackcurrant smells like feet and urine. I can't really argue with that statement, but I think it tastes just fine.

Growing up we had red currants growing in my backyard. Those berries were wonderfully tart, and nothing like this. Black currant falls somewhere between a grape and a blueberry, with the grape is on it's way to becoming a raisin. Luckily it tastes better than it smells, but it also tastes a bit watered down.

Could this be a great drink? I personally don't think it ever had any hope of that. It is okay though, and it could be a little bit better without being so watered down, but this is a huge company in the UK so they have to be doing something right.
United Kingdom
Jason Draper on 5/11/14, 11:27 AM
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Belvoir Fruit Farms Cordial Elderflower

Belvoir Fruit Farms Cordial Elderflower
I've looked it up and elderflower plants thrive in the United States. Why on Earth hasn't this flavor epidemic swept over us? Sure pomegranate, mango and acai are wonderful and all, but I want, nay, I demand companies start releasing elderflower flavored beverages! I don't want to have to rely on trips to the United Kingdom to get my fix, or paying ridiculous amounts of money for imported drinks. Is there some sort of conspiracy I'm unaware of that is keeping the elderflower down? Do we need to march on Washington? Was that statement insensitive? If so I apologize, I am just very passionate when it comes to this specific flavor.

As you may (but probably don't) know I am not a fan of concentrates/cordials. I can never seem to get the ratios right, even when I use measuring cups. They just never taste right to me. I like a consistency to the taste of my drinks that they just don't provide. Yes I know it's something wrong with me and not the concentrates.

The thing with this cordial is that I have experimented and no matter what ratios I put together, it tastes fantastic. I'm making it with still water, and it's not quite the same without the bubbles, but I'm not letting that stop my enjoyment. This is sweet and vaguely floral in the best possible way. I would liken it to lychee if it didn't taste like old lady perfume, but also different enough to make it mouth watering.

Get on board America, the train is leaving without you.
Juice and Mix/Concentrate
Belvoir Fruit FarmsWebsite@belvoircordials
United Kingdom
Jason Draper on 5/9/14, 11:09 AM
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Cawston Press Sparkling Water Rhubarb Blended with Sweet Apples

Cawston Press Sparkling Water Rhubarb Blended with Sweet Apples
Holy crap. Holy crap. Holy crap. Holy crap. Holy crap. Holy crap. Holy crap.
I bought this in Edinboro, Scotland at a little shop where I got vegan haggis. I ended up getting a water to accompany my meal, and slipped this can into my bag where it went forgotten for a couple of days.

Cut to a couple countries later and I reach in my bag for a granola bar and find this floating around at the bottom, still somehow fairly cold. I didn't expect much from this from the get go. I'm not a huge rhubarb fan, and the sodas I've had of that flavor were perfectly fine, but nothing exceptional. This though, this is a game changer. I've been kicking myself ever since I drank it that I didn't drink it with my haggis. I would have instantly bought several more cans for my travels.

I suppose I should tell you what this glorious liquid tasted like, but I'm afraid I won't be able to do it justice. The Cawston Press company bases all of their beverages on apple juice, and they do that very well. Without the addition of the rhubarb this would have been a nearly perfect sparkling apple juice. Sure they add some sugar, which I normally frown upon, but they made it work and taste natural. You add a little bit of rhubarb to that and the flavor just skyrockets. You would expect the rhubarb to be overpowering, but it sits perfectly in the mix. It's a match made in heaven that no one else has seemed to exploit yet.

I need to stop thinking about this because it's depressing me that I don't know if I'll ever be able to taste this again. Perhaps I'll book another tour with the sole reasoning of acquiring more of it.
Juice, Soda Pop and Sparkling
Cawston PressWebsite@cawstonpress
United Kingdom
Jason Draper on 5/9/14, 10:46 AM
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Feel Good Drinks Co. Still Juice Drink Orange & Mango

Feel Good Drinks Co. Still Juice Drink Orange & Mango
For a company that makes such wonderful sparkling juices, their still line leaves a lot to be desired. They have everything headed in the right direction; they use real juice and don't add sugar, but somewhere along the line the train jumps the track.

This bottle contains apple, orange, lemon, mango and passionfruit juice, which in any world should lead to a wonderful tropical fruit punch, but instead what we walk away with is a weak orange mango. It tastes like someone dumped a shot of mango juice into a pitcher of watered down orange juice.

There was so much potential here that has gone to waste. I mean this is still a decent juice, but I hold this company is high standards, due to their other products. At least they are honest with the name of the flavor.
Feel Good Drinks Co.Website@feelgooddrinks
United Kingdom
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 5/9/14, 10:24 AM
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Ribena Pineapple & Passionfruit

Ribena Pineapple & Passionfruit
Ladies and Gentlemen, Let it be known that I hold grudges. I don't care if you've become a pillar of the community and do all the work in the world to bettering life for the poor and needy, if you treated me like crap at one point I will hold that against you until the day I die. Sure there's the whole forgive and forget thing, but sometimes people are too forgiving and horrible things are welcomed into a community. I'm trying to get better at this, and let the small stuff go, and only hold on to my big grudges, such as you hooked up with an ex while we were still dating and oh you have Nazi tendencies. The small stuff though, the small stuff I'm going to try and let slide. In fact I'll start right here with this drink.

It's right there on the label. “Pineapple & Passionfruit.” That's all I want, a strong taste of both of those wonderful fruits. Instead what I am greeted with is something less than that. Sure it has percentages of both those juices, but it also has orange juice in it in equal amount as the pineapple and double the quantity of the passionfruit juice. Dear readers, this should clearly be called “Orange, Pineapple & Passionfruit,” if the company wants to be accurate, which I hold my suspicions about.

Even though it's the lowest in percentage of content, passionfruit is the strongest flavor in here, with the pineapple riding a little lower, but taking the lead in the aftertaste. The problem is that the orange juice is in there mucking things up a bit and making them taste light and a bit watered down. This is not the end of the world, and I'm going to let it go. Sure this could have been a much better drink without the OJ, but I understand price points, and this is a perfectly acceptable beverage with it included. I would just prefer more honestly from the companies out there.
United Kingdom
Jason Draper on 5/9/14, 10:18 AM
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Aloha Maid Natural Lilikoi Passion

Aloha Maid Natural Lilikoi Passion
Can you sign my petition? For what? Can't you read? It's to increase awareness about passion fruit. No, not the passion for fruit. Passion fruit. The fruit called passion fruit. Yeah, I know you've heard of it but people aren't eating it enough. It's not enough places and it's not used enough. Sure you get something here or there but look at mangoes. Those guys are in salsas and dips and ice cream and everything. They're from the same places. You don't think that passion fruit chutney would be as good as mango chutney? That's right you do. So sign this petition. You know what? I thought you'd say that. I thought you would say that you have to try it again. That's what this is all about. Everyone knows what an apple tastes like. I want passion fruit to be the next apple. Here you go. We were sponsored by this Hawaiian company that makes really good passion fruit juice. Here's a cup of it to sample.

What did you think? Good, right? Yeah. What do you like about it. It's sweet, right. Floral, yeah. Yeah, this is a juice and not a nectar, so you're not going to get any of the seeds or grit that you might be used to. It's really good, right. It tastes like a passion fruit. Why didn't I just give you a slice of passion fruit? Well they're hard to find here because supermarkets don't stock them like they should. Our petition requires that supermarkets have at least one case of passion fruits in stock at all times. We hope that this encourages people to buy them, try them, love them, tell their friends, and spread the good word about our friend, the passion fruit.

What do you mean you won't sign it? You liked it, didn't you? Yeah, so why won't you sign it. Really, come on, lady. You're really going to buy a mango smoothie right in front of me like that? I guess it's our fault for holding this rally next to a smoothie stand that doesn't carry passion fruits. You know what, guys? Pack it in. We're done here.
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 5/8/14, 10:22 AM
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Refocus Orange Mango

Refocus Orange Mango
Well what do we have here? Is this an energy drink that is made from truly "all natural" ingredient and doesn't taste like someone poured sugar on Smarties? This tastes like a fruitier Bai because it uses both the green coffee extract and Stevia. It is also definitely more orange than mango. I didn't get very much mango at all, to be quite honest but the orange was good enough that I didn't care. The stevia and green coffee extract provides a slight bitterness which is actually a nice touch to the often overly sweet orange juice.

I was reluctant on buying this because it was an energy drink and I suck at those. This didn't give me the jitters, for which I actually own them a "thank you" for. Jay reviewed the other one so go get the pair if you'd like.
Energy Drink and Juice
United States
Mike Literman on 5/5/14, 1:51 PM
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Feel Good Drinks Co. Still Juice Drink Cranberry & Apple

Feel Good Drinks Co. Still Juice Drink Cranberry & Apple
“What are those?” “Oh well it's cranberry juice…€¦Cran-Apple.”

Whenever I see a cranberry and apple juice all I can think of is that scene from American Psycho. I'm sure that's probably not the kind of correlation a juice company wants with their products, but it's what in my mind. Cran-Apple = a possibly murderous psychopath in my world. Well at least it's a delicious drink.

This is the opposite of other juices of this flavor that I have had in the past. In this the apple is the shining flavor. It's very strong and up front, as opposed to the cranberry that normally runs the roost. In here the cranberry isn't as formidable and bitter as I would like it to be. It's still a great drink, but it just doesn't have the intensity that I had anticipated. It doesn't taste watered down, but it's smoother than one would expect. Normally that is a good attribute, but in cran-apple it leaves something to be desired, while being perfectly serviceable.
Feel Good Drinks Co.Website@feelgooddrinks
United Kingdom
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 5/3/14, 11:45 AM
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Ribena Mango & Lime

Ribena Mango & Lime
It's always weird going to another country and walking into a corner store/gas station. Everything is familiar yet different. It's almost like being in a dream where you know what you want and when you reach for it you realize that something is off. Names and packages are different, and sometimes unreadable due to language barriers, but for the most part this could be the store around the corner from your house.

The UK may not have companies like Motts and Veryfine, but they do have Rebina. I've had their original (blackcurrant) beverage before and it was pretty alright. I'm a bit shocked we hadn't reviewed it already because I've seen it in some little markets around Buffalo, and I didn't think it had been that long since I drank it. It's nice that they have expanded their line of drinks. They may have done so decades ago, but this is the first I've seen of it, being holed up in Buffalo.

Essentially Rebina puts out fruit juices that are sweetened and a bit watered down so that they don't taste like actual juice, but instead become juice drinks. This flavor in particular is mostly mango with just a pinch of lime. It has a ridiculously mango smell to it, that I wish was more present in the flavor. I think it's the orange juice that is involved that makes it taste so little like juice.

I have no real qualms with this drink, as it has its place. I just prefer my juices to be what they are and not diluted into what this has become.
United Kingdom
Jason Draper on 5/2/14, 11:05 AM
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Feel Good Drinks Co. Sparkling Juice Drink Cranberry & Lime

Feel Good Drinks Co. Sparkling Juice Drink Cranberry & Lime
I just returned stateside from a European tour. I spent two and a half weeks in England, Wales, Scotland, France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands. As a result I drank an obscene amount of beverages to review for Thirsty Dudes. I have like 45 drinks that I wrote notes for that I have to write full reviews, it may take awhile, but I'll get through them.

When I arrived there were a couple of boxes of drinks waiting for me that companies were nice enough to send to a friend there. Feel Good sent me a whole bunch and I couldn't have been happier when I opened the box. The last time I was over there I drank their products all the time. What they make is wonderful and I wish more companies would take note. It's simply juice and sparkling water with no added sugar. These Smarties used the natural sugar that is found in apple juice to sweeten this bottle of glory. In fact this is mostly sparkling apple juice with lime and cranberry juices making up only 1% of the beverage each from concentrate. Even though this seems like a low amount the flavor is mostly a strong, sharp cranberry lime. You wouldn't even realize that it was mostly apple juice unless someone filled you in on the fact.

On of my traveling companions who tried this said they thought it was too sharp. That person lacks common sense, because this is wonderful and exactly what I would want and it's how cranberry juice should be.

This certainly is a drink you can feel good about because it's got all of the bubbly flavor that other soda has but has only 6.6 grams of sugar. That's magic in a bottle
Juice, Soda Pop and Sparkling
Feel Good Drinks Co.Website@feelgooddrinks
United Kingdom
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 4/29/14, 11:52 AM
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Brisk Half & Half Cherry Limeade

Brisk Half & Half Cherry Limeade
You've got Brisk, aka, the worst "iced tea" money can buy, right? Let's all be civil about this and just come together and agree on this one thing. You've got Israel and Palestine, which no one can agree on. That's fine. I think they call that a "stalemate" right? An unwinable situation. Brisk is cut and dry. Black and white. You've got that. We have to live in this world and lets call it like it is.

You've got Brisk. You mix brisk with lemonade and cherry and you get...drumroll...a weak cherry lemonade juice conglomerate. It's not terrible and it's actually better the more room temperature it gets. Maybe that's the problem I've been having all these years is that I like a nice, cold iced tea and I've been giving myself these things that my body craves but with Brisk, it's the opposite. I should be drinking it like I drink a hot chocolate. Sounds completely unrefreshing but who knows? This, once lukewarm, loses the bite that Brisk has and you can taste some cherry and some lemonade. I should put those in quotes. Let's try that again. It tastes like "cherry" and "lemonade." It's like an artist depiction of those flavors. It tastes like a cherry and like lemonade but isn't one of those things. It's close. If you could have something taste a fraction of what it tastes like, that's what this is. It's not weak, it just doesn't taste like what it's "supposed" to taste like.

There has been a lot of quoting in this. Maybe this whole thing is an art installation. I'm waiting for someone to come in wearing sweater shorts and no shirt with a noose around their neck that says something like "Mother" and music plays that is nothing but someone yelling, "Father." Am I plagiarizing someone's art exhibit? If so, you should stop being an artist and pursue something else, like customer service or call center operator.
Iced Tea, Juice and Lemonade
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 4/25/14, 4:50 PM
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Compal Fresh Apple

Compal Fresh Apple
Apple juice. It's apple juice. It's good, too. It's good apple juice. What I'm drinking is good apple juice. No sugar. All apples. Just apple juice.
No Sugar Added
Mike Literman on 4/11/14, 4:24 PM
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Aloha Maid Natural Guava

Aloha Maid Natural Guava
I don't think I've ever eaten a guava, like a real guava off a tree. Why would I see one of those as they are not indigenous to Buffalo? Sure I could have taken a trip somewhere but I've only been "out West" once and they most certainly don't have Guava in Las Vegas. Do they have them in Florida? I'm going there next month. Maybe I'll make it my task to find one. I don't have anything else to do. When I get it, I'll try and compare it to a drink that I would have drank a month ago at that point. What does it taste like now? Well friend, I'll tell you.

As far as nectars go, this is not the way I like it. I like my nectars with some grip in there. That's right. I like a nice, sandy juice. It just lets me know that things are happening. Grit aside, this is a good juice. It doesn't taste too sweet and is basically just water, sugar and guava so why would it. No fake sweeteners or additives. Just good, old fashioned fruit juice. Give this to your kids. Don't accept any substitutes; only the finest for your little brat.
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 4/10/14, 4:34 PM
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Wei-Chuan Mango Drink with Pulp

Wei-Chuan Mango Drink with Pulp
Jay and I are constantly and forever in cahoots. We were talking about how everything we've been drinking has been good but it's been pretty tame. Now we're talking. Now we've got chunks and mango and realistic flavors and something from Malaysia.

Still, man, after doing this for as long as I've been doing it, I just can't seem to figure out how companies could get Americans to drink chunky drinks like it's no big deal. Asia's got that under wraps, man. They love chunks and hats off to them because they're on top for that reason. It's a totally different dimension that us American turds just don't get.

I mean it, chunks. Chunks of real fruit. Sugar to keep the natural flavor of the mango and said mango tasting fine. If you ate a mango you very intricately crushed up into a glass, this would be it. Simple, chunky, different, delicious. Adjectives son, adjectives.
Chunky and Juice
Mike Literman on 4/8/14, 4:05 PM
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Angeleno Agua Fresca Tamarindo

Angeleno Agua Fresca Tamarindo
Normally when you see settling at the bottom of a bottle it means that the company knows what they are doing and you will be in for a treat. When I grabbed this and saw that it was pretty much all clear liquid with an inch of dark brown at the bottom things were looking up. I'm not normally a fan of tamarind, and I don't really understand how anyone could be, but Angeleno's other flavors have been great, so I thought this might be my stepping stone into this flavor. Wrong em Boyo.

The sweet and sour flavor of tamarind makes me feel like it is normally used in Chinese food, but they decided to liquefy it and add a bunch of sugar. Liquid Chinese food is no one's friend. I really couldn't get past three sips (very small sips) of this. This is the final straw: tamarind is definitely not for me. If you are a fan of this fruit, this is a very sweet version of it. I got no enjoyment out of it, but hopefully someone will. It's always sad when a product made by Hansens misses the mark.
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 4/7/14, 12:34 PM
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Aloha Maid Natural Pineapple Orange

Aloha Maid Natural Pineapple Orange
Pineapple juice? Check. Orange juice? Check. Together? What is a half-check? That's just like a "v," right? This is fine. I'm making jokes about what half a check mark looks like. Ugh, terrible material. Some kid told me I should do comedy at a local bar. I hope he reads this and regrets ever even thinking it, let alone saying it.

This, although not a certified trip to Hawaii, is a decent liquid representation of what I assume Hawaii is. It's not too bad. It's not as great as Hawaii probably is, though. It's not super pineapple and it's really not "really orange." Together it's an acceptable blend of the two but nothing that should ever be considered an award winning drink. It is pulpless, gutless, and nothing to write home about. Once again, nothing like Hawaii. Just go to Hawaii and eat both of these fruits. It will be better.
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 3/31/14, 5:01 PM
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Frava Cranberry Orange

Frava Cranberry Orange
Initially this drink is pretty bitter. The coffee bean really takes control of the ship first and you don't know if you're going to like it. You promptly change your mind because the ship's captain relinquished his white-knuckle grip on the helm and handed it over to two adorable girls on board. The drink lighted up a bit and starts to taste like what you bought it for, orange and cranberry. Sixty, forty split, but who's counting. You don't get any of the sucralose taste either which is nice and the energy portion of the drink, unlike the tumultuous waves of the sea, isn't overwhelming and won't give you any jitters like an actual "energy drink" would.

Once girls have their fun, the captain gives the girls a smile that says, "Alright girls, move along." The ship makes it to it's destination and no one knows that for a brief second, their lives were in the hands of two little girls with no previous sailing experience outside of "fun in the tub". The captain knew and what the captain knows that no one else knows will go to his grave.
Energy Drink and Juice
United States
Mike Literman on 3/28/14, 7:31 PM
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Youthy Forever Passion for Cactus

Youthy Forever Passion for Cactus
When talking about wine people always mention how it's good for you, and it's recommended that you drink a glass a day. They forget to mention that wine smells like rotting corpses and from what I remember doesn't horrible on top of it. It has been discovered that the thing that gives wine it's anti-cancer and anti-aging properties is something called Resveratrol. Luckily for all of us with a sense of smell, taste and an alcohol free lifestyle the very same compound can be derived from grape seed extract.

Youthy Forever has taken Resveratrol and some actual grape seed extract and mixed it in with a whole mess of other fruits to create a juice that is as tasty as it is good for you. When you mix pineapple, pear, passion fruit and prickly pear you know you are in for a good time, especially since the ingredients added for health don't have a weird chemical or gross taste to them. This just tastes like juice, as it should. There is no added sugar either. Sure, there is 32g of sugar in each bottle, but it's natural sugar from the fruit they use and not refined or artificial garbage.

Ponce de Leon spent his life search Florida and whereabouts for the fountain of youth (what else is a conquistador to do?). He obviously wasted his time and energy in that hot sweaty soon-to-be state when all he needed to do was wait 300-400 years for this company to see the light of day. They have cracked the code, and it is delicious. No more bones made of dust for anyone willing to shell out the couple of bucks for a bottle!
Youthy ForeverWebsite@YouthyForever
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 3/25/14, 4:37 PM
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