Juice - 935 Reviews

Powell's Raspberry Pear Soda

Powell's Raspberry Pear Soda
Powell's is my favorite bookstore in the world. Sure, I haven't been to EVERY bookstore in the world, but it's my favorite of the ones I've been to. It is literally impossible for me to go there without walking out with a book (or 5). If you're ever in Portland, OR, do yourself a favor and go to their store downtown. It's huge (4 stories, and a full city block), and their used book selection is incredible (which are shelved right next to the corresponding new book on the shelf).

Last week when I was in the downtown store, I saw this bottle and my face lit up! This is a limited edition soda (made by local soda company Hot Lips Soda) made to commemorate Powell's 41st birthday. They picked the perfect flavor combination because this is incredible! I never thought raspberries and pears would go so well together, but they do. I used to dislike how little carbonation Hot Lips soda had, but I've come to love it. The lack of bubbles, and the fact that it's sweetened naturally by the fruit, really makes this taste great.

Books and soda, two of my all time favorite things together at last!
Juice and Soda Pop
United States
No Sugar Added
Derek Neuland on 10/22/12, 8:19 PM
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Famous House Pink Guava Juice

Famous House Pink Guava Juice
I am out on tour again and this is the first time since we started Thirsty Dudes that I am not coming across an obscene amount of drinks that we have yet to review. Where the van would normally be ankle deep in assorted beverages only bottled water takes its place. I was wandering around Montreal, going in various shops and coming up empty handed. You see I was a man with a thirst, but it's been so programmed into my brain that if I'm out of town I can only purchase unreviewed drinks that I could not settle for less. After about five bodegas I found this can of guava juice. Not a bad find at all. I believe guava has actually taken over the top spot in my list of fruits. Yes, I make top five lists for everything. I am a thirty something year old man who is obsessed with music, dumb movies, comics and non-alcoholic drinks; would you expect anything else?

This is a light guava juice. Normally they are very thick and nectar like, but this is very fluid and not as overly sweet as others I've had. I'm just waiting for this fruit to have it's day in the sun. Pomegranate and acai have been in the spotlight for far too long. They need to discover some crazy health benefits for guava so that everything can be flavored with it. The world needs more guava in it. Pray for Mojo.
Famous HouseWebsite
Refined Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 10/20/12, 11:50 AM
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Columbia Gorge Amazing Ginger Apple Cider

Columbia Gorge Amazing Ginger Apple Cider
Fall is here and so is cider. I love apple cider! It's 1000 times better than normal/boring apple juice. If you disagree then I'm sorry, but we can't be friends. Cider in the Pacific Northwest (at least in Portland) isn't as common as it is in Western New York. This is sad, but don't worry I'm surviving.

Leave it to Columbia Gorge to come up with this beautiful bottle of deliciousness. What are even better are the ingredients: Apples, Ginger Juice. That's it! Two ingredients!! And it's organic on top of it.

The best part is that it tastes EXACTLY how I imagined it was going to. It's a really nice clean and crisp apple cider, with a great ginger burn in the after taste. It doesn't seem that strong at first, but once it hit my stomach, it was strong. Personally I would have love to have had more ginger in this so it was really intense, but I understand they are trying to please everyone and I'm sure most people don't have the ginger tolerance that me and the other Thirsty Dudes have. I hope more companies follow their lead and make cider with ginger in it.
Cider and Juice
Columbia GorgeWebsite
United States
No Sugar Added
Derek Neuland on 10/18/12, 6:49 PM
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Rob's Really Good Zero Tart Cherry

Rob's Really Good Zero Tart Cherry
I've had this drink spilled on me and I've spilled this drink. I handed it off to my girlfriend to try and she thought that handing it to me at mach 3 with the lid off was a good idea. That was how it was spilled on me. I spilled it on myself because I over chugged. I didn't know what my mouth limit was and just kept chugging until I overflowed. That's a good thing for good ol' Rob. I simply couldn't get enough and threw limits out the window like an unwanted apple core. That is the only littering I do is apple cores. You will never see me throw as much as a crumpled gum wrapper out of the winder of my car. Yeah, this is the only planet we have, for now at least, but more importantly is that I'm not a scumbag.

Anyhow, this drink is good: a little tart, as advertised, and a solid juice throughout. It's quite laden with that Stevia taste that I like and if you do, too, you'll be down with this drink. If I hadn't just brushed my teeth, I would have slammed the rest of that leaving my face, torso, and floor beneath me all sticky.
Diet and Juice
Rob's Really GoodWebsite@robsreallygood
United States
Mike Literman on 10/14/12, 12:15 AM
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Tropicana Twister Cherry Berry

Tropicana Twister Cherry Berry
Here's what I want you to do. Put me in a room and take all my clothes off. No, this is not a sexual thing. Now put a clean white shirt and a clean white pair of pants on me. Now put a pair of goggles on me. Now fill T-Shirt cannons with de-pitted cherries and an assortment of berries. Take aim and fire. That is a literal "cherry berry blast." It's fun. It's messy. It's unsuspecting. This drink, though, has a lot of the fun taken out of it. Allow me to explain.

This drink is not bad but it's too flat. It has a good berry flavor but not a real strong cherry flavor and almost no bite. If I have to judge by way of percentage, I would say that there is 9% bite in this drink. I don't get the sense that this was ever derived from real fruit. The main ingredients, as with most juices, is apple and grape juice. It's juices way of watering down juice. That's fine, but it really just tastes like berry flavoring more than anywhere in the creation of this drink did it ever encounter real fruit. It's simple. Kids will love it. Idiot adults will love it. People who care about fruit or want something a bit more natural will think this is boring. I didn't even say "organic," just natural. Corn syrup and artificial flavors could do anything poorly. It's a recipe for mediocrity.
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 10/12/12, 11:38 AM
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Rob's Really Good Zero Coconut Pineapple

Rob's Really Good Zero Coconut Pineapple
For those of you who grew up Southern Ontario, or Western New York any time from 1888 until 1989 probably remembers Crystal Beach (I can't believe it was around for a hundred years). It was a great amusement park, which was basically Coney Island on Lake Erie. Growing up in the 80's, the 1980's, we hand a handful of amusement parks within an hour drive of us. My favorite was always Crystal Beach. It had great rides, but on top of that it also had a beach, which gave the park a completely different feel than Darien Lake, Fantasy Island and the other smaller parks. It always felt like I was traveling back in time, or stepping into a completely different world when I was there. We would always go early, hit up some rides, and then head to the beach for a few hours before finishing up the night with some more rides. The world famous roller coaster The Comet was always ridden as much as possible. Every trip to the park would be concluded by getting one of the fancy suckers they sold there and going on the “umbrella ride” that carried us in a cart over the park and over part of the beach. Once I was on that ride I knew my day of fun was over, but it was always a fitting end to a great day.

Now I've hated coconut since I was a kid. I just recently started to like coconut water, but I did and still do despise the candied and toasted coconut flavors. For some reason I really liked the pina colada suckers they had at the park. I don't know if I just got them because I thought I was being a rebellious kid getting a sucker named after an alcoholic drink or what. All I know is for some unknown reason these suckers got a pass from my hatred. When I took a sip of this beverage my first thought was “oh gross candied coconut.” Then a second later I realized it tasted exactly like those suckers, and I was okay with it. It has a watered down pineapple flavor that gets overpowered by coconut at the end. It tastes nothing like coconut water though. In reality it has the coconut flavor that I can't stand in most cases, but it brought me back to some great family outings from my childhood, and I can't hold a flavor I don't like against it.
Coconut, Diet and Juice
Rob's Really GoodWebsite@robsreallygood
United States
Jason Draper on 10/11/12, 12:41 AM
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Luevano's Apple Vanilla Juice

Luevano's Apple Vanilla Juice
Apple vanilla juice? Did I read that right? I had never heard of such a thing before I stumbled upon this in New Seasons. I'm trying to imagine what it might taste like but my mind is coming up blank so I'm just going to dive into the bottle.

It has a REALLY strong vanilla smell, just like someone was burning a new vanilla candle they bought from the mall. Not a cheap one from Sears, a "nicer" one from Yankee Candle or something. I don't know, I don't shop for candles. Upon first sip it does have a vanilla taste to it, but not as strong as the smell. It complements the apple juice really nice though. I'm into this. If this were what all apple juice tasted like, I would drink it all the time. It's a lot better than that Mott's crap.
United States
No Sugar Added
Derek Neuland on 10/10/12, 10:38 PM
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Welch's 100% Orange Juice

Welch's 100% Orange Juice
A few years ago I stayed with a friend in Florida. Early in the morning he woke up, walked into the back yard and plucked some oranges from a tree. HE then juiced them so that my traveling companions and myself would have some fresh squeezed orange juice when we woke up. It was the freshest juice one could drink, and it was more than likely the best orange juice I have ever tasted.

Unfortunately this is as far as you can get from that juice and still legally call it orange juice. The label claims it's 100% orange juice (from concentrate), but it tastes like the wrong part of the orange. It's watered down and it tastes like the oranges weren't ripe yet when they were juiced.

Stick to what you know Welch's: all things grape.
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 10/6/12, 3:06 PM
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Martinelli's Blood Orange

Martinelli's Blood Orange
So…€¦I knew I had a Martinelli's lemonade in my fridge. Earlier I grabbed a drink quick whilst I was working, and since it was a nice day out and my shop was sweltering hot I decided that lemonade would hit the spot. When I grabbed it I saw that it was blood orange flavored, but in my head that meant that it was blood orange flavored lemonade, not just blood orange juice. I drank most of it and saved a couple of sips for when I wrote the review, aka now. The entire time I was drinking this earlier the idea of it not being flavored lemonade never crossed my mind. It wasn't until I was just checking the sweetener on the ingredient list that I saw that there was no lemon in it at all. I then checked the rest of the packaging and realized that it was just juice, not lemonade.

Now sure orange juice can be bitter, but when it has 31g of sugar in it, it generally isn't. This on the other hand has the sugar and the juice and it is sour like lemonade. Knowing that is not what it is supposed to be is a bit of a let down. It would be a decent orange lemonade, but as a blood orange juice it leaves something to be desired. Generally blood orange has a very strong flavor, and this is a bit weak and watered down. I guess it is only 11% juice. I'm just going to go back to pretending it's a time when I thought that it was flavored lemonade and I was really enjoying it.
United States
Jason Draper on 10/4/12, 11:09 PM
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Sonoma Sparkler Organic Apple

Sonoma Sparkler Organic Apple
I just got back from my second camping trip of the week. I'm exhausted, hungry and filthy. I decided to put stuff away before I took care of my previously mentioned issues. As I was unloading the food and drinks that I brought, but didn't consume, I dropped with bottle of sparkling apple juice on the floor. I was glad that it didn't shatter, but when I picked it up the cap had come loose and juice was spraying out. Drinking this so it wouldn't be wasted took top priority.

I found these beverages at a natural food store in Richmond, VA. They were on sale, so I purchased the whole line. I'm glad I did, because they are superior beverages to most. Sometimes I get a need for soda. I just need it or I feel like I'm going to explode. It's not the flavor, but the bubbles and they way they feel going down my throat. I'm pretty sure I've mentioned this before, but too bad you can read it again. Sure I could stay healthy and just drink seltzer water when I get this itch, but I just can't get down with the weird flavor it has, no matter how often I try. Sonoma Sparkler's may not be as good for you as seltzer water, but it's apple juice that has been carbonated. There are no sweeteners or anything like that added. As a bonus the flavor is great. It obviously tastes like the sparkling apple juice non-drinkers like myself down on new years eve, except it's way better because it's just juice with no sugar, and it's still ultra sweet. Nature, she knew what she was doing when she made fruit. She also knew what she was doing when she made animals hide from me. I spent a bunch of time in the woods and I didn't see a single bear, beaver, bobcat, porcupine or otter. I feel cheated.
Soda Pop, Sparkling and Juice
Sonoma SparklerWebsite@reedsgingerbrew
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 9/25/12, 3:50 PM
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Tropicana 100% Juice Pineapple Orange

Tropicana 100% Juice Pineapple Orange
This juice makes me want to stay in a hotel. Why? Two words: Continental Breakfast. Number one, the Lincoln Continental was a large boat of a car. The Continental Breakfast can range from cruddy doughnuts and a carton of orange juice to a smorgasbord of early morning delicacies including but not limited to:

  • Pastries

  • Bagels

  • Breakfast Sandwiches

  • Cereal

Another thing they have is juice. Sometimes they really raise the bar and have multiple types of juice like orange, pineapple, cranberry, and grape. This drink tastes like you are on a business trip to finally close the Johnson deal and you woke up, thirsty as ever. You go downstairs and they've got a sweet setup but they're running late on juice so you've got to mix. You pull a fifty-fifty with some pineapple and orange knowing it will be good and it is. You can taste the two mingling as if they're shaking hands closing deals with your taste buds. If they can do it, you can, too.

You go to your meeting, promptly impress the client, land the Johnson deal, get a big bonus and the admiration of your co-workers, and go buy yourself a nice new suit because you earned it all thanks to two juices that came together to satisfy your palate.
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 9/25/12, 11:24 AM
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Lo-Gly Low Glycemic Juice Blend Beverage Pomegranate Mojito

Lo-Gly Low Glycemic Juice Blend Beverage Pomegranate Mojito
Even though I'm normally not a huge fan of mint in drinks, when lime is added to the mix it's a whole new ball game. Mojitos of the non-alcoholic variety are delicious and refreshing. Lo-Gly decided to step up the mojito game by adding pomegranate to their concoction. The folks at Lo-Gly are intelligent folks who know what they are doing. If this were just a regular mojito sweetened with stevia it wouldn't be that great, but the pomegranate combats the taste of the stevia and mellows it out. It still has the crispness, but I don't mind it at all. The mint, lime and pomegranate are all equally present and it makes every sip a party. Since it's low in calories, carbs and sugar I can drink as much of this as I want, well as much as the Lo-Gly folks sent me.
Juice and Diet
United States
Blue Agave Nectar
Jason Draper on 9/20/12, 9:49 PM
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Apple & Eve Fruitables Tropical Orange

Apple & Eve Fruitables Tropical Orange
From personal experience I can say that most kids like fruit. Fruit is fun and it's sweet most of the time. I can also say that most kids do not like vegetables. Vegetables aren't as fun. They are the things that your mom makes you eat. I mean they are green a lot of the time, what fun is green? The sad truth is that vegetables are generally better for you than fruit. See, you're mom's not really being a jerk; she just wants you to be healthy.

Apple & Eve decided to help take the strain off of parents and make a juice that mixes the awesomeness of fruit with the health of vegetables. Each bottle of their Fruitables line contains two combined servings of fruits and vegetables. I do advise parents to pour this in a glass for their kids. If they do I doubt they would ever catch on that they were drinking vegetables. The carrots on the label may be a turn off for some kids though aka my sister who even at the age of 30 refuses to eat them for no good reason.

This is a sweet drink, even though there is no sugar added. That's the pesky sugar that comes naturally in fruit. It does have that slight vegetable flavor that all fruit and vegetable juice mixtures have. It does not bad taste at all, but it's noticeable so it's notable. It's called Tropical Orange, but it mostly tastes like a light tropical fruit punch with some vegetable undertones.

Good job team. Kids will get their vegetable servings, and they will think it's a treat. You've created every parents dream.
Apple & EveWebsite@AppleandEve
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 9/19/12, 5:20 PM
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Kern's Nectar Guava

Kern's Nectar Guava
You know how when bees make honey it can taste a little like the flowers they got the pollen from? Well I'd like to get some honey from bees that were feasting on guava blooms. I got the idea from the hummingbird on this can. Yeah that's right, I went from hummingbird to bees in less than a second. My brain works in mysterious ways. But yeah, guava honey would probably rate right up there with rainbows, puppies and your kiss as the best things in life (the producer made them cut it down to just your kiss).

Unfortunately this Kern's guava nectar is not on that list. It's good, but the HFCS makes it a bit too sweet and a bit too thick, in an unnatural way. It just masks the glorious taste of the guava a bit too much. Oh well I'll take what I can get when it comes to this fruit. Now someone send me that honey.
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Jason Draper on 9/17/12, 8:16 PM
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V8 V-Fusion Sparkling Tangerine Raspberry

V8 V-Fusion Sparkling Tangerine Raspberry
If you think that all of the research that the United States government is of the nuclear genre then you my friend are a damn fool. Truth be told only 3% of the money the government ponies up is actually spent on working to harness the power created by nuclear fusion. The other 97% is given to the V8 company in order to create superior beverages. You see the United States realized that the original V8 was absolutely disgusting, but that was because tomato juice is revolting by nature. In order to help it's citizens the government started giving the company money to make a line of beverages that rated from decent to great.

With their latest grant the V8 company decided to experiment with adding some bubbles to their juices. They did a fine job of it. They took normal seltzer water and mixed in a healthy amount of fruit and vegetables. They did it in a ratio that the drinks taste more like fruit juice, and the vegetable flavor is at a minimum if it is there at all. The problem with it is that they tend to have a general fruit flavor and not like the specific fruits the flavors are names after. A can of tangerine raspberry is quite delicious, but it doesn't taste specifically like those flavors. The addition of the apple, grape and orange juice is to blame. It really does taste more like an apple orange drink than tangerine raspberry. I like it, but I would really enjoy more clarity in the flavor.

Also, they added some stevia extract to the mix. I don't believe it was meant as a sweetener. I think they added it to enhance the natural flavors, as more and more companies seem to be doing. I've said it before and I'll say it again; stop it. The juice has enough flavor on it's own and it doesn't need stevia added to it mucking up the works.
Juice, Sparkling and Diet
United States
Jason Draper on 9/16/12, 10:36 PM
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Teas' Tea Half & Half Green Tea with Green Apple

Teas' Tea Half & Half Green Tea with Green Apple
"Go green!" everyone says. "It's good for the environment!" they add, rather snobbish. Teas' Tea just couldn't hear it anymore. All day, green, green, green. "Enough!" the CEO said. "We're going to go so green you're going to puke!" When that dude gets mad, he will do whatever it takes to stop. He went into the Teas' Tea workshop alone for an entire weekend. He shut off his phone and told no one to come down until he said it was alright.

Saturday came and went. Sunday came and went. Monday came and went and people were getting worried. No one dared knock on the door for fear of near execution. Tuesday he emerged from the workshop with bottles in his arm exclaiming, "I've done it!" to an empty office. Everyone had gone out for tacos. He took his bottles and put them on everyone's desk so when they returned they had something to drink. They all came back and the intern who was rather thoughtful brought a taco back just in case he was done working. The intern gave him the burrito and the CEO gave him the lowdown on what he was working on.

What he manufactured for almost four days was a green apple and green tea drink that embodied all that was green and delicious. Initially it tastes like a green apple then it kicks in to green tea gear, whatever that gear is. It's not overly sweet and tastes like it gets all its sweetness from the apple even though both cane sugar and Stevia sweeten it. The intern loved it and everyone who tried it came in one by one to agree that it was all the same.

The CEO pushed that product to the people ASAP and people agree; Teas' Tea went green and did it swimmingly.
Iced Tea and Juice
Teas' TeaWebsite@TeasTea_
United States
Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 9/14/12, 3:46 PM
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Lo-Gly Low Glycemic Juice Blend Beverage Pomegranate

Lo-Gly Low Glycemic Juice Blend Beverage Pomegranate
Sam was an all-star bowler. He looked forward to leaving work so that he could go hit the lanes. He had an extra ball and shoes in his car at all times just in case he got stranded somewhere and there was a bowling alley somewhere near. He was a good bowler, too. He bowled consistently in the 200s. He had an array of bowling shirts and was on three teams at any given moment. Best of all, he was a great sport and lost gracefully. He was the best teammate anyone could ask for.

One day when Sam was walking down the street, a van was parked outside a local shop. This happens all the time but this time something caught his eye. There was a case of bowling pins, or what Sam thought were bowling pins, in the trunk. When he got closer, the noticed that it was a drink that looked a lot like bowling pins. He saw the truck driver grab another couple cases of drinks and asked him what that drink was all about. The driver told him that it was a new low-glycemic juice that just came out and offered to give him one. Sam was more than happy, thanked the man, and took the pomegranate drink.

He got to his office and around lunchtime, grabbed his sandwich from the fridge and his new juice. He was pleasantly surprised at how good it tasted. It was a great pomegranate flavor with all the lovely bitterness but mixed in the cool aftertaste of Stevia. It wasn't an overwhelming Stevia taste, which was something that he was worried about.

He went back to the store and bought ten bottles of the drink to hand out to his teammates, who all agreed that it was a very good juice and fitting for the bowling championships. It also went down better than beer and his teammates don't play as well the longer they play because they're not drunk.
Juice and Diet
United States
Organic Blue Agave Nectar
Mike Literman on 9/10/12, 12:32 PM
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Teas' Tea Half & Half Green Tea With Peach

Teas' Tea Half & Half Green Tea With Peach
Well this isn't what I thought it was going to be at all. I'm guessing that I'm not the only one out there that thinks of a combination of iced tea and lemonade when they hear “half & half.” There wasn't an ounce of my being that didn't think this was going to be peach flavored green tea and lemonade in equal increments. Looks like every ounce of my being was wrong. How does it feel to be wrong, self? Oh nevermind, you're used to the feeling.

The truth is there is no lemonade in this drink at all. When Teas' Tea says that it is a half & half, what they mean is that the beverage is half green tea and half peach juice. To be honest I'm glad that I was wrong. This year everyone is going crazy with the lemonade tea combos and I'm getting a bit tired of it. One thing that I will never get tired of is lightly sweetened quality tea, and that is what we have right here. It has the classic Teas' Tea green tea taste juiced up with a heaving amount of peach. They could have just called this peach green tea, because it doesn't taste crazy different than their normal teas. Okay, it is a tad sweeter than their other flavors, but not by much. I guess marketing had to get their grubby hands in there, and they figured calling it something new might catch people's eyes.

Oh, and this trend of companies using cane sugar and stevia because they say it helps bring out the flavor? Cut it out. Luckily with this drink you cant' taste the stevia, but in most of the other ones I've tried the stevia is distracting and takes away from a great beverage.
Iced Tea and Juice
Teas' TeaWebsite@TeasTea_
United States
Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 9/7/12, 9:50 PM
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Lo-Gly Low Glycemic Juice Blend Beverage Acai-Blue

Lo-Gly Low Glycemic Juice Blend Beverage Acai-Blue
Over the past decade or so it seems that America has become a more health conscious country. Sure there are still fast food restaurants all over the place, but to me it seems like less people are visiting them, and even when they do there are much healthier items on the menu. Actually I could be completely wrong here. Maybe it's just the people I associate with. I mean people have to still be going to those places for them to stay open, but with the exception of Subway or Taco Bell (it's a guilty pleasure that I can not and will not pass up) it's extremely rare that I hear about someone that I associate with eating fast food. I hope I'm not crazy, because I am proud of people. It's great that people are watching what they eat. I'm not a complete health nut, but I'd like to think that I eat healthy and for the most part watch what I consume on a regular basis.

To further people's interest a bunch of companies are popping up offering healthier alternatives. One such company is Lo-Gly. I had no idea what the glycemic index as until I got my hands on this little guy here. It's a way to measure how different foods cause your blood sugar to increase due to carbohydrate consumption. Foods with a low glycemic index (most fruits and vegetables) release glucose more slowly and steadily so they make you feel fuller for longer. Now that is a diet in the making. You can't argue with science.

Foods like a low GI fall in the range of 55 or under. Lo-Gly was able to make this juice that lands at 23 on the chart, not too shabby. Everything in this bottle is organic, and mostly straight up juice. It's a bouquet of antioxidant rich fruits. The pomegranate and acai make it fairly tart, but I'm okay with that. For some reason they felt they needed to sweeten it a little more than the blue agave was doing, so they added some stevia. Maybe it was even tarter than it is now, which would have been a bit insane. You can taste the stevia in the aftertaste, but the fruit juice mostly covers it up.

As far as beverages go that are marketed towards keeping a healthy diet and weight loss, this is one of the better ones I've ever tried. If it had just said it was Acai Blueberry flavored without listing any diet aspects I wouldn't have noticed, with the exception of detecting the stevia at the end.
Diet and Juice
United States
Organic Blue Agave Nectar
Jason Draper on 9/3/12, 3:38 PM
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Santa Cruz Organic Orange Mango

Santa Cruz Organic Orange Mango
You put the orange in the mango and you drink them both up…€¦wait…€¦that's not right. Oh well they are already mixed together so I might as well go with it. I mean I already checked out and the cashier gave me the weirdest look because I was singing. I didn't really want anything coconut flavored anyways.

Okay, now that I've tried this I'm pretty happy that I messed up. It tastes like tiny mandarin oranges were juiced and then filtered through some mango puree. The flavor starts off completely orange and by the time the aftertaste has faded away it had gotten to a point of pure mango. Somewhere in the middle it tastes like someone spritzed in a little lemon juice, you know the way you add limejuice to guacamole so it doesn't turn brown. No one wants their sparkling juice to turn brown, so make sure you add a little lemon.

As an after thought what the heck was Harry Nilsson talking about? Who wants to have lime and coconut mixed together? It just seems like it would curdle and that is way gross.
Soda Pop, Sparkling and Juice
Santa CruzWebsite
United Kingdom
Organic Evaporated Cane Juice
Jason Draper on 8/31/12, 10:00 AM
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