Juice - 935 Reviews

Brisk Lemonade

Brisk Lemonade
I really like ice cream. Who doesn't? It's great. It comes in a million flavors and now that I've got a girlfriend who doesn't like peanuts in her ice cream, or in anything, I am very limited to the slew of varieties available. Yesterday we psychically saw into each other's deepest desires and both thought that we needed ice cream. I went to the bodega across the street and, like always and because I'm me, I had to check out the drink selection. I came across this dude and bought it without looking back. I also bought classic cookie dough ice cream, because it's delicious and doesn't have nuts in it. A prerequisite.

I was thirsty so I slammed the can pretty quickly and like most Brisk drinks, it's got a little bit of a sting, but you can easily confuse the sting of the corn syrup and whatever garbage they put in there with the natural, inherent sting of a good lemonade. If you just give the drink the benefit of the doubt, this isn't bad. It's also nice to think that you might have an alright lemonade available to you year round. It's a good "in a bind" lemonade and it's not at all natural but sometimes your body just needs crap in it. Like why I go to McDonald's once every six months, so I can truly appreciate "the good stuff."
Juice and Lemonade
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 10/20/11, 11:18 AM
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Honest Ade Pomegranate Blue

Honest Ade Pomegranate Blue
For a company that was made famous for their teas, Honest sure knows how to make juice drinks as well. This falls under their "Ade" line. To me an Ade is a drink that is just fruit juice, sugar and water. If this was just pomegranate, blueberry, sugar and water I think it would be pretty out of control spectacular. Simple and effective. Honest added grape and lemon juice (probably to cut back on costs) and I think the flavor suffers a bit because of it. I still think it's a great drink, but you can definitely taste the grape sneaking it's way into the mixture. Pomegranates and blueberries have such distinct intense flavors that I just don't think it needed anything else. Perhaps I just need to find something to complain about with everything, because no matter what I say here I really do enjoy this drink. It's rare that Honest lets me down, and for that I am grateful.
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 10/19/11, 3:22 PM
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Bolthouse Farms 50/50 Berry

Bolthouse Farms 50/50 Berry
Most drinks are "moons" or "goochers." Either they are all one general ingredient, or they are another. Bolthouse takes superstitious omens very seriously so they started making a line that is four servings of fruits and four servings of veggies. It's an even split so you don't have to worry about wiping out in your car on Weed Hill in Durham.

To be fair this is mostly fruit, as is evident in the flavor. The only veggie contained is the purple carrot. It is the first ingredient though, so there is as much of that as there is every fruit combined. Luckily it doesn't show up much, if at all, in the flavor. It really is just the berries that stand out. A nice mixture of blackberries, raspberries and blueberries. You can make out each berry in the mixture, which I always appreciate.

You still have a long walk ahead of you, so you better get moving. Sing some songs. Make some jokes. You're young, with your friends and summer is almost over. Make the most of it.
Bolthouse FarmsWebsite@BolthouseFarms
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 10/19/11, 11:39 AM
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Cintron Guava Ade

Cintron Guava Ade
Margaret, I've grown tired of lemonade! I know we're in our twilight years and that we moved down to Florida where is perpetually sunny and way too hot, but there has to be other ways to beat the heat. For the past eight months that we've been here, you're been pouring the stuff down my throat on a daily basis. I know you've tried to spice it up by switching brands, but after awhile a tongue can only take so much lemon. It's gotten to the point where I feel the same about you bringing me out a glass of lemonade as I do with taking my pills. Margaret, don't bring up those pills, I'm trying to keep this conversation G rated.

Yes I know that nothing beats the heat like a Slurpie, but at my age can I really afford to drink that much sugar on a daily basis? You'd be mistaking me for Wilford Brimley in no time. Aren't there any other "ades" out there? I had some orangeade before, but that was just gross sugar water. If it was made with real oranges then I could see it being good. Does that exist Margaret? Not that you know of, huh? Now Margaret why would you say such a thing as "It's good we live in such a Latin part of the country"? Are you turning out to be racist after all these years? I thought I knew you. Oh you meant it because that way more stores would carry Cintron and they make a guava ade. Now that sounds delicious, but I think that may still be racist somehow. Now this guava ade, it's not just sugar water is it? I want it to taste like lemonade, but with guava replacing the lemon flavor. I also want it sweet, but as I said not overly sugary. Is that what it's like? Well I'm glad it's exactly what I wanted. Now let's take our Rascals down to the corner store and pick a few up. Try not to give any Puerto Ricans the stink eye. I've got my eye on you, you hate monger.
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 10/18/11, 6:10 PM
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Blackman Homestead Farm Walter's Apple Cherry Juice

Blackman Homestead Farm Walter's Apple Cherry Juice
Since Bob went away to school he constantly complains about juice. Whenever he bought some from the store it was always too sweet, and it hardly tasted like the fruits it was supposed to. It was far too processed. He was accustomed to walking around his families farm and plucking fruit right from the trees whenever he felt a pang of hunger. Also his uncles constantly made the best juices he had ever had. He missed those days, and was sick of his studies. He was just about to pack it in and move back to the farm when he got a package from his brother Walter. Enclosed was a mess of bottles of Walter's new juice blend. Two ingredients. Two wonderful ingredients. Apple juice and tart cherry juice were all that Walter put in those bottles. It doesn't need a single thing else and Water was smart enough to realize that. No sugar. No preservatives. All the world needs is pure juice. It tastes exactly like fresh fruit. Why would anyone want anything else? Bob certainly didn't, so he went on to get his degree in paranormal psychology.
Blackman Homestead FarmWebsite
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 10/18/11, 10:49 AM
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Samba Energy Juice

Samba Energy Juice
It feels nice to consume an energy drink for a change that doesn't feel like it's killing you. I know a lot of people who think Rumba is the best energy drink on the market. I can understand why; it's 100% juice, it delicious, and it's much better for you than other energy drinks.

But what about the Samba flavor? It also is 100% juice but I got a mouthful of a flavor I don't really like when I sipped it: cranberry juice. I've been trying for over 20 years to like cranberries, but I still can't do it. They are one of my most hated fruits. If you love cranberries then you'll love this. You might even want to marry it. Although, if you're like me, and cranberry anything makes you gag, stay away from this fun looking can.
Energy Drink and Juice
United States
Derek Neuland on 10/16/11, 12:42 PM
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Snapple All Natural Mango Madness

Snapple All Natural Mango Madness
Snapple going all-natural was a wonderful thing to see in my lifetime. To be able to enjoy their teas and juices again was like being reunited with family from the other side of town. A town that had a giant wall running down it. That's right, to my stomach the removal of corn syrup from their drinks was like the wall being torn down in Berlin (side note: corn syrup completely destroys my stomach for some reason).

My main complaint about this drink isn't even a complaint at all. It's merely confusion. The third ingredient listed is kiwi juice, yet it's not in the name of the drink. Using actual kiwi juice is a big deal people. Most kiwi flavored things are artificial and gross. When you have the real deal in product you should flaunt it. I dare say that this actually tastes more like kiwi than mango. They could have named it something terrible like "Krazy Kiwi Mango Madness." Of course that would make me never want to buy a bottle. Maybe Mango Madness was the right title, but underneath it they should have wrote something about the kiwi in there. "A Ki-winning Combination." And that is why I do not write ads.
United States
Jason Draper on 10/15/11, 8:04 PM
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Hey Song Guava Juice

Hey Song Guava Juice
Hey guys we have a great juice here. In reality it was sweet enough on it's own, but Johnson really upped his game when he added sucrose to the mix to make it sweeter. I know this might sound crazy but what if we also added high fructose corn syrup into the mix? Sweet is good. The kids love sweet! Sure it takes away from the flavor a bit and it really is overly sweet with it in it, but it will cut down overhead because we can use more sweetener and less juice. Who cares if it makes an otherwise great juice a bit syrupy? It worked for Coke, so it can work for us!
Hey SongWebsite
Jason Draper on 10/10/11, 11:33 PM
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Honest Ade Orange Mango

Honest Ade Orange Mango
If drinks, the liquid themselves could be played on the radio, this would be a Top 40 hit. Much like Beyonce, this drink is approachable by all, doesn't offend anyone, and is safe with kids and adults alike. Unlike Beyonce, I don't want to take this home more than a few times. It's very...standard. A bit watered down, which I like, but it's nothing to call yo' mama about. Why did I channel Wilmer Valderrama in that last sentence? Mostly because I can do whatever I want in this text area. This tastes like orange mangos. If that's what you want, wicked. You're set. Buy a case of this guy.

I guess it takes a strong man, or an idiot to turn down a drink that aims to quench everyone. This drink is organic. It's as good for you as juice can be, and it tastes exactly like it's supposed to. So why am I "dissing" it? Well, unlike Vince Vaughn, this site puts me in a position To "Dis" Or "Give Props" to drinks. This drink is just too darn easy.
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Mike Literman on 10/10/11, 4:35 PM
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Me Vivacious Tangerine Pineapple

Me Vivacious Tangerine Pineapple
If I am not mistaken this drink is all about me. Finally a drink for the egotistical and self centered geniuses of the world. I think it takes on a different flavor to suit whoever is drinking its taste buds. I have to say they had it dead on for me. Tangerine and pineapple are a way to my heart. They were on the road to perfection but then the creators got sidetracked and added erythritol as a third sweetener. Ugh. They have instantly turned my brain and me as a whole off. Had they left out that one tiny ingredient, that doesn't seem to play much of a role other than being gross, this would have been great. A buy and buy again beverage. As it stands it can sit dusty on the shelves.
Juice and Sparkling
United States
Jason Draper on 10/2/11, 11:59 AM
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Rubicon Mango

Rubicon Mango
I've said it before, and I'll say it again; I'm extremely jealous of young kids these days for their juice box options. When I was a kid our choices were Ssips, Hi-C and Minute Maid. I never complained. I loved what I had at the time, but now that I see what the world has to offer I feel cheated. Maybe it's because I grew up in white-bred suburbia, but I keep running into exotic juice boxes these days. What kid wouldn't love a mango juice box? It's so sweet and thick. Think of the awesome treats it could bring in through lunchroom trades. When you've finished remember to unglue the flaps, blow it up with air and stomp on it so it explodes and the straw shoots across the room. That is the true joy of the juice box.
Jason Draper on 10/1/11, 10:49 AM
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Rob's Really Good Mango Tango

Rob's Really Good Mango Tango
It's a little known fact, but this beverage actually inspired the Ted Nugent song "Wango Tango." You may say, "but Thirsty Dudes the timeline is way off. "Wango Tango" was released in 1980, Robs is a fairly new company." That may be true my friends, but the mango drink was actually created by Rob's mother, it is the drink that made Rob want to create drinks of his own. His mother also had a tryst with Senior Nugent back in the late 70's. Theodore was obsessed with this sweet treat of hers and she made a jug of it for him every time he went out bow hunting. Momma Rob was also very concerned with being "green" and the environment, so she would only eat meat that Teddy hunted. She's the one who always said, "You gotta kill 'em to grill 'em." She taught the Nug oh so much about life.

After she broke off the brief relationship Ted tried to win her back by writing "Mango Tango" for her (the producer made him change the name due to the unpopularity of the fruit in the late 70's). Her response was that he could have her again, but only if the song about her and her nicely thinned out mango juice (it really was a precursor to the flavor/consistency of Vitamin Water) made it into the Billboard Top 10. Unfortunately it only got to number 86, and they were never to meet again. The only question there is left to answer is "Could Ted Nugent actually be Rob's biological father?" Come back never round of flavors to find out!
Rob's Really GoodWebsite@robsreallygood
United States
Organic Cane Sugar
Jason Draper on 9/30/11, 9:46 AM
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Sambazon All Natural Amazon Energy Acai Berry

Sambazon All Natural Amazon Energy Acai Berry
Most energy drinks are targeted towards people between the ages of 15 and 30. Companies market them as "extreme" drinks that give you a rush. Most of them are so jam packed with artificial chemicals that I won't be shocked when studies come out in 10-15 years showing that everyone has pickled their insides and we're all going to die, but hey I stayed out all night partying so who cares?

There are other people who need pick me ups as well, but they aren't going to drive to the local convenience store and pick up a Monster or a Rockstar. There are health conscious people out there who want a little extra help getting their day going. Typically those people drink coffee, but Sambazon offers an alternative. This drink is a mixture of sparkling acai and acerola juice that are both extremely healthy fruits. Then they mix in organic guarana, guayaki and yerba mate to add an energy burst. It's all natural, and it's not going to give you the jitters like you might expect from your run of the mill energy drinks.

It definitely tastes like acai, which I know a lot of people are turned off by. If it's a flavor you're not into, you should steer clear of this product. I personally enjoy it when it's not too overpowering and it's not in this drink.
Energy Drink and Juice
United States
Evaporated Green Cane Juice
Jason Draper on 9/24/11, 10:03 PM
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Earth Wise Entirely Natural Harvest Select

Earth Wise Entirely Natural Harvest Select
I have mixed feelings about the Fall. On one hand it's awesome because the it's "jacket weather," being out doors is great, everything smells great and it's cider season. On the other hand it means that winter is coming soon and every year around this time I get sick without fail. It's never incredibly sick, but enough to annoy the hell out of me. That is where I am now; annoyed, stuffed up and achy.

To combat this illness I've been downing mass amounts of juice. For today's selection I went with Earth Wise's Harvest Select. It is harvest time after all. This is apple, tangerine, pineapple and carrot juice mixed together. It's strange how that one vegetable (which is at the bottom of the ingredients list) can effect a drink so much. This would be a "fun time" fruit punch, but the carrot definitely takes it in a different direction and makes it a nice Autumnal drink. It doesn't tastes like you're eating a bunch of carrots, but you can tell that there is a non-sweet juice in the mix. It's a nice twist on what would have been a fairly common juice.

Get healthy, and get out outside to enjoy the season before the snow comes and you're stuck indoors hating life for months.
Earth WiseWebsite
United States
No Sugar Added
Jason Draper on 9/23/11, 11:36 AM
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Uni-President Guava Juice

Uni-President Guava Juice
They promise. They deliver. Or I can only assume, since I can't read the packaging. This is a guava juice box. When I was a kid I always got Ssips juice boxes. While those were all well and good, if I had gotten a guava flavored one I would have been one ecstatic kid. I'm pretty sure this is only 15% juice, but it's still enjoyable. Do you have a kid in elementary school? Treat them well. Get them some fancy juice boxes.
Couldn't Read Ingredients
Jason Draper on 9/18/11, 3:02 PM
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San Pellegrino Sanbitter

San Pellegrino Sanbitter
Although this drink may be an acquired taste, who would want to go for a second one when it tastes like this? I don't hate the San Pellegrino Chinotto and I understand that it is an Italian staple, but this is something else.

Someone recommended this to me not too long after we started the site and I never found one that wasn't in an eight pack. If it was something that wasn't questionable, I might have gotten it, but since it was called a bitter, I didn't want to splurge and get an eight pack and have seven other ones lying around never going to be drank. Drinking this makes me appreciate my decision.

This drink tastes medicinal. The flavor seems like it might want to be cherry, and if you sip the smallest sip, you might taste it, but anything larger than that you get an onslaught of a medicine you were not prescribed. Oh, it's bitter, there is no doubt about that, but what is that good for? "Oh, I love a nice, bitter drink that doesn't have a taste as much as a tongue reaction when I drink it." Who is saying that? Who wants anything overly bitter? It's like asking for something too sweet or too salty. Does this accompany anything? I'm just so confused as to the purpose of this. I'm glad it was cheap, I'm glad it came in an awesome bottle, I'm glad I'm not obligated to drink the whole thing.
Sparkling and Juice
San PellegrinoWebsite@SanPellegrinoDK
Mike Literman on 9/18/11, 12:33 PM
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Amazon.comGalco’s Pop Stop
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Mapco Tallboys Orangeade

Mapco Tallboys Orangeade
James wanted to be a rapper. He was only eight, but he knew it. He loved all the gold and the hundred spoke rims, and the beats. Oh the beats. He got the idea that he wanted to drink Orangade because he thought that it sounded like Tanqueray. He heard Tanqueray mentioned in the Self song "Call Me Back" off the album "Porno, Mint, & Grime" that his brother listened to all the time.

James was at the gas station with him mom and there it was; a tallboy of Orangeade. He asked his mom if he could have some and she said that he could. He was so excited. He put his dollar in nickles, dimes, pennies, and lint on the counter and left. He sat with it in his lap the whole way home. When he got back to his house, he took the can and ran upstairs. He slammed the door behind him, which his father absolutely hated and honestly, who likes it when people slam doors? He went under his mattress and next to the issues of The Source and miscellaneous, burned Dr. Dre CDs, he found what he was looking for; an actual 7" of "Radio" by LL Cool J. He put it on his tan, plastic Fisher Price record player, slid the plastic volume lever all the way to the right, cracked open his can of orangade and let the beats kick.

"I don't mean to offend other citizens, but I kick my volume way past ten" the record player scratched out of its terrible speakers. James sat, in his personal heaven, with his new drink, wishing. He was wishing that the drink he so anxiously purchased didn't taste like someone watered down orange juice and then carbonated the remains. He liked orange juice. He's eight. He likes pop. He's eight. He didn't like being stuck in a drink purgatory.

He drank half the can, stopped the record, and opened the door. He went downstairs to have meatloaf with his family. When his mom asked him how his drink was, he could only shrug. This was James' first taste of disappointment.
Lemonade, Soda Pop and Juice
United States
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Mike Literman on 9/12/11, 11:43 PM
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Fresh Delight Apple Milk

Fresh Delight Apple Milk
I can't believe a year has passed already. The happiest time of the year is upon us again. The week when the local ice cream parlor has apple flavored soft serve. I dream about this moment all year long. The way the apple compliments the ice cream is astounding. Seriously it haunts my dreams on lonely February nights. I've tried making it myself but it never turns out right. Actually it's usually down right disgusting when I try to make it. What's that I've been rambling on for so long that my ice cream has melted all over my shoes? Dagnabbit! Looks like the dog is in for a treat. No time for napkins, I'll just like the melted mess off of my hands while you order me another. Hmmm this tastes exactly like that apple milk they has down at the Asian market. It's creamy and appley. The apple is on the verge of tasting like sour apple, but it doesn't go quite that far. I wonder if I mixed some of that in with my ice cream if it will taste as good as it does here. That would be wonderful wouldn't it? To be able to have this wonderful flavor all year 'round would be a dream. What's that, my second one has melted? I really must learn to shut up.
Juice and Milk
Fresh Delight
Couldn't Read Ingredients
Jason Draper on 9/12/11, 4:37 PM
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Wegmans Sparkling Fruit Juice Peach Mango

Wegmans Sparkling Fruit Juice Peach Mango
This tastes like you took a perfectly good natural peach mango soda and watered it down with soda water. The peach and mango flavors are still there, but they're not as prevalent as you would like it to be. On the brighter side of things you're not consuming as much sugar as you would have been. If I had a choice I would have chosen more flavor and dealt with the extra sugar. I understand what Wegmans is doing here, but after tasting their 100% sparkling juices this just leaves me wanting more.
Juice and Sparkling
United States
Naturally Sweetened
Jason Draper on 9/12/11, 1:11 AM
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Odwalla Super Protein Mango Protein

Odwalla Super Protein Mango Protein
My ladyfriend and I just went on a decent bike ride. The destination was a waterfall out in a park. When I was little my grandfather took me to the park to play, search for crayfish and to go fishing all the time. The waterfall and people jumping off of it always intrigued me, but then some people died. Since then it has been embedded in my mind that if I jumped I would die. It was so ingrained in my brain that even when I returned as an adult I was filled with a feeling of dread. I'm not one to shy away from cliff or waterfall jumping, but this was my exception.

We went there today just as a destination and some kids were jumping. I decided it was time that I actually faced my fear and I went for it. It was fun. It wasn't all that high, but getting to the jumping spot was a bit tricky. I jumped swam to shore victorious and then hopped on my bike and rode back. That's right waterfall, I beat you and then went home like it was no big deal.

Now I'm back at my place and I need some energy and replenishment. Odwalla sent us a couple bottles of their new flavor, and now seemed like as good a time as any to give it a try. The first thing I have to say is that bananas are one of the most potent flavors ever, and I don't like them. They cut through all most of the flavors in this drink. It was like a mango banana cocktail. It wasn't as horrible as it could be, but it was still noticeable. Also, because this is a protein drink it was pretty chalky. I have now finished the bottle and I really feel like I need to brush my teeth. There is a slight chalky film all over the inside of my mouth.

My story really had nothing to do with this drink, but I just wanted to rub it in that stupid waterfall's nose a little bit more. I'm alive. I win. You're just running water. You lose.
Juice and Sports/Dietary Supplement
United States
Naturally Sweetened
Jason Draper on 9/11/11, 7:39 PM
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